n. 0. WAITERS, Bulne Manijcl PLATTSMOKTIt. NEDRASIU SEEMED TO NEED MOfiE FIRE Swan, Only Being Cooked for Two Days, Was Not Very Palate able Eating. Ono of tlio most annoying (hint; about swans 1a Hint they live to an extremely great nge, und t lint It Is impossible for the ordinary observer to guess what their ycurs may bo. President Giover Cleveland once had an amusing experience with some swans, according to a writer In the American Magazine, llo had been In tho south, shooting, nnd brought home a number of wild swans, ono of which ho sent to each member of his cabi net and to some other associates. "All tho boys." said Mr. Cleveland, thanked nio politely for having re membered them, but none of them seemed to. have much to say how they enjoyed tho birds. "Carllslo, I found, had his cooked on a night when he was dining out. Another, when I asked hliu, Bald he hoped I wouldn't mind, but he had sent his home to his old mother. Thur ber didn't mention his bird at all for two days. Finally I asked him about It. "Thurber, did you get that swan all right?' "'Yes, sir, oh, yes, I got the swan all right, thank you,' and ho bent over - his desk and seemed very busy. " 'Fine bird,' I snld. '"Yes, sir, fine bird,' and he went on working. '"Knjoy eating him, Thurber?' "IIo waited a minute, and then he said, 'Well, sir, I guess they didn't cook him right at my house. They only cooked him two days, and be went on working without cracking a smile." A "Mite." Tho dlncultlefl experienced by our forefathers In trying to reckon money In very small proportions uppeur in the various values given to a "mito" in the sixteenth and seventeenth cen tury books of commercial arithmetic. The original "mite" seems to have been a third of a Flemish penny, but the use of the word for the widow':? coin of tho New Testament made Its regular English meaning half a farth ing, and some old peoplo may remem ber applying the namo to the short lived nineteenth century coins of that value. In those old arithmetic book? "mite" stands for various values not represented by actual coins, but ob viously used In reckoning. A work of Kofi makes It one-twelfth of a pen ny, two sixteenth century books one sixth of a farthing, and In 1C71 Jenke's arithmetic made It as little as one sixty-fourth of a penny. The Jeweler's Diagnosis. "Can you tell mo what'B the matter with this watch?" Inquired the Aver age Looking Man anxiously. The jeweler stuck a dice box in his eye and glanced at the Instrument's Innards. Then he looked up. "You find It necessary to shake t real hard every now and then to start it going, don't you?" he Inquired. "That's right." "And you find that it gets dusty, don't you Tcrhaps you don't blow hard enough on tho works?" "Oh, yes, I do every day." "Well, well! Rut are you careful to start the balance wheel going with a toothpick every hour or two?" "Yes, I do that, too." "And in spite of all your precau tions. It needs about live dollars' worth of repairs. It's very strange." For the jeweler possessed u dry an 1 sarcastic wit. A Bear Just Misses Revenge. Herman Russell, a fanner of Hud son township, had n thrilling escape from a den of bears the oilier day, says a Royne City (Mich.) dispatch to the Chicago Inter Ocean. 'While, driving along the road his watchdog scouted a cub and Herman, seeing the little fellow, decided that it would make a good pet. He accordingly wt .i over to the cub, but when he attempted to pick him up he was confronted by a big mother bear, who put up light. Her man took to the first tree, which wis a small sapling. Mrs. Hruln sized up the situation. then deliberately gnawed the sapling until It broke. Russell was saved by falling Into the branches of a larger tree. Many Women Are Illiterate. There arc aid to be between 70 and 80 per cent, of illiterate women in the provinces In Italy south ol Home. Above litis line many lntelll gent women nre engaged In profes slonal work nnd are highly educated Tho feminist movement in Italy I? going very slowly owing to this fad, but a royal ociumlssion has recently been engaged In studying it, and there U hope for the future in the minds of those Interested. Peter Thorn's Thistle. Peter Thorn of llarre lias a Scotch thistle in his gavden which has reached ov r eight, feet in height. Tut seed from which the thistle wai grown was obtained from thistle! grow nig on the. grave of Robert Hurno. Deerlleld Valley Times. ' i . Enormous Sum Spent on Roads. Mr. John Hums stated In tho parlia mentary papers that the cost of main, talnlng and cleansing the public roads of London In tho year l!n7-'0S wm 1,469.2111. London Mail Most Modem Prejudice Malidned wife4nMoihcr By IILL1.N OLDliril) i:ob.I;I.Y ll'l Cl, l!M''j.J't -Oil' il r-li Uli is u. d ;i-v I A "3 "" r'"""' "r 5 bJ!'"'; S 11 "nail i. (I nun should h Pjjj viJ'''- 0n 'I"' eonlnivv, (jnile. Xo man should, surely no seii " "'iR. mam- tli.- daughter of nnv woman whom he "" "i'fjiii. j. - . - upon terms h aiiiily. ol.l irov-rl, truthfully, nio.-t of the whi. siv. whii-li have of our aiueior. .Moreover, when a man und his ahvay.s will l;e found thai lie. nnd stamlaril ex. cji ion-; e the rule that As a rule, women nio .Icm-. d the iiiatchniakiii' in'. liomuiie inoiiier-in-law. It utter marriage it i it i i t ...... not all that Ihe vim's mother vi.-h. d for and i-icl, she usually is an.'.ious that in the y. of the world il should apjiear satisfactory and lo thin end carnc-ilv aiid smadl'a-ih n end.-avors to show her son-in-law in the most 1'avoraUe liuht to on t i 1 rs. Where a nmlrimoiiial (iinnvi mil he traced to a mother-in-law, it almost always is r.ol tl;e wife w to hiiiiiie. "Your son is uuir son (id he e-fts him a wife. I'.ut your dau-I.ter's oiir daughter all the days of her life.'' The sent im nt cmlodied in th s.' lin-s is one which deeply U in grained in the hearts of MiiHii. It is ijiieer. luil true, that while mo.t women are willing, v. i s:iv linxiou-', f have iheir daulilirs nuinv there seatvely (an he found s: 1 1 v who ihink- that any oilier woman is uile P'od enough for her son. The vast imijoriry of mothers feel moiv or h - jealousy of their sons' wives. Mf.-l of then hide this jealousy as hc-t they can, uiiiiiv of iIk ni (onliidly welcome the woman of their son's choice, hut to win tl i1 heart of In r hu.-hund's mother a wife must do her whole duty, nor epn loier.i! imi of mi-takes still h-s of tiii-deeds. It n.-iially is ihe ui-ic that u s,)ii-in-hiw will he forgiven mu h. w hile :i iht ii;!it( r-in-hnv sti'icllv i held to account. The prejudi;e ieainst nioi In rs-'m-hnv is a mod ern one, for which Thackeray larp'ly i-i responsihle. The nio'tjiers-in-law whom he portiMys are drawn with htmphhuk and acid, and it is dilli. r.li to see how anv man. though endowed with t!:e patience of do!i, could dwell in jteace and harmony villi such women as tho- vhom lie inlliehd npo:i ('live. Xewcome, and rhi!i.. Benefits Derived From Fresh Air By JAMES J. BARTCHtR s'ead. 'J'h.c chest mid stomach leeonie si router, do their vor'i hetter und the jjood work continues, w ith con tiinied iractiee. throughout the entire system. Water helps the stomach to essimilate the food and helps the how els to eliminate the waste, dims one im.hihcs oxygen hv vnter and hv deep hrealhin.!! a doiihle heiielit. Airain. (old-wai- r halliiu,' .u'nily, adeipiatcly. correct Iv shocks (that is stimulates) ihe hi:rish nerves, iheivhy causing ihein to do their work properly. Their work is in stimulate endi muscle and oran of the hody. Nerves, as will as hloo-1 vessels, heionn' closed, dulled and die from lack of air, water, food (oxygen) and rest. Sometimes excessive la! is cuusnl hv eating fruits, candies and fool hctwecn meals. Tin: stomach, liver, heart, veins nnd nerves must he 'iven time to rest, heenne ,!ean ,-ind jjtow hungry iirain heforo heing fed. I do all this myself and am siroii-' and healthy, stronger than the average man of mv si.e. Dentists Little Esteemed In Turkey Dy WILLIAM W. MASTERSON CONSUL TO HARI'ir have dental engines of for filling luili. hut the greater uimiher of dentists conline themselves to nillinp teeth and making aitili' i,d sets. Such an appliance as ti mod ern ndjustahle dental .hair is not known, an ordinary house chair an swering the purpose. Where teeth are to he pulled only, the harher den tists in the villages re pi ire their patients to sit on the ground, as in this manner a stronger rip -may Ik secured upon the aching molar. There seem to he no dentul colleges in the empire and a person de siring to hecome a dentist must lit himself ns best he can, enorally hv attaching hiniself to a juaclicin-- dentist and reading such treatises or the suhject as he may fret hold of. There is no reulnr hoard of denial surgeons he fore which the aj.pl i ant must appear for examination. In line with ollur improvements the dental profession will Is placed on a higher hasis nnd a luoivrifrid examination will he required. Also schools for the proper ieachinir id' the profession w ill he established. :,n- are : inu.-li and so M-r-;;; iii'ili.-r.-in-!uw. Wliv tlii- t.) ,--!v. There reallv seems to lie ''"'i"' n u''".v milurnl slate of - elmiitv touarl; the mother ,f 1,1 M - i i, kii wiioiii ne count not nssocia'o "Like mother, Pkc ihui'hlciv' says th- too. and villi l'"ver except ions than cnn... ,o !'i u from the experience mother-in-law d.i n.. alliliule it almo-l no' .-he is Id hlume. Such cases ive ii nl.es two to nud.e a iiarrel. to have their dmu'liters marrv well; her is as common a Mihjecl f..r juke as is the ohj" out that the match is mother. I.nt the other mother-in-law who .I f ;?V "-'Ci " flat Always have tho window up. or el down fiern tin- lop, hut never let the hreeze Mow dinetly ruros.s the hed when you utv sleeping. Jl chilis the Mood, which stop its free ciiMihi! io'i, t Ii us jjiviinx disease a chance. Deep hrcalhiiie; feeds the I lood w ith oween. cools the system and carries o' . .irhoiiie in id iis. w hich is poison. Car honic acid jjas cnahs ;. at , thus iausin fat. Tat is d"piierated muscle. Tim. d.e) hivathinir kills fat. in and ahoiit the (host and heart and creates muscle in it- "Cut your hair, pull your teeth. Pull " , -ii- ticih. Ii otir shoes." That is the esteem in which the dental profe-sion is held in many parts of Tur hcv. lit the interior country the practice of dentistry could hardly he called n profes s: .ii. The person who follow the callin? are freipiently li.irhers, who pull -teeth ie t omieelion with their fonsorial occufiul ior iuid I have occasionally met a shoi'makcr who carried on the dental profession as a side line. Some few dentists in the larger cities power pattern and u small supi.lv of tools Sewing I I i ra (I t i Pattern for Japanese Matting Sewing Diagram of Bottom, and Thumb Ono must have an attractive basket ji which to cany the mending and the sewing outfit, not a mere trifle of la cey straw and pink ribbon bow3 de signed to hold a wisp of embroidery and o scrap of silk, but a good, gen erous, well-fitted sewing basket, large nnd strong enough to hold pieces of mending, though nt tho same time dainty, cool-looking nnd light to carry. A tilo matting basket fills these re quirements to the letter. Tilo mat ting is a Japanese material made from shavings of the fir tree. It i3 extreme ly light weighty though strong, and the texture Is ..most, artistic. The weave is very attractive, and well suited to basketry. It is 30 inches wide and U sold at CO cents a yard. One half yard Is required for the basket and cover. The other materials need ed nre one-quarter pound natural col or ratlla, nt rive rents, and ono quar ter pound each of black, old rose nnd green raffia, at tr cents. The dyed ratlia is CO cents a pound. A square of medium heavy pasteboard may be pur chased for five cents, nnd n package of raflla needles for ten cents. The pattern of one side of the hex agonal basket Is given 6x5 inches. When the 6lx sides are cut out of the matting stitch the edge nil around on the sewing machine or with n dose back stitch to keep the edge firm. Six more sides are to be cut from tho pasteboard, then marked off according to tho Inside line on the pattern. The center of the pasteboard squares nre cut out, leaving a frame for the e:lgo of tho matting. This frame is placed around the edge of the matting, basted on, and then overstlfched with the natural color rnlRn. The sketch at the right of the basket shows the process clearly. - The next step is to make the bot tom and cover of the basket, each to DAINTIEST OF DAINTY ODORS Lavish Use of Violet Recommended by. One Girl Who Is Satisfied with the Result. So many girls ask whnt Is that In describably dainty odor which others of their sex shed around them nowa days. It's not a positive perfume, only just tho most refining sweetness imag inable. It Is violet, simple violet, but violet in everything, perfume, Ratchets, perfumed flannels for tacking in dress linings, tooth wash, hair tonics, bath tablets, everything.- This Is the recipe given by n chem ist for the woman who would be not only as fair ns the rose, but radiate an odor equally sweet. And in spite of the fad for stronger and more pow erful perfumes, girls of refinement still use nothing but violet. Perfume of any sort should never be used profusely. There should lie Just a suspicion of the odor clinging about the garments, and this is only obtained by the use of satchets placed where gowns nre hung or places where under clothes are kept. Many Kinds of Cuffs. The choice of a cuff is as broad as the choice of u collar. The cheaper variety of shirt waists have the straight stiffened cuff, cut like the one on a man's shirt, nnd held together with link buttons. It la far prettier, however, to avoid this sign of a cheap w aist and put on narrow turnover cuffs, or wrinkle the uleeves over the wrist nnd finish with n tiny edge of lace; then fasten with lace buttons. A New Coiffure. Tho flat casque coiffure is becoinlug more genernl nnd Is very noticeable, for a small, tightly dressed head among so many that nre generously nldcd by extraordinary curls and braids stands out with distinction. 1 Basket mm Basket. Also Detail of Sketch Used, Sketch of the Completed Article. be a perfect hexagon, which may b? drawn out on the pasteboard by wU lug a circle 12 inches In diameter wi;h a six-inch radius. Then it Is a simple matter to mark off the sides, each six inches, as bhown in tho diagram at th left of the basket. These two ln-.a-gons are made, wiih their pasteboard frame, exactly a:? the sides were made. N'ext trace on the design, which is to be embroidered in railia, in wido strands. Tho raffia works better if very slightly dampened. The dexign 1 on the Indian order, hence tho coiora found on Indian basketry will bo n.ost effective, the points and central figure old rose, tho wide bands at eliiier t-lde of the central figure and tho groan of graduated single lines green, and the remaining spots black. The em broidery is done in utraight-across stitches, making it appear as if woven in. If one prefers, the embroidery may be omitted, leaving just a plain basket with the over-stitching: of nat ural railia and the pockets inside of gay flowered silk. The embroidery, however, Is well worth while, for It ndds to tho beauty of the basket. The last step in the construction of the basket is to rew the sides togeth er, sew on the bottom and attach the cover, all of which is done villi long, strong needlefuls of rafHa in mat, small stitches. The fastener is a bit of reed p it through th; matting and fastened on the buck, nnd the little loop U a bit of narrow reed buttonholed over with a line strand of railia and fastened firmly through the edge of the cover. The pockets for spools of thread and sll!:, darning outfit and glove Land ers, and the scissors-strap, needle book, emery and all such i.eccsseries are attached to ihe raflla binding so that no stitches show on the outside of the basket. DAINTY TEA JACKET : .. . A rv-s'- ivjf jf; s.,; ;V. . far ft, V5 J . ... ,: t -s mMa ) It 5 il ,.H) i i- f s An extremely dainty Jacket Is rhown here; It Is carried out In while cicpe de chine, trimmed with lace Inst riiou, tho pattern of which Is delle.itrly out lined with gold thread; th.f fm-tenir,; Is nt the left side of front, under the Insertion, which forms n looio lnug Iiik- strap, finished by litile r.old ta soiled ornamenls. The sa:-h of ill. bon is arranged in a rosette nt bet side front, Irom which hang long tiu!; finlshed by ornaments; the shori sleeves are trimmed with Insertion and ribbon. w2v i mmn PROVED DY TIME. No Fear of Any Further Troubtd. David Price, Cordon, la , says: "I ivns in tiic last slage of kidney troublo l.u.ie, vo-ik, run down to a mere Fl.eletc:i. My back war. so bad I could hardly walit and tho kidney secre tions much ilisor-ile;-'.!. A v. :ek after I began using ; L.-:-m's Kidney Tills I co-.i'.d wall: with out a car.c, i.:id as I continued my health gradually returned. I was so Crnteful I lt.r.de a pub'ic stitcuent of tny cr.se, and row r.eveu years have passed, I am sii'l j eri'ee'Jy well." Kohl by all dcal.Ts. 50c a box. Fos-tcr-Milburn Co., Buffalo, X. Y. WiFELY G0LICITUDE. n Hurglar IIand9 up! Wife Oh, John, be careful of those globes; you'll break them! PAINY BEAUTY. Assured of durability, tho next thought in painting in beauty the complete aim being durablo beauty, or beautiful durability. National Lead Company here again offer you tho cooperation of their paint experts this time in the line of color schemes, artistic, harmonious nnd appropriate. You have only to write National Lead Company, 1902 Trinity Building, New York City, for "Ifouaeowuers' Tainting Outfit No. 49," and you will promptly receive what is really a complete guide to painting", including a book of color schemes for either exierior or interior pr.intins (as you may request), a book of specifications, and also an In strument for detecting adulteration In paint material.). This outfit is sent free, and, to say the least, la well wortli writing for. People Becoming Interested. Evidence of tho popular interest in the nnti-cousumption crusade Is given in a statement made by tho National Association for the Study and Preven tion of Tuberculoids, to the effect that during the year ending August 31, nearly 3,000,000 people have attended tuberculosis exhibitions in various parts of the country, llesldos the three traveling tuberculosis exhibi tions of the nati&r.nl r.jsociation, there are 23 exhibits of this kind through out tho United States. Fo-tr years ago there were only three such dis plays in the entiro country. In the Future. First Ward Politician We'll carry our ticket. Second Ditto T.ui you forget our opponent is tho reform candidate, and he will get all the women's vote3. First W. T. Won't be any women's votes to count. Second Ditto How do you know they won't vote? First W. P. neeause we have ar ranged with the stores to havo big bargain sales on election day. Balti more American. Tapering Off. Whereas, I, Kitty Cameron, have far too many beaux. (They say that I en courage thoni. It really Is not so!) Whereas, To make life simple Is what I most desire, for wtfwh Just concentration Is all that I require; ' Resolved, That I, instantcr, before It Is loo late, agree hereby without reserve strictly to concentrate to give up splitting waltzes and such al luring tricks, cut down my field of la bor nnd concentrate on six New York Sun. THREE REASONS Each with Two Leg3 and Ten Fingers. A Iloston woman who Is a fond mother write3 rtn amusing article ibcut her experience feeding her boys. Among other things she says: "Three chubby, rosy-cheeked boys, Rob, Jack nnd Dick, aged 5, 4 nnd 2 years respectively, are three cf our reasons for using nnd recomendlng tho rood, Grape-Nuts, for these j ouugsters have been fed on Grape-NutH since in fancy, and often between meals when other children would havo been given candy. "I gave a package of Grape-Nuts to a neighbor whose 3 year old child was a weazened little thing, ill half tho time. The little tot ato the Grape Nuts and cream greedily and the moth er continued the good work, nnd it was not long before a truly wonderful change manifested itself In the child's face and body. The results were re markable, even for Grape-Nuts. ''Ilolh husband nnd I use Grape Nuts every day ar.d keep strong and well nnd have three of tho finest, healthiest boya you can find In a day's march." Many mothers instead of destroying tho .children's stomachs with candy and cake give the youngsters a bnnd fnl of Grape-Nuts when they aro beg ging for something in tho way of sweots. The result Is soon shown in Rreally Inercn-ied health, Btrength and mental activity. "There's a Reason." Look In p!;gs. for tho famous llttlo book, "Tho Road to Wcllvillo." i:vr retiil tif nlmvo l.-Ucrf A nrr inn- iiii'iirn r.-uni ilim In 11 mo. Tliry nre uw.ulnr, tru?, nnd full ot human UK-rent.