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About The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1909)
The News-Herald PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. I t tha noslofflea at Plattsmouth. Cut Cwtjr. Nebraska, as aecond-claaa mail matter. OmCIAL PAPER OF CASS COUNTY E. 0. WAITERS Manager BITES OP SUBSCRIPTION On Tmi la Admnee 11.50 Els Maths 76 TELCrrtOMES Plattsmouth No. 85 Nebraska No. 85 AUGUST 30,1909. When a merchant will not patronize liis fellows, but sends out of town for every little thing he needs which he does not carry, can he scold others for doing likewise? Once more America walks ofT with the honors in an international contest. This time Glen Curtis the only Ameri can who entered in the flying machine contests in France walked ofT.or rather flew off, with the honors. Uncle Sam has proven his powers on land and sea many times before and now he takes to the air for this latest victory. We are now prepared to meet them coming or going, up or down, in or out, with no fear for the results. It has been suggested by the Lincoln Star that all the Republican party in Nebraska needs in order to win its bat tles, is a leader. True, too true. It might also suggest while in the suggest ive mood that the Republican party slao needs a few less high privates in the rear ranks who take to the tall timber when they should be behind the Runs helping to win battles. No one wants to be the leader of an army filled with soldiers who are liable to take a shot at him in the back when things don't go to suit. Load your guns for the enemy and then shoot to kill. All this country is or has came from the hand of the Republican party and what it has done in the past it can and will do again. Washington is quick to forsee the political significance of the Grosscup decision limiting the powers of the in terstate commerce commission. If the supreme court agrees that the govern ment's power to fix rates through a commission is neither in the law nor in the constitution, the public will have but two avenues of escape from extor tion. One will be a constitutional amendment: the other government ownership of railroads. An amendment will be viewed as a practical impossibili ty by most people. . That will mean an immediate turn to the other recourse. In that day the railroads will be amazed to find how many people dread public ownership and ordinarily have no sym pathy with socialistic enterprises will hold the evil of public ownership to be a lesser one than the evil of unrestrain ed private control. State Journal. In Saturday's issue of the Daily Journal appeared an editorial much tainted with insanity, in which it is charged that A. L. Tidd is still editing the News-Herald. The News-IIer-Ald said: "Two years ago thought less republicans in this county elected a democratic county clerk, treasurer, and superintendent of schools." I de sire to say to the "Kunnel" that I did not write that editorial, but I will now say to the republicans who two years ago aided in electing those democratic officials, that their support was cer tainly misplaced. An examination of the Klopp-Bartlett & Co's. bills as well as other printing bills including the Hattsmouth Journal's bills, will show an extravagant waste of the taxpayers money. That, "Kunne.l" is what I would have said had I written the edi torial you commented on. A. L. Tidd. "SHAM BATTLES." The time is past for sham battles on the tariff question. The only victory we have won on the tariff in recent years was the victory of 1892, when we attacked the princi ple of protection. No real fight can be made until a distinct line is drawn between the opposing forces. W. J. Bryan, in Commoner. At last has the lid been taken off, and the mask thrown aside. Grover Cleveland was elected upon a free trade $ Hotter Than Ever J No relief von anv? Oh VPfl linro ia -Tilaf rlmn in an1 nna i our delicious Soda Confections. Allow us to suggest one of the following. platform, but his Congress did not have the nerve to give the people what they demanded. They compromised on the cross be- for rev- Root Beer Coco Cola Orangeade 5c Celery Phosphate Claret Phosphate Fruit Phosphate Chocolate Frappe f ifn J Violtt Frappe Rose Frappe f Caramel Frappe Sundaes, any Flavor, So and 1 0o. Ice Cream uoda with Crushed Fruit, So and 10c. Remember, a 5c purchase is one vote in the diamond ring contest. NEMETZ & CO Candymakers. Next to P. O. t ? T ? Y t t t X Wilson-Gorman act, a kind tween free trade and a tariff enue only. The child, however, bore enough of the characteristicsof its sire, that when the American people got a good look at it they repudiated it, and the Dingley act of 1897 was the result. Since that time the nation has enjoyed an unprecedented prosperity. Although the democratic party was overwhelm ingly defeated and has not dared to say a word about free trade, the leaders were not satisfied with the verdict and have bided their time with what pa tience they could until a reintroduction of the subject seemed more propitious. And now, glory be, the fates have been kind, even beyond their most sanguine expectations. ' ,(, As was to have been expected, when the democratic free trade show met with such a frost from the public, many of their newspapers, unable to stand the pressure of forever being on the losing side, boldly announced their con version to the principles of protection and Republicanism. But a high tariff has always been a source of annoyance to them. . Guirdedly the "revisioV'talk was commenced. The tariff was said to be a "sectional" matter.though just how one section of the country could be benefited from the operation of an eco nomic principle to the detriment of another section was not made clear. The "near" republican papers of the country lined up with the democratic press, and in a short time a horde' of patriots who didn't know the difference between a prolapsus and a protocol were lustily shouting for a "revision of the tariff." After about four and a half months of as earnest labor as a Con gress ever indulged in, the Payne-Al-drich bill became a law. While it is true that the free trade vultures cannot find much balm in it, the almost universal demand which they succeeded in stirring up for a revision has em boldened them now to demand more concessions for their European theories, as is evidenced by Mr. Bryan coming out unequivocally for free trade. The Republican party, however, cheerfully accepts the gauge of battle thrown down by Mr. Bryan and agrees with him fully that "the time is past for sham battles." It will be a pleas ure to fight, bleed and yea, die if", nec iesaaryin a shindy "Wherein Ihe Um WrmS will permit of a ready distinction be tween friend and foe. It is the jabs under the belt from unexpected quar ter? to which the News-Herald obi jeets, and with the lines drawn between the opposing forces, as suggested by Mr. Bryan, a new political alignment will result which can but be beneficial to the Republican party. The differ ence between free trade and a protec tive tariff is as wide as the poles, and remembering the experiences of this country under the democratic times' of 1893-7, we do not believe that the American people are ready for their repetition. Fine job work done at this office. t Y Y Y t Y f X Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y f Y Y t C&raiv&J Noveltie s 31 It wouldn't seem like a carnival without all the ac cessories which usually go with such events, such as wood crickets, horns of all kinds, cow bells, feather dusters, canes, whips, the famous skiddoo hats, tom toms, confetti, etc. .We have iust placed on exhibition a complete line of all these goods, and cordially invite your inspection. We have also just received a new lot of souvenir post cards, including the famous Button Family, some thing unique and something you will like. See them. unauaiaiS J. W. LARKIN & CO. ? Y ? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y X t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Legal Notice. Alvln Ferris, defendant, will take notice that on 1 the 4th day of Autrust.l JU9. Ada refrris. plaintiff. liUd hrr petition in the dlMrict court of lata county, Nrbraaka. atrainut the defendant, the ob ject d prayer uf which ia to obtain a decree of divorce from the bond of matrimony, and for the euntody of her children, to-wit: Ethel. Clair, and ; Kenneth, and for such other relief aa equity may require. You ara required to answer said petition on or ! before the 20th day of September, liW.t. Am KVdhih Or M. ARCHES, her attorney &2-8 Legal Notice. serine I ypwim n 11UIIU UUIUIU In County Court. Stata of Nebraska. I County of Cass. I In the mutter of the estate of Hannah C. Black deceased. To all persons interested: You are hereby notified that there will a hear. i inir on the petition for the appointment of an ail. I miniatrator of above estate before thia court at I I'lattsmouth. in said county, on the 3rd daw t,t i September. 13u3. at 10 o'clock m.. and that all object lona thereto, if any. muat be filed on or be fore aaid day and hour of hearing. Al.t.KN J. tiKEAON. 38 County Judge Cass county. Neb. Legal Notice. State of Nebraska, I County of Caaa. ( Notice ia hereby iriven that by virtue of a chat tel mortnaire. dated Dec. ft), ri8, and executed by Mark M. Pratt to Carroll D. tluinton to secure the payment of 125 and urxin which there ia ruiw due tM.t default having been made in the pay ment, and no suit or other proceedings at law hav- inar Deen inaiiiuieti to recover aaiu debt or any part thereof. 1 will sell the property therein de scribed. U-wit: One irray maro named Flora and ono single harness at public aution at M. K. Manxpeaker s barn in I'lnttfrnouth. in said countv on September 7. 1WJ, at 11 o'clock a, m. of eaid day, for cash. I Sheriffi Sale. My virtue of an order of sale issued by James Robrtm. clerk of the district court, within and for Cans county, Nebraska, and to me directed, 1 will on theith duy of September. A. D. 1!K)9, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day at the south door of the court house in said county, sell at public auc tion to the highest biddor for cash the following real cstato to-wit: The Northwest IN. W. ) Quarter and the Northwest Fourth of the South west (N. W. I, of the S. W. l4 ) Quarter of Sec tion Thirty (30), in Township Twelve (121. North Range Thirteen (13). in the county of Cats, Ne braska. The same being levied upon and taken aa the property of Leonard C. W. Murray, Re becca A. Murray, Joseph M. Roberta, cashier, and the Plattumouth State Hank of Plattsmoutb. Ne braska, Defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by Amelia 1). Huldeman, 1'laintilT against said Defendants. PlatlHmouth, Neb., August 19. A. D. 1909. C. D. Qiiinton. 88- Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska. Low Rates for Autumn To the Northwest: Cheap one-way Colonist fares to the North west, Puget Sound and California, September 15th to October 15th; daily through trains to the Northwest via the Great Northern, also via the Northern Pacific. To California, daily through tourist sleepers via Denver, Scenic Colorado and Salt Lake City. Round Trip to Pacific Coast: Very low Seattle and California round trip excursion tickets on sale during September. This is the last chance to obtain these cheap rates for the greatest railroad journey in the World. Eastbound: Special round trip rates to Chicago, Kansas City, Lincoln, Omaha, St. Joseph, St. Louis, August 28th to September 5th and from September 11th to September 19th. Daily low thirty day round trip rates from Chicago to Atlantic cities and resorts. September Is the last month for the special vacation rates to Colorado. Homeseekers' excursions September 7th and 21st. Consult nearest ticket agent; he has latest advice of special rates. W. L. PICKETT, Ticket Agent, Plattsmouth, Neb. L.JW. Wakely, G. P. A., Omaha. Lgal Notice. State of Nebraska, tea . n , ,, . County of Cass. I SS- In Co""1 ('ourt- In the matter of the estate of Gustava Keune, deceased. August 27th. 1909. Upon reading and filinn the duly verified petition of Elizabeth Keune alleging among other things that Gustavo Keune, an in habitant of aaid county died, intestate, in said county on the 20th day of August, 1909, seized of personal and real property situated in said coun ty, all of said real and personal property being exempt from levy and sale on attachment execu tion or other mesne process, and praying that general administration of said estate be dispensed with: U is therefore ordered that a hearing be had upon said petition at the county court room, in Plattsmouth, Cass county. Nebraska on the 21th day of September A. D , 1909. at 10 o'clock a. m. and that notices thereof be given by publication of this order fur not less than three successive weeks prior to such hearing, in the Nkws-Hlkai.d a semi-weekly newspaper published and circula ted in said county, and due proof of publication be made and filed in thil oHIce, By the Court. 39-6 Allen J. Rf.eaon, County Judge, TRAIN YOUR BRAINS The present day demands that every one engaged in any of the pursuits per taining to the earning of a livelihood should have Trained trains. Men and women with Trained Brains forge ahead. Untrained Brains stop stand still and when past 4.1 realize their unlitness and say: "If I had only Trained Brains." ESTWHAT WILL YOU DO? 2 You can not afford to wait when right at your door is a Business University for Training. Brains, with the Ruarantee of Nebraska City behind it We Train Brains If we could not, Nebraska City would not back us up. We qualify you as a OOKKEIPIR eTCN30HAHtS) how cano writs ft IN COMMf ftCIAL LAW ILLUSTHATOn It Spells "SUCCESS" CARTOONIST CIVIL atRv-ict MECHANICAL DRAFTSMAN ACCOUNTANT TVPSWRITIST BANKER LETTER WRITER ARTIST oua aoviaoNT board pointid ar auaiNtae min or tmi city MR. JOHN W. STEINHART MR. W. S. CORNUTT MR. H. H. HANKS W"- "iSEN MR. W. M. PITZEft Fall term opens September 7th. Write for information of our free tuition oner; also our beautiful book that tells you HOW WB TRAIN BRAINS. CHAS. C. BRANT, saiaioINT CLIFFORD LCIOH, BICSITasr aiiaaai U A Nebraska Business University Nebraska City, Neb. VeeeVe ? t f t V T V ? ? t V f f ? ? ? ? T t t t ? ? ? t ? t ? ? ? t ? ? t ? I i honld Know That in the comforts and economies it bestows no other article ever made (at the same cost) equals a Bissell "Cyco" Bearing Sweeper. The Bissell has displaced the dust pan and the corn broom, two primitive instruments of torture; has robbed sweeping day of its terrors, has made sweeping a pleasure instead of a drudgery and has saved housewives and servants time for other agreeable tasks by performing the work of sweeping in one-quarter the time the corn broom requires and with 95 per cent less effort. THE BISSELL Sweeper confines all the dust, thus protecting the furniture, draperies, curtains, bric-a-brac, etc. If there exists today a positive menace to the health of the entire family, it is the clouds of dust raised by the corn broom, which permeate every nook and corner in the home. The very latest improved "Cyco" Bearing Bissell sweeper can be bought at $3 00 and will last longer than fifty brooms. Why sacrifice health, comfort and convenience be cause of so slight an investment. We have just got in a line of Ladies Wool Skirts consisting of Voils, Serges Panamrs Checks, Shadow Stripes and Mohairs, ranging in prices from ' $1.50 TO $10 ALL SIZES These skirts are up-to-date and nicaly made, and are are priced to you at a close mar gin of profit, as we intend to build up a skirt business in our store and believe that this is the way to do it. Our skirts will be a big saving to you, ask to see them We are well pleased with i the result of our Wash Goods and Muslin Underwear Sale Some of these lines left, but this is the last call. E. G. B0VEY SON V"e"e""e""eW ? ? aV V ? t ? ? t T ? T t ? ? ? ? ? T t t T X ? T ? ? ? ? ? V ? f