The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, August 23, 1909, Image 8
t y t y y t t y y t t y t ? ? Y t t f ? ? y Y ? r ? ? ? Y T Y Y y t t Y y Y Y Y Y Y f Y y t t y Y Y Y Y y Y Y Y Y Y Y A. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y J Y Y y Y Y Y Y Y y Y Y Y A. ! !t! if..: 1 1 1! Ii to lif i BAsb ii I know what CASE machinery will do and I want you to know. You do not need to buy a machine to find out what it will do, there are machines right here in Cass county that you can investigate. One satis fied grain grower after having his grain threshed ,by a CASE separator said "It does the best work of any machine I ever saw in all my life." Why not get into this business NOW, it requires comparatively small capital to start, has large profits, and is easy to conduct. A CASE steel separator is fire-proof, water-proof and weather-proof, making it an ideal machine for all sorts of conditions and weather. It is a very clean thresher and it has the highest deck room and great est capacity of any separator ever built. It is warranted to do more and better work than any other ma chine of similiar size, working under like conditions. A CASE 20-bar 28x32 inch cylinder would cost $425. See me for catalogues and particulars. 1. .:i M. E. MAN SIP EAIKE1 PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y y Y Y Y f Y Y Old Papers For Sale at This Officp Jm-Jm-m. J Hotter Than Ever No relief you say? Oh yes there is. Just drop in and try one ol delicious Soda Confections. Allow us to our di suggest one of the following. I toot Heer Coco Cola Orangeade ( Celery 1'hospliate 5C " Claret Phosphate ( Fruit Phosphate Chocolate Frappe I tn j Viokt F r a p p e rrappc ) iwv 'hospl ? r a i Caramel Frappe Sundaes, any Flavor, 5o and 1 0o. Ice Cream Soda with Crushed Fruit,5o and 10c. Remember, a 5c purchase is one vote in the diamond riiiR contest. NEMETZ & CO. Candymakers. Next to P. O. t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y f Y To This is Sure And Certain The Proof That Platt?mouth People Cannot Deny 3 KU1UCU-TONE A specific for all catarrhal conditions, a general systematic tonic, which acts through the blood directly on the mu cous membranes. The combined Mucu-tonc and Asthma Pencils give relief in Hay Fever, Asthma and catarrhal troubles. Satis faction guaranteed or money refunded. Rexall Asthma Pencils For instant relief for Bronchial-Spasmodic and nervous Asthma, Hay Fever, Bron chitis and cold in the head. SOLD BY F. . FRICKE & CO. Export Pill Mixers at the REXALL STORE. Y y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y y Y Y y Y Y Y Y y What could furnish stronger evidence of the efficiency of any remedy than the test of time? Thousands of people testify that Doan's Kidney Pills cure permanently. Home endorsement should prove un doubtedly the merit of this remedy. Years ago your friends and neighbors testified to the relief they had derived from the use of Doan's Kidney Pills They now confirm their testimonials. They say time has completed the test. J. B. Patridge, 8th st , Plattsmouth, Nebr., says: "I suIFerod almost con stantly from pains across my loins and kidneys and at times I was in a bad way. On several occasions I was so badly crippled that I could only get about with the aid of two canes. The first box of Doan's Kidney Pills, pro cured from Gering & Co's. drug store, helped me so greatly that I continued taking the remedy and it brought me entire relief. It would be impossible for me to speak too highly of Doan's Kidney Pills." The above statement was given in June 1906 and on Dec. 29, 1908, Mr. Putridge said: "I still endorse Doan's Kidney Tills highly. I willingly renew the statement I gave over two years ago in their favor." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-y i burn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the namc-Doan's-and take no other. 35-4 LITTLE LOCALS. Fine job work done at this office. Sell your junk to Wave Allen and get the highest market price. lift-10. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilson of Omaha, were over Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Clark. Miss Nina Clark, who is employed at the state institute at Glenwood spent Sunday here with her parents. Reduced rates to Lincoln, Neb., and return on Aug. 28th to Sept. 15th and and on Sept. 11th to 19th inclusive via. the Misouri Pacific. II. Norton, Agent. Thomas Fry called at the office of the Secretary of the Merchants Carnival and Live stock exhibit and reserved space for an exhibit of a fine Berkshire ow and six pigs. Philip Bachelor's two nephews of Nelson, Nebr., who have been visiting at his home for some time returned to their home Saturday. Ihilip accom panied them home for a few days visit. Wm. Volk and un nuto party passed through town yesterday while out for a ride. They stopped on Main street long enough to get refreshments and visit with friends a short time. Mr. Volk's new touring car is a Mitchell,he having purchased the same sometime ago from John Gauer of Cedar Creek. J. P. Falter, president of the Com mercial club made a trip to Omaha Fri day in the intcrtst of the Carnival. LADY WANTED To introduce our large and complete fall line of beautiful wool dress goods, silks and fancy waitings. The latest up-to-date New York City pattens. Handsomest line of materials an the market. Dealing direct with the mills you will find our prices low. Trofits $10.00 to $30.00 weekly. Samples and full instructions packed in a neat sam ple case, Bhipped express prepaid. No money required. Exclusive territory. Write for particulars. Be first to ap ply. Standard Dkess Goods Co., Dept. F. 8 Binghamton, N. Y. A Small Blaze. The fire alarm Thursday afternoon brought out the department to what is known as the Egcnberger property on South Sixth street, the fire originating in the woodshed which was entirely consumed. From here it spread to the house, thougk the flames were subdued before much damage was done. Missouri Pacific Time Table TRAINS SOUTH No. 104 To K. C, St. Louis, passenger 9:48 a. m. No. 106 To K. C, St. Louis, passenger 12:03 a. m. No. 194 Local Freight .... 10:10 a. m. TRAINS NORTH No. 103 From K. C, St. Louis, passenger 5:02 p. m No. 105 From K. C, St. Louis, passenger 0:12 a. m. No. 193 Local Freight 3:00 p. m. Tickets sold and baggage ehecked to all points in U. S. II. Norton. Ticket Agent. Lincoln '5ept.6$tqWV' onderful displays of UveStockricultureMachineryi Splendid Racing Liberatis Band and Grand Opera Singers Pain's Bailie in the Clouds with Airship AlhlelicMeei- Carnival Baseball OriC AtlO Off l HALF HATES ROUND TRIP ON ALL RAILROADS Siorinurmanon. premium bit. or Lntry Donhs write fstism "'uUb!:'- LINCOLN. NEB. vWUV.K'uZ''"" t iRBUNIONl i Weeping Water, Neb- I 1 - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 24-27 AUGUST 24-27 Fraternal Picnic August 26 ? ? t ? T X Prominent SDeakers for ear-h fl.iv w & v t vs wuiiiiii: i iHimvii - riL to, i.C3-f ytug of war. Steam merry-go-round. Three good ball games V Music by the Plattsmouth band A guaranty has ho - -- e"v...vj una utcn ut!" yposited for a special train to leave Plattsmouth Thursday at Y8a. m., returning leaves Weeping Water at 9 p. m. It is Vup to the railroad company I vide Business den Invite You to Gomn