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About The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1909)
ML HF- 'nr-r- il -i II PROGRAM MERCHANTS CAENOVAL PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Agricultural Day, September 1 Live Stock Exhibit, open all day 8:30"a. m. Agricultural Exhibit, open all duy 8:30 a. m. M. W. A. Band Concert, Cor. 6 & Main sts..9:30 a. m. M. W. A. Band March to B. &. M. depot... 9:45a. m. M. W. A. Band Concert, Cor. 4 & Main st8.10:00 a. m. Trapeze, Cor. 4 & Main sts 10: 10 a. m. M. W. A. Band march to live stock en closure 10:35 a. m. Judging Live Stock, by Prof. Ashby, from Nebraska State Farm 11:00 a. m. Balloon Ascension, Cor. 7 & Main sts 11:00 a. m. NOON M. W. A. Band Concert Cor. 4 & Main sts. 1:30 p. m. Slack Wire Performance Cor. 4 & Main sts 1:30 p. m. Judging Agricultural Exhibit, by Prof. Ashby from Nebraska State Farm 2:00 p. m. Band Concert, Cor. Cth & Main..nt 2:00 p. m. Trapeze Performance, free, Cor. 6th & Main. .2:00 p. nv M. W. A. Band Concert, Cor. 6th & Vine.. 2:30 p. m. Horse Show and Livestock Parade.startCor. 6th & Main, S. to Main, E. to 4th, N. to Vine, W. to 6th 3:00 p. m. M. W. A. Band march from Cor. 6th & Main to Base Ball Park 3:40 p. m. Base Ball Game, Ixmsiville vs. Plattsmouth. 4:00 p. m. Holders of Cash Prize Coupons will meet Committee at Wescott's Store 5:00 p. m. REFRESHMENTS. M. W. A. Band Concert, Cor. 6th & Main... 7:50 p. m Slack Wire Performances.Cor. 6th & Main.. 8:00 p. m. M. W. A. Band Concert, Court House Square 8:30-9:30 p. m. Many other amusements continuously all day. PREMIUM LIST HORSES PERCH KKO.V. Host Registered Stallion Blue Ribbon Rest Registered Mare .. Blue Ribbon Rest Percheron I5red Mare .".0() Cash Rest Yearling to. 00 Cash Rest Suckling Colt $Ti.OO Cash COACH. Rest Registered Stallion Tilue Ribbon Rest Registered Mare Blue Ribbon Rest Coach Bred Mare 85.00 Cash Rest Yearling $5.00 Cash Rest Suckling Colt 15.00 Cash CLYDESDALE. Rest Registered Stallion Rlue Ribbon Best Registered Mare Rlue Ribbon Best Clydesdale Bred Mare S5.00 Cash Best earling 5.00 Cash Best Suckling Colt 5-00 Cash STANDARD BRED. Best Registered Stallion Blue Ribbon Best Registered Mare Blue Ribbon Best Standard Bred Mare $5.00 Cash Best Yearling $5.00 Cash Best Suckling Colt 85.00 Cash SHIRE. Best Registered Stallion Blue Ribbon Best Registered Mare Blue Ribbon Best Shire Bred Mare 95.00 Cash Best Yearling $5.00 Cash Best Suckling Colt 85.00 Cash BELGIAN. Best Registered Stallion Blue Ribbon Best Registered Mare... Blue Ribbon Best Belgian Bred Mare 85.(10 Cash Best Yearling 85.00 Cash Best Suckling Colt $5.00 Casn SHETLAND. Best Pony $5.00 Cash Blue Ribbon Second Best ,Red Ribbon Best Suckling Colt $3.00 Cash, Blue Ribbon Second Best Red Ribbon SWEEI'SSAKES. Champion Stallion ..... 1'urpUt Ribbon Cbaindion Mare. Purple Ribbon Rest Driving Team $5.00 Cash, Blue Ribbon Second Best Red Ribbon Best Draft Team 85.00 Cash, Blue Ribbon Second Best Red Ribbon Best Single Driver $3.00 Cash, Blue Riblwn Second Best Red Ribbon MULES Best Draft Team $5.00 Cash, Blue Ribbon Second Best Red Ribbon Best Yearling Mules $5.00 Cash Best Suckling Mule Colt $5.00 Cash CATTLE RED POLLED. Best Reg. Male, any age.... $5.00 fash, Blue Ribbon Second Best Red Riblwn Best Reg. Female, any age. .$5.00 Cash, Blue Ribbon Second Best Red Ribbon BLACK (JALLOWAY. Best Reg. Male, any age. . . .$5.00 Cash. Blue Ribbon Second Best Red Ribbon Best Reg. Female, any nge. .$5.00 Cash, Blue Ribbon Second Best. Red Ribbon JERSEYS. Best Reg. Male, any age.... $5.00 Cash, Blue Ribbon Second Best Red Ribbon Best Reg. Female, any age.. $5.00 Cash, Blue Ribbon Second Best. . Red Ribbon IIEREFORDS. Best Reg. Male, any age.... $5.00 Cash, Blue Ribbon Second Best Red Ribbon I Best Reg. Female, any age.. $5.00 Cash, Blue Ribbon Second Best Red Hihlton SHORTHORNS. Best Reg. Male, any age.... $5.00 Cash, Blue Ribbon Second Best Red Ribbon Best Reg. Female, any age.. $5.00 Cash, Blue Ribbon Second Best Red Riblton POLL DURIIAMS. Best Reg. Male, any age.... $5.00 Cash, Blue Ribbon Second Best Red Ribbon Best Reg, Female, any age. $5.00 Cash, Blue Ribbon Second Best Red Ribbon ABERDEEN ANC.l'S. Best Reg. Male, any age $5.00 Cash. Blue Ribbon Second Best Red Riblton Best Reg, Female, any age. .$5.00 Cash, Blue Ribbon Second best Red Ribbon IIOLSTEIN. Best Reg. Male, any age 85.00, Blue Ribbon Second Best Red Ribbon Best Reg. Female, any age $5.00, Blue Ribbon Second Best Red Ribbon SWEEPSTAKES. Clianiion Male , .-. Purple Ribbon Champion Female Purple Ribbon HOGS Poland chinas. lest R.-gistered Male $3.00 Cash, Blue Ribbon Second Best R.-d Ribbon Best Registered Female 83.00 Cash, Blue Ribbon Second Best Red Ribbon DUROC JERSEYS. Bet Registered Male $'J.OO Cash Blue Ribbon Second Best Red Ribbon Best Registered Female $3.00 Cash, Blue Ribbon Second Best Red Ribbon HERKSHIRES. Best Registered Male $3.00 Cash, Blue Ribbon Second Best Red Ribbon Best Registered Female $3.00 Cash, Blue Ribbon Second Rest Red Ribbon CHESTER WHITES. Best Registered Male $3.00 Cash, Blue Ribbon Second Best Red Ribbon Rest Registered Female $3.00 Cash, Blue Ribbon Second Het Red Ribbon SWEEPSTADES. Champion Male Purple Riblton Champion Female ... .Purple Ribbon CHICKENS Barred Plymouth Rocks, White Plymouth Rocks, White Brahmas, Black Langshan, Buff Orpingtons, Leghorns. Premiums will be given on each breed exhibited as follows. Best Cock 50c cash and Blue Ribbon Second Best Blue Ribbon Best Hen 50e cash, Blue Ribbon Second Best Red Ribbon Best Cockerel 50c cash, Blue Ribbon Second Best Red Ribbon Best Pullet 50c cash, Blue Ribbon Second Best Red Ribbon GRAIN WHEAT. Best Peck of Winter Wheat $1.00 Cash Best Peck of Spring Wheat $1.00 Cash OATS. Best Peck of Early Oats $1.00 Cash Best Peck of Late Oats $1.00 Cash - - CORN.' ' Best 10 Ears of New White Corn $1.00 Cash Best Single Ear of New White Corn $1.00 Cash Best 10 Ears of New Yellow Corn $1.00 Cash Best Single Ear of New Yellow Corn 50c Cash Tallest Stalk of Corn exhibited by boy under 15 years of age $1.00 ALFALFA. Best Peck of Seed $1.00 Cash RED CLOVER. Best Peck of Seed 81.00 Cash TIMOTHY. Best Peck of Seed 81.00 Cash ALFALFA, RED CLOVER and TIMOTHY Best Bale of Each 81.00 Cash POTATOES Best Peck of Early Potatoes Best Peck of Late Potatoes Best Peck of Sweet Potatoes $1.00 Cash $1.00 Cash $1.00 Cash PUMPKINS For the Largest Pumpkin $1.00 Cash APPLES Ben Davis best J dozen 50c Cash Wino Sap best i dozen 50c Cash .lanathan best dozen 50c Cash Grimes Golden best li dozen 50c Cash Geniting best dozen 50c Cash Mo. Pippen best li dozen 50c Cash Gano best dozen 50c Cash Crabapple best dozen.. , .50c Cash GRAPES WHITE. Pocklington, Niagara, Lady. BLACK. Worden, Moore Early, Telegraph, Concord, Me Kinley. RED. Brighton, Newton, Delaware, Wreathling. A premium of 5c Cash will be given on best plate of each varletv. Splendid place for care of stock, and an expert from state farm to do judging. Owners wishing to leave their stock on exhibition have option on space. Cooperation and suggestions on the part of pros pective exhibitors is solicited, and for further infor mation see or write the undersigned. COMMITTEE. H'KE L. WILES, OiAiHMA.v. GEO. A. KAFFENIlERGER,Virn Chaih'n Jl'LICS PIT., VU Kt'HAlKMAX. ( HAS. H. WARNER, Vl. K Cii.uumav. GEO. I!. SAYLES, Ski'Uktahy. Pioneer and Home Coming Day, September 2 It It Want Column FOR SALE. rUK fcALE-40acre farm about 6 miles south of PlHttsmouth, new five room house, good barn and other out buildings. Price $00 per acre, w ith terms to suit purchaser. For further particulars see J. R. Denson. 32- F0R SALE-Four cottages for less than one half what they cost. Five acres about 2 miles southeast of Platts mouth for $210.00. Five acres well im proved to exchange for a larger tract and will pay difference. 80 acres in Kansas to exchange for Plattsmouth property, 17 acres on the rtver. $850. WINDHAM INVESTMENT CO. 30 ATTENTION, go with us to Scotts Bluff, and see the lands on which C. II. Iriens raised 12,000 bushels of po tatoes on GO acres, W. II. Haig 20,000 bushels on 80 acres. Frank Forman 14,000 bushels on 40 acres. J. E. Labertew, 90 acres yeilding over 350 bushels per acre. J. J. Kipp 12,000 bushels on 40 acres. Lands like them can be bought on easy terms for $75 to $85 per acre. Will go with you on any Tuesday. Windham Investment Co. Associate Agents of Payne In vestment Co. 36-2 WANTED. WANTED -Young men and women to fill positions paying $900 to $2000 per annum. Big demand for stenograph ers in the Government service, as well as in private business life. Our new method of teaching shorthand by mail insures as thorough and practical a training at your own home as is obtainable by personal attend ance at any business college in the country. We guarantee success. Complete course for small cash pay ment; balance to be paid when you secure a position. Trial lesson free. Central Business Institute, Central Building, Washington, D. C. WANTED-Teamsters at once $4.50 a day at C. D. Woodworth's gravel pit one mile south of Cedar Creek, address C. D. Woodworth 402 Kar back block, Omaha, Neb. 37-1 Legal Notice. Alvin Ferris, ih-fundant. will take notice that on the 4th day of Auifut.l'.ltl9. Ada Fefrris. plaintiff, lilcd her petition in the district court of C'axs county, Nebraska, airainst the defendant, the ob ject and prayer of which is to obtain a decree of divorce from the bonds of matrimony, and for the custody of her children, to-wit: K.lhel, Clair, and Kenneth, and fyt such other relief aa guity may renuire. You are required to answer said petition on or oeiore the zuth day or September. 1 W'. Ada Ferris. By M. Archer, her attorney 32-8 Legal Notice. Slate of Nebraska. I . , n . . County of Cass. In Cunt Court. In the matter of the estate of Hannah C. Black deceased. To all persons interested: You are hereby notified fiat there will a hoar Inn on the petition for the appointment of an ad ministrator of above estate before this court at I'lattsmouth, in aaid county, on the 3rd day of September. ltKit. at 10 o'clock a m and that all objections thereto, if any. must be tiled on or be fore said day and hour of hearing. Allen J. Hef.son. 35-8 County Judire Cass county.Neb. Legal Notice. State of Nebraska. I County of Cass. I Notice is hereby (riven (hut by virtue of a chat tel mortiraire. dated Dec. 29, 11118. and executed by Mark M. I'ratt to Carroll D. Quinton to secure the payment of $25 and upon which there is now due J.'i;.2f. default having been made in the pay ment, and no suit or other proceedinKsat law having- been instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof. I will sell the property therein de scribed, to-wit: One gray mare named Flora and one sinKle harness at public aution at M. K. Manspeuker's barn in Plattsmouth, in said county on September 7, at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day. for cash. 35-6 Carroll D. Quinton. Mortgagee. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued by James Robertson, clerk of the district court, within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me directed, 1 will on the 251 h day of September, A. D. 1H09. at 10 o'clock A. M. of aaid day at the south door of the court house in said county, sell at public auc tion to the highest biddor for cash the following real estate to-wit: The Northwest (N. W. 0 Quarter an.) the Northwest Fourth of the South wet (N. W. lof the 8. W. ) Quarter of Sec tion Thirty (30). in Township Twelve (121. North Range Thirteen (1.1). in the county of Cass. Ne braska. The same being levied upon and taken as the roierty of Leonard C. W. Murray, Re becca A. Murray, Joseph M. Roberts, cashier, and the Plattsmouth Slate Hank of Plnttamouth. Ne- brasku. Defendants, to satisfy a ludirment of said court recovered by Amelia B. Haldeman, PlaintiiT against said Derendanta. Plattsmouth. Neb., August 19, A. D. 1!W9. C. D. Quinton, 3W Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska. TUB MANY USUS OF lAIBIt In the home cannot be estimated. It can be used to beautify the otherwise ugly pantry shelves, to put under the carpets, in fait it can be used all over the house and is a cheap means of sanitation. We have a limited number of old papers which we will sell for 5e per bunch. The News-Herald. 4 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? T ? ? A Sanitary Kitchen In these days of enlightenment sanita tion is considered very important. If the kitchen is kept sanitary the flies will find it less of an attraction,, and isn't that worth considering? We have best display of sinks and plumbing goods in the city and they will assist you very materially in fighting flics. Let us fig ure with you on that plumbing. It will pay you. JOHN BAUEK .. .. .. A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 4 a te H,ii.HmHH..MHHmWmH t Attention Farmers and Stock Raisers! I Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Hog Salvet or medi cated Salt is the best remedy for all kinds of stock to make them cat well and aid digestion and also a blood builder. If not satisfied with re sults money refunded. Sold at the feed store of J. V. EGENBERGER PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. INVITATION. Greetings: To the Pioneers and old settlers, of Plattsmouth and Cass county, wherever lo cated: You are most cordially and urgently invited, to be pre sent in Plattsmouth on Sept. 2nd, being the second day of the Merchants Carnival, to meet old friends, and talk over old time experiences, live over the past and renew your youth. The occassion will be enlivened with speeches and good music. By Order of Committee, S. L. Thomas Conrad Schlater Henry Eikenbery Thomas Wiles J. M. Meisinger R. S. liamspv. Spp'v. - , j . R. B. Windham, Chairman. J ATCHISON LEAVENWORTH KANSAS CITY ST. LOUIS Are Best Reached by the Reduced rates via. Missouri Pacific to Chicago, St Louis, Kan sas City and St Joe. Dates of sale August 2Kth to Sept. 8th and September 1 1th to 19th. See agent for rates, limits, and etc. Hugh Norton, Agent. HELLO Do you know that unless you have the old reliable Bell Phone in your business place or residence, you are not getting the best service you can get, you wan t the best service always, and we can give it to you. Have a Bell phone put in your place now. t2-S t CHICHESTER S PILLS l.silli-.I Amu your lml.t f"ff - i hl.fhMi.trr'a lllnmond Tlraml I'lll. In Krd .n l l..iM mrt.illkAV I' ! IMH villi llln. kllJaill. V Tain Hn ofhrp. tliif of To tip V Pr liar M. Avkf'ff lll.l in M.TPM WAAIOM IIHAMI lii years ltu.ri. is IlM, Saiest. Alwv KrHnf ifl SOLD BV DRUGGISTS CVIRVWhTKE BAILEY & MAC II THE DENTISTS tittst DPl!KM Bljtl-Crjl' DffilKtry lent! bit Met. Htqulptifd Orntil Of tier Is (lit Middle Mot. MCiAi discounts to city vitiToaa. M floor I'.iti.n Ink , IMIi A r.rn.m, OMAHA, NEB. Acorn cigars 5 cents each. Smoke an "Acorn" and be happy. Smoke an ACORN And be Happy E r A. L. TIDD LAWYER Refcrencei: Hank of Eagle, Eagle. Nehawka Hank, Nehawka. Hank of Murdock, Murdoclc. First Nat'l bank, Greenwood. State bank of Murray, Murray. First Nat'l bank, Plattsnwuth.