The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, August 23, 1909, Image 3

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Old Lim Jucklin, the young bride
groom, the bride and Mrs. Jucklin
were gathered together discussing
connubial blisH from a modern nnd
ancient standpoint, respectively.
"The experiment of every weddln'
la the husband," he remarked, looking
at the young man. "So matter how
wise he may be, how good a judge of
a boss and the weather, somethin' al
together different arises in Lis life
when he takes unto himself a wife,
lie thinks she Is the simple rule of
three, but before long bo finds out
that she is ail mathematics, with a
side light that dazzles but don't en
plain astronomy."
Mrs. Jucklin spoke up. "Llmtiel,
what arc you trying to get ut? You
would have It appear that a woman is
somethin' not to be understood."
"Oh, no; sho Is perfectly plain and
so is sunshine, but nobody can't pick
It up and examine It to his own satis
faction. Woman's all right. It's the
Marriage Is the Time When a Mote
young husband that I'm gettln' at If
I can. Marriage Is a time when a mote
gets Into the eye of all experience.
Thga are looked at through winks
half light and half dark; mnkln' a sort
of twilight for the soul; and in the
golden dusk everything looks different
from what It really Is. Marriage was
made to protect woman, and havin'
been cut out for her like a garment, it
fits her."
"Rut don't it fit a man, too?" the
bride timidly inquired.
"Yes, my dear, with a takin Jn here
and n lettin' out there." the old man
replied. "The man is the one that has
to be tamed. He has to be broke in
and made brldleu ise, like a colt. With
him marriage is an end; with her a
beglnnln'. Do you follow ine?"
"No, I'm afraid not," said the bride.
"I thought not. Rut what do you
think, Rillie?" This was addressed to
the bridegroom.
"Don't know exactly. All I know is
I love Sallie and will always love her,"
and the pretty eyes of the bride with
silent music sang out, "now there."
"I don't doubt that," said the old
man. "Hut the moiuln' sun is a shin
lu' on you now and the noontime of
trial hasn't come. Rut it will come.
"Many a Time I've Sat Up Waitin' for You," Said Mrs. Jucklin.
This beautiful book you now possess
la 6hown to you only a page at a time.
You can't turn over the, leaves nnd
look at the pictures of the future. The
plot must come to you a line at a time.
The fact Is, you've got to draw your
own pictures for the book. Some of
them will be painted and some made
with rharcoal."
"I wish the wagon would come,"
spoke up the bridegroom, glancing
through the window.
"Yes, we start out a waitin' for the
wagon," replied the old man.
"And we end silently lying within
its gloomy precincts," said the old
"GraciouH me!" exclaimed Mrs.
Jucklin, "are they goln' to preach a
funeral right here?"
Old Llmuel laughed. "I'm not.
I'm Just tryln' to give Rillie, there, a
little bit of advice. Aud as I was
goln' to remark, I don't know of any
thing that stands more lu need of com
mon sense than marriage the young
husband, 1 might say. He Is as raw
as unginned cotton. He begins by
ylcldin' to every persuasion and after
a while rebels Hgalnst himself. A
woman never understands why she
should surrender a territory that has
graciously beeu presented to hr. And
the sweetest of all territories Is the
enjoyment of the spare time of her
husband. She finds her mellowest
pleasure In his society, aud can't very
well understand why she doesn't sup
ply his every want. He has told bet
time and again that she did. Rut there
comes a time, when he wants to stay
out a night, to sniff the air of his for
mer reckless freedom. It's his nature.
It was her nature as an obedient
daughter to stay nt home of nights.
And when she finds that she hasn't
been strons enough to remodel bis
nature shc grieves in her soul.
"Many a night I've snt up waiiln'
for you," said Mrs. .Jucklin.
"Yes, but I came, didu't I?"
"Yes," she admitted, "but at v lint
"Oh, I didn't have to keep trncU of
the time. Rut I want to say to Hillie
that stayln' out at night Is one of the
worst habits a man can fall luto. It
Gets Into the Eye cf All Experience.
Is the dark side of married life. No
matter bow truthful a man may have
started out, it makes him more or
less a liar. Midnight nnd the truth
ain't twins. And a man hasn't re
formed when be cusses himself for
beln' a fool. The wisest man feels he
is a fool when ho stays out too late.
There ain't no reproach more fetchin'
than to see the moon fadln" away in
the heavens. Of course, a man can't
stay nt home all the time. The fart
is, I'll be hanged If I know vhat he is
to do. I'm not talkin' about the saint,
but the llesh-and-blood man. You may
try all you r.lise to make a hymn of
life, but the lirst tiling you know a
jig Juno pops up. So, Rillie, when
you catch yourself inclined to whistle
too many of the jigs, stop and n:;k
yotnseli' If they pay in the long run. I
don't mean that you should be serious.
Xothln' is' g lined by bein' solemn.
David Is remembered as well for hav
in' danced before the ark as for some
of Lis psalms v. herein he wanted the
Lord to wipi out a whole lot of folks.
Have all the fun yui cm, but recollect
It ain't the healthiest fun if yoa have
to lie about It to your wife. The old
Idea that a man Is cxt usable for lytn"
to his wile ain't a good one. When
you have lied, and she has
caught you, I am not at all certain
that a generous acknowledgment will
pay. And yet If you stick to It a long
time must pass before you can live it
down. A woman's memory Is like the
sun It rises fresh every niornln'.
Sometimes a simple lie Is n finger
board pointin' toward the courthouse
where they keep divorces. A woman
may admire a man because he's a good
dancer, but in her heart bIih loves
truth and honor. So, be as truthful
as you can, and when you (Ind that
you have exhausted your stock ask
her to help you to replenish it. Make
a distress of your scarcity of truth
and she will be pleased to nurse it. It
will do her good. Marriage may start
out as n picnic, you know, but a pic
nic has Its cold victuals. To sum the
whole thing up, do the best you can.
Re patient. Remember that you are a
man nnd that the foot of a man Is
nearly always on the verge of sllppln'.
And when It has slipped put It back
wllh as littlo noise as possible. Tell
the truth Just as often as you can,
and you will Hud It an investment
that draws compound Interest in
(Copyright, by Oplo Head.)
New Jersey Girl One of Uncle
Sam's Youngest Scientists.
Miss Evelyn Mitchell of East Orange,
Known in Europe and America
as an Expert on Life of In
sect World.
Washington. Miss Evelyn Mitchell,
one of the youngest women scientists
in the I'nited States, who is now do
Ing important work for the govern
ment at the Smithsonian Institution,
Is preparing to write a book on gnata
Miss Mitchell has already attracted
the attention of the scientific world
both in America and Europe by a no
table work on mosquitoes entitled,
"Mosquito Life," and Is concluding her
collection of gnats for the purpose of
embodying In book form her study ol
Miss Mitchell, who is under thirty
nnd one of the brightest women now
doing expert work for the government,
is the daughter of Marcus Mitchell,
postmaster of East Orange, N. J., and
Is u graduate of Cornell university.
She looks less like a scientist than
could bo Imagined by any one who has
always pictured experts of this kind
as obi nnd decidedly peculiar in dress
and in personality. Miss Mitchell is
full of life and enjoys sports that
every collego girl does. She never
talks "bug," but in her work nt the
National museum here sho sits side by
side with men who have spent years
of a long life In scientific research.
The spectacle of a woman r.ot yet
out of her twenties doing remarkabK
work for the government is rather tin
usual even at the capital, where worn
en are engaged in many and varied
branches of work. Miss Mitchell
came here In IflOl. and has since been
engaged in scientific work. Previous
?-L -.'-ft'
to that sho had had wide experience
in the field following her course of
study at Cornell. The circumstance;
under which Miss Mitchell obtained
her education at the big colli go In
Ithaca and the determination wMi
which she pursued her Interest in In
sect life are more than ordinarily in
When Miss Mitchell was a small
young.-ter playing about her parents
home in Kast Orange, she manifested
a keen interest in everything that
crawled or Hew. She brought some
thing more than dlseomfoit into the
household when she Introduced all
sorts of things, trom spiders to but?
and took delight In watching her cap
lives. When she was ten years old
she was sent to school, and shortly
afterward bho came across a book en
titled "Ten Thousand Spiders," by
Rurt Ore-en Wilbur, professor of physi
ology at Cornell university. This wi.
the first intimation sho had that bugs
and beetles nnd such things were ever
mado a life study, nnd during the re
luuinlng years of her schooling in
East Orange sho nursed the hope that
one day she could find Mr. Wilbur
und study nil about his "Ten Thou
sand Spiders" with him.
' Preparations had been completed by
he.- father for her entrance to Cornell
university, when reverses came and it
looked as ii the- young nature stu
dent-would have to glvu up hT ambi
tion. Sho thought It out awhile and
then took French leave of her family,
going to Philadelphia, where she
asked John R. Stetson to lend her the
money, at interest, for her first year
at Cornell. Tho funds were forthcom
ing. Miss Mitchell went to college,
and after her first year sho worked
her way through, paid back the money
to Mr. Stetson and was appointed an
Instructor in field oology at tho Cor
nell summer camp.
It was about, this time that Dr. .1.
W. Dupree, surgeon general of Louis
iana, sent to Cornell for a "first-class
man" to be sent to tho Louisiana
State university as field nnd labora
tory nsslstant in mosquito work. Mis
Mitchell was selected as the "man."
and sho made good.
From Raton Rouge, La., Miss Mitch
ell came to Washington and began
her work for the government nt the
National museum.
She was the' first woman to be
Riven a place on the faculty of Oeorg"
Washington university, when she was
made instructor in zoology. She U a
member of the Rlologlcal Society of
Washington, tho American Assochr
tlon for the Advancement of Science,
the Entomological Society of America
and the National Health league
When sho canto to Washlng'on Mi ;-
Mitchell took nnd still holds the plar.
nt the National museum made v.i
cant by the death of Dr. McConnell
who for years nindo tho drawings oi
shells for Dr. William 11. Dall of the
. Smithsonian Institution.
wK ' tor.
ifc w
What is Castoria.
OASTOEIA is a harmless eobstitato for Castor Oil, Parogorio, Drops and
Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant It contains neither Opium, Morphino nor
other Narcotio Buhstanco. Its ago is its guarantee. It dostroys Worms and allays
Fovorishness, It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It rclioves Teething Troubles,
cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomacli ,
and Dowels, giving healthy and natural Bleep,, Tho children's Panacea Tho
Mother's Friend.
Tho Kind You Have Always Dought,and which has been in. uso for over
'30 years, has homo tho Bignaturo of Chas. H. Eotchcr, and ha3 boon mado under
his personal supervision sinco its Infancy. Allow no ono to deccivo you iu thi3.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments thattriHo with
and ondangcr tho health of Infants and Children Exporionco against Experiment.
ALCOHOL J per cent.
ting (lie Stomachs oadUawusaf
Opium-Morphiue nor Mineral.
Aperfect Remedy forOrasnps-'
lion , aour aroraxn.uini"
Worms Convulsions fevma
ncss and Loss OF SLEEP.
FacSuuk Signature of
P?35,feranteed under Ihetuujj
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
"Come Into the garden, Maud,"
Bald facetloun-mlnded Fred.
"Whut'a the use?" laid Maudle
"I have It on my bead."
Whole Body a Mass of Raw, Bleeding,
Torturing Humor Hoped Death
Would End Fearful Suffering.
In Despair; Cured by Cutlcura.
"Words cannot describe tho terribls
eczema I suffered with. It broke out
on my head and kept spreading until
It covered my whole body. I
was almost a solid mass of sores from
head to foot. I looked more like a
piece of raw beef than a human be
ing. The pain and agony endured
seemed more than I could bear. Blood
and pus oozed from the great sore on
my scalp, from under my finger nails,
and nearly all over my body. My
cars were so crubtod and swollen I
was afraid they would- break off.
Every hair In my head fell out. I
could not sit down, for my clothes
would stick to the raw nnd bleeding
flesh, malting me cry out from tho
pain. My family doctor did all he
could, but I got worse and worse. My
condition was awful. I did not think
I could live, and wanted death to
come and end my frightful sufferings.
"In this condition my mothcr-In-law
begged mo to try tho Cutlcura Rem
edies. I said I would, but had no hopo
of recovery. Hut oh, what blessed re
lief I experienced after applying Cutl
cura Ointment. It cooled tho bleeding
and itching flesh and brought me the
first real sleep I had had in weeks. It
was as grateful as Ice to a burning
tonguo. I would bathe with warm
water and Cutlcura Soap, then apply
the Ointment freely. I also took Cutl
cura Resolvent for tho blood. In a
short time the sores stopped running,
the flesh began to heal, and I knew I
was to get well again. Then the hair
cn my head began to grow, and in a
short tlmo I was completely cured.
I wish I could tell everybody who has
eczema to uso Cutlcura. IV s. Wm.
Hunt, 135 Thomas St., Newark, N. J.,
Sept. 28, 1S08."
Poll A iik.a. Cure, Sule rrupt., Btdoa.
All a Matter of Comparison.
In blind man's losd a one-eyed man
ts a ealchrity. Baltimore Sua.
Letters from Prominent Physicians
addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher.1
Dr. T. Cerald Dlattner, of Buffalo, N. Y., Bays: "Your Castorla la rooJ
lor children and I frequently prescribe, it, always obtaining tho desired
Dr. Cusl&vs X. Elsongraebcr, cf EL TauT, Minn., says:' "I, have uaed?
your Castorla repeatedly la my practice with good results, and can recom
mend It aa an excellent, mild and harmless remedy for children."
Dr. E. J. Dennis, of EL Louis, Mo., Bays: "I have used and prescribed
your Castorla la my sanitarium and outsldo practlco for a number of years
and find It to b an excellent remedy for children."
Dr. 8. A. Buchanan, of Philadelphia, Ta., Bays: "I havo used your Cos
torla In tho cass cf r:y own baby and find it pleasant to tako, and Lava
obtained excellent results from Its vso."
Dr. J. E. Simpson, cf Chicago, 111., says: "I have used your Caalorla la
cases cf colic la children and havo found it tho best mcdlclno of its kind
on, tho market."
Dr. IL E. Esklldsou, of Omaha, Neb'., says: "I find your Castoria to ho a
standard family remedy. It Is tho beat thing for infants and children I
bars ever known and I recommend 1L"
Dr. L. IL Itoblnson, cf Kansas City, Mo., Bays: "Your Castorla certainly
has merit. Is not Its aje, its continued tise by mothers through all thea
years, and tho many attempts to imltato it, cufDcIcnt recommendation?'
What can a physician add? Leavo it to tho mothers."
Dr. Edwin F. Tardeo, cf Now York City, says: "For soveral years I hard
recommended your Castorla and shall always contlnuo to do eo, aa it baa
Inrarlably produced beneficial results."
Dr. N. B. Elzer, of Brooklyn, N. Y, snys: "I object to what aro called
patent medicines, where maker alone knows what Ingredicnta aro put la
them, but I know: tho formula of your Castorla and advise its use.'
ccriuinc CASTORIA always
Uoara tho
Ibe Kind You Have Always BougHt
In Use For Over 30 Years.
TMt etimwa eoaMav, rr wwmi araur, mwm vo err.
Mother Why should we make Wil
lie a doctor when there are so many
new doctors every year?
Father But think of all the new
I eorwt fompamd with I ho lining of
When Irrtlaiad mm ht jpln. dirfhf. p..
Wtulefer ibeouw, U Pmmlllfr U'.r.-y Imtl. j.
When a spinster marries a man who
Is already bald she doesn't get all
that she Is entitled to.
Lewis' Single Binder, tlie famous
straight So cigar annus! sale 9,000,000.
Time will tell unless the gossips
beat it under the wire.
Is Your Health
Worth .Oc?
That's what U costi to Rft a week's
treatment of CASCARETS. They
do more for you than any medicine
on Karth. Sickness generally hov
and starts first in the Bowels nml
Livrr; CASCARETS cure these ill.
It's so easy to try why not start to.
night and bare help in the morning?
CSSCaRRT toe a fcos for a S09
treatment, alt dmrrtiitw. Riff rat te Her
la the vraild. UUflea betee a Moalk.
Signature of
TMT CtNITHATtll Inrtmi
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 34-1909.
f 11 p TCCTIJ Paxtine excrlt eny dentifrice
'fi I kiwi flirt cleoming. whittling and
removing tartai from the tc'lh, besider dettroying
all germ of decxy end diieaie which ordinary'
loolh pieparatiom cannot do.
Till? MfillTU Paxtine used i i mouth-
inc muuin wh duinfen th mouth.
and throat, purinci the breath, and Lillt the germn
which collect in the mouth, causing tore throat,
bad teeth, bad breath, grippe, and much tickneu.
THf FVFQ when inflamed, tired, aihw
I flam b I arid burn, may be inttaniry
relieved and alrengthened by Paxtine.
pATl EJPfJ Puttine will dcilroy the cermi
WH I Hrtllil tlal came rutaril,, heal the in
Baramation and ilnp the discharge. It U a lure
lemedy for uterine catarrh.
Paxtine it a harmleu yrt powerful
termicide.duir.lcrlanl and (Icndoncr. f-SMStJi
Ued in bathing it dc . troy I odors and Wu'V I
eavei uie uooy aniisepticaiiy clean. Ki.!Ji
f mrr; cinmi r rnrn IL
nil UK-it. , oat,
rt"t up I ! I or tip
OTCf. Will hot MM
nrtniarHtUiy thin.
iliai-HlitiX'il ffliv
tlvo. ULMdealer,
ir tmt prrimtilfot
.''. II araln MoNwrt,
l.-.U Il katM.uv
Shave Yourself
UUHieted w'.'.h )
Thompson's ye Water
ture 7Hi