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About The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1909)
J City And County Misses Verna and Lillian Cole spent Monday in Omaha. Leave your orders for coal with W. T. Richardson of Mynard. Mrs. Case of Blue Rapids, Kans., has been visiting in the city with the family of Joseph Covalt. Wm, Gillispie, the Mynard stockman, had a load of stock on the Omaha mar ket Monday. Walter Schneider a prosperous farm er from Cedar Creek was in town yes terday looking after business matters. Emil Walters, t he riattsmouth mason and contractor returned to Omaha Monday where he is engaged on a con tract job. John F. Hennings of Iouisville spent yesterday in the city attending to busi ness returning home on the Schuyler last evening. Mrs. Bryan and Miss Helen Clark were passengers for Lincoln Monday where they will spend sometime visit ing with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Heil drove into town from their farm southwest of town. Mrs. Heil has fully recovered from her long illness. II. L. Ehrcnfort and his wife who has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Goos at the hotel departed Mon day for home at Omaha. Mayor John Sattler and his nephew, John Kuhne, of Pekin, .III., who has been visiting his uncle for some time spent Monday in Omaha. We are in a position to furnish apple barrels in car load lots or in small quan tities. For prices write Isaac Pollard and Son. Nehawka, Neb. 32-4 Miss Carrie Sherwood was a passen ger yesterday for Louisville where she will spend a few days visiting at the homo of her sister Mrs. Will Hoover. W. T. Richardson of Mynard desires to call the attention of the public to the fact that he now has a supply of coal on hand and is prepared to care for the wants of the public in this line. Mrs. Geo. Nickles, daughter of Geo. P. Horn, who has been visiting in riattsmouth and vicinity for several weeks departed Monday for her home in Pekin, III. She was accompanied by Viola Becker, her niece. Fred Kovar of Schuyler was in the 'city this week visiting with James So chor. This is one of the three young men who made the trip last spring from Schuyler to New Orleans in a motor boat. He states that they bad a most pleasant trip all the way down. J. W. and Mr. an.) Mrs. A. C. Tulene left Monday for Springfield where they will operate a merry-go-round during the Old Settlers reunion which is being held there today. The boys will not get far from here at they intend to run it here at the Merchants Carnival Sept. 1 to 6. Guy Oldham, who spent several days visiting in this city with his cousins, George Oldham and Miss Dora Moore, has gone to Canada where he will make his future home. He has been a sol dier, having but just recently received an honorable discharge from the ser vice. Harry Barthold returned from an ex tended trip to Colorado and other west ern states where he spent his vaca tion. Mr. IVarthold it the efficient fore man of the carpenter shop at the local B. & M. plant and is most highly es teemed by the employees. He enjoyed himself hugely and returned well rested. Benjamin Rainey, who resigned life position as chief of police recently has returned from a visit in Oklahoma. He says crops in Oklahoma have been bad ly injured by the drouth and will nearly be a complete failure. Oklahoma City he thinks is a good live city and is growing constantly, though this year's crop failure will cripple the boom to Bume extent. Using goats as lawn-mowers is the plan adopted by the Bellevue chautauqua for clearing their grounds. Over 1000 Angora gouts belonging to II. T. Clarke were turned into the grounds last week, and management expects to have the grass clipped short by chautauqua time, the last of August, without any further bother on their part. Mrs. J. M. Wood.ion, the aged lady who had the misfortune to fracture her hip is getting along as well as could be expected though the injury is causing her considerable suffering. The acci dent was caused by her cow which in endeavoring to eat some sweet corn Bhurks from her apron took a quick jerk at it throwing Mrs. Woodson down with the above result. As she is 72 years of age the injury might be per manent though the Burgeons are mak ing every effort in the case. John H. Beck, who resides on a small farm northwest of the city had the misfortune to upset his wagon in which he was delivering live calves to the My nard stock market. John had laid down the lines for a few moments to liirht bis pipe when the team drew the front wheel of the wagon into a ditch. No bad breaks resulted from the accident though it tool; some time and consider able trouble to get the calves which had scampered back home. Some, of Iiia neighbors considered it a good joke on John and enjoyed a good laugh at bis expense. HPHERE are foods for all purposes but For the brainenergy business men need; the muscle-energy workmen need; the nerveenergy housewives need ; the all round energy school chil dren need. . A soda cracker in ap pearance more than a soda cracker in goodness, freshness, crispness. Moisture proof packages. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Does Not Really Need a Man Can Operate Farm with Dog, Cat and Parrot Si'okank, Wash., Aug. 18. -Grace Croonquist, comely and vivacious, who drew No. 354 in Uncle Sam's big land lottery at Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, where 3.0(H) names were drawn from among the 100,000 registered for land in the Cotur d'Alene reservation, made a wit ty reply when asked by Judge James W. Wittcn, superintendent in charge of the drawing, what she would do on a homestead without a husband to run it. She said: "With a dog that growls, a cat that delights in staying out at night and a parrot that 'cusses' like a veteran sail or or seasoned tnule-whacker I do not believe I will have occasion to miss a husband. I believe I have all the nec essary adjuncts to farm life. I have paddled my own canoe for several years and I think I am qualified to pilot a plow over the hills. However, if the right man comes along I may be in duced to share my claim, which timber cruisers say is worth $10,000, with him. Understand I said 'the right man." This is Sure And Certain The Proof That Plattsmouth People Cannot Deny What could furnish stronger evidence of the efficiency of any remedy than the test of time? Thousands of people testify thnt Doan's Kidney Pills cure permanently. Home endorsement should prove un doubtedly the merit of this remedy. Years ago your friends and neighbors testified to the relief they had derived from the use of Doan's Kidney Tills They now confirm their testimonials. They say time has completed the test. J. B. Patridge, 8th st., Plattsmouth, Nebr., says: "I suffered almost con stantly from pains across my loins and kidneys and at times I was in a bad way. On several occasions I was so badly crippled that I could only get about with the aid of two canes. The first box of Doan's Kidney Pills, pro cured from Gering & Co's. drug store, helped me so greatly that I continued taking the remedy and it brought me entire relief v It would be impossible for me to speak too highly of Doan's Kidney Pills." The above statement was given in June I'.hk; and on Dec. 20, 1908, Mr. Patridge said: "I still endorse Doan's j Kidney Pills highly. 1 willingly renew the statement I gave over two years ago in their favor." For sale by all dealers. Price CO cents. Foster-n i'.'jurn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. 35-4 LADY WANTED To introduce our large and complete fall line of beautiful wool dress goods, silks and fancy waistings. The latest up-to-date New York City patterns. Handsomest line of materials on the market. Dealing direct with the mills you will find our prices low. Profits $10.00 to $30.00 weekly. Sample and full instructions packed in a neat 'sam ple case, shipped express prepaid. No money required. Exclusive territory. Write for particulars. Re first to ap ply. Standard Dress Goods Co., Dept. F. 8 Binghamton, N. Y. Sheriff's Sale. I!y virtue of an ordur of nalo imiuetl tiy James Rulicrlsun, clrrk of the district court, within awl for Cans county, Nebraska, and to me iliivcted, I will on theiiith day of Neptiinl cr. A. I). Itk-tl. at 10 o'clock A. M. of taid iay at the oouili door of the court house in raid county, wll at public auc tion to the hik'hrst biddor for cah the following real I'd Uit a twit: Tho Northwest 'N. W. t Uuarti r ar.ri the Northwest Fourth of the South west IN. W. of the S. W. li) IJuurter of Sec tion Thirty ( 0). In Township Twelve (t'Ji. North K:ino Thirteen (13). in the county of Cass. Ne braska. Theramo being levied upon and taken a.i tho property of Leonard C. W. Murray, Ue beccn A Murray, Joseph M. Hotx-i Ut, cashier, and the I'lattsniouth Slate Hank of riattsmouth. Ne braska. Defendants, to satisfy it judgment of said court recovered by Amelia H. HaUlenian, I'luintitf u;:.'unst said Defendants. i'lattsniouth. Neb.. August 19. A. D. IDOrt. C. I). Quinton, S.i-9 Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska. G. A . R. t t f ? t ? ? ? ? V f ? ? T t ? Hotter Than Ever No relief you say? Oh yes there is. Just drop in and try one ot our delicious Soda Confections. Allow us to suggest one of the following. 1 ( Celery Phosphate i 5C ' Claret Phosphate ) ( Fruit Phosphate Chocolate Ft appe ) j Viokt Frapp Rose Frapp e ) IUC j Caramel Frapp Root Peer Coco Cola Orangeade e uppe Sundaes, any Flavor, 5o and 1 0c. Ice Cream Soda with Crushed Fruit, So and 10c. Remember, a 5e purchase is one vote in the diamond ring contest. NEMETZ & CO. Candymakers. Next to P.O. t ? ? ? t T t I flEBBASKA Sill EAf on derf ul display s of fm uvp Mor itAflncu mrenaenmen vm - " xj- - Splendid, Racing Llberatis Band and Grand Opera Singers PainBallle in th? Clouds with" Airship AlhlelicMeel-Carnival -BascDall i WB UN I ONI Weeping Water, Neb- Y Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 24-27 AUGUST 24-27 Fraternal Picnic August 26 t f T f f I Prominent speakers for each day. Two double trauezeV "performances daily. Two balloon ascensions. Snorts, races ytug of war. Steam merry-go-round. Thrc2 good ball games. VMusic bv tho Plattsmouth band. A tniarantv h.ns yup to the railroad company. f I The Business Men Invite You to Gomo4 t UClJ-TOfllE ? t ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? t ? 1 1 . A specific for all catarrhal conditions, a general systematic tonic, which acts through the blood directly on the mu cous membranes. . The combined Mucu-tone and Asthma Pencils give relief in Hay Fever, Asthma and catarrhal troubles. Satis faction guarrantecd or money refunded. Rcxall Asthma Pencils For instant relief for Bron- li!nlCl'n?vftl?i vwl nnmtAim Asthma, Hay Fever, Cron- (if N mil Ihl - - j I Otic AtlO DUC MAW PATES POUND TRIP ON ALL ftAUOAD3 for mkrmalion. Premium Liu. or Oitry Dlanhswrir aS LINCOLN. NEB. fejAj t chitis and cold in the head. it A SOLD BY F. G. FHIGfCB & CO. i Expert Pill Mixers at the KEXALL STORE. t t ? ? ? ? V V ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? f A