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About The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1909)
V. fbe News-Herald PLATTSMOUTH. NIIRA8KA. stand at th pottofliea at riattftnouth. Cam OMatJ, Nabraaka, a aecond-clau oiail mailer. OFFICIAL PAPER OF CASS COUNTY R. O. WAITERS Manager RITES OF SUBSCRIPTION Dm Taar In Adnata. Bis Month! .11.50 . .75 TELErrtONCS PUttamouth No. 85 Nebraska No. 85 AUGUST 19,1009. How do you like our ticket? With the tariff question settled and the primaries off our hands there is n othing to do now but to get out and hustle for the election of the whole Republican ticket. A long, strong pull all together, and Cass county will have taken a long stride toward placing only Republicans on guard in the court house. And Re publicans are noted for their safe, sane and economical administrations. Now that the primaries are over and a ticket has been nominated there is just one thing for Republicans to do roll up their sleeves and elect it from top to bottom. Cass county is normally Republican, every man nominated is eminently qualified to fill the position to which he aHpires, there are no petty controversies to divide the vote, and a clean sweep of the platter will give de mocracy a jolt not soon to be forgot ten. The unanimity of purpose with which the business men of Plattsmouth have taken hold of the carnival project and the results already attained-results which assure the largest gathering of people in this city in the history of the county is an object lesson of what may be accomplished in the future along other lines. It is trite but true that "in union there is strength," and if we will come to realize this to the utmost a there will be nothing desired which we may not accomplish. Do not allow the sophistry of the democratic press to influence you to cratch your ticket when you go to the polls this fall. The virtue of the pri law lies in the fact that the nominat ing power is taken from the few and placed in the hands of the general elec torate.and this certainly eliminates any reasons, except those of a purely per sonal nature, for a "scratch" ballot. On the other hand, even under the op eration of the primary law, experience has demonttrated the imperative need of party organization, and this is best attained by giving the nominees of your party your undivided fealty. Through the operation of the primary you have freely and without duress selected men to be your party's stand-1 are bearers now follow up by voting the same way. When a nominee re ceives nis party s vote ne nas no sore Bpots even though he may be defeated and when the next election rolls around he will pull off his coat and work with much better grace. Reports from Elmwood's CJiautau qua are very flattering. The, talent secured was of a high order, and the attendance has been proving satisfac tory. This is indeed good news. Chau tauquas have come to be a potent force in the educational propaganda of the PREMIUM LIST MERCHANTS CARNIVAL PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. SEPTEMBER 1, 1909 Below Is a lint of premiums to be given on live stock, fruit, grain and jtoultry. HORSES PERCIIKKON. Best Registered Stallion Blue Ribbon Best Registered Mare Blue Ribbon Best Yearling 5.00 Cash Best Suckling Colt -".00 Cash COACH. Best Registered Stallion Blue Riblwn Best Registered Mare Blue Kiblion Best Yearling W.OO Cash Best Suckling Colt ".00 Cash GLYDKSDALE. Best Registered Stallion Blue Ribbon Best Registered Maro Blue Ribbon Best Yearling W.OO Cash Best Suckling Colt .V00 Cash STANDARD BRED. Best Registered Stallion Blue Ribbon Best Registered Mare Blue Ribbon Best Yearling fc".00 Cash Best Stickling Colt. . ; .'. : .'. ..... .". f. . . . '."..".8.5.(10 Cash SHIRE. Best Registered Stallion Blue Ribbon Best Registered Mare Blue Rlblnm Best Yearling $5.00 Cash Best Suckling Colt ?".00 Cash SHETLAND. Best I'ony .".00 Cash Blue Rihlton Second Best Red Ribbon Best Suckling Colt .M.00 Cash, Blue Ribbon Second Best. Red Ribbon Best Driving Team 85. 00 Cash, Blue Ribbon Second Best ... . . .Red Ribbon Best Draft Team. 83.00 Cash, Blue Ribbon Second Best Red Riblwn Best Single Driver $3.00 Cash, Blue Riblwn Second Best Red Riblon MULES Best Draft Team $5.00 Cash, Blue Ribbon Second Best Red Ribbon CATTLE RED TOLLED. Best Reg. Male, any age.,.. $5. 00 t'asb, Blue Riblwn Second ReM Red Ribbon Best Reg. Female, any nge. .$5.00 Cash, Blue Riblwn Second Best Red Ribbon BLACK GALLOWAY. Best Reg. Male, any age.... $5.00 Cash, Blue Ribbon Second Best Red Riblwn JERSEYS. Best Reg. Male, any nge.... $5.00 Cash, Blue Ribbon Second Best Red Riblwn Best Reg. Female, any age.. $5.00 Cash, Blue Riblwn Second Best Red Riblwn HEREFORD. Best Reg. Male, any nge,... $3.00 Cash, Blue Ribbon Second Best Red Riblwn Best Reg. Female, any age. .13.00 Cash, Blue Riblwn Second Best Red Ribbon SHORTHORNS. Best Reg. Male, any age.... $5.00 Cash, Blue Ribbon Second Best Red Ribkon Best Reg. Female, any nge.. $5.00 Cash. Blue Riblwn Second Best Red Riblwn I'OLL Dl'RHAMS. Best Reg. Male, any nge $5.00 Cash, Blue Riblwn Second Best Red Riblwn Best Reg, Female, any nge.. $5.00 Cash, Blue Ribbon Second IVst Rod Riblwn ABERDEEN ANlifS. Best Reg. Male, any nge....$5.(H) Cash, Blue Ribbon Second Best Rod Ribbon Best Reg. Female, any age. .$5.00 Cash, Blue Ribbon Second best Red Riblwn HOGS ROLAND CHINAS. Best Registered Male $11.00 Cash, Blue Riblwn Second Best Hibbon Best Registered Female 8:1.00 Cash, ltlue Ribbon Second Best Rod Ribbon DUROC JERSEYS. Best Registered Male $3.00 Cash Blue Ribbon Second Best Red Ribbon Best Registered Female. . . . ;$.'1.00 Cash, Blue Ribbon Second Best Red Ribbon BERKSHIRE. Best Registered Male $.'1.00 Cash, Blue Ribbon Second Best Red Ribbon Best Registered Female $3.00 Cash, Blue Ribbon Second Best Red Ribbon CHESTER WHITES. Best Registered Male ..$3.00 Cash, Blue Ribbon Second Best Red Ribbon Best Registered Female $3.0(1 Cnsh, Blue Ribbon Second Best Red Ribbon CHICKENS Barred Plymouth Rocks, White Plymouth Rocks, White Brabmas, Black Lengshan, Buff Orpingtons. Premiums will be given on each breed exhibited as follows. j Best Cock ,.50c cash and Blue Ribbon Second Best Blue Ribbon Best Hen 50c cash, Blue Ribbon Second Best Red Riblmn Best Cockerel 50c cash, Blue Ribbon Second Best Red Ribbon Best. Pullet .50c cash, Blue Ribbon Second Best Red Ribbon GRAIN WHEAT. Best Peck of Winter Wheat $1.00 Cash Best Peck of Spring Wheat $1.00 Cash OATS. Best Peck of Early Oats $1.00 Cash Best Peck of Late Oats $1.00 Cash CORN. Best 10 Ears of New White Corn $1.00 Cash Best Single Ear of New White Corn $1.00 Cash Best 10 Ears of New Yellow Corn $1.00 Cash Best Single Ear of New Yellow Corn 50c Cash Tallest Stalk of Corn exhibited by boy under ', 15 years of age $1.00 ALFALFA. Best Peck of Seed $1.00 Cash RED CLOVER. Best Peck of Seed 81.00 Cnsh TIMOTHY. Best Peck of Seed 81.00 Cash ALFALFA, RED CLOVER and TIMOTHY Best Bale of Each 81.00 Cash POTATOES Best Peck of Early Potatoes $1.00 Cash Best Peck of Late Potatoes $1.00 Cash Best Peck of Sweet Potatoes $1.00 Cash PUMPKINS For the Largest runipkln $1.00 Cash APPLES Ben Davis best dozen 50c Cash Wine Sap best dozen 50c ('ash Janathan best dozen 50c Cash Grimes Golden best dozen 50c Cash Geniting best dozen 50c Cash Mo. Pippen best )i dozen 50c Cash Gano best l4' dozen 50e Cash Crabapple best i dozen 50c Cash GRAPES WHITE. I'ocklington, Niagara, Lady. BLACK. Worden, Moores Early, Telegraph, Concord, Mc Kinley. RED. Brighton, Newton, Delaware, Wrenthling. A premium of 5ie Cash will be given on best plate of each variety. part of pros- further infor- Splendid place for care of stock, and an wpert' from state farm to do judging. Cooperation and suggestions on the pective exhibitors Is solicited, and for mution see or write the undersigned. GEO. R. SAYLES, Si:t HKTAitY. LlKE L. WILES, CilAilt.MAV GEO. A. KAFFENBERGER.Vk kciiaiu n JULIUS PIT. Vk chairman. ( HAS. H. WARNER. Vkk Chmp.max. COM. MITT EE. country, and it is gratifying to note that Cass county is not behind in this respect. With the development of the idea and the yearly increase in the or ganization of societies, and the con sequent demand for more and a higher order of talent, the time has arrived arrived when the best speakers and thinkers of the age are brought to our very doors. And the results are ap parent everywhere. Apparent in a higher conception of man's duty to his fellow man; apparent in the determin ation to stamp out graft in high places; apparent in the gradual disappearance of religious intolerance; apparent in higher political ideals. The sunlight of Truth is rapidly dissipating the dark ness of Error, and the Chautauqua societies of the land are performing their share in the metamorphosis. Just Received A Barrel ot Fine Pickles John II. Busche, in conversation with a representative of this paper last evening, said that the primary had left no sore spots on mm, ana that tie was i for the whole Republican ticket and would support Sheriff Quinton loyally, j E. E. Hilton also states that Mr. Daft j is his candidate for 'register of deeds, and that regardless of any personal dis appointment he is still a Republican in all that the word implies. This is the proper spirit, gentlemen, and Btamps you as timber which the Republican party could well use in any position of trust. The News-Herald does not believe in knocking on any legitimate enter prise, but occasionally a town is invad ed by some unknown vendor of some lines of merchandise pretending to give great bargains. He will only spend three or four days catching "suckers." Do you belong to the "sucker" class? If you patronize such vendors, then you are a sucker and deserve to be 'skinned," and there is no doubt that you will be "skinned," and "skinned" right. A fool and his monay soon parts. The several committees in eharge the preparations for the Merchant's Carni val are doing excellent work. The big- ? ? ? ? ? ? T t t ? ? ? ? ? ? T ? ? ? ? ? ? ? T ? ? ? f T ? t ? ? z z 2M3 If you are going picnicing, or are going to spend a day on the banks of the Big Muddy, or other stream, trying to get the fish to bite you should not forget the above fact. The barrel that we just received was full of large and delicious split sweet pickles which we will sell at 10c per doz en. Other items that will be welcome additions to the lunch are Star Lobsters at 25c per can and shrimp, wet or dry at 15c per can. Soennichsen ' s y y y y y y y y y y y y t y y y y y y y y y y y f y y y y y y y y y y .A AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA .A A. .A A. .A AA .A gest event ever attempted in the county has been promised and the "goods will be delivered" with trimmings. All roadsr will lead to Plattsmouth during the first week in September. The widely advertised debate be tween Mrs. Richards, the".W. C. T. U. speaker and Mayor Dahlman of Omaha, at the Bellevue chautauqua which was chcduled for the 31st inst. has been called off. Mrs. Richards has returned to the east, giving as an excuse for the cancelled date that she is a busy woman and as she so thoroughly van quished his cowboy highness at the Al bion debate she feels it were a waste of time to give him any more attention. Some of the candidates are protest- a j ing that the primary election is more V xpensive than a regular campaign. f Get In On This Sale, It will -AA z y f y y y y I f y y y y y y y y y y y y y y f y y y y y y y y y y y y y y IX !A 'A j Not Last Long Owine to the heavy shortage in the cotton crop there has been quite an advance in the price of all cotton fabrics. We were fortunate in having a fair supply of most kinds of cotton goods on hand which were bought before the advance. These we will share with our customers as long as they last at the old prices. Last call on wash goods: $ $ $ All our 20 and 25c Flaxons and tissues 12 1-2 per yard Shirt waists suits, Mendell's make a guarantee, full and well made, sold at 1.75 reduced to 1,39 Laces and lace insertions, up to 7 inches wide, an extraordinary value at.ioc We are showing some very good bargains in ladies muslin underwear to close. Gowns sold at r8c, 89c and 1.25 now 48c 78c 98c Drawers, lace and embroidery trimmed sold at 50c now '. '.39c 75c and 1.00 drawers, now . . . .50c Extraordinary good values in skirts. 1.25 and 1.50 skirts now 98a 1.75 skirts now 1.48. 2.00 and 2.25 skirts now 1.68. 2.50 skirts' now 1.89. 3.00 skirts now 2.48. 3.50 skirts now 2.95 You should examine the above offer. We know you will appreciate the reduction. Corset covers sold at 15 and 25c, to close at iQc Corset covers sold at 65c to close at . .48c Corset covers and skirts slightly soiled at a big reduction. $ G. POVEY 1 t T y y y y y t y y y y y y y y y y y y y T y f y y y y t y y y y y y y y y y y E. f V