The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, August 16, 1909, Image 8
5 t t 1 n. U C; 2- -i- iwi4 v'v4 n .1 A . -A 'II . 1 J A ..V -J X -A ilk, a r.. ... m m .. w. -,v ... .- u a , ijesgsbtf f&ms!t rS&stez) Aaw-J t y y t t f y y f Y ? ? ? ? ? t y y y t Y t Y f ? Y ? Y y y y y y y t ? Y ; Kat; v yum ;MJ ''' '''"Til' 1 SI; W irtmt &iiss? vwm-i .vsra wsbsj nvest Yow Money Wisely Put your money in a safe proposition, one that you know will pay you a good return on the investment. You can do this by investing in a CASE threshing outfit. You need not take our word for it, but investigate it for yourself, there are satisfied users of CASE machinery in Cass County. This business offers great opportunities, is easily conducted, and pays a handsome percentage on the investment. A CASE outfit can be operated year in and year out at n profit under more varied conditions than any other threshing machinery on earth. A CASE steal separator threshes all the grain.leaves it in perfect condition, thoroughly cleaned and ready for the market giving the grain grower a positive knowledge that when his grain has been threshed by a CASE separator, he has received his entire crop unbroken and in the best pos sible condition. A CASE engine is a wonderful hill climber and can be operated in all sections of the country, over all kinds of roads. A CASE 32x32 inch cylinder separator and a 9 horse power engine would cost $1675. See me about catalogues and particulars. M. E. MANSPEAKER. ik r J. 5V. JL H 1 ii R 1 ii m pi r .-mi t V t V t V t t T y t t t t t t t t f a. t y y G. A , R. This is Sure And Certain IRBUNIO Nl Weeping Water Neb- f V y y Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday t 24-27 AUGUST 24-27 tratornai ncmc August 10 ? V Prominent speakers lor cacn uay. iwo nouuic irapeze-v Vperformances daily. Two balloon ascensions. Sports, races Vtug of war. Steam merry-go-round. Threo good ball games. y VMusic by the Plattsmouth band. A guaranty has been de-V posited for a special train to leave Plattsmouth Thursday aty V8a. m., returning leaves Weeping Water at 9 p. m. It isV The Proof That Plattsmouth People Cannot Deny LADY Vi ANTES I ., .gm Vud to the railroad company. t it y fThe Business Men Invite You to Gomev Go You Ought to Somewhere To the East: The lowest rates in years are daily in effect to all eastern resorts, including Lake trips, circuit tours of the East, the St. Lawrence region, Boston, New York, Atlantic City. Ex tremely attractive 30-day vacation tours of the East. To the West: The lowest rates in years for the Pacific Coast tour, including the Seattle Exposition ;the greatest railroad journey in the world. $50.00, round trip, $15.00 more through California Yellowstone Park: August is the height of the park season, either for side trips on a Coast journey, or for a tour of the Park. Inquire about the 18-day personally conducted Park camping tours made from Codv via the scenic entrance, a tour appealing to the highest class of travel. Daily low rates to Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Estes Park, Cody, Sheridan, Wyo., Hot Springs, S. D. Get the habit of a Summer tour, and see your own country. W. L. PICKETT, Ticket Agent, Plattsmouth, Neb. I,. W. Wakely, G. P. A., Omaha. What could furnish stronger evidence of the efficiency of any remedy than the teBt of time? Thousands of people testify that Doan'a Kidney I'ills cure permanently. Home endorsement should prove un doubtedly the merit of this remedy. Years nco your friends and neighbors testified to the relief they had derived j from the use of Doan's Kidney Pills They now confirm their testimonials. I They say time has completed the test. J. B. I'atridge, 8th St., riattsmouth, Nebr., says: I suffered almost con stantly from pains across my loins and kidneys and at times I was in a bad way. On several occasions I was bo badly crippled that I could only get J about with the aid of two canes. The first box of Doan's Kidney Pills, pro cured from Gering & Co's. drug store, helped me so greatly that I continued taking the remedy and it brought me entire relief. It would be impossible for me to speak too highly of Doan's Kidney Pills." The above statement was given in June l'J(H and on Dec. 29, 11)08, Mr. Patridge said: "I still endorse Doan's Kidney Pills highly. I willingly renew the statement I gave over two years ago in their favor." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name-Doan's-and take no other. 35-4 To introduce our large and complete fall line of beautiful wool drt-ss goods, silks and fancy waistings. The latest up-to-date New York City patterns. Handsomest line of materials on the market. Dealing direct with the mills you will find our prices low. Profits $10.00 to $30.00 weekly. Samples and full instructions packet! in a neat sam ple case, shipped express prepaid. No money required. Exclusive territory. Write for particulars. Be first to ap ply. Standard Dress Goods Co., Dept. F. 8 Pinghamton, N. Y. Notico to Eighth Grade Pupils. There will be an examination held at my office August 25, 1909, for those pupils who lack one subject only of passing into the ninth grade. 31-4 Mary E. Foster, County Supt. Michael Hausladen of near Oreapolis had business here Saturday. Mike is one of the younger farmers of Cass county who by hard work and good management has made a splendid sac-cess. tail mm. i Notice ol Sale. Notice is hereby given that the Board of School Distiict No. 2, in Cass county, Nebraska, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at 2:30 p. m., of the 21st day of August, A. D., 1009, at the South door of the Court House, in Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Sale to remain open one (1) hour, the school building with foundation, known as the Goos School House and located on the farm of Mrs. Anna Goos, about one mile South-cast of Flattsrr.outh, Neb raska. Dated this 24th day of July, A. D., 1909. Hans Hemp 29-8 Director. Elmwood Chautauqua. Special train leave Plattsmouth at 8 a. m. sunaay, Aug. z-, iwj reiumm leave Elmwood 10 p. m. Fine music, excellent program, good time for every body. All come. 31-3 Harry Graves of the Union Ledger accompanied by hi3 sister Miss Verna Graves and Miss Jennie Mark, were in the city Saturday. The News-Herald acknowledges a pleasant call. The present day demands that every one ened in any of the pursuits per tuitiinR to the earning of a livelihood should have Trained Bralni. Men and women with Trained Brains (orge ahead. Unlralnod Brains stop stand stilland when past 4.S realize their unfitness and say: "If I had only Trained Brains." 257" W H AT WILL YOU DO? "WS You can not afford to wait when right at your door is a Business University for Training Brains, with the guarantee of Nebraska City behind' it. We Train Brains ft we could not, Nebraska City would not back us up., We qualify you as a BOOKKEEPER CARTOONIST TYPCWRITI8T STENOGRAPH' CIVIL SERVICE BANKER SHOW CARD WRITER MECHANICAL DRAFTSMAN LETTER WRITER IN COMMERCIAL LAW ACCOUNTANT ARTIST ILLUSTRATOR It Spells "SUCCESS oun ovhoy ao.iiD pointio ar uiNt win or thc enr MR. JOHN W. STEINHART MR. W. 8. CORNUTT MR. H H. HANKS MR. PAUL LESSEN MR. W. H. PITZER lull term opens September 7th. Write for information of our free tuition offer; also our beautiful book that tells you HOW WE -TRAIN BKAINS. Nebraska Business University Nebraska City, Neb. CHAS. C. BRANT, PRCSioiNT CLIFFORD LEIGH, ICIT MUCU-TONE Any intelligent person may earn a good income corresponding for news papers; experience unncccessrry. Send stamp for full particulars. Empire Press Syndicate, Middleport.N. Y. 31-3 The Dist. Conventions of the Cass County Sunday School Association will be held as follows: First Dist. Aug. 17, at Murray, Nebr. Second Dist. Aug. 18 at Avoca, Neb. Third Dist. Aug. 19. Wc sro in a position to furnish apple barrels in car load lots or in small quan tities. For prices write Isaac Pollard and Son. Nehawka, Neb. 32-4 Fridolph Nord, a prominent young farmer from near Oreapolis was in town Saturday. Mr. Nord takes care of the grain at Duff's elevator pt that station. A. ? ? y y ? ? y y y f y y ? f ? y ? ? ? y y y t y t To A specific for all catarrhal conditions, a general systematic tonic, which acts through the blood directly on the mu cous membranes. Thc y y y t y y y f combined Mucu-tone and Asthma Pencils give relief in Hay Fever, Asthma and catarrhal troubles. Satis faction guarranteed or money refunded. Rexall Asthma Pencils For instant relief for Bronchial-Spasmodic and nervous Asthma, Hay Fever, Bron chitis and cold in the head. SOLD BY y V y y y y f y V I F. G. FRICKE & CO. Expert Fill Mixers at the REXALL STORE.