The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, August 09, 1909, Image 6

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TIIH comparatively do
sertetd Bide street It hap-
vtrlffAi !,0,"'u lnil1, nt l,llnu'ea
ev'ay,t!J l,!,fit three in tne afternoon,
four persons, all strangers
to one nnother, nmt in front of tlie
Iioiiho numbered 7fi. One of these
individuals was ji Russian rag picker,
nnother had the appearance of nn
Ii inh working woman, the third
looked as if he might he nn Italian
harbor, and the hint, by his man
ner, cast of features nnd the me
lange of perfumes radiated by Ills
clothing, could only be an American
drug clerk. Precisely nt the moment
when these types of n cosmopolitan
civilization were about to pass the
limine a pistol phot rang out from it,
closely followed by a scream, which
stopped suddenly before it wan fin
ished, as If It had been stifled. All
four of the pedestrians halted, star
ing l t the window on the first
floor. Then tho Russian shifted his
has to the other shoulder, said: "Nit
clievo" (It 1st nothing), nmt walked on
pulling bin cigarette; the Irish woman
began to cry out nnd call upon the
saints; the barber ran away to the
police Bint ion, nnd the American, dart
ing tip the stops, rang the bell fu
riously. There was a Bound within of creak
iiiK boards and rustling, as If a num
ber of women were hurriedly descend
ing the stairs, and the young man ex
pected the door to be opened at once,
but the noises died away nnd the
house became still. lie shook the
door, but It was of oak, well-built nnd
solid, and he could make no Impres
sion on It. With only the slightest
hesitation he put his elbow through
the glass of the bay window at the
side of the steps, reached In, unfas
tened the catch, pushed up the sash
nnd crawled into llm parlor. There
the first object to meet his astonished
eyes was an old woman fast asleep In
a corner, her nrni chair racing the
old-fashioned doorbell which, at the
end of its Ioiir coil of flat steel spring,
was sill! jangling noisily with the en
ergy his own arm had communicated
to It. On a table at the woman's aide
lay nn ear trumpet of exaggerated
Excited and alarmed ho threw her
nn Impatient glance nnd then rushed
out nnd up the stairs. On the first
landing he heard moans, and through
the open doorway of the front cham
ber saw the body of a man on the
floor, blood flowing from a wound in
tho temple, while n large revolver lay
across the threshold of the rnom. Ex
cept for one overturned chair and a
rumpled couch-cover the apartment
was in perfect order, Its peaceful as
pect and Its luxurious furnishings
forming an Incongrous setting for the
As the stranger sprang to assist the
wounded man the deaf woman came
bin l ying up In pursuit of him.
"Isn't there anybody but us in this
"No," Bhe nnswered. "All my lod
gers are men, who are away down
town during the day except Mr.
3 lines here, who is in and out nt nil
limes. lie is wealthy and does no
Then ho raised his voice; "You say
Mr. I tints had one visitor was it a
man or a woman?"
"A man Mr. Wells Clements, the
young society millionaire of Common
wealth avenue." She was conspicu
ously proud to mention the fact of
such an aristocratic caller at her
At that moment the doorbell rang.
On opening the door Mrs. Rogers
fguud the doctor standing there with
two 1)llcemen nnd another individual,
who proved to be a detective.
While the doctor began to work on
the patient the otlieers listened to the
story of the young man. ile toTit'ln
a few words what Mrs. Rogers had
sajd and what lit lie lie personally
know of the matter, laying stress oil
the fact that he had certainty heard
sounds In the hall ns If at least two
women with rustling skirts were hur
rying up or down stairs, stepping
several 'times on loose and creaking
boards. Then the policemen separat
ed to Boarch the house, the young man
left his card nnd returned to his busi
ness, while the detective occupied
himself with nn examination of die
vlcllm nnd his room.
''How bad Ib It?" he nsked the doc
tor In n whisper. He was a short,
heavy, clean-faced man, deliberate In
Bpecch nnd manner, Symonds by
"I can't tell yet. He Is stunned, ami
there's a slight fracture of the skull.
I Haven't finished looking him over
.Symonds peered Into the thin, young
face a moment and then entering an
Inner room, which was evidently a
ftudy, began without compunctions to
read the opened letters which he
found on tho desk. In one short note
he found tho following, dated tho day
"Dear llinesy: I'll see you to-morrow
at three, or a little before. Can
slay only a mlnute--"nr,agemcnt8. So
have It all ready. C."
"That's Clements!" muttered the do-'
Tho doctor came in at the moment
with n sheet of paper In his hand
which he passed to the detective, say
ing; "Tills fell from his clothes some
where Just now. It has a strange look,
considering the circumstances, nnd in
case he shouldn't recover"
"Is there any danger of that?" Sy
monds interrupted, quickly.
"There Is no telling yet. You would
better copy that, lit all events. It
may be nothing still 1 would make
sure of It."
Symonds looked at the paper nnd
thought bo too, most, decidedly, for
It was, or seemed to be, noThlng less
than a note in cypher. It ran:
"I cikccoco mcfcinf cnicfceecof con
onkekff ockiceulceu . out clcclfck ccee
c mkfnicg Icfck onfee niikcfocciccee
ecfoc(H'ckcI el fete cmf ofefoeck clcclcl
cgfof ccee keoge onkf omcof lckff 1
cmocclon cecfon of ciffce."
There was neither address nor sig
nature nor date, but the detective Bet
himself nt once to copying It out, for,
ns tho doctor said, in tho circum
stances it had a queer look. When he
had taken the characters down he re
turned the paper, at the same time
suggesting a search of the patieut's
pockets for additional finds. And ns
the doctor gave hlin one glance and
returned to the parlor, ho left tho be
wildered Symonds reflecting that here
was a man who was trying to impress
him with -the notion that he was nl
together too good for this world.
The policeman who had examined
tho lower parts of the house returned
saying that the rooms were all desert
ed, and appeared ns If nobody 1iad
been In them for hours, The fire In
the range was so low that the kitch
en was like a barn, and the doors
were wide open all the way out from
tho basement hall four of them; and
the gate itself, in tho back fence
which gavo on a lane, though It was
closed, had not one of its three bolls
shot Into place.
"You go out tho back door." said
tho detective, "and see If you can find
anybody that saw any woman, or any
body else, going in or out that gate.
Whoever it was that done'it must have
slid In that way, and with nil them
winders over there somebody must
have seen "cm."
"They might have gone out that
way," returned the policeman, "but
I don't see how they could go to work
to git in. The back ways is kept bolt
ed n j) tighter all them gates along
there in the lane than tho front
ways la. And there's all them doors
four of 'cm! And every one always
locked up tlghter'n a drum, I'll bot
cher." "You go on and do ns you're told. May
be t ho maids left 'em open on purpose
for somebody how do we know? We
got to go slow, a little at a time, nnd
pick it up wherever we can. You go
over there to them houses. It's a
chance of getting wise to something.
anyway, and we'll take it."
The officer started without more
words, and the detective nsceuded to
ward tho upper regions. Ho met the
second policeman coining down, nnd
his report of the condition of the top
floors was a repetition of tho other
mr.r.'s regarding t he lower on?s. He
said that the doors wore open nil the
way up, a ladder led to the skylight,
and that also was half-wide. "A bunch
of yeggmcn," he said, "might slldo
In from the roof and skate all over the
premises unbeknownst with only deafy
to buck ngaiufit, nnd she asleep in tho
"Well, then, you go to the neighbors
in this block nnd find out what you
can," Symonds ordered. "It's likely
enough they came in by tho skylight
and skipped out by tho gate. That
would account for the open doors
down there if the maids wan't in the
game. I'll hang round hore some nnd
see how the boy pulls on. If he comes
to it will save us a bunch. of trouble."
The doctor entered noiselessly and
closed the door.
"He's malingering," he said, in nn
undertone, nodding sidewlso in the
patient's direction, "if he will he can
speak as well as you or I can."
"Why. that's funny, too!" Symonds
exclaimed in a whisper.
"He probably has his reasons, He Is
hurt hut very little and doubtless has
been conscious some time, perhaps
hearing nil that has passed In his
room. Hut we'll fix him. Just put
your foot up here sit down and rest
your leg on this chair. There. I'll
show you what I want you to do."
He held the foot firmly by the heel
with one hand ami with the other
gave the toe a sudden, sharp twist in
ward. "Ouch! tjuit It!" riled Symonds.
His fact Tor once expressed something
and It was not anything pleasant.
"That was very gentle," said the
doctor. "It did not hurt really, only
surprised you. That is what 1 wish
you to do to ii i y patient, do In and,
under tho piti use (,f removing his
shoe, give him that hi-i wist not too
hard, but hard enough to uiako him
sit up and say something. Then we
shall have hlra where we want him."
"Yea, I gesso," said Symonds, eye
ing the doctor. He suspected malice
on account of the proposition he had
made to rifle nines' pockets, and
which had been so contemptuously re
fused. However, the doctor's face
was straight nnd, muttering, the de
tective entered the parlor. The next
Instant a loud Imprecation from the
wounded man and a string of lurid ad
jectives following from the same
source Indicated that the detective
might not feel above spite, whatever
stand others might take.
The doctor "entered quickly at the
sound of the voice.
"Ah; this Is good," he cried. "1 was
sure you would come around In a few
minutes. Hut you mustn't excite your
self. Drink this and then you will be
able to tell us who assaulted you."
For a moment lllnes looked as if he
would like to charge the assault to
the detective, who stood woodenly re
peating thnt he had only meant to do
tho invalid a kindness by removing his
left shoe. Hut he swallowed tho medi
cine presently nnd, passing the glass
back, said:
'The man who shot me was Charlie
The doctor examined him keenly as
he made tho statement, nnd tho detec
tive thought, "lie's lying. What for?"
And then he asked:
"Tell us how it happened?"
"I scarcely know myself," Mines an
swered. He paused to consider, and
both men knew by the expression of
the eyes that they were about to hear
an invention nnd not the truth, nt all
events not tho whole truth. "Charlie
wished me to lend him some money,"
he finally went on, "and I couldn't,
because I had none. He wrote to me
several limes about it. One of his
notes is In there" pointing towards
the Inner room. "Would you mind
getting the bunch of letters on my
desk?" He looked at the detective.
"I'll show you."
Symonds knew Hint the note re
ferred to was the one In his own
pocket. Tho signature "C," then, was
not that of Clements, but - stood for
"Charlie." While he hastened Into
the study and brought out the letters,
placing the one wanted among them,
he was thinking, 'How bally easy It Is
to raise a false hunch! I'd have
crossed my throat that 'C meant
'Clements.' "
Hlnes selected tho note from the
pile and read It aloud, nnd then held
it up for them to see.
"There's the date on the envelope,"
he said, "and there's the 'C for
'Charlie.' The appointment was for
to-day. nnd he kept it. 1 could not
raise the money, and he said 1 could If
I wished, but wouldn't. We had
words and he Btruck me. Then he
grabbed my revolver from the table
nnd let mo have It. I didn't know any
thing after that."
The detective watched him with all
his eyes." Why did he think it neces
sary to go into details, fortifying the
story with proofs? The natural way
would bo for him to make the charge,
leaving the details and proofs until
they were called for. And then if
the story wero true, where did Cle
ments come In? The lodging mistress,
who knew him, had admitted him to
the house at two minutes of three,
scarcely "0 minutes before the shoot
ing. Was Clements the guilty one,
and was the victim trying to screen
him? If so, why? And why should
he accuse Mains falsely? Moreover,
what about those hurrying women
heard by the young man in the hall
the very moment after the shooting?
Hlnes probably felt thnt tho detec
tive was skeptical, for after gazing
from him to the physician, neither of
whom spoke a word in comment, a
fact that must have struck him as
queer, to say the least, in tho circum
stances, he drew another paper from
his pocket, laying, ns if to cap the
climax of pi-Hof:
'Tliis is the note in which ho men
tions what he wants ten thousand."
"Ten thousand!" Symonds ex
claimed. Then he whistled softly.
"Yes. You see how cautious ho was
about It it is in cipher."
lie held It "toward them and they
saw that it was tho one the detective
had copied.
"What does It say?" asked Sy
monds. Ho put it to his near-sighted eyes
nnd read slowly;
"I shall come Monday nt three,'
bringing a receipt for $10,000, which
I shall expect to find ready. Send me
your door key and have the way clear.
I must not he seen."
"Ah, that's how he got in!" Sy
monds exclaimed. "Hut," ho added,
"why didn't ho want to bo seen?'
The patient waved his hand.
"Ask mo nn easier one he's a
queer case," ho answered. And he
added tho afterthought, 'perhaps he
had Hils very thing In mind then,"
touching with his finger the band:i;;e
around his head.
'Just give us tho key to that there
cipher, Mr. Hlnes." said the. detective,
In a mutter of fact tono, us if such a
m 1!
ill 1
; oulingency as refusal wero the last
hought in his mind. It was in case
if this nature that his remarkable
stolidity of face stood him In such
good stead. t
Mr. I lines hesitated the merest
"I fancy it would not be violating a
confidence now," ho said. "It is the
port -mark used by my father when he
was in business, ami Charlie and I
made a cipher -out of it just for the
fun of the thing, corresponding by
means of it at times since we were
boys together. We were school
chums, you know."
It seemed to the detective that the
man was playing for lime. A hunted.
Insincere gleam flickered in his eyes,
and' the voice and manner sugeest?d
a mnn who, frightened at the near ap
proach of a calamity, is weakly and
confusedly trying to think up a way
of escape.
"Well?" said Symonds, nil the more
insistent by reason of tills fearful at
titude, lie produced a pencil, wef it
In his mouth, put the point against u
page of his notebook nnd looked ex
pectant. Then Mines said in a faint
"The cost-mark is 'come finking.'
The 'g' is a repeater."
'Yes." Symonds wrote it down.
"Now, how do you work it when yon
write a letter?"
It was evident to both the doctor
nnd the detective that only a pressing
need to conciliate them and avoid all
appearance of hesitancy prevented the
young fellow from Inking a high air
over this question, re.fuslng to answer
it and ordering them, or at least the
detective, from tho room. As it was,
he attempted to conceal his anger
under a pretense of careful thought.
And presently he Fnld:
"I can illustrate. Suppose you wish
to write the word 'shall.' The first
letter of tbat word, 's,' is the nine
teenth letter of the alphabet; the sec
ond Is 'h,' the eighth of the alphabet;
the third Is 'n,' the first of the alpha
bet ; the last two are '1,' the twelfth of
the alphabet. So that if you put
'shall' in these figures you have
'19-8-1-12-12. Now see what letters In
the cost-mark, stand for these figures.
They are 'cikccoco,' which means
'shall.' There you have the key to the
simple cipher."
He threw his hand out carelessly,
as if to drop the note on the table and
have done with the matter, but an
open bottle of Ink stood in the way,
with a penholder protruding from its
neck, and his fingers struck and
knocked it to the floor. The paper fell
with it and, reaching quickly to re
cover it, he succeeded only in pressing
it into tho grent blot of Ink that lay
thick rn the rich carpet. There he
let it remain, with an exclamation
against his clumsiness, but the detec
tive hastily rescued It. Then he saw
that the characters were hopelessly
blurred, it would be Impossible to
make them out with any certainty.
The expression of relief that flashed
Into Ilines' face when ho realized this
amused Symonds, seeing that a true
copy of tho note, the key to which he
now possessed,-lay sprawled over half
a page of the notebook he held In his
hand above that very key. Soon he
would work out a solution of it him
self. He was not satisfied with the
one given, and this desperate'and suc
cessful attempt to render the charac
ters ill"glhle convinced him beyond nil
doubt that the interpretation had been
n false one, if for no other reason
than that he must have ,one that
would be true.
"Well, it's gone up," he said. "But
no matter. You've read It to us, and
that's enough. Give me this here
Charlie Mains' address and I'll get a
warrant for him."
But when he had written down the
street nnd number he did not hurry
away for the warrant. Instead, he
slipped Into the study and, with paper
and pencil, set to work on the crypto
gram. After many blunders nnd era
sures, fin he was no scribe, he finally
made Hie following arrangement of
the alphabet and cost-mark:
a h e d e f g h 1 J k 1 m n op q
1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 0 10 11 12 13 11 13 1G 17
r s t u v w x y z
IS 19 20 21 21 23 21 25 20
The first letter of the. cipher, "I,"
was then easily seen to be the ninth
of the cost-mark; therefore it stood
for the ninth letter of the alphabet,
which also wa3 "i." Working on this
principle, he at length had tho transla
tion before him. It read, with proper
punctuation and caplta's:
"I shall come on Monday nt three,
bringing tho papers ami a check for
ten thousand dollars. Send mo your
pass key nnd have the way clear. I
must not be seen."
"Aha!" Jie exclaimed, Jumping up
exultantly, "whoever it was that come
brought ten thousand, nnd didn't come
for it! What does that mean?''
As if to answer his question, the
officer who had been detailed lo In
vestigate the hack way tiptoed in,
"There was two swell peltlcoats
skipped out the gate In n hurry. I got
four witnesses that seen 'cm. It was
3:20. on the tick, and that sizes up
slick with the gun play, don't it?"
'Not tho maids?" Symonds nsked
"No, my parties know them nil
right. These was strangers, and
swell down to the ground. They bent
it for a record up the lane and slid
into n cab they had over on Worcester
Symonds scratched his head.
"Here's a mess," he grunted.
"There's Clements, and (here's Mains,
and hero's two females, nary one of
the parties connected with any of tho
others, seems like, and all of 'em
Johnny-on-the-spot nt the same time,
about, old deafy knowing nothing of
any of 'em but Clements, and lllnes
lyl ii," right nnd left ou tho whole
business. It's a stage break all round,
it gets me. Why is Mines handing cut
ihat dope Who is these here women?
How does it sizo up that Clements has
been here, according to deafy, Mines
never opening his hend about him,
while at the tame time Mains has
been here, according to Mines, deafy
never letting on, nnd both of 'em mum
on the swell petticoats? Somebody
mado up ihe cipher asking for the
door key, and s'posing he got it, that
would account for him; but then what
about all the others how did they
go in? Who could be bringing Mines'
ten thousand? If only I had some way
of opening that Willie hoy's mouth"
Me got as far as this in his solilo
quy when he stopped, stared a mo
ment into vacancy, and then, bringing
one hanl down upon the other with a
smack of Ihe palms, giabbed the tele
phone receiver that stood on the desk
and soon was In conversation with Dr.
"We got him now, all right," he said
jubilantly a moment later lo tho po
liceman. "Mr. Furnivall is on the way
here. Me won't be ten minutes. He
thinks the man Is dying and so he is,
for all I know," he added virtuously,
palliating his mendacity to the doctor.
"You go down and let film In, Usher,
so he won't ring."
Tho policeman, who never before
had seen Dr. Furnivall, was greatly
disappointed, ns well as surprised, by
his appearance when he arrived. From
his reputation as an adept in occult
ism he had expected to see, he scarce
ly knew what a person wild-eyed and
long-haired, at least, with an uncanny
personality, like the performers of the
levitation act on museum stages, or
the "professors" of hypnotism who put
sly-faced youths through funny stunts
before the rural audiences. And he
did not look for much from this unos
tentatious, ordinary appearing gentle
man with the full beard, thick, colored
spectacles and quiet suit of black.
But If ho was disappointed with the
doctor's appearance lie was more so
with his methods, for, after Detective
Symonds had told him the story, indl
eating what he should like to find out,
and Dr. Furnivall approached the pa
tient with his questions, he made no
more use of mystery, of passes and
poses and Hand-washings In the alt
than any man would do In ordinary
conversation. He simply stood before
the reclining nibject and, removing
his colored spectacles, said, looking
the young fellow In the eye:
"Mr. Hines, who Bhot you?"
The policeman scarcely could re
press a sniff ofcontempt at this mild
procedure, and when Hines answered,
as he had to the detective, "Charlie
Mains," and then went on with th
story just as he had told it before, the
blue-coated shoulders rose in a shrug.
The thing was a farce, and he was
about to consult the detective with his
eyes to see how he took it when he
noticed a change In the speaker'a
countenance that riveted his atten
tion. In the full flow of his words he
stopped, his eyes fixed on the doctor's
a look of surprise sprang into his
face, and this was succeeded almost at
once by a hesitant, appealing expres
sion, which gave way to a matter-of-fact
content, changing slowly to earn
estness, and finally Bottling into a
look of deep abstraction. Then he re
funned, in n voice without inflection,
as If a machine were speaking:
"I shot myself!"
The policeman and detective tittered
an exclamation, but Dr. Furnivall mo
tioned for silence.
"Go on," he said to Mines. "Why
did you do It? Tell me the whole
The monotonous voice proceeded at
once, the eyes glued, as It were, to Dr
Furnlv&n's, but seeing only the pago
of memory within.
"I -wanted some money, and as my
father would allow me only a trifle of
two hundred a month I asked my sis
ter for It. She has enough In her own
right, but father forbade her giving
me any, hecauso I don't Just please
him in everything, and she didn't dare
to disobey him. Hut I Beared her Into
promising at last, and she wrote to
me, In a cipher that we had played
with as children, asking for my key
nnd saying Bhe would bring me ten
thousand half what I wanted. Sho
came, with a girl friend, nnd in trying
to frighten her into making the check
larger I snatched up my revolver. I
was angry nnd desperate, and I don't
know whether I meant to threaten her
or her believe I would commit
suicide. ' Hut somehow (lie revolver
went off. the bullet striking me in the
head, nnd they screamed nnd rnn."
Mo stopped speaking. Symonds was
"All this fine plant runs into a
mensly little accident to a measly
little Willie-boy!" he grunted. "Well,
anyway, he nln't said why he laid the
hunch on Mains mebbe there's some
thing there we can get on him."
Dr. Furnivall put the question.
"Mains was cutting mo out with a
girl," was tho answer. "Tho thought
came to me while I was lying there
thut I could accuse him. I had Cle
ments' note, who was coming for some
hooks I was lo lend him, and I could
say it was from Mains. I didn't .now
how badly I was Injured, but If I died
It would be murder, and If I lived the
charge would hurt him, anyway. The
girls wouldn't dare to sny anything,
for fear of father."
The two physicians looked down
Into the degenerate face, then at each
other, and with one Impulse turned
and left the room. On tho stairs they
heard a sudden howl of pain from the
chamber. Tho first doctor smiled.
The resourceful Symonds, celebrating
the yoi.-ii.T ninn's escape from any vory
serious charge, was evidently attempt
ing to do him a second kindness by
removl ig the other shoe.
(CepyilKht. ITO. by V. ci Cliiipinan.)
l :epyrl;;ht in Ureal Uritalnj
When It Appears Act at Once.
Trouble with the kidney secretions
Ig a certain sign that your kidneys are
deranged and that you should use
Doan's Kidney Pills. They cure all Ir
regularities and ' annoyances, remove
backache and side pains and restore
tho kidneys to health.
Charles Cole, 204 N.
Buckeye St., Iola,
Kans., say 8: "Tho
kidney secretions
were Irregular,
scanty and painful
nnti rnntnlnpl npril.
V' 1 tvionf 1v harlr u-aa
, stiff and lame and
my limbs swelled. I grew weak and
dlscraraged. Doan's Kidney Pills re
moved these troubles entirely. I have
been well for two years."
Remember the name Doan's. Sold
by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Fob-ter-Mllburn
Co.. Buffalo, N. Y.
George There's Miss Pussay. She
claims she's never been kissed.
Harry Why, I've kissed her myself,
years ago. She means not since she
can remember.
And the Old Man Grinned.
"Duke," said the heiress, eagerly,
"did you see father?"
"We talked about the weather."
"What? Lose your nerve again?
Why don't you brace up and talk like
a man? a subject of a king on whose
domain the sun never sets!"
"Can't," moaned the duke. "All the
time I was In your father's office he
kept grinning at a big painting."
"What painting?"
"The battle of Bunker Hill."
Crop Growing on Small Scale.
A small holder in East Lexham Is
making an Interesting experiment In
bnrley growing, upon his land to test
the possibility of raising corn on a
small scale. In 1907 he sowed 78 spe
cially selected grains of barley, which
yielded 400 ears. The resulting ker
nels be sowed In 1908 and harvested
in 14 weeks, with the result that he
got a bushel of threshed barley, which
lie has sown this year, his object be
ing to show what can be done in ce
real cultivation from very small be
ginnings. London Standard.
But Not In.
Evelyn I saw you in bathing this
morning, George. It's funny you didn't
see me. N
George I didn't expect to.
Evelyn I was sure you saw me at
one time. I was standing close by
you on the beach.
George Oh, yes. I saw you in your
bathing suit.
A Hot Prescription.
"I want you to prescribe for me,
doctor," said the sallow-complexloned
man. "I have cold feet; what would
you suggest?"
"A ton of coal, promptly replied
the witty physician. "Five dollars,
Made Over by Quitting Coffee.
Coffee probably wrecks a greater
percentage of Southerners than of
Northern people for Southerners use
It more freely.
The work It does is distressing
enough In some Instances; as an illus
tration, a woman of Richmond, Va.,
writes :
"I was a coffee drinker for years
and for about six years my health was
completely shattered. I suffered fear
fully with headache and nervousness,
also palpltatioa of the heart and loss
of appetite.
"My sight gradually began to fail
and finally I lost the sight of one
eye altogether. The eye was op
erated upon and the sight partially
restored, then I became totally blind
In the other eye.
"My doctor used to urge me to
give up coffee, but I was willful and
continued to drink it until finally In a
case of severe Illness the doctor In
sisted that I must give up the coffee,
so I began using Postum, and In a
month I felt like a new creature.
"I steadily gained In health and
strength. About a month ago I be
gan using Grape-Nuts food and the
effect has been wonderful. I really
feel like a now woman and have
gained about 25 pounds.
"I am quite an elderly lady and be
fore using Postum and Grape-nuts I
could not walk a square without ex
ceeding fatigue, now I walk ten or
twelve without feeling it. Formerly
in reading I could remember but little
but now my memory holds fast what
I read
Several friends who have Been the
romarkablo effects of Postum and
Grape-Nuts on me have urged that I
give the facts to tho public for the
snko of suffering humanity, so, al-
wiuuKu i uisiiKo publicity, you
publish this letter If you like."
Read Tho Road to Wellville
pugs, "inere'8 a Reason."
Kw ""d iitiove Irtlrrt A nm
onp apprnra from time to time. Th
SITeMrt"" mai lul1 h9aM