Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1909)
w City And County Machine oil-Weyrich & Hadraba. D. C. Morgan had business in Union Friday. Paints and brushes, Weyrich & Had raba. M. W. Thomas had busi;;e,in Oma ha Friday. Cameras, plates and lilrn?, Weyrich & Hadraba. Miss Isabel Wiles spent Friday vis iting friends and shopping in Omaha. Clayt Rosencrans the barber was a business visitor in the metropolis Fri day. Cigars and tobacco, Weyrich & Had raba. David Jardino drove in from the farm southwest of the city and attended to some trading Saturday. Hadraba. Philip FornolY of Cedar Creek was a visitor in the county seat Saturday. lie re.urned home on the Schuyler. Carl Kunzmann was an Omaha visitor Friday attending to business in con nection with his butcher trade. Toilet creams, greaseless and disap pearing, Weyrbh & Hadraba. V. V. Leonard, Plattsmouth's pioneer photographer took a day oft' and en joyed a trip to the big city Friday. Pocket books, Weyrich & Hadraba. Mrs. A. W. White and daughter, Mrs. Casper Thygeson and child were passengers for Nebraska City Friday. Stationery Weyrich & Hadraba. Mrs. Will Renner, who has been vis iting in the city for several days has returned to her home at O'Neil, Nebr. Pipes and tobacco Weyrich & Hadraba. Prof. Ed Schulhof, who has been spending his annual summer vacation with his mother, spent Friday in Glen-wood. Plattsmouth had business in the city who remember the few shreds that : A Friday. j Mrs. Mary Armor left of him last year, 1 f Mr. David O'ilrien returned to her w'" wonder and perhaps admire his j home at Osmond, Neb., after spending j courage, and turn cut by thousands to j ft several days in the city visiting with ! see his finish. friends and relatives. j jm!p? Archer was a passenger f r We ire in a position to furnish anule ! Union Friday where he attended the barrels in car load lots or in small quan- m honor ot the old settlers and tities. For prices write Isaac Pollard pioneers. He took along his celebrated) brand of justice ana or course it wis not expected he would harpoon any NOT1CF. "1 Want Column FOR SALE. and Son. Nehawku, Neb. 32-4 Ice cream coda, Weyrich & Hadraba. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Thime, who are on their wuy to Denver, Colo., on a wedding trip are visiting at the Hotel Riley with their aunt, Mrs. Frank Dun bar. Miss Kathryn Windham was a pass enger Friday for Winlerset, Iowa, where she will spend some time visit ing at the home of her cousin, Mrs. O'Neil. Miss Mabel Trussler the city's effici ent a3sisstant P. M. was a passenger Friday for Omaha where she attended to some shopping and visited with friends. Miss Ada Cooper of Spocrutch, Wash ington, relumed from her visit at Council duffs, la., and is again at the home of her aunt Mrs. Herman Uestor for a visit. Perfumes, Weyrich & Hadraba. Kodak and camera supplies Wey rich & Hadraba. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Hates left Friday afternoon for a few weeks rest and rec reation at Colorado Springs and also to pay a visit Mr. Bates' sister at Den ver for some time. Mrs. Frank J. Morgan, her mother, litrs. Swift and son, Paul, left Friday for a trip to the vicinity of Cheyenne, VVyo., where they will enjoy camp life during the remainder of the heated term. Chas. Miller, who at present is en gaged in farming near Thurman, Iowa, came in Friday for a visit wjth rela tives and friends. Charley reports good crops and everybody prosperous in his community. John Nemetz, the confectionery man, Mrs. Joseph Fetzer and daughter ! had business in Omaha Friday. John Charlotte were passengers for Omaha I a a hustler and is a member of the Car Fridav where thev soent the day 9hop-! nival committee which recently con- ping, vinced our citizens it would pay to dig Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wurl of Ouincv. UP 1'000 for the 5 daV8 bi shoW fr0m Illinois arrived in the city Friday for I SePl- 1 to 6- several days' visit with relatives and Jim Dahlman is pining for another friends. "Waterloo." He has sent out notice Wm. Tavlor. uioneer settler and farm- that he will meet Mrs. Richards in joint v, nf debate at Bellevue August 31. Those VI TT I IV 1 1 V V kJ OVTVIUi IllliVO OVUV.U VI I republican votes. Johns Lohnes, Sr., and son George of Eight Mile Grove precinct were Plattsmouth vis-itors Saturday. Mr. Lohnes reports the corn crop as in bet ter condition than last year but thinks a soaking rain would be necessary to insure a bumper yield. H. R. Neitzel, the Murdock banker, and Charley Guthman of this city, de parted Friday for an extended trip to points on the Pacific coast. They will spend sometime at the Alaska-Yukon exposition at Seattle after which they will visit many other coast cities, in cluding Portland, Ore., San Francisco, Los Angeles, Long Beach, Calif. They will be gone for several weeks making a Bide trip to the .couth. R. F. Nickson, piece work inspector for the city Saturday attending to business connected with his duties. He makes his headquarters at Aurora, 111 Several changes have been announced in positions of men in the railway sei vice chief of which is the resignation of T. J. Frier who has been General Storekeeper of the Burlington with headquarters at Chicago for several years. J. A. Fay has been appointed to take the place, he left to become the General purchasing agent of the Wa bash Railway. Business is improving and at the local shops several men are wanted at increased wages. The wages at the storehouse have been raised to 15 cents per hour recently. . HANGMAN WAS ALSO SURGEON. ? t t t f t ? ? ? ? t t f ? ? V V f ? ? T t f i t ? t t ? t ? c i W e IS MONEY X I x X X For $2,00 we can sell you a beautiful home, house with 7 rooms, three lots. Three tracts of land to exchange for town property. Wind ham Investment Co. 'M il T1I1Z MAXY USllS OF I'AI'IUi In the home cannot be estimated. It can be u:nd to beautify the otherwise ugly pantry .'helves, to put under the carpets, in fait it can be used all over the house and is a cheap means of sanitation. We have a limited number of old papers w hich we will sell for 5c per bunch. The News-Hkuau). REMEMBER, we still have cottages for sale on monthly payments of if 10. A five acre tract at a bargain. Wind ham Investment Co. 'i'.i-'i FOR SALE - 40. acre farm about i miles south of Plattsmouth, new five room lioiie, good barn and other out buildings. Price ?(0 per acre, with terms to suit purchaser. For further particulars see J. R. Denton. 32- FOR SALE - Several cottages on monthly payments of $10.00. Three cottages at a great sacrifice for spot cash. Windham Investment Co. 32-3 Foil S.u.i: - A KiO acre farm of first class wheat land in the wheat belt in eastern Oregon all in cultivation with a good running feed yard and barn for $4,0(K) if sold soon. For particulars write to or call on Otto L. Hohi.kkld, 29 3 Madras, Crook County, Ore. Until 1C0 Years Ago Executioneri Were Permitted to Practice. FOR SALE Four cottages for leas than one half what they cost. Five acres about 2 miles southeast of Platts mouth for $240.00. Five acres well im proved to exchange for a larger tract and will pay difference. 80 acres in Kansas to exchange for Plattsmouth property. 17 acres on the rtver, $850. 30- WINDHAM INVESTMENT CO. V ? Y Y ? V Y ? ? ? ? ? ? X ? Y Y ? Y A Sanitary Kitchen In these days of enlightenment sanita tion is considered very important. If the kitchen' is kept sanitary the flies will find it less of an attraction, and isn't that worth considering? We have best display of sinks and plumbing goods in the city and they will assist you very materially in fighting Hies. Let us fig ure with you on that plumbing. It will pay you. z If. ) V. vv v We have more time', than we really need, so propose to divide it with our readers. We still have on hand nineteen clocks like the illustration above. These little time keepers stand about 9 1-2 inches high, are handsomely finished in oxidized copper, are fitted with alarms, and are excellent timekeepers in every respect. If you want one renew your subscription for a year in advance and send us one new subscriber. Or, if preferable, re new your own subscription and pay 50 cents for the clock. This clock would sell regularly for $1.50 or $1.75. Order early as only a few remain. The News -Herald. f ? Y Y Y X Y X I X X I X x X t Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Two or three centuries ago execu tioners not Infrequently peirormeu Biirjslcal operations, says the Urltish Medical Journal. This seems to have been particularly the case in Denmark. July 24. 1579, a license was Issued by Frederick II. to Anders Fretmut, exe cutioner of Copenhagen, granting him the right to set bone3 and treat old wounds; he was expressly forbidden to meddle with recent wounds. In 1009 It is recorded In the municipal archives of Copenhagen that Caspar, the hangman, had received four rigs dalefs (or.JJie cute of two ctck. children In the Infirmary. In lGSS Christian l. summoned the executioner of Olucli stadt in Holstein to examine the dis enscil foot of the crown mince In a letter addressed to Ole Worm, a lead log Danish physician of the day, Henry Koster, physlcian-ln-ordinary to the king, complains bitterly of the slight thus put upon him. He says that for two whole months the hangman, "who Is as fit to treat the case as an ass Is to play the lyre," had the case in hand and th3 doctor was not asked his advice. . . . Agaln.f In 161, Christian V. gave a fee of 200 rigs dalers to the Copenhagen hangman for curing the leg of a page. In 1732 Hergen, an executioner In Norway, was authorized by royal decree to practice surgery. Even up to the early years of the nineteenth century this extraordinary issoclatlon of surgery with the last penalty of the law continued. Eclk Peterson, who was appointed public executioner at Trondhjem in li'JG, served as surgeon to an infantry regl ment In the war with Sweden, and re tired In 1811 with the rank of surgeon major. Frederick I. of Prussia chose his favorite hangman, Coblenz, to be his physlcian-ln-ordliiary. It might be suspected that this peculiar combina tion of functions had its orlglu In a satirical view of tho art of healing; but In the records we have quoted we can trace nothing of the kind. Per haps the executioner drove a trade In human fat and other things supposed to possess marvelous healing proper tins; he may thus have come to be credited with skill in healing, though the association surely represents tho lowest degree to which the surgeon has ever fallen in public esteem and social position. WANTED. WANTED-Young men and women to fill positions paying $900 to $2000 per annum. Big demand for stenograph ers m the Government service, as well as in private business life. Our new method of teaching shorthand by mail insures as thorough and practical a training at yourown home as is obtainable by personnl attend ance at any business college in the country. We guarantee success, Complete course for small cash pay ment; balance to be paid when you secure a position. Trial lesson free, Central Business Institute, Central Building, Washington, D. C. Legal Notice. Alvin Frrris, defendant, will Inke notice llmt on the 4th dav of Aiinu8t.lW. Ada tcfrn. ulnintiff, tiltd Hit petition in tho district court of t'asii county. Nebraska, airainst the defendant, the oo ii'i't ur.d nrnvi r of which ia to obtain a decree ol divorce from the lxndn of matrimony, and for the custody of her children, to-wit: Kthel. Clair, anil Kenneth, and for ouch other relief as equity may renuire. You ure required to annwer aid petition on or before the L"0th day uf September, 190". Ada Ferris. Fly M. Archer, htr attorney !12-8 JOHN BJCJJR Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y T af.aaffM I Attention Farmers and Stock Raisers! I Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Hog Salvet or medi cated Salt is the best remedy for all kinds of stock to make them tat well and aid digestion and also a blood builder. If not satisfied with re sults money refunded. Sold at the feed store of J. V. EGENBERGER PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. Notice to Creditors. State of Nebraska. ss , Count vTt County of tas. t In the matter of the estate of Konrad Heinemann deceusid. , Notice ia hereby Riven that the creditors or Raid deceased will meet the Kxecutor of Kaid 'H tnte, before me. County Judiie of Ca:t County. Nebra-ka. at the County Court room in I'latt.i mouth. in Paid County, on the 2.',rd day of Au gust, liMW. ami on the ;th day of February. llt',0 ut 10 o'clock A. M . each day. for the ptirpo-e of presenting their claims for exami nation, adjustment and allowance. Siv mnnthanru allowed for the creditors of aid deccaMti to present their claims, and one year for t).f r.vecutor to settle suid cutate Irom dav of Auirust Witi.e.-a my hand nnd seal of said County Court, at I'lattHinouth, Nebraska, this Ztd day of July 111''.'.' Al.l.K.N J. ltKESOM. 2?-fi SEAL. County JuiIko ATCHISON LEAVENWORTH KANSAS CITY sr. LOUIS Are Best Poached by the I Choosing a Vocation. It Is very certain that no man Is fit for everything; but It Is almost cer tain, too, that there Is scarcely any one man who Is not tit for something, which something nature plainly points out to hi in by giving him tendency and propensity to It. I look upon com mon sense to be to the mind what conscience Is to the heart the faith ful and constant monitor of what Is right or wrong. And I am convinced that no man commits either a crime or a folly but against the manifest and genslble representations of tho one or the other. Every man finds In himself, either from nature or education for they are hard to distinguish a pe. collar bent and disposition to some particular character; and his strug gling asalnst It Is the fruitless nnd endless labor of Sisyphus. Let him follow ami cultivate that vocation; he will succeed In It, and be considerable In one way at least; whereas, If hn departs from it, he wlli, at best, bo In considerable, probably ridiculous. Lord Chesterfield. Almoii Perfect Timekeeper. The clock cf the tower of Colum bia university, New York, Is said to be one of the most accurate In the world, varying but six seconds a year. Legal Notice. Slateof Nebraska, County of Cass. t To David K. Thomas, the unknown heirs and devisees of lavid K. Thomas, deceased, Simeon A. Thomas, tho unknown heir and devisees of Simeon A. Thomas, deceased, the unknown heira ar.d devisees of Aaron Cochran deceased. Tootle a Farleuth, a partnership, Thomas E. Tootle, his wife -Tootle, first name unknown. Milton Tootle, the unknown heirs and devisees of Milton Tootle, deceased, William G. Karleiirh, the urv known heirs and devisees of William G. I arleigh. defused, non-resident defendants. You and each of you are hereby notified that Willisrn A. Cleuhorn. executor of tho last will of Frederick Brunko. deceased. Edward Hrunko. Ernest Brunko. and Annie Brunko. children of Auu.-t F. Brunko. deceased, on the 19th day of July. I'A)!. filed their petition In thedistrict court of Cui county, Nebraska, nuainst you. the object and purosc of said action being to quiet and con- linn the title or said plaintitls in ami to an oi ine Fa.t ' : of the N. E. 1-4 of Section R. Township U. Kanire II east, in Cass county. Nebraska, and against you and each of you and for equitable re-l,..f You are required to answer said petition on or before Mom av. the tith day of September 1W William A. Cleir horn, executor of the las' will of Frederick Brunko. deceased. Edward Hrunko, Ernest Brunko. and Annie Brunko. children of AnKust F. Brunko. deceased, Plaintiffs. By A. U Tinn. Their Attorney. 2S-S" The Dist. Conventions of the Cass County Sunday School Association w 11 be held as follows: First Dist. Aug. 17, at Murray. Nebr. Second Dist. Aug. H at Avoca, Neb. Third Dist. Aug. ll G. A. R. REUNION -AT- Salt Lake City August eth-Mth Best Reached Through Scenic Colorado via Missouri Pacific Iron Mountain Special Low Rates . Hugh Norton, Agent. HELLO Do you know that unless you have the old reliab Bell Phone in your business place or residence, you are not getting the best service you can get, you wan t the best service always, and we can give it to you. Have a Bell phone put in your place now. Any intelligent person may earn a good income corresponding for news papers; experience unneccessny. Send stump for full particulars. Kmpire Tress Syndicate, Middleport.N. Y. IU-3 CHICHESTER S PILLS Western Lands for Sal f Fin Harislrs. In Perklni nd Deuel counties. S All tniootli. Ivsl l.iml. Wsrk. rich soil. Nenr ruilioid. Gooil tnwnsatid dinininc fauns. In to f pr arre. lernismsoiialile. Correspond ence soli 'ited. Will send maps, literature, etc. Wiite tl i. The Western loan a Trust Co., Holdrtgi, Nebr. l.aUlesI A.k ymir llrnagl.t f"f a t liU ara.trr'a lllsmiiirTlruniiV I'llls In KrJ n. l.,,M n.ruiuAV Ix.iet, ffiifl t lllii kll-Nin. Take ft alder. Ilnr f r v ItruHlat. Askt i. i lll.l Ifl-H.Ti n Ml IH AUONO IIKAMt IMLI.H. ft K y3ti known It lint, Mfft. Alotyl ktlUlle SOLD BY DRLQQISTS LVtRVVSHLRE BAILEY & r.iACI! THE DENTISTS lltett aotiKiicri Dl.h Gr ii) Orntl try leltH ible frli-ri. Hot -Qulpod Dentil Of fice li Ihi Middle t ,t. aceiaw oicounti to citt vitireat. M riosr I'.Xon Hik . Iitli A itn.m. OMAHA, NEB, Smoke an ACORN And be Happy I i..;..;..;..;..;..;-;...;....4...;.,i...t Acorn ciga's 5 cents each. Smoke an "Acorn" and be happy. A. L. TIDD LAWYER Reference!: I5ank of Eaple, Eale. Nehawka Hank, Nehawka. Hank of Murdock, Murdock. First Nat'l bank, Greenwood. State bank of Murray, Murray. First Nat'l bank, Plattsmouth. VvW.' AAArrf