PIATISMOUIII NEWS HERAID R. 0. WATTERS, Builnett Manager TLATTSMOUTII. NEBRASKA oooooooooooooooooooooooooo 1 11 ft Washington, Congressional, Politi cal and Other Events Briefly Told oooooooooooooooooooooooooo Foreign. Prof. Struempell, who Ih acting as medical adviser to K. II. llarrlman, will leave Seiumerlng for Gastlen to confer with bin patient. I'rof. Struem liell declares that Mr. Harriman's con dition la most satisfactory. Mr. liar rlman will leave Gasteln for Sakburg on August 2, going later to Munich. A Nalbobl, British East Africa, dis patch nays: Colonel Roosevelt and his son Kermit attended the races here one afternoon. Kermit took part In several of the events. In the evening Governor Frederick J. Jackson gave a large official dinner In honor of the visitors. The English government has grant ed a pension of $2,500 annually to Lady Wyllle, widow of Lieutenant Colonel Sir William Wyllle, who was assassinated recently by Madarlal Dhinagrt, an Indian student at the Im perial Institute. Mrs. William K. McCracken was ar rested in lxtiulon and Is held on In formation given by Detective Jackson of Kansas City, Mo., to await the ar rival of Sheriff John T. Bird of Guth rie, Okla., who is now in Frankfort. Ky., with requisition papers charging the prisoner with conspiracy to de fraud the Prudential Life Insurance company out of $5,0(JO. Sho collected $5,000 for her dead husband, who now proves to bo very much alive. Slgnor Caruso has confided to a Parisian journalist that he Is paid at the rate of $:!00,000 for his singing, and that this remuneration will con tinue at least for the next five years. This Is considerably In excess of the estimated earnings of Adellta Pattl or any other singers of the past or present. The resignation of President Reyes was presented to the Colombian senate and unanimously accepted. August 3 was fixed as the dato for the election of his successor to ilnlsh the consti tutional period, which ends August 7, 1910. General. Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor, arrived in Berlin to study labor conditions. Hon. W. J. Bryan dales the report that he is permanently to leave Ne braska. Omaha Is to be supplied with tho De Forest wireless telephone and tel egraph Bystem. Oregon caves, or the "marble halls of southern Oregon." are to be pre served by the government against vandalism of private owners. Presi dent Taft has signed a proclamation making them a national monument. There Is a great rush of applicants for the 3pokane reservation lands. The drawing takes place August 9th. J. Wright Butler of Wyoming has been nominated to be secretary of tho legation nt Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Geofge W. Stoner of Ottumwa, Ia has been appointed messenger In the pa tent office. William H. Marker, cashier of the First National bank of Tipton, Ind., and brother of Noah Marker, the miss ing assistant cashier, who Is charged with the defalcation of more than $100,000, has resigned. The Cuban cabinet crisis which has for some time been Impending reached a climax, when all tho ministers as well as the. parliamentary secretary, Senor SaBtello, signed their resigna tions. General Rafael Reyes has announced that he has received official notifica tion of the acceptance by the Colom bian congress of his resignation as president. Congress will probably finish tho tariff In a few days and members go to their homes. The body of Zebulon Montgomery "Ike, early explorer of the Rocky Mountain region and discoverer of Pike's Peak, will be brought to Colo rado for final burial. u is saiu Louisiana win have a greater corn crop this year than ever before In the history of that state. Twelve persons were killed and nearly fifty were Injured in a head-on collision of two electric ctrs on the Spokane & Inland railway. Prospects now seem bright for settlement of the strike of the 3,500 employes of the Pressed Steel Car company at Schocnvllle, Pa. France fears the victory of tho Moors over Spain will Inflame most of the population of Morocco. Tho Kansas wheat crop Is estlmat ed at 78,000,000 bushels. Secretary Wilson, It is believed, will leave the cabinet about the first of the year. Judge Harris of Tennessee, bar rassed by threats upon his life, has taken up residence In St. Louis. The condition of William A. Ruhlee of Milwaukee, the retiring American counsll general at Vienna, who was operated on for stomach trc.Die ten days ago, is slowly Improving. Earthquake shocks In western Mexl co huve wrecked towns and probably caused loss of life. PARAGRAPH Madame Lillian Nordlca, the Amer ican opera singer, was married In Lon don to George W. Young, a New York banker. Explosion of gasoline, followed by a fire in a four-story building on West Third street St. Paul is known to have caused the death of six persons. According to gossip in Washington Representative Munn of Illinois will be the next chairman of the lnter-stato commerce commission to succeed Col. Hepburn. Mrs. Thomas Appleton of Seattle, Wash., has been arrested on the com plaint of the proprietor of a hotel In Geneva, Switzerland, whero she had been stopping, for failure to pay a bill of 800. Five West Point cadets, four of whom are said to hnve been concerned In the recent hazing of Cadet Sutton, a brother of the late Lieutenant Sut ton, whose death at Annapolis Is be ing Investigated by a court of inquiry, will be sent to their homos, there to await final action by the president and secretary of war on the recom mendation of the superintendent of the academy that they be dismissed.' The house adopted the conference report on the tariff bill by a vote of 195 to 183. The republicans showed ellght over the final outcome, and Chairman Payne was the central figure of an admiring and congratula tory crowd of colleagues. An .appeal to the United States upreme court from the decision of Judge Smith Mcl'herson In the Mis souri railroad rate cases was filed by Sanford D. Ladd, representing the state in the United States district court at Kansas City. Clarke M. Habbitt, a broker from Iluffalo, N. Y., and A. Y. Bartholomew, driver of n Pierce car In thq Glidden tour, were held up in the western part of Colorado by two women band its and relieved of money and valu ables. The senate and hous-j conferees report on the tariff bill Is not satis factory to President Taft. At Newark, N. J., Mrs. Thomas Renwick, 33 years old nnd already the mother of three children, gave birth to five Infants, four living and perfect ly formed, though very weak, the fifth malformed and dead. None lived more than fifteen minutes. Governor Donughey of Arkansas and nil members of the slate cnpitol commission were served with a notice to appear before the chancery court and show cause why they should not be punished for contempt-in violating the court's injunction. General Henry C. Worthlngton, for merly member or the California legis lature, delegate lu congress from Nevada, diplomat and Jurist, died at the Garfield hospital In Washington from cerebral hemorrhage, He was 81 years .old. Washington. Commissioner of Indian Affairs Val entine took steps to relieve more than twelve hundred Indians lu Wisconsin who were left without shelter and food as the result of the recent series of cloudbursts In that state near Odannh, The condition of the treasury at tho beginning of business July 1 was ns follows: Trust funds Gold coin, $851,057.8(19; silver dollars, $487,037. 000; silver dollars of 1890, $4,177,000; silver certificates outstanding, S 187.- G.37.000. "Of late the arresting and deporting of aliens has Increased enormously, and a tendency Is noted In some cases to sacrifice quality of work to quant ity. This will not do. There must be no merely superficial Inquiry In any case. Officers must not submit re commendations for arrest upon irre sponsible, uninvestigated nccusatlons." This was the rebuke admlnlsterod in instruction which have Just been sent out by tho bureau of immigration to all commissioners of immigration and Inspectors in charge. William B. McMaster, tho American vice consul at Cartagenn, was attacked and seriously wounded by a Colombian and a stranger, according to a dis patch to the state department from the legation at Bogota. The attack was without apparent tuotlvt. The democratic congressional com mittee will soon begin Its campaign work. Its effort will be to win a majority In tho next congressional election. The executive committee has Just been announced by Chairman Lloyd, as folows: Ralney, Illinois; Flnley, South Carolina; Johnson, Ken tucky; Hitchcock, Neb., and Palmer, Pennsylvania A mysterious stranger known as "Jack the Spltter' ruined a large num ber of gowns on women about the capitol by sjittlug large draughts of tobacco Juice on them. A number of women complained against him. The cotton report made on tho con dition up to July 25 by tho national glnners' association gives tho general average as 71.7. Personal. Andrew E. Leo, former governor of South Dakota, obtained a warrant In Chicago for tho arrest of E. Niles, said to bo a broker. Tho former gov ernor charges that ho was swindled by means of a confidence game. Secretary Nagel of the department of commerce nnd labor rulea that an aiien must have $25.00 or stay out of this country. President Taft triumphed In his fight for lower duties on lumber, rough and planed, gloves and holsery. Mrs. Nicholas Longworth has be come an enthusiast on neronnutlcs. Mrs. Ella Klagg-Young has been placed at the head of the Chicago schools. II. C. Pulllam, president of the Na tional liaseball league, died ns the re sult of a self-inflicted wound. Mrs. Mary S. Dlckerson of Kansas City, mint of tho wife of Vice Presl dent Sherman, left no will, and her estate, valued at $1,500,000, Is now In charge of the public administrator. STAHD UP FOR WEST GOV. JOHNSON BELIEVES IN DROPPING EASTERN LEAD. DON'T GET DUE RECOGNITION Should Assert Our Rights in Halls of Congress as Bcfiits Our Commer cial Greatness. Seattle, Wash. "It la time that the west threw off tho shackles of the east. I would preach no sectional di visions and m sctilon.il strifes; but Minnesota and Washington and tho states between thcin with those to the south of us should arise In their might mid claim for themselves that fair share of In II nonce lu the halls of congress and i'. the administration of national affairs to which they are en titled by every law of common sense as well as of political economy." This was the declaration of Gover nor John A. Johnson In his address at the Minnesota day celebration at tho Seattle exposition Tuesday. "We as an integral part of tho American people cast our influence and our votes not only to advance tho material Interest of our own particular section, but we should bo broad enough and big enough to labor for the common good of our country," said the governor. "We have In the states west of the Mississippi the undoubted balance of power no matter under what name the national administration at Washington exists. In the years that have pasted our population and our material wealth have not enjoyed that repre sentation to which they are entitled, and furthermore our leaders have been content to follow In no small measure the leadership of men who represent relatively smaller constitu encies and smaller commonwealths," Tho speaker declared that the call of the west among other things Is tho call for patriotism and progress for emancipation from every form of old world nnd now world caste and priv ilege from the tyranny of wealth and birth and alike from the dominion of the trust and political machine. "Not only in foreign commerce, but In the progress of American shipping, Is the west a prlmo factor in national development," said ho incidentally, "fifty years of national folly In the en aetmcnt of laws and high protective tariffs have crippled American ship ping until over 90 per cent of our At lantic commerce is carried In foreign bottoms. Notwithstanding this half century of maritime shame, the United States flag floats today over a mer chant marine of about 4,000,000 regis tered steam tonnage, which cnrrleg to tho markets of the world 200.000,000 tons of American products. But on what water floats the colors of this merchant marine nud what freight do these American ships carry? One half of this vessel tonnage Is on the Great Lakes, while the Pacific coast. the Great Lakes and the Mississippi combined boast nearly 70 per cent of the total. And the freight which it carries consists of the great staple productions of the west on their way to the great eastern markets tho pro ducts of that great army of western yeomen demand no fostering hand of government and ask only for that Jus tice and freedom to which they are entitled by natural right under the guaranty of our constitution and our flag." STILL DANGER OF A STRIKE. Trouble Still Threatens on Chicago Street Car Lines. Chicago, III. A Btrlke on nil Chica go surface street car lines seemed nearer, when heads of tho local unions met to draw up resolutions to be pre uented to jhe men nt. meetings Tues day night. The resolution In general w ill demand an Increase of wages and will also, It Is said, provide for the taking of a strike vote not later than Thursday. The employers already have refused tho advance. They sug gested arbitration, which the men in turn rejected. PRESIDENTS MEET AT EL PASO. Taft and Diaz Other Arrange to See Each on the Border. -President Taft of tho Wnshlngton. Unlted States Mexico nro to Oct. 18. This ranged ns tho and President Diaz of meet at El Taso, Tex., program has been ar- result of correspond- once between Mexico. the United States and WATERWAY DATES CHANGED. Convention to Be Held First Three Days In November. New Orleans, La. It was recently announced here that November 1. 2 nnd 3 had been definitely decided nn na the dates of the Lakes-to- the-gulf deep waterway convention to bo held In New Orleans. The change made in order to conform with the plans of President Taft, who arrives here October 31. Waterway Convention. Now Orleans, La. It wna announced that November 1. 2 nnd 3 had been definitely decided on as the ibitea of tho lakes-to-the-gulf water way convention to be held In New Orleans. Taft to Visit Omaha. Omaha. President Willlnm II. Taft will visit Omaha Monday, September 20. arriving at 4:30 in the ofternoon nnd remaining until 11 o'clock that evening. politics in Republicans, Democrats, Populists and Prohibi tionists Hold Conventions. ALL HAVE GOOD ATTENDANCE Proclamation of Principles as Set Forth by the Leading Political Organizations. The republicans, democrats, popu lists and prohibitionists held conven tions In Lincoln on the 27th. with good representations at all of them. There were upward of 800 delegates In tho republican convention. C. O. Wheadon of Lincoln was chosen chairman and I. M. O'Neill, secretary. Resolutions herewith set forth tho principles of the rarty. The democrats met in Representa tive hall and adopted a platform to which only one delegate objected. Chris Guenther was nominated for Chairman of tho State Central com mittee, but declined. The matter of filling the place was left to tho state committee. George L. Loomls of Fre mont was chairman of the convention nnd W. II. Smith of Seward, secretary. The prohibition state convention consisted of five delegates, which at tended to the necessary business. D. B. Gilbert of Fremont was elected chairman of the state committee, J. P. Heald, secretary, and J. L. Claflin. vice chairman. Resolutions denouncing the liquor traffic and favoring a law and placing the referendum In full force and ei- fect were adopted. In the populist convention at the senato chamber It was unanimously agreed that the party organiaztlon be maintained. Chairman Manuel called for an expression on this question ns Boon as the convention was called to order. E. A. Walrath of Polk, was made secretary. Webster, Boone. Dix on, Stanton, Polk. Saunders, Burt, Adami Washington, Kearney, Saline, Hamilton, Buffalo. Valley and Howard counties were well represented. Republican Platform. Sneaking for the republicans of Ne braska, us their delegates In mate con wntliin assembled, and reaffirming the declarations of our national and stale platform of IMS, we congratulate the country on tho niagnltlcent republican vic tory which has Riven us for our chief executive that firm and courageous states man, tiro-emllitntiv tilted for Ills exalted cilice. William Howard Taft. When we assembled ono year ago we were facing a presidential campaign in which our on- pononts, Willi customary iiragga.iocio. paraded a false contldence In their cause and proclaimed loudly that republican ascendency In the nation was at nn end; but again nt the ballot box came tho In- rtuliltaiiie proot mni -i Hinuimiv -trenched In the hearts of the people are the principles nnd achievements of the rumihllpiin nnrtv. nnd so discredited nre the fallacious doctrines mid so distrusted thA lenders of the democratic party, that the third defeat of the democratic sland- nrd-benrer was more Elgnal anil 'decisive than before. We see only encouragement for future republican success In the conditions con fronting us In Nebraska today. Tn spite nf the tremendous handicap bv which wn were required to combat a distinguished Nebraska n appealing to home pride to support him for president, and notwith standing the flagrant deception by which the democratic presidential electors mas nueraded on the ballot n second time ns populists, the democratic lender, for whom was eonucicnuv preuicicu a .1.""" m nu hi his home stute. was grievously disap pointed to nnd that be hud sived himself n Nebraska bv n bare 4.nnn plurality. The election nt' the same tlmo by sub stantial mnlnrltles of the entire republi can state ticket, with only two places fxcepte.l, gives ns the right to regard the result ns n republican victory. We approve, commend nnd unqualifiedly Indorse the stand taken by President Taft In the matter of tariff revision. We nre counting nn him to see to it mat me party's platform promise of revision Is redeemed bv the enactment nf n tariff bill acceptable to the peorle. nnd we would npnrove the exercise of his veto on nny bill thnt does not conform to lib con struction of ttie platform pledge which he has said means "revision downward within tho limitations of the protective principle." Wo look to our senators and representative m romricua m uwiin mu president In thl" position, nnd we com mend them or their efforts In pnpport of (he party's pledges nnd the president's policies. We npprove nnd Indorse thP Rrown resolution adopted by congress submitting to the several states ror their nciion 11 nronosed constitutional (intendment em- oowerlne the federal government to levy and collect tnxps on Incomes. The retui 1 can party in tins sine stands upon lis record. While providing for ft generous maintenance nnuer eco nomical administration for the various state Institution we extinguished a state debt or more tnnn iz.nun.uini. Ave 11 nn Usbed the evils of corporate dictation In politics nnd nhrogate) the free pass sys tem under a renttbllcnn administration. Passenger, freight nnd express rates hnve been reduced nnd nn elective railway commission provided for speedv adjust ment of differences between phlpners and carriers rnd the regulation of the sumo. We provided for ft more Just nnd eonlt nhle nssoasment of nil kinds of property for taxation nnd tbo assessment of rail way terminals for loctil purposes nnd re moved the bar against recovery of ade quate damages for personal injuries. We commend the consistent course pur sued bv the republican minority In the last legislature In resisting with energy nnd nhilltv the unwise and unconstitu tional measures of the democratic mn Jorttv. We nolnt with pride to tho records of tlte Judges who for many vears have been elevated to tho bench In this state ns re publicans, but who ns Judges hnve known neither personal favoritism nor political partlsmshln hut have fenrlessllv nnd Im partially declared the tnw and held the scales of Justice even between rich nnd poor, high nnd law. republican, democrat, populist, prohibitionist nnd socialist nl'ke. We denounce tbo eleven1!) hour pretense of devotion to the Idea of nornnrllsanshln by the late democratic legislature, nfter running n riot of pnrtlsanshln for three months nnd ruthlessly legislating repub licans nut of nfllee bv tho wholesale order to mnke room for democratic ofP"e-scek-irs. If the passage of their so-called nan pnrtlsnn 1 Judiciary net was Intended to Old Corn on Hand. Nebraska farmers and others have on hand 10,f)Sl,03!' bushels of corn, more than they did nt tho same time InBt year. As r.hown by the reports of the various county assessors, the corn on hand last year amounted to 30,556,840 bushels, and this year the amount on hand 13 41,533,874 bushels. The noticeable Increases are shown In the following counties: Adams. :;97, 291 bushels; Antelope, SCO.lCij bush els; Poono, 2C1.C32 bushels; Iluffalo, 290,859 bushels; Dixon, 352,491 bush nebraskaI charge by Innuendo that republican Judges ui not to bo trusted to perform their olflclal duties without political bias ac cording to their oaths of office, we repent the Imputation. It wjll become the demo crats to prate about 11 nonpartisan Judici ary when the record Bhows that, when they hud elected two of the supreme Judges 11 few years ago, thev left no stone unturned to elect the third nnd make the court consist wholly of their own partisan Judges. Democratic Platform. We, the democrats of Nebraska,ln state convention assembled, rcalllrm our faith In, ami pledge our loyalty to, the princi ples of our party as set forth In tho plat form adopted j, y ule democratic conven tion of 1:.0S. We denounce tho remibllcan tariff bill as a shameless consummation of th fraud ueiirieraleiy planned by the republican leaders when they promised revision hi nt tad of reduction; and wo call attention to the fact that It confesses the truth of all that the democrats have charged as 10 ine iniquities or the high tariff system. Wo call special attention to the fact that one plank contained In both the democratic, state and national platforms for l 'OS. namely, the plank demanding a constitutional amendment speclllcallv in dorsing the income lax, has since ' been accepted by a republican president, sen ate an J house of representative, and that such amendment lias been submit ted to the states for ratification. We pledge the democratic, party In Ne braska to assist In securlnir ratlllcatlon of that amendment nnd to that end w nsK iKivcrnor Hhallenherger to call a special session of the legislature nt nn early day, thnt Nehraska, a pioneer in the advocacy of an income tax, may havo the honor of being the llrst state to ratify the nmendmrnt. We particularly Indorse the proposition that the t'nited States senators be elected by popular vote. rresent day conditions In the senato emphasize the Importance of this re form. Hellevlr.g that tho people havo a right to have what they want in government, we favor the submission nt tho next ses sion of the legislature of n constitutional amendment providing for the Initiative and referendum. ite.'nru'tiiiiK our purpose 10 give ine peo ple of the state of Nebraska n guaranty or bank deposits law, wo call attention to the f.ct that the suspension of that law by the federal court emphasizes the posi tion taken by the democratic party of Nebraska In Its l'.iOS platform, when It favored the enactment of such laws ns may be necesnury to conmel corporations tn submit their legal disputes to tho courts of tho statis In which they do business before taking un appeal to tha L'nlted States courts. We Indorse tho successful business ad ministration of a democratic governor nnd commend the governor and a democratic legislature for tho enactment of specilic democratic platform pledges Into law. 1 lu' democrats of Nebraska, however, direct the attention of all good citizens to tho fact thnt the state election to bo held this fall Is for the purpose of choos ing three Judges of the supreme court and three regents of the university. No other olllces nro Involved. The democratic pnrty, through Its legls laturo and governor, sought to lift these positions of great trust and dignity out of the embroilment of partlslan politics, lo take them out of the hands of pro fessional politicians, ta raise them nbove the reach of the Interests such politicians serve, nnd place them permanently nnd securely on a non-partisan basis. Hut the rcnuldican party held otherwise. Through Its lenders nnd Its prpss It as sailed the non-partisan Judiciary law. Through Its state organization It ar ranged surreptitiously a palpably Insincere but successful nttack upon It. Wo submit that this presents nn Issue of great nnd far-roaelilng Importance. We are coming to lie more nnd moro a people governed by our courts. The courts are the bulwarks of our liberties ns well as the harbor to which special privilege (lies In every storm, nnd the Instrumental ities through which It asserts, with grow ing arrogance, Its power to defy tha peo rle's legislatures and ths people's execu tives. There never was a time when the necessity for keeping courts, Invested with or asserting extraordinary powers, on a .plane nbove suspicion of reproach, presented Itself moro forcibly than it dos now. We urge the people of this common wealth to take tliis question home with them. We urge upon them that the Issue In this state election Is one, not of party or platform, but of men. We urge nil Nebrasknns In voting for supreme Judges nnd for regents to lnv aside party preiudlco nnd ties. We hope no democrat will vote for n candidate for either of these olllces merely because tho candidate is a democrat, nnd thnt no re nublienn will vote for such a candidate because ho Is n republican. . Wo urge each and every voter of nil parties to vote for the man when ho goes to the ballot box this fall, nnd not for tho parlv label. Hesolved. That we urge tho democratic members of congress and those from Ne braska especially, to use their best ef forts to fcnre as speedy a completion ns possible of the government ditch project now but partially completed in western Nebraska, assuring tnose settlers who have homestended lands under said pro tect that the government will keep goon faith with them, and that rtght soon. Whnt Ik here said with reference to the administration of the courts npplles like wise to the rtflmlnlstrntlon of the stale university. This noblo Institution has grown and prospered tinder tho efllclent management of regents elected ns re nnbllcans. free from tho Intrusion of po litical partisanship or the nppllcntlon ol polltlcnl tests, In sharp contract with tho time when unJer n fusion board Its man agement was notoriously partisan. The reasons, therefore, are not heard to find why. for moro than a third of n century, but for one brief trial period, the people of Nebraska have continuously preferred to entrust their highest court of Justice nnd their highest Institution of learning to oftlcers presented as candi dates by the republican party, nnd these reasons hold good today. Tho nominees of the republican party for these respons ible positions this year will bo compe tent nnd trustworthy, nnd should com mand tho support nnd votes of all good citizens who believe In honesty, Justice nnd fidelity nnd hate hypocracy, deceit and faithlessness. , ' Runaway Accident Fatal. Sutton. Dennis Lyhenne died at his home, southwest of Sutton, from tho effects of Injuries suffered In a runaway which occured a little over a week ago. Mr. Lyhcnno was G7 years old. Prosecution Under Food Law. The deputy food commissioner has asked the county attorney of Sallno county to prosecute Albert Fritz for the sale of five or six dozen rotten eggs. This practice is one that .Com missioner Mains intends to stamp out. State Board of Equalization. Attorney General V. T. Thompson has given nn opinion holding the State Hoard of Kqunllzation has authority to raise or lower the vnluatlon of real estate belonging to railroad companies NEBRASKA IB BRIEF NEWS NOTES OF INTEREST FROM VARIOUS SECTIONS. ALL SUBJECTS TOUCHED UPON Religious, Social, Agricultural, Polit- leal and Other Matters Given -Due Consideration. 7ndge Thomas II. Saunders, one of the pioneers of Nebraska, died at Co lumbus after nn illness of nearly three months following a fall dovfn the stepa of tho Masonic temple. Frank Burgess, manager of tho Dos ton Ideal Opera company, playing an engagement in Beatrice, la suffering from a spider bite on tht lower lip which may prove serious. He is re ceiving treatment at a local hospital, having been forced to give up his work on the stngo for the present. Corn is king and cooks are queens Is the announcement made by York County Boys' Agricultural and Girls' Domestic Science assoc. ations, who will hold an exhibition at York, com mencing Tuesday, November 23 and ending November 27. The best of the exhibits will be taken to tho Omaha Corn show. A large amount of new wheat is be ing handled in the locality of Beatrice nt present. In two days 10,01)0 bushels of this year's crop have been deliv ered at the elevators at Pickrell, the grain bringing the top price, $1.02 per bushel. No less than eight threshing outfits have been suppllying the eleva tors at Pickrell. Building operations In Beatrice are being pushed. Local carpenters, plas terers nnd masons nre all busy. Among the buildings now In progress of comitriK tlon are the new Kilpatrlck office building, the Beatrice Automo bllo company's garage, and John L. Schick livery barn, firemen's head quarters nnd Dole Floral company's block. The -plans and specifications for a new brick court house to be built at Bridgeport are now being advertised for. The court house will cost $25, 000. A bond Issue of $15,000 has just been voted for this purpose and this with the $10,000 cash donation of the Lincoln Land company, will secure one of the finest court houses In the west for Nebraska's youngest county. The 7-year-old son of Otto Stark, who lives live miles west of Martins burg, wrs gored by a bull. The boy was badly bruised with a rent five inches long on the right side which penetrated the Intestines and another in the back, besides being trampled all over. No place as large as a hand on his entire body escaped. It Is thought he will recover. Certain members of the Nebraska State Historical society have protest ed to State Auditor Barton to prevent the payment by him to C. S. Paine salary as secretary of the society at the rate of $1,500 a year. As a result Mr. Barton will pay no more salary vouchers for Mr. Palno until the mat-, tor has been passed on by the legal department of state. After ten days of activity, the 1.200 Nebraska national guardsmen, con stituting the First brigade, left Ash land for their homes, leaving in camp only a little guard In charge of Major E. H. Phelps, who remained over to conduct the target practice of the team that goes to compete in the na tional rifle tournament at Camp Perry. 0 the middle of August. Tho camp was said by everyone to be the best ever held In the state. The early apple crop, says a Ne braska City dispatch, is exceptionally good and several cars have been ship ped out. The crop will be a heavy one and it Is found that those orch ards which have been sprayed and properly looked nfter have borne fruit that will bear shipping, while those that have not been cared for are not fit to ship, being very defective. The late crop will be very light and only in sprayed orchards will it amount to anything. Harvesting In this section, says an Arlington dispatch, Ih about finished and some threshing Is being done. It Is claimed that wheat will make be tween twenty and thirty-five bushels per acre and the test will be from sixty to sixty-two. Oats are rather a light crop ns a whole, owing to tho late freeze, but some fields will make a-good yield. Tho elevators are offering to contract wheat at $1 per bushel, and many of the farmers will sell direct from the treshlng machine. The last report of the weather bur eau for Nebraska, for June, Indicates that that month had rather more than the usual amount of rain. Tho precipi tation was 4.2G Inches, which Is more than a quarter of an inch greater than the averago for the month during the past thirty-four years. West Point was favored with 9.94 inches. The temperature was rather greater than normal for tho month, standing ns an average at 09 degrees. Tho high est temperature at any time during the month was 108 degrees at Beaver City. The attorney for Mrs. Maud Moran of Nebraska City, wife of Attorney V. F. Moran, who after a hearing coven Ing flvo weeks before the coiumls. sioners of insanity was declared In sane, has gone before Judge II. D. Travis and secured a writ of habeas corpus. The hearing It set for Aug. 2. Two boys ran away from the Indus trial Pchool nt Kearney last week. They were helpers In the kitchen nnd were sent In the kitchen ahead or one of the oHlcers to do soma work. When the olllcer arrived tho buys had disap peared and, although the couutry was I'coured, they nro still missing,