The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, August 05, 1909, Image 3

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" A Japanese Love Story
(Copyright, by J. B.
Westward from the Cascade of
Nunobikl, through the ever-shifting
tracery-work of pines and wild aza
leas, you can see, if you would climb
a quarter of a mile, on a spring day,
a stretch of land that looks more like
a dream than the actual solid footstool
of God.
That was her home; there we saw
her. Her environment was common
her dress, her cottage, the people
about her, yes, the people especially.
Hut all these common things, because
of her, seemed to ine as If I saw them
on the canvas of Millet or Rembrandt.
She was a part of the laudscapc, and
If we Bay of the ensemble that It is
Just like a picture, I do not know
whether the Higher Artist would take
it as a compliment or not.
Describe her? Better ask me to pet
rify a dream. Her lips? Oh! one
folds his hands on his left side when
he speaks of them. ,
Not satisfied with her success in
this, her' fair masterpiece, Nature
placed her in the rustic surrounding
to heighten all the charms of the glvl
through the touch of that potent ma
gician called surprise. Yes, candidly,
1 was surprised, and so was Mr. Sid
ney White, who was with me. Mr.
White la an American who has spent
more years of his life in Paris and
abroad than under the roof of his
mother. He was an artist, an ar
tist who. as he confided to mo once,
was trying his best to fall an much
That Was
Her Home;
Saw Her.
There We
In love with a woman as he was with
Art. Take my word for It, he had
tht something that goes Into tho
making of a true arllBt, that all-absorbing
something which made him
by turns a fool and a god; he had
that Idolatrous adoration for the beau
tiful; that contempt of everything
common. In order to picture his
meeting with the girl, you must fancy
an artist facing Art made flesh and
beating in a woman's heart. In addi
tion to this, you must take Into ac
count that poignant sense of surprise
as keen as that of a man who finds a
diamond in the dirt.
O Tome was her name. O Tome
became an object of study to Sidney.
Then, a short time afterwards, the
object of study not only artistic but
also From the very start O Tome
was a thing of beauty to him, and in
the course of time a joy forever as
well. When, therefore, about a
month afterwards I went up to his
studio I was not surprised to see It
converted into a huge multlfaced mir
ror of 0 Tome every pose of her
figure, every expression of her fea
tures, the innumerable blending of
her many moods, were caught in all
the concelvahle cunning of colors.
"Am I really aa pretty as that,
"Very, very much more beautiful,
"And my hair and oh, hut my eyes,
are they softly dreaming as they are
"That? Why, that Is nothing but
a shadow; that Is nothing but a pic
ture, like a picture on a temple wall,
a picture of a goddess, ycu know.
One can look at a picture, not the
goddess the original is too daz
iling!" O Tome, who was not sure whether
she understood this poetic ambiguity
of the artist, smiled as If to say,
"The best thing I can do for you is to
pretend that I believe all that you
"But, really, White-Ban, does your
humble maid please her master,
"Hush, sweet one; you Bhould rath
er say that your slave worships his
"What do you think I have found
now, old man?" he asked me one day
as he burst Into my den. Dropping
my brush at the suddenness of his
entry and Interrogation, I answered:
'Hello! you? Why, I have not tho
slightest Idea."
"Well, she Is not a beautiful study,
but sho is as bright as a Buddha's
eyes I mean her mind. You ought
to come and see her."
Yes, I found out that she had
learned mi ny an English word.
"Say the first sentence I taught you
for ub, O Tome-sun," White Bald In
Llpplncott Co.)
Then the olive velvet of her checks
beccauie a warmer color, and a smile
muilo her lips like an opening bud.
Then slowly she said,
"I love you, Sidney .
The last syllable was in the merry
ring of her laughter.
I saw him often teaching her Eng- j
lish and French. In those happy j
hours he looked like a male mother !
mad with ecstasy over the first falter
ing words of hid baby. Ho was very
proud of her; and day by day she !
rewarded him with the discovery of '
the hidden U'eusurea of her simple
Twice winter chained water; twice
spring set It free and gave it songs;
twice chrysanthemums decked their
little garden; and they fanued away
two summers. They were too much
In love to think of marriage if that
were possible.
Those were happy days for iilin
for her.
Then there came a little piee? of
paper Into that studio to that nest,
to speak more correctly, of Art and u
couple of spring buds. I'pon that
paper was a message that cunie from
the other side of the world. Since
the receipt of It Sidney White was
never the same man. And poor O
Tome only wondered. It was. rude,
to her Japanese way of thinking, to J
ask many things of a man, and then,
if he loved her, ho would tell her all
she ought to know without, her ever !
asking. So she was silent sad, be
cause he was sad.
"Come with me, O Tomesan," he
said to her one morning.
"Where are we going?"
"I have found a nest for you. And
I want to tee If you like it or not."
And they walked up the hill side of
Kobe City.
"You see, sweetheart,", ho ex
plained to her, "I have always thought
that you would like to have a cottage
ull your ovui. And I think I've. found
it. We'll furnish It as you like, and
there you can do whatever you want.
I will come and see you there very
often, and we won't be bothered wliu
people who come to my studio;" for
I am going to keep my studio as It Is."
They saw the cottage, whose ver
anda laughed full-mouthed towards
the entrance of the famous inland
Sea of Japan.
O Tome was delighted with It. It
was arranged that everything would
be put in order within a week, and
at the end of that time O Tome was
to move Into it.
"Hut why don't you move your
studio, too? I miss the pictures so
much," she said to him.
"Oh, sweetheart, you will have nil
the pictures you want. You see, I
don't wnt any of my studio friends
bothering us nt tho cottuge."
It was about seventeen days since
Sidney White received a cablegram
stating that his parents would bring
out his wifo with them to join him lu
Japan, where he seemed to be mak
ing such a prolonged study. Sidney
expected them seven days ahead. O
Tome was to move to her new cottage
four days hence.
She could speak English fluently
now, and nothing charmed the artist
as the honey words from her lips.
Her head nestling in his breast, her
left arm around his neck, and the
fingers of her right hand going astray
In the maze If his hnlr, making the
long, wavy locks ripple like the golden
surface of a sunlit sea, she was mur
muring: "Dear, you bare such pretty hair;
It's like the halos of saints you paint."
There was the Bound of many steps
In the hall. The housemaid never al
lowed anyone to enter the studio
without seeing If the artist were ready
to receive u visitor. Hut this time tho
steps came steadily towards tho door
of the studio. Just as O Tome leaped
off tho lap of Slduey the door Hew
There was a vigorous swish of a
"Sidney!" exclaimed a stronger
voice than tho dreamy melody of O
Tome's throat. And he was lost be
hind the flutter and whirl of foreign
millinery. A resounding kiss.
"Great Heaven, Kate!" gasped a
husky voice.
A surprise party, my boy!" shouted
his father In the door-way. "We did
surprise you! ha! ha! ha!"
Mrs. White released htm at last'
She turned round to signal the old
people to follow her example. The
slim figure of O Tome stopped her
eyes. At once they flashed back at
Sidney and found him ashy, all in a
tremor. Something hard entered tho
blue of her laughing eyes.
"Pray, who Is that, Sidney?" Her
volco sounded like the breaking of an
Sidney was a human flame In an in
stunt. He stammered,
"Husband, for Heaven's Bake '
riled the lady, und then, turning V
O Tome roughly: "Who are you?"
"I am just his model, madam," sh
satd quietly In English with her head
down. Mr. White wanted to paint
Sho walked out noiselessly.
That was the last time Sidney White
saw 0 Tome. Yes, ho is hunting for
her now over hunting. But 1 think
lie would And nn Insane asylum long
before ho would find O Tonto,
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I swung up Into the cab of the loco
motive nt Colon and cuddled down on
the warm leather seat with a nod of
recognition and n handful of Tana-
teniae money to the engineer. It Is
not every evening that one gets the
chance of riding from the Atlantic to
the I'aclfic In the cab of a locomotive.
The distance from sea to F,ea nt Pana
ma is 44 miles. Tho Paama railroad
curves some and in one' or two places
I was reminded of a railroad down In
West Virginia where the curves ore
so sharp that the fireman often throws
coal Into the headlight of hid own en
gine. The track from Colon. Panama, la
what railroad men call a red-hot
track; that Is, It Is jammed all day
long with passenger trains, ten cars
(o a train, and trains of flat cars load
ed with dirt from the Culebra excava
tion. At night tho freight goes
through from tho big ships waiting on
Dno Bide to vessels at the wharves on
the other. It takes two hours and a
half to cross the Isthmus and the fare
Is $2.40. Our special train whirled
through station after station about a
mile apart and the buzzards hopped
off the track and the other regular
trafllc stood aside to let us pass. To
right and left the rank vegetation
crowded right up to the rails cocoa
nut palms and banana trees, bejucca
vines and celba trees. As you leave
Colon it's hard to tell where the green
scum leaves off and the solid land be
gins. Everything Is green a poison
ous, verdigris green.
The main thoroughfare of the Pana
ma railroad swings around quite out-
siae me i;i)iei)ra cut. Bending spur
tracks into it to fetch the spoil away
From" Paraiso you can look back bo
tween the mighty walls of the cut with
terrace after terrace, where the steam
shovels Btand, eating out seven or
eight tons of clay at every bite. On
this particular occasion It was too
dark to see more than the vague out
line of Gold hill and then directly in
front of us the moon rose, round and
pumpkin yellow, as our locomotive
charged up hill toward the east, and It
really seemed ns though we were go
ing to tako a header right straight
Into tho moon, when wo should get to
the top of the grade.
So we rocked and reeled onward
through the soft flooding moonlight,
aud at all the stations near to Pana
ma the platforms were crowded with
Americans In evening dress and their
partners In white muslin and chiffon,
waiting to take tho regular train to
rannma, 10 Riiena me new year s
dance of the Culebra club. So when
we got to Panama and 1 had cla in
hered down out of the cnb and snld
my grimy ana perspiring adieu to
their Batanlc majesties of the hrottlo
and the firebox there was tho Tlvoll
hotel, where the dance was to be held
ablnzo 'with light and festooned with
bunting and vines and ail manner of
creeping things, all ready for the
I ran upstairs and put on a boiled
Bhlrt and a black coat, with two tails
to It. and the uRual evening regalia of
ono who Is "condemned" to live In the
midst of n "clean nnd shaven race."
When I got down stairs a band over
In tho corner was vigorously going It
There was no piano, but they had
shout Vk trombones, a violoncello, a
llute and the parts of several violins
It really made very tolerable music.
At a few minutes before 12 o'clock
wnen i turned in, ine pnncera wero
still hopping and gliding about. Sud
denly the whistle of tho toe plant and
the bells of the cathedrsl found out
thnt the new year was horn and then
the whole town nt once was In en up
roar. The Chinese were setting off
long strings of firecrackers; tho bull
hide drums and tambours, the tin enns
full of stones, the barking dogs and
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the yelling urchins, the locomotives
ut the roundhouse and above all the
whistle of the Ice plant, drove sleep
fnr from one's pillow. And 1 was par
tlciilarly anxious to get to Bleep, be
ctuiso nt 3 a. m. tho chief of pollc
wis coming round to take our part)
on an alligator hunt.
I was just dozing off when thor
came a loud rapping at the door and
a boy thrust In his head: "Was you
do gemmun dat ordahed de Ice-wntah?"
"No," I said, "next room," nnd com
posed myself to resit. About twt
o'clock I was meeting with some de
giee of success when the same boj
rapped ngaln. "Did you wish foi
ke watah, suh?"
At three o'clock he came a third
time and said the chief of police wat
waiting downstairs. I had not slept
at all, but neither had tho chief ol
We drove, with day breaking abova
the royal palms and the celba trees
past tho Chinese cemetery and around
Ancon bill to the wharf of La Boca
the Pacific terminus of the canal
Here there was a G0-fuot launch wait
ing for us; the American engineers
found tho launch on the top of the
hills at Culebra and put it together,
With two Jamaica natives shoveling
coal lu tho cockpit and a Spaniard at
tho engine, we went up the coast 25
miles through water alive with sharks
chasing the mullet clean out of the
tea and the pelicans solemnly fishing
from the reefs. At the mouth of the
Chowera river we turned in. Opposite
a stone dock built by a British trading
company we anchored the launch and
took to four small boats, each boat
rowed by two policemen from the
Panama constabulary. It was bard
lighting up that river. The tide was
rushing out nine miles an hour and
after passing a native village of mis
erublu shacks thatched with palm, we
came to a reef that spanned the river
except at one or two points, where
the water rushed boiling through
Again and again the oarsmen, yelling,
bent to the paddles and forced the
boats right Into the teeth of the rap
Ids, but the water played, with us "as
a kitten pats a cork," and drove us
back with our gunwales dipping un
Capt. Shanton, our chief of police,
was getting a little discouraged, for
he had not seen anything much to
shoot at except a couple of water
dogs, or soras, that ventured too neai
the bank, and the captain had given
us to expect a happy hunting ground
with a whole herd of alligators. As we
rounded the corner just above the
rapids, 1 nearly fell out of the boat
There they were on the bank, at least
15 of them not 200, as the champion
liar of the party subsequently stated
The biggest was not less than 25 feet
long. They shambled very rapidly on
their fat legs to the water's edge and
plopped In. The minute their nosei
came to the surface 12 Marlin 44't
gave them a volley, but Capt. Shan
ton's elephant gun was probably th&
only weapon that did any damage
- A grent hunter was telling me the
other night how yon proceed with I
whale. He Bald:
First you get the whale interested
and then you kick him in the face.'
But you can't do that with an alliga
tor. We probably shouldn't hav
landed a single one If it hadn't been
for the fact that a lady 'gator was
taking a nap in a thicket far above
the water line and, hearing the tu
mult and the shouting, came down ths
bank in a hurry toward Capt. Shan
ton's boat, clapping her under jaw
like the bottom of a steam shovel
bucket at Culebra. The captain was
ready and let her have both barrels
of the elephant gun, which would
have wrecked the shoulder of an ordi
narily strong roan. A congressman
from California was peeping between
Capt. Shanton's legs with a Brownlt
camera, but he pressed the button e
great many times and forgot to turn
the film, so that the result was decld
ly composite. The 'gator keoled ovet
just before she got to the water and
when we were sure she was sufficient
ly dead we cut off her claws for sou
Life's Perfect Duties.
Gentleness and cheerfulness, these
come before all morality; they are tho
perfect duties. If your morals make
you dreary, depend upon it they are
wrong. 1 do not say "give them up,"
for they may be all you have; but
conceal them like a vice, lest they
should spoil tho lives of better and
simpler people. Robert I.oula Stev
Tho dlstanco in traveling seems
great when one needs sleep. It is a
long Uue that bus uo turn-In.
Many Different Points In the Care, Feeding and Health
of Market and Breeding Slock-Ily
A. J. Lovcjoy.
Tho following notes are taken from
the address of A. J. lvejoy, a well
known swine breeder, delivered re
cently before the Live Stock Breed
ers' convention at I'rbana, 111.:
The pig that is to be Bold for meat
has but a few months to live, and
there should be no letup in feeding
from birth. It will begin to eat
shelled corn at three or four weeks
of Age; nnd Uttle Bweet skim milk
ar a thick mush of the same material
is that given the mother. Is a great
help to hasten growth.
Well bred or even god grade pigs
ihould weigh GO to 80 pounds when
weaned ut three months of age, and
ihould then go on alfalfa, clover or
Dther fresh green pasture, and have
corn twice a day. Lute in the sum
mer there Bhould bo ready for them
Profitable Type
a pasture of rape, field pens or soy
beans, besides the corn. It their
teeth become sore, change to
ihellcd corn, sonked 24 hours In wa
ter, slightly salted.
It will pay to have n cool, shady
place where It is rather dark, if pos-
ilble, for the pigs to lie In during the
heat of tho day, with free access to
mixture of salt, copperas, lime and
isuea. The feeder should watch close
ly to see that every pig is eating with
a relish. If the pigs cough it Is prob
ably due to a dusty shed. Worms
will also cause a cough, and If the
hair becomes starring and dead in ap
pearance, it is well to give a worm
powder. Lice can be gotten rid of
by nipping, and all of the market dips
can be Improved by adding crude oil
Dr petroleum. The pigs will be ready
tor market at any age after six to
eight months.
In raising hogs to be used as breed-
rrs tho object is very different. They
ire not to go to market at six to eight
months of age, but to grow up to ma
turity. They should be pushed for
rapid growth, but must be fed for a
(rowth of frame and bone; not fat
tened on corn, but expanded by a
teed of rich protein. . At six, eight or
ten months of age, they should show
more length of body and more scale
than the market hogs, and be smooth
ind well covered, but not so fat as for
This can be very easily done by
feeding a mixed grain ration, with
ten per cent of tankage or ten per
tent of oil meal. Use corn, barley
ind outs ground together, mixed thick
ly with water, and fed at once while
iweet It Is much better to mix three
pounds of milk to one pound of grain.
f one has no milk the next best feed Is
ten per cent tankage. If one has
the corn and does not want to buy
the mill feeds, he can use 80 per
:ent. of corn nnd 20 per cent, of tank
Bhoer Should Thoroughly Under
Btund Anatomy of tho Foot.
It Is absolutely essential for the
borseshoer to thoroughly understand
the anatomy and physical laws as
well as the mechanical rules of the
dorse's foot, for most all ailments to
which horses' feet are subject come
under his direct supervision.
Ho is often called upon to treat foot
disorders and should equip himself
with sufficient knowledge of the sub
ject before attempting to remedy such
Corns seem to be one of the most
obstinate cases that come under tho
observation of the horseshoer.
Some authorities claim that these
corns resemble the corns on the
human foot, but they are misled on
account of tho cause and location be
ing generally the same.
It is a misapplied term when con
nected with the foot of the horse.
The discoloration which appears be
tween the bar and wall Is a depositor
blood after a rupture of the blood ves
sols which form such r complex net
work around the foot. This part of
the foot has to do more than its share
of work Corns are chiefly found on the
age. and have a well balanced ration.
The summer treatment of young
pigs should be about the same as for
the market pigs. For lute summer and
fall, I have made It a practice to have
a field of Evergreen sweet corn to
fcer in the roasting ear. I begin by
adding one stalk and ear for each pig
In addition to his other feed; In a few
days two stalks and two curs, and
gradually increase this amount to a
full feed, while diminishing the other
In winter the brood sows should
have something to tuke the place of
tho green pasture. I know of noth
ing that will equal alfalfa, bright und
green, run through a cutting machine.
Two-thirds chafed alfalfu und one
third Bhelled cor nmlxed together and
ground In a steel bur grinder, make
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of 8wine.
nn almost Ideal ration which cun b
fed dry or mixed thickly with scald
ing water; a little salt adds relish. It
Is a cheap ration and bus just bulk
enough to take the place of grass. If
one cannot have alfalfa, bright, well
cured clover Is good. Sorghum cane
Is a good fall feed until henvy freez
ing. Mangles or sugar beets are of
course very good.
It la very necessary that the brood
sows have exercise, that they may
bring Btrong litters of pigs, full of vt
tality. It Is best to keep tho same
sows for several years If they have
r -wwtt
Good Friends.
proven good breeders and careful
mothers; they will ralso more and
better pigs than the young gilts.
Mature sows can be kept breeding, ,
raising two litters annually, and can
be carried from year , to year after
weaning their litters, quite cheaply,
with little or uo grain after the spring
litter Is weaned until the fall litter
comes. If they can have fresh grass
or other succulent feed. We should
learn to produce as much of the feed
as possible ourselves.
inside of the foot because of the habit
of fitting the shoes closer to tho cen
ter of the frog than tho outside, thus
throwing the work on the inside heel
Another error Is making shoes right
and left. Why should this be dons
when there is no distinction in the
anatomy? The foot has as many points
of observation as a marine compass
and each point must be rigidly ob
served It we wish to be successful In
manipulating the ailments of the foot
The shoe must be an equal distance
from the center of the frog In ordei
to balance the foot.
If this cannot be done by nature,
mechanical rules must bo followed. :
The Open-Top Tree.
It is not necessary to go over the
tree trying to cut off every little twig
The leaders nre the ones that need
attention. When heading in these
leaders It Is best to cut them off to
a side branch, rather than to dor
mant bud. Frequently when a.i In
experienced man practices headlng-ln
he Is tempted to shear tho tree al'.
over nnd leave It a smooth, oval form
It will be seen that this is very differ
ent from tho method dusciibed above, .
where only the lenders are cut back
and the side shoots thinned, bo as to
leave an open top. The amount ot
headlng ln to be done should vary
from year to ypar. according as the
crop promises to be large or small.
As tho tree gets older less headlug-:n
tu usually necessury.
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