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About The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1909)
WewsHerald Tb TWICE A WEEK rLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, MON DAY, AtHi UST 2, 11)0!) VOL. XLVI NO. ;n Funeral of Conrad Heisel The death of Conrad Heisel, pioneer wheelwright and mill owner of this city, closed the life of another of Cass county's oldest and most highly re spected citizens. A suflferer from gan grene poisoning in the foot, the result of an old injury, he made a noble strug gle against the disease till the end which occurred at his home Wednesday evening July 28, 1909. Conrad Heisel was a native of Cell, Province of Hesse, Darmstadt, Ger many. He was born April 24, 1830, and was 79 years, 3 months and 4 days old at time of his death. Coming to America he located in Illi nois and later removed to Plattsmouth arriving in this city August 6, 1856. He was married at St. Louis to Miss Amelia Rubaumen, the newly wedded couple returning to this city where they have resided for over 50 years. The six children bom to this union are George, Fred and John.sons, andTillie, Amelia and Anna, daughters, all of whom with his widow survive him. Mr. Heisel was a man of excellent business principles, his word being con sidered as good as a bond, the confi dence of friends in his integrity being attested during the early eighties when the mill burned down ms friends com ing forward at once and voluntarily offering a loan of money to lebuild the mill. A modern roller mill was con structed which proved successful be yond expectation, the loans together with interest beirg soon paid back. Old age compelled Mr. Heisel to turn the management over to his sons, who are splendid millers and the business has greatly prospered. The deceased was a member of the German Lutheran church and the funeral services were conducted by Rev. Bruckert of Omaha, assisted by Rev. Mangelsdorf of this city. A quartet composedof Mrs. J. W. Gamble, Miss Estelle Baird, B. A. McKlwain and G. L. Farley Ban "Load Kindly Light" ir.d "Nearer my God to Thee," while Conrad Schlater, a lifu long friend of the family, sang i with deep feeling, the solo "Face to Face." Miss Verna Cole and Mrs. Al trogge presided at the piano. At the close of the services the re mains were conveyed to Oak Hill ceme tery and interred in the family lot, the pall bearers being Jacob Tritsch, Frank Buttery, Martin Butler, H. M. Soen nichsen, Walter White, John Buttery, all old friends and neighbor of the deceased. The News-Herald joins the many friends of the family in extend ing deep Fympathy in their bereave 'merit. . ' . -'if V A V 1,3 -4 The late Conrad Heisel. A Sunday Wedding. Yesterday morning at . 9 o clock oc cjrred the ceremony which united the life interests of Miss Freda Herold of this city, and Mr. Percy Field of Salt Lake City. The ceremony was per formed at the residence of the bride's mother, in the southeastern part of the city by Canon Burgess of the Epiaco pal church and was witnessed only by the immediate relatives of the con tracting parties. Mis3 Herold needs no introduction at our hands, having lived among us all her life. Mr. Field is a young man of sterling character and worth and met his bride-to-be for the first time during a business trip to the city last spring. After the ceremony a wedding dinner was served by the bride's mother.after which the young people took the Bur l ngton train at 2 o'clock for Omaha where they will spend about a month visiting. They will then depart for Salt Lake where they will make their future home. The News-Herald joins with their many friends in extending congratulations and best wishes. Bureau of Colonization Spokane Chamber of Commerce Has New Scheme for Direct ing Emigration Resolution!. r v. . . . . - . . i. Whereas, Death has entered Waverly Barnharl. Waverly Barnhart.aloiig time resident of this city died Thursday evening from a complication of diseases. While his dc ith was not unexpected his demise comes hs a shock to his many friends. Mr. Earnhart was a son-in-law of Thomas T. Fry, residing in the Second ward, ur.d the funeral service were held from the residence of the latter Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, being conducted by Re . Luther Moore of the Christian church. Inttrment was at Oak Hill cemetery. our mid.t and removed from us one of our beloved members, John V. Egenberger, i ana Whereas, Our beloved brother has for mar.y years past been an honored citizen of our city, actively identified with its growth and development, and, up to the time of his death, one of its foremost business men, and Whereas, By his death the Com mercial Club and tho cky of Platts mouth, Nebraska, loses a faithful mem ber and the business fraternity of our city a friend and ever loyal associate; Therefore be it Resolved, That we tender this pub lic expression of our appreciation of our departed brother and assert that in truth a good man has gone from us. Be it further Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be placed upon the records of the Commercial Club and also con veyed to the family of our beloved friend and brother. J. P. Falter ) E. H. Wescott A. L. Tidd ) Com. Frank McCarty of Omaha, . v isited with his mother in this city the latter part of the week. FineJ CleaiYce Following our July sale we have grouped the remaining lots for a final clearancea quick and final riddance of every bit of sum mer merchand ise, Prices talk 1 isten ! Men's Suits 4 very low prices 7.90, 9.90. 11.90, 13.90 Boys Wool Suits, 3 wonderfully low prices. . .1.39, 1.99, 2. 19 Hoys Wash Suits, one big lot, one low price 49c Boys Waists ; 16c Boys Stockings .lGc Boys Shirts 23c Men's Wool pants, just 2 lots to close 1.39, 1 99 Men's Shirts with or without collars 39c 4-in-hands , '. 12c Men's Sox 5, 8, 19c Men's fine silk tics 29c Our standing assures the genuineness of these! bargains. Weseotfs Sons "Where Quality Counts. THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. Spokane, Wash., July 31. -Wanted a bureau of colonization under the con trol of the federal government, to di rect tho current emigration to tho re claimed and unsettled lands of the coun try and Bhow the homcscekers how he can make sure of a generous living and enjoy a satisfactory social life. Levi Grant Monroe, secretary of the Spokane chamber of Commerce, "and representing that organization as a delegate at the 17th sessions of the National Irrigation Congress in Spo kane, August 9 to 14, will present the foregoing proposition for endorsement at one of the meetings. In support of the movement h? said: "Recognizing the fact that the as simiation of foreign population is be coming more difficult year by year and that the congestion of the large cities is already a national problem, the best solution, in my judgment, would be a well organized and fully equipped bu reau of information, conducted by the government. Such a department work ing on broad lines,with the co-operation of the commercial organizations, could handle the newcomers' from foreign lands and make them self-supporting almost from the beginning. "More than that, it would be the means of giving our own people a thorough knowledge of the possibilities in developing the resources of the coun try. This information, correctly com piled and presented in concrete form, would have more weight with the peo ple in the crowded centers of popula tion than any other plan that could be devised. "The present system of settling a new country is expensive. Jt is too ex pensive for the prospective- settler, from the fact that in most instances he is obliged to make a trip into the coun try alone before bringing hia family. If he could have what he knew to be authoritative information at first hand and be convinced that conditions are actually as represented he would not hesitate to undertake a journey half or all the way across the continent, thus saving considerable expense. "As a "nation the time has come when more people must till the soil. This applies to the agricultural districts in the eastern and New England states as well as it does to the southern and western parts of this continent. More over, farm lite 13 more aigninea touay than it has ever been before. It has become a profession, especially in hor ticulture and husbandry, and as such it is recognized by the foremost men in the land." William E. Smyth, originator of the idea of a national irrigation congress said of the plan: "We need a bureau of colonization that (-hall work at this problem on scientific lines. Ultimately, we shall get it as we did the bureau of forestry and the United States reclamation ser vice. "It seems to me that the great lesson we should impress as deeply as possible on the minds of colonizing hosts, Is that they need a little land under di- j verse and intense cultivation, rather I than big areas that will be wastefully ' used. That is to say, we want the true home builder rath than the land-grab-jber. ! "There has been much excuse for land-grabbing in the past the excuse that it did, after all, assist the develop ment of the country by interesting merv ' who would do something to' improve our arid wastes where otherwise noth- I ing would be done. i "But now the government provides the ! most vital improvement the water supply; and we should give weight to another consideration, which is the fact ; that we really have but little land in , comnarison to our future needs, and that this little must be put to the very ! ' highest uses. "I do not believe that any man should j be permitted to take more than 10 acres ' : of land under a government canal, ex- : cept in the regions where the seasons i are very short, ar.d that even there he should be limited to a maximum of 40 acres. I "lhc measure of value is not acreage, ! but productive capacity. Intense cul tivation multiplies many times over the productive capacity of a single acre. ScttN-rs sfhould be taught to , take from the land what they need fi" h'mo consumption, and tha.i to cater to the market nearest at hand in the selling of their surplus products. They will thus make sure of a living. "On the social side there is much to be said in favor of the small farm, which brings neighbors near together, and even of the village settlement, which enables them to have such im provements as good streets, sidewalks and sewerage, and which brings them near to all the civic institutions, such as tho school, the library, the church and club house. "The first great battle has been won. It is putting the water on the land. With the triumph of national irrigation in the passage of tho Newlands act of 1902, and the completion of several great projects, the need of fighting to secure the reclamation of arid lands has cua u'd. The policy is established. Like tjd Massachusetts, it 'speaks for itself.' "Tb next great battle is just be ginning. It is getting the settler and establishing him on a basis of absolute economic security with fine civic and social institutions. What we need now is to build the superstructure of social and industrial life on the broad foun dation laid by the earlier movement." Overcome by Heat. Henry Stendyke was overrome by the heat Friday morning and for a time his friends were apprehensive that his condition might be very serious. This is the second attack, the first occurring several days since while at work at the farm of Fred Gucnther west of the city. Friday while crossing the street from the Riley hotel he was again stricken. Friend assistedhim to bis home on Vine street. Later in the day upon consulting a physician his trouble was pronounced to be sunstroke. While his condition is not considered serious great care w ill have to be exercised to pre vent a recurrence of the trouble. Fine job work done at this office. ;V?$V-' ;. " I 1 The late J. V. Egenberoer. Chang In Insurance Agency. On account of failing health I have disposed of my Insurance business to Mr. J. E. Barwick. This agency includes the following Companies which I have represented the past 17 years, to wit: The Home Insurance Company of New York. The Liverpool, London & Globe Ins. Co. The Springfield F. & M. Ins. Co.. of Mass. The Insuranco Co. of North America, Philadelphia. The Fire Association of Philadelpia. The Franklin Fire Ins. of Philadelphia. I wish to express my appreciation of of the liberal patronage with which I have been favored, with the hope that same will be continued to my successor Mr. Barwick, who will give the inter esta of the Assured the same careful attention that I have endeavored to do in the past. 31-2 Thos. Pollock. Louisville Shut Out Plattsmouth 1 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 -5' Louisville 00000000 0-0 The above shows the score by innings in the ball game at the ball park Satur day afternoon between Plattsmouth and Louisville. It was a splendid game and though the Louisville boys were gritty and did some very fine playing it availed them not and they could chalk up nothing but goose eggs all the way through. The home team also made zeros in all except the 1, 2, and 5 in nings where they made their five scores and to say they won easily would not hug the truth so close as to be noticed. The home team tried out a new bat tery and were greatly satisfied at the showing made. Williams kept them guessing at all times and at no stage of the game was there much danger of the visitors batting the ball far out of the diamond. Louisville made one double play from Ingram to Ossenkop, retiring the bat ter and base runner. Errors, Plattsmouth five and Louis ville three. It was a dandy game, no rag chewing, nobody hurt, and every body satisfied with the decision! of the umpire who was Henry Schneider. Following is the line up of the two teams; Louisville Plattsmouth Pankonin c Copes Connor p Williams Ossenkop lb McCauley Tenant 2b Smith Ingram 3b Drocge Wood ss Larson Burns If Mann-- Swartz cf Warga McLawren rf Ramsey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Salmon are rejoicing over the arrival of a handsome baby boy at their home. Boys Suit Special Will last this week only. We refuse to let anything get shopworn in our store. We need the room for Fall goods and we need the money to pay for them. That's why we're selling what we, have left in boy's suits for less than wholesale. Every suit in our boys department is made knickerbocker style, every but ton on them is riveted, and all seams are taped. Beatiful line of patterns. Many people have taken advantage of this opportunity in the past week. Better come in we'll show you gladly. All suits $3.50 to $4.50 for 2.75 All suits $5.00 to $6.00 for. , 3.75 All suits G.50 to 8.00 for 5.75 Reduced prices on straw hats. See window. The Home of Hart SchafTner & Marx clothes. Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats