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About The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1909)
The Columbia Tennesseans At tub Klmwood Chautauqua I I I i i s Wan! Column wit: r'- :, -iK-Tr. -j The Association takes pleasure in announcing that we will be able to present this splendid company on our platform the last llireedavsof our Chautauaua. This company has been carefully selected, and as there are many other companies of high standing in the field, we have no hesitancy in offering this as one of the best now before the public, both from a musical standpoint and that of intellectuality, sobriety and morality. Special From Murdock Death of Conrad Heisel 4"K"X"K"S"S"X" An enterprising citizen of Murdock begs to make the following suggestion to his fellow townsmen, who we realize hare been very busy helping to handle the business and industries of our little town. But we fear some of us in the rush of business have neglected the care and beautifying of our individual pro pertics, alBO have neglected to think properly of our health and the sanitary conditions of above mentioned proper ties. Let us now gently bring to mind those tall, rank weeds in our back jards also as we walk along our fine cement walks, how far from pleasant to over hanging weeds brush our cloth ing Have we ever stopped to think in con nection with the prevailing epidemic of 'fever which is going through our town that fever germs thrive and multiply rapidly in just such places as the afore mentioned. Now let us all get busy, take a few hours or a day from our business, get a scythe and a rake and go after this rank growth of weeds and let the God Blessed Sun Shine on the ground round our homes. This will make a great improvement in the appearance of our town as well ma prove highly beneficul to the sani . tary conditions of Murdock. V Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y z z Y X X O GOOD groceries and fair prices mean anything to you? If they do you should trade at Soennichsen's. He not only has the staple lines but he has the little articles that the usual grocery store does not carry In this re spect he leads as he does in all the other lines. A trial order will convince you that this is true. . Q Y Y! t Y Y Y Y t y I Y FOR SALE. For Sale -A ISO acre farm of first class wheat land in the wheat belt in eastern Oregon all ia cultivation with a good running feed yard and barn for $4,000 if sold soon. For particulars write to or call on Otto L. Hohlfeld, 29 3 Madra3, Crook County, Ore. FOR SALE-Four cottages for lets than one half what they cost. Five acres about 2 miles southeast of Platts mouth for $240.00. Five acres well im proved to exchange for a larger tract and will pay difference. 80 acres in Kansas to exchange for Plattsmouth property. 17 acres on the rtver, $850. 30- WINDHAM INVESTMENT CO. Conrad Heisel, pioneer resident and mill owner, died last evening at his home in this city after an illness cover ing a period of several years. Mr. Hei sel had been suffering from an old wound on his foot and frangrene was the immediate cause of his death. He was born in the' village of Dell, province Hesse, Darmstadt, Germany, on April 24, 1830, and was 79 years of acre at the time of his death. He came to America, Aug. 6, 1856. He had been in the mill business here for a good many years, being compelled recently, however, to turn its manage ment o er to his Bons. Doing Their Duty Scores of Plattsmouth Readers Are Learning the Duty of the Kidneys. Missouri Pacific Time Table Noticoto Creditors. In County Court m. Miss Lucile , JJates left Tuesday for Grateville, Iowa.'where "she1 will 'Visit for some time with an uncle. WOULD FUSE WITH THE ORIENT. Jor a Cleaner City. 'Charley "Martin, the Main street tonsorial artist, has a scheme for the beautifying of the city which he thinks should be of interest to every business man on the street. In sweeping his .sidewalk twice a week he sweeps the street to the center. He has already interested John Bauer, the hardware nan, and there ia no doubt that the re sult is a great improvement. They argue that it would be a small chore for each individual owner to sweep to the middle of the street twice a week, ami the remit will be an improvement tii at womld many times repay the slight effort put forth in its accomplishment. Wrltar Deolares That Out of Action Would Come a Better Race. In many respects the orientals are our antithesis, and If our Ideals, prtn clples, and institutions are more beneflclent, we are under obligation to present them. There should be no collision between the Mongol and the Anglo-Saxon races, but Instead there should be a fusion. Out of this fusion there should emerge a better race. We can learn much from the various i.eople of the orient which would be boneflcial to ourselves, and while we receive from them we are able to contribute the one ercat principle of the Anglo-Saxon race, namely, liberty Every race that has come Into power and prominence has stood for some great, overmastering ItW'a. That for which we stand and which U the great touchstone of our great national life Is liberty. It Is for our nation, as the great western wing of the Anglo-Saxon race, to loin In the extension of tnls principle, and also to bear the mea sage of peace. Mason S. Stone, Com missloner of Education of Vermont, la Leslie's Vo?kly. To filter the blood is the kidneys' duty. When they fail to do this the kidneys are sick. Backache and many kidney ills follow; Urinary trouble, diabetes. Doan's Kid ney Pills cure them all. Plattsmouth people endorse our claim. P. M. Lindsay, Marble Street, Platts mouth, Nebr., says: "Off and qn for about two years I suffered from pains in my back and while at work, a dull, steady ache through my loins greatly disturbed me. I had reason to believe that the trouble was caused by disor dered kidneys but I was unable to find relief from the remedies I used. Fi nally Doan's Kidney Pills were brought to my attention and I procured a box at Gering & Co's. drug store. The results that followed their use showed that I had at last found the right rem edy for my trouble and thus encour aged, I obtained another box. In re turn for the great improvement Doan's Kidney Tills have made, I heartily en dorse them." . ' For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Huffaio, New York, sole agents for the United States. ! Remember the name-Doan's-and take no other. 30-4 TRAINS SOUTH No. 104 To K. C, St. Louis, passenger 9:48 a No. 106 To K. C, St. Louis, passenger 12:03 a. m. No. 194 Local Freight .... 10:40 a. ir. TRAINS NORTH No. 103 From K. C, St. Louis, passenger ... .5:02 p. m. No. 105 From K. C, St. Louis, passenger 6:12 a. m. No. 193 Locl Freight... v., 3:00 p. m. Tickets soli -and baggage checked to all points in U. S. H. Norton. Ticket Agent. State of Nebraska. '. aq County of Cans. i In the matter of the estate of Konrad Heinemann deceased. Notice ia hereby Riven that the creditor! of said deceased will meat the Executor of Haid es tate, before me. County Judge of Cass County, Nebraska, at the County Court room in Platta mouth. in said County, on the 23rd day of Au rust. 190y. and on the 2ftth day of February, 1910 at 10 o'clock A. M , each day. for the purpose of presenting their claims for exami nation, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed for tho creditors of said deceased to present their claims, and one year for the Executor to settle said estato from the 23rd day of August l'.W9. Witness my hand and seal of said County Court, at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this 23rd day of July 1909.. Allen J. Bkehon. 29 '8 Seal. County Judge See us for sale bills. Notice To Creditors. In County Court Jack- Acorn ciga's 5 cents each. Smoke an "Acorn", and be happy. Fine job work done at this office. WANTED. WANTED Young men and women to fill positions paying $900 to $2000 per annum. Big demand for stenograph ers in the Government service, as well as in private business life. OifV new method of teaching shorthand by mail insures as thorough and practical a training at your own home as is obtainable by personal attend ance at any business college in the country. We guarantee success. Complete course for small cash pay ment; balance to be paid when you secure a position. Trial lesson free. Central Business Institute, Central Building, Washington, D. C. Admitted to Ball. In tbe Supreme court Tuesday John Clarence was admitted to bail in the sum of $15,000 pending the appeal of his case to that court. in trie town ot westrord, Mass. many children are brought to the pub lic schools In barges from tho sur rounding country, and warm soup and cocoa is furnished them by one of the townswomen, Mrs. John C. Abbot, whe appreciates the fact that, leaving horn? so early, they need something warm with their luucheoa at nooa. AA. AV AA. J&A. 6eV 6av -AA ASV AA. ASVAAAA-ASV eV aA J. E. BARWICK DOVEY BLOCK. t t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y REAL ESTATE. City property and some acreage tracts. North ard South Dakota, Texas, Nebraska and Missouri farms. INSURANCE. Fire and Tornado written in six of the best companies. Are you going away on a summer vacation? If ao, do you know you can insure your baggage? Size up the value of the gear you carry around in trunks and then consider w hether it is not worth while. SURETY BONDS. Let me procure bonds for you from the American Surety Company. Don't ask your friends to be your bondsmen. Y X Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Hotter Than Ever X relief you say? Oh yes there is. Just drop in and try one of our delicious Soda Confections. Allow us to suggest one of the following. 5c Uoot Beer 1 Coco Cola Orangeade ) Chocolate Frappe fn J Viokt Frappe ( Celery Phosphate Claret Phosphate ( Fruit Phosphate Rose Frappe Caramel Frappe Sundaes, any Flavor, So and 1 0e. Ice Cream Soda with Crushed Fruit, So and lOo. Remember, a 5c purchase is one vote in the diamond ring contest. NEMETZ & CO. Candymakers. Next to P. O. X Y Y X I X X X X X x x X X Av 1 X fcVW' ' ' vvvvvvvvvvvv Brief Local Happenings Watches, $1 to $50 at Crabill's.; Diamonds. Investigate prices at Crabill's Fred Wynn had business in Omaha Tuesday. Big line of sterling silverware at Crabill's. D. P. Jackson was a business visitor in Omaha Tuesday. Geo. Pongratz, wife and baby girl of near Mynard, spent Tuesday in Omaha. Mrs. Julia Dwyer and daughters spent Tuesday in Omaha with Mrs. Gallagher. H. C. Long, wife and children were in the city Tuesday visiting friends ar.d to do some trading. Mrs. J. W. Larkin returned from Omaha Tuesday where she had been on a visit with friends and shopping. Mrs. M. B. Allen and family have gone to Hamburg, Iowa, where they will visit Mrs. Allen's sister several days. Miss Star Everett, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. I. C. Lyle, for several weeks, returned to her home near York, Nebr., Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. August Buehlei, who have been the guests of Chris Parken- ing and wife for several days returned to their home in Omaha Tuesday. Miss Blanche Murray of Omaha, and her brother, Alvin, of North Platte, were in the city Sunday for a visit with their mother, Mrs. J. A. Murray. Mrs. A. R. Young, who has been a patient at one of the Omaha hospitals for some time has so far recovered to be able to return to her home near Murray. The Plattsmouth and Louisville base ball nines will play at tho avenue grounds next Saturday. This will be good game as the teams are evenly matched and each is eager to win. The Dist. Conventions of the Cass Count v Su'idav School Association will be held as follows: First Dist. Aug. 17, at Murray, Nebr. Second Dist. Aug. 18 at Avoca, Neb. Third Dist. Aug. 19. State of Nebraska. co Cass County. ) In the matter of the estate of Addison H man deceased. Notice is hereby (riven that the creditors of said deceased will meet the Administrator of said es tate, before me. County Judire of Cass County. Nebraska, at the County Court room in Platta mouth. in said County, on the 30th dasr of July, 19011. and on the 31st day of January, 1910, at 10 o clock A. H., each day. for the purpose of pre senting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed for the creditors of said deceased to present their claims and one year tor the Administrator to settle said estate, from the 30th day of July. 1909. Witness my hand and seal of said County Court, at Plattamouth. Nebraska, this 1st day of July, 1909. ALl.KN J. BKr-HON. 23-8 SEAL. County Judire. Legal Notice. All persons interested are hereby notified that John Albert Uauer. as administrator with the will annexed of the estate of John H. Bauer, de ceased, ha filed his final account with the County Court of Cass county, Nebraska, a motion to be permitted to file a claim anainst said estate, and his petition for final seitlement of said accuont, and the distribution of the residue of said estate, real and personal to all persons by law and the provisions of the will of said deceased entitled thereto. That a hearing- will be had on said report and petition in the County Court room in the city of Plattsmouth. Cass county. Nebraska, On the 16th day of August 1909. at the hour of ten o'clock A. M.. at which time the said account will be allowed and tne prayer or said petition granted, ana tne administrator permitted to file his claim against said estate, if no objections be made thereto at said time. Dated at Plattsmouth Nebraska, this 17 th day of July im Allen J. Beeson. 27-6 County Judge Cass county.Neb. YOUR DOLLAR Will com back to you if you spend It at home. It is"gona toraver it you tend H to the MalT-Order Hpuse. A fiance through our advertisinc cphmM will fir yen an Idea whare it will bay tha most. Voslorn Lands for Sal tma B.rcjins. In Psrkias snd De.i.l counties. AH smooth, level Khi railroad. Good towns inj adininim farms. Ii to Honor sere. Term,,,,,!,!, Correipond neeiolirited. Will tend maps, literature, ate. Tk f.-u. I - . m .... i run so., noitfrvgt, pgcfer. BAILEY & r.lAGU THE DENTISTS litiit ttnc ll,lr-Gfi Seatlttrr lettee kltPrlcM. BMt-resltr Oeslil Of - flei It III llistti wetl. MflMrPmonBlk ,UUrnnm, OMAHA, NEI. r 'I i fl l"i"i--W-H"l 'H"i '! i i A. L. TIDD LAWYER References: Bank of Eagle, Eagle. Nehawka Bank, Nehawka. Bank of Murdock, Murdock. First Nat'l bnnk.Greenwood. State bank of Murray. Murray. f lattsmoutn. First Nat'l bank, t..HH"H..H-'HMM' nliifiiliili 'iXiHiiBuIhTG TV "Vtt i TT C. A. MARSHALL, 0. D. S. ss- Legal Notice. State of Nebraska, ' , County of Cass. I To David K. Thomas, the unknown heir and devisees of David K. Thomas, drceaaed. Simeon A. Thomas, the unknown heirs .and devisees of Stmeon A. Thomas, deceased, the unknown' heirs and devisees of Aaron Cochran deceased. Tootle a Farleigh, a partnership, Thomas E. Tootle, his wife Tootle, first name unknown, Milton Tootle, the unknown heirs and devisees of Milton Tootle, deceased. William G. Farleigh, the unr known heirs and dtgisees of William G. I arleigh, doceased. non-resiiffnt defendants. Vmi anH Mph nf vnu im honhv notified thftt William A. Cleghnrn, executor of the last will I of Frederick Brunko, deceased. Edward Brunko, I Ernest Brunko. and Annie Brunko, children of August F. Brunko, deceased, on the 19th day of July. 1909, tiled their petition in the district court ; of Casa county. Nebraska, against you. the object and purpose of said action being to quiet and con firm the title of said plaintiffs in and to all of the ! V'.sMt M of the N. K. 1-4 of Suction 5. Townahio U. I Kangell east, in Cass county. Nebraska, and against you and each of you and for equitable re lief. You are required to answer said petition on or rtnn Moniinv the Ath dav of Seutemhr 1909. William A. C euhorn. executor or the last will of Frederick Brunko. deceased. Edward Hrunko, Ernest Brunko, and Annie Brunko. children of August F. Brunko. deceased, Haintms. By A. L. Tido, Their Attorney. 29-8 Farmers Why do you pay $1.50 t per month for an indif ferent grounded line ;; Telephone service, when ; j . , by building your own ; ; lines you can secure bet-; ; ter service at 25 cents ; ; per month. It is a busi-1 ness proposition, and t that it is satisfactory ; : can be verified by 3600 farmers now connected with the Nebraska Tele phone Company in Ne braska, and over r00 in Cass county. HmmmiHi ..Graduate Dentist.. Prices Reasonable All Work Guaranteed Twenty-six Years' Experience Orhce in Fitzgerald BlocK Lloyd Osboume O. Henry and Maximillian Foster have contributed some of the best fiction of th; year to the August Everybody's. Ask u Games " sec the pi rtures. " Chinese They are unusually beautiful All this and more in the AUGUST EVERYBODY'S FOR SALE BY J. W. LARKIN & CO. HEROLD'S BOOK & STATIONARY STORE aMjyfaiss'a.j. Legal Notice. The defendants Mary Magowan. Harriet L. Carper, Carper, (first name unknown). William Kolla, Joshua Stroud, .wan A. .-urouo. Lombard InvestmrntCompany. Harry E. Mooney, Snnford D. Ijidd. and Frank Hagnrman. Heceiv era Lombard Investment Company non-resident defendant. and the unknown heirs of Kiley Jones, Tennessee Rolls, nee Jones, Wiley (). Jones.lsabell Ruby, nee Jones, and (ieorge . Kuhy, deceased. ill take notice that on the 9tn day or July IWK), John C. Knabe. the plaintiff filed his petition in the District Court of Cass county, NeDrasKa, againxt the shove named defendants, the object and prayer of which ia to cancel a certain mort gage given by Oswald Baier, and wife, to tho lombard Investment iximpaviy, aaiea marcn o, 1H!. and to quiet the title in the plaintitf to the following described real estate situated in Caaa county. Nebraska, to-wit: The West one-half (' or the southeast quarter (V. the southwest quarter C of the northeast quarter () the south twenty-five t ill acres of Quarter of the northwest quarter I1) the east fifteen 1151 acres of the northwest quarter f I of the northeast quarter (1. the south aix (6) acres of the remainder of the northwest quar ter (') of the northeast quarter (l the west 17. M acres In lot three (3) in the northeast quar ter Ci of the northeast quarter (V lot aix Oil containing 1:1.21 acreain the southeast quarter1) nf the northeast quarter (1 1 a in see turn Thir ty-two Township tleven (11) Range Thirteen (13) eontainlnir IMi.KI acres, and that each of said de fendants and those claiming under or through them, be forever barred from having or claiming any interest in said teal estate, and for equitable relief. You are required to answer or plead to said pe tition on or be fore the 13nl day of August, r.w. Dated at Flnttsmouth. Cass county, Nebraska, this 9th day of July lWW. JM John C. Kna'bk, Plaintiff '4 Y Y t X t I t Y Y Y Y Y Y A Sign of Coolness In a kitchen is a gasoline stove. They are cool, convenient and easy to operate. The fuel expense is low compared with a coal or wood stove while the comfort derived cannot be compared. We have them in all sizes and prices from $2 to $24. JOHN BA-UICH A. ? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y