The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, July 29, 1909, Image 4
Ihe News-Herald PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. mtn& t Ui poatoffio at PUtUmouth. Cm Oflj. Nabrukk. m Mcond-cUu mail matter. OmCIAL PAPER OF CASS COUNTY B. 0. WAITERS Manager IBITIS OF SUBSCRIPTION OmT la'AdvMet tLU Ofctatka TCLCrttONtS Fkttamouth No. 85 Nebraska No. 85 JULY 29,1909. , ANNOUNCEMENT. I desire to announce myself as a can didate for the office of register of deeds for Cass county, subject to the re publican primaries which will be held on August 17. If selected as the nom inee I shall put forth my best efforts to secure election and will give to the office mv best attention. L. H. Daft, ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the republican nomination for Begister of Deeds of Cass county, sub ject to the pleasure of the voters at the coming primaries. In asking for this nomination I desire to call atten tion to the fact that my services in the office of county surveyor, while being largely of a "thank yoa" nature, the remuneration being insufficient fer the upport of a family, have eminently fitted me for the duties of the office to which I aspire, and in case I should re ceive the nomination I shall use my test endeavors to be elected, and will give to the office my best attention. E. E. Hilton. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the republican nomination for County superintendent oi uass county, subject to the pleasure of the voters at the coming primaries, which will be held Aug. 17, 1909. In asking for this nomination I promise if selected as the nominee to put forth my best endeav ors to secure election. . A. J. Wickland 0) 9 NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY has actually been changed and cultivated by Uneeda Biscuit. No longer are people satisfied with crackers taken from the grocer's box or barrel exposed to dust, moisture, handling. They have learned that the only crackers that are crisp, tender, always fresh and really good are those protected by a moisture proof package. These are the kind they get as if just from the oven when they ask for UoDdlgi 111104 That man Hayward may be young and hot-headed as accused by some of the older wheel horses, but there is a mighty lot of republicans in Nebraska that would like to beat time to his music. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the republican nomination for Road Overseer of Eight Mile Grove pre cinct. No. 2,of Cass county, subject to the pleasure of the voters at the com ing primaries. Sam P. Beaver. Senator Stone probably "don't like a niggah nohow." Uongsty in politics is as essential as is honesty in business. ; Talk about republican harmony! At the state convention Tuesday Victor lUaewater and W. H. Harrison were on the same committee and brought in a unanimous report. In giving his reason for the belief that the tariff would be revised down ward in conformity with the republican platform, Will Hayward Btated that the proposition had behind it a 300 pound maa with a 20-ton brain. And you may as well paste it in your hat that that is just enough to turn the trick. . To hear the democrats of Cass county talk of ''ring rule" is to laugh. Not' withstanding the fact that no pri marks had been previously held to se lect delegates, a "county convention was pulled off last Saturday and dele gates "elected" to attend the state convention. Some murmuring is being heard among the rank and file but 'it ia not thought that the leaders will have much trouble in handling the in surgents. The harmony at the Lincoln conven tion presages a republican victory ev ery time the party has a chance to vote. The concensus of opinion seemed to be that the party has lost enough already, and that the only way to regain the ground is to put the shoulder to the wheel and push all the time for those principles which have so long stood the test of time. Democrats in this state view a non partisan policy as the most righteous thing the republicans could adopt. It is a good plan for the republicans to be non-partisan, on which spirit rests the only hope of the democrats. But the latter forget to attain such an exalted, non-partisan standard when they are in control and do not need assistance from the opposition. That fact is attested by the performance of the last legisla ture, which surpassed all predecessors in the matter of partisan greed and nerve. Beatrice Express. One of the liverymen of the city ob jects to the suggestion of the commer cial club that a system of hitching posts be placed about the city prior to the carnival In September. He statea that we now have enough hitching' places for normal occasions and that for even such increased demands as will be made that week, the various barns of the city for a reasonable fee will be able to handle the situation. He also points out the fact that most of the teams will ome to the city early in the day and will remain late, thus necessitating feed and water which would obviously be impossible if hitched to a poBt And while on the subject it may be as well to call attention to the fact that it is an imposition to maintain a hitching rack on'a street contiguous to residence property. This is true in at least one instanee in this city, and the matter should be attend ed to. If a special session of the legislature should be called to Btraighten up Borne of the botch work of last winter the governor might include some of the recommendations of the party convention assembled the first of the week. Plenty of time will be had before the fall election to enact into law the demands of the platform and thus place the party a few laps ahead of the republicans in the matter of things accomplished. The proba bilities are, however, that nojlegislation of this character will be accomplished, though such a course will be a repudi ation of the platform. . t Y f Y Y E.G.BOVEY&SON II H I l-l-rHI-M 1 i i llil 111 HI I U 1 1 II 1 1 1 "It I I M I Attention Farmers and Stock Raisers! I Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Hog Salvet or medi cated Salt is the best remedy for all kinds of stock to make them tat well and aid digestion and also a blood builder. If not satisfied with re sults money refunded. Sold at the feed store of I J. V. E6ENBERGER PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. No fear need be felt as to the re sult of the election in Cass county this fall. Every man aspiring to a'place on the republican ticket is eminently qual ified to acceptably fill the office asked for, and as the best of feeling exists between the various candidates no fear need be felt that any sore spots will be felt after the primaries. Republi cans generally feel that there is no ex cuse for any but republicans holding office in this county, and with harmony in their own household the result next fall is a foregone conclusion. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y T f Y Y Y t t Y Y Y Y Y A x "Of course, there is one redeeming feature about this Republican adminis tration. That rain yenterduy and last night was surely mighty fine." Jour nal. Thanks. We hardly expected Our July Clearance Sale 01 High Class Summer Merchandise Began Monday, July 12. www EACH ITEM AS PRICED IS A BARGAIN 10c, 12c and 15c Lawns and Batistes now on sale at 6c 25c Silk Mulls and Figured Lawns now ifjc Tissues and Embroidered Swisses and Flaxons,25c & 50c,now.l6c 25 and 35c French Ginghams, now i7C 50c Japtha Silks a beautiful new fabric, latest shades,35 and! 39c White Waistings, 35 and 40c values, now 23c White Waistings, 25 and 30c 44 44 ....... 18c Shirting and Apron Checks, per yard 5c All our Shirt Waists at a liberal reduction in price. E. G. TOVEY & SON V Y t Y ? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y f Y Y t Y Y t Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y X AAAi.V this from our umialle contemporary. H I H 1 1 1 II 1 M I f " ' ''a-'"'"'"'