The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, July 29, 1909, Image 3
Pretty Summer Models SHEEP AND PASTURES ARE CLOSELY ALLIED Latter is Absolutely Neccssnry for Successful Raising of Former. Numerous Crops May He Grown. On the right is a handsome frock of voile. Next is the model for a sum mer frock of white silk serge with bit bodice over a blouse of white chif fon cloth. WHEN SHORTENING A SKIRT. Should Always Be Done from the Bot tomTwo Methods That Are Recommended. To shorten a skirt do so from the bottom, cither by making tucks or cut ting off the number of Inches from the ground to make it the desired length. When n skirt is to be length ened, do not attempt to jiiece it at the top. One way to lengthen the skirt is to turn It off evenly from the floor, measure the difference between the length desired and that which the skirt has after It is trimmed evenly. Cut a iilece of material twice the num ber of inches in width required to make the desired length, and as many inches around as the skirt measures. Allow one-half inch on all seams. Join this extra piece to the skirt proper, with the seam on the right side. Press it flat with the edge down. Turn the added piece up on the right side. Measure from the waist line down the length of the skirt, and turn the bal ance of the piece up on the right side. Fold in half an inch at the edge, and baste the edge over the joining. Stitch a double row of stitching, sewing on the applied hem, one at the extreme edge and the other about one-quarter of an inch from it. Tress this flat, and you have a trimming as well as an added length. A SIMPLE BODICE. For either cloih. serge, or linen, this design Is suited; it is very plain, and has a yoke and under-sleeve of tucked net, two rows of Russian braid to match outline the yoke; the braid on the right side is continued down cen ter of front In scallops, with a but ton sewn in ench scallop; the edge of upper sleeve is cut and trimmed to match. Materials required: l'u yard 41 inches wide, one-half dozen yards braid, one dozen buttons. A Smart Belt Buckle. If you are a young girl and wish to be up-to-date, save your pennies to buy a belt buckle, in Hutch silver. They are the present aspiration of ev ery girl. They vary from six to eight Inches long and three to four inches wide, are handsomely carved, nnd fashion able. Pome are provided with slides, but the majority have prongs through which the belting Is drawn. To avoid making the belting ragged where it is pulled through it is well to punch eyelets und overcast them. PLAITINGS RETURN TO FAVOR. Advent of Fussy Dresses of a Former Period Are Responsible for Revival. The tiny knife plaitings only an inch in width are again coming to the front with the revival of the fussy dresses of the 1S30 period. They be long to the era of the little roses, nar row fringes and puffs. The selvedge of chiffon cloth cut off and sent to tho plniter's or else done with patience at home will save the whole hemming process. The French also double chif fon before it is plaited, to avoid hem ming. The selvedge of some silks may be used in the same way, and when the band of a different color along the edge happens to be in harmony or In good contrast It has even been chosen us a decoration for the dress, and al lowed to go into the frill. Tiny knife plaitings are made of lace insertions because the straight edge forms a more even line than tho scallop of lace. When insertions are used for frills, whether gathered or plaited, they are felled to the gown so that the pattern mny not be wasted In a seam. Taffeta ribbon, too, is frequently con verted into knife plaitings. Coloring Canvas Shoes. The "matching" idea is so strong just now that girls may like to know that white canvns shoes may be col ored to match any costume. The pro cess of dyeing will shrink the shoes, but they may be successfully painted with good water-color paint. Mount the shoes on trees. If you do not own shoe-trees, stuff the shoes evenly with tissue paper. Then ap ply the paint with a good-sized bristle brush or a sponge. Care should be taken to prepare sufficient paint before commencing the painting; the canvas being very ab sorbent, you will need a generous amount. As an even tint depends up on expeditious work, you can readily see the disadvantage of having tc stop in the midst of the operation tc mix more paint. Chamois Gloves. Chamois gloves arc again gaining popularity. They look well in warm weather and are not half as extrav sgant as kid ones. They come in white nnd several shades of yellow. The wise girl keeps two pairs of these going at. once, and each daj washes one pnlr that they may be dry to wear the following day. To wash them cold water must bo used and white soap. Warm or hot water shlrv els and hardens them. Put the gloves on and give them a thorough washing as you would your hands. To not put them near the heat while drying. A Parasol Like an Awning. One of the latest and greatest odd! ties in parasols has a modified flat top (like oriental models) and cut In one with each gore Is a proportionate lam brequin, which, joined together at the seams, falls down to the depth ol seven or eight Inches nnd Is trimmed with fringes an inch wide. As th parnsol is opened and held up for us6 one recognizes the suggestion of an awning somewhat, and no doubt it protects the eyes and complexion ad mirably. Vogue. Irish Lace Collars. When- you wash your Irish lace eol lar, you should always press It while It is lying right side downward upon a Turkish towel four times folded. This makes a soft surface, nnd when the lace is pressed it will have none of that shiny appearance that ironed laces gradually acquire. Pefore wash ing any lace nil possible holes should be carefully mended with No. 1EJ cotton. Pastures nnd successful sheep rais ing are so closely allied that it may almost be said the one can not exist In the absence of the other. Certainly It is true that sheep are not being grown as economically and advantage ously as they can be nor are the maximum benefits to the soil helng realized, unless pastures aro provided to furnish feed for the sheep from early spring until late fall. The man who is seeking tho very cheapest sort of feed for his sheep finds it In pastures, writes 1). A. Uaum- A Picturesque Pasture. nitz, in the Illuminated World Life, They are productive and cost nothing but the price of the seed, and the la bor of producing them. All the labor of harvesting and storing und feeding these crops Is saved; the sheep get all the good of the crop, and they get it in the field where it grows. For cheapness of feed, pastures are not to be outdone. Not alone are they cheap, but they furnish the most desirable sort of feed for Fheep. Succulent, palatable, bulky enough, yet possessed of all tho nutri ment needed. No feed could be more readily digested than these pasture crops for the cell walls surrounding the nutrients are thin and tender and readily broken down. Sheep are for agers by nature and pasture furnishes for them not nlone the ideal feed but likewise the ideal conditions. Never Good Friends. are they bo contented nor so healthy as when given the freedom of a five or ten acre plot over which to play and feed. Science has long since taught us that grass nnd root crops must be grown, if soil fertility Is to be main tained. In the end all profits must come from the soil whether its prod ucts are marketed In the mineral, vegetable, or animal form, nnd to keep his land yielding large and increas ing crops annually should be every farmer's first business. How better can he subserve this end than by growing grass crops to Improve the physical condition and give humus to the soil, and feeding them to sheep MANAGEMENT OF YOUNG SHOTES Unique As Well An Uneful Idea Concerning Little Piss. The following is a rather unique as well as useful idea concerning the weaning of pigs without apparent dan ger of injuring either the litter or the mother. As quoted in the last report of the Nebraska state hoard of agri culture, the author sayB: It is best to wean pigs when they arc two months old, but wean them slowly, lly this time they have been or should have been running four weeks on alfalfa pasture with their mothers. Some morning when they start for the pasture let the sows find the gate closed, but with a creep un der It to permit the pigs to go out. Outslu9 let the little pigs rind a trough fuh of nourishing, appetizing food and they will till themselves up on It nnd then start, as usual, for the alfalfa pasture. The sows are re tained in a dry lot and their ration suddenly changed to an exclusive dry corn and water diet, which has a ten dency to check the flow of milk. After a while you will hear that pe culiar grunt which you have so often heard from the sow and the little pigs will bear It, nnd they know what it means und they will come tumbling will not alone make good use of them, but will likewise help to Im prove fertility by scattering their ma nure about tho fields where It Is need ed, and by eating up the noxious weeds that tap the life of the crops? We should have fewer run down nnd weed overgrown crops today if pas ture crops had been grown, and sheep kept to cat them down. Fur the sake of saving a few do'-' hits in fence, many fanners use th saute piece of land from month to month and from year to year, for pus- i ;te. Now tho money they save In I' tic, thy n.or than lose by worms in their sheep. There Is no disease to-day that so threatens tho future of the sheep industry as do worms. Our (locks must be purged of worms or we must quit the business. It was esti mated that in one state alone, 85,000 sheep succumbed to the ravages of worms in the year 1903. It is impos sible even to hope to have your sheep free from worms if the same land is used (or pasture continuously. Worms arid their eggs that are pussed from the sheep, cling to the grass and are ready to be ugaln taken Into the sys tem. How can we be rid of them If sheep are left to cat this infested crop? Change of pasture from season to season, and from year to year Is ab solutely Imperative to successful sheep growing nnd one of the chief advantages of such a system of pas turage as the one outlined lies in the fact that sheep are kept upon a single piece of land but a few days or a few months at n time. It would pay to have every Held In the farm fenced, as there is scarcely a crop grown that at some time or other does not furnish feed for sheep, Most farmers, however, do not lind themselves In a position to do this, but they can, every one of them, da the next best thing and that is fence, say, three, five or ten acre fields, and practice upon these a three year ro tation which will give a pafture crop each year, or If they prefer, sow them all to pasture, and alternate them be. tween hogs, sheep and cattle, or Just sheep and hogs. The alleged cost of fencing is the hedge behind which many seek to hide in excusing themselves for not using pastures. Yet as a matter of fact, figures show that practically any where In the northwest, a five acre field can be fenced at an annual cost of $8.50 or $1.70 an acre, allowing ten years as the life of tho fence. Cer tainly this sum cannot be regarded as prohibitive. As compared with the cheap and excellent feeds It makes it possible to ufe, It is not worthy of consideration. The man who is attempting to grow sheep without pasture Is making a big mistake. He Is not growing bis sheep as economically and as well as he might, nor is he realizing the maxi mum benefits to his soil as a result of his sheep industry. over one another, squealing for their breakfast the old sow wants to be milked. They push under the creep, the sow throws herself upon her side and the little fellows commence busi ness, but they have to give it up in about two minutes. They are already A Six-Months-Old Product. full from tlu' troiiRh and from the al falfa and have to suspend operations owing to the lack of capacity. If this plan Is followed In a week or 10 days the sow will have dried completely up nnd the pigs will have been weaned without either of them knowing that any change has taken place. A man has no business with reliclon if he doesn't use it in his busiuw.. I III B.ij'l'''.'-' 4 '' 4 V' V.lwVl V,v -'.I,.? C -J -3 V. "A yKrA?U -iU " In all the world there Is no tourist retort comparable to Yellowstone Na tional park It Is untune among the iconic regions of the world because, in addition to most of the attractions of the others, it has, besides, the most wonderful natural phenomena known to scientists. Its streams nnd valleys are not surpassed in beauty by any in the Old World. Its road ways and hoti Is are equal to those af the favorite resorts of continent al ICurope. Us area includes, in ad dition, wonderful geysers, hot springs, Kid the Grand canyon of tho Yellow stone. Of that mighty gorge, noted for its riot of color, for nrtistic and beautiful nature-harmony, thcro Is nothing men have written that is ade quately descriptive. Words are triv ial and weak when one experiences the overwhelming sensation produced by a first glimpse of its wonders. In nil the world there Is no more start ling scene Yellowstone National park is tho Bcenlc gem of the northwestern hem Isphere. It lies party in Montana and partly In Idaho, but largely in Wyo ming, among the greatest peaks of the American Rockies. It comprises 3,312 square miles, with a forest re serve adjoining it The first man to see nnd know nny pc-tflon of what is now the Yellow stone park, was John Colter. Colter had been with Lewis nnd Clark to the mouth of the Columbia river, and on his return In UOtl severed his con nection with those explorers and re traced his course to the headwaters of the Yellowstone. I Hiring the sum nur of ISO", he traversed at least the eastern part of the Yellowstone park country, and the map In the Lewis and Clark report, published In 1814 shows "Colter's Route in 1S07." The next known of the region was In 1512. when nn article describing the geysers was printed In the West ern Literary Messenger of Uuffalo, N Y. The author was Warren Angus Ferris, an employe of the American Fur Company who, with two Pend d'Oreille Indians, visited one of the geyser areas In 1S34. Mnny of the mountaineers nnd fur trappers of the period long before the civil wnr, knew of the locality. James Uridger, a noted guide and explorer, nnd Joseph Meek, an old time moun tain man, often told of tho geysers and hot springs. Folsom and Cook of Montana, made an extended tour of the country In 1869, but the real discovery of the park came In 1870, when several west ern pioneers with Gen. II. D. Wash burn as their leader made nn extend ed exploration of the region. To the Washburn party Is to be credited tho Initiative which ultimately resulted In tho region becoming a national park. Transportation within Yellowstone National park Is by stage coach ex clusively. Even automobiles are not permitted within its boundaries. The wilds have been but little touched by Influences which would destroy their charm. lietween Gardiner, at the end of tho railway, and Mammoth Hot Springs, the site of the llrst of tho hotels, large coaches hauled by six horses ure used. Peyond Mammoth Hot Springs the four-horse coach Is the vehicle generally employed. Kach day's journey through the park unfolds new scenes. Tho land scape changes with amazing sudden- Its Punctuation. For sheer simplicity of phrnse nnd conception few have surpassed that delightful old lady who. with a shrewd twinkle in her eye, inquired whether "'soda wnter' should be written as two Mparate words, or if tin re should be a syphon Letwem the.'j?'" Ar gonaut. One Day Lest. Nuvs ItemTo-day there nre but ::C4 days in a year on the Island of Chichi. The fultnn took a day off ytstt rday. Juiige. K'f:' -'' ' ' '&vJ a v. clo rAtwruL ness. hacn wonder spot, wnen passed, Is found to be but tho preface to something more inspiring. With each succeeding year the wild animals In the park become n more Interesting feature of It. Here Is really the only place where the pub lie in general can freely see the ani mals of tho forest and the wilds In their natural state. The animals evince less nnd less timidity nnd while not common, it Is not an unusu al sight, aa the coaches drive along, to see an elk or a deer or two sla king their thirst In the stream or sev eral quietly and unconcernedly feed ing In tho woods near the road. The effort to Increase the buffalo herd by outside purchase and to cor ral the animals where they can be fed and protected has met with suc cess. There aro now about 100 bison In tho park. There are about 2,000 antelopes nnd from 100 to 200 mountain sheep in tho park, most of them living on nnd around Mount Kverts near Mammoth Hot Springs. Iioth sheep and ante lopes are more wary than the other animals, and, to a great extent disap pear in the spring. In the fall, win ter and spring, both antelopes and sheep arc found In large numbers on the hills and lints above Gardiner and Mammoth Hot Springs. They are fed by the at Ihoritles at Fort Yel lowstone, whic i serves to domesticate them in somf degree, und In recent years many e ulopes remain to graze during the f inner on the large al falfa field at Tie park entrance. Tho deer, uf which there are hun dreds, are i ,;reasing In number, nnd the pretty f jamais are seen more and more each Aar. During the fall, win ter and sp:!ng, like the sheep and an telope, trey aro a familiar sight around Fort Yellowstono and Mam moth Hot Springs. , . J It Is tho elk, however, that ara found In almost countless numbers, and during tho summer they aro not Infrequently seen. They seclude them selves, more or less, however, In the timber and valleys. The bears arc found near the ho tels and It requires no exertion, be yond the walk cf a few rods, to see them. In portions of the park, naturally those somewhat retired and secluded there are many beavers and they ara flourishing and Increasing. One placd where these Industrious animals may be seen is near Tower fall, where thero are several colonics of them. Here, among the brooks in this beau tiful part of the park, they may be found, with their dams, houses, ponds, nnd slides, swimming about In the water or cutting down trees on land, laying in their store of food for the winter. As a place where one may indulge in angling at little or no hardship, the park h?adB the list, in 1890 the 'uni ted States fish commission begaa stocking the waters of the park. Since that year several hundred thousand trout have been "planted" In the park lakeB and streams, und theee have greatly multiplied. The Obliging Dealer. Shopper Give me a half dollar's worth of sugar. Grocer Yes'm. What address? Shopper I'll take it with me, if it's not too heavy to carry. Grocer I'll try to make It as light ns I can for you. ma'am. Real Thing. Holly Ho you approve of this pres ent fashion of having no hips? Jnck-Sure! A poor fellow isn't so likely to get stuck on a girl's shape, -Tuck.