The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, July 29, 1909, Image 2
Wim K w EDWARD B. CLARK TT TTf COPYRIGHT BT WA, SHlNGTON. In the fall the Grant monument In the Botanical garden of Washington will he unveiled und ded icated. It Is to he tho most Impos ing statue In tho cupltal city, lit, It is to do full Justice to the memory of the fnemost soldier who fought on the side of the Union. The pedestal for the Grant memorial la al- the purposes of re remembrance of the nation's great. The statue of Gen. Sherman, an equestrian memo rial, was unveiled live years ago. It faces the Treasury on behalf of the env peror by his personal envoy, the German ambassador. Presi dent Roosevelt made the principal address of the day, accepting the bronze figure on behalf of the Ameri can public. Other nd dresses were made by Lieut.-Gen. Chaf- at by bis favor to the American people, but except In a few Instances this query took the form of good-natured curiosity rather tha of resentment. On the afternoon of January 10, 1905, an attempt was made to blow up the statu of Frederick the Great. No serious damage re sulted and there were those who thought that a practical Joker had been at work, but the force of the explosion was such ns to show that tho Joke, if Joke it were, was a decidedly serious matter. Threats had been made from time to time by anonymous letter writers to blow up the statue, but little attention was paid to them. The tenor of the written threats was to the effect that no monarch ought to bt remembered In the capital city of a republic, THE Wilbur D Nesbit PAITCRSOH I rr -sssWiQJl $r lT rA, liirW f I II W &J w4IVk&S(k II VF.$2 II h Pi ln jfeM I sv?Xw m mil tei?;. ;f1w If IBS r-'$mmMffv- mmmwmti -'totes STATUE SrcmOEORQEb. MQLELLhH , WASHINGTON, D.C ready in place and Is nearing completion. Its base is a huge square of stone with smaller stones superimposed to that the ascent to the statue proper wiil he by a succession of steps, though It is perhaps needless to say that the pedestal will not be given over to the uses of a stairway. At each corner of the base there is a lion couchant. Tho beasts have been shrouded to kcp their bronze beauty hidden from the eyes of the multitude until the day comes to show tho memorial In its completion. The union general will he shown mounted on one of his favorite horses. It Is said that the model of the horse shows lines that are ns near perfection as art can make them. If the general's mount Is ns spirited and effec tive ns the bronze horse shown In the memo rial to Gen. Thomas on Thomas circle in this city it will leave nothing to be desired. The horse of Gen. Thomas is said to be the most perfect creature ever cast In metal. The commission which hud In charge the memorial to Gen. Grant had ntany ditllcultles to overcome before n site was selected. There wos great objection to tho placing of the 1 "iuie In the Hotanical garden, which is di rectly across the street from the grounds of the capltol at the Tennsylvanla avenue corner where the pence monument stands. The Washington people, like the people In many other cities of the country, do not take kindly to the erection of stone and bronze memorials In what may be called the public pleasure grounds. They want them all to be placed In the little circles and squares at the Intersec tions of the streets and avenues of the city. After many meetings and after listening to many protests, the site In the Botanical garden was chosen and approved. In order to make room for the Rtatue two magnificent elms had to bo removed. The people mourned the loss of tho elms, or rather mourned their prospec tive loss, for It wns decided to transplant tho trees, a tremendous undertaking, but one that finally was accomplished. It Is too early yet to tell whether the trunsplnntetd elms will live or dto In their new beds. It has often been a source of wonder that no statue of Gen. Grnnt appears In the Memo rial hall of the capltol. where each state has memorials of two of Its representative sons, or It ought to be said daughters, for one wom an appears In Memorial hall In marble. Grant was born In Ohio, but he went to the war from Galena, 111., and his first com mand during the early days of civil strife was an Illinois regiment. Lincoln Is also claimed by Illinois, but the legislature of the state In selecting persons to be honored In Memorial hall at tho capltol chose Gen. James A. Shields and Miss Wtllard, who whs tho president of the Woman's Christian Temperance I'nlon. In a short time Virginia will place In Me morial hall a statue of Gen. Uobert E. Lee. There have been those who have thought and said that both Lee and Grant, the two great commanders In the civil war, should have place In Memorial hall, but ns neither Ohio, the place of Grant's birth, tior Illinois, the place of n, adopt'0"- has seen tit to honor him the chances are that his statue never will find a place In the hall, which once was used as the assembly place of the representative of congress and which Is now given oyer t building from the south, and it Is one of the most notable public memorials in the city of Washington, al though It Is true that fault has been found with a few minor details of the execu- tiou. Sheridan's statue, repre senting "Little Phil" as he appeared at the battle of Winchester when rallying his troops to turn again to the attack, stands In a lit tle green circle on Massa chusetts avenue. The Sher idan memorial has been In plaeo less than a year. The widow of the Shenandoah campaigner lives in a house the windows of which over look the metnoriul of her husband. It Is curious perhaps that the memorials to the three greatest generals of the civil war who fought on the side of the north were not erected until many years nfter soldiers of less fame hail been remembered. Tho statue of Gen. Mcl'herson has stood for years In the public square named for this soldier, who was killed In the battle of Atlanta. Gen. Thomas "the rock of Chlckamauga," was remem bered In bronze nearly 150 years ago. Admirals Far ragut and Dupont have rep resented the sea service of their country in memorial form In Washing ton for years. The statue of John A. Logan, the civilian soldier, has had a place In the na tion's capital for a long time. Hancock was not forgotten and neither were some eight or ten other officers whose fame was bright, but which never shone with the extraordinary lus ter of that of Grant or Sherman. STATUE OF FREDERICK THE CHEAT J lie took tier to tin ball K""''. nnJ wlifii tli'y l1""1 found th.'lr plures I le allowed her win-re thi! players Blood and told about tlic biisi-s; With patient care he hhowed her that the umpire did not pluy. KxplulnltiK that on every point he had the llnul say; po'nted out the betu'ht'H where the rival pluyers sat And made It clear that "club" is not the same thing us a bat. She thanked Mm prettily, and said mIid thought that It was splendid . To have the than" to see a irm: und be so well ut tended; And when he care fully set forth the pitcher's plan und aim She thanked him once ugaln und said that sift- vfnn glad she came: He told her why the man was out, und showed her how a lly When i-auKht before it struck the ground would make him out, and why. He did not Klve tier any chume to ask a single uuestion; Ho unalyzed the game for her without the least HUiwmion; With linger pointed at the men hu showed how It was done, Showed how the coacher signaled to the men to stay or run, And while with cheers the very air ubovo the tii-lil was Jarred He showed her how to mark the run upon the little card. She smiled a gentle smile and said she wished she had his knowledge. That she had tried to play the name one year at college He g'rin:ied in pity, then he told In meas ured terms and slow The Inner motives of tho game as then and there on show. Then came the ninth; the score was tied; two out, the bases full, And every rooter In the stand exerting psychic pull. A long, clean hit to center-and a tumult on the bleachers With men In wildest voices shouting like to crazy c reatures And she! (), she was on her feet und yelling all tne wiuie In accents that you could have heard, I'm sure, for half a mile! "O, run! Ice-wagons! Kun! Hun! nun!" -Her tones were shrill and loud And soared above the roaring und tho shrieking of the crowd. He never said n word as they walked homeward from the game, Hut for a week or so the world was not to him the same. The Gardener's Guide. If you have a bare space along your garden wall, plant some rubber plants there. They will soon stretch across tho gap. When your oyster plnnts are well above the ground, sprinkle them with vinegar, and occasionally (lust them with salt and pepper. This adds to their flavor. Too nint h care cannot be exercised in making the mush for your mush room beds. Use white cornmeal for this. Any wholesnle dealer will sell you corn plasters by tho gross. On plas ter to the hill Is enough to bring out your corn. The automobile radish Is coming Into vogue as a substitute for horse radish. The automobile radish has a pronounced gasoline flavor and Is eaten with heavy gloves and goggles. If your string beans grow too near the cucumbers they are apt to acquire Indigestion and tie knots In them selves. . While you are planting sweet pota toes do not forget to put In a small bed of sour potatoes, as they are good with frankfurter sausages. LAfAYETTE CTATUE, WASHINGTON, DC There are scores of memorials of various kinds in Washington. Foreign nations are rep resented. In Lafayette square are the statues of the Frenchmen Lafayette and nochambeau, who came to the aid of the colonies In their struggle against Great Britain. Kefore loug there will be two other statues In the square, one to tho honor of Pulaski and another to Steuben. When these memorials are In place Lafayette square will contain Ave bronze figures, Lafayette, Ilochambeuu, Pu laski, Steuben and Andrew Jackson. The Jack con statuo stands In tho center of the park, while each of the Frenchmen has a corner to himself. Tho other corners will bo ocupled by the Pole and the Germau. Emperor William about six years ago pre sented to the United States a statue of Fred erick the Great. It was dedicated with Impres sive ceremonies Nov. 19, 1904. It was unveiled by the Baroness Speck von Sternberg, wife of tho German ambassador, and was presented fee. chief of staff; MaJ.-Gen. Gillespie, of the general staff and master of ceremonies, and by Lleut.C.en. von Loewenfeld, one of the special commissioners sent to the unveiling by the kaiser. An address was also made by Charlemagne Tower, American ambassador to Germany. Seldom has the national capital witnessed a more brilliant and distinguished assembly than that which gathered on the esplanade of the army war college around the pedestal of Kmperor William's gift. On the president's stand were seated the president and the mem bers of his cabinet, the German ambassador and Baroness Speck von Sternberg and other distinguished persons. On the stand to tho right and left of the statue were the officers of tho army and navy In full dress uniform, members of the supremo court, members of congress and a number of distinguished In vited guests. Germany's gift created considerable un favorable comment throughout the country on the part of the foreign population with no particular love for the emperor. The Poles were especially critical and Polish societies throughout the country met to protest against tho United States accepting the present from royalty. The local Polish societies Joined In tho protest. There were many others who wondered what Emperor William was aiming nnd that soon "something would be doing." Since that attempt to dam age the memorial of the great Freder let n Ktrlct euurd has been main tained about the statue. Representative Bartholin or Mis souri at the next session of congress will champion a measure intended to change the name of Lafayette square to Independence square and he will ask that the memorial to Gen Jackson, which stands In the center ot the park shall be replaced by one of George Washington. Mr. Bartholdt thinks that the name Ifayette square gives too much promi nence to a man of one nationality, while there were men of other nationalities also to be re membered by statues In the park who gave Just as much service to the struggling colonies. The Missouri congressman thinks that In a sense Lafayette square makes an invidious distinction. Lafayette holds a peculiar place In the affections of Americans, and though It may be without right or reason, he is known much better to the people than either Steuben or Ptilnskl There will be opposition to the change In the name of the square, but as La fayette Is remembered In bronze at Its most commanding corner it may be that Mr. Bar tholdt Is right in contending that the doubla honor Is too much to give one man. General Steuben's service to the American patriots hardly can be estimated. It was not so much his aid In actual battle as his teach, lag of drill regulations and tactics and his Im parting to tho revolutionary officers of the art of maintaining efficient discipline that brought htm fame nnd the honor of the leaders of tho revolutionary aute. Modern Nebuchadnezzar. Seeing the man In his front yard eating grass, we are about to make some Jocund comment upon his evi dent desire to avoid the expense of maintaining a lawn mower, when our attention Is attracted by a neat placard upon his fence. It reads: "I Know You Will Ask Me What I Mean By This Fool Trick. I Have Been Heading So Much About the Meat and Bread and Milk and Butter and Egg nnd Poultry and Fruit and Vegetable Businesses That I Don't Know What Klse to Do. Please Keep Off the Grass." Merely observing that he Is not tho only man who Is cowed by the out look, or the tnlook, as tho case may be, wo move on. Thoughtful. "She was an Ideal wife, was she not?' we ask of tho Inconsolable widower. "To the extreme," ho replies, sadly. "Why, she was so Intent upon being thoughtful that Bho warmed my slip pers for me In the summer as well as In tho winter, and Insisted upon my taking medicines at the prescribed hours even after I got well." Th Trait That Holds. "Brown hasn't gone fishing this summer, has ho?' we ask of his friend. "No. Ho bought an auto and has been touring all the time." "That's good. Possibly he may overcome his habit of telling whop pers." "Not a bit of It. Now he is always bragging about the people he Just missed running over.'