The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, July 29, 1909, Image 1
MewsHerald The TWICE A WEEK VSSSiSSSftlSnZSS; 1864 CH.:j. 1. 1806 TLATTSMOUTn, NEBRASKA, Til U IIS DAY, JULY 21), VJOii VOL. XLVI NO. 30 A. V Old Citizen Passes On Funeral of One of Plattsmouth's Most Highly Respected Citi zens. The funeral of the late John V. Egen berger, whose death occurred at Inv manuel hospital, in Omaha, on Monday, July 26, 1909, was held from the family residence, on the corner of 6th and Rock streets, in this city, this after noon at 2 o'clock. After a short ser vice art the residence the remains were conveyed to St. John's Catholic church where funeral cermonlta were conducted by Rev. Father M. S. Shine. The death of this highly respected citi zen has deeply shocked his many friends of this city and vicinity, where he has spent the greater part of his lifetime. Mr. Egenberger was born Oct. 24, 1854, in the German village of Waldhausen, Baden, where he spent his youthful days and grew to manhood. While still a young man he sailed for this country, landing in the month of April, 18,72, and proceeded to this city, where he has since resided and where he has al ways taken a prominent part in a busi ness way and , socially. For a few years after his arrival he followed farm ing. Later he entered the general merchandise store of Guthman & Week baugh as a clerk, remaining with the firm in this capacity for ten years. La ter he embarked in business for him self in the establishment of the Platts mouth Coal and, Wood Yards which from a small beginning has been steadily built up until today it stands as a mon ument to his business acumen and sound judgment. He was united in marriage in this city to Miss Mary E. Hohlshuh, and nine children were born to bless this union, Edward. Albert V.. Fred B.. R. Will iam, Carl Elmer, sons, and Anna M., Ida G.,Fkrence H.,and Mary Cdaughr tcrs, all of whom with his widow live in this city and survive him. In addi tion to these immediate members ef the family the deceased is survived by two brothers, Louis B. and Fred G. , Egenberger, and three sisters, Mrs. William Webber, Mrs. Herman Spies and Mrs. A. H. Weckbaugh, all resi , dents of this city. Two brothers, Wil helm and Francis K. and one sister, Miss Francisco Egenberger, have pre ceded him to the great beyond. Deceased was a member of the Elks, A. O. U. W. and Modem Woodmen, and a delegation of the former order met the remains at the depot Tuesday morning and escorted them to his late residence. The pall bearers were William Hassler, Val Burkel, D. 0. Dwyer, Geo. E. Dovey, Jos. Droege, Robert Troop. In the death of Mr. Egenberger the wife loses a kind and loving helpmeet, the children a wise and indulgent fath er, and the community a staunch and up right citizen whose every thought was for all that was best in civic upright ness. The News-Herald joins with the entire community in extending heartfelt sympathy to the sorrowing family. For jewelry, watches, rings, silver ware, clocks, and cut glass see Crabill. The Big Fall Carnival Is In Plallsmoulh Sept. 1 to 6 The big Carnival of low prices is here and now. If you have not attended our July Clearance you better take advantage of these last days to replenish your wardrobe at about 1-2 prices. Sox 5, 8 and 19c Hand kerchiefs 5c Shirts, good shirts with or without collar 39c. Boys shirts 23o. Knee pants 26c. Boys stockings 16c. Rompers 39c. Good night gowns 54c. Men's pants 1.45, 1.99, 2.48. Men's suits 7.90, 9.90, 11.90. Boys suits 1,39, 1.99, 2.19. C E. WescotTs Sons "Where Quality Counts. THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. Funeral ol Willie Gardner. The funeral of Willie Gardner, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Gardner look place from the family residence on Washington avenue Tuosday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The services were con ducted by Rev. Randall, assisted by the Methodist quartette compos! of Mrs. C. S. Johnson, Miss Alice Tuey, Mr. C. C. Wescott and Dr. Randall. The deceased was a faithful member of the M. E. Sunday school, and the last hymn sung by the quartette, "Will there be any Stars in My Crown, had been his favorite one. Many beautiful floral offerings testi fied to the esteem in which Willie was held by a large circle of friends, who were greatly shocked at his early de mise, he being but 17 years of age. The remains were interred in Oak Hill cemetery. The pall bearers were Sandy Andrews, Charlie Poisal.Chester Tuey and Stewart Randall, boy friends of the deceased and members of his Sunday School class. The bereaved family have the sym pathy of the entire neighborhood in their sad loss. Maple Grove Happenings ' ; From our Raffvkr Correspondent P. A. Hild and family were Maple Grove visitors Tuesday. T. L. Davis of Lincoln, was a Maple Grove caller last Tuesday. Tritz Lutz and Alfred Gansemer made a trip to Omaha Tuesday. Les Gregory purchased a new 15 horse power Case engine last week. Chas. Philput shipped 5 carloads of of fat cattle to South Omaha luesday. Alfred nannemer and W. II. Puis made a business trip to Nehawka Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gansemer, spent Sunday at the home of A. Gan emer. - ' The Rusterholta and Patterson wed ding was quite largely attended last Wednesday nighty Wedding Bella. A quiet wedding occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Homer McKay when Mr. W. H. Bunch and Maude E. Bur- ley were united in marriage by Rev. Moore ofthe Christian church, only a few friends and relatives being pre sent. The out of town guests were Miss Emma Bergdorf and Mr. Ed Levi the bridesmaid and groomsman, of Omaha, and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. White- mark of South Omaha, and Mrs. W. E. Maxon of Pedro Miguel, Canal Zone, Isthmus of Panama. Mr. and Mrs. Bunch will be at home to all their friends after September 1st, at Belle vue, Neb. Jacob Meisinger was in the city Tues day. Jake says the late ram was all right for corn but 'delayed threshing somewhat in his vicinity. He thinks there was more rain here than further west. He thinks it will need another good rain to make a bumper corn crop. Mrs. Wm. Hunter and daughter, Miss Helen, were shopping in Omaha Tuesday. Demand For Better Things Has Developed a New Agricul tural and Live Stock Educator. St. Joseph, Mo. Within the past few years a new ed ucational factor in American agricul tural and live stock husbandry has taken prominence in this country. The agricultural fair and the live stock show are not new. But the part they have been playing in the education of farmers and live stock breeders has within the past decade taken on a wonderful new life. There was and still is a growing demand for better things from field and feed lot. The consumer has demanded it and the farmer's bank account demands it. Land has become too valuable and the prices of feeds have become establish ed upon a permanent level that is too high to permit of scrub stock making the profits they once did. The agri cultural college where young men could be trained in the study of soils, in the study of crops and how to get the biggest yields, and the improve ment of live stock became a necessity with the coming of the age when there is no more cheap land. Supplemental to the agricultural school where farming was transformed into a profession rather than an occu pation, comes the agricultural and live stock show and these occupy a field distinct, unique, useful and American They are a school, a short course in agriculture and animal husbandry where there is recreation and instruction for the farmer, his wife, his sons and daughters, as well as for the business man and the society lady of the city. Among the annual live stock straws that have within a short time come into prominent recognition for the broad scone of its provision for the entertain ment and instruction ' of the public is the Interstate Live Stock and Horse Show at St. Joseph, Mo. Four years ago this show was start- ei There were skeptics who said St Joseph could not start and put a big live stock show on a self-sustaining basis. But before the end of the first show, skepticism had flown and the Interstate was recognized as one of the big shows of the country. It has been eettine better ever since and the preliminary premium list for the ex hibition of this year advisedly makes provision for still further growth. New departments and classifications have been added and correspondence being received daily in the office of manager M. B. Irwin furnishes proof positive that the week of Sept. 20-25, this year, will bring out a bigger lot of show ring live stock than has been seen at any of the previous shows. ; Notice of Sale. Notice is hereby given that the Board of School Distiict No. 2, in Cass county, Nebraska, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at 2:30 p, m., of the 21st day of August, A. D., 1009, at the South door of the Court House, in Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Sale to remain open one (1) hour, the school building with foundation, known as the Goos School House and located on the farm of Mrs. Anna Goos, about one mile South-east of Plattsrr.outh, Neb raska. Dated this 24th day of July, A. D., 1909. Hans Hemp 29-8 Director. Some Facts About Lincoln. Since the saloons were closed out of Lincoln the city is prospering as never before. There are more houses building than in the same months of la3t year. There are more real estate sales. There is more demand for houses to rent. j There is not an idle laboring man in Lincoln, and the contractors are need- ing more men. The merchants are having better j trade, and collections are better than ever before. I The deposits in the savings banks have increased over a thousand dollars I a day ever since the saloons closed. The clearing house reports show the banks are doing twenty-two per cent more business than last year. There are fewer people in the jails, and there are few arrests for drunken ness, -mostly men who get drunk at Havelock. The city has a cleaner look and a cleaner smell, and four fifths of the people are proud that the town is dry. Are You Going To Alberta? Harvesting and Threshing in Progress -Can See What Land is Producing. Tuesday, August 3, is the date of the next excursion to "Sunny Southern Alberta," Canada. This will be the best time of all the year for prospec tive purchasers to look at Alberta land as small grain will just be ready for cutting and thrashing. One can see at a glance exactly what the climate and soil will produce. Crop prospects in this famous wheat belt have not been bet ter in 20 years, which means that the price of land there will continue to ad vance in price. About 30 or 40 farmers, business and profensional men of Cass county have already made purchases in Alberta. Land-seekers from some 15 er 20 states are flocking there by the thousands, most of them buying a quarter section or more before they return. Six years ago this land sold at from $2 to $5 an acre; today, it is selling at from $12 or $15 up to $50 an acre. The Canadian Pacific R. R. Co. ad vanced the price of its lands 20 per cent on July 15 and further advances are sure to come as the home seekers con tinue to rush into that country. If you cannot possibly get away to go on Aug. 3, you can go on the next excursion day, which will be August 17. Alberta grows the best wheat to be found, the yield being from 30 to 55 bushels per acre. Oats yield from 60 to 100 bushels and barley, 40 to 80 bu shels. You can purchase first class dry land within 2, 3 or 4 miles of a mar ket at $18 an acre and irrigated laad at $30 an aere. Where can you buy land at that price that will grow such large cropsi Terms: One-tenth down and bal ance in nine equal annual payments. For further particulars, call upon or write, Geo. L. Farley, - Local Agent. Coates Block, Plattsmouth, Nebr. We Want You To Know That there is a difference between ficticious sales and real values. We urge you to direct your ernest attention upon the following guarantee, which operates throughout the entire sales period, now well under way. 000000000000000000000000000 S "TMJY A SUIT OF CLOTHES from us and see the JSJ same kind for less money in any other retail 0 clothing houseshow us and we will refund to you g in cash not only the difference in price but double 0 that amount." oooooooaoaoooooooooooooooooo If You Are Led Into a Store by the bait of a $35.00 suit for $14.75 and you buy what assurance have you that you could not have bought the same suit elsewhere for less mon ey? Our guarantee protects you UNCONDITIONALLY. Suits worth $22.50 Suits worth $18.00 to $22.00 for 14.50 Suits worth $13.50 to $16.50 for 10.50 Suits worth $8.00 to $12.50 for 7.50 Boys new knickerbocker suits $2.75,$3.75 and 5.75,greatly reduced and going fast The home of Hart SchafTner & Marx clothes. Stetson Hats. Manhattan Shirts. Happily Wedded. Mrs. A. II. Knee well known in this city as a prominent member of the local W. C. T. U. organization was married in Omaha July 26, '09, to Mr. David Knee of Alturas, California. The marriage occurred at the home of Mr. Floyd Knee and in addition to the relatives of the contracting parties several state and other officers of the W. C. T. U. including Mrs. B. C. Kerr of this city president of the local order. The groom is a wealthy mine owner of California is well known here j and their many friends in the city and vicinity join the News-Herald in ex tending congratulations and best wishes for a happy and prosperous wedded life. Creaks Strike. Tuesday a number of Greeks and Italians who have been doing local track work for the C. B. & Q. railway company decided to go on a strike un less the wages were raised from 15 to 17 1-2 cents per hour. They notified foreman Scott who replied he could do nothing for them as the scale of wages was determined by his superiors and advised them to remain at work until the matter could be adjusted. They quit however and moved out of the cars they had been using for homes and prepared to depart for Omaha where they claim the wages are higher. The company will probably, send an other extra gang to continue the work here. Mrfc. Hawriek Improving. Andrew Hawrick returned from Chi cago last evening where he had been at the bedside of his wife who is sick at a hospital there. Mrs. Hawrick had just withstood a critical operation, the physicians informing him it had been particularly severe and dangerous. The patient is recovering rapidly from the effects however and as she seemed to be resting easily and in good spirits Andy concluded It was safe for him to return to this city where his business interests require his attention. The numerous friends of these excellent people hope the lady will fully recover and return to her home soon. ' to $30.00 for Death of Miss Black Funeral this Afternoon Cor ducted by Rev. J. H. Sals bury. Word was received in the city yester day conveying the sad news of the death of Miss Hannah Black whose ill ness with typhoid fever has been re ported in this paper from time to time. Miss Black has been gradually grow ing weaker since entering the hospital and practically no hope had been held out for her recovery, her death occur ring Tuesday evening at 9 o'clock. The remains were brought to this city on No. 2 last evening, the funeral being held from the home of her uncle. Mr. C. II. Smith, this afternoon at 5 o'clock, that hour being chosen to en able Mrs. Herman Spies, with whom the deceased had made her home for many years, to be present after the fu neral of her brother, J. V. Egenberger. The services were conducted by Rev. J. H. Salsbury of the Presbyterian church being assisted by Dr. Baird and the Presbyterian quartet. The deceased was twenty-three years old and was the last of her family, her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Black, her brother. George, and sister. Mrs. Capitola Fogarty, having all de parted this life during the past four years. Miss Black has for a number of years been the .efficient general delivery clerk at the post office and her kindly disposition has endeared her to all and her friends are legion. She has always appeared to be strong and in the best of health and her friends are greatly shocked and depressed at her early de mise. The immediate relatives surviv ing her are Mr. Curtis Moore, an uncle, and Mrs. C. H. Smith, an aunt, both of this city, and they have the sympathy of the entire community in their be reavement The remains were interred in the Oak Hill cemetery. Numerous beautiful flowers and floral emblems testified to the esteem of her sorrow. tag1 frieBdsTT - - O O o o One-Button Novelty Sack, INo. oob 17.50