The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, July 26, 1909, Image 8
BRIEF LOCAL HAPPENINGS Watches, ?1 to $50 at Crabill'a. Diamond Dyes, Weyrich & Hadraba. Bijr line of sterling silverware at Crabill's. JPurses and Pochrt Rooks, Weyrich. & Hadraba. Diamonds. Investigate prices at Crabill's For prescription work go to Weyrich &. Hadraba. Aug. G. Nolting attended to business in vhe city Saturday. rerfumes, Weyrich & Hadraba. AI Graves and son of near Murray, had business here Saturday. Toilet Soaps, Weyrich & Hadraba. W. S. Norris of Nehawka was in the ity Saturday attending to business matters. Plattsmouth Cigars, Weyrich & Had raba. Miss Ida Egenberger was a passen ger for Omaha where (the spent the day at the hospital. Combs and brushes, Weyrich & Had raba. James Pollock returned to his home in Omaha Saturday '.after a few days visit with relatives here. Fatent medicine, Weyrich & Hadraba. Frank Hawksworth of Lincoln was in the city for a visit 07er Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Hawks worth. Tablets and pencils, Weyrich & Had raba. Miss Lucille Randall and her guest Miss Miller of Lincoln were passengers for Omaha Satnrday where they fpent the day shopping and visiting with friends. Machine oil, Weyrich & Hadraba. Mrs. Thomas Ruby and baby of Ober lin, Kans., came Saturday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Bengen near Mynsrd. Linseed oil, Weyrich & Hadraba. George Grebe who has been at Reno, Nevada for some time visiting with his son returned to his home in this city Saturday. Turpentine, Weyrich & Hadraba. A. Ib!cn, roadmaster of the C. B. & Q. Railway attended to county busi ness connected with his road In the city Friday. White lead, Weyrich & Hadraba. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kruger and son, were passengers for Omaha Saturday morning where they went to spend the day trading. Tooth brushes, Weyrich & Hadraba Mrs. E. Drew, who has been visiting in the city at the home of Mrs. J. C. Cummins, returned to her home in w mn wmsx r ii II HE BEST GROCERY STORE in town is what Soenniclisen claims his to be. If you want anyting in the grocery line you would do well to see him. He carries the finest line of groceries to be had in town carrying . not only, a full line of staples, but also a full line of fancy groceries, articles not usually found in a common grocery store. If you want satisfaction in your groceries give Soennichsen a trial order. You will get prompt and courteous .treatment and above all, good groceries. Want Column i i 8 LOST. LOST-A baby's white coat was lost on the 17th between Mrs. Wm. Tay lor's tnd Plattsmouth. A suitable reward will be given for the return of it. Mrs. Wm. Taylor. 292 FOR SALE. For Sale -A 160 acre farm of first class wheat land in the wheat belt in eastern Oregon all in cultivation with a good running feed yard and barn for $1,000 if sold Boon. For particulars write to or call on Otto L. Hohlfbld, Madras, Crook County, Ore. WANTED. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA - . A new and ihnrmiitlily live, prai-tiral irhool. conducted hr inycttful businaaa people, pri'patiiu ymini people for the belt parinf ponitioni. Knuipment and methods the nion modern. Practical featmea of instruction not found in other achoola. We make a apecialty of each (Indent, livint Individual aid. Many of our graduates are now earnini more in a single month than the entire coat of tui tion and hooks. We have an ideal location. NO SALOONS IN LINCOLN. Fall opening Sept. I. Write for beautiful illustrated catalogue. ADORE6S w. M. BRYANT. President. 1519 O St., Lincoln. Neb. 8000 , POSITIONS AWAIT AU OUR STUDENTS Omaha Saturday. Alabastine, Weyrich & Hadraba. T. W. Vallery and Lee Oldham', two popular and well known citizen of Murray were in the city Saturday on a trip combining business and pleasure. Sponges, Weyrich & Hadraba. ' J. M. Meisinger was among the prominent farmers from Eight Mile Grove precinct in the city on business connected with his large farming in terests Saturday. Ice cream soda, Weyrich & Hadraba. Mrs. J. W. Johnson returned to her home from Mynard where 6he visited last week with her mother, Mrs. Hin ton, and her sisters, Mesdames William Gillispie and Joseph Adams. Byron Clark, Judge Newell, John Becker and James Robertson made up an automobile party, which attended the republican convention at Weeping Water Saturday. Ed Barker acted as chaffeur. Great Bargains-For $700 you can buy a place that would cost you $15(0 It is imnossilila to nresent a detailed list of the-flttrnrfivo py- to build. Two five room oottages, close Excursion Hates Everywhere Missouri Pacific Time Table .9:48 a. m. TRAINS SOUTH No. 104 To K. C, St. Louis, passenger No. 106 To K. C, St. Louis, passenger 12:03 a. m. No. 194 Local Freight .... 10:40 a. rr. . TRAINS NOTtTH No. 103 From K. C, St. Louis. passenger 5:02 p. rn. No. 105 From K. C, St. Louis, passenger 6:12 a. m. No. 193 Local Freight 3:00 p. m. Tickets sold and baggage checked to all points in U. S. H. Norton. Ticket Agent. Notice to Creditors. State o( Nebraska, o , ... County of Caaa. I In County Court In the matter of the estate of Konrad Heinemann deceant d. Notice ia hereby given that the creditor of said doc caned will meet the Kxecutor of said es tate, before mc. County Judire of Cans County, Nebraska, at the County Court room in I'latta mouth, in said County, on the 23rd dny of Au runt. 190S. and on the 2tith day of February. 19 0 at 10 o'clock A. M . each day. for the purpose of proxentinsr their claims for exami nation, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed for the creditors of said di cased to present their claims, and one year for the Executor to settle said estate from the 23rd day of August VM9. Witness my hand and seal of said County Court, at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this 2Urd 'day of July 1909.. Allen J. Uee.hon. 29 8 Seal. County Judge See us for Bale bills. cursion rates now in effect. in lor $b7&.uu casn. a nne i room house well located, close in for f 10(10. You Can go East on daily low rates to Atlantic cities and re- Two good frame cottages close in for sorts; every day rates to Wisconsin, Michigan and Canadian re orts, and for the celebrated toui of the lakes, You Can eo West: There are very attractive rates every day to Colorado, Yellowstone rark, Seattle, California, Black Hills, Hot Springs; homeseekers rates every first and third Tuesdays everywhere west. Inquire about the personally conducted camp ing tours from Cody into the Yellowstone Park. See Your Own Country: Between America's prosperity and iow railroad rates there is every reason why you should join the great summer travel throng. W. L. Pickett, Agent. L W. Wakeley, G. P. A., Omaha. $300. Windham Investment Co. 28-3 OVERLOOKED FOR THIS TIME. TRAIN YOUR BRAINS aaaaaaaaaaaMBMaBaBBaBaaBHaBBaHaHHHBaaaavaaaHHaMaHaaaiaBBBaMaaaBBaBaa The present day demands that every one enRaged in any of the pursuit per taining to the earning of a livelihood should have Trains Brains. Men and women with Trained Brains forge ahead. Untrained I ratal stop stand still aad when past 45 realize their unfitness and say: "If 1 had only Trained Brains." KTWHAT WILL YOU DO? "CO You can not afford to wait when right at your door is a Business University for Training Bralm, with the guarantee of Nebraska City behind it. We Train rains If we could not, Nebraska City would not back us up. We qualify you as a OOKKCEPtR CARTOONIST . TVPKWRITIST STCN3CAPH(n CIVIL BCRVICl' BANKER SHOW CARD WRITER MECHANICAL DRAFTSMAN LETTER WRITER IN COMMERCIAL LAW ACCOUNTANT ARTIST ILLUSTRATOR It Spells "SUCCESS" Substantial Reasons Why Business Firm "Stood For" Impertinence from Employe. The New York dry good . firm o' Rlumsteln & Rosenberg had a travel Ing salesman named Richards. Rich ards was a good salesman, and when Rober a cenial fellow. Once, however, after an unusually Biiccoxsfiil trip he Indulged In nn unusunlly successful celebration, and ended by going to sleep In the public office of the com pany. "Get up," said Mr. Ros-Miborg, sha king him violently. "Rosey, go Jump on yourself,"' said his sleepy employe. I The senior partner tried It nrxt and was rewarded with Ihe words: '. "Ulunisteln. you so to thundew" The firm held an Indignation moot ing, decided to dispense with Rich ards' services, and aakl the biok keeper what they owed this erring salesman. Fifteen hundred dollars," ho report ed. "Richards has sold SHO.noO worth of poods In the past three months." The partners looked at each other In silence. "Rosey," said the senior partner. "you go chump on yourself. I m g- Ing to thunder." Success Magazine. Nstioe To Creditors. - State of Nebraska, I oa t. v. ... - . CaaaCountr. ISS- In County Court In the matter of tho estate of Addison H. Jack man deoeaaed. None ia hereby (riven that the creditors of eaid deceased will meet the Administrator of aaid es tate, before me. County JwIko of Caaa County, Nebraska, at the County Court room in 1'latUi mouth. in said County, on the 80th day of July. IOW. and on the3tst day of January, M0. at 10 o clock A. M., each day, fur tha purpose of pre senting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Si months are allowed for the creditors of aaid deceased to present their claims and one car for the Administrator to settle said estate, from the 30th day of July. I'M. Witners my hand and seal of eaid County Court, at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this 1st day of July, im Allen J. Bkeson. 23-8 SKAL.1 County Judge, Legal Notice All persona interested are hereby notified that John Albert Bauer, as administrator with the will annexed of the estate of John H. Bauer, de ceased. ha dlrd hia final account with the County Court of Casa county, Nebraska, a motion to he permitu-d to Gle a claim atiftirat said estate, and his petition for final scitlnmcnt of said accuont, and the distribution of the residue of said estate, real and personal to all ersons by law and tho provisions of the will of said deceased entitled thereto. That a hearing will bo had on said report and petition in the County Court room in the city of 1'lHttsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, on the liith day of August, liKI'J. at the hour of ten o'clock A. M , at which time the said account ill be allowed and the prayer of said petition (fronted, and the administrator permitted to tile his claim anain-t sain estate, u no objections b made thereto at said time. Dated at I'laltsmrutli Nebraska, thia 17 til day of July 1909. A 1.1. EN J. BF.ESON. 27-6 Coaflty Judge Cass county, Neb. Acorn cigars 5 cents each. Smoke an "Acorn" and be happy. Fine job work done at this office. YOUR DOLLAR Win come back to ru if you ipend it at home. It is sons fortver il you sand it to tha Mail-Order House. A tlanca through our advertising- columns will give you an Idea whara it will buy tha most Western Lands for Sai Kine Bartaina. In Parklna and Dowel conntiaa. m All imooth. levsl land. Black, rich soil. Near I railroad. Good towns and ad ninina farma. Iij tofmp'racre. Terms reasonable. Correspond cure solirited. Will cnd maps, literature, etc. Write Mdav. Tha Western Loaa Trust Co.. Holdregt, Near. ouh aovisoar aoaao appointio s auaiNiat kin or tmi cut MR. JOHN W. TCINMa.RT MR. W. f. CORNUTT MR. M. H. HANKS MR. RAUL HlltN MR. W. H. RITZCR Fall term opens September 7th. Write for information of our free tuition oner; atso our beauiilul book that tells you HOW WE TRAIN HKAINS. Nebraska Business University CHA. C. BRANT, rataioldT Mki.,.tr C.I.. Kt.L. CLIFFORD LEIGH, INCDraSKa Uty, MD. X X X X X X X z lVVVWAt atVaVa.tVAA. AvM, aft Hotter Than Ever No relief you Bay? Oh yea there is. Just drop in and try one of our delicious Soda Confections. Allow us to suggest one of the following. Root Reer ) Coco Cola Orangeade J Chocolate Frappe Rose Frappe 5c 10c i ( Celery Phosphate Claret Phosphate r run Phosphate Viokt Frappe Caramel Frappe Sundaes, any Flavor, Bo and 1 0e. Ice Cream Soda with Crushed Fruit.So and lOo. Remember, a Dc purchase ia one vote in the diamond ring contest. NBMETZ & CO. Candymikeri. Next to P. O. X X X x x x X I z X A. I I In a Pearl Factory. Tho pnl' bent workmen wcre,.n;ost of them, drilling cosily pearls,- but here a man In kid glovea performed tho opetatlon of sklnnlmr, the opera Hon of to.novinp: a pearl's uuict, (lis colored rout so as to give it npaln its original Inrter, and by the window an other mnn shook Industriously ;thre pea-Is In a b ittle. 'It Is a Kccret. of the trade, of tnl pearl drilltr's trade," he saldj"tnis bottlo-shakltiK. You see, In pearl drill ing, a drill point often breaks off In a pearl, and to pet It out niny take a whole dr-' work that Is, if you don't know tho secret." He looked closely at the bottom of the glastt bottle, and then, continuing his shaking, ho resumed: Tlut If you put your pearl In a bot tle and shake It up, the drill point 10 a few minutes will fall out of Itself Look! There's another out already. Tie thlrd'll come soon now." . i i The Insanity Plea. "Sir," said the young woman, with that seemed to be indignation. The young man looked embarrassed "Yes, I did kiss you," he admitted, 'but I was impulsively Usane." "That meanB that a man would be a lunatic to kiss me?" ' "Well, any man ef discretion would be Just crar.y to kiss you." This seemed to Haas the Btraln, and no Jury being present to muddle af fairs a Katlsfactory . verdict was reached. Philadelphia Lodger. L'gal Notice. Stale of Nebraska. I County of Cans. i ' To David K. Thomaa. tho unknown heirs and rlnuitinna n Ilnuiil K Thnm.a itnMO.wl Kimuin A. Thomas, the unknown heirs and devisees of : T tVlflt if W RaTlQ'fjir'f flPlT T Simeon A. Thomas. decked, the unknown heir llidl 11 ,S adUal dLlOry X and devisees of Aaron Cochran deceased. Tootle Farlcixh, a partnership, Thomas E. 'footle, hia wifo Tootle, first name unknown, Milton Tootle, the unknown heira and devisees of Milton Tootle, deceased, William (!. Farleigh, tie urv known heirs and devisers of William li. I arleigh, deceased, non-naident dtfendants. You and each or you are hereby notified that Wilham A. Clonhorn, executor of the last will of Frederick Krunko. deceased, Edward Brunko. F.mcst Brunko, and Annie Brunko, children of Aiwust K. Brunko. deceased, on the 19th day of July, I1KI9, filed their petition in the district court of Cans county, Nebraska, avainst you. the object and punose of said action being to quiet and con firm the title of said laintiir in and to all of the Fast i of the N. K. 1-4 of Section 5. Township II, Kantroll east, in Cass county. Nebraska, and against you and each of you and forequitablo re lief. You am required to answer said petition nn or hefnre Monday, the lith dav of t-'enlcmber 1909. Wt ham A. Cleghorn. executor or the las' will of Frederick Brunko. deceased, Kdward Brunko, Ernest Brunko, and Annie Hrunko. children ot August K. Brunko. deceased. I'lit in t ilTs. By A. L. TIDD. Their Attorney. SKJ-8 WANTED Young men and women to fill positions paying $900 to $2000 per annum. Big demand for stenograph ers in the Government service, as well as in private business life. Our new method of teaching shorthand by mail insures as thorough and practical a training at your own home as is obtainable by personal attend ance at any business college in the country. We guarantee success. Complete course for small cash pay ment; balance to be paid when you secure a position. Trial lesson free. Central Business Institute, Central Building, Washington, D. C. BAILEY & MAGI THE DENTISTS latest aatllsaCM. ll.S-Oflif.Destl.try lltttt Ml Prlcci. Bttt-roilasr4 Of ltd Of flttlatktMIMiiWctl. M floor Paiten Dik., Ut k A rarnam, QtJHA, NCI. 4 .t. M. Lata I IUU i oy Duiiaing your own ? lines you can secure bet ter service at 25 cents :; per month. It is a busi- : ; ness proposition, and :; Legal Notice. The defendants Mary Magowan, Harriet L. Carper, Carper, (first namo unknown). William Kolls, Joshua Stroud, barah A. Stroud, Lombard Investment Company. Harry L. Mooney, Sanford U. Ladd, and Frank Hagerman, Keceiv ers Lombaid Investment Company non-resident defendants.ard tha unknown heirs of Kiley Jones, Tennessee Kolls, nee Jones, Wiley O. Jones, lsabell Ruhv, nee Jones, and George S. Kuby, deceased, will take notice that on the 9th day of July 1909, John C. Knabe, the plaintiff filed hia petition In the District Court of Cass county, Mobraaka, against the above named defendants, the object and prayer of which ia to cancel a certain mnrt' gage given by Oswald Baier. and wife, to the bombard Investment Company, dated March 8, lhX9. and to nuiet tha title in tha plaintiff to the following described real estate situated in Cass county. Nebraska, to-wit: The West one-halt Vi or the southeast Quarter (') the southwest quarter () of the northeast quarter C) the south twenty-five 125) acres of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarterCa) the east fifteen (16) acres of the northwest quarter IH) of the northeast quarter C). tha south aix (H) acres of the remainder of the northwest quar ter Cs) of the northeast quartqr () the west 17.63 acres in lot three (S) in tha northeast quar ter (') of tha northcaat quarter ( lot aix (li) containing 13.21 acres in the southeast quarterns) of the northeast quarter (' I all in section Thirty-two Township Lleven (11) Kange Thirteen (1.1) containing 19ti.K) acres, and that each of said de fendants and those claiming under or tfcrounh them, be forever barred from having or claiming any interest in said reul estate, and for equitable relief. You arc required to answer or plead to said pe tition on or before the 2'lnl day of August, 1909. Dated at t'lattsmouth. Cass cuunty, Nibrnxka, this 9ih day of July !:i9. J.i-8 John C. Knadk, IMaiiititT. can be verified by 3600 : ; farmers now connected ; ; with the Nebraska Tele phone Company in Ne braska, and over i00 in Cass county. MMIMMIIIIIIII LAWYER References: Bank of Eagle, Eagle. Nehawka Bank, Nehawka. Bank of Murdock. Murdock. First Nat'l bank, Greenwood. State bank of Murray, Murray. First Nat'l bank, Plattsmouth. irl i 1 'I M',H,,MS,,l,,l"t"l"?rMM,,,H',W' C. A. MARSHALL, D. D. S. Mllllll Farmers i Why do you pay $1.50 : ; per month for an indif- :: . T I Office in Fitzgerald Block iereni grounaea line x ! Telephone service, when t ..Graduate Dentist.. Prices Reasonable All Work Guaranteed Twenty-six Years' Experience Did You Ever Know ? that Chinese children play "Blind Man's Buff"- and lots J of other games, just like our own American w kiddies "? And that there arc some bacteria so good for us that they're called "indispensable"? Sec the AUGUST EVERYBODY'S FOR SALE BY t f J. W. LARKIN & CO. I HEROLD'S BOOK -A STATIONARY STORE ? I f t t t t t t ? T ? ? f M -M al tr m n bign oi tooiness i - i In a kitchen is a gasoline stove. They are cool, convenient and easy to operate. The fuel expense is low compared with a coal or wood stove while the comfort derived cannot be compared. We have them in all sizes and prices from $2 to $24. JOHN BAUJ2R vvvvvvvvvvvyvvvy Y ? T t ? ? ? ? t t t T t t T ? ? ? 9