The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, July 26, 1909, Image 7

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Mysteries of Nature
By G. Frederick Wright, A. M. LL. D.
"I suppose," lie said, Ingratiatingly,
"you often get spoken to by men?"
"Yes," she replied, "and by monk'
eys. But to-night there don't eeem to
be any men about!"
After Specialist Failed to Cure Her In.
tenr.e Itching Eczema Had Been
Tortured and Disfigured But
Was Soon Cured of Dread Humor.
"I contracted eczema and Buffered
Intensely for about ten months. At
times I thought I would scratch my
self to pieces. My face and arms wero
covered with large red patches, bo
that I was ashamed to go out. I was
advised to go 'to a doctor who was
a specialist In skin diseases, but I
received very little relief. I tried
every known remedy, with the samo
results. I thought I would never get bet
ter until a friend of mlno told me to try
the Cullcura Remedies. So I tried them,
and after four or five applications of
Cutlcura Ointment I was relieved of
my unbearable Itching. I used two
sets of the Cutlcura Remedies, and I
am completely cured. Miss Barbara
Krai, Highlandtown, Md., Jan. 9, '08."
Cotter Drug ft Chem. Corp.. Bole Propi, Boston.
Laymen Combat White Plague.
According to recent llgures pub
lished by tt National Association
for the Study aud Prevention of Tu
berculosis, nearly 60 pur cent, of
those enlisted lu the active campaign
Hgalnst I'onstiuiptlon are laymen, and
the percentage of luymeu baa tripled
tu the lust four years.
One of Prof. Huxley's most Interest
ing lectures was entitled "On a Tiere
of Chalk." Chalk Is. a species of lime
stone made up mostly of the shells of
minute organisms, which appear to
good advantage only under the micro
scope. The northern portion of France
and the southern shores of Kngland
are wholly made up of chalk cliffs,
which present a very striking appear
ancethe old name for England, Al
bion, being derived from a word signi
fying this white appearance. It is
found that In the deep sea dredings
these minute organisms which consti
tute the chalk formation are ttlll ac
cumulating, though at a very slow
rate. Chalk is therefore supposed to
be a deep seu formation.
Rocks of corresponding age In other
portions of the world are known as
cretaceous, the word being derived
from the Latin word creta, signifying
chalk. These formations occupy a wide
belt In the states west of the Missouri
river, extending from Texas Into Brit
ish America, but there is not very
much true chalk such as we are fa
miliar with in the schoolroom in this
area. The rocks, however, are made
up of a species of shells, which are
very beautiful and preserve still their
Iridescent color.
Another Interesting locality where
chalk Is found Is over the hills of Pal
estine Mount Olivet and many of the
summits of mountains further south
in Palestine, and the hill on which
Nazareth Is built, being of that age
and consisting, in considerable part,
of pure chalk.
The chalk formations lie in about
the middle of the geological horizon
and are several million years old.
nient of lime Is united to ono unit of
carbon und two of oxygen, which
forms the deadly poison known as car
bonic acid gas. All the limestone in
the world, therefore, represents such
nn amount of carbonic acid gas with
drawn from the atmosphere, that
should It be all set free, man and most
land animals would find it Impossible
to live in It.
Those familiar with burning lime
must have had their attention called
to this fact by the deadly nature of
the gas that settles around the lime
kiln. The burning of lime consists in
applying such a degree of heat that
flie carbonic acid gas is expelled from
the limestone, leaving a simple form
of lime, which reunites with oxygen
when water is admitted to It. It Is
this carbonic acid expelled by heat
which forms the deadly gas of lime
Kilns, making it dangerous for chil
dren or animals to lie down and sleep
in close proximity to them.
Colored Man Felt He Was Being Rail
roaded Into the Class of
'High Financiers."
. A colored man was tried the other
day before a Charlestown court for
stealing some clothes from a young
white man. A pretty clear case was
made out against the colored man
and he confessed.
"I reckon I ain't got uothiu' to say,
white folks," he said with humility,
"'ceptin' hit's jes laik it Is."
"Well, since you admit your guilt."
said the Judge, "I wilt try to make It
light for you. Hut tli..t wo will have
to get an estimate of the value of the
lothing. Mr. Plaintiff, what do you
alu these articles at?"
"The dress suit cost me $S0, your
honor," replied the young man. "the
overcoat $7.1 and the silk hat $10."
"Mr. .ledge," broke in the accused,
I'd l ik ter say des one word befo'
you goes any fudder."
"All right; go ahead."
"I submit dat I tuk dem clo'es, boss
man, hut at no sich prices ns dem!"
"Tell me frankly, sir, what do you
think of my daughter's voice?"
"Well, madam, I think she may
have a 1m llliant future in water-color
titnv mvrs' puxkiu.ER
Fora midden chlllnreiild (InMeod if whiskey) na
Palnki Iter. KureulK'.aiarriiea ami Miuiriieremiiaini
Uiiaffiedicmoueveriaiia. uc,ucurK ooiuet.
Life has one great purpose, the
growtn of character. Wesley.
It's the judgment of many smokers that
Lewis' Sinfile Hinder 5c cigar equals io
quality mot 10c cigars .
Only a putty life is afraid of being
worn out.
Positively cured bj
nARTFRS these Little P.H..
VlllllliUV rrv,.. ni
f 1 1TI a? tr8frouiDysppl.In
N J Smltft IdlRMitlonanUTooIIwirlj
nl V I K I EtliiR. A pe rfect rem
L ledy lor Dlzzlnewi, Knu
I L J PILLSt Ma Drowsiness, Bno
I J M I Taste In the Mouth, Cont
f " 11 ' I led Tonmie, Pain In tin
They regulate the Uowela. Purely Vegetable
Coming down to our own line, we
find the process of limestone forma
tion still going on with great rapidity
In certain localities. The peninsula
of Florida illustrates this In the most
striking measure. Sea shells are so
abundant all along the east coast of
Florida that they are washed up upon
the shore In windrows, forming indeed
tho entire shore line, while as one pro
ceeds to the interior of the state he
finds successive windrows of shells
that have formerly formed the shore
line, showing how the land has grown
by these slow increments. These
shells' as they are rolled by the water
are broken up and much of them
ground into fine powder, when they,
all together, become cemented Into a
loose rock. The buildings of that re
gionespecially theold fort at St.
Augustine are constructed of tnis
rock, known as coqulna.
In striking contrast with the older
limestone rocks, this on the coast of
Florida is but slightly cemented, and
forms a mass that would not endure
the pressure which rests upon the
foundations of very tall buildings, ltut
on .going to the other end of the geo
logical scale, we find in the older for
mations limestones originally formed
In the same way with those in Florida,
but now compacted into most solid
blocks, having been, ns the geologists
say, "metamorpuoseu uiruu&u iuim
subjection to heat and pressure, btiu
in many of these very old limestone
rocks forms of the shells of wiiicn
they are composed are perfectly pre
served, and the age of the rock is de
termined by the character of these
shells, the earlier rocks having been
produced by the more primitive forms
of life.
The forms of sea life which have
contributed to build up the starta of
limestone are exceedingly various.
Among the most Interesting are the
corals which have contributed to this
result from the earliest times to tho
present. Corals are forms of animal
life which are attached to the sea bot
tomthe animal leaving his shell be
low him as lie dies, and continuing to
live in the upper story, thereby grad
ually adding to the f-olid foundation
from which he started.
In the Pacific ocean and Indian
ocean, and Indeed In most tropical re
gions, corals are still vigorously at
work building up reefs around the
shallow shores of Islands and contt
nents. In tho Pacific ocean these reefs
take upon themselves a circular shape,
oftentimes with deep water upon the
outside, and inclosing a large area of
shallow water within the circle.
A most interesting theory of Dar
win and' Dana to account for theso
circular reefs or "atols," as -they are
called, is that tho coral Insect began
to build up his structure in the shal
low water surrounding a mountain
peak when the whole bed of the ocean
was slowly sinking. As the coral
could not endure the deeper water be
yond, he continued to build up, with
a perpendicular face outward, while
as the ocean bed sank, tho inclosure
between the newly started reef and
the mountain peak would remain free
because of the sediment washing down
from the mountain, which would In
terfero with tho growth of tho coral
Thus it is brought about that in many
cases these circular reefs surround u
body of shallow water, from whose
center a mountain peak arises, while
In other cases the settling of the
ocean bed has gone so far that the
mountain peak has disappeared and
there Is within simply a body of pro
tected water, which makes an excel
lent harbor, if there is any entrance
to it.
Laundry work at homo would be
much more satisfactory if tho right
Starch were used. In order to get tho
desired st'ffuess, it Is usually necea
Bary to use so much starch that tho
beauty and fineness of tho fabric is
hidden behind a pnsto of varying
thickness, which not only destroys tho
appearance, but also affects the wear
ing quality of tho goods. This trou
ble cm bo entirely overcome by using
Defiance Starch, ns it can bo applied
much more thinly because of its great
er Btrengtli than other makea.
New England English.
Complaint was made to a local man
by one of his employes that boys who
were swimming In n pond were caus
ing quite a nuisance. Tho owner of
the property gave the man the privi
lege of putting up a sign, as he had
asked permission to do It. Tho no
tice reads as follows:
"No Lofllng or Swlmmlg on Theas
Giowns Order by . If CatcheU
Law Will bo Forced." Berkshire
Important to Mothers.
Examine carefully every bottle of.
CASTOU1A a safe and sure remedy for
Infants and children, and see tbit it
T)i-tnaa 4 Vi A
Signature otCZsAT&tcJtAJl
Io t'se For Over :iO Years.
Thrt Kind You Have Always Bought.
Famous English Detective
Tries to Catch the French
Gentleman Criminal
Arsf-nc Lupin h Mil. He announces
bcfoirhitml m tin pupoM wlmt hi. next
move is goin; tu lie. His story bcyin in
the August number of
Short Stories
j The fir-d instalment is "No. 514 -I
Series 43." It is n story thnt will hold your
I interest The French Police finally give uj
i in their attempt to trap the wi'ly Lupin
and send to Kngluiul fur Hcrlock Sholiucft.
Then follows a battle of wits. The clever
French rogue against the keen reasoning
English detective.
j Send us $1.50 for a year's subscript ion
! to "Short Stories" and follow (lie f.iscinat-
! in., nttiiiumft I .liturl l.'tfrtrv nnuilli Inn tllirj
extreme nmous. , s()t jturi(V,
liens, an that all in frmr , ... ncWi.
Roi.o feeling in my . , , 5, M.Uripti.,..
stomach. I had . ' '
triveu ill) hoDO of Short Stonea Company, Ltd.
evlr Sing well I 138 s,- . Now Yo'k c'
t.iloT.vdbiP. link. K". yl J9 V
ham's Vegetable 1
Compound. Then
I felt as though 1
new life had been
Cured by Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound
Baltimore, Md "Tor four years
my life was a misery to mo. I suffered
trom lrreguian
ties, terrible drag-
giug sensations,
Tho most successful remedy In this
country for tho euro of a 1 forms of rrCTU Pi" eiceUany diifriw
iomaio comiM.jiiua ia njuin ji. j. inn.- int, I (.bill in clear
ham'a Veiretablo Compound. It lias
stood the test of years and to-day is
more widely and succestif ully UBed than
any other f emalo remedy. It has cured
thousands of women w ho have been
troubled with displacements, inflam
mation, ulceration, libroid tumors, ir
regularities, periodic pains, backache,
that bearing-down feeling, flatulency,
indigestion, and nervous nrostratiou,
after all other means had failed.
If you are suffering from any of these
ailments, don't pive un hope until you
have given Lydia E. rinkliam'a Vege
table Compound a trial.
If you would like special advice
write to iuxn. -ihkiiuhi, uyim.
Hlns for it. sue, lias cuiuea
Flowers have an expression of coun
tenance ns much as men or animals;
some seem to smile; some have a sad
expression; some are pensive and
diffident; others, aain, are plain, hon
est and upright like the broad-faced
but thesunrlower and the soldierlike
tulip Henry Ward lleecher.
A Rare Good Thine,
"Am uslnff AIXl!N"B FOOT-RASE, and
ran trulv miy 1 would not have uecn with
out It o Ion?, had I known the relief It
would cive my nrlilns f t . I think it a
raro Rood thing for unvono havinif nora
or t rod reet.-Mrs. Mitt Ida lloiiwert
J'rovidcnep, II. I." Sold by all Druggistu,
2s Ask to-day.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Simile Signature
ClwiM tnd bnntlliM th htttl
Pmmot.. ft luxuriant ffrovth. I
Nevr Fall! to Bettor Orayl
Hair lo Ita youuirui yoior.
Oum mip dlMawi ft nair lau
Tc,.nd tU'Jtt Pru
"iuJalThompson's Eye Water
Nebraska Directory
IA 1517 Douglas St., OMAHA, NEB.
Reliable Dantiitry it ffoaeme moe
k to H urr price. h or time .
tnant. tienld, rent atiiilliw. WeHlilp
ijwnere inr tree eiaiuinannn. no oa
in. n nip Miroit Driin Mil mnn itnr
MtuiMMII Hldi.,OaMBa
Dain HayTools are the Best
InsUt on baviiiK them. Aalt your local dealer, or
M. Splesberger & Son Co.
Wholesale Millinery
Th Beit In the Weil OMAHA, (fEB.
TV. Bnt utilh Ihm Ina
All Nail HtaJt ProltcfJ
Hall and Firm Rtiisting
A k your dealer or
Omaha. I I I I t Nebraaka.
Among the most Interesting" lime
stone strata of the earlier ages are
the cornlferous and the Trenton lime
stone, which appear in special develop
ment In the islands In the western
Dart of Lake Erie, and in an area
about Cincinnati, though the name
was derived from Trenton, N. Y.,
where the rocks were first carefully
studied. The cornlferous and lren-
ton limestones are favorites every
where for burning lime, while the
solid blocks make the most substantial
building material. The great locks at
the Soo were built of cornlferous lime
stone from Kclley Island in Lake
Erie, like Solomon's temple, every
stone being fashioned at the quarry
and carried directly to its place in the
great structure, many hundred miles
This limestone Is also sought for
very widely for the flux In smelting
Iron, its freedom from impurities giv
ing it special value.
The extent of these deposits over
the United States Is very surprising.
While they appear a' tho surface nt
comparatively few places, they are
penetrated by deep drill holes almost
everywhere In the Mississippi basin,
and In the Hudson river and Mohawk
From what we have already said of
the origin of chalk and of the penin
sula of Florida, it is easy to see that
this extensive limestone stratum over
the Mississippi valley Implies in early
geological ages an equally extensive
expanse of ocean, which was slowly
filling up with the sediment in some
places, but with sea shells In others.
The amount of limestone in the
world Is enormous, belnK sufficient to
make a Btratum hundreds of feet thick
over almost tho whole habitable world.
In this there Ib brought to light a
method of nature to clear the atmos
phere ot Impurities which Is very in
teresting. Lime Itself, ns a mineral. Is
a very different substance from the
llmestono with which wo nre familiar.
Limestone, as we onllnarly know It,
Is a carbonate of lime; that Is, an ele-
Among the limestones of great In
terest are the various forms of mar
ble which have been sought for the
world over for their beauty of color
and their fineness of texture. These
marbles mostly belong to the very
oldest geological formations, and ap
pear in close proximity to granite
rocks, where they have evidently been
subjected to heat and great pressure,
as they were burled deeply in the
earth and transformed or metamor
phosed into their present shape. The
usual color of marble Is white, but
they are often variegated with almost
every beautiful color derived from
mineral ingredients, especially Iron
and copper, giving them a red or
green or yellow cast.
There are also extensive deposits
of lime which are not dependent upon
the nction of animal life, but are
chemically deposited, especially in the
viciulty of springs whoso water Is
overcharged with carbonate of lime In
solution. As this water trickles down
from the roofs of caverns and falls
upon the bottom, the evaporation
leaves a certain amount, which ar
ranges itself in the form of stalactites
at the top and stalagmites at tho bot
tom of the cavern, the material being
arranged in layers, which are often
somewhat variegated in color and
form objects of great beauty. The
more extensive deposits are formed In
connection with warm springs in the
volcanic regions, making what Is
called travertine, which Is much
sought lifter ns an- ornamental stone.
Stella Did she have an unusual
liella Yes; the church was deco
rated with common tropical plants in
stead of the rare.
Nothing causes a young widow to
nit up and take notice quicker than
the discovery that another widow is
on the trail of the man she has spotted
for No. 2.
CmnWs nlMi like I.pwiV Minnie Ttindo
rbtr for it imrity. It i never doped,
onlv tobacco in it natural state.
Let us not seek to alter our destiny
but let us try to make the best of ou
circumstances. C. II. Spurgeon.
Mr. Wlnalow'a Ritothlnaf flrrap.
FnrchlMron tottlilnir, Kiftcne the guma, reduce M
tUuiiiiallon, allui palu, t urui w luil cullu. Xc a botlla.
The battle without goes as goes th
battle within.
to health, free of
3-, $5 SHAVE
in cleaminii, whitening and
removing tartar Irom the teeth, betide dalroyini
all oermi o( decay and diteato which ordinary
tooln preparation! cannot do.
affjr tfflHTU Paxline used as i mouth
lllEi mUUIII wasK diiinlrcu the moutH
and throat, purifiei the Lrrath, and L. ills the germ
which collect in the mouth, causing lore throat,
bad teeth, bad breath, grippe, and much itckneu.
Tur ryrc ''fn 'n"4me tifei cV
I ML tlbd and hum, may be initantly
relieved and itrengthencd by Paitiue.
PHTflDDU Pauline will drslroy the genua
UA I Annie that cau.e calauh, heal the in
Oammalinn and itop the discharge. It is a aura
lemedy for uterine catarrh.
Paxtine it a harmlrii yrt powerful
aermicide.diiinleclant and deodoruer.
Ued in bathing it deitroyi odoriand
leavel the body anliieplically clean.
If yon don't (ret tlie cleanest
ninl t'UNlt'Kt hliuve you've ever
liml, If fur uny reason nt nil
you're not Wtler willHtled
with tlie "HHUP-HIIAVK"
than niiy riuor you've ever
hiul, Heml It Imck to nn ami
we ll HeuJ your money buck
to you.
Complete II a lor mailed pout
paid on receipt of quarter or
Shrp-Shavr Razor Co.
70 Duane SL. New York Cily
Saves Time & ve Money
LAM-lltlUlATFI-I M IVAetnnt
ifuter riulil: tlne wiiot: iirotliicilve Hotf; rrnii
fat In re unknown: fU Imi. wliriit er urre; to 6 lout
alfalfa; heuli liful H'-nnto: Irre timber: easy Irrm;
WrllVBoW. Lnnoou LAU IO Km vrll
Bad Taste
in your mouth removed while
you wait that's true. A Cas
caret taken when the tongue is
thick - coated with th nasty
squeamish feeling in stomach,
brings relief. It's easy, natural
way to help nature help you. 90J
CASCARKT-ioc box-week'a treat
merit. All druKRiita. Digest heller
in the world. Million Uoaca a mouth.
aw nil Mir. lai,
r in vii leu t.Phvu
I.Mliall .
ii't up'. 1 1 or tip
nvpr, will nit twill
Mnarmntpftl pirH
tlvti. orH4aBlfri.
-U. Ilarlttr
Hruflhl .! Vatrk.
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 30-1909.
mvM (0
Hut, us alrnndy said, the main
Rource of limestone is Bliells of ani
mals living in tho sen. The material
is brought to theiii by the rivers which
come down from the continents
charged with carbonate of lime in so
lution, the animals being so consti
tuted that they can collect this from
tho water which surrounds them,
much as the h aves of the trees collect
the carbon from the atmosphere and
convert It into solid chunks of wood.
Thus these forms of aninml life
nerve a double, of cleaning
the waters from their impurities, and
or depositing beneath the ocenn bed
the solid rocks which, upon elevation,
become the framework of the conti
nents, and furnish man with many of
the things most neecHsary to supply
his wants.
are made at the U V?s"C&
i Dure air and t-' s
you ever lasiea. lk h&m
The Sunshine Ginger Vafer
These are called Yum Yums they
'Sunshine Bakeries" too with the other
Baked in white tile top floor ovens ami(
sunshine. They are the best ginger snaps
unshine Yum Yums
The gingery ginger snap
Dainty wafers with just enough
spice to be appetizing.
We employ infinite skill and
costly material to create them.
You miss the best in ginger
Give Up Cultivation of Hemp.
Philippine planters, nnding hemp
.cultivation not its profitable as In for
mer years, nre beginning to till their
lands for other crops.
snaps until you taste the "Sun
shine" kind.
Sunshine Yum Yums are
packed in thrice scaled cartons
amply protected from dust
and moisture.
They are at your grocer's in
5c packages.
Try a package judge all
"Sunshines" by them.
JopSE-ILES Biscuit CO,
t : a4a'""i'.V-i-'