The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, July 26, 1909, Image 2

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ft. o. WATTERS, Business Manager
of the
(Copyright, luUfl, llobl)-Mnrrlll Ux
At 14 years ff no Ailmlrnl Sir Peter
HnwkRliuw's iiephrw, Kk-lmnl Olyn. f"ll
ilt-fply In lnv at lliMl hIkIiI with Liuly
Arulx-lla Hlornmnt, who Hpnrneil his nl
IcntlmiH. Tim hiil. nn orphiin. wus Riven
h hi'ith ns nililHlilpiiian un tun Ajax ny
ami, ufter bcln:? sworn, began her
ory in a manner the most qtilH mi'!
culm. A deep stillness reigned through
tlio vnst room, and every ono In It
caught her lowest word.
Her testimony was entirely clear
and slraightfoi ward. She related the
circumstances of her being dragged
off, while coining out of the playhouse
at Scarborough; of finding herself
along in the chaise with Giles Vernon,
who told her he was taking her to
Scotland to marry her; that she strug
gled violently and endeavored to get
out of the chaise, and that sho was
withheld by force by Giles, who
severely hurt her wrists, causing blood
to flow; and finally, that when she be-'
gnn to scream, Giles put his hand over
her mouth and Btilled her cries, bhe
said that this conduct was kejit up the
whole of the night, until they readied.
Gretna Green ut daylight; that all the
time Giles was imploring her to marry
him. then threatening to kill, himself
or her; and that Bhe told hliu ninny
times she preferred death to marriage
with him; and at last, on reaching
Gretna Green, she defied hint and es
caped from him
When she had concluded there was
an ominous stillness for a time, and
then I saw something which struck a
chill to my heart. I had stealthily kept
my eyes fixed on the Judges to see
whether they gave In their counten
ances any signs of lenity or severity.
They were altogether unmoved, ex
cept one, who was reported to ho a
hi um-li-. on. Vi rnmi, nephew f sir nu)St nu.rcifui man. He grew pale and
ThumuH Vermin, neciiiim the hoy n pal. ,
They atteinieii a theater when Hawk- paler as Lady Arabellas story pro-
Bliiiw'n netihew hhw I.mly Aralxilla. Ver
non met I'hlllp Overton, next In line for
Hlr Thoimm Vernon's estate. They ntnrt-
eil a ilnel which was Ititerruuteil. Vernon,
overtnn ami HawkHhuw's nephew found
theinie ve attracted ly pretty l.iuly Ara
bella. The A lax In hat tin ilefeuleil French
warships In the Meillle rranean. Ilnhuril
(ilvn tot jCl'.imo prize money. Ho wbh
iallcil hiiine hv l.udv Ilawkahnw as he
huh iitimit to "hluw In" his earnings with
Vernon. At a IlawkHlinw parly (llyn lls
eovericl that I.aily Arahella was a poor
looked toward him with n quiet hatred
in her glance, ho gazed steadily back
at her
She was then to be cross-examined
Many questions were asked her by the
great London barrister, who was one
of the three defending Giles. One
query was, whether she had ever given
gressed, and I saw him several times
wipe the cold sweat from his brow,
and at last a sigh broke from him;
but I think no one noted It but me, for
the multitude of people were absorbed
In the sight of this beautiful young
woman, so coolly swearing away the
life of a man who had loved her,
C.I1ia Vernnn liru-o Mm orilt'.'U nil
mil pcrniMieni Kaoioier. ii itiim-ii nim-ii . , . . . A , i
with her eoiiHin Dapium. l.a.iy Arahella flinchingly, and when at Intervals she
attain allowed love for Kimilnir. Later she
held (llyn ami Over (on prlHonerH. uius
itelayliiK the duel. In the Overton-Vernon
duel, neither waa hurt. Lady Ara
hella humiliated Richard hy her pranks.
Klchnrd and (illes nhippeil on a frigate.
tllliK was captured hy Ihe French. Sir
I'eter arranged for Iilit exciianite. I'apii-
ne showed n llklnif for tllyn, who was
Ihen 21 years of uiso. (Jlles was ruleased.
(lies and Klchard planned elopenients.
Hlr I'eter objected to the 'plan to wed
Daphne. Hy clever ruses Giles and l'lch-
rd eloped with I.udy Arabella ami
liaphne, respectively. The latter pair
were married. Daphne was pluased; Ara
bella raved In anter. When the par
ly returned. Arabella asked Sir I'eter to
aid in prosecuting Cllcs In court on the
uhuriru of conimltlliiK a capital crime.
CHAPTER IX. Continued
Such dancing! It was of the kind
that was fashionable before the Anier
lean war, and introduced so many cuts,
capers, pigeon-wings, slips, slides and
pirouettes, that It wrra really an art
In Itself. And her agility was sur
prising. With her train over her arm,
her tiara blazing, and her bird of para
dise nodding violently, Lady Hawk
shaw's small, high-bred feet twinkled.
She was a largo woman, too, and she
proved that her boast about her legs
was well founded. When she came
face to face with Sir Thomas Vernon
In tho dance, instead of turning him,
she folded her arms and sailed around
him, carefully avoiding touching his
hand. And he, the old sinner, being
acquainted with that ancient style of
dancing, made a caper so exactly like
her ladyship's, with so grave a coun
tenance, that the whole ballroom was
In a titter. Hut although the people
might laugh at Sir Thomas' excellent
mimicry, the sentiment was totally
against him, and he found difficulty in
getting gentlemen to notice him or
"Tht Lawyer Fellow Is Three Sheets
in the Wind!"
Mr. Vernon reason to think she would
marry him, to which she replied:
".no; never in my me.
She was then asked If there was an
ladies to dance with him. With Lady other gentleman in the case, and for
Hawkshaw, on the contrary, It was the first time she showed confusion.
every man's desire to dance; she was Her face grew crimson, and she re-
besieged with partners, young and old; malned silent. The question was not
but having shown what she could do. pressed, and she was soon permitted to
she rested upon her laurels, and sat retire. When she passed out of the hall
In state the rest of the evening, fan- she was the dlvlnest picture of beauty
nlng herself with vast dignity and com- and modesty I ever saw. Her eye3
posure, and occasionally snapping at sought the fjoor, and a delicious blush
Sir Peter, who, it must be admitted, mantled her cheek.1 I believe that
made no great figure at a ball. many persons, under tho spell of her
At last It was over, and we returned beauty, thought that she was an un
to our lodgings. The next day but willing witness, and pitied her youth
one we were on our way to the assize and Inexperience.
hall for the trial of Giles Vernon. Hut it was hanging testimony she
A tremendous crowd was present, and gave, and well she knew It
there was difficulty In gaining an en- After tho examination of tho post-
trance; some one, however, in the mill- boys and other witnesses for the prose
tltude set up a shout of "Way for Lady cutlon, I was called as the first witness
Hawkshaw!" and the people fell back, for Giles. I told the circumstances of
leaving us a clear path to the door, our agreement to run away with the
and Into the hall itself. two charmers of our hearts; and the
Within that place of Judgment all fact that I had iieen so readily for
was dignity and decorum. The lords given, not only by Daphne herself, but
justices In their robes and wigs sat by Sir IVIer and Lady Hawkshaw,
like statues; and, presently, when we saw produced a good effect. Hut when
were all seated and the crier had pro- I was asked by tho other side If I had
notinced the court open, Giles Vernon ever seen, or If Giles had ever claimed
was brought In and placed In the prls- any willingness on J-ady Arabellas
oners' dock. He looked pale from his part to go off with him, I broke down
confinement, but 1 thought I had never miserably. My testimony did GIU
seen his plain features so nearly hand- Hltlo good, I fear
some. His fine figure was nobly set Sir Peter Hawkshaw was the next
off by the Identical brown and Ellver wlttness. It was plain from the start
suit which the poor fellow had bought that he desired to luip Giles, and like
for his wedding with Lady Arabella, wise that he knew very little of the
Sir Peter's rambling but vigorous
talk was nut without Its effect, upon
which I think he had shrewdly calcu
lated. In vain counsel for the crown
tried ti check him; Sir Peter bawled
at iheni to ptpo down, and remarked
aloud of the senior counsel who had
been most active In trying to suppress
"That lawyer fellow is three sheets
In the wind, with the other ono a-Happing!"
The Judges, out of respect to him,
made no great effort to subduo him,
end he had the satisfaction of telling
his story his own way. When the prose
cution took him In hand, they found,
though, that he could very well keep
to the subject matter, and they did not
succeed in getting anything of the
slightest consequence out of him.
When he stepped down, I saw that he
had In reality done much more good
to Giles' cause than 1 had, although
he knew little about tho facts, and I
knew all.
Then came Lady Hawkshaw's tes
timony. Sir Peter's' was not a patch
on it. Like him, she really had no
material evidence to give, but, with a
shrewdness equal to his, sho made a
very good idea for tho prisoner. She
began with n circumstantial account of
her own marriage to .Sir Peter, In
which the opposition of her family was
painted In lurid hues. In vain waa she
again and again checked; she managed
to tell her tale against the vigorous ob
jections of the prosecutors, and the
somewhat feeble and perfunctory re
bukes from the bench. The jury, how
ever, were plainly so Interested in It,
that no serious attempt waa made to
stop her not that it would have
availed anything, for Lady Hawkshaw
was not used to stopping for any one.
"No doubt my family could have
ho indNl Sir Peter for marrying me,"
she announced In the beginning, "but
my family, yoflr honors, is nn honor
nblo one, and would not condescend
to nasty tricks like " Here she fixed
her great black eyes on Sir Thomas
Vernon, who smiled blandly and took
"And ns for a man expecting opposi
tion in a girl he is willing to marry,
I ask your honors, does a man exist
who can believe, until It is proved
to lit in beyond cavil, that there is a
woman alive who would not jump for
Joy to marry him?" -
Tills produced so much laughter that
the bailiffs had to enforce order in tho
Lady Hawkshaw then, with great
ngenuity, referred to Sir Thomas Ver
non, "who, In those days, 40 years ngo,
was not called 'Wicked Sir Thomas,'
but plain "Lying Tom Vernon!'"
liils produced a regular uproar,
during which Lady Hawkshaw, with
great complacency, fanned herself.
After a warning from the presiding
ustlco to keep to the mntter in hand,
sho curtsied deeply to him, and Im
mediately resumed her account of Sir
Thomas Vernon, in which she told of a
certain occasion, in the time of the
American war, when, ns the royal
family was passing to chapel at Wind
sor, hisses were heard, the king having
declined to receive him at the levee
on account of his notoriously bad char
acter. And Sir Thomas, being thrust
out, was taken by some of the inhabi
tants of Windsor and ducked in a
neighboring horse-pond. At this point,
the judge himself courteously but firm
ly interrupted Lndy Hawkshaw, and In
formed her that she could not bo per
mitted to go on in that strain.
"I shall observe yo.ur lordship's cau
tion," she replied, politely, and straight
way launched Into a description of Sir
Thomas' appearance when he emerged
from the horse-pond, which brought a
smile to every face in court including
even the judge's except the victim
himself, who bit his lip and scowled in
The judges afterward said that Lady
Hawkshaw proved to he the most un
manageable witness any and all of
them had ever encountered; for, in
spite of them, she gave a circum
stantial account of every misdeed Sir
Thomas Vernon had ever been guilty
of in his life, as far as she knew.
The crown lawyers, very wisely, de
clined to cross-examine this witness.
When she stepped down out of tho wit
ness-box and took Sir Peter's arm, sho
passed closo to the presiding Justice,
who happened to have his snuff-box
open In his hand. My lady deliberately
stopped and took a pinch out of tho
Judge's box, remarking, suavely:
"Your lordship shows excellent taste
in preferring the Spanish!"
I thought his lordship would drop
out of his chair.
THE J&ltfTT7iraTTr 7v TM
JSSPKJI ii-i iL VLJIVw-nV 1 1
and, in a flash, came back to nie that
strange vision I had had at his Lon
don lodgings on the night that this un
fortunate elopement was first talked
ot between tm. My heart stood still,
and I grew sick and faint at the recol-
affair until it was all over. Hut he
proved a most entertaining, if dls
cursive witness.
Sir Peter evidently thought the wit
ness-luix was Ills own quarter-dock
and ho proceeded to harangue the
Mr. William A. Radford will answer
questions unci give advice FHKH OF
COST on all subjects pertalniiiK to the
subject of building for the renders of
this paper, On uccount of his wide expe
rience a4 1'Alltor, Author and Manufac
turer, ho Is, without doubt, the holiest
authority on all these subjects. Address
all Inquiries to William A. Hadford, No.
mi Fifth Ave.. C'hlcau-o, III., and only
tin lnso two-cent slump for reply.
Cement blocks are used nowadays
for large houses as well as small
ones. The new machines muke them
in sizes and shapes to fit any re
quired angle or peculiarity in design.
The plans, however, are carefully
drawn to proper sizes to work out In
units so that windows and doors just
take up the space of 2 blocks or
three blocks, as the case may be, so
the edgo of the wall can be laid up
even and true.
When everything works right it Is
a short job to lay up a cement block
wall. The blocks are so large they
build, up rapidly. There has been a
great change In the manner of build
ing cement block houses since makers
learned how to build machines as
they should be built and workmen
learned how to use them to turn out
good blocks that were right iu every
respect. Ilullders have learned how
to construct a house with the use
of blocks, moulded window sills and
door sills, wall caps, cement Bteps,
cement veranda floors, etc., In a way
that makes a very pleasing n3 well as
a very durable house.
The old difficulties disappeared as
knowledge of the business Increased,
until there is no possible objection
left. A cement block house built by
a contractor of experience and Integ
rity is better than a stone house, and
it is almost as cheap as wood. The
time Is fast approaching when cement
will be tho cheapest as well as the
best. It behooves all of us who are
some the natural grays ot cement ap
pear cold and uninviting.
In building a house ot cement a lit
tle more care Is required In making
the plans,, because when the walls
are once up they cannot well be al
tered. Windows, for Instance,
should be large, because no matter
how fashions may change you never
get tired of a large window. The old
fashioned narrow ones look very odd
these days, but at one time they were
thought to be the proper thing. How
ever, large windows are always in
style. You may go back to a house
built 100 years ago and If the win
dows 'were large they look well now
i "LI- BedRoom 1
tfcu I I I3'1-XI5V I
1 u'0i3'r I T r-j;' 1
Second Floor Plan -
and they looked well even when the
narrow contracted affairs were con
sidered stylish. Common sense lsa
necessary quality in house building.
The size of this house Is 31 feet 4
inches In width by 28 feet 8 inches in
length.. .It contains a splendid large
living room 12 by 20 feet, which oc
cupies the whole side of the house on
the lower floor to the right of the
hall. It is a splendid room, with an
' ft i&v ' ) X
.-ft' ,
I r
1 c.
interested in building houses, and that I
means almost everybody, to study up
on this new building material.
Kdison's Idea was to make houses
all of cement. Including the floors and
roof. A good many practical builders
have the same idea, but they are car
rying it out in a way somewhat differ
ent from Kdison's plan. People must
be educated up to the new idea grad
ually, and at tho present time most
people prefer that houses shall con
tain considerable wood. This house
lias wooden floors and lath and plas
ter partitions very much the same as
a frame house, but there is a great
Food 1
Llhby's Cooked
Corned Beef
There's a marked distinc
t i o n between Ubby's
Oookod Oonned
Beef find even 'the best
that's sold in bulk.
Evenly and mildly cured
and scientifically cooked in
Ubby's Croat White
Kltohen, all the natural
flavor of the fresh, prime
beef is retained. It is pure
wholesome, delicious and
ready to serve at meal time,
Saves work and worry in
Other Libby "Healthful"
lleal-Time-Hints, all ready
to serve, are:
Peerless Dried Beef
Vienna Sausage
Veal loaf
Evaporated Milk
Baked Boons
Ohow Chow
Mixed Pickles
"Purity goes hand in hand
with Products of the Libby
Write for free Booklet,
"How to make Good
Things to Eat".
, Insist o n
i Ubby's a t
your grocers.
Libby, McNeill
& Libby
Mrs. Customer That lamb you
sent me, Mr. Stlntwalte, was the
largest and toughest I ever saw.
Mr. Stintwaite Tut, tut. It's that
boy been loitering again. I assure you,
when that Joint left the shop it was
the sweetst little leg of lamb you
could set eyes on, and I gave him
strict orders to deliver It at once he
cause you wanted it young.
lection of the rest of that dream, or court In his best manner as a flag of
revelation, or whatever it was. fleer. He talked of everything except
Giles, meanwhile, had bowed re- the case; he gave a most animated do
spectfully to the Judges, then to the scriptlon of the fight between the AJa
assembled people, who very generally on our side and the Indomptnble and
returned his salutation with every Xnntippe on the other, praising Glle
mark of politeness. Turning to where Vernon's gallantry nt every turn. lie
we sat, he bowed and smiled. We all also aired his views on the subjret of
rose, and Lady Hawkshaw and Daphne the flannel shirts furnished to the
made him deep curtseys. A Jury was navy, alleging that some rescally con
soon selected and sworn, and the first tractors ought to be hanged at tho
witness called was Lady Arabella vard-arm for the quality supplied: and
Stormont wqund up by declaring, with great gus
In a moment sho entered, leaning lo, that if an officer In his majesly's
upon tho arm of Sir Thomas Vernon, service desired to marry a young lady
and was by him escorted to her place It was nn act of spirit to carry hoi
in the witness-box.
Her beauty was almost unearthly.
She wore a black gown and a siinpk
white cap, under which the curls o!
her rich hair shone like burnished
cold. She was perfectly composed,
off, and for his part, fellows of thai
ort wero the kind he should select to
lead a hoarding party, while the sneak
lug, law-abiding fellows should bo un'
der tho hatches when tho ship waa
cleared for action.
Girl Really Knew at Much About It
as Many of Her Countrymen.
An Indiana novelist thinks that one
of tho severest tests ever put upon his
rlslbles was endured at a London din
ner tuble.
The American had been seated next
a rosy-cheeked, gray-eyed English girl,
who affected an absorbing and flat
tering Interest in the United States,
about which she seemed'to have Im
bibed the usual extraordinary Ideas
of some Prltons, especially with re
gard to the perils to bo encountered
ir. Uio more sparsely settled regions of
the west. She tried her best not to
be Incredulous when assured that
things were not really so bad as she
"It Is reassuring to be told that
(here are not rattlesnakes in all tho
gardens," sho said with a dazzling
smile, "but my cousin wrote mo not
long since that he had seen over 20
wigwams In one little village. Per
haps," sho added, as her companion
Hindu no Immediate response, "per
haps the wigwams are not as venom
ous ns rattlesnakes." Illustrated Sua
Jay Magazine.
I i Kitchen Ky
Ir" rtr L,VIMG Rfl I
First Floor Plan
deal more cement than wood used In
its construction.
Tho time was when people looked
upon cement as a cheap substitute
for Btono and efforts were made to
Imitate stone, but that time has gone
by. The Intrinsic value of cement is
now recognized and it Is used upon Its
merits. It Is no longer necessary for
cement to masquerade under any
false colors.
If a warm reddlBh tint Is preferred
the color may bo added to a thin
lnyer of cement placed next to the
outside of the form and the expense
Is not very great. It is cheaper than
painting, because it is permanent.
Iilocks made In this way look the
same year after year. A great many
people prefer a little color, because to
elegant fireplace in one corner, and It
Is lighted hy three windows of a size
sufficient to look well and admit
plenty of light and sunshine.
The plan Is convenient In regard to
dining room, pantry, kitchen and eel
lar way. As this Is the executive part
ot the house these features are of
great Importance. A pantry should
always have an outside wall If pos
sible. The one place in the house
that should be kept cold Is the
pantry. In this plan It Is shut away
away from the kitchen, still there is
a passage way through one end of It
to get into the dining room, and the
two doors between the kitchen and
dining room are according to the most
approved plans. I like this arrange
ment for a dining room because it is
in the front of the house where it is
light and cheerful; still it is easily ac
cesslble from the kitchen.
Combination stairways also are con
venient and they save room, that is,
you get more convenience In the same
amount of space. You get a splendid
cellar under a house like this and you
have a convenient way down to the
cellar from the passage way leading
from the pantry into the dining room.
The house Is not too large to heat
with a hot air furnace and it may be
placed almost under the center of
the house, which Is very much to be
preferred in this manner of beating,
because the heat may be equally dls
tributed to the different rooms. Hot
air is the most satisfactory heat for a
medium-sized house, especially when
you take the cold air from outdoors,
I have very little patience with the
plan adopted by some builders of
taking the furnace air from Inside the
house. It Is a talking point that some
furnace men use, but 1 fall to see the
advantage ot it. Fresh air from out
doors may be ' made comfortable to
live in Just as cheap as Btale atr
taken from the hall way, for the rea
son that freBh damp air from outside
Is more easily heated because It con
tains considerable moisture. Moist
air at a temperature of 68 degrees
feels as warm as dry air at 72 or 74
degrees. If It does take a little mote
coul, which I doubt very much, the
saving in doctors' bills will more than
make up for it.
The strawberry shortenke, I love It,
1 love it! 'I prize it more dearly than
tongue dare to tell! No sherbet or pud
ding or pie is above it; there's nothing
in pastry I like half so well. Just give
me a section as large as a platter,
with freshly crushed berries spread
over the lot, and I am contented and
happy, no mutter what ailment or
trouble or sorrows I've got. Ho, bring
on the shortcake, the strawberry
shortcake, and always and ever I'm
Jack-on-the-spot! Los Angeles Ex
Where Trouble Is Found.
Wigwag I never knew such a fel
low as Bjoncs! He Is always looking
for trouble."
Ilenpeckke Then, why doesn't he
get married? Philadelphia Record.
o! Appetite
and Anticipation
are realized in the first taste of de
licious Post
and Cream
The Koldon-hrown bits are sub
stantial enough to take up the
cream; crisp enough to make
crushing them in the mouth an
exquisite pleasure; and the fla
vor that belongs vnly to Post
"The Taste Lingers"
This dainty, tempting food i
made of pearly white corn, cooked,
rolled and toasted into "Toasties."
Popular pkg; ioc; Large Family size 150
Mads by
Battle Creek, Mich.