The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, July 22, 1909, Image 8

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Sot us for sale hill.
Watches, $1 to $50 at Graltill's.
Fine job work done at this office.
Wm. Vallory was in Omaha Tuesday.
John Cory was an Omaha visitor
Bob Tropst was an Omaha visitor
Itig line of sterling silverware nt
I kahili's.
Diamonds. Investigate pricos at
John Weber of Mauley, had business
iere Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hilt Wcscott wore in
Omiha Tui sday.
Ous. I'arnu'lce visited his brother at
Omaliii Tuesday.
A. A. Wettonkamp of Mynard was j
in the city Tuesday. ,
Mrs. Frank Young, Jr., was a visit
or in Omaha Tuesday.
Acorn cigars 5 cents each. Smoke un
""Acorn" and be happy.
Dr. A. 1. linrricH had business in
Omaha the first of the week.
Mrs. Fetcc Goos was shopping in
Omaha the lirst of the week.
For jewelry, watches, rings, silver
ware, clocks, and cut glass see Crabill.
Byron Clark and daughter Helen vis
iUvl with friends at Weeping WatoY
f.his week.
. Gill 0 'Unlike was an overnight vis-
itxr wrth his sister, Mrs. Tom l'ur
mete, this week. V
Special prices for the "Wireless,,
".Saturday night will be 2.r and oO cents
children half prices. . , . ... j
JJarrison Kdjar, advance agenT"for
trw Wireless Telegraph show, left
Tuesday for Ashland.
Special prices for the "Wireless"
Saturday night will be 25 and !"() cents
--children half price.
James Walker, wife and grandson,
famcaGilmnur of Murray, were visit
or in the city Tuesday.
Spcrial prices for the "Wireless"
Saturday night, will be 25 and ,T) cents
-children half price.
County Commissioner Jordan came
in from Alvo to attend the regulur
meeting of the oounty board.
John 11 irz was an Omaha visitor
TVsJay. WhtiJs there he called on J.
V. Egenberger at the hospital.
Cfiiss Carrie Becker was a passenger
for Omaha Tuesday where she spent
Oied.ty visitinp friends and shopping.
Wrn. Frank Eaton of Colorado
Springs. Colo., lias arrived in the city
for an extended visit with relatives
ami friends.
C XV. Grogg, the billiard hall pro
prietor, made a Hying trip to Dunlap,
Iowa, Tuesday on business and to visit
with his family.
Charles Keeion, who has been visit
ing with his mother and other relatives
in this city departed tor his home at
Jlocli Island, III., Tuesday.
Mrs. Eliza Goodwin was a visitor at
liakton Tuesday. Ralston is a new
nyhurb of Omaha and Mrs. Goodwin
iSas property interests there.
.Mr. and Mrs. II. K. Dunbar are in
the city visiting at the home of their
son Frank. Mr. Dunbar has sold out
his hotel interests at Fremont, Neb.
"Special R:illy Day" servieoj at the
Murray Christian church, Sunday, July
25, from 10 to 12. Everyone old and
.young come. Musi.? by the children.
Mrs. T. L. Murphy, daughter Mae,
nnft ison Ed, who have been visiting
Mr. Murphy's mother for some davs.
Sold only in
Moisture Proof
n n I
Want Column
WANTED-Voung men and women to
fill portions paying $900 to $2000 per
annum. Iiig demand for stenograph
ers in the Government service, as
weil as in private business life. Our
new method of teaching shorthand
by naail injures as thorough and
practical a training at jiur ownhame
as is obtainable by person: attend
ance at any business college in the
country. We guarantee success.
Complete course for small cash pay
ment; balance to be paid when you
socitrc a position. Trial lesson free.
Central Business Institute, Central
Building, Washington, D. C.
What makes them the best sock crackers ever baked?
What makes them the only choice of millions?
What makes them famous as the National Biscuit?
National - Biscuit - Goodness
e. A. ftSARSKALL, D. D. s.
..Graduate Dentist..
Tincoa Reasonable
All Wurk Guaranteed
Twenty-six Years' Experience
Office in Fitzgerald Bloak
Latest spiiicf nijh-Or jt OfMMrv. Hfiso.
tile PrlcM, UrM--quipprH llTitil Of
fice la tilt Middle West,
leu oiscoukt to ciry visitors.
Id.rioot rtm.inHik rnm, OMAHA. NEB.
rank of IjLglc, Eagle.
Nehawka Hank, Nehawka.
Hank of Murdock, Murdock.
First Nat'l bank, Greenwood.
State bank of Murray, Murray.
First Nat'l bank, I'lattsmouth.
Will coma back to you if you spend it at
horns. It is ears frrovcr il you sond it to
tho Mail-Order Unas. A glanca throucll
our advertiaijir columns will give you an
idea wlioro ir will buy tha most.
returned home Tuesday. Miss Reu
land was looking for a school as she is
a teacher.
Philip Stoehr, of Cedar Creek, was a
business visitor in Plattsmouth Tues-
Celebrate Wedding Anniversary.
! Last Sunday at the home of T. E.
rkTTrl prl rvo i Todd, about four miUs northwest f
j the city, relatives, neighbors and
i friends to the number of about a hun- i
day. Mr. Stoehr reports everything j Plattsmouth People Shoukl learn i tl or more fathered to partake of a X
to Detect the Approach of
Kidney Disease.
bounteous fish dinner. The ocr isiun
were passengers for Omaha Tuesday.
J.'C P.rand o and wife were passen
ger to Omaha Tuesday. From there
Mr. Urandon, accompanied by George
Kico, went to Colorado for a two weeks
Col. Henry C. McMaken had busi
ness in Omaha Tuesday. Mr. McMa
ken bus entirely recovered from his
recent, illness and is at work with great
Mr. VV. M. Stewart and daughter
Mildred of Wymote, Neb., arrived in
the city Tuesday for a visit at the
borne of her father, Judge V. II.
all right in his community and farmers
preparing to thrash.
County Treas. Frank K. Schlater and
H. N. Devey are taking a ten days lay I
off from bu.--i.iess cares and are spend-! The "ymptoms ' Sidney trouble are
ing the time on Mr. Schlater's ranch j unmistakable that they leave no
in western Nebraska. ground for doubt. Sick kidneys cx-
crete a thick, cloud v, offensive urine,
Jacob Jilek, the basket maker, left ! fun 0f sediment, irregular of passa-e
for Omaha Tuesday on businesa. Jake or attended by a sensation of scalding:,
had several baskets with him which be j The back aches constantly, headaches
delivered to parties at Omaha with i nl1 dizny sjx lls may occur and the vic-
whom he has standing contracts. I tim ofton weighed (own bv a feelinir I and Mrs. Todd during their
..--. rt i
.,.i m-, c , L.if.,...,,i ofl anguor and fatigue. Neglect these of married life, from th(
from their wedding trip to Denver and i Wim,1!'Ks thi-rc is danger of dropsy
other western points Tuesday morning. ! 1J,n"ht 8 Jls'sl r diabetes. Any one
George says the weather was very 1 of ,lhc,D symptoms is warning enough
nleasant in Colorado and was quite mr-! ! "'Pin treat inp the kidneys at
prised to f.nd it so warm here. j fU'n P",vt'8 fatil1-
I l ou can use no better remedy than
Great Bargains - For $70(1 you can Moan's Kidney Pills. Here's I'latts-
buy a place that would cost you $1500 mouth proof:
to build. Two live room eottagcs.close Mrs. Claude I'utler, (U.'l S. Tenth st.
in for $ii7").(ll) cash. A tine 7 room i Plattsmouth, Neb., says: "Doan's
Kidney Pills, procured from Curing &
Co. 'a drug store, have been used in my
family and I can heartily endorse them
as a splendid remedy for kidney dis
orders, especially in children's caes. I
l . . i I - t ... i
puniiciy recommended uoan s Mdnov
house well located, close in for $1(MX. i
Two good frame cottages close in fur j
$S0U. Windham InvesHncnt Co. 2S-IJ ,'
Rev. F. W. Prink and wife have re-1
i turned from their European trip after
having spot a most enjoyable time vis-: mu in m am, , 8tn,
iting various tdaces of interest. Hev.
j Hrink is pastor of tli United Breth-
ren church south of the city and ti e
', first service since his return will be
! hulil next fcumtav a communion
Miss Mabel Ueuland of Omaha, who j vice in the morning, and a gospel
has been in this vicinity for a few days, rice in the evening.
so r-ser-
of them, I have no hesitation in
tinning that statement."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Uemember the nauie-Doan's-and
take no other. 21-4
Hotter Than Ever
No relief you say? Oh yes there is.
delicious Soda Confections. Allow us
suggest one of the
Hoot Beer )
(loco Cola
Orangeade )
Chocolate Frappe I
Kose Frappe (
Just drop in and try one of
l Celery Phosphate
Claret Phosphate
( Fruit Phosphate
Viokt Frappe
Caraiael Frappe
Sundaes, any Flavor, So and 1 0o.
Ice Crenm Soda with Crushed Fruit, 5o and 10c.
Remember, a 5c purchase is one vote in the diamond ring contest.
Candymakers. Next to P. O.
was the tenth wedding nnniversary of
Mr. and Mrs. T. Fj. Todd. The tables
were set under the projecting boughs
of the mammoth maple trees which
surround their beautiful home. Liter
in tho afternoon ice cream and lemon
at'e were s:rvad.
D, O. Dwyer was called upon to
press me sentiment of the occasion ..n
behalf of the assembled guests. He
pointed out the progress made by Mr.
ten years
one room
building in which thy first resided,
which is now hwng used for a work shop
to their present magnificent home.
This prosperity while probably move
marked than that of most people is to
a great extent enjoyed in common by
all Nebraska farmers.
Toward the close of the day the
guests departed for their homes, uni
versally expressing themselves as hav
ing had a very pleasant day.
Condition ol J. V. Egenberger.
The many friends of J. V. Egenber
ger of the coal and feel store, who is
in a very serious condition at the hos- day.
pital in Omaha will be pleased to learn
that he continues to rest easily and
slept considerable dining the last two
evenings. Mr. Egenberger has been
troubled with this illness for sometime
as was mentioned in a previous issue of
this paper and has cousulted specialists
at Kansas City and St. Joseph as well
as Omaha.
The exact nature of his disease has
not been determined, but he has brave
ly kept up the struggle for a long time
and nt last consented to an operation
If You Want To See
a really beautiful
magazine, ask for
f or. SALF, B'j
.!. W. LARK IN
Western Lands for Sat
P,'"' n TVrkm. and IVnel ronntip,
I. Ml .inooih. lovH laml. Hl.vk. lirh nil X,.r
mlmad. l."0,lioninii,la,l',i;cfail,
rnSnl,r,tml. W,ll s,.-,l , ,s, H,ul. c.
The western Loan 6 Trust Co.. HoldrcoJ Ncbr.
I Archibald Stout of New
i son of the late H. F. Stout, who
been in the city for several days dt- j
parted for his home in the east Wedntt-;
Ytrk Ciay, a j v
In s ' t
Why do you pay $1.50
per month for an indif
ferent grounded line
Telephone service, when
by building your own
lines you can secure bet
ter service at 25 cents t
per month. It is a busi
ness proposition, and
that it is satisfactory t
can be verified by GGQO
farmers now connected
X with the Nebraska Tele
phone Company in Ne
braska, and over .00 in j
Cass county.
k Al U 11
' 'V ' V V W ' V
The condition of the little son of C.
K. Truman who was so badly scalded
by falling into a hot tub of water some
time ago is reported as very good and to which he has always bf-en opposed.
it- llnl.. r .n t. 1 ...... .. .
me uun-i iu... hi: ntue leuow s cnancea ; The surgeons held out but little en
for full recovery are considered very j ouragement for his recovery and his
bright. This is good nes to ' friends relatives and friends arc somewhat
of the family and it is earnestly hopyl
the improvement will continue as expected.
Mrs. J. V. Egenberger and son Ed
were passengers for Omaha Wednes
day where they spent the day with Mr.
Kgenbger at the hospital. Mrs. A.
II. Wechbach accompanied them for
the purpose of paying a visit to her
sick frienJ. They report little change
in the patient's condition though he
appears to be resting much easier than
the day following his arrival at the
alarmed as to the final result of tilie
illness. Mr. Egenbergcr'a friends in
the city and elsewhere are only limited
by acquaintance, and no man occapics
i higher place in tho public's estima
tion. It is to be hped the physicians
will find some means whereby he may
be spared to tho people of this city
where he has for so many years been
a leading and progressive man of business.
Frank Itlotzcr drove in from his home
west of the city and took out a load of
coal to be used durirg threshing.
A Sign
01 L00
In a kitchen is a gasoline stove. They
are cool, convenient and easy to operate.
The fuel expense is low compared with
a coal or wood stove while the comfort
derived cannot be compared. We have
them in all sizes and priors from $2 to $24.