The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, July 22, 1909, Image 4

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    The News-Herald
Eatwtd at the pattoffic at Plattfmoutl). Caaa
Coaaty, Nafcraaka, an second -clu mail matter.
A. L.TIDU .x Editor.
R. 0. WATTERS Manager
Om Jmx la AdTanea .
Bts Mootha -n
PUttainouth No. 85 Nebraska No. 85
JULY 12,1909.
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for the republican nomination for
Register of Deeds of Cass county, sub
ject to the pleasure of the voters at
the coming 'primaries. In asking for
this nomination I desire to call atten
tion to the fact that my services in the
office of cunty surveyor, while being
largely of a "thank yoi" nature, the
remuneration being insufficient fr the
support of a family, have eminently
fitted me for the duties of the office to
which I aspire, and in case I should re
ceive the nomination I shall use my
beet endeavors to be elected, and will
give to the office my best attention.
E. E. Hilton.
The Republicans of Cass county are
hereby called to meet in convention at
Weeping Water, Neb., on Saturday
July 24, 1909 at 1 p. m. for the purpose
of selocting delegates to State conven
tion, also selecting a county commit
tee. The primaries to select delegates to
' county convention will be held at the
usual place of holding primaries in each
ward and precinct on Thursday, July
22, 1909 at 8 p. m.
The basis of representation shall be
one delegate for each 12 votes or ma
jor fraction thereof cast for the Hon.
W. II. Taft for Preeident in 1908.
II. A. Schneider, A. F. Sturm,
Secretary. Chairman.
A fool's bolt is boob shot.
A finer and more capable list of fal
lows coald not be found fr count
officials than is presented to the repub
lican voters this year from whom the
republican ticket is to be selected.
They ar all popular and well fitted for
the offices to which the- aspire, and we
prodict a sweeping victory for the
wisners at the primary. There is John
Gerry Stark candidate for County Trea
surer. He is the soul of honor, and is
one of the most progressive men Elm
wood. He will doubtless be elected by
a good round majority. For the office
of sheriff there are two aspirants. C.
D. Quinton, the present efficient sheriff
is a candidate for re - nomination.
Everybody knows Carl, and they know
hiin to be an all right good capable
fellow. John Busche one of Cass
county's honest and industrious young
men is also a candidate. John has
many friends and they are all proud of
his good manly ways. No doubt but
the winner in this friendly contest will
be elected as the next sheriff of Cass
county. Carl and John are good warm
personal friends, and no sore syots will
be left in this contest. For County
Clerk a more deserving, capable, and
popular fellow could not be found than
is George Lushinsky. George was born
in Germany, and came to Cass county
when a small child. He was educated
in the public schools, and under the
private tutelage of Rev. H. B. Burgess.
He has been employed in the B. & M.
shops here for several years and he was
presented as a candidate by his fellow
workingmen. He should be elected by
a large majority. He deserves every
vote in Cass county. Judge Alien J
Heeson was elected County Judge
two vears aeo without opposition. He
has made an impartial and upright
judge and is entitled to a re-election
He is always considerate of the rights
of others and is ever ready to do his
full share in every walk of life. For
the office of Register of Deeds there
are two candidates. E. E. Hilton, who
is now serving his eighth term as
county surveyor, is a candidate. He
is a consciencious citizen. Everybody
knows Hilton, and to know him is
to respect him. L. H. Daft of
Greenwood is a bright and industrious
young man with a good record. He is
full of energy and enthusiasm and well
qualified for the office of register of
deeds. He has been employed in the
bank at Greenwood for some years.and
is weiriiked by all who know him. Mr.
Hilton and Mr. Daft are both gentle
men of such high standing that their
He that handles a nettle tenderly is i contest for the nomination will not
For city assessor in the city of F'latts- all farmers thremgh with harvesting.
A FINE diamond may be ill-set.
Be just to all but trust not all.
Music helps not the toothache.
Bacchus has drowned more men
than Neptune.
soonest stung.
Corn is not to be gathered in the
blade, but in the ear.
A silk hat, a longtailed coat, and a
goldheaded cane are not wisdom.
Wonder if the County Attorney
knows a slot machine, when he sees it?
The present per capita of the United
States gives every man, woman and
child $35.00 but up to the present we
bave not yet received our"thirty-five."
Flattsmou'th Journal. Guess you
haven't earned it "Kunnell."
If the general welfare of the city is
to be considered in the matter of work
ing the public streets this year, some
steps shouldjbe taken to give the ave
nues by which people come to the city
some special attention. Unless the up-to-date
methods of working these ave
nues are adopted they should be left
untouched. There is no reason why each
avenue leading into this city should not
leave any sore spots, and which ever
one is successful in securing the nomi
ation, will doubtless be elected by a
nice handsome majority next Novem
ber. Fpr County Commissioner Martin
L. Friedrich is a candidate for re
nomination. Martin is one of those
whole souled fellows, who is ever
ready to help those who deserve help
Many is the man who has been helped
by Martin in private life before he ever
dreamed of running for office. Mr,
Friedrich will no doubt be his own
successor. Two finer young men cati
not be found thau Prof. E. E. Odell
and Prof. A. J. Wickland who have
entered on a friendly contest for the
nomination for County Superintendent
of Schools. Both of these young men
are thoroughly educated and qualified
for the office. Both are successful
teachers. Prof. Vickland has been
Principal of the schools of Greenwood
for several years, and Prof. Odell has
been elected as Principal of the schools
of Elmwood for the coming year. They
both thorough gentlemen and
mouth, John C. Lindeman bas filed.
John wife for several years employed m
the B. & M. shops, and was ajways a
faitbful worker. He has by his Industry
and frugality secured a home and some
stock. He is a man who is not sfraid
of honest toil, and should be kleeterl by
an overwhelming majority in November.
The present city ntlminitratin has
selected a street commissioner, who
has begun to do some work on the pub
lic streets of this city. The work is
being done in the same old way, whith
costs the taxpayers about two to four
times as much as it ought to cost. Old
methods of road and street work are
expensive, even when honestly done.
The modern method of road and street
wark under the conditions that exist in
this country and cityj is' the use of the
plow and log-drag. We suggest to the
city authorities that the log-drag be
adopted this year in working the streets.
In our issue of July 15 we gave explicit
directions for making and use of the
log-drag in road work. The directions
there given are approved by the gov
ernment road experts, and other ex
pert" on road building. Our neighbor
ing county of Sarpy has demonstrated
the success of such methods. Two
teams with plow and drag will do more
work in the same length of time than
six teams will do by the old method of
plow and scraper. And the' work when
done will last much longer. Let the
city administration adopt up-U-date
economical methods in this part of the
city's expenses. We are all interested
in having good streets. The. sugges
tions are not made in a spirit of fault
finding, but for the purpose of render
ing some valuable services to the city
administration and to the city.
hi pet tiun for final aettlnnt of mid accuont,
and the dittritMtiva of the resithje of Mid entate.
r?al and peruana! to all parnona by law and the
provision of (tie will of said deceased untitled
Thifc a hrarinir will br hail on aaid report and
petition in the County Court room in the ciy of
l'lattamouth. Cans county. Nebraska. the llith
run into a nearby corn field for some d,y .f H"9-' hour te" !?clVi
. .. ! M, at wkuh time the naid account will be allowed
distance. Luckily none Were in hired i and the prayer of aaid petition granted, and the
Gustavo Heidman, who rents Mr. Bom's
farm was unfortunate in having four
horses run away with his binder. The
boys stopped the horsos after they had
. . .. sum
lHOUgn Wie DllXler Was somewhat brok- .aid Mtte. if no objections be made thereto at ! Si-h
en. . . naid time. I
I Dated a Plattnmouth rll-aka. thfci 17th day
" ! of July wua.
27-6 County J udire Cm county. Nub.
containing 13 Jl acre in tf aoatheaat Quarter ' )
Aft..n..piku..feiiArtirl j-Kll in netlion Thir
ty-two Township Weven (lit Kan Thirteen (i:s)
containing lWj.KJ acre, and that oa of aid de
fendant and those claming- under or through!
them, be forever barred rrom naving or ciaimiij
any interest in said real efltate. ana ior etiaimj
You are required to answer or plead to said pe
tition on or before the Itlrd day of August. 1K0C
fchited at I'luttsmouth. Caas county, Nebraska,
tliia Uth iTrv mf Jlllv 1'KlU.
JOHN t. B.NABH, ruunun.
Noiioe To Creditors.
In County Court
(itafta of Nebraska, )
CansOounuy. JBS-
In thu matter of the estate of Addison H. Jack
mun deceuHed,
NoUoe is hereby Kiven that the creditors of said
decuastd will meet the Administrator of raid es
tate, before me, County Judge of Cass County,
Nehiauika, at the County Court room in l'latts
mouth. in said County, on the 30th day of July,
19W. and on the .'list day of January. 1911), at 10
o dock A. M., each day, for the purpose of pre
sentinv ttuw claims fur awminaUon, adjustment
and allowance.
Six months are allowed for the creditors of said
deceased to present their claims and one year for
the Administrator to settle sail estate, from the
30tJi(isof July. 19M.
Witnaas nfV hand and seal of said County Court,
at Hluttsmouth, Nebraska, thia 1st duy of July.
lisjty J. Bkkson.
2.'iift SEA1..1 County Judice.
Legal Notice.
AH persons interested are hereby not i find that
John Albert Bauer, as administrator with the
will annexed of the estate of John H. Bauer, de
ceased, has tiled hi final account with the County
Court of Cass county. Nebraska, a motion to be
permitted to file a claim against said estate, and
Legal Notice.
Slate of Nebraska, 'g
County of Cass. 1
To David K. Thomas, the unknown heir and
devinvea of David K. Thomas, doeeased, Simeon
A.Thomas, tfie unknown heirs .and devisees of
Simeon A. Thomas, deceased, the unknown heirs
and devisees of Aaron Cotrnn deieaed. Tootle a
FarleiKB, a partnership. Thomas E. Tootle, his
wife Tootk. lirst name unknown. Milton
Tootle, the unknown heirs and devisees of Milton
Tootle, deceased. William G. Karleiuh. the ui
known heirs and devisees of William U. arltigh,
da eosed. non-rtaident defendants.
You and each ot you are nereuy nouneu mat
Legal Notice. '
The defendants Mary Magowan. Harriet I,.
Carper. Canr. (first name unknown),
William Rolls, Joshua Stroud. Sarah A. Stroud.
Lombard Investment Company. Harry E. Mooney,
Sanford D. Ladd, and Frank Haicerman, Receiv
ers Lombard Investment Company non-resident
defendants. and the unknown heirs ef kiley Jones,
Tennessee Hulls, nee Jorats, Wiley O. Jones.lsabtal I
Huoy. nee Jones, and Georire S. Kuby. deceased,
uyi full, nntir-m thut nn ,Via Qth ilnu tf .Tulw
JohnC. Knube. the plaintilf filed his petftion in ' William A. Cleg-horn, executor of the last will
the District L-ourt ol Case county. NeuraaKu. 01 r aiencs, aruiino. ueramu, r.unmu uunv.
airainst the above named defendants, the object ' Erne Brunko. and Annie lirunko. children of
and prayer of which is to cancel a certain murf Atiust K. Brunko. deceased, on t he I'Jth day of
KaR-e Kiven by Oswald Baier. and wife, to tko July. I tiled their petition in the district court
Lombard Investment Company, dated March 8. of Cass county. Nebraska. aKamst you. the object
M and hi quiet the title in the plamtitr to the and purpose of snd actiun bemif to quiet and enn
followinu described real estate situated in Cass firm the title of sitid plaintitls in and to all of the
county. Nebraska, to-witt East l i of tste N. E. 1-4 of Section 5. Township II,
The West one-half ('41 of the southeast quarter ; Kaniie II cast, in Cass county. Nebraska, and
(). the southwest quarter (') of the nortlaast I atrainst you and each of you and for equitable re
quartcr CJ the south twenty-five '-5) acres of lief. , .
the southoast quarter of the northwest quarter) You are required to answer said petition on or
the east lifteen (15) acresof the northwestquarter before Monday, the 6th day of September I'M?.
() of the northeast quarter (M). the south six , William A. Cleifhorn. exeoutor of the las will
(6) acres of the remainder of the qorthwext qaar- , of Frederick Bitinko. deceased. Edward ttrunko.
.... 1 U l L... il,.l ik. 1 LVna. Umnlrn nnfl Annm HrlinkO. Cftliuren f)T
17.63 acres in lot three (3) in the northeast quar- A u trust r . Brunito. aeceasou, riuinuus.
ter (U) of the llorthuast Quarter (Ul lot six Hi) By A. L. TiUD. Their Attorney. 29-1
be put in first class condition now so
that when the winter season and the (are
wet season comes again farmers will j scholars. To the successful one in the
not be compelled to drng through the ; contest for the nomination, we predict
mud to get here. I success at the polls in November.
A fake was perpetrated on the Com
mercial Club Tuesday night. Jast be
fore adjournment E. H. Wescott read
a fake letter from A. B. Kirschbaum &
Co., which had been received by the
firm of C. E. Wescott's Sons. The loi
ter requested the sending of telegrams
to the President asking for , a veto of
the Tariff Bill unless there was a re
vision downward.
, Mr. Wescott acted. in goodfaith but
he was the victim of a bunch- of Free
Trade fakers and he imposed the fake
on the Commercial Club. The fake
letter says that "the proposed measure
has already caused an advance of as
much as 32 per cent in the price of
spring woolens for 1910." This state
ment in this "fait;" letter is absolute
ly false. The wool and woolen ached
ules in the Aldrich Tariff Bill leaves the
wool schedules exactly the same as
they now are in the Dingley Law,
which has been the law since 1896, and
the only changes proposed by the Payne
Tariff Bill are some reductions on the
cheaper classes of woolens. It
therefore clear that the rot in the fake
letter about the "proposed measure has
already caused an advance of as much
as 32 per cent in the price of spring
woolens for 1910," is absolutely false,
The only proposed changes affecting
woolen clothing are for a downward re
vision. The matter should not have
baen taken before the Commercial Club
at all. The Commercial Club is not the
place for political matters, and as soon
as it commences to mix politics it
miir'nt as well quit altogether. So far
as Mr. Wescott is concerned he was in
nocently made the victim of a bunch of v
. . . . . , . ,
rree i raue raKers, ana ne matie inc
Commercial Club a victim with himself.
"Where are you going, my pretty maid?"
"I'm going to Soennichsen's, sir," she said
"Where they have such good things to eat
"And where the prices are hard to beat."
There is just one best place, SOENNICHSEN'S
I lf n II 1 9 1 C 1 9 in U f 77 IS MI 1 TVS Z
i ii ti if 13 nil ij it ii a mt. m - ni i; l j i
' I
t X
ii Attention Farmers and Stock Raisers!
Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Hog Salvct tf medi
' cated Salt is the best remedy for all kinds of
stock to make them tat well and aid digestion
and also a blood builder. If not satisfied with re
. suits money refunded. Sold at the feed store of
i j. v. tmmm
Missouri Pacific
Time Table
No. 104 To K. C, St. Louis,
passenger 9: IS a. m.
No. 100 To K. C, St. Louis,
passenger .... 12:03 a. m.
No. 194 Local Freight .... 10:40 a. m.
No. 103 From K. C, St. Louis,
passenger 5:02 p. m.
No. 103 Frcni K. C, St. Louis,
passenger '. 0:12 a. m.
No. l'J3 Local Fn ight 3:(l0i. m.
Tickets sold and baggage checked to
all points in U. S.
II. Norton.
Ticket Agent.
Our July Clearaivce a.le
01 High Class Summer Merchandise
Began Monday, July 12.
10c, 12c and 15c Lawns and Batistes now on sale at 6c
25c Silk Mulls and Figured Lawns now lOc
Tissues and Embroidered Swisses and Flaxons,2oc & 50c,now.lGc
25 and 35c French Ginghams, now 17C
50c Japtha Silks a beautiful new fabric, latest shades,35 and. 39c
White Waistings, 35 and 40c values, now 23c
White Waistings, 25 and 30c " " ic
Shirting and Apron Checks, per yard 5C
All our Shirt Waists at a liberal reduction in price.
lj0 no
V MLt! A
Runs Away With Dinder.
Mrs. Ceo. Horn returned from n viwit
to the country yesterday where she had , J
111 I t W-rw"'
tit wa.( - - -j ' W ' ' ' - A 'T -rTT m