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About The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1909)
Love. Love? I will tell thee what it is to love It it to build with human thoughts a shrine, Where Hope alts brooding like a beauteous dove. Where time seems young, and like a thing divtae. Yet, this la love the steadfast and the true, The immortal glory which hath never cet; The best, the brightest boon the heart e'er knew Of all life's aweets, the very aweetest yet I Charles Swain. y 11 JJ Vil rica. I guess everybody in the civilized world knows that ex-President Theo dore Roosevelt of the United States is getting two American dollars for every word of "copy" he writes for a certain New York publication. There fore the business of bagging the gnus in this lonely spot on the world's map has a double meaning. Spell it gnus or news suit your cclf they are pronounced alike. The only difference Is that you get one with a rifle of heavy bore and the other by means of mental ingenuity. Mr. Roosevelt, I have discovered, makes his own news. And he sella Ms own news. Hence his declaration that "because there are no journal ists with this expedition all appar ently authentic reports are barren SZ A W .1 m cm I , m IS "BP I Vl I In the make-up of the somf-savage blacks. Eighty-four souls comprised the small army which Mr. Roosevelt took with him from Mombasa. Hwann Tumbo dressed his aides up in Amer ican made loose shirts ar.d khaki trousers. Of their own choice were queer little skull caps decorated with feathers and tassels. Wall tents, tho same as those used by Ameri can army offi cers, provided F l ma i sirffTW Plato Dobbs Tricky Ways By Benjamin Franklin Napheys 20C (Copyrlalit. by Dully Kturv Tub. Co.) falsehoods or are obtained by means of bribing Ignorant ser vants and it stands to reason that for the sake of a bribe one of evil intentions is not above Inventing falsehoods fo- the purpose of obtaining the bribes." Be that as it may, early in the month of August Mr. Roose velt will impart some of his news to a select gathering of East Africans at a banquet. You can't keep reporters from a ban quet, consequently at the time of writing there is no reason to suppose that the world will not get the former American execu tive's remarks in full. Mr. Rnosevelt will tell his hunting experiences, his views on world politics and lots of other things which will astonish his staid Dritish hosts and will set them to thinking.. Tho world at large is getting littlo Roosevelt "stuff," as the editors call it. The reason for It is said to be the hunter's desire to pursue the life of a nimrod undisturbed by eager news paper men. They are on his trail every day, but they keep out of sight. Entering the port of Mombasa, Theodore Roosevelt and his big stick made an instantaneous hit. He was strenuous. UriMshers are slow of movement and thought; they are deliberate. Not so with the American hero. He thought quickly, spoke quickly and said things which made tho inhabitants stand up and shout. He talked about the great country which the nritish had built and al most civilized in Africa. He made other points which tickled his hosts and he was solid with them from the minute he put foot on tho gang plank of the steamer which brought him from Naples, Italy. He told his East African friends that he wanted to be treated like a regula tion American citizen, not like a former president of the United States. This, tho British seemed to think, was a first class invitation to treat him like a king, which they did. With his entourage riding In the passenger compartments of a primitive Uganda railway coach, Mr. Roosevelt gave a real strenuoslty ex hibition by daring Acting Governor Jackson to rldo with him on the cowcatcher. He said there was more breeze on the front of the train any way. Mr. Jackson and Mr. Roosevelt then stopped the outfit and took positions of vantage ahead of the fireman and engineer. This tickled the Britishers. Nobody had ever thought of riding on the front of an engine be fore in East Africa. They had always done the most commonplace thing by seating themselves on the "cushions." So, because he was different from their kind, they liked the American from the start. The ride that day lasted 50 miles, when the en gine, being a union engine, refused to work over eight hours and gave out. The next day the ride was repeated and to-day half the British East African highbrows ride on tho front of the en glno when they want to make an impression. Once on Sir George Mac.Mlllan's ranch tho real sport of the expedition commenced. MacMlllan's ranch is a notorious hangout for man-eating Hons. They roar around the ranch ' at night and tear up things generally. Colorado mountahi lions were easily beneath the hunting prowess of Mr. Roosevelt and he proved that Af rican lions are also-rans alongside of tho Ameri can brand by depicting the kingdom of Leo by six in two days, thereby setting a new record for huntsmen In this section of Africa. A big, hungry hippopotamus chased Mr. Roosevelt one day. Formulating his plans as he sped along through the jungle, the ex-president led tho enraged animal to the open and set two steel bullets crashing between his eyes when the hippo was only 100 fect away. Kermlt had a similar experience with a rhinoceros and, display ing the family traits of his father, stood his (round and succeeded la dispatching Mr. Rhino L k a A ii I Tmr at 40 yards. The beast was charging him in dangerous fashion. Not long ago Mr. Roosevelt captured two baby antetlopes and sent them to his daughter, Mrs. Nicholas Long worth, who by this' time doubtless has received them. More than liOO speci mens had been cap tured by the Roose velt party up to the time of . this writ ing and before the expedititon weighs anchor for other shores probably 1.000 more will have reached the taxidermists. Lions, wildebeests, antelopes, giraffes, hippo potami, rhinocerl, tigers, monkeys and dozens of other varieties are among the trophies of the chase. To Kermit Roosevelt the expedition has been a source of .wonderment and pleasure. Every thing was new to him. He had read about the mysterloasness of darkest Africa but had never been given an opportunity to even peer into the confines of a real Hon hunting camp. At the present writing both Kermlt and his father are in the best o." health, both wearing a swarthy tau which is darker than the jungle stained khaki suits In which most of the hunting is done. A short time ago Mr. Roosevelt visited tho American mission near here and he expressed pleasure at the work which the organization is doing for the African savage. The morning of the day he visited the mission he spent in hunt ing Culubra. monkeys and succeeded in shooting several, which were added to the list of speci mens. Officials here have expressed the belief that Mr. Roosevelt's bagging of game Is Justifiable in view of the fact that his specimens are being secured for the purpose of stocking up the Smithsonian institution at Washington. Perhaps the biggeBt test of Rooseveltlan stren tiosity came when the party crossed the desert west of this city. In this Instance they wero compelled to go for more than a week without procuring water. All the liquid refreshment they had was carried with them In great water skins, suitable for this purpose. Bwana Tumbo, which Is an African expression of reverence, was the nickname which Mr. Roose velt's native servants soon attached to him, and when 1 met the ex president at Kapltl Plains station, whero he was obliged to stop during his travels, he seemed pleased to be reminded oi the fact that he had struck a responsive chord the ex-president's sleeping quarters and his patriotism was fully shown by the fact that tho American stars r.nd F-tripos float ed from the Has pole beforo Roosevelt's tent. The colors were dipped at sun rlno nnd sunset in accordance with the United States army cus torn. The Roosevelt camp presente 1 a unique scene Situated in tho ;nterwns Mr. Roose velt's adobe, which nlso housed Kermlt Before It floated tho American flag and grouped around it along miniature "streets" were the "pup tents" of tho porters, gunbearers bush beaters, cooks and other servants. Kermit Roosevelt's personal servant, ju- ma by name, became j as devoted to his . young master au though the latter were of regal heri tage. Me followed him everywhere and was at his side dur ing the rhinoceros In cident in which Her mit's life was per iled. Juma's gaudy tur ban, khaki half hose and American-made calfskin shoes, which were a present from Kermit, marked him as a man to be envied among his fellows. The ex-pres-Ident said that whenever ho needed Kermit for any matter whatsoever, it was onoly necessary to scan the horizon for Juma's gay headpiece. During his hunting, travels and speaking Bwana Tumbo never has lost sight of his writing Ho Is writing a chapter here and there, whenever he has the tlm or Inclination to devote a few hours to tho book of travels which he has half completed. Mr. R. D. CuninRhame, Mr. Roosevelt's hunter, Is typical of the African sportsman and is declared to know more about game in this section of the world than any other game expert. No more unique sight was ever presented to the casual observer than that which met my eye when I alighted from a Uganda railway coach al Kapltl rinins. where Mr. Roosevelt and his army were grouped. The station is on Sir Alfred I'easc's ranch or estate, as it is known here. "The Plains" consists of hardly more than the signboard which tells Its name. Mr. Roosevelt's "army" was drawn up about him, the ex-presldent was conversing with Hunter Cunlnghame and the former executive's gunbearer, Abdallah bin Said was awaiting orders from his chief. Of the army Plato Uolilis lay with his head Just ; visible beneath tho patchwork quilt, and one arm stretched across the top Df the covers. His fist was clenched, and whenever he emitted an unusu illy loud snore he wrathfully smote the bed clothing. Plato was evidently having unpleasant experiences in tho Innd of dreams. His wife, clad In a dressing gown, sat on the edge of tho bed, watchln:; him. She made no move to arouse Plato from his uneasy slumbers, how ever; and whin a llslit tap sounded ut the bedroom door sho opened It si lently. "Don't make a found, sister Ange lina," cautioned Mrs. Uobhs, as a thin, hatchet-faced woman, with a bowl of water in her hand, entered the room, "lie's asleep at last, but he's mighty restless. I don't want him waked up until you've tried the experiment on him. Seem's If I couldn't wait another minute to llml out whether your sus picions were true, or only niado up out of your own head." "Made up, Indued," miffed Angelina; "that's the thanks I get from my own sister. You needn't be afraid, I'll show him up," and she gestured toward tho sleeping Plato. "I showed up his two brothers, Animous and Venomous, over to Peavllle, before I'd been visit ing their wives two weeks. Just as soon us I helped those poor, deluded women to pack up and go home to their own folks I came right over here to help you out. There never wna a man yet to be trusted in anything, nnd now that I've discovered a way to un mask 'em It's going to be my llfework. Did you have Plato do as I said to-day, so's he'd be good and tired to-night?" "Yes, he's b en on the go ever since sunup; and tn-night I got him a travel book out of the library, and he's been reading it aloud. There was one fear- i WLSdfr "I'll Excite Him," Ejaculated Miss An gelina, Grimly. fill story In it about a female gorilla capturing a man and keeping him a prisoner for two weeks on the limb of a tree. Plato read that twice, it was so exciting." "I'll excite him," ejaculated Miss Angelina, grimly. "You always was Abdallah is most devoted to his master and the tho softest one of the Barlow family, frequent lashings which th.e heads of the expedi- or you'd have seen through Plato tlon are often compelled to administer to quell Dobbs' tricky ways long ago. But 1 Impending mutiny are never necessary with this I s'pose If I hadn't bought my book of character. He Is a cnlijiie type of African and be cause of his good qualities he commands better pay than the rest of his fellows. The man who aided Mr. Roosevelt In getting his expedition ready cautioned him against asking any of his servants to do duties for which any of tho others were hired. The labor union Instinct Is second nature with the attache of the African hunting expedition. Let a gun bearer try to do the work of a porter or bush beater and there is war In camp at once Neither may the game carriers beat the game Into sight. Perhaps this system Is for the best after all. for the reason that every man specialises and therefore Is able to do his own allotted work to a better advantage. It. is said heie that Mr. Roosevelt's entire expe dition will cost between $15,000 nnd fl'O.OOO, which to an Amcrlc&n hunter may seem an enormous price. But hunting wild game In Africa is a heavy undertaking and In order to go through with such a task that amount of money is actually neces sary. But the party is j;ettlng results nnd that la j h(m yo wllI. ho rannot ,lec(,vi, what they tlKKro Is the proper viewpoint. ; ymi , ,,.,t,v Bome HIlpiont Wf)mnn Having arrived In the Stoik district Kermlt nnd named Alberta Agnes discovered the his father had plenty of game upon which to exhibit I secret. Come on. hold the bowl so tils their prowesn. The younger Roosevelt Immediately j hands just touch tho water, nnd I'll do set about establishing a hunting record by bagging j the questioning. He'll find that ho the biggest Hon which, up to that time, had found can't hide anything from Angelina Its way to the taxidermist of the party. In the Stolk Barlow." district Mr. Roosevelt shot many bu.Taloes, their There was no guile on the placid skins being preserved for the Smithsonian Insth f,., t nio rini.i. .. h i0 ,i. j back with his eyes closed. The night mare that had r.ffrlglited hlni seemed to have departed. With curiosity ami awe on her face, Mrs. Dobbs tcok ui tho bowl and gently raised it until Plato's fingers dipped Into the water, "Wet his hand more," admonished her sister at her side. Mrs. Dobbs was about to comply when Plato struck out suddenly, mini ing a shower into the faco of MIsh Angelina. "Wow!" muttered tho sleeper, "there she is again. There's old bow legs ugh." "There, what did I tell you?" ex claimed Mli.s Angelina. "He's talking about wonien u'ready. Walt till I get the aalt water out of my eyes, nnd I'll find out what he's ber.i up to. Wet his hand aaiii, slrter." Once mere Plato's luind was sub merged, nnd this time ho mndo no protesting movement. Miss Angelliiii fixed her eyes en his faco and sternly demanded: "Plato W. Dobbs, wliero'd you first meet this female?" "Uin niii down by tho river," sleep ily muttered the man In tho bed. "I knew It," declared Miss Angelina. "I told you, sister, that ho went down there for something else besides fish ing. I followed him often enough, but I never could catch him at anything. Wherg'd you hide, you bald -headed old deceiver?" "Up a tree," responded tho victim, with astonishing promptness. "Up a t ree t ree t ree u m ." "Good lands!" exclaimed Mrs. Dobbs, "thero'H no woman around these parts that can climb a tree), let alone staying there when she got up. Ask him how she kept from falling off tho limbs." "Bow-legged," Immediately respond ed the sleeper. "Old bow-leBH bow- legs ugh." "Keep his hand well wet, sister," cautioned Miss Angelina. "I'm goliiR to find cut who sho is now, only I dassent ask him right out, just yet What does sho look like, Plato V?" "Ugly, slabaided hawk nosed old gorilla gorilla wow!" "And you've been running after a person like that?" "N-a-w, the chased mo every day up a tree." "There, I knew it!" exclaimed Mrs. Dobbs. "You see, sister, uo matter what we've found out, it Isn't his fault." "Bo Ktill, and keep his hand wet. Plato W., what Is her name?" Plato stirred, grunted, and hid his face in the pillow. "Wet his hand, sister, t'omo, you brute, you've got to tell. What'a Iter name? Speak up." "Angelina Burlow," and then Plato drowsily took away his hand and burled himself beneath tho patchwork coverlid. The bowl of water dropped unlieed ed from Mrs. DobbB' fingers, and Miss Angollna sunk limply to tho door. "You'd better go to bed and gel some rest, Angelina," said Mrs. Dobbs at length. "Yotrtl bo getting up early to-morrow." "Do you b'lleve what he said?-' weak ly demanded Miss Angelina. "N-no, course not; only you told in that the salt water made 'em all tell the truth, and you know, Angelina that you're awfully bow" "Slater!" "Well, any way, you'd better pack your things, and the hired man' II drive you over to Peavllle tho first thing In tho morning." ! Beneath the bed clothes Plato Pobtw was chuckling and winking In the darkness. ancient secrets you'd have put up with him all your days, and been none the wiser." During Miss Angelina's remarks sho had grown somewhat excited, and. heedless of the sleeping Plato, sho raised her voice a little. Ho gave no sign of rousing, however; Indeed, his slumber seemed more quiet, and he lay breathing regularly, with his arm dangling over the edge of tho bed. Mrs. Dobbs gazed with awe at the bowl on the table. "Are you sure," she demanded, "that you've mixed It according to direc tions?" "Certainly; I know the reclpo by heart: 'If you would know another's secrets, place a grent pinch of salt In a bowl of clear water; then when a deep sleep has fallen uku him place his hand In the salted water and ask tutlon. A Week Behind. It Is perhaps Bruno's tact and di plomacy that have mado bin weekly entertainments nt tho Lyceum on Bust Broadway so popular, says tho Now York Press. As an example, last Fri day evening tho subject of tho lecture was "Sliull Woman and. Van Bo Edu cated Equally, and Why?" Thcro fol lowed discussions. One toy, whether It was that he slept or what, arose, mounted tho platform nnd began carefully to dis cuss the Fiibject of the week before nnd to answer the arguments he evi dently thought the speaker of that evening hud advanced in proof of his theory. Tho audience commenced tc titter, then to laugh aloud, whereupon Mr. Hrunof sprang up and explained: "The sign outside has not been changed," ho said. "Tho painter did not change it, therefore this young man naturally supposed tho subject announced outside to bo tho subject under discussion this evening. . It is not his fault. It Is not our fault. It la the fault of tho painter." Where All Are Agreed. I will do human nature the justlco to say that we are al) prone to make other people do their duty. Sydney Smith,