The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, July 19, 1909, Image 1

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NEWS. EstaMinhwJ Nov. fc, mi
HERALD. Established April 16. 1864
Consolidated' J4tu 1. 1895
14 Years in
John Clarence Getfs Sentence for
Murder of J. P. Thacker.
Judge Travis held a short session of
district court Saturday for the purpose
cf hearing arguments on th5 appeal for
a new trial in the case of John Clar
ence, recently found guilty of murder
in the second degree for the killing of
the late John P. Thacker. Byron Clark,
attorney for Clarence, had filed a mo
tion for a new trial, alleging that new
ly discovered evidence la connection
with the testimony of George Cole, a
state witness,, and that the court had
erred in instructing the jury, were suf
ficient grounds for the same. Witness
Cole had claimed he was to receive $20
for his evidence, which was to the ef
fect that Clarence had threatened to
do Thacker up and that Crawford, a
witness for the defense, was a man of
bad reputation.
The hearing was continued until eve
ning to allow for the arrival ef a wit
ness on the northbound Missouri Pacific
passenger who would testify and prove
the statements were untrue. Some
evidence was also given in connection
with the non-payment of an insurance
policy until the company was satisfied
along certain lines in regard to the
aggressiveness of Thacker in the trou
ble which led up to the killing.
' At the conclusion of the arguments
Judge Travis refused Clarence a r.ew
trial, and the prisoner was given a
sentence of fourteen years in the pen
itentiary at Lincoln and ordered con
fined in the county jail until ho could
be transferred to that city.
Another Horse Lost
Fred Warner, who lives on the Par
melee ranch near Cullom and farms a
large share of the land has been having
a large share of hard luck recently.
Some three weeks ago he lost a fine,'
large bay horse which took sick' from
overheat and died. Friday afternoon
he left the four horses he had been
working on a two row machine stand
ing at the edge of his field while he
went to the home of George Hicks near
by fur a drink. While nearing the
horses on his return they became fright
ened and ran down the field where two
of them fell into a deep ditch. One
large black horse was badly injured in
its back and died Sunday morning. The
death of the team means the loss of
$00 to Mr. Warner.
July Clearance Sale
is the bargain chance-of the
season. Ask the crowds that
bought goods here last Satur
day. They'll teU you it's "the
real thing.
Men's Kerchiefs, white and fancy .5c
" dress sox.. 8c
' ' shirts, all styles 39c
" 4 in hand ties . 12c
" straw hats .25c
" trousers..... . ....$1.45
Boys shirts........ 1. 23c
" knee pants 26c
" stockings 16c
" rompers... 39c
wash suits .'. .49c
and many other bargains we
cannot list here. Everything
just as advertised. No cash
register tickets given. No
sale goods charged. No mon-
key business.
C. E. Weseott's Sons
"Where Quality Counts.
Killed by Train.
Mrs. Myers of Glenwood, Iowa, was
struck by a fast stock train and in
stantly killed near Pacific Junction Sat
urday morning. The unfortunate lady
and her daughter had arrived at the
Junction on No. 5 and had started to
walk down the track for a visit with
relatives who live a short distance west.
They were on a long bridge when the
extta came on with great speed; which
is usual with all trains at this point, on
account of the steep grade to the large
bridge over the Missouri, a few miles
beyond. The woman and girl made
frantic efTorts to get across andjoff the
track but were unable to do so though
the engineer had greatly lessened the
speed of the train upon realizing their
danger. v
The little girl escaped without injury
bit her mother was caught, her head
b2ing crushed by the engine. The body
of the unfortunate woman was taken
to Pacifie Junction and her relatives
W. C. T. U. Social.
The social gathering of the W. C. T.
U. society at the home of Mrs. L. A.
Moore was not as large as expected
only about twenty being present owing
to the threatened rain which did not
occur. Those who remained away lost
a very pleasant afternoon. Rev. Moore
madf a very fine address on the given
subject, "Mercy," followed by Rev.
Randall both of which were highly ap
preciated being full of good suggestions
for future work. Papers were read by
Mesdames H. Wescott, Kerr, Knee and
Moore and others, Mrs. Wescott also
favored us with a song and last, but
not least, were the fine recitations of
the Misses Thomas, Muriel Straight
and Nora Livingston's song. They were
perfect as well as their manner in as
sisting the hostess to entertain by
passing the refreshments. Many plans
were made for promoting the cause of
Temperance and other reforms.
Mrs. J. E. Vandercook,
Old Fashioned Squirrel Cun. '
Uncle William Frans yesterday morn
ing showed ua his favorite fire-arm, an
old fashioned Kentucky tquirrel rifle
with a barrel as long as a (short)
clothes line. "Uncle Billy" brought
the gun with him when he came to
Cass county in 1854 and owned it many
years before that time. lie say's "that
old gun has tumbled over many a wild
turkey," and although both "Uncle
Billy" and the gun show their old age,
it is safe to say that no sum of money
will separate them. Union Ledger.
Suggestion lor
a State Park
Plattsmouth Offers Ideal Loca
tion for such an Institution.
The News-Herald has several times
commented upon the natural beauty of
the city of Plattsmouth. The city is
surrounded with a diversified beauty of
natural sceaery which cannot be fur
passed outside a meuntainous district.
Just south of town stretches a vast
range of rugged hills, overed with a
dense growth of large natural limber,
while bordering on the eat is the Mis
souri river and a shorfr distance from
the Nebraska shore is Speck's Island.
No better place could be fouid in the
entire state for a state park. The land
could be obtained at a reasonable figui e
and a summer re6ort could bo built
which could not be surpassed by any
location between the Alleghany and
Rocky mountains.
- If the state would procure from
three to four thousand acres of land in
this locality and lay out a suitable park
it would afford the people of the whole
state one of the greatest comforts that
could be procured for the same outlay
of money. There is more in life than
mere ' work and the accumulation of
wealth. There is more in life than
simply a full stomach, a house in which
to live, and clothing upon our backs.
The farmers and their wives and chil
dren should have a place where they
can get away from the cares and wor
ries of the farm; the people from the
towns and cities are entitled to a place
where they may go for a short time
out of the hustle and bustle of every
day life; the children from the schools
are entitled to this outdoor recreation,
and the toilers in shops and stores and
tSe counting rooms are likewise enti
tled to these outdoor comforts and
pleasures. It would add many times
its cost tothe. health of the people, and
the renewed" energy afld vitality which
the people would gain would make it a
most profitable investment.! England
spends $750,000,000every year for parks,
music, and places for open air recrea
tion for the people. Why not have a
state park in the rich state of Nebras
ka? Let every citizen in Casj county
get behind the movement. It will be a
grand good thing.
Plattsmouth People Should learn
to Detect the Approach of
1 Kidney Disease.
The pymptoms of kidney trouble are
so unmistakable that they leave no
ground for doubt. Sick kidneys ex
crete a thick, cloudy, offensive urine,
full of sediment, irregular of passage
or attended by a sensation of scnlding.
The back aches constantly, headaches
and dizzy spells may occur and the vic
tim is often weighed down by a feeling
ofl anguor and fatigue. Neglect these
warnings and there is danger of dropsy
Bright's Disease, or diabetes. Any one
of these symptoms is warning enough
to begin treating the kidneys at oi.rc.
Delay often proves fatal.
You can use no better remedy than
Doan's Kidney Pills. Here's Platts
mouth proof:
. Mrs. Claude Butler, 613 S. Tenth st.
Plattsmouth, Neb., says: "Doan's
Kidney Pills, procured" from Gering &
Co.'s drug store, have been used in my
family and I can heartily endorse them
as a splendid remedy for kidney dis
orders, especially in children's cases. I
publicly recommended Doan's Kidney
Pills in 1906 and as I still think highly
of them, I have no hesitation in con
firming that statement."
For sale by .all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name-Doan's-and
take no other. . 21-4
A Selge'ol Rheumatlem.
Henry Horn andife, who live couth
west of Plattsmouth were in town Sat
urday. Mr. Horn is having a severe
seige with rheumatism and this was
his first trip to Plattsmouth for over
nine weeks. He plainly Bhowed the re-
suit of his long illness being quite pale
! and very much reduced in flenh, having
i lost forty-seven pounds during his ill
r.css. He gets around by the aid of
crutches and enjoys being able to visit
i with his many friends who arc glad to
I tee him out ugain.
An Easy One
For Plattsmouth
Otoe County's Grocery Clerks
Go Down to Defeat.
Plattsmouth easily won the game of
base ball from the bunch of would be
spbrti chaperoned to this city by Mr.
Ralph White of Nebraska City. The
home boys had partially recovered from
their defeats by Glenwood and Auburn
and were just hankering after some
thing upon which to retrieve their lost
glory, and to say the young grocery
clerks from Otoe county were easy
picking is putting it mildly, ,
It was a genuine swatfest for the
Plattsmouth players from the very
first man to bat and at the close of the
merry go round the score showed 10 to 3
in favor of Plattsmouth. But eight inn
ings were playod and nearly every one
was a shut Out except the first when
they made two scores.
Ralph White, a former Plattsmouth
Red Soxs pitcher and player, tcssed
fairly well for the visitors though if
the home boys had not been mcrcifil
they could have clouted him for several
more runs. Baker the catcher and Mr.
Collins were other players on the visit
ing team that showed some ability but
the balance seemed more used to han
dling barrels and boxes than base balls.
For the; home team Beal, Drocge Lar
son, McCauley, Gould and Mason
played In professional style and in fact
the whole bunch showed wonderful im
provement as the result of jumping up
against some real ball players, and it is
hoped (that many good .teams will be
played in towns in Cass and Otoe
counties so they can be induced to play
retunigames here during carnival week.
It is vit opinion that the home team is
able t win fyom the fastest teams in
Cass Aunty or elsewhere and we be
lieve ff Meager Warren can secure
-d.$Sft""M WtrtelftlHrTsucfc
live towns" as Elm wood, Murdock, Man
ley, Louisville, Springfield, Auburn,
Weeping Water and Greenwood that
when return games are played hore the
whole hillsido would be covered with
ball fans and there would be little cause
for complaint on account of patronage.
Storm Was Severe.
According to additional reports
which have come in from the storm of
Wednesday night considerably more
damage was done than was thought at
first. Many acres of corn was destroyed
tho stalks in many fields being com
pletely broken off while in others the
leaves were stripped from the stalks.
Many acres of oats and spring wheat
which had not bean cut were ruined
while nearly all the shocks were thrown
down in f elds that had not been har
vested. Some of those who sustained
heavy losses were J03. Halmes, Carl
Hammers, Fred Martinson, H. M. Al
my, John Sherman and many others
names we have not learned.
Mr. Osborn Home Again.
Mrs. Louise Dutton of University
Place, Neb., arrived in the city Friday
to prepare for the return of her father,
G. W. Osborn, who is recovering from
the effects of an operation at a Lincoln
hospital. '
Mr. Osborn came in Saturday morn
insr, making the trip on a cot as ho is
still very weak. He was glad to get
back home and seemed greatly pleased
to meet and shake hands with his old
friends, who were likewise glad to see
him but were sorry to find him so weak.
His doctors advised his return here be
lieving his condition would rapidly im
prove in his old home surroundings,
Mrs. Osborn and son-in-hw, F. A. Dut
ton accompanied him home.
Wedding Announcement.
The engagement of Miss Freda
Herold of this city to Mr. Percy H.
Fields of Salt Lake City, Utah, has
been announced. The marriage is to
take place en Saturday, July 31, 1909,
in this oity.
Miss Herold is the handsome and ac
complished daughter of the late Her
man Herold and needs no introduction
to the citizens of Plattsmouth having
lived here all her life.- Mr. Fields is
quite well known here as he was here
for some time this spring with the
Quaker Remedy Co. The happy couple
will make their home at Salt Lake City
after the wedding.
Farm Bargam In Caes Coua'y.
10'J acres nt $G7.50. No buildings.
' Splendid stock and gruin farm. Close
1 to town and school. Good term!-. Ad-
dress, R. A. Nicholson, Newton, la.
Wheat Crop in West.
Spokane, .Wash., July 17. -Reports
received by L. G. Monroe, secretary of
the Spokane chamber of commerce,
from 367 important; points in Washing
ton, Idaho, Montana and Oregon, show
that the wheat crop this season will be
between 62.000,000 and 73,000,000 bu
shels. Thirteen " counties in eastern
Washington report approximately 36,
000,000 bushels, Oregon will cut about
14,000,000, Idaho is credited with 7,000,
000, while incomplete data from Mon
tana shows between 5,000,000 and 6",
000,000 bushels. It is believed these
statistics are ultra-conservative, as
well informed ranchers and millmcn say
Washington will yield not less than 37,
500,000 while Idaho and Montana should
each touch the 8,000,000 mark. The
crop will be worth mere to the growers
than in 1907, when the record yield was
harvested. Trices are higher for all
grades of wheat, ranging from $1.15
for bluestem to 95 cents for the red
Verdloi For Plalatill.
In the Miller vs. Worth case, Judje
Travis decided in favor of Mr. Chris
Miller last week. This case involved
tho Mtle to some 80 acres of land, the
property of Mrs. Chris Miller who was
persuaded by her Bister Mrs. Jane
Worth of Pender, Neb., to will and
deed the land to her, bo the plan tiff
claims, reserving only a life interest in
the estate. As this would greatly in
terfere with the interests and rights of
her husband he naturally sought the
aid of tho law to protoct them. ' The
paintiff claimed that his wife was weak
mentally and physically at the time her
sister Mrs. Worth influenced her to
draw up the papers, while the latter
exercised her superior and dominating
will power, and unduly influenced the
former solely for financial benefit to
herself. '
Marketing Wheat.
Adam Kaffenberger a wealthy farmer
living eevefal miles i west ..eJUPUtts
moulh has,bean '-delivering some fine
old fall wheat to Mr. Ileiael at the mill.
Mr. Kaffenberger had about 200 bu.
for sale and the load he brought in
Friday brought over $66 in cash. Mr.
Hcisel has been quite short on wheat
recently and offered $1.15 per bushel
and many farmers are hauling long dis
tances to help him out, which is very
In talking about crops Adam states
that two years ago he had the best
wheat he ever raised. On twenty acres
of land he threshed 840 bushels which
would make" an average yield of 42
bushels to the acre. The same year he
sold over 7000 bushels of corn.
lar shirts is the largest and
finest assortment of any ever
shown in this town. We just re
ceived another shipment of these shirts
in the colors gray, tan, cream, pink, blue,
etc. These shirts are made by the well
known Ferguson-McKinney house and
range in prices from
75c to $2.50
We also have a full line of work shirts
which are guaranteed to be full cut and
.absolutely perfect in workmanship and
makeup. They are made by the same
firm and sell for
Hart Schaffner
Manhattan Shirts.
Funeral of
Mrs. Hagerstronu
The funeral of Mrs. Anna Sophias
Hagerstrom,wife of C. A. Hageratrom
whose death occurred Sunday, July II ,
1909, was held from the family resi-w
dence in thia city, Thursday, July 15.
1909. The deceased was born in Swe
den, near tho city of Linkoping, SeptJ,.
24, 1834, and her age was 74 years 9
months and 17 days at time of demises
She was married to Mr. Hagerstrom
Dec. 11. 1864, and came to the United
States in 1869 having followed her hat
band who had preceeded her to establish,
a home in this country. .
After living for some time in Iowa,
and Michigan the family moved to Ne-
braska in the year 1879 and have made
their home in this city since, havinjj
resided here for over 30 years; being;
well known and highly respected by a.
large number of acquaintances. Her
husband alone survives her, a son hav
ing died some four years ago.
The funeral services were conducted
by Rev. John Swanson of Wahoo, Neb.,
who spoke of the quiet and industrious
virtues of the deceased and the many
friends endeared to her by her kindly
ways. The remains were conveyed to
Oak Hill cemetery and tenderly laid to
rest. The pall bearers were, L. G.
Larson, Peter Carlson, Charles Ryberr.,
Louis Adderson, A. Piestrup and Wm
Fahleson, all old friends and neighbors
of the deceased. The News-Herald
j jins the many friends in extending deep,
sympathy to the husband in his be
Those from a distance attending the
funeral were Rev. John Swanson of
Wahoo, and Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Ac-
kerman of Havelock.
Pastor RealgnOj . , "x
Miss Alice Downing, a sister of Mrs
J. H Selabury, armed in the'eity "friV
day for a visit with Mr. and Mra. Sals
bury and family. Miss Downing is a,
teacher in the Kansas City, Mo., school,
and came by Plattsmouth on her return
home from Denver where she attended
the yearly convention of the National
Educational Association. Rev. and -Mrs.
Salsbury had just returned from
the C. E. convention at St. Paul and
Miss Downing was quite fortunate in
Aiding them at home. During. his.
brief stop in the city Rev. Salsbury
confirmed the announcement of hia
resignation as pastor of the Presbyter
ian church. He left for Lincoln Friday
where he was one of the speakers at a.
large C. E. rally. 1
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