The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, July 12, 1909, Image 7

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Iteme of Interest Taken From Her
and There Over the State.
i Ten thousand people celebrated at
Crdghton on the Fourth.
There were many enthusiastic cele
brations in Nebraska on the Fourth. .
Grand Island had no formal celebra
tion, but on the 3d and 5th horne-rac-lng
was on the program.
Fire, starting from some unknown
cause, caused about $500 worth of
damage to one of the new barracks at
Fort Robinson.
York county farmers have reason
to rejoice over the great prospects
of another bumper crop, making the
thirteenth big crop in succession.
The Republican City bank, which
has been run for the last twenty-three
years by J. S. Glfford, was sold last
week to the Commercial State bank ol
that place.
The western part of Merrick county
Is reviving from a smallpox scare.
Several families were quarantined in
the extreme west end, and for several
Sundays the churches at Palmer were
closed. The disease was the genuine
article, but did not appear in the ag
gravated form.
Clarence Cain, who has given the
police In Beatrice considerable trouble,
Is confined in the county jail, having
been arrested after he stabbed Edward
Johnson, a relative, In the breast with
a knife.
Miss Nettle Jacques of Springfield,
who Is attending the college at Fre
mont, sustained a broken limb while
attempting to move a steam radiator
Her right limb was fractured between
the knee and ankle.
Mary Johnson of Shelton, the 18-year-old
daughter of J. R. Johnson,
who was burned by the explosion of
a can of kerosene, when her sister Eva
was burned to death, died after twelve
hours of intense suffering.
The department store of Ryerson
Bros, at Broken Bow suffered a severe
loss by fire and water. It is not
known positively how the fire started,
as it is supposed to have been caused
by spontaneous combustion.
City Electrician J. B. Cassie of Fre
mont barely escaped death in that
place, sustaining a shock of electricity
of 2,300 volts, and but for some waste
that he held In his hand, he would
have undoubtedly been killed.
Forty years ago on July 5th ground
was broken for the Burlington & Mis
souri railway In Nebraska. It was at
11 o'clock In the morning of July 5th,
18C9, that -the first shovelful of dirt
was thrown at Plattsmouth.
Dodge Dlargy, of Blue Hill, a boy of
12 years, will probably die as the re
suit of a Fourth of July accident. He
had his right hand torn off as the re
suit of a premature explosion of a skj
rocket. It is said he cannot live.
As the result of a long feud, involv
ing a divorce suit and the marriage
of the wife to the other man, Thomas
L. Grafius was shot and serlousl)
wounded at Shelton by Andy Treat,
nod Lut for his own quickness iui,hl
have been killed.
When Earl Handly, a negro, slashed
6. Crawford of Deadwood, S. D. acrosi
the face with a razor at Wahoo, i
crowd threatened to lynch him. The
negro was hurried to the county Jail
before the gathering had a chance tc
hirm him.
James Goff, who was injured by bfr
ing caught in an elevator at the Mop
ton-Gregson packing plant In Nebraskt
City some six weeks ago and badly
crushed about the head, has brought
suit against the packing company fot
A fire at Belden in the dry goods
store of Westrope & Harper wiped our
an entire block of the town. The post
office burned, Martin's Jewelry store, a
pool hall, a saloon, a hardware store
and a milk depot were entirely con
sumed. The loss will amount to $75,000
' The community In and about Stroma
burg is considerably alarmed over at
epidemic of spinal meningitis, ovei
twenty cases having been reported tc
the physicians within a few days. The
patients are altogether among the chil
dren and only milder symptoms of the
disease have so far been manifested
About six feet more of the mammoth
tusk discovered at Indlanola a few
days ago, was taken out at Indlanolt
a few days ago, was taken out last
week by workmen. About twelve fee
of the tusk has been unearthed. Tlx
larger end Is nine Inches in diameter
Several other small bones were found
but no Indications of a skeleton hat
been discovered.
The Nebraska Experiment station
has just Issued Bulletin No. 110 wltfc
a report on the Nebraska Seed Labora
tory. The bulletin may be had fret
of cost by residents of Nebraska on
application to the Agricultural Expert
ment station, Lincoln, Nebr. This bul
letln contains a large amount of infor
mation concerning agricultural seeds
together with descriptions and lllustra
tlons of the more common weed seeds
George Elliott, who killed a man ic
Omaha a number of years ago, wai
released from the state prison on t
Fourth of July pardon. Jacob Frahm
the second candidate for clemency
failed to score. Frahm Is the oldest
piTioner in the penitentiary. He wai
sent there for the murder of his wife
It Is said that he does not want to
leavo the prison. He is now over 7(
years old and has spent the last fi fleet
years of his life Inside the gray walls
Cuming county's railroad assessment
this year amounts to $207,305, at
against $259,022 for 1908, a gain o!
$8,282. The total assessment of ali
property In Cuming county for 190$
amounts to $0,337,510, as aguinst $0,
264.451 In 1908, a gain of $73,059 foi
the year.
' Quite a sensation followed the nn
nounqement of the marriage of W. B
Ralston of Republican City, a promt
nent dealer In real estate- and pianos
to his adopted sister, Florence, a beau
'tlful girl of about 19 summers, whirl)
took place two years ago In Omnhu
The matter had been kept secret.
Wiles of Beautiful Captive Prove
Jutt the Thing When Emer
gency Came.
The beautiful young captive retained
her presence of mind, however, and
when it came her turn to be taken
before the cannibal king, she inarceled
herself yery carefully.
"Ain't I sweet, though!" she ex
claimed, archly flirting her handker
chief at the monarch.
His majesty at once fell Into the
"You're simply It!" he replied cor
dially. "Well, sweet things are terribly fat
tening." "An!"
"O, terribly. And there's nothing so
hopelessly out of It as to be fat, these
Whereupon the king was greatly
shaken and commanded her Instant re
lease. "People used to blame me because
I knew I was pretty, but all the time I
felt sure the knowledge would come
handy some day!" commented the
lovely creature, as she was led away.
How Mrs. Kessler Was Rescued from
Almost Certain Death.
Few have lived through such trials
and suffering from kidney disease as
were endured by
'Mrs. Caroline Kess
ler of W. Main St.,
PawPaw.Mlch. Well
and strong again,
her case Is thought
a miracle by her
friends. What Mrs.
,K3S'. through makes a
r long story back
ache, rheumatism, dizzy and f tinting
spells, urinary disorders, dreadful
bloating of dropsy and finally a com
plete prostration that defied medical
skill and caused her to be given up.
Through the use of Doan's Kidney
Pills Mrs. Kessler is a well woman
and Is willing to tell about her case
to anyone who cares to inquire.
Sold by all dealers. 50 cts. a box.
Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y.
The Thunnibeak Bird Hello, who
are you?
The Other Bird Don't you know
me? Why, I'm "The harp that once
through Tara's Halls."
The Phunnlbeak Bird (shortly) Oh,
tut; tut! You're a lyre! That's what
you are.
Force of Habit.
In spite of the impediment in his
speech the fervent lover had nerved
himself up to the point of a proposal.
"Mum-Mum-Maud," he began. '.'I
mum-mum-may call you Mum-Mum-Maud,
may 1 nun-nun-not?"
"Why, yes, If you wish to, Mr. Chat
terton Harry."
"That's rah-rah-right Call me Ha-Ha-Harry."
"Thank you, Mum-Mum-Maud, there
la 8us-8us-something very nun-nun-near
my heart that concerns yuh-yuh-you.
Can you guggug guess what
it is?"
"WhV, no. Harry."
"Then I'll tut-tut-tell you. My dud
dud darllng. I lul-lul love you. Wuh-wuh-will
you bub-bub-bub-bub-be my
"Oh, Harry! This is so sudden!"
Has Had Experiences.
. 0
A woman who has used Postum
since it came upon the market knows
from experience the wisdom of us
ing Postum in place of coffeo if one
values health and a clear brain. She
"At the time Postum was first put
on the market I was suffering from
nervous dyspepsia, and my physician
had repeatedly told me not to use
tea or coffee. Finally I decided to
take bis advice and try Postum. I
got a package and had it carefully
prepared, finding it delicious to the
taste. So I continued its use and very
soon Its beneficial effects convinced
me of Us value, for I got well of my
nervousness and dyspepsia. ,
"My husband had been drinking cof
fee all his life until It had affected
his nerves terribly, and I persuaded
him to shift to Postum. It was easy
to get him to make the change for
the Postum Is so dcUctous. It cer
tainly worked wonders for him.
"We Boon learned that Postum does
not exhilarate nor depress and does
not stimulate, but steadily and honest
ly strengthens the nerves and the
"To make a long story snort, oar en
tire family continued to use Postum
with satisfying results, as shown Id
our fine condition of health and we
have noticed a rather unexpected Im
provement In brain and nerve power."
Increased brain and nerve power
always follow the use of Postum In
place of coffer, sometimes In a very
marked manner. "There's a Reason."
Look in pkgs. for the famous little
book, "The Road to Wellvlllo."
Ever read (he above letlerf A Ofn
o appear from time to time. Tlser
are miliar, true, and full ef huuia
j Design of One to Be Erected at Lex-,
Ington by Kentucky Daughters of
the Confederacy.
Lexington, Ky. An equestrian
statue of Gen. John Hunt Morgan wilt
be erected In front of the Fayette
county court house in this city, per-;
mission for which was granted by the
fiscal court of the county several days
ago. The statue was accepted by the
committee from the Kentucky division
of the I'nlted Daughters of the Con
federacy here recently after a half;
day meeting in which several mem
bers of the 'committee, notably Mrs.
Equestrian Statue of Gen, John H.
James L. Arnold of Covington, Mrs.,
James II. Mulligan of Lexington and
Mrs. John I. Woodbury of Louis
ville fought hard to prevent Its ac
ceptance. The objections of .these members
were based on a statement made to
the committee by Gen. Basil Duke of
Louisville, who contended that the fig
use of the man was wholly unlike
Gen. Morgan in life, .as It made
him appear too weak chested and
more like a consumptive, while as" a
matter of fact. Gen. Morgan stood six
feet in his stockings, was a man of
large build, with broad shoulders and
a massive chest.
- Local and visiting horsemejyWho
spent much time at the studio during
the past few weeks, pronounced the
model of the horse the most perfect
they had ever seen. The Daughters
of the Confederacy are now engaged
in raising $15,000 to pay for the work,
which Is expected to be cast In bronge
and placed In position some time in
the coming fall.
George W. Woodruff Named for Dis
trict Judgeship by President, But
May Be Transferred.
Washington. George W. Woodruff
has been named by President Taft to
be United States district Judge for
Hawaii, but some objection having
arisen the appointment is being re
considered and may be withdrawn.
Mr. Woodruff was a noted football
player at the University of Pennsyl
vania, and his strenuousness in athlet
ics recommended him to President
Roosevelt so greatly that he was ap
pointed to a position in the bureau of
forestry, and later became assistant
.attorney general for the interior de
When the department of Justice was
reorganized President Taft appointed
some one to take Mr. Woodruff's
place. Hut Mr. Woodruff's friends
brought pressure to bear, and the
president named him to the judicial
position In Hawaii. The appointment
George W. Woodruff.
met with strong opposition on the
ground that Mr. Woodruff had not had
sufficient Judicial experience to fit him
for the place. The fact that many of
Mr. Woodruff's rulings In the Interior
department had been overruled by the
courts was quoted, and the president
suspended action for the time, and, it
Is thought, may transfer Mr. Woodruff
to Borne other position or withdraw
his name entirely.
Packing with Ferns.
It has recently been discovered that
the leaves of the fern plant, which
grows almost anywhere, Is an excel
lent preservative for pncklng articles
of food, fruit and even meat. It Is
suld that on the Isle of Man fresh
herrings are packed In ferns and ar
rive on the market In as fresh a con
dition as when they were shipped. A
number of experiments have demon
strated that potatoes packed In ferns
keep many months longer than those
packed in straw, In fuct, potatoes
packed In fern leaves are as fresh In
the springtime as when they were
first dug in the fall
Save the Babies.
iNFAUT MORTALITY is something frightful. Wo can' hardly realize that ef
all the children born in civilized countries, twentytwo per cent, or nearly
one-quarter, dio before they reach ono year; thirtysoven per cent, or more
than one-third, before they are five, and one-half before thoy aro fifteen!
We do not hoeitate to say that a timely uso of Castoria would save a ma-:
jority of these precious lives. Neither do wo hesitate to say that many of theso
infantile deaths aro occasioned by the uso of narcotic preparations. Drops, tinctures
and soothing syrups sold for children's complaints contain moro or less opium, or
morphine. They are, in considerable quantities, deadly poisons. In any quantity
thoy stupefy, retard circulation and load to congestions, sickness, death. Castoria
operates exactly the reverse, but yon must seo that it boars the signaturo of
Chas. H. Fletcher. Castoria causes the. blood Jo circulate, properly, opens tho
pores of tho skin and allays fever.
waft J
siinllallngihcFbodantlRpfiuIa ling tlu Stoiaacbs analBowdsof
ncss and Rcstlonialns nciitvr
OpiimLMorphine norWiucraL
rhm Sttn-
ADcrfect Remedv forCortsfun
(ton , Sour Stonach.Dlarrtm
Worms jCorrvulsumsjevensu
ncss andLoss OF Sleep.
Facsimile Sijnarareof
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Less Precarious Alto.
Scott So Rawson bus become a
preacher. Last time I saw him ho was
In doubt whether to be that or a law
yer. I wonder what decided him.
Mott lie probably recalled the say
ing that it is easier to preach than
to practice. Hoston Transcript.
Shake Into Your 8hot
Alien's Foot-Ease, a powder for your feet
It cures painful, swollen, smarting, sweat
ing feet, Mukes new shoes easy. Sold by
all Druggists and Shoe Stores. 23c. Don't
ecept any substitute. Sample FftEE. Ad
dreo Allen S. Olmsted, LcKoy, N. Y.
Eve donned the fig leaves.
"My graduation dress from tho
school of experience," she said.
Herewith the program continued,
The best season of tho yr ar for fi
girl to marry is In the fall. It's an
easy matter to' teach a man to build
lires when the honeymoon Is on.
A household once minnlipd with ITam.
linn Wizard Oil in seldom allowed to be
without it. In caHP of midden mixhuD or
accident Wizard Oil take the tilaoo of
the family doctor. Aro you supplied?
Men owe their resolution, and most
of their success, to the opposition they
meet with. Ttenan.
Mr. Window's fiootlilnsj fijrrop.
Far chlldrvn tnetliltiK, softena the num., rmlucM In
d.inuiutluu, allays palu.curea wind oollo. Uca IxilUe.
It is always the open season for
killing time with some people.
4 mwmh pain and intlitnimiiitnn frmu lipe-Mttnirfl
11 nd irwrllilti'j. HiHilliPHimil all7HtlinaIuHU;u
ing of uiuwjuUo biles. Kit, iM una MM: buttle..
The umbrella dealer lias a lot put
by for a rainy day.
f .:.. c:....i.. i:... : n:..:.i ! av
l-nin allien; iiiimi'i uim. WIlKlllill in III
Foil Smoker l'nckuge. .Take no aubutitule.
There Is more or less moonshine In
the astrology business.
1 Nebraska lu Fxrhuni,' for a, Cali
fornia ImltiHtrlul Mtx'k. Till movk will Ktaml
ktrlctt'Ht Invt'Hl iKMtlnn unci I unci ttiitxt Im Hint
rlimit, AililVe.H JAMLH KINCIIKLUK, Los
Augelen, Cat., K. i. l. Uux 23.
Letters from Prominent Physicians
addressed to Chas. II. Fletcher.
Dr. A. F. Feeler, of St Louts, Mo., says: "I have prescribed your Castoria
In many cases and hare always found It an efficient and speedy remedy."
Dr. E. Down, of rhlladolphla, Pa., says: "I have prescribed your Caa
torla la my practice for many years with great satisfaction to myself and
benefit to my patients."
Dr. Edward. Tarrlsh, of Brooklyn, N. Y, says: "I bare used your Cas
toria la my own hqusohoM with good results, and have advised several
patients to uso it for Its mild laxative effect and freedom from harm."
Dr. J. B. Elliott, of New York City, Bays: "Having during the past sit
years prescribed your Castoria for Infantile stomach disorders, I moBt
heartily commend lis uso. Tho formula contains nothing deleterious
to tho most delicate of children."
Dr. C. G. Spracuo, cf Omaha, Neb., says: 'Tour Castoria Is an Idoat
medicine for children, and I frequently prescribe it While I do not advo
cate the indiscriminate uso of proprietary medicines, yet Castoria Is an.
exception for conditions which arlso In tho care of children."
Dr. J. A. Tarkcr, cf Kansas City, Ho., says: "Your Ca3torla holds tha
esteem of tho medical profession In a manner held by no other propria
tary preparation. It is a euro and rcllablo medicine for Infants and chll
firen. In fact, It Is tho universal housohold remedy for lnfantllo ailments."
Dr.,IL F. Morrill, of Augusta, Mo., says: "Castoria Is one of tho very;
Sncst and most remarkable remedies for infants and children. In my;
opinion your Castoria has saved thousands from an early grave. I caa
furnish hundreds of testimonials from this locality as to Its efficiency
&nd merits."
Dr. Norman M. Ceer, of Cleveland, Ohio, says: "During tho last twoTva
years I have frequently rocommended your Castoria as one of tho best
preparations of the hind, being safe In the hands of parents and very ef
fective In relieving children's disorders, whllo tho easo with which sucbj
a pleasant preparation can be administered is a great advantago."
Sears the
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Positively cured by
these Little Pills.
They alao relieve Dis
tress from Dyspepsia, In
dlKestlou and Too Hearty
Ealing. A perfect rem
edy fur Dltilness, Nau
sea, Drowsiness, Had
Tatte In the Mouth, Cunt
ed TuURue, Talu In tba
They regulate the llowtls. Turely Vegetable.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Simile Signature
A 25 c RAZOR VITli A
fc'.'iy ji'.mra T
If you don't pet the cleanest
and eiiHU'xt shave you're ever
huil, If for any reason at all
you're nut better hatlntled
with the "SI1KP-H1IAVK"
than any rauir you've ever
hud, sctnl It back to us and
we'll scud your money back
to you.
Complete Raior mailed post
pulil mi receipt of quarter or
Shrp-Shavr Razor Co.
70 Duani SL, New York City
For Any Face or Any Beard
Ijlsentl siiyvbsrs
sllrai la ncl kills
ill lllra. Nt.
I.a.u all . ('!
nut 1 1 nr lis
oir. will nut wull
Otmrsnlrrd rTuo
tl. Uf.ll..l.r,
ortrnt jtrriHififftif
VI IllraldSonvr.
ISO Da Salt ,
kraSlya,!laa tar.
nrriAiirr CTiRrH ittu worn with and
ar a. rti a,a winiivii
siarutiss aUiUia. bIus
Signature of
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 28-1909.
TUP TFFTU faxt'ns nceb y dentifrice
I sit I bt I si in cleaiuino. wliileninfl and
removing tartar from the teeth, betide, destroying
! all germs of decay and diteaM which ordinary
tooth preparation, cannot do.
Tlir flfi I ITU PulineusduamouuY.
I fit lilUUin woih dUinlecU the mouth,
nd throat, purine, the breath, and kill, the gem
which collect in the mouth, causing lore tnrost.
Lad teeth, tad breath, grippe, and much sickneia.
TUT pVITC w'ien inflamed, tired, ache
I lit 1 1 bp and burn, miy be inttantly
relieved and strengthened by Ptiline.
A AT ADD U FW"ie will destroy the germs
VA I Mnnn that came catarrh, heal the av.
Bammation and stop the discharge. It is sure
remedy or uterine catarrh.
Paiu'ne i. a harmleu yet powerful
cermickle.ditinfeiaant and deodorizer. 1
Uied in bathing it destroy, odor, and
kaye the body antueptically clean.
in the dumps
t from over-eating, drinking
bad liver and constipation get
many a one, but there's a way out
Cascarets relieve and cure
quickly. Take one to-night and
feel evei so much better in the
Cascarets 10c box woek's treat
, rarnt. All druiriflsts. Hluirest seller
to Use world million boxus a month.
Clasnaaa and rautinai tha halt,
tVuiiiiiaf a Ituwianl fruwth.
Povtir rails to Rratora Jnj
Hair to Its Youthful Color.
Cuiaa aralp dma-a a hair falling,
If ttflllctt'd w
60 J.
Thompson's Eye Water.
Suramins, ui