Daily Toll the Common oLt. In all the civilized countries of the world 6 Oyer ceut of the persons over ten years old have to work for a living. Good Maxim. Never talk of your designs until they hae been accomplished, and even then the lesB said the better. WHAT WERE THEY THERE FOR Reporter's Seemingly Superfluous Question at to Happenings at Cabinet Meetings. Postmaster General Meyer la of a serious turn of mind, but be baa a bit of humor In his makeup, nevertheless. Being looked upon as the shrewdest politician In the president's cabinet, be Is the objective point for newspaper correspondents on cabinet days. La&t week as Mr. Meyer emerged from the White House a newspaper man asked: "Mr. Postmaster General, can't you give us some news about the cabinet meetings?" "There really Is nothing to say," re plied the cabinet officer. "We dis cussed nothing of especial Impor tance." "Do you mean to say you did not discuss politics?" the newspaper man queried. ' The postmaster general burst Into laughter. When he recovered his us ual serenity he said: "Do- you suppose we were all mux tied?" A JOB FOR TWO. "What you fellers got In that box?" "It's all right, officer. We're Ukla' home Mamie Casey's hat wot she wore at de lawn party last night!" Here's a Good One. A friend of mine told me of a curi ous experience. He was carefully stalking a big bull elephant In a large herd, when they got his wind, and a big cow elephant charged him. He jumped behind a large tree as the elephant reached him, and, being un able to stop herself In time, the ele phant drove her tusks with such force. Into the tree that they snapped off close' to her head. The elephant was tunned for a moment, but luckily turned and galloped after the fast re treating herd, leaving him the posses sor of some 80 pounds of Ivory, valued at about 1250. Circle Magazine. Laundry work at home' would be much more satisfactory If the right Starch were used. In order to get the desired stiffness, It is usually neces sary "to use so much starcb that the beauty and fineness of the fabric Is hidden behind a paste of varying thickness, which not only destroys the appearance, but also affects the wear ing quality of the goods. This trou ble can be entirely overcome by using Defiance Starch, as It can be applied much' more thinly because of Its great er strength than other makes. No Romance About It. The stricken man constantly moaned the name of the young woman who had jilted him. "Tell her," be said to the medical man, "that her cruelty killed me. Tell her I am dying from a broken heart" ' The medical man shook his head. "Aw, go on," he said. "That would be shamelessly unprofessional. Your heart's all right it's your liver that'a the trouble." Starch, like everything else, Is be ing constantly Improved, the patent Btarches put on the market 25 yepra ago are very different and Inferior to those of the present day. In the lat est discovery Defiance Starch all injurious chemicals are omitted, while the addition of another Ingredient, In vented by us, gives to the Starch a strength and smoothness never ap proached by other brands. Placing the Bother. "They say we are.not to be bothered by the big huts much longer." But, really, we don't care how much much longer they are It's the height and width that bother us. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Nebraska Directory M. SDiesbererer & finn cn. Wholesale Millinery im Nil in ini nin UMAHA. IEH. f TIFT'S DENTAL ROOMS 1517 Oiujlll St., OMAHA, KB. RtlUbl Dentistry t Modiratt Prices, Dain HayTools are the Best lail.t on hriu(f them. Ask jr our local dmlr,or JOHN DEERE OMAHA TYPEWRITERS k H Mit t pru. ut tin, ,,. nwnta. KniM. mtaunllia. tt .ii.t.. n7hw fur fra lamination. Ma til toll Wtil, br M, bariiia tla t4 .to .SaaMala..4SI aat Mf Oaaaa. Tht Root with IA Lam All Nail HaaJt Pntt,4 CAREY'S ROOFING Hail ana Fin Ratitting Atli ur aaaUr a tUNDERLAND ROOFING A SUPPLY CO. OJin, lilt NaWraaka. sjrv.--5i PlAIfSMOUlflTOHfRJlD ft. O. WAITERS, Business Manager PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA I D ,a aV r THE LOVES ofihe LADY ARABELLA By MOLLY ELLIOT SEAWELL (Cuyrlght, UUi, BoDlw-MwrlU Oo.) 8YNOPSI3. At U years of age 'Admiral Sir Peter Hawkshaw' nophew, Richard Ulyn. fell Jaeply In love at flrit night with Lady Arabella Stormont, who apurnml IiIh at tention. The lad, an orphan, was Klven a berth a midshipman on the AJax by his uncle. Ollea Vernon, nephew of Sir rhomua Vernon, bevamn the boy' pal. They attended a theater where Hawk thaw'a nephew aaw Lady Arabella. Ver non met Philip Overton, next In llnp for Sir Thomas Vernon's vatate. They atart sd a duel which wai Interrupted. Vernon, Overton and Hawkahaw'a nephew found tliemielvea attracted by pretty ily Ara bella. The AJax In battle defvated French warships In the Mediterranean. Klchnrd Qlyn gut 2,0110 price money. He was called home by tady Hawkahaw aa he was about to "blow In" hla earning! with Vernon. At a Hawkahaw party Ulyn (Un covered that I.ariy Arabella won a poor but perilstent gambler, lie talked much with her counln Daphne. Lady Arabella again allowed love for gaming. Later she held Qlyn and Overton prisoner, tlum Inlaying the duel. In the Overton-Vernon duel, neither woa hurt. Lady Ara bella humiliated Richard by her pranks, lilchard and Ollea ihlpped on a frigate. Ollea was raptured by the French. Hlr Peter arranged for hla exchange. Daph ne showed a liking for Qlyn, who was then 21 years of age. Giles was releaaed. Olles and Richard planned elopements. Sir Peter objected to the plan to wed Daphne. By clever ruses Giles and Rich ard eloped with Lady Arabella and Daphne, respectively. The latter pair were married. Daphne was pleased; Ara bella raved In anger, CHAPTER VIII. Continued. Arabella answered his appeal by a laugh of scorn, which seemed to cut him like a knife; and then, shaking me off, he shouted to her: "I know why you will not be mine. It Is that pious, hypocritical hound, Overton. But I tell you now, my lady, If vou marrv him. I'll hnvo hla Hfp Take note of what I say I'll have his life." To which Arabella, after a pause in which her face grew deeply red and then pale again, said: "Your own life Is in jeopardy. The abduction of an helresB Is a capital of fense, and you shall be tried for your life If It takes' every shilling ef my fortune to do It. You shall see what you have done!" I shuddered at these words, for I saw It was no Idle threat If Olles contemplated violence toward Over ton, I had not the slightest doubt that Arabella was fully capable of keeping her word In the dreadful business. Daphne thought so. too. for she ran forward, and putting her hands over Arabellas mouth, cried: "No, no! dear Arabella, take that back!" "Dut I will not take It back," replied Arabella: "and I shall lodge informs tlon against this wretch as soon as I can return to Scarborough which I shall do in the post-chaise; luckily, I have money with me." , Under the terrible threat of prose cution, Giles recovered himself sur prisingly. He lost his frantic air, and, arawlng blmseir up, remarked quite calmly: "Just as your ladyship pleases." His change of manner seemed to in furiate Arabella, who shrieked at him: "You shall be hanged for this!" "Anything to oblige your ladyBhlp," responded Giles, as cool as you please. I felt that this painful scene could no longer continue, and Bald so. "Lady Arabella." said I, "my wife" how Dahpne'a eyes glowed as I Bpoke "and I are returning Immedi ately to Scarborough; you had best go with ub; and when you have seen and consulted with Sir Peter and Lady Hawkshaw it will be time enough to determine upon your course." "My course Is already determined upon," she repiled; and no one who saw her could doubt it. "And so is mine," Bald Giles, now In possession of all his usual manliness. "I return to London, where I shall duly report myself to the admiralty, and later to 8lr Peter Hawkshaw; and if the lady thirsts for my blood, be gad, she can have it." "Giles Vernon," said I, "you have been unlucky. I can not say more, be cause I am in the same boat with you. But you have done nothing unworthy of a gentleman, and nothing to make either Daphne or me love you the less, no matter what befalls. So here is my hand upon It." We grasped hands, and, turning to Daphne, he removed his hat and pro ceeded to kiss her, saying to me: "By your leave." And Daphne said to him: "Good by, dear Giles." The proceedings seemed to fill Ladv Arabella with dlBgust. She haughtily rorusea my band to assist her into the chaise, and announced that she would go to the village of Springfield near Dy, ror rest and breakfast; and, willy nilly, Daphne and I had to follow in the post-chaise. Never shall I forget that dismal wedding Journey back to Scarborough. 1 Degas, lor the first time, to (ear tha ! reproaches of the world in general, and Sir Peter and Lady Hawkahaw In particular, in regard to running away with an heicess. I had one comfort, however; Daphne fully believed In my disinterestedness; and I can sincerely say I wished Daphne's fortune at the bottom of the sea. if I could but have wooed and won her In the ordinary course of events Lady Arabella traveled Just ahead of us, but took occasion to show her anger and resentment against us in every way. About half the distance to Scar borough we met full In the road a traveling chariot, and in it were Sir Peter and Lady Hawkshaw We found that the hostlers had earned their money, and that the Hawkshaws' chaise had broken down at least once in every stage. When we met and stopped, Arabella alighted, and so did we, and so did tho Hawkshaws; and the first word that was spoken was by Daphne "Uncle Peter," she said, "don't fly at Richard. If you must know It, I ran away with him; for I am sure, al though he la as brave as a lion, it never would have dawned upon him to run away with me, If I had not put the Idea in his head and kept it there." "Sir," I said, "and madam," turning. to Lady Hawkshaw, "I beg you will not listen to this young lady's plea. I am wholly responsible for the circum stances of our marriage. I can, how ever, and do, call heaven to witness, that her fortune had nothing to 3b with It, and I should have been happy and proud to take her, with the clothes on her back, and nothing more." Sir Peter began to sputter, but Lady Hawkshaw cut him short. "Exactly what you said, Sir Peter, within an hour of our marriage." ThuB were Sir Peter's guns dis mounted. "And, Richard and Daphne, you are a couple of fools to run away, when, If you had only had a little pa tience, I would have had you handsomely married at St. George's, Hanover Square. Rut least said, soon est mended. Sir Peter, kiss Daphne, Playing with Her Lap-Dog tha While.' and shake hands with Richard." And as I am a sinner, she actually forced Sir Peter to do both, although I saw he mortally hated it. Arabella's turn came next. She ad vanced and said, with a bitterness that struck a chill to my heart: "Sir Peter, as you know, I was car ried off by that wretch who disgraces his uniform, Lieut. Giles Vernon; but he did not succeed in forcing me to consent to a marriage. And I call upon you, aa my next friend, to aid me in the prosecution which I shall immedi ately Bet on foot against him for the capital offense of the abduction of an heiress; and I.hope to bring him to the gibbet for it." CHAPTER IX. Lady Arabella Stormont was as good as her word; for that day, two months, Giles Vernon was put upon trial for his life at York assizes for the ab duction of an heiress. Sir Peter Hawk shaw refused absolutely to counte nance Arabella; and my Lady Hawk shaw, who never had bowed her head or abased her spirit to mortal man or mortal woman before, went upon her knees. Imploring Arabella to give over her revenge for revenge it was, lJure- and simple but Lady Arabella laughed at her. Lady Hawkshaw rose from her knees, crying out: "You have some deep and unknown reason for this; but it will come to naught, it will come to naught!" Hut Arabella found a person ready to her hand, who was most active In the matter. This was Sir Thomas Ver non of Vernon court. It was he who lodged the Information with the public prosecutor against Giles, and assumed the part of I.ady Arabella's champion. Of course, there was some ground for the version of the story which was started in Arabella's Interest, that a frightful outrage had been committed by dragging her off against her will; and that only the most determined courage had saved her from a mar riage repulsive to her; that Sir Peter and Lady Hawkshaw, her next friends, had basely deserted her; and that Sir Thomas had chivalrously taken, up her cause. It Is true that the relative characters of the Hawkshaws and Sir Thomas Vernon discounted much of this; but the actual facts In the case looked so ugly for Giles that there was no trouble, in securing his prompt ar rest and delivery In York Jail. The breach between Lady Arabella and the Hawkshaws, as well as Daph ne and myself, was too great to bo bridged over; and, having thrown her self, bo to speak, In Sir Thomas Ver non's arms, she accepted the protec tlon of a relative of his, one Mrs. Whltall, a decayed gentlewoman, and went to live at a small town near York until the assises, when she would be called upon as the chief wit ness for the prosecution. Great stories were immediately put forth that Sir Thomas Vernon was deeply smitten with Arabella's charms, and that, after a visit with Mrs. Whltall to Vernon Court she looked very kindly on Sir Thomas. All this might be true, and Sir Thomas might flatter himself that he had won her favor; but, knowing Arabella well, I did not credit her with any sincere desire to be kind to Sir Thomas Vernon, although she might make him think so, for her own purposes. I suspected, however, a motive far deeper, in any matter con nected with Sir Thomas Vernon. Over ton was the next heir after Giles; Sir Thomas was extremely rickety, and not likely to be long-lived; and if, by merely telling what had happened. Lady Arabella could sate her resent ment, which was deep and furious, against Giles, and at the same time greatly benefit Overton, I think she would not have weighed Giles' life at a penny. My Daphne, whose faith in human nature was angelic, in her be lief In ultimate good, prayed and be sought Arabella to' leave the country before the trial came off; but Ara bella only said contemptuously: "You are a child and a chit. Giles Vernon contemplated doing me the greatest wrong a man can do a woman. Do you think I shall let him go un punished? If so, how little do you know Arabella Stormont!" Then I, from loyalty to Giles, and not from any hope I had from Lady Arabella, went to her and made my appeal. She heard all my prayers without the slightest sign of relenting, playing with her lap-dog the while. At last, I said to her: "Tell me, at least, who is to be bene fited by the conviction of Giles Ver non? Not you, certainly; for you will be loathed and shunned by all." "The person dearest to me In the world," she replied; "the person 1 love better than my life or my soul," and then, as If she had admitted too much, she Btopped, turned pale, and seemed altogether disconcerted. She had, in truth, admitted too much. The person she had ever loved better than her soul was Philip Overton. I had the self-possession to leave her then, and went off by myself to think over the strange motive which had been revealed to me. Arabella's infatuation for Overton had always been abnormal, touched with unreason. And could fate have woven a closer web around Giles Vernon than In ma king him fall so madly in love with Arabella Stormont? Giles had promptly surrendered him self, rightly Judging a trial better than being a fugitive from Justice and a de serter from the naval service. He re paired to York, after having duly re ported to the admiralty, and was Jailed immediately, and indicted. The Hawkshaws, my Daphne and I remained in Scarborough during the two dreadful months that passed be fore the trial came off. Sir Peter easily got leave from the admiralty for me, hoping, not only that my testi mony, but the example of the felicity In which Daphne and I lived, might not be without its effect upon the Jury that tried Giles. Offers of money to assist in hla de fense came from many quarters and from several ladles two in especial, her grace of Auchester and Mrs. Trenchard. Lady Hawkshaw, however, claimed the privilege of bearing the expenses of the trial out of her private fortune, which was large. Sir Peter and she had it hot and heavy, he de siring to contribute; and for one of the few times in his life, he carried his point against her; Two great bar risters were to be brought from Lon don to assist Giles in his defense, be sides another one In York itself. iTO BE CONTINUED.) CHILD EVINCED REAL HEROISM. Pathetically Brave In Hour That Brings Terror to Us All. A pathetic story of a child's heroism Is told by a Dublin gentleman. Re cently he proposed to drive with his wife to the beautiful Glasnevin ceme tery. Calling his son. a bright little boy, some four years old, he told him to get ready to accompany them. The child's countenance fell and the father said: ' "Don't you want to go, Willie?" The little Up quivered, but the child answered. "Yes, papa, If you wish." The child was strangely sileut dur ing the drive, and when the carriage drove up to the entrance he' clung to his mother's side and looked up in her face with pathetic wlstfulness. The party alighted and walked among, the graves and along the tree shadowed avenues, looking at the in scriptions on the last resting-places of the dwellers in the beautiful city of the dead. After an hour or bo thus spent, they returned to the carriage, and the father lifted his little son to his seat. The child looked surprised, drew a breath of relief and asked: "Why, am I going back with you?" "Of course you are; why not?" "I thought when they took little boys to the cemetery they left them there," said the child. Many a man does not show the her oism In the face of death that this child evinced In what, to him, had evidently been a summons to leave the world. Now It Is Different "De sayln' 'bout a soft answor turntn' away wrath," said Uncle Eben, "were promulgated in a previous ago when dar weren' none o' deshere tele phone young ladlea sayln' 'Louder, please I' " THE WRONG OBJECTIVE POINT Mule's Lack of Consideration Respon sible for Ike's Being Latt at His Duty. An Atlanta merchant has frequent occasion to rebuke Ike, his darky por ter, for bis tardiness in reporting for duty in the morning. Ike is always ready with a more or less ingenious excuse. "You're, two hours late, Ike!" ex claimed the employer one morning. "This sort of thing must stop! Other wise. I'm going to fire you; under stand." " 'Deed, Miatah Edward," replied Ike, "it wa'n't mah fault, dia time! Hon est' I was kicked by a mule!" "Kicked by a mule? Well, even if that were so, It wouldn't delay you for more than an hour. You'll have to think of a better excuse than that." Ike looked aggrieved. "Mlstah Ed ward," he continued solemnly, "it might have been all right ef dat mule kicked me In dig direction; but he didn't he kicked mo de odder way!" Llpplncott'8. HANDS RAW 'AND SCALY. Itched and Burned Terribly Could Not Move Thumbs Without Flesh Cracking Sleep Impossible. Cutlcura Soon Cured His Eczema, i "An Itching humor covered both my hands and got up over my wrists and oven up to the elbows. The Itching and burning were terrible. My hands got all scaly and when I scratched, the surface would be covered with blis ters and then get raw. The eczema got so bad that I could not move my thumbs without deep cracks appearing. I went to my doctor, but his medicine could only stop the itching. At night I Buffered so fearfully that I could not sleep. I could not bear to touch my hands with water. This went on for three months and I was fairly worn out. At last I got the Cutlcura Reme dies and in a month I was cured. Wal ter II. Cox, 16 Somerset St., Boston, Mass., Sept. 25, 1908." Potter brag Chcm. Corp.. Bole Prop., Boston. A HOPEFUL PROSPECT. He Darling, I don't know what to my to your father. She Just say: "Mr. Munn, I wish to marry your daughter" then dodge. Cheering Him Up. "Bill," said .the Invalid's friend, "I've come to cheer you up a bit like. I've brought yer a few flahrs, Bill. 1 fought if I was too late they'd come In 'andy for a wreaf, yer know. Don't get down-'earted, Hill. Lummy, don't you look gashly! But there, keep up yer spirts, ole sport; I've come to see yer an' cheer yer up a bit. Nice little room you 'ave 'ere, but as I sez to ineself when I was acomlu' up: 'Wot orkard staircase to get a coffin dahn!'" London Globe. Leave It to Him. A Wichita man was fussing because of his aching teeth. "Why don't you go to a dentist? asked one of his friends. "Oh, I haven't got the nerve," was the reply. "Never mind that" .renlied the friend, "the dentist will find the nervo all right." Kansas City Jorunal. Painful Insomnia. "What sort of a hat la a wide awake?" "Why, a hat without a nap, of course. Charms Children Delights Old Folks Post Toasties Food Products Libhy'o Vienna Sausago Is distinctly different from any other auuge you ever tasted. Just try one can and it is ture to become a meal-time necessity, to be served at frequent intervals. Ubby'a Vienna Saw Sago just suits for breakfast, is fine for luncheon and satisfies at dinner or supper. Like all of Libby's Food Products it is care fully cooked and prepared, ready to-serve, in Ubby'a Croat Whlto Kltohon- the cleanest, most scientific kitchen in the world. Other popular, ready-to-serve Libby Pure Foods are: Cooked Corned Beef Peerless Dried Beef Veal loaf Evaporated Milk Baked Beans ' Chow Chow Mixed Piokles Write for free booklet, "How to make Good Things to Eat". Insist on Ubby'a at your grocers. Libby, MoNolll A Ubby Chicago A doctor of divinity should believi In the faith cure. Lewis' Single Binder straight 5c cigsr il made to satisfy the smoker. Why Actors Wear Long Hair. Why do actors so often wear long hair? Perhaps this is the reason: There once was a statute in England under which actors found wandering were liable to be branded through the right car. The long hair concealed the decoration and thus the custom was started. Alcohol and Tuberculosis. The most prominent tuberculosis specialists in the country agree that alcohol will not cure consumption. Dr, S. A. Knopf says: "Alcohol has never cured and never will cure tuberculosis. K will either prevent or retard recov ery." Dr: Frank Billiugs of Chicago nnd Dr. Vincent Y. Bowdltch, ex-presidents of the National Association for the Study nnd Prevention of Tubercu losis; Dr. Lawrence P. Hick of Phila delphia and Dr. Edward L. Trudeau of Saranac Lake, the founder of the anti tuberculosis movement In this country, are all of the same opinion. Objection to Women Golfers. "Farmers don't mind renting their fields to golfers, but they are strongly opposed to women." "Why?" "Because woman golfers are always losing hairpins and hatpins and stick pins In the grass. Follow the trail of a woman's foursome With a pincushion and I'll guarantee you a cushionful of pins at the nd of the ninth hole." "But why doe? the farmer mind that?" . "" "Decnuse afterward when his sheep and cnttio grazo in those fleUs they Rwullow pins. Pins, I needn't tell you, are injurious to the health." The crisp delicious, gol Jen-brown food, made of Indian Corn. A tempting, teasing taste distinctly differ ent all its own. "The Taste Lingers" Sold by Grocers. Popular pk;., ioc. Large Family size 13c, Postum Cereal Co., Ltd. Haiti Creek, Mich.