The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, July 08, 1909, Image 1

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t .So
NEWS. K-!kbli:rd Nov. 5. 1!1
H E R A LD. KsUillishtd A pril IS. 1K4 i
Cor.soIldited'Jan. 1, 1S95
A Most Beau
tiful Wedding.
Falter Dovey Nupitals Most
Pleasing Event this
On Monday night St. Luke's Episco-!
f ill church was the scene of one of the
most beautiful and artistic weddings
ever witnessed in this city, at whifh
Miss Ella Margaret Dovey and Mr.
George II. Falter, both of this city,
were united in marriage, Rev. Mr. Bur
gess reading the short and beautiful
StThe church was most beautifully dec
orated with pink ramblers and ferns
and over the center of the chancel i
hung a large wedding bell, made of
white flowers, on eaeh side hung pink
ribbons at the er.d of which hung pink
roses, ai eacn blue 01 me cnance. was , thJ ownerahip of the Lincoln baseball
a lattice work of pink ribbons am! ferP"tranchis,c of the Wwtcm league is ex
through which the bridal party passed. puctod to takc p,ai.e thc Iircgcnt ww?k
Before the ceremony, Miss Alice; icrhais tomorr0.A.. Guy w. Grccl,t
Dovey, sister of the bride, sang "Star; j lhe ownL,r of the teaR) cave an tion
of Paradise," by Herbert Bath, which Don c.' De.spain, former assistant
was beautifully rendered. ! state labor commissioner, and L. B.
The groomsmen led the bridal party Stoncr ,j0th,n Thfi price
and were as follow.-, Messrs. Ramsey, : whlVh .... . . ...i,,;. ,,.1R ,11pn
S. Tyson, Van Eurh, F. Fricke and
L arr :
The bridesmaids were attired ir. lawns
i i t i i it . ... :..
oi uencaie snaues to represent me ram-
bow and wore large black picture hats,
and carri .d baskets of ferns arid white
sweet peas tied with ribbon to m;.!ch
their dresses. First came L:llian L.
Crowthtrs, of St. Paul, Minn., a cous n
of the bride, attired in pink, Emma
Falter, sir-ter of the groom, in yAi
blue, Helen Dov;y in old rose, Greteh-
en ionnciiy in pa;e green anu ; Bre both men of ability and there is no
ine Dovey, sister of the bride, in pale ; doubt but gucces9 wU1 foow their c.
yellow. Miss Carolyn Barkalow of forts in the base ball bu3:ness.
Omaha, maid of honor, wore a gown ,
of lavender lingerie ar.d carried a show-! Don't Like Cuarranty Law.
er bouquet of lavender sweet peas. MflU InheM onc fi the car, get.
The beautiful bade came in on the.,. , . , .
. 11.. . . I . .... l 1 1
aim i.u.., uu-. COUJlt .as jn plattsmouth fop a short
vey and was attired in a lovely gown J time beU.een u.ains WedncS(1 , viajt.
of white trimmed with ail- s t tho home of his.
ver and brilliants her veil .f tulle was ; Q Schocman. Mr. Inhelder ia a
held :n place with a coronet of brilliants ibrotherof Irhel(tr flf Cedar
and she carried a shower bouquet fjCreek and u a resi(ent of picrcc
white sweet pea,, bne was met at J Count Neb havi hig home at
SeS-bViM -T-f-. ema"'i Irce, where he is engaged in the
Mr. Mdhard Klein. Mws kittie Cum- banki busi bcj resident of
ming3 p aved the wedding march. n. c. . t i i
A reception wa3 afterwards held at
the home of the bride, which was beau
tifully decorated with pink ramblers
and ferns.
Mr. and Mrs. Falter left on the 9:50
train that eveninc for 'Omaha, and
from there went for an extended west
ern trip.
The out of (town guests were, Mr.
Walter Stopford, San Francisco, Mr.
mid Mrs. Truesdale New York, Misses
J. Palmer and Marjorie 'Kimball Lin
coln, Frank Parr, S. Tyson and J. Van
Burgh. Omaha, Mrs. Robb, Verdon,
Nebr., thc Misses Vallery and Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Vallery Murray, Mrs. At
wood Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. Falter received a cabh
from Mr. and Mrs. Wentworth Watson
of Rocking Castle, England; also tele
grams from Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hoi
drege. Mrs. and Miss Hermann Mr.
and Mrs. Barkalow, Mr. P. 0. March.
You have always bought
GOOD clothes at this
store. You can buy GOOD
clothes here now. We haven't
any other kind in the house.
We don't intend to have any
other kind. You may buy
clothes for less money but you
will never get more for your
money than you get in our
GOOD clothes.
Good Coods Merchants.
."Where Quality Counts."
Much Rain in Iowa.
Charley Miller arrived in the city
from near Thuvman, Iowa, Tuesday
for a short visit with old friends and
relatives. '
t'has. reports heavy rainfall in his
vicinity and though the crops are ex
cellent much grain will be lost unless
dry weather sets in Boon. In Kaasas
and Oklahoma where he recently mado
triP thu prospects are good for a
Lumper crop though Oklahoma was
some need of rain.
Change In
Western League
Former Plattsmouth Young Men
Secure Control of Lincoln
Lincoln, Neb., July 6. A change.
agreed upon and the transfer only
awaits the arranging of a few details.
The Lj , t j t, taiiendtfP of
Uie , b,,t tho .lUm,ance hasbeen
the best since professional baseball was
inaugurated hero. Messrs. Despain
and Stoner have entered into a two
year contract with Second Baseman
Fox to remain as manager.
The above refers to two former Cass
county boys, one of Weeping Water
and the other from PiatUmouth. They
I W V 1 LJ Mil'- A V A k I V. (, 4VDIi,lil. V .
, . "
his views quite freely i regard to the
demerits of the Bank Guarantee Law,
stating that he could remember of no
law having been passed that worked
greater injustice to persons engaged in
that line of business.
High Water at Auburn.
Mrs. Herman Bestor returned to her
home in this city Wednesday morning
after a week's visit- with relatives at
Auburn. Neb.
Mrs. Bestor had made arrangements
to start Monday but thc heavy rain of
Sunday night made conditions so bad
that it was impossible to get around.
Tho Nemaha river was out of its banks
and caused a great deal of damage in
corn and wheat fields. Outside of the
inconveniences of the storm Mrs. Bes
tir had a most enjoyable visit.
Anything But
Cify Administration Most Ex
pensive in History df
Plattsmouth, Nub. July 7
Kditor Nkw8-Hkrali):
In a recent issua of the News-Hkr-AU
I notice your reference to the funds
expended for street work in the city of
Plattsmouth in the last 5 years, giving
the figures at $42,009.00, The amount
is stupendous, but the statement seems
to jar but few tax payers in the city.
If you had shown that the appropria
tions for the last 5 years aggregated a
little over $7,000.00, and also if you had
shown the appropriations for the pro
ceeding 5 years with the approximate
expenditures for street work for com
parison, it might percolate into thc
heads of some of our taxpayers that in
stead of the city administration being
an economical one, it was the most ex
pensive one ever experienced in the
history f the city of Plattsmouth. We
heard much talk about reduction of
taxes, but never a word about the
amounts illegally expended. The en
forcement of the scavenger law brought
a huge fund into the city treasury but
it appears to have been a source of
worry to the administration until it
was dissipated. If it were not for the
funds received on back taxes, our city
would have been two or three times
what they were in the 5 years last past
or instead there would now be a deficit
in the treasury of some $19,000.00, in
stead of about $o,000 as is reported.
Yours Respectfully,
D. K. Barr. a prominent attorney of
Ashland, was in Plattsmouth Wednes
day on legal business.
Board of County Commissioners met
in regular session, with all members
present. Minutes of previous meeting
read and approved, whereupon the fol
lowing business was transaeted in regu
lar form:
Board appointed Dr. C. Bernard Neg
elmann, Dist. County physician in and
for Dist. 4, to fill the unexpired term
of Dr. Banghart.
County Treasurer, Recorder, Judge,
Clerk and Clerk of the District Court
each filed their quarterly report for
end of quarter, 1909.
The following claims were allowed:
Weeping Water Republican,
publishing notice $ 1 50
The News-Herald, printing,
claimed $11.80 allowed
Louisville Courier printing no
tice claimed $3.00 allowed. . .
Eagle Beacon same claimed $3
9 80
l no
1 50
Dora Fleisehman care of blind
man 13 00
J. H. Tarns salary 60 00
W. E. Rosencrans salary 125 00
W. E. Rosencrans, expense,
freight etc 81 81
M. L. Friedrich, salary and ex
pense 30 50
E. E. Hilton salary 48 00
C. R. Jordan salary and exp. . 46 00
Kathcrinc Minor, labor in re
corders office 38 00
F. M. Svoboda salary and laun
dry 62 50
J. F. Brcndel post mortem
JohnThacker 35 80
C. W. Baylor, coal 2 4S
L. D. Switzer, saly. and exp. 32 10
State Journal Co., pens
M. E. Manspeaker, teams to
2 00
Cunningham Bros., Bame 8 25
Wm. Wehrbein, Bamo 9 50
Neb. Lighting Co., gaa to jail
and court house 2152
J. E. Tuey, mdse. to poor farm 8 00
M. Herold mdse. to county....
M. Hild, chair scats
Wm. Holly, mdse. to county
2 10
8 40
Swartz 4 Wcichcl, same 6 96
Guthman & Cory meals to jury 11 00
Mary L. roster, saly. and exp.
F. M. Richey, lumber to farm
Jaa. Robertson saly. 2nd qr. . . .
W. C. Ramsey, saly. and exp.
Hatt & Son, mdse. to poor. . . .
Plattsmouth Tel. Co. rent ar.d
133 83
8 60
217 00
95 h2
5 CO
Slugged By
A Burglar
riattsmouth Citizen Has an Ex
citing Experience Sunday
Wm. Grebe was thc victim of an as
sault by burglars last Sunday night in
which his nose was broken and his lips
badly cut. Mr. Grebe had just returned
to his parents home from Omaha whero
he is employed and as the family was
away he was .unable to get in the f rout
door so he went to the back of the
hause and as he entered the kitchen
door some person, presumably a bur
glar, struck him a terrific blow with
some instrument across the nose and
moatk. Grubc fell to the floor and be
fore he could gather his wits the party
had escaped.
The police were notified but no trace
of the culprit could be found.
Wm. hunted up a doctor and had his
wounds dressed but he will not work
for a few weeks.
Visiting in the City.
John R. Nicholson and wife of Lincoln
arrived in the city Saturday for a visit
over the fourth and to spend a couple
weeks with tho family of R. A. Van
fleot. Mrs. Nicholuon is a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Vanfleet.
John is quite well known in riatts
mouth having lived in this vicinity for
several years previous to his marriage,
and was always much interested in
athletics, especially base-ball being on
of the best among the former crack
players on the old Red Sox Team.
John is writing accident insurance
for the National Fidelity and Casualty
Company of Omaha ar.d is meeting
with success in his territory which
comprises the counties of eastern Ne
braska. H. M. Soennichsen mdse
C. II. Smith poetal supplies..
33 75
19 12
John A. Adams & Son lumber
R- D. 15 $ 19 67
A. F. Sturm same 9 16 40
Same 12 33 25
W. M. Kitzel same 6 is 50
Oscar Kitzel same 6 5 00
Chas. Bornemeier same 6 78 55
M. Sulser same 1 ,.. 43 60
W. A. Cole same 14 77 25
John A. Hcnnings 2 3 00
Henry Horn same 2 1 50
W. Kitch same 12 235 84
W. C. Bartlett same 15 140 75
Frank Rouse same 5 20 00
Aug. Rissman sime 4
J. E. Bates same 13
J. A; Wilson same 7
3 00
80 70
73 00
Lewis Johnson same 7 12 00
Frank Reese, same 7
21 00
Earharl Goehry same 7 7 50
Geo. Utt same 7
F. W. Wilson same 7
Hen Bcckman same 10
3 50
7 50
, np
Henry Kcil same 2 600
Phil. Becker same 2 6 00
Geo. B. Hicks same 2 claimed
$39.50 allowed 35 50
Henry Lcuchtweis same 2 7 00
Jacob Tritsch same 2 3 00
Phil. Thicrolf same 2 4 50
A. B. Fornoff same 2 3 00
Henry Sanders same 2
1 00
F. J. Baumgart same 2 3 00
W. J. Hicks same 2 3 00
John Bauer same 2 11 25
S. P. Beaver same 2 10 50
A. W. Barrett Lbr. Co. Ibr. 7 63 10
G. W. Voss Lbr. Co. same 13.. 16 40
Same 3 7 05
F. M. Richey same 1 3 45
Avoca Lbr. Co. same 14 . 3 42
Same 13 8 25
Lee Arnett culvert 15 65 71
Same 12 51 01
Samol 71 is
Samel ' 34 20
Wilson Concrete Co. culvert 12 70 00
F. M. Richey lumber $ 26 65
Avoca Lbr. Co. lumber ..... 37 89
Ben Bcckman lbr. and labo'r 34 00
Wilson Concrete Co. work .... 1 10 80
Neb. Constn. Co., Bridge work 3658 90
In tho matter of concrete bridges at
Elmwood and Mynard, the Board de
cided to build the one at Elmwood only,
Jordan and Friedrich voting for and
Switzer against.
Board adjotirned to meet July 20,
1909. W. E. R'fSKNCKANS,
County Clerk.
An Otoe Pioneer ia Dead.
NEBRASKA CITY, July 5.-Charles
Gei ber, a pioneer butcher of thi city,
died at his home here Sunday aged
seventy-four. He was bom in France
and came to St. Joseph, Mo., where he
worked for some time and came to this
city in 1857 and has since made it his
home. He is survived by his wife and
to them were born eleven children, six
of whm survive him. The funeral will
be held tomorrow.
Missouri Pacific
Time Table
No. 101 To K. C, St. Louis,
passenger . .9:18 a. m.
No. 106 To K. C, St. Louis,
passenger 12:03 a. m.
No. 191 Locar Freight .... 10:10 a. m.
No. 103 From K. C, St. Louis,
passenger 5:02 p. m.
No. 105 From K. C, St. Louis,
passenger 6:12 a. m.
No. 193 Local Freight 3:00 p. m.
Tickets sold and baggage checked to
all points in U. S.
H. Norton.
Ticket Agent.
Rests Beaide His Wild.
The remains of the late B. P. Stout
arrived in the city Wednesday morning
for burial beside the grave of his wife,
who died here about the year l.-S-l.
Mr. Stout was well known by tho older
residents of Plattsmouth as he former
ly lived hero with his family, and was
elected police judge, but did not hold
thc office as his election was contested.
After the death of his wife the fami
ly disposed of their business here and
finally settled in New York City where
a daughter, Miss Nellie, and a son, A.
B. Stout, have been largely interested
in the wholesale millinery business, the
father making his home with them un
his death at the age of 77 years.
The funeral arrangements were madu
by B. A. McElwain, who had received
a message from Urbana, 111., the day
before requesting him to prepare for
Would Trade tor Land.
Ashley Ault, former postmaster and
business man of Cedar Creek, drove in
from that village this morning with a
fine large bay mare which he is olTer
ing for sale. Mr. Ault is looking out
for some good farm land for which he
would like to trade a bunch of nice
colts. While in town he is visiting at
the home of his brother-in-law, 'George
In These Hot Summer Days You
Need a Shirt For Almost
Every Day In the Week.
We have soft collar shirts in a soft,
thin silky material, in six shades,
white, tan, cream, gray, blue and pink.
$1.25 and $1.50 values for $1.00.
In neckband shirts we have the fa
mous Ferguson -McKinney and Wilson
Bros.' brands at $1.00 and 1.25.
Manhattans at 1.50, $1.7.') and
$200. Glad to show you; we know
you'll buy if you once look.
Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes,
Manhattan Shirts. Stetson Hats.
Good Words
For Havelock
Conrad Schlatcr Says Little City
Is a Model of Cleanliness.
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Schlatcr re-.
turned Wednesday from their recent
visit with relatives and friends at Lin
coln, Omaha and othir points.
They report having a delightful time
hut were both very (glad to get back
again, as there is no place like home
for the ordinary comforts of life.
While at Havelock they visited with
their daughter, Mrs. Jos. Tighc, and as
this was their first visit there in two
or more years the splendid improve
ment in that busy little city were vcy
noticable, and what pleated Air.
Schlater most was tho excellent Bar
dens maintained by thc industrious
citizens in their back yards.
The front yards were not neglected,
as all the residents kept the lawns
smooth, and walks and fences in first
class condition, no weeds being seea
At Omaha Mr. and Mrs. Schlatcr
visited at the home of Dr. KlausnclL
one of that city's prominent dentists
and a relative of Conrad's, and they
were taken for an auto ride each even
ing to difFerent parts of the city. Mrs.
Schlatcr enjoyed the rides much to the
amusement of hr husband to whom
she had declared she would never ride
in one, but after the first ride she
could not get enough of it and looked for
ward to each U-ip with much eagerness.
Mr. Schlatcr desciibd the brilliant
electric display as being very beautiful
and striking as the front of nearly every
business block was covered with elec
tric designs making a continuous flash
for great distances. One design which
was strikingly unique was an outline of
the old lady with the wooden shoes
and club which advertises the "Dutch.
Mr. Schlatcr states that Dr. Klaus
nell though a pior man when he ar
rived in Omaha several years ago is at
present well to do, having a splendid
trade, owning a nice residence prop
erty and being able in his spare mo
ments t ride about the city in his fine.
$1750 touring car.
Mrs. Wm. Wetenkamp returned
from Omaha Wednesday evening where
she had gone to see her sister, Miaa
May Howard, depart for her home ia
Bulfalo county. Mrs. Wetenkamp was.
accompanied by her son Roy and her
daughter Mabel. They returned to
their farm home several miles south
west of Plattsmouth the same trying.
26 10
700 0 l
(i. .u. ooennictisen, a