The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, July 05, 1909, Image 1

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NKWS. Fbtallishcd Nov. 5. 1?:1
HERALD. EsUblithwi April 16. 1SG4 (
Con'clidatcd'Jan. 1. 1335
-TV T" i n
A New For
age Plant
Government Experiments With
Alfilaria Seed With Mark
ed Success.
In connection with the Bureau of
Hant Industry of the Department of
Agriculture, the Forest Service has
been carrying on a series of experi
ments relative to the reseeding of over
grazed areas upon the National Forests
the west.
Among other important forage plants
selected for experimental work is the
common alfilaria (Erodium cicutarium)
of the southwestern desert country.
This splendid forage plant grows all
over the deserts of southern California
Arizonia and New Mexico and furnishes
one of the best plants for fattening
live stock, especially sheep, known to
the stockmen. It grows in the early
spring when green feed is most, desir
able and in a few weeks will cover the
desert with a rich green blanket until
it looks almost like an alfalfa field.
The plant generally reaches a maximum
height of from eight to ten inches in
side of six weeks and in six weeks
more ha3 all died down and blown away
leaving the ground as bare as a flor.
The seeds of this plant have been car
ried from California, in the wool of
migrating sheep, into the adjoining
states, but while it will grow at high
altitudes, it does not reach any great
height above an elevation uf 3,000 feet.
The first obstacle the Government
experts ran against wa3 the impossi
bility of obtaining seed in the open
markets that would germinate. The
seed commands a high price and is
hard to obtain but of samples pur
chased from various seed houses the
germinating jower , was never higher
than thirteen per cent and the average
of several samples was about eight per
cent. ' ' " " "
In order to determine, if possible,
where the fault lay, In the non-germin
ating power of the seeds purchased, the
Forest Service sent one of iti plant
Mnerts. Arthur W. Sampson, into the
field in southern California wbere alfi
laria wa3 known to be most abundant,
with orders to gather seed of this plant
and make a careful study of the con
ditions governing its growth.
This has been done ar.u it is very
evident that if the seed can be gather
ed at the proper time and under proper
conditions, it will have a high germinat
ing power. Samples of the seed gath
ered by Mr. Sampson showed agermin
ation of over ninety-one per cent which
is certainly high enough to be satis
factorv to any purchaser. Mr. Samp
Bon has beerf"able to outline a method
. of gathering this seed by which one
man can gather a very large amount
with very little troubb. Enough of
the seed can be easily secured with a
hicrh eerminative power with which to
make experimental plantings on sev
eral of the National Forests where this
plant would make an admirable addition
to the local forage supply. Alfilaria,
under normal conditions, seems to be
best in a soil composed mostly of de
composed granite, but it is believed it
will flourish in most light sandy soils
where there is sufficient moisture in
the early spring to start the growth.
Now that tho Forest Service has
shown how to gather the seeds there is
no doubt but that the lo:al seed men
will avail themselves of the experiment
and that in future the grade of seed
men will be of. a much better germina
tive strength.
Brief Local
John Clarence of Uuion was in the
Apple Show
Spokane will Give Big Prizes for
Apples in December.
Spokane, Wash., July 3. -Howard
Elliott, president of tbe Northern Pa
cific Railway Co., ha3 accepted the
Presidency of the National Apple Show,
Inc., which will award $33,000 in prizes
and trophies' at its second annual exhi
bition in Spokane, Dec. 6 to 11. He
succeeds Louis W. Hill, president of
Great Northern Railway Co , who was
head of the organization last year.
The primary purposes of the exposi
tion are to educate the growers and
handlers to the fact that the apple
city Friday attending the hearing for a i9 a staple product; that the
new trial in his case. S 1
Mrs. Joseph Fitzgerald went over to
Louisville Saturday to visit relatives
and frier.d3 during the celebration.
Will Robertson departed for Louis
ville Friday on business and to inci
dentally do a little celebrating on the
Mrs. Pratt of Corning, Iowa, return
ed to her home Friday after a visit
near the city with the family of A. E.
Mr3. G. H. Ed ward j departed for her
home at Ashland Friday after a few
davs visit in the city with her sister
Mrs. E. N. Harmon.
and Reason
Neat and natty; natty and neat;
Dutchess Trousers are hard to
s beat.
Easy to sell and easy to wear;
Prices right and quality there.
Easy in fit and stylish in cut;
Richman's palace orlumberman's
At home or abroad, at woik or
at play,
Suitable always. Try them today;
State Board
Of Agriculture
A Splendid Article on the Finish
ing of Corn Cultivation.
Just a closing word on laying by the
corn. Most of the fields are now being
cultivated for the last time, and Ne
braska corn is indeed promising. The
(juestion which concerns a good farmer
U "How can I improve the yield of my
Corn field?" .
When we carefully figure up the BUldeilS Lifted.
time we have spent in bringing the soil
Back From South.
A. S. Will arrived home Monday
from his. trip to Mexico; New Mexico,
Arizona, and Texas. Mr. Will was
looking for large tracts of good graz
ing land as he is largely interested in
cattle raising and his western holdings
are becoming valuable for farm lands
which will necessitate finding cheaper
range for the profitable raising of his
He has travelled extensively all over
the southwest and returns satisfied that
part of the country is well worth the
time and expense of investigation.
10 Cents a Button
$1.00 a Rip
The appearance ol
custom-made trousers
without the cost.
Price SI. SO to $5.
"Where Quality Counts."
Miss Carrie Sherwood wa3 a passen
ger r nday lor Louisville wnere sne
went to celebrate and visit with the
family of Will Hoever.
Martin r reancn ana daughter were
passengers on the special baturday
morning foi Louisviile where they went
to enjoy the celebration.
Louis Keezar and wife left on the
afternoon train for Cedar Creek Fri
day. From there they drove over to
Louisville to assist in the celebration
W. II. Heil drove in from his home
atPleasant View Friday to attend to
business in the county seat. Mr. Heil
has one of the best herds of red polled
stock in the county.
M. M. Beal returned from Kansas
City Friday where he had been in the
hospital for treatment. Beal says he
feels fire and is ready for work again
which will be good news to his many
Claud Seivers was in town for an
overnight visit with his parents Satur
day, coming down from Omaha where
he has beun with his wife who is re
covering from an operation for appen
Miss Hannah Black, who has charge
of the General Delivery window at the
pnstoffice, left for Omaha last week
where she entered a hospital to be
nursed through an attack of typhoid
fever. Miss Black has beer, boarding
and she did not wish to put her friends
to any inconvenience.
W. II. Seybert and family and Mrs,
A. F. Seybert and family boarded the
special at Cullom and swelled the
crowd going to Louisville to attend the
celebration. At Cedar Creek the
special picked up a large delegation
headed by James Hessentlow the Rural
Mail Carrier', and rear-guarded by
John F. Wolff theigeneral merchandise
John Novotney arrived in Platts
mouth Friday from Chickasha, Ind
Te ritory, for a few day3 visit with
relatives and friends. He states all
Cass County people there are doing
well and that he and his brother Frank
are well pleased with the country.
Crops there are much ahead of here,
all corn being long since laid by and
small grain harvested.
Miss Laura Meisinger, daughter of
Mr. and Mr. Conrad Meisinger, who
recently retired from farm life and took
up their residence in Plattsmouth, de
parted on the afternoon train Friday
for Louisville where she will visit over
the Fourth with the family of her
sister Mrs. John F. Ilennings. From
there she will go to Elmwood for a
visit her sister Mrs. Geo. Stox-hr.
Mr. August Hoffman and wife ar
rived in the city Saturday morninz and
accompanied Miss Alice Kvech, who is
' a sister of Mrs. IIofTman, as far as
j Omaha, where the young lady expect
; ed to catch n train for her home at
i Wilber, Neb. Miss Kvech had been
visiting the Hcffmans at the homeof
T. E. Todd for several days, and de
I clarcs she had a most enjoyable time.
markets at home and abroad are con
stantly increasing; that prizes for clean
fruit of color, size and flavor are ad
vancing; that the demand was. never
greater than at present, and that over
production is entirely out of question
during this century. It is also de
signed to establish a standard, with
the view toward a greater development
of the apple industry.
The competitions in the variou3 class
es, ranging from $1,000 for the best
car of apples to $5 for the best tingle
fruit, will be handled free and open to
all, the plan being to have a sufficient
ly wide variety to make a world's ex
position, in which every exhibitor will
have a chance in the awards. Pomol
ogists of national reputation will be
judges of the exhibits.
"It will be the purpose of the officials
of the National Apple Show to arrange
for the co-operation of the growers and
handlers of the continent and the en-
tire world at the coming exposition,
Said Ren. H. Rice, secretary of the or
ganization, "each for its own good and
all for the good of the whole, toward
the betterment of the apple industry,
which, experts say, is destined to be
come the leader in wealth-production of
the northwest.
to a proper tilth and the corn to its
present conditions will it pay us to add
just a little more labor if we can further
Increase the yield? We think it will,
and therefore wish to urge that the
field be gone over with a single horse,
five-tooth cultivator, which will destroy
the young weeds level the ground and
Conserve the moisture for the corn it
self itself. This should be done twice
at least, the first time commencing
about July 15 and the second time dur
ing the first week in August. Should
a heavy rain occur near the times
stated, follow with cultivation as quick
ly as you can get on the ground.
'. Doubtless you will say this is to much
work when we are busy in grain and
hay fields, but it will easily pay an ex
per.d.ture of $3.00 per day. This is not
thtory but is gathered from actual ex
perionce, for it wa3 the plan followed
by a boy at Gretna who raised 102 bu
shels on a single acre last year while
his father's field adjoining, cultivated
in the usual old-fashioned manner went
only 33 busheb to the acre.
Two years ago in competition for the
prize offered in the acre corn contest
by the State Board of Agriculture, Har
ry Olderog, of Gretna, raised 118 bu
shels and 30 pounds from a single acre
and finished up his cultivation in this
manner. W ith such facts confronting
yoa, can you afford to miss your oppor
From Plattsmouth Backs Relief
Proved by Lapse of
Time. .
Wreck on
The Burlington
Fast Freight Collides with Switch
Engine in Local Yard3.
Backache is a heavy burden;
Nervousness wears one out;
Rheumatic pain; urinary ills;
All are kidney burdens-
Daily effects of kidney weakness.
No use to cure the symptoms,
Relief is but temporary if the cause
Cure the kidneys and you cure the
Relief comes quickly-comes to stay.
Doan's Kidney Pills cure kidney ills;
Prove it by your neighbor's case.
Here's Plattsmouth testimony.
The story of a permanent cure.
C. Tyler, Rock Street, Tlattsmouth,
Nebr., says:
"About two years ago when suffer
ing from a lameness across my loins
and acute pains through my back when
I moved, I procured Doan's Kidney
Pills from Gering & Co.'s drug store
They benefited me so greatly that I
publicly recommended them and advis
ed other persons afflicted in a similar
way to give them a trial. I have been
so free from kidney trouble since that
I do not hesitate to renew my former
For Bale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's -and
take no other. 19-4
Mr. Chas. Fetzger is very sick.
Miss Hazel Williams spent Sunday
in Omaha.
Miss Lillian Bell of Ashland, is a
guest of Mrs. M. N. Drake.
Mis3 Daisy McNealy visited with
relatives in Omaha this week.
The Misses Bosselm?.n of Omaha Sun-
dayed with Miss Grace Ahl.
Mrs. Edith Kealor and children cele
brated with relatives in Louisville.
Mis3 Hizsl Jones of Lincoln, Visited
over the Fourth with her parents.
Mrj. J. B. Djff..of Cjiir Creak, vis
ited relatives over Sunday in Louisville.
Miss Frances Case of So. Omaha
was a guest of the Suitors over Sunday,
Mrj. Chis. Wright of Lortan, Nebr.,
is a guest of her sister, Mrs. Geo.Lutz.
Chas. Richey, wife and daughter,
Catherine were in Omaha Wednesday.
C. E. Met zger of Cedar Creek, cele
brated the Fourth in Louisville Satur
day. '
Miss Fannie Hoyt of Sprinefield
visited her sister, Alice Twiss, over the
Miss Rena Tohl of Murdock, was a
guest of Mrs. H. E. Pankonin over
Chas. Gerloch and family of Manley,
attended the celebration at Louisville
Mrs. Lulu McMathews of Omaha
visited her sister, Mrs. M. N. Drake,
Edd Todd and wife of Plattsmouth,
were guests of C. G. Mayfieldand fami
ly Saturday.
Miss Lenora Taugeman of Gretna,
was a guest or. miss uiga uogers over j
the Fourth.
were guests of J. P. Wood and family
over Sunday.
James Masters and Miss Effie Worth
were passengers on the excursion to
Omaha Sunday. Diamonds.
Alvin Huff returned last Wednesday Crabill'a
from Sidney, Nebr., where he had been
teaching school.
airs. Win. Ken or nattsmouth was
a guest of her sister, Mrs. Lena Sey
bert, over Sunday.
Wm. Childer?, wife and daughter,
Alice, went to Lincoln Sunday evening
for a few days' visit.
The base ball game Saturday between
Plattsmouth and Louisville scored 6 to
7 in favor of Louisville.
Misses Lotta Koop and Bessie Gada
way are home from the state normal
at Peru, for a few. days.
Mr. and Mrs. John Givens of Cedar
Creek, were guests of James Dugan
and family over the Fourth.
Wm. Robertson of Plattsmouth was
in Louisville Friday and Saturday
shaking hands with old friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. McNurlin and Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Seybert of Plattsmouth,
were guests of O. M. Seybert and fami
ly over the Fourth.
Geo. Rau .of Utica, Nebr., passed
I through town Friday enroute to hia
home after a visit with his brother, W.
j J., cashier of the Manley State Bank.
j Mrs. Wm. Kuntzman of Suprhe,
Nebr., is a guest of her sister, Mrs.
; Henry Alh. Monday Mesdames Ahl
and Kuntzman visited their mother,
Mrs. J. Walradt, at Greenwood.
The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
! W. Taylor was operated on at the hos-
James Robertson, wife and daughters
were among tne large number ot
Plattsmouth people going to Louisville
to see Plattsmouth s crack base ball
team have their colors trailed in the
dust, though it was anybody's game till
the last half of the ninth inning.
A very serious wreck took place in
the north end of the local Burlington
switch yards late Thursday night and
though no lives were lost, Fireman
Earl R. Blish, of the local switching
crew had hia left foot so badly injured
that amputation was necessary, and
the leg was taken off at a point about
four inches above the ankle.
The wreck was caused by an east
bound extra freight heading into the
local switch engine No. 3001; which ia
known as "Big Dick" on account of its
monstrous size. It had been at work
in the yards, and the crew knowing the
extra was about due, had coupled on
to a box car and were trying to get lo
oted where they could get behind the
extra and heip it over the hill. Big
Dick was about ready to sidetrack but
before it could get in the clear the ex
tra rounded the curve near the pump
house and coming at an estimated rata
of forty miles an hour struck the loca
engine in the rear. Both engines were
badly damaged, and three box cars
were demolished, their contents con
sisting of every kind of merchandise,
being scattered over the tracks. One
Cudahy refrigerator car was partly do-
railed but stayed on its trucks and was
sent out Saturday morning on an eaat
bound freight.
The wreck blocked the main line and
and the wrecker was ordered and ar
rived about 4 o'clock. The work waa
rushed and the line was clear for No. 6
which left for the east at 8:10.
Fireman Blish is resting very easily
at the Perkins House where he was
taken after the operation, which waa
performed by Dr. Stewart Livingston.
Of course there is the usual specula
tion in regard to who was responsible
for the accident, some stating that the
switching train should have been in the
clear, while others hold that the engi
neer of the extra should have come in
to the yards with the train under com
plete control. However investigation
will fix the blame and we refrain from
Investigate prices at
Eddie Todd and wife drove in from
the farm near Oreapolis and expected
to start for the grand celebration at
Louisville bright and early but local
freight No. 29 was three hours late and
they were compelled to wait untill 10:30
when the spec'al departed.
it r t. mi I rTM I
Emmons Richey of Plattsmouth drove ! Plia' in um,a"a 1 nu"'"y- ne ?""a
to Louisville Saturday with his new j haa been slck 'or several weeks. The
automobile. j operation waa successful and the child
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Eddy of Milford, win beal,e t(J "turn home soon.
John McNurlin and wife were visitors ,
in Louisville over Sunday with the
family of Cam Seybert.
Mrs. S. I.. Maines departed Thurs
day for her horns at Wat. on, Mo., after
a few days visit in the city with her
daughter, Mrs. J. C. York.
cently contracted to deliver his new
crop of wheat to Mynard at $1.09 per
Geo. Mild and wife were in the city
Friday. Geo. staged that lightning-
struck and somewhat damaged n large j
barn which is beinwf built on his brother,
I'hilin'n farm. Tho ciirnnnti'i'M hud int
Major Hall and two sons were Tlatts- r?turned to the house on acoount of i
mouth visitors Friday. Mr. lh ro-' tho storm and th'J. e.cap.J injury.
Short Cuts to Comfort
That's what our athletic under
wear is. It keeps your body cool
and your temper sweet We have
them in all styles, short sleeves
3-4 length, short sleeves knee
length, short sleeves ankle length
and long sleeves ankle length.
$1.00 to $3.00.
And you can keep the sunniest disposition
in the sunniest weather. 2-piece suits thin
as a post card, and airy as a screen, $10.00
to $18.00.
Featherweight shirts that catch every
roving breeze, $1.00 to $3.00.
Special, silk lisle sox, linen toe and
heel, 24 shades, 25c.
Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes,
Manhattan Shirts.
Stetson Hats.