The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, July 01, 1909, Image 6
Y ? I Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y f Y V The Season Is ADDroachino The threshing season is near and the time to eet a threshing rig is now. A J. I. CASE Separator will beat anything else you can get in the threshing line. The CASE Machine represents a lifetime spent in building threshing machinery. There is no guesswork or slipshod methods used in the con struction of a CASE. Machine. There is no improvement put on a machine without being thoroughly tested by the factory and not by the customers as some makes are. The CASE Engine is the peer of any traction engine on earth. Its simplicity, efficiency and durability makes it have greater power for the rated horsepower than any other engine rated the same. It will pay to investigate Case Machinery and you will find that we make no idle boasts. Send or call for catalogues and rates. uiUiUiaimuimiuuiiuuimuiiiimiUiUiuuimaimaiUiuiuiUiUiUiiuuiiiiUiiuuiaauuiiiHii M, E. MANSPEAKER 1 Attention Farmers and Stock Raisers! Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Hog Salvet or medi cated Salt is the best remedy for all kinds of stock to make them tat well and aid digestion and also a blood builder. If not satisfied with re sults money refunded. Sold at the feed store of I J. V. EGENBER6ER PL ATTS MOUTH, NEBRASKA. 1 i rr " If you haven't painted yet be sure to see us before you do. We are agents for f Patton's Sun f Proo Pfaint Also get our price on Oil and Lead before you start that job. GESC & CO. f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Marathon In Uganda. Fever for long distance races has spread all over the world. Recently they held one In far-off Uganda. It was from Entebbe to Kampala. No one around here, may know much about Entebbe and Kampula, but they are 26 miles apart. Although the staple diet of the natives consists of bananas and pota toes, the men often show great stay lng power over long distances when carrying letters, and It was hoped that : the Olympic time might be beaten. This was not so, however, as the win ner took three hours and three mln-! utes over the course, being closely fol lowed home by the second, and third ; men. When, however, It Is considered that they were untrained, that they j finished fresh enough to leap and run ; about, that the cyclists merely patrolled j the road and did not pace the runners, that the race took place In the hottest part of the day and was partly over a road wet with recent Bhower, no one will deny the men's ability. It la amusing to note that three of the runners carried umbrellas and that the winner on finishing danced about Balying that he was a very fine fellow i and knew how to run well. DEW PONDS OF THE ANCIENTS. Nothing Lacking. A Highland minister, who was rather a pompous gentleman, came to a shepherd's house to baptize a child. "A- you prepared?" he asked the fond parent. "Ou ay, munnlster; I have got a grand ham for tea." "I mean spiritually prepared," thun dered the cleric. "Af coorse I am; oh, yes. I got twa bottles o' first-class whisky from the Inn," replied the Imperturbable Celt. Tlt-Dlts. Red Cotton Bug India's Pett. One of the most destructive as well as one of the most offensive pests that afflict the planters of India Is the red cotton bug. The insect has been re ported as a cotton pest from every part of the country, its presence is detected by the offensive odor. Description of Prehistoric Method of Obtaining Water Supply. One of the prehistoric methods used in securing a -vater supply In sections where It was Impossible to secure It from natural sources, or where It be came necessary to live on elevated territory for defense was by the con struction of dew ponds. These dew ponds were made by hollowing out the earth for a space far in excess of the apparent requirements of such a pond, then thickly covering the whole of the hollow with a coating of straw. The straw In Its turn was covered by a layer of well chosen, finely pud died clay, and the upper surface of the clay closely strewn with stones. Such a pond will gradually become filled with water, the more rapidly the larger It is, cren though no rain may fall. During the warmth of a summer day the earth will store a considerable amount of heat, while the pond, pro tected from the heat by the noncon Juctlvlty of the straw, Is at the same lime chilled by the process of evapora tion from the puddled clay. The con sequence Is that during the night the moisture of the comparatively warm air is condensed on the surface of the cold clay. As the condensation during the nights Is In excess of the evapora tion during the day, the pond becomes, night by night, gradually filled. Fopu- lar Mecha" Meteors Add to Earth's Weight The meteors which fall upon the arth In vast numbers every year add their weight to the earth. Thus the tarth Is Increasing a minute quantity tn weight each year, but not enough to be perceptible In thousands of years. Except for the escape of light gases from the atmosphere there la no known way In which tho earth an lose weight. Sinpr llJuu p J p J IIS y nil IOI 101 Rich Roast Beef After all there is nothing so good as a good ROAST cooked well. We have the knack of cutting and tying up a roast that makes it cook well and taste well. Send orders in by either phone. Kunsman & Ramge y IE ior New York's Costly Plant. Central park In New York city la assessed at the valuation of $215,000, 000. not for the purpose of taxation, but so as to show the amount of real estate value that Is exempt from taxes. Might Happen. Hp "Nothing could ever come be tween us, could it donr?" She "I can't think of a single thlijp. unless I should happen to Wonie engaged to some other ninn before we get married." Stray Stcrles. Chinese Idea of Government Here is a Chinese Idea of prosperity In a nation: When the sword Is rusty, the plow bright, the prisons empty, tho granaries full, the steps of the tempi worn down and those of the law courts grassgrown, when doctors go afoot, the bakers on horseback, and the men of letters drive In their own car riages, then the empire is well gov-irned. In George Washington's Time Natural History. A certain father who Is fond of put ting his boys through natural history examinations Is often surprised by their mental agility. He recently asked them to tell him "what animal is sat isfied with the least nourishment.'' "The moth!" one of them shouted, confidently. "It rats nothing hut i holes." Youth's Companion. There was no talk of adulteration and grocery stores sold only staples-table delicacies were few and far between. Well, this store for one is old fashioned as to its ideas of purity, new style in that it has on hand the best of everyihing for the table brought from the marts of the world. We would like to name you among our patrons. H. M. SOENNICHSEN 101 113 m t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y .1. 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y mm t Y Y Y Y Y ornit! I 1 bi y in B o K