The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, July 01, 1909, Image 4

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Pure AW gjt. SfjiPx F.
yG' the active principle, waUat
I A i&rolutety Pure j
Aflvlnsures wholesome and deli- jf
cious food for every day
in every home jyr
' No Phoiphatea JEIt
1,.-..! : " AIum ry -I't.1 J 3
aged in the future as it has been dor.e '; Jricf XjOCSil
in the past live years.' How do. you
like to dig up taxes at the rate of $1400
per mile for each and every mile of street j
in the city every five years? Can you I
Bee results of such expenditures? Mr. !
Tax-payer, take a look at the streets
outside of the lowering of Main 6trcet,
and point out a single mile of street
which shows the result of 400 days'
work with a team to the mile in the
last five years. Will you sit id'.y by
and see this thing repeated year after
year? Mr. Business man, you had
better spend a little time investigating.
It is about time to urge a commission
Aug. G. Molting was in town Tues
day. Chas. Stoehr had business in town
Jacob Buechler and daughter were in
town today.
W. A. Taylor had business in the
city Tuesday. ' .
Wendel Heil of near Cedar Creek,
The News-Herald
Eatorod at tho poatoince nt IMattHnoutli. Com!
County. Nebrmkn. us H:ond-clai mail mutter.
A. L.TIDU Editor.
R. 0. WATTEKS '..Manager
Om Tmr In Advance.
. .78
Hattainouth No. 85 Nebraska No. 85
JULY I, 1909.
1 hereby announce myself as a candi
date for the republican nomination for
Register of Deeds of Cass county, sub
ject to the pleasure of the voters at
the coming primaries. In asking for
this nomination I desire to call atten
tion to the fact that my services in the
office of county simor, while being
largely of a "thank yoi" nature, the
remuneration being insufficient far the
support of a familyt have eminently
fitted me for the duties of the oflice to
which I aspire, and in case I "should re
ceive the nomination I shall use my
best endeavors to be elected, and will
give to the office my best attention.
E. E. Hilton.
Fair words won't feed a cat.
Truth makes the devil blush.
Nothing will justify profanity.
A flow of words is no proof of
A GOOD occupation is better than a
golden girdle.
Better to suffer for truth, than
prosper by falsehood.
They that make the best use of
time have none to spare.
Vice will stain the noblest race and
ruin the greatest nation.
Virtue is more persecuted by the
wicked than encouraged by the good.
He never wrought a good day's
work who went grumbling about it.
At The big meeting of railroad em
ployees in Lincoln Tuesday the temper
ance movement was given a boost
The Lincoln Journal says:
"Distillers, brewers and personal lib
erty advocates found no comfort, if
Buch were present, from the addresses
made. Mr. Willard complimented the
brotherhood on its stand for temper
ance. Mr. Stone said that the brother
hood of locomotive engineers hud done
more for temperance than the churches
and that their efforts in the line of
total abstinence antedated those of the
railroads by ten years. They had
paved the way for the elforts put
forth by the railroads at a later date.
President Futch of the insurance de-
partmont declared for abstinence and
rrcsident Morissev of the employers'
and investors' association put his ap
proval on temperance, and said that
one might think , from the remarks
made on the subject, following Mayor
Love's address of welcome, that the
meeting had been turned into a ratifi
cation meeting over Lincoln going dry."
If TUB men who control great corpor
atiows would continue to enjoy the ad
vantages and privileges which incor
poration as a method of doing business
affords them, they must learn to behave.
They must adopt adopt the same code
of ethics that rules between individuals
in business. They must make their
corporations deal not only legally but
honorably with their customers, their
competitors, and the government. They
must not use the impersonal corpora
tion as a cover for practices which they
would not think of . carrying on as in
dividuals. It should be as much a
matter of disgrace to the managers of
a great corporation when the corpora
tion swindles a competitor, or steals
from the government, or oppresses its
customers, as if they had done the act
with their own hands. The sugar trust
has come recently under new official
control; its new managers can hardly be
held responsible for the shady transac
tions under their predecessors. But
they are to be held responsible for the
regeneration of their company and for
its continuance under a new" spirit of
decency and fair dealing.
Councilman D. O. Dwyer of the
First Ward has made a valiant fight to
keep down the extravagant expendi
ture of the City's money in open vio
lation of the statute. Over Council
man Dwyer's protest on June 14, the
Council voted to allow $157.71 of claims
against the road fund which is now
overdrawn, and in violation of Section
12, Article 3, Chapter 13, Compiled
Statues of Nebraska, 1907, which pro
videsr "Such bonds shall be in the sum
of one thousand dollars, and shall be
onditioned for the faithful discharge
of the duties of the councilman giving
tho same, and shall be further condi
tioned that if the said conncilman
shall vote for any expenditure or appro
priation of money or creation of any
iability in excess of the amount allow
ed by law, such councilman, and the
sureties signing said bond, shall be
liable thereon."
In the face of the foregoing statute,
will the taxpayers of th:s c'ty sit idly
by and allow the road fund to be rav-
form of government in dead earnest.
Now for the Business Men's' Carni
val. Are you ready to do your share to
make this a great annual festival? A
hustling committee of five good, bright
young men have been appointed to plan
and push it. Messrs. H. A. Schneider,
John Nemetz, Frank E. Schlater, C.
VV. Baylor and John W. Crabill'are the
committee. Get ready for the big Car
nival. At least 2",000 people should be
entertained during the Carnival week, j
was in the city.
Frank Lillie of neir Murray
business here today;
Samuel Goodman was in the city
business Wednesday.
Miss Minnie Metzgar of Cedar Creek,
was a visitor here today.
John Hennings of near Cedar Creek,
was in here on business today.
Chas. Miller was here on business
and to visit old friends Monday.
..Tom Isner returned from near Weep
ing Water Monday where he had busi
ness. A. J. Sturm of Mehawka was in
Plattsmouth attending to business
Louis Hansen arrived in the city
Tuesday to do some trading ar.d visit his
parents, County Commissioner Fredrich
and wife.
Ed McMaken and family of Sheridan,
Wyoming is in the city for a visit with
his father, H. C. McMaken, und other
Frank P. Sheldon, a prominent busi
ness man of Nehawka, was in Flatts
mouth Tuesday evening attending to
business matters.
Ed. Ingram of Louisville was a visi
tor in tho county seat today, coming
down to attend to some business with
tho county officers.
Sol Adamson and wife returned
Tuesday from a visit with relatives at
Chicago. Mr. Adamson is foreman of
the paint shop in the local yards.
Mrs. A. M. Searle departed Tuesday
for Seattle where she will attend the
Alaska-Yukon exposition. Mr. Searle
accompanied her as Tar as Omaha.
Arthur Sullivan was in the city on
business Monday and to notify the sec
retary of the Cass Couuty Mutual of
his mother's house being damaged by
Jacob Tritsch and wife, Mrs. Schaefer
and Mrs. Nicholas Volk were passen
gers Tuesday for McChin, in Pierce
county where they go to visit Basle
Fish Bile Hungrily
when you use
Every merchant should begin to study i Tuesday for a visit with .his cousin,
some plan to entertain a vast crowd, j Mrs. A. J. Beenon.
Every citizen should begin to prepare: Jos. Fitzgerald made a trip to Louis
to give their asistance. Begin to beau-
Magnetic Fish Bait
There's no such thing as a dull day
when you go fishing if you are sup
plied with this truly wonderful dis
covery. If the fish are there you'll
get them, for they simply can't re
sist it. It beats anything you have
ever imagined. It is moderate in
price-25 cents per box-and a
box will last a long time. Besides
this bait, of which we are the sole
manufacturers, we handle
Fishermen's Complete
50c, SI, 2.00,
r nn
3.00, 4.CO,
Send today for a box and for our
Free booklet, "Facts About Fish
ing," and illustrated catalog of
fishing tackle outfits. Address
Uepr. B. Republic, Missouri.
tify your property, your lawn, your
street. Get your neighbor to do the
same. The people residing in each
block should form little organization
to beautify the streets surrounding each
block. Smooth up the bank from your
lot clear down to the street. Ask the
city authorities to allow all of the polltax
in each block to be spent on the streets
bordering the block. Do it systemati
cally and honestly. Let all who Visit
the city realize that every citizen has
pride in his home and pride in his city.
These things do not require any great
Expenditure of money. It only takes a
few hours extra work. Have you got
the pride in your home and city to do
your part? If not, why not? You will
feel better. Your neighbors will like
you better. Your family will be hap
pier if you do these things.
ville this afternoon where he will visit
relatives over Sunday.
Chris Parakening drove in from his
farm west of Plattsmouth to attend to on the repair
business matters Tuesdav.
George Born returned to town after i Magnetic Fish Bait Co.
several days of hay-making on his farm
near Cullom. George says the frequent
showers have made it next to impossi
ble to put up good hay this season.
Clyde A. Dare, who has been at work
tracks under Foreman
Crops Near Cedar Creek.
Nicholas Schaefer and wife came
down on the Schuyler from their farm
homr nenr CoAar Prpolr tnrlnv tn nt.
Richmond of the local shops, had the j tpnH tn snnip trnf,;11(r in f up pifv
A. B. Gibson, a resident of Weeping j thumb of his left hand badly mashed Nick j; one of the younger farn,ers
Water, was a visitor in the city on . last week and has been on the relief, j of CnM ,.ounty who unfierstand8 how to
county seat business Tuesday. Mrs. Albert Hallam and son, Oliver, ; make it pay and everything around his
W.'J. Lorenz who had been visiting j arrived in Plattsmouth last evening for1 farm i3 always up to the minute. He
relatives in the city departed for his I a visit over the 4t with the family of 8aya crops bok very well in that vicin
home at Odcll, Neb., Tuesday. !her mother, Mrs. Kate Oliver. Mr. J jty Und that most fields of corn will be
T. J. O'day, editor of the Nehawka j Hallam will come in Saturday evening, j M by in a week or ten days.
Register, was in Platt3mouth attend-1 Mrs. Aerrnan Bestor departed; Small grain he thinks will pull
ing to business matters Tuesday. j Wednesday for a few weeks' visit with through with practically no . dampge
V. H. Meisingtr and wife were in j relatives at Auburn and other points j from rust.
nearoy. Alias Ada Looper will look
Plattsmouth Wednesday to do some
after Mr. Bestor and the boys and ut-1
trading with the local merchants.
,,. . r, . ... . . . tend to the housekeeping during her
Chris Parakening while in town to-1 ,
, . , , ' absence.
ciay siaiea mat me rain oi weanesuay
was one of th? heaviest this sorimr.
r. , ,,, , I tit and wife and Simon Clark were pas-
, , t e u i sengers on the special to Lincoln Tues-
iving a few miles northwest of the i . , ., . ... ., . ..
. . . . . - , day where they went with the Platts-
This is not political nor personal, but
some "plain fasts for thV' taxpayers of
this city to ponder over. San Francisco
Pittsburg and Philadelphia have all had
their graft and exposures of graft
Plattsmouth has had her graft, and
here is the begining of the exposure.
During the past five years the treas
urer's books show that more than $42,-
000 have been spent on the streets of
this city, and this does not include the
lowering of Main street. Mr. Tax
payer think of it $42,000 in five years.
There are about 30 miles of streets
open in this city. We ask that every
taxpayer in this city take a walk about
the city and observe the condition of
the streets. Forty-two thousand dol
lars expended on 30 miles of streets
means $1400 per mile. And $1400 per
mile at $3.50 per day for a team means
400 days work with a team on every
mile of street in this city during the
past five years. Has it been done?
Has it been done, Mr. Taxpayer? Has
it been done, Mr. Councilman?
Think of it Mr. Taxpayer 400 days
work with a team on each mile of
street In this city is what you have
actually paid for. Mr. Shopman who
earns the money to pay these taxes by
the sweat of his brow, can you see
where 400 days work with a team has
city, was in town on business Tuesday.
Mrs. John J. Svoboda and three chil
dren left this afternoon for Prague,
Nebr., where they will visit for a few
Nick Fredrick came in from the farm
Patriotic Services
: Next Sunday evening, at the regu
! lar evening service of the Methodist
Geo. Goodman and wife, Robert Mof-1 Church in Mynard, the pastor, Rev. W.
B. Cornish, will preach a patriotic ser
mon upon the subject: "Freedom
iiif cnun'n win ue utuuiuuiiy ueiu
rated with the national colors and
there will be special music. All are
cordially invited to be present.
day wnere they
mouth shops delegation to hear Mr.
Willard, Vice Pres., of the C. B. & Q.
address the workmen.
For jewelry, watches, rings, silver
ware, clocks, and cut glass see Crabill.
Wall paper, newest patterns at Ger-ing's.
V . V'
t r, i n ma jv pji ra i nro :
A A J A.-A
I ' ' : J
I '
knAn Annn fn onv cirtcrln trtllp mllA of ! X
UlCII V'tlV VI. BllJ ....... . I
street near your home? Mr. Merchant
has it been any effort for you t3 pay
your taxes during the past five years?
How does 400 days at $3.50 per day
strike you? Who got the moneyT
Where was the work done? Will the
taxpayers keep still and allow this
waste of public money to continue
That is the question.
REAL ESTATE. City property and some acreage tracts.
North and South Dakota, Texas, Nebraska and Missouri farms.
INSURANCE. -Fire and Tornado written in six of the best
companies. ...... ,
Arc you going away on u summer vacition: If so, do you
know you can insure your baggage? Size up the value of the gear
you carry around in trunks and then consider whether it is not
worth while. , .,
SUHETY BONDS. Lit me procure bonds for you from the
American Surety Company. Don't ask your friends to be your
Mr. Helm Improving
Theodore Heim of Louisville, whose
illness was mentioned in the columns
of this paper some time ago, ctme in
Wednesday morning to attend to some
business matters.
Mr. Heim has almost fully recovered
from his late attack and. though near
ly eighty years of nge, he stood tho
trip remarkably well, and being a gen
ial old gentleman his visit to the city
was much enjoyed by all who met him.
' To our line of rugs we have lately added the Olson Fluff a rus? you are no
doubt acquainted with and which gives the best of wear at moderate prices:
Size 27 inches by 45 inches 1 43
" 30 ; " CO " . 1.88
"21 " " G3 " 1.98
" 36 " "72 " 2.50 .
If in need of small and medium sized Rugs you should see these. You will
appreciate at price offered. .
A lot of Carpets and Rugs about 27x54 inch sizes at from 79c to $1.25. A nice
selection of Moquette Rugs in popular sizes-27x54 and 36x73. Also large size in
beautiful patterns. .
Summer Underwear
Ladies Uuion Suits, low neck, sleeveless, cuff knee, 3rc, 50c and '$1 00. Low
neck, sleeveless, lace trimmed, 35c, 50c 75c and $1. Low neck, sleeveless, extra
sizes, 40c, 50c, 75c and 11,25. Ladies' knit pants, cuff knee and umbrella style at
25c, 35c and 50c. Extra sizes 45c and 50c. Ladies Vests-good quality at 10c,
15c, 25c and 50c. Extra sizes 15c, 25c and 50c. Long sleeve vests at 25c, 30c and
Knit Corset Covers at 2oc, aoc and 5Uc.
Just received for the sweet girl graduate acreautiful full line of fans. Prices
from 25c to $2.50 Hand embroidered handkerchiefs, exquisite designs-all new.
Fancy hose in all the late shades -plain, gauze, lifle and embroidered; New and
up-to-date things in Umbrellas and Parasols.
Ole Roman now of Lead, S. D., but
at one tinea citizen of Platt.-'in'Hith,
was in town on business ar.d to 1 pay a
visit to old friends. We are pleased to
learn that Mr. Roman ie doing well ar.d
likes th i country.
E. G. DOVEY & SONj j