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About The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1909)
"MXT'TAT TOT W7T A LB JL TWICE A WEEK NEWS. Established Nov. S. is?l HERALD, Etublifhid April 16. 1M rLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, OX DAY, JULY l,li0! VOL. XLVIN0.2I! ConsolidalwTJan. 1, lX A. JLLd v Y Excursion to Lincoln Local Shop Men Take Day Off and Visit Capital City. The local shop men's excursion train to Lincoln Tuesday was crowded and those in attendance at the meeting re port a very enjoyable time. The men congregated at Coates Hall and headed by the M. V. A. band fell in line and marched to the B. & M. station where the train was waiting. Large banners were fastened on the engine, reading "Burlington Shop Employes, Platts mouth, Neb." " The seven coaches were already part ly filled and with the addition of the 164 men who marched down there, was a total of perhaps three hundred aboard the train, which departed at 11:30 amid the cheers from the passengers and music by the band. Denning Iliatt of the Olsen photograph Co., was on hand and took several pictures of the train. The special returned to Plattsmouth at eight p. m. and the men marched up Main to Sixth street and broke rank?. At the auditorium in Lincoln address es were delivered by Vice Pres. Wil lard, V. B. Stone and others interested in railroad matters, the speeches being well received. Local shop men whose activity con tributed to the success of the excursion were Fvank Buttery, Victor Anderson, J. W. Bookmeyer, Frank Newman, Jos. Peters, Matt Joy, Harry Barth'okl, Val Burkel, Master Mechanic Wm. Baird and General Foreman Hayes. Mrs. Mary A. Rude of Mendota, 111., arrived in the city last evening for a few weeks' visit at the home of W. L. Street. Mrs. Rude is an aunt of Mrs. Street. C. E. 111 , Struck by L ghtning The farm house of Mrs. Thomas Sul livan south of Plattsmouth was struck by lightning Monday morning during the severe electric storm and though little damage resulted from the blaze and no one was injured the affair could easily have been very serious. The bolt struck at the northwest corner of the house and though four children were asleep in the room di rectly below none were injured and but three were awakened. Bert Satchel who lives in the house was at the barn milking the cows and the first he knew about it was when one of the little girls came down and said she heard the brick3 fall. A little later upon returning from the house, where she had been sent for a saw, she told Bert the house was on fire. He immediately went to the house and was j fortunately able to locate the blaze j which he put out by the use of a half i dozen buckets of water. The bolt seemed to travel to all parts of the house and anything made of metal with which it came in contact was partly melted while the woodwork was badly singed. All of the wire screen around the large porch was ruined, w1iileNa spade leaning against the screen had one cornor melted oif. .lso a ring varying in size from a pea to a five cent piece, was burned around each nail used in fastening the tin to the roof. The members of Mr. Satchel's family and the owner of the house are lucky indeed to have suffered no serious loss. The Luildintr is insured in the Farmers ! Mutual of Cass county and Jacob Falter the secretary wa3 notified at once and a meeting of the adjusters will be called to fix the amount of damages. Miss Isabel Wiles was in the city Wednesday evening, having returned from Omaha where she had been on business. A THS AD and bring it with you when you come in to buy your suit and we will make you a present equal in value to from 10 to 12ya per cent. Read our ad in the last number of the NEWS-HERALD for full particulars. We have the agency for the 'Nancy Hanks" Suspenders something new. Wescott "Where Quality Counts." Leaguers In Annual Session District Convention of Epworth League was a Most Profita ble Meeting. Rev. A. A. Randall and E. H. Wes-' cott returned this morning from Te cumseh where they had been in attend ance at the seventeenth annual conven tion of the Nebraska City district of the Epworth League. They report a most excellent and profitable meeting. Dr. Randall's two numbers on the pro gram, "The Lamp and the Guide," were listened to with close attention, and the consensus of opinion was that they accomplished much good. The principal speaker of the occasion was E. A. Schell, president of the Iowa Wesleyan University and past general secretary of the Epworth League. He had many good things to say and he said them in a manner that was inspir ing to nil who heard him. At the election of officers, Mr. E. H. Wescott of this' city, was re-elected as president, and Auburn was chosen as the place for the convention to be held next year. Stepped on a Rutty Nail. Miss Verla Schneider, eldest daugh ter of Wm. Schneider, manager of the Farmer's Elevator at Cedar Creek was in the city for a visit at the home of H A. Schneider Wednesday. Miss Verla says her sister Helen has a very sore foot as a result of stepping on a rusty nail. Dr. Worthman, of Louisville, who was called, thought blood poison might develop but applied the proper medicines, and the wound is doing very well at present. See us for sale bills. mYrm h s Sons Maple Grove I i Dajly Happenings Comings and Goings of People you Know. Speciul Correspondence. Julius Engelkemetr spent Monday in Murray. Adum Schafcr made a trip to Manley Thursday. Joe Wagner made a business trip to Plattsmouth Tuesday. Hammond Beck delivered hogs to Nehawka market Tuesday. - R. A. Young shipped cattle to the South Omaha market Tuesday. Last Wednesday the wind blew down the large corn crib of W. H. Puis. W. H. Puis and wife, and Mrs. Alf Gansemer made a trip to Weeping Water Saturday. Don't forget to celebrate the 3rd at Murray and have a good old fashioned time. Quite a number of this locality at tended the platform dunce at J. B. Dawson's Saturday night. Marvin Fleming and wife left Mon day for their home at Coleridge, Neb., after spending about a month at the home of Mrs. Levi Rusterholtz. Our annual school meeting was held Monday night at 8 o'clock P. M. J. L. Yourg was re-elected, treasurer and W. K. shepherdson was elected direc tor to fill vacancy. State Temperance Meeting. The Nebraska Temperance Union hereby calls a meeting of representa tives of the Temperance and Civic or ganizations of the state of Nebraska, to be held at York on July 8 and 9, 1909. The first session will be held at 1:30 p. m., July 8, in the Methodist church. In the evening of that day a great pub lie meeting will be held in the York Chautauqua Pavalion.and at 8:00 a. m., July 9, the final session will be held for summing up results and organization for vigorous work.. Good speakers and music will be provided for all of these meetings. The purpose of this meeting is to get all Nebraska Temperance agencies and forces more closely and effectively united for an immediate and aggressive campaign for County Option and ulti mate statewide Prohibition. Every man, woman and child in the state, who desire a part in the triumph ant overthrow of the open saloon, is cordially and earnestly invited to attend and take part in this meeting. The only credentials required will be a will ingness to help stamp out the infamous liquor traffic from our beautiful and be loved Nebraska. York, famed for having never har- j bored an, open saloon within her bor ders, has flung wide open her gates and awaits our coming with cordiality and a hearty welcome. Entertainment will be provided for all who attend, at very nominal cost, in the homes and hotels of that clean little city, known and respected for its hospitality and comfortable environments. All roads will lead to York on July 8, and you are invited to be there and join in the mighty battle against our common foe, the shame of our nation and the enemy of our homes -the open saloon. v Dated at Lincoln, Nebr, this 28 day day of June, 1909. The Nebraska Temperance Union, Attest: T. M. Wimberley, Pres. Frank A. Harrison, Sec. Dry Weather Needed. John McNurlin drove in from Cullom this morning where he had been on i visit to his brother-in-law, W. H Seybert. John was surprised to see bo much mud here and states that but enough rain fell to lay the dust nicely in that vicinity. He says dry weather would suit the farmers best right now as small grain will be ready for har vesting as soon aa corn can be laid by. Clymer-Carr. j Mr. Pearly Clymer aged 22 and Miss j Lulu Carr, aged 19, both of Greenwood, Nebr., were married at the courthouse j by County Judge Becson Wednesday. ; The groom is a son of Mr. and Mr?. i Jos. Clymer and the bride is a daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Carr, nil prominent residents of Greenwood. The News-Herald join3 their many friends in extending best wishes to the happy couple. Acorn cigars 5 cents each. S.noke on "Acorn" and be happy. Enjoy Fiahing Trip. Ed Lutz, and son Eddie and Dick Os borne, head clerk in the grocery de partment, made a hurry up trip out to Cedar Creek last Tuesday evening where they expected to slip up una wares on the black bass and croppy in the fish pond there and cap ture wagon loads of the poor unsuspect ing things. Each gentleman had a arge basket of lunch with him and up on being informed that there was a splendid hotel at Cedar Creek, ac knowledged the fact but declared they would be too busy throwing out their tackle to go up town for supper. Ed had made arrangements with Conduct or Johnson to stop the special train there and returned home that evening. We have sought to have an inter view with the boys since their return but for some unaccountable reason they are keeping close under cover. How ever, we learned from other sources that they developed a huge appetite, and were able to devour every crumb of their lunch; also that Ed, Sr., and Jr., each had several fine plump mosquito bites while the little bass gnawed all bait ofF of Dick's hook. Of course this is only hearsay and when the boys re turn from "Tall Timber" wc will glad y correct any misstatements. Incorporate New Company The News-Herald Publishing Com pany has been incorporated with a cap ital stock of $7000, with Ernest M. Pol lard, Wm. L. Pickett and A. L. Tidd, as incorporators. The plant is to be put in first class condition. The busi ness will be increased, and all kinds of printing will be handled. Considerable new machinery will be added. It is the purpose of the new company to publish one of the best newspapers in the state, and make the job department complete in every detail. This will be a paper of which the city of Platts mouth may feel proud of. It will en large the field of printing business and give the city wider publicity.- The po!' icy wilkjbfe tcT give " riattambuthand Cass county the very best newspaper to be found in its field. Married at St. Johne. Wm. Swatek ar.d Miss Josephine Yelinek were united in marriage in this city Tuesday morning by Father Shine of St. John's Catholic church. The ehurch had been beautifully decorated for the occasion with roses and foliage. Promptly at 9 o clock the bridal party entered and marched up to the alter in step with the strains of the wedding march where they were met by the priest who performed the ceremony in the presence of a large number of re latives and invited guests. Miss Frances Hiber was bridemaid and Chas. Yelinek was groomsman. The bride wai exquisitely attired in in dainty white, while the bridesmaid wore green. The g.-oom and his best man were dressed in conventional black. After the ceremony the bridal party enjoyed a splendid wedding breakfast at the home of the bride's parents,' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Yelinek. The bride was reared in Plattsmouth and is one of Cass county's efficient school teach ers. The groom is an energetic young man employed as a foreman in one of the departments of the stock yards at South Omaha. The young people start their new life under very favorable circumstances and their many friends join News Herald in extending best wishes for a happy and useful journey through life. Another Auto. Emmons Richey returned from business trip to Omaha and other points Tuesday. Lmmons had recently sent in an or der through the firm of Parmele & Bar ker for a fine Overland runabout and the machine was here when he re turned home. ChafTeur Barker took him for a spin or two down main street after which Emmons assumed control and handled the car like an old timer. The auto will save him many dollars in his busi ness as well as afford him much pleas ure. Will Make Extended Visl'. Mrs. Amanda Brown and son Roy of Taylorville, III., arrived in Plattsmouth this week for a visit of several months with relatives here. Mrs. Brown U a sister of L. B. Brown, of Rock Bluffs, and an aunt of Mrs. John Cory. As it has been thirty two years iince theaa rilatives had met there was on affecting reunion. Newsy Nuggets From Nehawka Cronology of Events at the Oy ster Bay of Nebraska. Special Correapomlence. Miss Carrie Allison, of Murray, is visiting with Mrs. D. C. West. Miss Florence Todd was a passenger to Weeping Water Wednesday. The Royal Neighbors held an ice cream social last Saturday evening with. fair success. The Entre Nous club were enter tained at the home of Mrs. B. O. Tuck er Thursday. Wayne O'Day of Denton, Nebr., called on his father, T. J. O'Day, Mon day morning. At the school meeting Monday even ing H. F. Kropp tvas reelected modera tor on the school board. Mrs. Maggi of Lincoln, who has been visiting with Miss Florence Todd re turned home Sunday evening. Mrs. Kate Nelson's new house is gradually neuring completion and will be the next addition to Nchawka's residences. ' L E. Stone and family of Cherokee, Okla., are paying a vacation visit to relatives in this vicinity. Mr. Stone, who is a banker was formerly the drug- gist at this place. T. J. O'Day went to Plattsmouth Monday evening and from there went to Atkinson, Neb., on a visit to his uncle, J. II. Overton, who has a ranch near that place. Mrs. O'Day and Mas ters Ingle and Lester preceded him. there about two weeks ago. Messrs. F. B. Sheldon, F. L. Nuti man, and A. F. Sturm went to the county seat Tuesday evening to attend the stockholders' meeting of the Cass Land Co., who have 2H15 acres of land near Lamar, Colo. This company has about 400 acres in wheat which looks aa though it would make about twenty- five bushels per acre. . Ninth Birthday. Tuesday, June 29th, was Miss Nora Livingston's ninth birthday Anniversary and to assist her in celebrating the event, Miss Nora had six of her little friends spend the afternoon with her. The principal amusement was derived from various games and childish pranks, which were entered into with much int erest and enthusiasm by the little guests and which occasioned much mer riment. At an appropriate hour the little girls sat down to the birthday supper spread in the dining room and not the least of the many tempting dainties was the birthday cake, which stood in center of the table, lighted with nine candles. Miss Nora was the recipient of some very pretty gifts, which will assist her in remembering the happy event. In the evening they attended the moving picture show at the Majestic theater. A Big Corporation. Attorney C. A. Rawls who has been visiting in the city with his family and friends for a few days departed Wed nesday for Granada, Col., where he is now located as manager of the large ranch owned by the Cass Land Comp any. Mrs. Rawls accompanied him as far as Omaha. Mr. Rawls has been actively engaged in farming on the ranch, and has one hundred acres of wheat all up fine and headed out, and three hundred acres of alfalfa which grows well there. Besides the splendid prospect for crops there are hopes of building of a line of elec tric road through the territory in which event the couutry would be quickly settled, and the largo ranches divided into tracts suitable for men of ordinary means and sold. Will Celebrate. , The Methodist Sunday school is mak ing preparations to celebrat the great, grand and glorious Fourth on Monday, July 5, in an appropriate manner in the grove south of the ball park on Chicago Ave. Father Winn has been unani mously elected1 marshall of the day. There will be amusements of various kinds, but no fireworks of any kind wilt be allowed on the grounds. With their lunch in their baskets the members of the school and their friends will assem ble in the park about 10 o'clock in the forenoon and will probably remain until about 5 in the evening, providing the weather is pleasant. Fine job work done at thii office.