The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, June 21, 1909, Image 8

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Hiu'CirI Currrsponilonce
Ji'.n. Croup went to Lincoln Monday
evening on business.
Mr. und Mrs. Henry Hull Stmd.iyeil
with Jno. Huil und family.
liurn to Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Jochim,
Wednesday, June Id, a girl.
Mr. and Mr. M. L. Williams went
to Onmha overland Saturday.
Mrs. Henry Schooman in h guest of
Mrs. Wm. Hoover this week.
(.has. l ankonin has purchased an
automobile of which he is justly proud
The little daughter of Wm. Wendt
has been very sick the pant few days
The Platte River bridge railing has
been painted red by Wood & McLeran
Mrs. Chas. Heth of Furlhoin, Michigan
is a guest 01 ner sister Airs, iienry
Mrs. M. U. Thomas passed through
town Thursday evening enroute to
Weeping Water.
A large delegation of W. C. T. U.
ladies attended the convention at
I'lattsmouth Thursday.
Von Hardy, Rose Rathbun and Mr.
and Mrs. Aug. Ossenkop attended the
dance at Gretna Friday evening.
A large party of young people passed
through town Friday morning enroute
to the State Fisheries for a picnic.
Donald Ellen, who was operated on
for appendicitis at the St. Joseph hos
pital, is doing nicely and will be home
The A. O. U. W. Lodge have moved
their belongings into the I. 0. 0. F.
hall. A ppeciul meeting will be held
July 2.
Miss Hanna Ingram returned Satur
day from Dustin, Neb., where she has
been with her sister Mrs. H. Inhelder
teaching music.
Mrs. Joe Cox and children returned
Saturday for a visit with relatives.
Their household huving been recently
destroyed by fire.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ahl gave a mas
querade party at their home Friday
evening in honor of Miss Maymc Huil,
who is visiting with them.
The Odd fellow lodge will give an ice
cream social in the Mayfield park Tues
day eveni ig. Everybody is invited to
come and enjoy a so:ial evening.
Little HossieCIine returned last week
from Omaha where she has been at
tending, school to spend vacation with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A.CIine.
Chas. Noyes, L. J. Mayfield, C. G.
Mayfield, Wm. Thomas and V.'. A.
Cleghorn attended the Republican Cen
tral committee meeting at Elmwood
Prizes awarded by the medicine shew
were given to Louis Reihart and Mi.-s
Mae Steele each being a diamond ring.
Tne show company moved from Louis
ville to Cedar Creek.
Mrs. L. Kilgore and children came
Smday from Columbus, Ohio. Mr.
Kilgore is an employee at the National
S:one quarry and expects to make
their home here this summer.
Louisville Base Ball Club played
Manley team at Manley Sunday after-
mi J
noon, ine scores (j to 7 in favor of
Ma dev. The Manley boys have built
a new grandstand and tendered the
Louisville people a pleasant afternoon
L. 1'. Sign and' family "of Lincoln
passed through Louisville Sunday in his
machine, enroute to Omaha. Mr. Sign
was formerly a newspaper man at this
place. He is r.ow a stockholder and
manager of the Carpenter Paper Corn
pa ly.
Saturday night about forty dollars
worth of brass fixtures were taken
from the steam shovel and other ma
chinery nt the Calhoun Construction
:'lliltl!UllliyV O .M!jiil. iimr
SW It i
arber V
A good, close clip will add greatly to its personal
appearance, as well as prevent "dandruff and
'falling out." In other words, your lawn
will do better if kept in shape by regu
lar trimming with a good mower.
We have them in several stj'les
and prices from $2 25 to $15.
Burdens Lifted.
From Phttsmouth Backs-Relief
Proved by Lapse of
works. The night watchman retired
at midnight and no trace of the thief
has yet been found.
M. L. Williams opened a commission
office over Fraters Drug Store, Mon
day morning. A. II. Ellis of Des
Moines, la., is employed as telegraph
operator. The office is a branch of the
UiHlike Grain Company and will be op
erated with a direct wire from Chicago.
Farewell Party.
A farewell party was given at the
home of Mrs. Short from 3 to 0 Friday
afternoon, to Miss Mary Filbin who
has been living with her aunt in this
city and attending school for the past
The little guests were invited to say
bood-bye to Mary who left for her
home at Hartwell. Neb., Sunday morn
ing. The little folks indulged in many
games with much enthusiasm, the same
being at high Hood later when refresh
ments were announced in the dining
room. Miss Mary was the recipient of
a great many pretty gifts, which will
often assist her in recalling this or that
little playmate.
The party was all over at 6 o'clock
and the merry visitors departed for
their homes, having had a fine time.
Those present were: Albia and Rosa
Jirousek, Sophia and Josie Ulrich, Car
oline Schuldice, Mary Skoumal, Lil
ian Hartwick, and Helen and Agnes
Of District Court Tuesday,
The adjourned session of the district
court will be held by Judge Travis,
commencing Tuesday, July G when the
jury will report for service at 10 o'clock
a. m. The cases set for trial are as
July (i, Herald vs. Coates.
July Ethel Clark vs., Jacob Fleish
man. July !, Carroll vs. Jeary.
July 12, Law vs. Hall.
July 1:1, McCord Townsend vs. Henry
It is estimated that a week or ten
days will be required to clean up these
Brief Local
See us for sale bills.
' Fine job work done at this office.
I.owr.ey's fine candies at Gering's.
Take a Kodak on your vacation. Ge
ring & Co.
Prescription wjrk a sp;cia!ty a
Gering's &. Co.
Goring 4. Co. can fill your prescrip
tion in the right way.
Mr. Streight Improving.
Mrs. A. L. Jackson of Omaha who
was called to the city several days ago
I by the illness of her father Henry J.
I Streight returned to her home this
I Mr. Streight wa3 very low from the
j effects of paralysis but his condition
; ha3 improved so much that his rela
! tives and friends hope to see him up
! ar.d about again.
Funeral at Weeping Water.
j services of Mrs. Hannah M. Warrant
; were held from the home of her son-in-
Acorn cigars 5 cents each. Smoke an aw, s. W. Orton, Friday morning.
"Acorn" and be happy. j The services were largely attended and
The latest styles in wall j riper to : were conducted by the Rev. G. H.
choose from at Gering's. j Mculton. The body was taken to
Take a Kodak with you on your va- j Wabash for burial. -Lincoln Journal.
cation. For sale at Gering's. I r; 72 Z
" Social at Mynard,
Chris Parkening was one of the many i t, T ,. . . , , .
, . , , Jl The Ladies Aid Society of MynarJ is
lain. (Ti ir auu k'-j ntw Oil lUi uj y. . . .1 1 ... r,. , .
Backa'.'h: is u h.avy bunion;
Ncrvuuness wear.: one out;
Rheurna'.ic pein; urinary ilia;
All are kidney bur lens
Daily effect 1 of weakness.
No u.e to cure the symptom.;,
Relief is but temporary if the cause
Cure the kidney ar.d you cure the
Relief comes quickly comes to stay.
Doan's! Kidney Pills cure kidney ills;
Prove it by your neighbor's case.
Here's Plattsmouth testimony.
The story of a permanent cure.
C. Tyler, Rock Street, I'lattsmouth,
Nebr., says:
"About two years ago when suffer
ing from a lameness across my loins
and acute pains through my back when
I moved, I procured Doan's Kidney
Pills from Gering &",Co.'s drug store.
They benefited me so greatly that I
publicly recommended them and advis
ed other persons afflicted in a similar
way to give them a trial. I have been
so free from kidney trouble since that
I do not hesitate to renew, my former
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other. 19-4
P. E. O. Society.
Mesdames C. C. Parmele, J. H.
Salsbury and J. B. Martin, who were
in attendance at the state meeting of
the P. E. (). society at Beatrice, re
turned to their homes in this city Fri
day. The next meeting will be held at
Edgar. The following officers were
President -Mrs. Myron L. Grimes of
Blje Hill.
First Vice President Mrs. E. C.
Britt of McCook.
Second Vice President-Mrs. Hattie
M. Clearman of Mindon.
Recording Secretary Mrs. Helen
Koehlcr of Hastings.
Corresponding Secretary Mrs. Ger-
truce Thomas of Seward.
Treasurer Mrs. Helen Drake of
Beatrice. '
Organizer Mrs. Clara Wilson of
A House Warning.
There was a pleasant company at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Albert on
Pearl street last Sunday. Mr. Albert
just recently moved with his family to i relatives.
the city making the latest addition to
I the large list of prominent retired
farmers already in the city.
The event last Sunday was in the na
ture of a house warning and those
present to enjoy the occasion were
John Albert, Jr., ar.d family, Philip
Albert and wife and Aug. J. Engelke
meir and family. Mr. Er.gelkemeir is
a son-in-law of Mr. Albert, having
married his daughter Elizabeth.
The visitors had a good time, becom
ing acquainted with the premises and .
You may wi:i a home with a box of
Lowney's. Gerirg sells Lowr.ey's fir.e
Geo. and Henry Perry left Saturday
for Elmwood where they will visit
' to give at the home of W. T.
son Friday evening June 2! a straw
berry ice cream and egg social.
All are invited to come and bring
1 along some eggs which are to be do
nated and sold. A short program is to
! be given.
Misses Judith Straub of Avoca and
Solicitors Wanted.
Jessie Jones of Weeping Water were1 the news-herald is in a position
taking teachers' examination Saturday, to use a couple of good solicitors either
all or part of the time. We have a
Henry Sanders, a prosperous farmer ; proposition -one you can make
of Cedar Creek, was in Hattmouth , 8ome moncy wjt. please write im
Saturday doing some trading with the ; mediately, or call at the office.
After a Prize. -
Byron Reed was in the city for a
short time Saturday buying flour and
other necessaries from the local mer
chants. Byron had the misfortune to lose a
horse some time ago the animal being
killed by lightning. This has caused
him some delay in his farm work, but
he hopes to secure another horse soon.
He was looking out for the interests of
his 11-year-old son who is working in a
contest for a fine white Shetland pony,
harness and buggy, and added several
new subscribers to his list while in
town. The plucky little fellow was at
work on a riding cultivator Saturday so
his papa could work for him. The
prize is worth going after and we hope
the little man will win out.
Veils Please the Grocer.
Dave Young was in the city Thur- j "Those velU the women folj are
day from his home near Murray. While war'.ne;. all nailed down tlsh under
hprc Mr. niMfhnwd a find car. tholr chins, are a ereat boon for n?
riMtrp from Anir. CnrvW i all right, all right," said an .'Jast End i
1 fiwor "Wompn. voti knov. are the
feasting on the good things prepared j Fritz Guenther was a business visit-! greatest piople on earth to come In
by Mrs. Albert and her daughters, and I or in the city Friday. Fritz has charge j and sample things. They'll tako a
no doubt will often come in to spend of his father's fine farm abaut seven taste of this and a taste of that while
Sunday with the old folks.
The joins
with the
many friends of this estimable family
in extending a welcome to the city.
miles west of Plattsmouth. j
Mrs. Jonathan Hatt and little daugh
ter left Friday evening for Ahland.
where she will visit her parents and
other relatives for a ftw rluvq.
Crops in Cood Conditions.
T i... ri a r i . . . -
D. H. Mills, an early settler who has ir' V " y P'n
lived in Nebraska for 41 years was a 1 s,"e -v ernnn.asK.iigtnai
visitor in the county seat Fridav. Mr. I be aeWte,a an(1 Pra',rS for
Mills lives near Weeping Water and 1 ni discharge as guardian of the Chopin
had formerly lived in Suanders county. minor he,rs-
He had but recently returned from j Mrs. John Ulik of Denver, Colorado,
Wahoo, where he had been oii a visit ! who has been visiting in the city with
to relatives. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Droege,
He stated crops in that vicinity were departed for hep home Saturday morn
in good condition, though they had been ing. M.S3 Teresa Droege went as far
but lately been in need of rain. He re- i as Omaha with her,
J u: . i . r.M....
lu,uw i,,v.-.,,UJ, t,. Pp,Kpi nrno in frnm Ma f,m
near Cullom Friday to attend to busi-
call has been made by the ! matters ana get prices on grain.
ii? una u m.c vnu ui wurii wunune win
.u .i i : . i e
u"k. l, f Saloon league and other temperance sen wnen ne .a assureu ot anew crop.
IIIO UL.V.I I 14 It W 11. WW Itv lHJ w t U 1 -- n (
Suffering From Rheumatism.
Samuel Goodman who lives near
Mynard was a business vistor in the
city Friday.
Sam is among the number of un
fortunate people who have been suffer
inc from rheumatism this spring. He
Big Temperance Convention.
A united
Nebraska Temperance Union, the Anti-
this spring, but the advent of warm
weather will probably aid him in get
ting the best of the disease.
To The Public
The prices of lumber and building material
of all kinds is lower at the present time than it
will be in the future. Large buyers such as
the railroads and similar corporations, have be
gun to buy in large quantities, the result is the
lumber market has passed the low place and
prices are bound to advance. If you are ex
pecting to build it will pay you to BUY NOW.
Get prices from
m: richly,
you're wrapping up something for
.horn, and the first thing you know
'hey've eaten up about a nickel's
worth of stuff.
"We can't say anything to a woman,
particularly those that are good cus
tomers. Now wj don't have to. I
haven't seen a voman taste anything
In the store for t month or so. Thoso
veils are put on so tight that the only
way they can sample anything would
bo to take It through a straw."
Cle"t'land Plain Dealer
I.aiII-mI Ank jmtr I'riitftfl.H f r a
t'lit-rh.K-f.T'l IVdiniin.l TtrtinilV
I'llU in II tl irvl t. 'I.I ni-u.n.Vl
I'txs, (Mait ttti Ml. .a Rit-lmn.
TaUn mt oih'r. Itnv nf t.mip
l-iiUjll. A-L fir 'II 1-4 IfKH-TFIt 1
Ul AilONO I'ltAMI IMI.I.H.f r ii
yMnknown is lkst.S.l(c.t, Always KH' u.n
New Home Nearly Completed
Coon H. Vallery who was unfortunate
in the loss of his house by fire some time
ago was in the city on business Thurs
day. Coon says the carpenters finished
work for the first time that day on his
new house and the building was ready
for the plasterers.
The hou-ie will contain eight large and
comfortable rooms and is plainly con
structed as Coon nays he successfully
resisted all efforts of the contractors
to induce him to add any frills or fancy
trimming?. He displays good judge
ment in this and we admire him for it.
Wran's to be a Missionary.
R. W. Larson arrived in the city Fri
day from Lincoln whee he made a
business trip. Mr. Larson stayed over
night and visited with the family of his
brother-in-law, C. A. Johnson and fam
ily, Raving the next morning for Tabor
la., where he is taking a course in the
mission school of the Holiness church.
It is his ambition to become a mis
sionary to the country of China, which
he thinks is a splendid field for that
work. He has but few relativee in this
country, his parents residing in Sweden.
1 T" I a. I. '
organizations of the state for a state v-na3 r wa3 "".
convention to be held at York on July Mrs. Benj. Teordorski, who had been
8. All churches, leagues, temperance visiting with the family of Joseph Fitz
societies and brotherhoods are invited gerald in this city several days, re
to send representatives. It is propes-1 turned to her home at Louisville Fri
day. She was accompanied home by
her granddaghter, Miss Catherine Fitz-
ed to make this meeting the opening
gun for the organization of the state j
for county option. The people of York
are preparing to entertain 1,500 people.
Home From Hospital.
P. P. Meisinger was in the city
Thursday ar.d boarded the morning
train fiir Onmlin Ila ruhirnml m Mn
1)1.11..,;..' - -ii ... i Saturday at the County Superintend
ing the evening accompanied by his I ., ' ... ' '
Misses Cora Mueller, Florence Comer
and Edna Lcffler of Elmwood, and
Miss Lottie Wunderlich of Nehawka,
made up a bright party of Cass County
girls taking the teachers' examination
wife who is rapidly recovering from an
operation had recently at an Omaha
Mrs Meisinger was not strong enough
to take the ride home and will rest at
the home of her brother-in-law. M.
Ilild, in this city for a few days before
returning to her home.
Makes Regular Visit.
Frank Ingram, a thrifty farmer from
the vicinity of Louisville came in on
the morning train Friday on business
at the County Court house. Frank says
he does not ofter get to Plattsmouth,
and this was one of his regular trips
for the purpose of paying his taxes.
He is a good citizen and we would be
glad to see him oftener.
er.t's office in the court house.
Mrs. John Nemetz departed Friday
for Chicago, where she will spend sev
eral days visiting with the family of
her brother and other relatives and
friends. Mrs. Nemetz formerly lived
in Chicago and she expects to have a
splendid time while toere.
Judge Eeeson issued a marriage li
cense Saturday to John II. Oehlerking,
age 26, and Elsa Goetz, age 22, both
of Elmwood. These are both popular
young people. They were married
at Elmwood, Sunday. The News-Her-ald
joins with their many friends in
wishing them a prosperous and happy
life. Frank Gobleman was a passenger
Friday for Omaha where he goes to
consult the surgeon in regard to his leg
which has been causing him much un
easiness lately. Frank has had a hard
John F. Wehrbein of near Cullom
was in Plattsmouth Saturday and while
here had a settlement with the Duff
Grain Company for about 2100 bushels siege which his friends hope he will be
of corn, which he recently delivered at spared the pain and danger of another
Cull m at 07 1-2 cunts per bushel. operation.
Time Is Here
Take a Kodak with you and
enhance the pleasures of
your trip a hundred fold.
We have them in all styles
and at all prices and will
appreciate an inspection of
our line,