The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, June 21, 1909, Image 7

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To Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Rockland, Maine.-" I was troubled
for a long timo with rains in mv back
and siilo, and was miserable in every
I doctored
until 1 was dis
couraged, and
thought I should
never get welL I
read a testimonial
about Lydia E.
liiikhain"s Vegeta
ble Compound, and
thought 1 would
try it. After tak
injr three bottles I
was cured, and
never felt so well
in all my lit'o. I recommend Lydia E.
l'inkham's Vegetable Compound to all
my friends." Airs. Will Young, ft
Columbia Avenue, Itockland, Ale.
Jiackacho is a symptom of female
weakness or derangement. If you
liavo backache, don't neglect it. To
pet permanent relief you must reach
the root of tho trouble. "Nothing wo
know of will do this so safely and surely
its Lydia K. l'inkham's Vegetable Com
pound. Cure tho causo of these dis
tressing aches and ains and you will
become well and strong.
The great volumo of unsolicited
lesti inony constant ly pouring in proves
conclusively that Lydia E. Tinkham's
Vegetable Compound, made from roots
and herbs, has restored health to thou
sands of women.
iMrs. l'inkliairt, of Lynn, Mass.,
Invites all sick women to write,
her for advice. She lias jriiided
thousands to health free of
Freddie Your father told mo that
1 was the black sheep of the family.
Cert rude What did you eav?
Freddie Hah!
Interrupted the Wedding.
The other day, at the Shawnee
county Court House, Probate Judgo
Schoch was about, to marry a young
couple. He pronounced the prelim
inary words nnd told them to Join
hands, and started on the ceremony.
"Hey, there! Hold up a minute!
Walt. I say!" This series of startling
exclamations ramc from the door.
The groom was horrified tho bride
badly stared.
"Just a minute. I want to give you
each an apple before you are married."
said the man who had made tho noise,
r And In be calmly walked nnd handed
each of them a Grimes Golden.
It was one man's Idea of a Joke.
Kansas City Journal.
No Butler for Pneurltch.
"We'll have to get a butler,
know," said Mrs. lmeuritch.
"What for?" asked Mr. Pneurltch..
"Well, to look after the wine cellat
and "
"Not much, Prlscllla! I'm capable ci
looking after the booze myself."
"A butler lends dignity to an estab
lishment, too."
"Well, when I get so hard up for
dignity that I have to borrow It from
e butler, 1 11 unit and go back to the
retail grocery business. You manage
the hired girls, Prlscilla, and I'll at
tend to running tho man part of thla
at Breakfast, Lunch
or Supper
A new dainty of pcarty white
corn, by the makers of Postum
and Grape -Nuts.
Toasties ore fully cooked,
rolled into thin wafers and
toasted a crisp, golden-brown.
Ready to cat direct from the
box with cream or good milk.
The exquisite flavour and crisp
tenderness delights the most
fastidious epicure or invalid.
The Taste Lingers"
ilar pkjj. loc.
Large Family size 15c.
Sold by Grocers.
Item of Interest Taken From Here
and There Over the State.
Central City has raised $1,000 to
celebrato the Fourth of July.
Aurora had a band day recently,
when 3,000 people were In tho city
from the surrounding country.
A special train left Harvard the
first of the week with thirteen cars of
stock for the Chicago market, sent by
several different farmers combining.
Wlliam Beck, colored, for many
years a porter at a Beatrice hotel, was
lodged In Jail on a complaint drawn In
three counts and tiled by Chief McGlrr,
charging him with bootlegging.
Ruel Niins of Vashon Island, a for
mer resident and business man of
Falls City, was found wandering on
the streets of Seattle last week, men
tally unbalanced.
Elkner's boarding house at Alliance,
known as the Sanitarium, burned down.
No one appears to know the origin of
the tire as tho building was unoc
John Seymour and Joseph Smith,
who were nrrested In Kearney for
picking pockets pleaded guilty and
were sentenced to three years each In
the penitentiary.
The body of Hans C'hristensen, aged
about 70 years, was found at the bot
tom of a GOfoot well on his premises
in Washington county. It Is supposed
the accident occurred as he was clean
ing the well.
Surveyors from the Union Pacific
staff have been in Grnnd Island going
over the grounds of tho shops with the
view, it Is stated, of making a big
addition to the present roundhouse or
building a new one.
The residence on tho old McGlrr
homestead, two miles north of Pick-
roll, was destroyed by fire. The house.
with practically all Its contents, was
destroyed. The origin of tho lire Is
The worst ball storm for years
struck Kennard last week. It hailed
for about twenty minutes, mostly fine
hall, but some ranged as largo as wal
nuts. There was very little wind and
it did not do a great deal of damage.
Upon complaint of Henry Frerlchs,
George Flesher, a young fanner living
near Beatrice, was nrrested for alleged
Rtatuatory offense against Katie Frer
lchs. 15-year-old daughter of the com
plnlnant. James Harris Masters died at his
home at Syracuse, aged 90. He was
one of tho pioneer settlers of that
part of the state and the foremost hor
ticulturist of the state. It Is said he
was the first man to grow apples In
Judge II. D. Travis In district court
at Plattsmouth sentenced John A.
Flelsner who was convicted of assault
with Intent to do great bodily Injury
to Charles Burke, both tramps, to
serve a term of one year In the state
The recapitulation of the assessor's
returns shows a total actual valuation
of all property In Adams county of
$'.l,000, aa compared with n total
of $27.2S0,925 In the assessment of
last year. The increase for the year
is $1,483,925.
The Beatrice Ijiwn Mower Manufac
turing company, recently orgnnlzed,
experts to be ready for business about
the middle of August, or as soon as
the company can obtain possession of
the building now occupied by William
Steffen as a garage.
A hailstorm, apparently commencing
a few miles northwest, of Silver Creek,
destroyed gardens nnd fruit In the
tow n, nnd seriously damaged crops in
Its wake. It passed from the north
west, to the southeast, apparently be
ing but a few hundred yards In width.
Carl Chapman, son of Mr. and Mrs.
L. G. Chapman of Tecumseh. nnd who
recently received an appointment to
Annapolis, has decided to give up the
scholarship. He has been taking spe
cial work at Peru and will enter the
government forestry experimental sta
tion at Norrls, Colo.
Frank Kdgerton, who formerly was
principal of the Fremont High school,
is one of the graduates at Washing
ton university law school at Washing
ton, 1). C. Mr. Kdgerton after leaving
"remont did newspaper work In Lin
coln and subsequently became prlvato
secretary to Senator Norrls Brown.
Three real estate deals were made
last week In which some fancy prices
were paid for Johnson county farms.
August Paulsen purchased the Jona
than Sunders home place of liiO acres,
paying $15,000 for the same. Mr. Paid
sen sold Frank Doeden his eighty-acre
tract, receiving $7,275 for It.
Mrs. Lulu M. Yoty, wife of Daniel
Yoty, living north of Odessa, died at
the home from the effects of a blood
vessel bursting in her bend. Mrs.
Yoty received Injuries to her head in
a tornado that swept through Buffalo
county a little over a year ago and
has suffered a great deal, this trouble
helng the Initial causo of her death.
K. G. Myers, of Fremont, recently
arrived from Germany, learned by a
telegram from the authorities at Sod
ly. Canada, that his klfe and five
children were stranded there, Meyers
is unable to understand how It hap
pened that his family went to Sedley.
He has sent them money to come to
Amerlcn, Intending to bring them to
Lodge No. 122 of the Independent
Order of Odd Felows of Mlnden cob
brnted the twenty-fifth anniversary of
Its organlaztlon by dedicating a $7,000
lodge property.
Tramps who have lingered In Broken
Bow this season for a brief sojourn
will probably cross the town from
their visiting list when next they go
that way. Kxtenslve Improvements
nre being made on tho streets nnd In
public parks and whenever Marshal
Townsley discovers a newly arrived
"freight car tourist" he gives him a
Joyous welcome and puts him to work
And Then All Symptoms of Kidney
Trouble vanished.
C. J. Hammonds. 517 S. Hill St.. Fort
Scott, Kansas, says: "I was operated
on for stone In the
kidney but not cured
and some time after
was feeling so bad
that I knew thero
must be another
stone that would
have to bo cut out.
I decided to try
Doan's Kidney Pills
and tho kidney action Improved right
away. Large quantities of sediment
and stony particles passed from me,
md finally the stone Itself, part dis
solved, but still as big as a pea. With
It disappeared all symptoms of dizzi
ness, rheumatism and hendaches. I
have gained about 50 pounds since and
feel well and henrty."
Sold by all dealers. 50 rents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
J v
Wifey I see by this paper that a
man In America sold his wife for a
Hubby Well, if she was a good
one she was worth It.
agonizing" itching.
Eczema for a Year Got No Relief
Even at Skirt Hospital In Despair
Until Cutlcura Cured Him.
"I was troubled with a severe Itch
Ing and dry, scrufy skin on my ankles,
feet, arms and scalp. Scratching made
It worso. Thousands of small red pim
ples formed nnd these caused lntcnso
Itching. I was advised to go to tho
hospital for diseases of tho Bkln. I did
so, tho chief surgeon saying: "I never
saw'Biichabadcaso of eczema." But I
got llttlo or no relief. Then I tried many
so-called remedies, but I becamo so
bad that I almost gave up la despair.
After suffering agonies for twelve
months, I was relieved of tho almost
unbearable Itching after two or three
applications of Cutlcura Ointment. I
continued Its use, combined wjth Cutl
cura Soap nnd Pills, and I was com
pletely cured. Henry Searle, Llttlo
Rock, Ark., Oct. 8 and 10, 1907."
Totter Drug Cbem. Corp Sole PropL, Bolton.
Rabbinical Wit.
An English rabbi was asked If there
was any weighty reason against hav
ing a clock In the synagogue. "By no
means," was the reply. "Have your
clock, but put It outside the building,
and then you can tell how late you
come to the service." Two rabbis
were passing the beautiful synagogue
in which one of them officiated. "How
I envy you!" suld the first, "You
must be in a paradise." "Hold,
friend!" the second explained. "In
the original paradise there was only
one 6erpent, but In this congregation
aro many of them."
From the flower language: "If you
wish for heartsease never look to
Lewis' Single Hinder made of extra qual
ity tobacco, coat more than other 5c
cigar. Tell the dealer you want them.
Marriage will change a man's views
quicker than anything else.
similailnSiIicFoodandRccula ItrtgfJie Stomachs amUJowlsof
Promotes DisUonfltcfrfi
ness and RL'sbConlalns nciitKT
Opiuni-Morphinc nor Mineral
Ati SnJm
QoAhI Sitpr .
Arterfprl Rpm? dv fOTOonsflw
Hon , Sour StomadiDlarrtota
ncss and Loss of Sleep.
Tac Simile Signature oT
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
iij sip
fc?gff nunrantced, under tlvc rPffiA
v. ' . .
(BiW The "Sunshine Seal" on the end is
Vi '? V'-; v proof of the genuine. He sure it's there.
ji0f&$ .W'-iWvf You miss the best in Grahams
mmmm$$m At 'o,,r r
ccr's m Me seal
t" jjftiq: A cd packages.
Ate a Chick with Big Eyes.
A trainman It telling an Incident
that occurred oa a Mohnwk & Malone
train up In the woods the other day.
The train was standing on a siding
waiting the arrivnl nnd passing of an
other train when an Italian walked
through the coach, his hands crossed
on his stomach and his head wagging
from side to side In a doleful manner.
"What's tho matter, John?" some
ono inquired.
"Oh, me sick mo sick as dev." re
plied the man, rolling his head still
more distressingly and continuing the
rubbing of his stomach.
"SirkT Well, what you been eat
ing?" asked tho sympathetic passen
ger. "Fata de chick with tho big eyes,"
responded John, ai his groanB In
creased. John had killed an owl tho night
before nnd It didn't agree with him.
TJtlca Observer.
The Agreement of Vlewa.
Fesslmlst Don't you think this sea
son shows tho drama has a tendency
Realist I have noticed that nioro
people nre buying seats In tho orches
tra. A Rare Good Thing.
"Am UFltlK Al.l.K.N S l'K)T-KASR, nnrl
?nn truly ny 1 would not lime Imtm trilli
on! it o liinff. 1 1 ii I I known J ho ri'lhf It
would plve my urhlnK feet. 1 think It a
rare Kood tlilnK for anyone having nor a
or tired feet. Mrs. Matilda llollwert,
l'rovidenre, It. I." Bold by ull iJruKtS'Hto.
Zlic. Axh to-day.
Certainly Not.
Hewitt It Isn't fair on the face of
Jewltt What Isn't?
Hewitt A brunette.
Try Murine Kye Ilrmrflr
For Hed, Weak, Wenry, Wntery ICycs.
Compounded by Kxperh nred I'liyslclims.
('onfonmd to the I'ure Kood find )niKB Murine Doeiin't Smnrt. Hootheg Eye
l'liln. Try Murine for Vour Eyes.
When lawbreakers become law
makers they will naturally make lawa
that are easy.
Tho Kind You Ilaro Always Bought, and which Im been
la use for over 30 years, Las borne tho signature oL
and has been mado under his per
Bona superv ision slnco its Infancy.
VrfuVVv; UcM Allow no ono todccclvo you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-good,,nro but
Experiments that triflo with and endanger tho health of
Infants and Children -Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic)
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and aJlays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea, nnd "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach nnd Dowels, giving lieal'hy nnd nat ural bleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears tho
Tie KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
Graham Crackers at their Best
There are no better Grahams than "Sunshines"
nonc na'f s Rwi.
Sunshine Grahams arc made of the best whole
wheat graham Hour, at the "Sunshine" bakeries
the finest in the world.
The ovens are of white tile and arc on the top
floor sunshine and pure air all around them.
Sunshine Grahams
Kach package is protected by the
triple seal. So you can be sure they are
clean pure and wholesome.
JopSE -
Sees Final Victory Over Tuberculoslt.
Ir. William Osier says: "Whether
tuberculosis will ho finally eradicated
Is an open uucstlon. It Is a foo that
Is very deeply Intrenched In tho hu
man race. Very hard It will bo to
eradicate completely, but when wo
think of what has been dono In one
generation, how the mortality In
many places has been reduced more
than r0 per cent. indeed, In some
plaees KiO per cent.-it is n battle of
hope, and so long as we aro lighting
with hope, Uio victory Is In sight"
A rold nn the binu doeon't ucilally
ninomit to much, but it invariably pre
cedes pneumonia nnd roiinumptinii. Ham
linn Wizard Oil Applied to the ehest at
once will break up a cold in a night.
Many a man's boasted bravery has
gone lame when his wife suggested
that he visit the kitchen and tiro the
Mr. Wltnlow'n Nonthlnic Hyrnp.
For rhlldrrn teplMnir, HoffnH ttta irupm, rehired In
nnnuiluu, Hay. lu, curei wlud cullu. '.Co Iwitla.
When a woman doesn't have her
Bay it Is berause she Is dumb,
Lewis' Single Hinder Hlrniglit .V Many
smokers prefer them to 10c cigars.
Prldo sometimes has to go before
people fall in love.
Signaturo of
o s
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 25-1909.
Do You Feel Run
If 60, you are an easy victim of
disease. You can avoid danger
if you build up your system with
the natural strength-giver
which helps your body do its own
building up. It puts the whole dila
tive system in a perfect condition.
Regulates the stomach, imparts new
vigor and health to the tissues.
Your Druggist has it,
Tito tlzts, 50c anJ 35c
Is tln most Important pnrt ninny
building you lit up. If you put
1 on Homo rMtiiir Hint lias to lo
laid JiiNtno, and (Iti'snpu every bo
often, you nro inviting trouble.
I'se Wnsliington Kcl t'edor
Shingles nnd lusint upon every
buncllo bcarinir this iiiuilc. It
ft mcuiis 10 iuclies of clear hhinple.
"I Used Cavnrcts and feel like a new
man. I have been a sufferer from dys
pepsia and sour Btomnch for the last two
yenra. I have beet, taking medicine and
other drugs, but could find no relief only
for a short time. I will recommend
Cascnrets to my friends as the only thing
for indigestion nnd sour stomach and to
keep the bowels in good condition.
They are very nice to eat."
Harry fttuckley, Mauch Chunk, Pa.
Dentiint, PitliirAbte, Potent. TuMe fiool,
Iindncxl. Never Sicken, Wedkenortirlpw.
ll. 2V. SOc. Nnver noM In bulk. Tho Kn
nine labli t .((import C (' C. Uuaraotoetl to
cure or your money back. 926
73 W. Adams St., Chlmeo
Stnrch, llko everytlilng cUo, Is bo
lng constantly improved, tho patent
Starches put on tho market 25 years
ago nro very different nnd Inferior to
thoso of tho present day. In tho lat
est dlKoovery Defiance Starch all
Injurious chemicals nre omitted, whllo
tho addition of nnother Ingredient, In
vented by us, gives to tho Starch a
strength nnd smoothness never ap
proached by other brands.
7 1 of tliii paper de.
Keaders "y
anything idvcr
tiied in tu columns thoula insift upon
having what they ask lor, refusing all
subflitutet of imitation.
Dr. MYINTOMI reli'lirateil
Natural Uterine Supporter
Ivvtliiimnliatr rvlier. SiM l' 1 ' nr
triivl ln.lrMin.iit clrnl't" an. ',"",ll"lf
IrnwlxtK III t'lillKl -IkImi "' nn.
lltf. pri.i ll.tanu t'krtlt
on AptlNi'Hl"
13 Walnut St., I'hllinlelpli:a. !,(
nmiiurru'turfru if truKv ani
itn nmki'fi of tlin (ipnuinw
kiauipwl "aloowtu eupnurwr.
iht; 'ASn'YDUK DEA1IR fflWi