The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, June 21, 1909, Image 3

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Want Column
WANTED-lie" I Mr;'-r.:T. i'" o'.hers
need apply. Waires 4' and -IT. cent
jut hour. Sternly work. J. II. ll.irte
i-16 YJ V.V.ister St.. Omaha, X.h. !
2fc f r !.. ! !i Iifiutiful HKt curds
fr i:n the it -tiled it;i iuL (
A l''r.-s I.'i.u E. Thomas, cSwrul
Dflivcrv, L.isA::re..i, Calif.
Making Money
On the Farm
II. Maintaining Fertility
Author of "farce Course In Modern
Copyright. 19.19. by American Pre.
OT all lauds need tile tlrait.ap".
I i: t there are none "ii whl.h
the ; H ! i l : of uiainlaiiiitl:;
the three essential ciomcnts. Three
fourths if the ulr In made up of i.I
::n Clover and other leguminous
en; are aMo t set idtmp'ti from
"his source .y menus of bacteria which
'iv. ou their roots. These liacicria,
clntie the iiitr.iren of t!ie air into td
tra'os. a form in which it can ho used
!y tho plants. I'ully mo t nrd of the
tiTnp'ii ro!io( ted hy the ever pla'.it
is led hi tlio soil In tho routs ami stub
ble Oho crop of clover in a four year
rt.:tiou will furnish marly eunuch til
tru'cii for tho roniaiiiiiu' throe crops
in the rotation.
This is a muc'i cheaper f rtti of oh
taiiiiiiir iiiirc uoa than I y pt:ivh:isin it
ill tel ;;l.;:i t's at pi !o 1."
cents a pound. It is much more i -lit-;;hlo
to hi'. mi tin- idtroucn supply fairly
cot. slant h. tlio :i t iuiit'il lis,. , f a ro
t.'.tioii with legumes than P add a
i.nvo amount at one time. Niiro-.'oii la
a !
ri ,t i
."y cf CarvJ S c 3 n Carts
: 'i; woman in New Y i k with
' !oiu' i iH-nch 'r sa: Is'.y ht-r
! 1 l ;'!Mstir c;a . -ion ''a hot
: i:. c 1'sti in t k.iiluav ai.l
wit I carls ii:.- ! hy Sieilhta
j-oasai t. Th so carts 'is v vy v,! !t
tinttti- knows, a it pail to.! in the most
i .t--rs. and fio.p.ii slvw :inc
oxa::. i Irs ol wood oaivlnu The h.'.'.l :
wny 's an. I' d with tlio sides, troat.
and t.ii'.'oaiil.-' of til its. ami ill' cmv-1
lacs iar 'u!o cherubs" heads, anct Is
and v-aitits. Spokes ns, , f,-v bal
uster p'tollis, i'nd shafts havo hen
i-piir. .1 I r !h' stair lailiiu Tho of
1' ( t : v,:t::o1iat hai h .iio, but has.
broil ,! Ir.llOil !iy Many auMs. ' h
youi wiiniau Is pmuil ut hrr orarop
t'oti ,1(1 t XO( U!l:ill, ; n I 'i.l'lris h. r
fit oa t! o i.ihaili'y that h." u:is
tlio i!y i xlilhit ol tlio K i :: in tlio
mi ! i
AUTOMciUI.E Sl i'l'l-IES.-lbiy f
lrj.e-t nr.-1 .!)? ptst hou-e ii wnrl.!.
Mh:I ni lors o:;ly. Shipnn nt Kane
('i.y on), r is ircrivo'' Cataloi; Eroo
St a"!a rd A-itonu J,i. M,piiy t ., vM.iUji t..,-tiiitv is iho attiotict of -uut
Dept. (', 142S .Vii.'hian Avoauo, C'li;-1 f(1),. n xu. s, , t iraionts. rar-
thr form of iiitritos is ro:o!:!y solublo.
fortility is not an important i a: ii rv. rv rain w:;shos s. la.- uf It nit!
oiio. IYr;;ii!y ol tho land in its broad-j of iho This is not into of the
est souse i. irans Its ability to pi'mhirc ! other t ssontlal olonit'iits t.i any marked
larco crops. j extent. Too liberal a supply of nllro-
One of the Important factors lall'i- -rv,n ,.t ,,nt. Mt. toads also to promote
Ca", El.
SAEE.SNE-N-W. have an t oi ii e; for
a l'.w!, Lip-t''.-;'ra'-'::M:;;:o alo.-nia'i.
c ipa!i'oof -oilii:;' a staple lino to a
cl-iss n," ti l l,-,
diireinoiit-', wh
liberal i;!vancor unit protoeMon in
territory tfwantrteo.l. Meroatitilv
.Kv.eliy Co., .)--. ")'h Ave, ('hieniro,
111. 1!-
WANTED-T'iustwoi thy man or wottian
bi n. hydiiojen. oxygen, eakiilin. laa
ta'sinni. Iron, sulphur, nitrogen, potas
sium an.1 pi,' Si'ln .Hi' necessary to
the ;:routl' i! plants 1'inin !hi to !i..
per i out .t the dry i.ia.itcr ut plants h
i:i.".h' iij) i1 rarl..i:i, oxyueti and hy
(Ir.i.i'O. v.-ttlch a:-o o!:t;,ii.ed !:om air
water. 'It !!lo i.tllels el',:y lUI'-e.
i.itroe.i, p'i splioriis and potassium. ar.
used in s:i- h hiruo .piai.ti'irs that the
!v pi t sit- son is :i:.r;v io i o. nun
i the : i : : 1 1 y o'i ih'ath a dog h:n
ii:.!.'ii to can : s his tuastei , aiu
ovory . no has heard of tho ,ttg sut ,
fotiti4 utalor vivisection, who lickefi
t'to h ind of tlio t io:';itor; this man j
unit's iho rpeiathii was fully iusti
f.o.l h a a iiu r. uko of kcowlodo i
or !!! -s ho had a I'oart of :,!oin I
lltl 11111?' have toll reiuorso ( U1(. ;
! rulihi.-h. v, ,:i h. a -reat ib-al to !.ee;. ; ,,, 1)is ;lf), 1 1(.rrll, ,,, M;ln
j up the ban, is si. ;,v In addition to i w VMM edi'inii, na-o To.
loo rapid leaf growth nt tho expense
of fruit or uraia.
The s:t;bl:e and roots of the clover.
brother v. i' i the ori:stalt;s ar,l
Complete Words n:td Music Our Latest
New York Hits.
"Don't Take Me Home." "I Re
member You." "A Hose In the
Path of Life." "Are you Lone
some." "June, .July and August."
"1 Want a Girl to Love Like You."
17 Coits
llnch i'nsl I'uhl.
Send for complete list of late songs.
Send money order,or express order.
Up-To-Date-Music House
Suite 5 , Ferminich Building, ChicaQO, I'.lino'm.
. i r- - ,
" i:i.".le iij) rar:..i:i. oxyueti n:.ti ny- i i
l.tne has iir.UMial m- dr.i.en. which a:.' .bt;.ii;ed !:om ir j - -' -- i j
III I ' .w
I i :.'( i i i
' ."V III
; exIiasistoiS. '1'licso t'::ce are usually! f, J j . j j
: sunken .if i: f.w s,.:ili-il :..::i.t tnods ! ' ' " : I . ! '.
! il - . -.. 'N HAf err .
Amount of Pbnt Focd In Sail;. riSiic. M. j . j I
'l lieso nlaiit foods aie i.U'soiit in i it'lftf v'fS v trr-
in each county i advertise, receive j varying aniouuis in all soil. In i.iar.y j (VS''Si '1 '.:"""t'""' i
ord r ard ttiarau'O liti-iiKs for Xe a' ; cases n is a.ress.iry to ih. 'i fTVi" c ttpf "jfi sT-F'1' '
York Mall Order Mouse. ..Ki:i j supply by t! so ,f ro;a:aor ail for Vj'
weekly; position per.naren': no in-1 tillzcrs. The real need of most soils. (?S5-
vestment reuuirvd. Previous exper j '"'vr. is im, tho addition of m,.v . -- j
; i -
no.;.v. vant'i;': i.i'in ui:i..
, th.s. i: no maiitire at all is available.
( so;;.,. !.t!-n;: may to be supplied
i froia s.i;:c ntlier source This Is espe- I
' r allv in:o i
L?l Noiic
' i
' ( ; la r".m'y l'i in t.
nn'.' ..f A.l.lin.,!! II. .1.1. k
..f the
int. r .
A idress.l."
10,1 Par!; Aw . Now Yor!
ol these materia Is. hut the m:ieii.u
,ence ro. em,a. io .ot.. ,( .
Spare time va.uable. Enclose sel a.l- ! t,, Tl, js ,,,,,, ,!ll r.
drtsse.i envclo)e Pir I'lll iarticul, i j: .,..,. S(.vt,;i , f M,il
lie Dipt., , H1 the M Is-is-'lppl valley to raise a
hundred l.'s!n;s ,f era to iho acre
O'I I ti ll l'i :! in n ... i n.i i ii"iiK,i .
potassiit-i to last c m years at the ' "'.r-u
same rate. M.u Ii .d this phosphorus 1 b nsppi.v
and po:.; slum is oi-m! lacd with other
laateri is i;: mi. !i form that it S ua
avail il. In !! tile use of tile plants,
i )!,e ! : 1 prin. ial problems i f the
farmer, t'n a, is to nr:!eihis stored fer
S!H'e r '.
t .1 s I I Ci
in tbf im.iM. i
m;ii'. i. . . ..
T..i.!l i ...... n-
Von ,c I.y 1 1. it I llml III. t.' I :ih l.i-i n III. .1
in ' tii' . ..nil ii i.. i 'mii n'l.-tftnu l In n in A'O ,
i - - - II .i.i... mi . iliM'.o t.'.l tin.. int...'ie,-,
iti sio.l . .i.ii' v i.ti tli.- 1" th .'nv ill J.ii i'. IS ci. in I
i.ayi.. 0 .it -ii .1 i -i..'.. I .' ii l. e'ii' ti u.l nil I Oi.i' M .1 iMioi I.. - up... i ; r-. r . 1 1 .ni iii i ii .st i ;t'ir.
Vim ii'.-'., (. I. iimii i-l liHt a li'-iti i.ik will I '
luul u:i ..i.l i . no. in lifl'ur.. tins cunt in ll:i- iMiin-
ty i-.imt .....v ;it ri;etHll..illt., Il Sfll.t Cn.lHiy .ill
tll. .! .0. ,,i , ..f .l.i I-. 1 i l, at 1 1 ..'.!." I; . in., ut
wli'.'l' ' iii.', tiili.t i.i'liut... il ihi'ir In' iinv. mil: t
lie til,.!
Wit i. - ! iv I. ut I nll'l tie si-al nf lh. i-iiiMty
court f-i-i , i.i,.'y. Si l.rn kn. .1 I ilny of
Jiim. I ,;' l:y 1 1 . i. .in i.
Ai I. i n I Hn hum.
('n.r'y Juil:i
l.i:i. Tit.
l'.ll pnMtion.
anr'.ur.;. I.h
e.'s in lli-
wt II hs in private i.ils'.nes
i.evv inotr. i id' teat hi:
i;: ir.eti 'if! '.v. tnoii to ;
,ai"u' .c;i'.'l -''I p )' !
..'iar:.! i' r stemijriph- '
, a- ;
. Oir
f I lie soil Is naiurailv poor i i'e.
.... I (!ii"t .
i )ne i f th" simplest vvrys )n ,.
Notice cf Probate of Will.
. V I .... ,
( ' " ( ki. Iii ("im-'tv1 Citirt.
i . !' l!ii.. stuli'cf K. 'itiul II. ii.. .'limn,
iiis me;
this Is by l; reel i m. muring
ns the ir.ti.Iau urder of a
. or
I o vt rniiit n1
.nrlhni.'. 1
mail i:'.-ure.-
th'i.nii 'h and j 'i-
av i:
j.rae'i id a traiairnr
as is oh'aiiaihle b
of t!:.' i. lost ei'fei tlve means of
this is hy keeping (he soil plen-
I'.'etl ol'1 p. s'.l 'h as c-,ver. rout
soaie other le-itiiae. Th! M'pp bo''i
!a:::!iis aial idlrs ,'en Tlio best time to
plow i;;:ih" such a e !! i in t!i. f.;ll.
so t!::t It will have time to ,le::iv he
:ss cf iind.
Ifi'llV ll
j rayed criteria! plowed n::d t In the
yo';r own home ;:
J . .i ,ii,;.
.11 t ...H. ..MM I 'I I .""I. ' v
I " ' " ilf'.'l. it.., I .--III. I,, i. lli.niiiu 1 in-ill.' il.iill.'d tint e'lC.-l I'll IlloVi'Ml,'..!
ance ht any jru-mess eode'e m the tJui; (i) (i(.(..lviM;, ,...:lllk. . llf mnistur,. :i s liable to make tho
country. Wo Kiuruntee suocoss. i r iIt n,,. il. It N the humus hnal sour
Con, lite L-our.-e 1'or .mall e.ih pay-' ,;i:lt ;p,: s ,:t. ,,.;, ,.( , ,,,r t(, sns. j Another method of adding t tlie li'.i-
nionf; balance to !) paid when youijt Iwich that brown streak in the I mas supply is by mowiim a crop of
UaildififT, Washington, I). C.
i""A. L. TfDD
3. Lin: k of Eiilo, Eagle.
Nehiwka Llarl;, Nehawkti.
1 HanU of M unlock. Murdoek.
1 P'irst Nut'lh-'nk.tJreenwoo,!.
4 State bank of Murray, Murray.
T First Nat'l bank, riattsmouth.
Heeure a pisition. Trial lesson free. farrow" that farmers have v,g re
Oitial l'usiness Institute, Or.tral j -ri!i d as an li:dh all :i of fertility
I liiiiims -ivrs the soil a spmijj-y texture
aial irreat'y iacte i-is i:s water lU!it:s
! capai i! v. It .".ho makes the soil lighter
i and wa: i:u r Kopswld I; oataia Ire
.j. amounts of hanim do not bake ut i
: hemmo oh (My easily They are nel J
j. I low a::tl !' ?;. o::d readi'y to cultivation I
i !'im:i:s n ::t.'l::s cnayiileralilc t:i'ro;. i ::!
j-!aul furrl-liis a home for ba-terla
vj which aid in i:iaUi::s plant ro -d avail
!- j able. Crrta'a sn Ids are :il.o forraed In I
! j the ('.peny ii:u' of humus that aid In
J l making the pliosphnnis aial potas j
l' rluai .".vr.ih.hle. It li:l;,'ht n I most bp
i ra itl that the chief pti bletn of main
'"' j talalt! forthlty Is the problem of keep
' , itir: tlti- ii-il vt'i'plhd with l.tttntis.
N'iinlair.i.-.j the H;mus Supply.
rroiiably the best way of maintain
In this bitmus supply Is by the liberal,
use of barnyard manure. The surplus
straw should he used for beddlii;. so
ns to save all the liquid portion and
add to the hull: of the manure. Shred
ded fodder Is also piod for this pur
pose. The manure should be hauled
iiT,.;i ,
Y....I :
ei tin
111. 'II 1 :
l'i O - .
V..u .. i
hi a, in.-i-nufio-o
thF J
:en! !l ; ,
l;!... , i, .
t ,'f
.nl ' ilii 'I I I'll II..O' Lli. I Ii :;!. I I
i ' 'ii - in :i. t t , n r villi :i" i ' rn ' '
: ' i I . I.t-' w ,ii i n I i. - tiii'i.'nt j
'I I li' I'i'.e " . i 4 I "'Ci.i'i .
i H . O H 11' I" 'il...v ,r. I ..'I:;C- !. I
O. ..-.!., I. . f '.'"I 'I, , I I.,- i,!l:,i'.!'. j
- . iii ' ' i i .-t I'm I 1 1 ni O'i-i. -a iH I . tl j
l. ,1 .'."! I-. it' I HI l.'-f' tlllS l'. Ill It Ifl I III' j
i i... in ,o i lat:-in..iitti, ei .oil cutiO' i
.' ,i .lay i.t .1 it;u. 1. ii:'. .0 le i, l iii.'k h in. .
l "! ii'.-.i"i'. if :inv tliriv I.,', ni:i-t t
a l.i ii.r.. , ii, .I .(ay ai.'l hunt ..f h...irniir.
- t:'.y I. in il ui ,1 'I'.' 'hI !' tin' I'inirity
-:;,'l I'l.atity t!i .' Ju l itny uf Jiaio. A. I)..
r ut
Al.l.CN.I liCKPliN,
futility Jii.Iki'.
First National Bank
of Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Careful Attention
Prompt Service
Reasonable Terms
(Ieouci: K. Dovey, I'rcsiiknt.
Frank K. SciiLATEU. Vice Pres.
lIoK.vno N. Dovey, Cashier.
Care (!. Fricke, Ass't. Cashier.
;. A. MiRSKUL, D. D. S.
..Graduate Dentist..
Trices Reaacnalle
All Work Guaranteed
Tv.enty-six Years' Experience
Otlice in Fitzgerald Elock
Fine stationery at our store. (icrine;
& Co.
Lepl Notice.
In the Cuur.'y Court Within for ("usu County,
N.LtaVii I
li t. matter ut Hp estat" il
Sally lJ;fl:ini,in, ilt-rt-as, il, i
; t.titi?? in le'fet.y nivHii tn all MT:iin! inifri-Klfd
ill Kanl .siH't- tlmt a p.-titinn I -n tilttl in Ihf
f utity nun 1 1.' l'u rotifitv, Nt-tiru.-ka. on the aril
ilky if June, l'Ki', alln'inu that Snlly llu-lomoa.
latt a rei.lint uf Cuss I'tunty.N. Iirukn, liepai iei)
thiH life inlcstnte r:7.iI iituI insfotHil of Lota
I.'iliht ( ) urn Nire illi in Work Two '21 in Suel.'l
mann's aijiiition lotlii cay of llatt"ir.outh. i'un
r.iutity. Neliraikn. nnil that Kp7.uli.-th lloui k is
the wilr ari KtevivitiK ut luw of wnil de.
t .aKril, is nf I. i-al aire, anil that saiil inoiierty
i wholly e.vempt from ttttat-hnient, . ei-ution or
rther mf one urncewi, ami is not liah'e for the lay
mi ni of theilelits of the Kui.l iteri'H"el, nnil that
ihI property te io tnc Kaltl Elixabith
jru ill therefore tal.e notice tlia onthc2ntl
to the lutul us fast as formed. Whoa
mas supply is l y mowiim a crop
clover about haUn time and letting it
lie on the frontal The second crop
can be cut In the r:Mne way or used for
fall feed or for sed.
"Cbvsr Sick" Soil.
After i lover has been iowii for a t
considerable length of time, especially I ,tj
If much has been plowed under fol
preen manure, the land Is liable lo be
fonie "clover sick." This Is caused by
::a excess of acid in the soli. This
ccld can lie neutralized by the tippllcn- X
l ion or Kvottau iitr.esioiie. .r.ustie or j
quicklime Is not so oncl as liaiPsttuie,
since it btinis up lare iiantities of
humus and In peiiersil is ton violent In
Ua action. I.ltf.e lias tuiother ndvan
tnp on day soils la that It causes the
particles to adhere together In larger
mn sses, thus maklns I lie soil more
porous The usual rate of application
Is from twenty to forty bushels to the
acre. Willi the appllctitinn of lime, as
well ns with the adoption ;f tiny other
new method, it Is best lo try It on n
small scale first. Then If It proves
prelltable Its use eiin be extended
The Judicious use of ( lover or some
other lemtiae will effectively solve the
humus and nitrogen problems. There
remains the question of the potassium
and phosphorus supply. Clover also
aids with these. The humus formed
from It helps to dissolve the unavail
able materials and prepare them for
I'm use of the plant. As stated before,
there Is enough potassium in the upper
seven Inches of the nverase prairie
soil to last COO jears under the most
Intensive culture and enough phos
phorus fer fifty years. Cloven htines
this seven Inches Into twice us many
feet Clover roots pi down ten or a
dozen feet or farther. Alfalfa roots go
down twenty feet or more. These deep
roots briujj up minerals from the lower
layers of, will and leiive them where
the shallower rooted srain crops enn
get them.
Making Fertility Available.
Oypsum. or l:::;d plaster, has a con
siderable effect in making potassium
day ol July. l:i. al Uioi'loek a. m.. u htannit ... .... .'ml nine, iiliorns available Atiolietl
,n i- i.,i ;.i ,t,i;.. i ,i, ,...i ... . It U n iiwm to i!i'iiv In I lie liMiaivard " pnopui in n .in. no. npimiii
I lattMnouih. Ca8 county. NelirankH. and unless ..... ... . . i,i..,,,M,iJ Is Inst 'I'ld r ilas ! 'be '"'C of '"o" or lilHJ poUII(!. pel' ncrc
k'oo.1 cause in "hown. the inavet of paid j.ctition
lull benante.1 I.nd the entHte or ilei-enx.-d falling Upon it also wash out other elo-
will I awneil a iraye.. ami furtlwr admin:.- lll(,ills 'I'he limilllfe Kpreader Is ail
Irat ion lie dislienniHl with. 1
It ih further ordered Unit notirerf the pendency implement 111:11 Slloum lie loilllil
It will often Im reiise crop jlelds con
siderably. It also has a benellclal cf
?.... .il-,. II clla Pua iiihi ne lii'n
ivi i w 1 1 ti.r.t.i. r..'n.T. v. . ... ... . ....
f.f id petition be Riyen to all lierKoni. intereKted i,.,,..,, 'tl,,, i.i.niiii-,, , bushels to t tie llcfe.
in mid estate liy .ul.lihhii.t a fopy of this onl, r U 1 '1'UI- m" m."l"' ' , ,.,,,.,,, .,, ..(Toi'tlvw unv nf
fer tr,.i .,f tiaUweki. prior to. he day nf ' loaded direct from the stables to the I i.ti:ill. the most effettlxe way or
iuI.T: i '..'"''m;" TfcJ,y.!!!i spreader at iilmost all seasons of the ":'' pbcHplion.s. potassium or oth-
t iic ilalion in Cas county, N.-brunkn.
Witnesi. my hutid and the neal of the county
rourt of said county lhi :trd day of June. llHi'J.
15-li J. IO:i:p(in.
iSF.AI. 1 County Jude".
Somebody will get a great big bargain in the piano which
we have on exhibition at our store. It is an excellent
instrument. Note the description below: Notice.
Statrof Nebraska. 1 , ..,.,., ,. .
County of Caw. In Dmt net Court.
To rluviui. J. HriRV, and Aiphnnia llrittts, Mn
wile, aril unknown heirs and dcyixee of r luvius
ve'ir :i.l snread It. tin even hiver unon I Umls avallnhlo Is by tillage
the Held. With a spreader the uuinure ! Ereqiieut and thorough cultivation. -
can be undo to cover twice us muc-ti i -'l'lt the soil tine and mellow, fa-
crou-.d. so that the whole farm can lienors ine cnemicai processes u, ,.., , x
p ,,v,,r I lot ked up plant food Is made available.
While lanyard manure Is undoubt- 't ""' 1,0 I'M.iembered however,
edlv one of the best means of main-1 "!:,t f.'Mer these uiaterlals lib-
rated the sooner win me supply ne
eoitie exbaiisled. When rotation with
lait'iii fertility. It mnnot idways be j
had. Many farmers, because of their I
J. llrin.d.eea..;.I.S. N Mer'riam. ami t.t,e u.e . ',',,,,'..' ',,. .....rkeH Vti" dellltid ! '''J-'limes. tilliip" ICIll the lippllciltinli of
, li. .'. i. .i'..t-. i... . v .... .... i . . . ' 1,11.1 v . '' I " ' t.,l.,f. ..,..,. ei.ui.l.u II U vL.ii III , I
I'ira, ui. 1 1 usiee, o'-iiiiiianiK I ou ll.l'l earn ol ,,, ... ...i..,, ,
you aie hereby notiliid that on the :'4 h day of ' "l1.".. i.e.-'- w"..s n..i -o. ....
May. A. .. Y.'m, (i.-otce .1. Stnhlniiinn, plaint i:f.
herein fil'd hi" petiiion in the iliMr.i't eou-i of
'ant. county. Nilirika. ncaint aid .IcfcmUnK
the object and ptaver ut' which is lo rcninw' cer
tain rloud-. I'l-em lti. title atd to Millet the title in
and lo the S. vV.'i nf 'ectioti 'l.l,townhtp I-, runife
II. in Cas county, N. htnka. in the .eed plain
tiff and ak'ai".t raul dcfcndattiH and - a It of them.
You and each you am reouirtd to unswer sai l
petition on or below 'he Uth day of July, 1:1' !.
Da'ed ibit 2th day of Mav. I:".'.
Cl iikoi: J. STi.IO Mann
there Is ii la k of potassium or pirns-
,t v .i. tinor.ii i.m i n r itnti in
,-i...,-.- ' 7 ' " i ph, ins Is more liable to become scanty
ers iiinst have some method of main-, ,.. . Bllinlir
i..i.. . r in... ...I. I.. i. .....U .,..1 .1,. ,.,.i,, I , " i"...o "i o'.' ' ..
i a in iii. i i i i ii n ini ii ti", s ii", in j.
H A. I.. Til r. llm Aitnrm
primarily upnti manure.
The Value of Clover.
The best substitute f.r manure Is;
clover. Clover supplies an abundance
I' and c roil nil phosphate rock
are the best forms In which to tipply
thit ini'.ierl il The former U quicker
!a Us action, but considerably more ex
pensive. rcTiissium is usua:iy i)ii-iii i
,3.(i ', of nitrogen, the nioct rapldlv used of I ,r, the form of umrliite or sulphiite
NETZOW CABINET CRAND FIANO. Perfect hcuIc, drawn on most scientielic principles;
latest patent repeat ine; action, extra heavy felt hatntners; exposed pin block; extra heavy three
quarter iron pinto; very best tlerinan imported tuniii; pins and piano wire; patent inulller attach
ment with nickel plated tntilllei rail, best quality spruce in sounding board; ivory keys. CASE
Verj iirtistie and double-veneered irhsido and out, with maple veneer on interior; oval "panel, with
l ftn.tit i f c!.rviui's. Warranted lo ycHrs. Hciht, 4 ft h in; width .1 ft 2 U N in; depth:! ft II in
Siei oid s Book and Stationery Store i
Dealers in all kinds of Musical Mt'rchantiisc, Violin, Guitar, Ban jo and Mandolin strings and
parts. All late shoot nvisie, vocal ami instrumental, on sale.
f '