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About The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1909)
Herali o TWICE A WEEK NEWS. KMaMittl Nov. 5. ! UWlAl.D. fc.MuWiahul Ai'nl lti. 1.4 ' Coroli luUtT Jan. 1. b'.C. PLATTSMOUTII, NEIUiASKA, M( N DAY, JUNK 1 I, UK)!) VOL. XLVI NO. 17 nn Mews ts ss rca Mrs. Fairfield Passes On. Mrs. Sarah J. Fairfield died last Thursday at the home of her daughter in Omaha. She was sick but a very short time. She was taken by a stroke of paralysis and by reason of her age could not be revived. She was a sister of H. C. McMaken of this city, and had recently spent some time visiting here. Sarah J. McMaken wa3 born near Middlctown, Ohio, on Dec. 17, 1S27, and her early days were spent in this then frontier state. Later with her parents she moved to Kentucky and still later to Indiana, In the year 1855 she met and was won by George V. Fairfield, then a civil engineer in the service of the DlufTton Railroad of BlufTton, Ind. They were mairied in the year lS.r." at Fort Wayne, Ind., and the following year saw the newly wedded couple cross cemetery and laid at rest. A large party of friends and relatives met the funeral party at the station and joined in the long procession which followed to the cemetery. The pall bearer were Henry Boeck, Sam'l Thomas, Isaac Wiles, JohnTutt, Edd Todd, and Thos. Wiles all old set tlers and pioneer friends of the de ceased. Mrs. Fairfield had always been a con sistent follower of the Chiistian Science faith and a short burial service was delivered at the grave by Mrs. Aurelia Hilton of the local church. The News-Herai.d joins with the many friends of the family in extend ing deep sympathy to the sorrowing relatives. Corner Stone Exercises Weeping Water Items b'lKciul Correnpotulvnce. R. O. Philips is confined to his bed this week. Mrs. Cope is doirg nicely since the operation which was performed Monday. The Graduation Exercises of the Aca demy begin with the Baccalaureate scrmonon Sunday ar.d continue through the week, ending with the Alumni ban quet Thursday night. The Choral Un ion Concert on Tuesday night promises to be a great musical treat. A chorus of 35 voices, assisted by Mrs. Helms, soprano, and Miss Eggleinan, violinist, ! will give a miscellaneous program. ! The Board of education of the High I School has begun plans which, when , , , , .... , ; carried out, will make the coming year afj" JunC V"-Rll)T- or.e of the mot successful ones in the S. Vv ilhs McFadden, pastor of the First , hUtnrv ,.,.;,,. tho Slltl,.rin. the murky Missouri river at this point , Presbyterian church, lias received re-1 u.ndent there ;,m now be three teach. and locate in this city. Here for many sponses from ministers and laymen in , . , fil,llhv i,wt;,H f nill tn years this highly respected couple lived j .".0 states and live provinces in Canada, .,,(..,.f,)r. nht.,e thrp nIil(,PH will Of I promising to attend the ceremonies at . .... . -th ,. tp;u.ho tnr ,lovt i vear. ine uoara teeis tn-a it has an and here their children were born. the union three children, two sons and the laying of the new church home here one daughter survive Of the sons, j on Monday afternoon, June 11. The ; exceptionally rtronff force elected for AiaCK U. anu josejin ii. rutriieiu are i i ineiiai pjieuhers win oe nev. ur, ira well known residents of the western part of the state. The daughter, Mrs. Susan Tabor, is a resident of Omaha. In addition to the children Mrs. Fair field is survived by two brothers, An drew C. McMaken, of Atchison, Kans., and Henry C. McMaken of this city, and one sister, Mrs. Laura S. Sprague of Buffalo Gap, S. D. Landreth secretary of the Presbyter-! are to b;ma,lcin lhe way of CCTr.cnt u,,,,,,, H.,u uuan j wa,k9 the 8rounda anf j cf of a girl s school at Nashville, Tenn.. j Iaboratorie8 anda bt!tter a33emb!y room .V1"' 1 '"MyH in the building. mien., moueraior ox me uenerai t res byterian assembly, who will also attend the convention of the Presbyterian Brotherhood of America in Spokane on Lecture on Christian Science Able Address by Mr. Frank II. Leonard of Brooklyn. June 14 and lr. The new edifice oc- The body of Mrs. Fairfield arrived in j cupies the site of the Cannon mansion the city from Omaha Saturday morning i and will be one of the finest church accompanied by Mrs. S. A. Tabor and i buildings in the Facific Northwest. Dr. daughter, Jennie, und Geo. C. Tabor McFadden, who came to Spokane from a hunter, he expects to take the belt and wife all relatives of the deceased Iowa a short time ago has become ' as a fisherman. If the mountain fish and residents of Omaha. Streight & identified with a number of movements i could be charmed bv oratory we doubt GeringCoes Fishing. Hon. Matthew Goring departed this morning for a two weeks fishing trip in the mountains of Wyoming. He says that, while Ex-President Boose veldt may have the championship as Streight had charge of the funeral and in the city and he is meeting with much the remains were taken to the Oak Hill j success in his work. not that Mr. Gering would bring home the coveted belt. TRAVELING GOODS $1.25 $2.25 $5.00 C. The Most Complete Line In the City Nothing But Reliable Goods 3 Special Offerings. A genuine steel frame suit case with riveted hinge ancl bolt, linen lined. Excelsior lock, good handle, full size, 24 inch, made of best leatherette fibre. A case you need not be ashamed of any where, and at this special price as cheap as an ordinary canvass telescope. In this lot we offer you the new Japanese travel ing cases so popular just now. They are light in weight and stylish in appearance. Especially de sirable for ladies1 use as they are so easily carried. Have fine linen lining, large straps, good lock and catches. A case heretofore you have not been able to buy less than $3.00. All sizes 22, 24, 26 at $2.25. Here we offer you the biggest suit case bargain that ever came to Plattsmouth. This is a genuine full leather cow hide case, elegantly made and full leather lined. Has shirt fold and straps, covered steel frame, square bolts and best lock and handle. A case you cannot buy in any city for less than &7 1-2 or $8. We closed out a lot of them and they are yours here and now for $5. We have a patent folding umbrella for travelers which can be put in any suit case or grip. It fills a long felt want. Price $3. Wescotfs Sons "Where Quality Counts." IN Last Thurday evening at the Meth odist church in this city Frank II. Leon ard, of Brooklyn, N. Y., delivered a lecture on Christian Science to a good sized audience. Hon. R. B. Windham presided at the meeting and introduced the spaker. Mr. Leonard is a very pleasant pub lie speaker. He has a good voice and a fine delivery. He said the Christian Sciencs church had no creed, but that it tun.9 to the Bible for its doctrine. He said in part: "The work which Christian Science is doing for mankind today is enabling us to eliminate from consciousness the belief that there is any other life than the spiritual, and is bringing dominion and power to the one who before was held in bondage, subject to all things, master of none. When Jesus said, if a man keep my sayings, he shall never see death,' the saying he referred to was this: 'He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do: because I go unto my Father.' The works he was doing when he made this statement were these: he was healing the sick, clear.sir.g the lepers, casting out evils, and raising the dead, 'by the Spirit of Gad,'-to His glory, and to the libera tion of all those who turned to Him." He showed how Christian Science had grown from a half dozen believers in 18o, until now it maintains churches in an Puri3 01 ir' country, and in al most every civilized nation of the world. He said the lack of develop ment in other churches, where they were making little progress, was due to the fact that they were not doers of lhe work. While not all of his auditors agreed with him, they were pleased with hid address. Sunday with G. A. Maytield and family. Mrs. V. T. Barton and daughter, Lillian, of Minneopolis, Minn.; are guests of Dr. . E. H. Worthman and family. T. H. Pollock, general manager of the Plattsmouth Telephone Co.. was looking after business in Louisville Thursday. Rev. John RL-hards preached at the Baptist church Sunday morning. Chil dren's Day exercises were observed in the evening. Jasper Twiss of Maywood, Nebr., visited relatives and friends at this place Thursday after an absence of thirty-two years. Mrs. Hugh Seiver and children of El reno, Okla., and Mrs. Young of Crete, Nebr., are visiting their parents, Thos. Heil and other relatives. II. O. and A. L. Palmer of Lincoln, are visiting their parents this week. They leave soon to work for the Red path Chautauqua company in Kansas. Convention of the Free Methodist church is now in session. Many out of town delegates are in attendance and much interest is being taken in the ser vices. The L. T. L. society gave an ice cream social Saturday night at the I. O. O. F. hall. A good program was rendered and the evening profitably and pleasantly spent. An employee of the Omaha Hydraul ic Press Brick Co., in Sarpy county, by the name of R. Whorley, boarding with Mate Hazen left Saturday night with some money, a gold watch, hat and a pair of shoes. No trace has been found. Omaha vs. Plattsmouth. Visitors Carry Away the Honors After hotly contested Game. Louisville Gleanings D. ot H. at Cedar Creek Something New in Entertain ment at Every Session. Special Corrpspondi-nco Misi Edith Shyrock was in Omaha Monday. Chas. Gerlock of Manley was in town Thursday. Jno. Alii was at the county seat Wednesday. Father Hennessey of Mauley, was in 1 town Saturday. ; Dr. Dailey and Thomas Sullivan were j in Manley Friday. ! Miss Fight of Plattsmouth, visited 1 in Louisville Friday. M. L. Williams left Sunday on a I business trip to Chicago. 1 Mrs. F. H. Nickols and children are ; visiting at Maitland, Mo. I Mrs. Fred Holtz of Sprinfield, visited ! Mrs. A. Masters Saturday. ; John and Chris Gauer drove to Ash i lind in their machine Monday. Miss Jennie Carson returned from Minneapolis, Minn., Saturday. Mrs. Henry Ahl and daughter, Grace, visited in Cedar Creek Friday. Post Master Dorsey attended the con vention at Lincoln the past week. Mrs. E. J. Lewis of Co'.laga View, is the guest of Dr. E. G. Lewi and wife. Jno. Quir.n of Omaha, formerly of ' Mai. ley, died Saturday morning in Oma ha. Mrs. J. J. Twiss and son, Walter and Miss Alice Twiss were in Omaha Thursday. Dr. E. H. Worthman, family and guests spent Sunday at the State Fish eries. The Weeping Water base ball team . played Louisville on the home diamond ; Saturday. i Mr. mid Mrs. Eypeth of Duiuth, Minn., are visiting with John Jackman and family. Katherine Riehcy returned from Crete after a few days visit with the Eflis family. ! The Burlington railroad Co.. have built a brick walk from the station to the city limits. Mrs. C. E. Wood and Thelma left Friday for Brownville to visit her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Barnhardt. James Robertson ar.d wife of Platts mouth, passed through town Wednes day evening enroutcto Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Evans and (laughters, Nellie u'.d Josie, of S. Omahn, spuu ,-That the Ladies of the Degree of Honor lodge at Cedar Creek are up-to date and have set a pattern which many other lodges could follow with good results will be shown by the fol lowing. They have inaugurated what is called entertainment for the good of the or der, which period always follows at the close of the regular business period of the meeting. The plan is to name a committee of two members whose duty it is to see that other members are furnished with refreshments and some form of diver sion at each meeting. At the next to the last meeting Mrs. Anna Inhelder and Mrs. Emma Sears had been ap pointed 83 the committee before men tioned. They prepared a great many verses each of which described a certain tiower and inn lists or these were passed to each member with the un nouncement that the first one to return the list with correctly written answers would receive a prize, and the one who made the worst showing was to get booby prize. The ladies entered into this with great zeal and after the reckoning it was found that Miss Eva Sayles and Mrs. Ella WolfT had tied for 1st prize which Mrs. WolfT won by the straw pulling route, while Mrs. Mary Schne der won the booby prize. Ice cream and cake were then served by the ladies on the committee. Mrs. Ida Seybert and Miss EvaSayle were appointed as the committee for good of the order at the last meeting Thee ladies prepared a very c'.eve liean guessing contest called odd or even, Mrs. Ella WoifT was first to lose all her beans and received the boo! prize while Mrs. Anna Given: has pos session of all and thus won the first prize. A slight deviation from the usual custom was the serving of ice cream in cones. ' The gentlemen are always invited to enjoy the occasion, and D. of H. night is always looked forward to with dc lightful anticipation by the members and their friends. Plattsmouth 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1-4 Omaha 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 4-6 The above shows the score by innings in the ball game at the park Saturday between Plattsmouth and the C. II. S. base ball team from Omaha. I-t was a rousing game and at the iui of the eight inning our team looked like a sure winner with the score 4 to 2 in its favor. But right here the Omaha boys got in some heavy stick work and the end of the score showed they had added four runs to their list, and giv- ing them a lend which it was impossible to overcome, as the best the home team could do was to make one score at the last time to bat. The heavy batting of Mann and Sabatkin were features of the game. In fact the latter batted so well he was in to bat a little too often to suit the umpire who was about to rule him out during me eigntn limine: hut the matter was settled by compelling the base run ner on second to return to first. Omaha made two double plays. One from Kennedy to Kennedy retiring the ase runner and batted and and from Waugh to Kennedy, ditto. Errors, Plattsmouth and Omaha 4. In the fourth inning Mann had his finger hurt and he was placed in the eld with Fitzgerald behind the bat and Beal on third. The following shows the line up of the teams: OMAHA PLATTSMOUTH abatkin c Mann Kocher p Mason Kennedy lb McCauley Kennedy 2b Smith Waugh lib..... Larson Delaney ... ss Fitzgerald Klink .If ; ."..trroegs Saup cf .....Beal Vincent rf Gould Umpire .0. Roorkt. Narrow Zacape. Jarr.cs Sochor, who owns a tailoring shop up stairs in the Leonard building, had a narrow escape from very serious injury Saturday. He had been clear ing some clothes with gasoline when the gasoline, in sjme manner, became lighted and Jimmy was very severely burned in carryini the fire out of doors to protect the building. Dr. Cummins droned the bums on his face and hands and hf is very com fortable now, but will be unable to work for some time. Childrens' Day- Exercises Fine Program at Presbyterian Church Yesterday. The usual attendance at the Presby- terUnchurch was considerably aug mented yesterday on account of the program which had been announced fir the celebration of Childrens'Day. The church was beautifully decorated for the occasion, and the sight of many fl jwers and other emblems of nature. with the song of birds and happy little children, could but bring to the minds of those present, that life is sweet, and though woefully beset at times, we have many things for which to be thankful. Geo. L. Farley, Supt., of the Sunday school had charge of the program and added many bright witticisms during the announcements, which were well taken by the congregation. Rev. Sals bury, who had arrived from his trip to the Northwest in time to be present, told several good stories, one of which illustrated the watchfulness of the good shepherd over his flock and the little lambs. The program was rendered as follows. Rec, Childrens' Day, Elva Hartford Song, I'll be a Sunbeam, Miss Cole's class Rec, If I Knew, Helen Roberts Solo, Little Sunbeams, Joe Eaton Rec, Russell Salsbury Rec, Weeds and Flowers, Katherine Shopp Song, Whiter Than Snow, Miss Doug las' class Rec, Politeness, Addie Sayles Rec, Natures Smiles, Newell Roberta Solo, Rec, Song, God is Love, Rec, Rec, Two Offerings, Song, The Happy Day, Mrs class Rec, Richard Elster, Mildred Rogers Katie Whittaker Miss Cole's class Dean Douglas Blanche Sayles Morgan's Back from Oklahoma. James Sage returned Saturday from Minco, Okla., where he had been at tending to business connected with his large farming interests. Mr. Sage says the crops look fine in that section, corn especially looking well and of course munli farther advanced than here, many fields having been laid by.