The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, June 10, 1909, Image 4

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    j those facta looked like prosperity in
merit. The farmers are said to have
Yr.u know the session for tornadoes is rapidly approaching.
We hope it wont catch you but it may. Anyway you I feel Let
ter after you've tnken out that ToUNADO I'OLICY you have
been thinkirg about and putting otT. Call on
Inturance, City Real Estate and South Dakota, North Da.
kota, Miaaonri, Ta Farme. ........ ,,
1 have ac(iuired the agencies of the following Insurance Com
panies formerly represented by Thomas l'ollock:
The Home, Liverpool London & Globe, Springfield F. & M.,
Imurance Company ot North America, Franklin Fire, Fire or
the agricultural districts. Then, we ; lost in their sale of grain to England
noted that one eastern railroad shows j alone, the first year of that war, $1,
a loaded car movement of 2'J7,;: J cars j T.'AOUO, and in the sale of cattle alone
for the month of May, which is the $1,0i0,im0, and lost in breadstuff to
largest in histoiy except May, lli7. Europe in the two years, ? 11?,00J,(XK).
That look 8 as though the prosperity! Viewing the situation from the above
pathfinder car had blazed out the way. j standpoint, how can any loyal patriotic
Then, we read in the current issue of I c'tizen, be he a manufacturer or farm
the Omaha Trade Review that Omaha j er, oppose the establishment of a mer-
The News-Herald
Eatmd at the poitoffice it IMattHnoutli. Cam
Coanty, Nebraska, a erond-cuwi mail matter.
A. L. TIDl) Editor.
R. O. WAITERS Manager
On Teat In Advance 1-r'
FIs Month! 15
Plattflmouth No. 85 Nebraska No. 85
Tell me, are you advertising
In the same old-fashioned way
That your grandfather used to-
And expect the ads to pay?
Or did you get your "card" idea
From the tombstones of the dead?
.They are not unlike each other
Never changed and seldom read.
What you need is an awakening,
You're not dead, but fast asleep;
Finch yourself and get in motion,
Tombstone ads are not so cheap.
Ads not read mean money wasted.
To get dollars and spend dimes
(Jet a lot of space and (ill it
And for dimes' sake change some
times. -"Doc" Divilbiss.
Strike for increase in ability.
pay for it. In America it requires one
week's labor to pay for a good sub
stantia and durable suit of cloths; in
England for the same quality of clothes
it requires two weeks' labor, and in
Germany it requires three weeks' labor,
is what the evidence before the Ways
and Means Committee in Congress
showed. Shall we continue the protec
tion of American wages by a protective
tariir, or shall we go democratic? That
is the question.
Lift your work any man can hold
down a job.
There is no method of making friends
cqal to the method of making good.
The market is just as big as the man
the bigger the man the bigger the
Advertising has been the first prin
ciple of every success in business since
business began.
Don't let precedent and prejudice
hold you in a rut so that progress turns
out and goes around you.
Being forced to work and do your
bent will breed you an hundred virtues
which the idle never know.
Some get confused when they begin
to compare the prices of American
made clothing with foreign made cloth
ing and merely speak of the price in
dollars and cents. The better way for
the working man to measure the prices
is by the length of labor required to
Do we realize the wonderful resources
of the great Missouri valley? Do we
realize that the farm production of the
United States last year amounted to
about ?7,750,(X)0,(MI0? Do we realize
that we are in the very heart of this
immense production? Do we realize
that we are in the center of the richest
portipn of this great wealth producing
For l'.Hlrt Nebraska stands third in the
list of corn producing states, according
to the government crop estimate. The
final outcome on this crop for our state
was really surprising, all things con
sidered; and the total production realiz
ed must stand as a further convincing
proof, if such were needed, of the im
mense possibilities of Nebraska farm
land. Through tribulation, our pro
ducers have come to most consoling
realization. They have emerged entire
ly from the staggering wave of dis
couragement that hit them in '1)1. And
that is saying much when the far-spread
advertisement of that disastrous year
is kept in mind.
Nebraska today is indeed coming into
her own! She has "arrived" to stay.
Counting in yesterday's babies and
today's transients, the total poplation
within her borders can hardly exceed
1, 250,000. Yet her wealth in principal
crops and live stock this blessed year
of Our Lord will total $:145,:1G5,818.
This means that for every man,
woman and child in Nebraska for the
year 1008 the yield from corn, wheat,
oats, barley, rye, alfalfa, hay, speltz
and potatoes, and horses, mules, cattle,
hogs, and sheep alone would have about
Here Is Prosperity.
There still remains here and there an
isolat i calamity howling democratic
sheet shouting "we can't see any signs
of prosperity," and "where is your
prosperity now." Simultaneously with
one of these calamity howls, we read
in the press of the country that the
farmers were selling their corn at ti.r
cents per bushel and wheat at iH) cents
to a $1.00 per bushel. We confess that
Have Your Clothes Made
to Order
If we make them the price is no higher than you
pay for good ready made clothing. If we make
them the fit, style and workmanship is guarranteed
to be first class. Next time you are in Omaha
come to see us. Our cutter takes your measure
and cuts a pattern for each and every order.
If your garments are to fit right careful
measures should be taken and by the MAN who
CUTS them. The measuring is a matter to which
we give careful attention. Our garments are all
made by home workmen.
Suits to order $25 up.
T.wo piece suits to order $20 up.
bank clearings continue to climb right
on up toward new record marks, the
figure for May having reached a total
several millions above that of any pre
vious May since the establishment of
the clearing house. The volume of ex
changes amounted to $C1, 28(5,081.71, an
increase over the same month for 1!08
of $13, 07:1,205. 10.
But once in the history of the clear
ing house has the record for May been
exceeded. That was for March of this
year, when they reached a total of $71,
7G0.302. W5. March is always one of the
heaviest months of the year, as it
marks the period of farm mortgage
settlements and renewals.
The close of Jlast week showed the
following notable increases: For the
week, $ 1,5(17,081.00, 21.0 per cent; for
the month, $l:S,07:i,2!5.10, 21.1 percent;
for five months, $52,9H5,::ii;.l.",, 21.5 per
During but one month this year have
the clearings fallen below $50,000,000.
This was in February, always the small
month of the year. During three out
of the five months it has gone above
$('( I, (HH),000. The average for the five
months is just a shade below $(!0, 000,000
the total reaching $200,171,182.10. In
this connection it is interesting to note
that this amount is within $1(5,000,000
of being as much as the total for the
entire year l'.MM).
Following is the detailed report of
clearings since the first of the year for
this year and last.
1000 1008
January $57,183,763,0:1 $51,173,807.71
February -17,072,732,72 11,811,803,37
March 71,700,302.8(1 5;,727,2(l,3li
April ;o,S50,205,87 5(5, 727,264,3(1
May 61,38(5,082.71 48,312,787,61
Five mths 200,171,182.19 216,185,81(5,04
Increase over 1008 $52,085,33(5.15
Following is the five months' record
for foi'r years.
100(5 $205,084,802,30
1007 234,045,788,01
1008 246,185,846,01
1900 200,171,182,19
Known real estate transfers of Oma
ha property are $2,000,000 more for the
first five months of 1900 than for the
same months of 1908.
For the month of May the transfers
were $1,024,853, as against $725,572 for
the same month last year. As several
additions have been sold on the partial
payment plan and no deeds have gone
on record, the $1,024,853 by no means
represents the sales of the month.
May was the largest month in the
history of Omaha' in the building line
and the first five months of the current
year have been the largest five months
since the building inspector's office was
The permits for the month of May
were issued for buildings to cost $1,302,
195, or nn increase of 250 per cent over
the building record for May, 1008. Dur
ing the month of May last year 157 per
mits were issued for buildings to cost
$303,385. The buildings of May this
year will cost $068,810 more than those
of last year.
Does that look like prosperity? Can
you see any signs of prosperity? , Keep
your eye on the fellow who howls hard
times. He is either as ignorant as a
jackass, or there is something wrong
with the stuff inside his cranium.
chants marine for the United States it requires Government assist-
It has practically won the cities of the
South because of its wonderful popu
larity in Galveston, Houston and in
every city weere it has been adopted.
In eveip place where the people have i
voted to place their mur.cipalities under
Commission government they have been ;
more than pleased with the results. j
Kansas City, Kan., therefore, has a i
splendid opportunity to study the char
acter of the opponents of the proposi
tion to adopt Commission government
Fish Bite Hungrily
when you use
ance? There is not single nation today in that city. For the plan has worked
engaged in over-sea traffic that has not j a hardship nowhere except upon the
a ship subsidy provision, and it is fair j franchise grabbers, the gamblers, the
to presume that through this means j lawless element of society and the pub
only will the United States be able to lie plunderers who have been able to
accomplish the ownership of American
vessels. Look at the history of Japan's
over-sea traffic under direct subsidy for
both construction and operation. She
increased from 200,000 tons in 1806 to
more than 1,000,000 in 1007, and her
commerce in the same period increased
from $153,000,000 to more than $100,
000,000. In other words it increased in
exact proportion, and in harmony with
her engaging in shipbuilding business.
Consul J. H. Dunlap, of Cologne
states that the report of the bureau of
meat inspection for the German Em
pire for the first quarter of 1008 show3
the following number of animals slaugh
tered for domestic consumption during
that period: Horses, mules, etc., 35,987;
oxen, 138,918; bulls and sleers, 107,8(50;
cows, 420,753; heifers,212, 612; calves,
1,110,312; hogs, 4.418,214; sheep, 446,
180; goats, 126,93(5. These figures do
not include all the animals killed, for
many are butchered on farms and the
circrsses sold, which are not subject
to official inspection. Compared with
former years the showing is a considor-
manipulate the old system to their own
profit at the expense of the people.
Kansas City Star. -
rrV . ' K Il MONH ltrt.M. a
i-Mif.1 Aftk your HrugirUt f r a
i'r' limiii,,rTlrunjA
rill in 11. d ni l . ,IJ mttallAV
'?. MiM ith HI e KiUn. V
I uL nt. t.ihfp. Hi. e V
PruwM. A.kf.l lli.t 111 N.TI KH
I'll IP lilllAU I'll.l.W, f, r lii
yearr.ktn.wnas licst.bafr.t, A:-.vav. l:r::ul .e
In County Court.
Legal Notice
State of Nebraska. I
Cas County.
In the matter of the estate of Addison H. Jack
man, deceaw-d.
To all persons interested:
You air hereby notified that there has been liltil
in this court a petition aliening therein that Ad
dison H. Jarkman. departed this life intestate,
in said county on the lilth day of June. nn I
prnyinir that said estate lie administered and that
John M. Jarkman be appointed administrator.
Magnetic Fish Bait
There's no such thing as a dull day
when you go fishing if you are sup
plied with this truly wonderful dis
covery. If the fish are there you'll
get them, for they simply can't re
sist it. It beats anything you have
ever imagined. It is moderate in
price-25 cent per box-and a
box will last a long time. Besides
this bait, of which we are the sole
manufacturers, we handle
Fishermen's Complete
50c. $1, 2.00, 3.00, 4.00, 5.00
Send today for a box and for our
Free booklet, "Facts About Fish
ing," and illustrated catalog of
fishing tackle outfits. Address
Magnetic Fish Bait Co.
Depr. B. Republic, Missouri.
You may win a home with a box of
Lowney's. Gering sells Lowney's line
Legal Notice.
You are hereby notilied that a hearing will be In the County Court Within and For Cass Countv.
had on said petition before this court in the coun- j Nebraska
ty court room at I'lattsmouth, in saiil county on I In the matter of the estate of I nnnvn
the .Y,fh ctiiu rr Iti.w. 1UV1 ... II 'l..l, . oll I liL i" UKULU,
which time, nil objections, if there bo nny, must
he tiled.
Witness my hnnd nml the peal of the county
court of ("nss county, Nebraska, this :ird day of
June. V.m. By the court.
Al.l-EN J. Reeson.
Pmintv .Inilire
able increase. Prices for live stock ! County of Cass.
have remained about stationary, though
in vane-US districts, owing to local sup
ply and demand, there have been small
variations in pi Ice, in general perhaps
a slight increase.
Notice is hereby xiven to all persons interested
in said estate that a petition has been filed in the
county court of Cass county. Nebraska, on the ;iid
day of June, W, allepintr that Sally Dickinson,
late n resident of Cass county, Nebraska, departed
this life intestate, seized and possessed of Lots
Kiirht t-i) and Nine i) in itlock Two i'l) in Stadel-
15-ti mann's addition to the city of I'lattsmouth. t a-s
county, Nebraska, (tai that hhzaheth Hout k is
the sole and surviving heir at law of said de
ceased, and is of legal age, and that said property
is wholly exempt from attachment, execution or
! other mesne process, and is not liable for the pay
In County Court, ! 'nent of the debts of the said deceased, and that
In the matterof theestateof Konrad Heimmann. 1 Houek
Notice ol Probate ol Will.
You will therefore take notice that on the 2nd
Commission government has amply
justified its adoption in Leavenwoith;
in Wichita; in Des Moines and in tvrry
northern city where it has been tried.
You are hereby notified that there hnsbeentileil dnvofJulv. 1W at 10 o'clock a. m.. a heannir
in this court a pe tion, t iijether with an instrtr j will be had on said petition in the county court at
ment purporting to be the last will end testament I'lattsmouth. Cass county, Nebraskp, and unless
of said deceased. The prayer of said petition is K'kxI cause is shown, the prayer of said petition
that such nstrument be i owed ar.d probated, I will he uranted and the estate or said deceased
and that the estate "said deceased be ailminis , will be assign-1 as prayed, and further adminis
Te. . I tration he dispensed with.
You are further notified that there v II be at It is furtherort' Tod that nnt';eof thependei
hearing upon sain petition before this court in the of sa'd petition be civen to all ne r-. interest
county court room at rlattsmouth. in said countv ! in said estate oy publishing a c opy er this order
on the 2ith day of June, 1' 'l, at 1(1 o'clock a. m., for a period of three weeks pi or to the !ith day of
and that all objections, if any there be, must be July. I TO!), in the I'lattsmouth Wfekly Nkwk.
filed on or before said day and hour of hearing. j Herai.ii, a newspaper publish) and of neneral
Witness my hand and the seal of the county circulation in Cass county. Nebraaka.
court of said county this 2nd day of June, A. L., Witness my hand and the seal of the county
'MX ! court of said county this 3rd day of June, l'JO'J.
ALLr.N .1 . JiKKHON, i:-0 ftU.KN J. HKKKUN
County Judge. Seal
County Judge.
301-300 South Kith Street, Omaha, Neb.
Need of Merchant Marine.
It is a more serious question than ap
pears on the surface. Suppose for ex
ample, that any two of the great pow
ers, for example, Germany and Great
Britian, should engage in a conflict of
arms, or that any one of these great
powers should go to war with any other
nation, what hardships it would work
against our foreign commerce. In
such a case, where would we get the
ships to transport our merchandise?
See what England's littl war with the
Hoers cost this country in the loss of
trade, although the Hoer nation was
without a single vessel of any kind.
The freights from some of the ports on
the Pacific coast were advanced more
than lTiil per cent.
To our line of rugs we have lately added the Olson Fluff a ru you are no
doubt acquainted with and which gives the best of wear at moderate prices:
Size 27 inches by 45 inches $1 45
" 30 " " GO " 1.S3
" 27 " " 03 " 1.98
" 30 " " 72 " 2.50
If in need of small and medium sized Rugs you should see these. You will
appreciate at price offered.
A lot of Carpets and Rugs about 27x54 inch sizes at from 79c to $1.25. A nice
selection of Moquette Rugs in popular sizes-27x54 and 30x73. Also large size in
beautiful patterns.
Summer Underwear
Ladies Uuion Suits, low neck, sleeveless, cuff knee, 3.c, r0e and $1 00. Low
neck, sleeveless, lace trimmed, 35c, 50c 75c and $1. Low neck, sleeveless, extra
sizes, 40c, 50c, 75c and $1,25. Ladies' knit pants, cuff knee and umbrella style at
2.c, 35c and 50c. Extra sizes 45c and 50c. Ladies' Vests good quality at 10c,
15c, 25c and 50c. Extra sizes 15c, 25c and 50c. Long sleeve vests at 25c, 30c and
Knit Corset Covers at 2oc, 3oc and 50c.
Just received for the sweet girl graduate aeautiful full line of fans. Prices
from 25c to $2.50 Hand embroidered handkerchiefs, exquisite designs-all new.
Fancy hose in all the late shades-plain, gauze, lifle and embroidered; New and
up-to-date things in Umbrellas and Parasols.
Kngland at once
levied a tribute upon farmer of our
ivpst nnuor. Btid the ttricos of their i'V
wheat was practically reduced twenty
five cent er bushel for foreign f hip-
I " IX
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