The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, June 10, 1909, Image 3

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Want Column
?!!- f NV'TH-ka.
Oojnty of (.Vs.
Notice To Creditors.
ss. !i County C'uurt.
Watlav Krn".vl
In - TiiiC'or o! the t-ftute of
Notirf 11 l.v irivt-n tlu the cn-iie.ont of ail
iImvsmhI i!l mrot the .Vtrn'ristrali-r with
an-i-vftl nf ja 'l li-fun- it"', t'n'jnty''
(,( ("mi fount v. N.'tirnAn. at t-e County Ci.'ir'
room in riai'mniuth, in Mil ("n'l-ity. uii thi- -l-t
ilv f Jui I it'. at !0 o'cIik 'k. A. M. m" 'Ity.
fur I'uriuwt" f it.t ntinir 'h-ir ,-laimn fi r rx"
:niimtn n. i lj is'mi-it ami a l nvanco.
MX ni.intli uiv ailtiwol furth it-'Ii'i'M of in.J
il.i-.nLil tn iT.-s.-nt tlieir rla in, urn- vwir fur
tl,.. A.lniini.imtur to si-ttli' Nkiti itati'. fmin (!.
We have an opening for j v k.u1 0f ,id c,,.,t- Curt.
salesman, 'luttM-ii'-itli. Nibrn.-ka. this .yth, ilay uf May.
Al t N J. Beesos.
11-8 ISeai,. County Juilne.
"Kind Lady" Was Not the E:sy Mark
NfV'ary Willie Had Fctdly
Hoped to Find.
tFiKt!, up-to-tru.-mir.ute
capable of selling a staple line to all
class of trade. in
ducements, which make sales easy
liberal advances urd protection i.i
territory puaranteed. Mercantile
Jewelry Co., 5'J-5th Ave., Chicago,
WANTED-Trustworthy man or woman
in each county to advertise, receive
orders ar.d manage business for New
York Mail Order Mouse.
weekly; position permanent; no in
vestment required. Previous exper
ience not essential to erga-ring.
Spare time valuable. Enclose self ad
dressed envelope for full particulars.
Address. Clarke Co., Wholesale Dept.,
10;j Park Ave., New York. S-lU
Sheriff's Sale.
V.y virtue of an Oi l. r ofs'ule iijsl by Jamea
KolK'rtsnn dirk of the Pistiict Court wliitin and
I for Ca euutitv. Ne!raJKa. ami tome ilmv-i'il. I
will "n the !4th ilav of June A. I. l'M'.i at 10
i oVloik A. M. of xaiil ilay at the so itn iloor of the
Court Mo'iM' in n;i county, ell at inililic niK'tion
I to the ha'h'-ft I'iiM.T for cash tho following real
folate towii: numln-r fn'irt'-n lil.l in htock
I four ).) in the villaii f Murray, Cass county.
I NV raka.
1 The same li-ini li v!el upon mid taken a1 the
1 t rot ei iv of lVa K. tJ'M'n anil Albert (Jueen. ile
I fi n'lantx to sHtii'v a ju k'inent of paiil eourt re-
covenil hv l'e'r t'ami'lx'1!. Ailniinistrator of the
.state of Thomas I.. CamnMI. ileoeased i.lain'itl
m-uim ') il'-fondant-i. I'lat'smoiHh Nf li . May
ir.h. A 1). l'.i. C 1) l.'' ivtov.
h-ti SlioritT Cass1 o-ir.ty. M hra-ka. ,
Notice to Creditors.
' In County Court
is'ato of IVti-r Turn.
State nf Nehrasku, '
County of Cuts.
. I In the niatt'T of t hi
WANTED-Your men and women to j jgL SJOTtt
fill positions pavil'K.&MI to ijjn'lll Jicr j tato. li.-i'orem. Conn' .In vv of Cass Coiinty.
T.- i i e Selitasku. at the CouiifyCouit nsim in I'latts-
annum. Big demand for stenograph- ,,,,, in ,,.,; c.nntv. anion the .lay of i.-
tU . r...,...rti,t uncvt.xt ii eemlier. W .ek A M . l acli Hay. lor
life. Our
ers in
well as in private business
new method of teaching
by mail insures as thorough and
practical a training at your own home
as is obtainable by personal attend
ance at any business college in the
country. We guarantee success.
Complete course for small eash pay
ment; balance to be paid when you
secure a position. Trial lesson free.
Cential Business Institute, Central
Building, Washington, D. C.
; tin- purpose ot iiri'M'ntinir thoir claims for eami"
I nation, adjustment ami allowance.
Six tnontlis tue a-limi i for the nslitoi s of taiil
ili cea .! to i n sent their claims, anil one year tor
he A'lministrutriv to s' ttle said i state Horn the
JNt ,iuy of Jure. 1!H.
Wit r.i - my hand anl seal of said County Court,
at I'latt: mouth, Ni brasl.a, tl.i Jlst day of .May,
Al l. F.N J. liKKSHN.
SFA!.. County .Indue.
No. ice to Tax Payers.
The County Hoard of Di'ialization will set for
the purpose of eouali.iiar the assessment of Cass
county, fur the year i'.n!t. in the Commissioners
ChifnliT. at the Court Ibeise in I'lat'sinouth. N-lua-l
a. In'irimiini: June lMh nt in n'clm k A. M.
I aid coi.tmiie f run day todny. up to and incl idini!
Monday. June Jl. l'.m;'.
All claims for isiualii-.a! ion must be filed on or
before Saturday the 1'." h dav of June, l'.inn.
riattmou:b. Neb.. May 's, I '-..
W. I-;, lil 'EM-RANS,
lu.s County Clerk.
Uttst bp incf m.h-Ornf OiTitl t Bfison-
tit Prltf. Brt-- quifJC"1 U'flHl Of
tlrf la the ViDdn- Wnt.
M rmnr l iiii n It.k . iti. vnim. 0Ah. NEB
Bank of Eagle, Eagle.
Nehawka Bank, Nehawka.
Bank of Murcioek. Murdoek.
First Nat'l bank, Greenwood.
State bank of Murray. Murray.
First Nat'l bank, Plattsmouth.
STRAYKD-Brown horse, bob-tailed,
white around nose. Has halter on.
Last seer, going south. Phone in
fiirmation to Pete Hansen, No :)M.
A Kod.ik will make your vacation a
pleaxunt one let us show you one.
(iEKIN'tl i
.".-ary Willie Ult the .lastly eotin-t-y
ro:.lsi,i' an.l euttifil Ifte llosiit
utile c en t,ate at the en. I of a ln-at
walk Kir.letvii with bright huel and
oiil fasl'.ioiie.l tlowtrs. A tidy aid
motherly-looking wonian, who looked
as if site imIk -it be "easy fruit." sat on
a vine-clad little perch hemming a
sheet. She seeine.l t) lie the only
person en the premises and Weary
Willie f.imieil that she li.eked tt bit
scan il. It was In c:i;;se of tUis that
there was a certain note of authority
in his voice when he said:
"I want to git something to eat. ,
kind lady, an.l 1" i
The ' kind lady" r.nv her head a i
little toss an.l interrupted him by say '
inc. Y:m do, . h' Well. I can tell
you, my wanderli't-- friend, that yoc
just have run afoul of the wrouK 'kind i
lady' when you struck me. an' if you j
think that I am a Irt scared of you or
tsf any of your trai (plii' tri!;e you are '
most liemiUltilly le t, an' s'j I let you .
know, for the t ran. j) never yet drew j
the breath o" life that 1 was scared of j
or who could bulldoze me Into f ltu' :
hlui, an' I can Mi vou straight I
ii'n t no use for yen nor tor none o
your elii'.i. an' if 1 had my way Micro
would be a w irl;h(" so in every county i
In the land where such gents as ou
would put in U k I'd hours of work
i'vi ry day or be stood in the t.tocks
that lo'ig, a. id 1 guess Mien otl wi uld
k. oft the country roads an' stop
searln" win:ni"n that ain't got nerve
e:u)!it;!l to tell you whal they think of
you, which I have. a.T so I let you
know, an' if you don't ight out o' here
right forthwith an" fa:;ier. la b-ss than
one ininait I will go into the house
an' come out again with a hnsswl.ip
that 1 have used on more than oik- o"
your stripe, an' sent him of! hov.lln'
like the whipped cur that he was. an'
that you will be if you so much aa
open your mouth even to say 'kind
hi! to me, which 1 ain't, nor don't
want to be no kind lady' when it
conies to wasting sweetness; on the
desert air, as a body might say, ny
belli' kind to any such low-down,
wuthb'ss specimens o' sct'ltl o' the
earth as you represent, an' if you
don't vamoose this ranch lu three
shakes or a dead sheep's tn.i I'll un
chain a dog I've got in the hack yard
that iikes nothin' lo iter than to make
sausage meat of such lio!ri', M-i
you, my friend?" I'uek.
Imprjvemcoti on Old Saying.
"Neter do things by halves." unless
you open oy.slers. Whatever i wortti
(loins at all is worth, dolns well. Let
your nii.tM be "Kuvlsior!" Single out
some sei,ity fi;- which you have
tteiiins. tin u i!- vote yourself to It thor
oughly, ai'd .nt won't have to look fur
a job. the j, li will be looking for you.
The niost brilliant men ate often la
mentable dilutes. He thorough! Slick
like the pesti'.ge stamp till you pet
there. Hogged does it.
Tctke a Cad.
A friend the other dav came In be
wailing the ruin done to her pretty
shoes, frock, hat. etc., by n heavy
shower, through having to wait ft r an
onmlbiin. "You ought to have taken a
cab." I told her. The idea of such
extrax agauce quite appalled her; yet
more than the amount spent would
have been saved to her wearing ai
parol. This fallacy of Judgment Is
very common anions women, I have
His Efforts Wasted.
! I.ortii'ci- mi Art "'.iel'ore I sit down
1 I shall be lia;ipy lo answer any quos
i tlons 'ha! any of yen may wish to
I ask." Mi ptlo nan tin audience) "I
; have enjoyed the lecture much, sir,
I and have tin Ictstood it all except a
' few te( hnii ol terms. Will you please
1 tell me what toil mean by the words
j pi rspe. iive. ife.-co, a'id mlckle-anjo-:
lo'.'" t led tii'cr sits down discour
aged, i- Chicago Tribune.
1 1
I "J
mid Music
York Hits.
-Our Latest
"Don't Take Me
member You."
Path of Life."
4 'A Rose
"1 Re
in the
nre you Lone
some." "June, .July and August."
"I Want a Girl to Love Like You."
I'rlcc 17 Cents ixiei Vost Inhl.
Send for complete list of late songs.
Send money order, or express order.
Acorn cigars 5 cents each. Smoke an
"Acorn" and be happy.
C. 1. KIRSKUL, D. D. S.
..Graduate Dentist..
Prieea Reasonable
All Work Guaranteed
Twenty-six Years' Experience
OHiee in Fitzgerald Block
Notice To Creditors.
Stuto of Ni-lm.ka, ) ss , c )y C()Urt
Cass County. i
In thp matter of the ostate of Anna KrowU-k, df
ccaid. Notiw is licrliy (tiven that the creditors of aid
dereastd will met-t the Ailmmiistrutiir i f naid m
la'o. iM'fnre me. Cminty J'jilic of t'a.s (.'ounty,
Nebnu-ka, at the County Court room in l'liittn
mouth. in fi1 County, on the 'Jlst luy of June,
l'.Kli. anil un the 21st iluy of December. l'.iO'.i. at 10
o clock A . M., each day. for the puriioie of pre
wntinir their c!a:ttii for examination, adjustment
and allowance.
Six months are allowed for the creditors of said
dtct-a-wl to present their claims ard one year for
,the Administrctor to settle said estate, from the
21st day of June. I'.Mi'i.
Witness my hand and seal of said County Court,
at I'lattsmouth, NchniMkn, this lDlh day of May
118 ISEAI..1 County Judue.
Curing by Sympathetic Magic.
"A frli iiil of mine came across a na
tive Kilting In the veraiiila of n houso
from which proans proceeded," Mr. F2.
Thurston stated at the llrltlsh lloyal
Socieiy of Ails in a locturo'on the na
tives of southern India. "He learned
that the man's wife was sitting on a
hwiiiK studded with sharp nails In or
der to cure him by sympathetic magic
of tioine trifling ailment."
Up-To-Date-Music House
Suite 5., Ferminich Building, Chicago, Illinois .
Trout for British Colonies.
HritMicrs are the first colonizing
race and the most resolute sportsmen
in t lii- world, so that It was natural
that Itritis-h colonial waters should
have been the first scenes of experi
ment in artificial propagation of fish.
Trout have been established In the
ptrcums of Kashmir, the Xllghcrlcu
'llld Ceylon, and of New Zeahilld.
A Few Facts Showing the Wonderful
Progress Made in Building Up
a Marine Power.
Pome idea of the wonderful progress
of the (Icruian navy is gained when
one realizes that Vlce-Admiial lU-in-hold
von Werner, whose death is an
nounced at the age of S4, saw prac
tically the birth of that navy as we
now know it. When the German fleet
was sold by auction In Wl Werner
secured a commission in the new Prus
sian navy, and during 'the war with
Denmark he commanded one of the
thre steam frigates, then the prin
cipal Fhlps of the Prussian navy. At
the date of the formation of the feder
al navy Werner was director of dock
yards at Danzig. In lSf.9, however,
the deceased vice-admiral returned to
active service, and at the time of his
retirement In 1&7S he held the com
mand of the Haltlc station, lie de
voted the last "0 years of his life to
the patriotic task of popularizing the
Idea of that sea power which lie had
seen grow from Insignificant propor
tlons to a strength which has done so
much to stimulate the shipbuilding of
other nations. He was a prolific writ
er, and his authorship extended over
a long period. Kven at the time of
the Hattle of .lasnumd he attracted at
tent ion by a work on the Prussian
navy, its present and its future.
Pnper and Canvas.
In a book entillcd "Stories of the
Knglii-h Artists," It. Davles and C.
Hunt tell an Interesting anecdote of
Turner, the great landscape painter.
He disliked to part with his pictures,
and wht n he sold one, Invariably wore
a look of dejection and oppression. If
a friend asKed him what was the mat
ter, he would scornfully explain: "I've
lost die of my children this week.
Once a rich Hirminghani manufac
turer, Glilott by name, introduced him
self to the painter, and stated that he
had ecme to buy.
"Don't want to sell," or some such
laconic rebuff, with the answer.
The manufacturer then drew from
his pocket a bundle of bank-notes,
about 15,000 worth.
"Merc puper," observed Turner, w;th
grim humor, a little softened, however,
and evidently enjoying his joke.
"To be bartered for mere canvas,"
replied Gillott, waving his hand nt tho
"liuilding of Carthage" ami Its com
panions. This tone of cool depreciation
seemed to have a happy effect, and
finally Gillott departed with some
JlE.OU'J worth of Turner's pictures.
Case of Unselfish Crusaders.
We (Irish) have pot the name of be
ItiK an adventurous people. You will
hear the Irish accent In every conti
nent. There Is no speech or language
where our voice Is not heard. We
have helped to civilize every country
except our own. Dublin Irish Home-
The First National Bank
of Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Careful Attention
Prompt Service
Reasonable Terms
Gkorc.f. E. Dovky, President.
Fi'.ANK E. SniLATF.K, Vice Pres.
IlouATio N. Dovey, Cashier.
Carl G. Ekickk, Ass't.
A A. A. A A
SUtecf N-1 rui-kt. i
County of Cesn
In District Cuurt.
Collar Button Defender.
The collar button has been libeled
Since it first came into being it has
niovlded the writers of jokes for the
. i ii-lth n liiree share ot
ll'lllll- lIO ..i... . (--
their material. That It possessed
remarkable tendency toward losing it
self has been accepted almost as an
Facts have come to light which
6lmw that the collar button has been
maligned. A man in the employ of the
Burlington railroad has worn one col
lar button for 28 years. It has stuck
bv him without any undue precoiitloiif
against loss and has never shown a
tendency to wander.
This man says he has always treat
ed his collar button kindly, has never
sworn at it nor biamed it for his own
....!... 111.. l.lua. tu ttiit If neiltklnrl fir.
tiff tkI .Mint i.Hld.-femlantK.mlf.' h of th-tn. I ,ur" " "
You anil rarh ynu ire re luiml to nwr nui'J cords due respect to tile Collar UUUOU
prtitmn on nr In-fur' the Ulh itny or July, If
To r UviuK J. nriirt,'". anilSouhnnia BriirK". hit
wife, anil unknown heir unil dvvuiecauf rlaviui
J. lirincK. tln'rawil. S. N Merriam, and the un
known heirp and rivviftvefl uf S. N. Merriam, de
reawd. and the Union Trut Company, of New
York, an Truitee. defendantu You and each of
you are hrrt-hy notified that on the L'4th day nf
May. A. 1).. l'.Klit. Georire J. Stohlniann. plaintiff,
herein filed hi retition in the dintrii-t rourt of
( jum county. Neliranka. airainnt aul defemlanta,
the object and prayer of which in to remove cer
tain ckiuiU from hm title and to iiuiet the title in
and to tiii'S.W.U of wction :tl,iownhip IJ, ranve
II. in Cam county, Nelna.ku, in the rani plum
Cleanliness cf Amsterdam.
Amsterdam enjoys an enviable repu
tation for its cleanness. Owen Felt
ham, who visited Holland In the sev
enteenth century, was particularly im
pressed by the Fpotlessness of its
streets and houses. "Whatsoever their
estates be," he writes, "their bonnes
.uist be fair. Therefore from Amster
dam they have banlsht seacole, lest it
oyle their bulldlnss. livery door
.eenis studded with diamonds. The
nails and hinges hold a' constant
tirightnesse, as if rust there was not
x quality Incident to iron. Their
houses they keep cleaner than their
bodies; their bodies than their souls.
Ooe vo one, you shall find the and
Tons shut up In network. At a sec
ond, the warming-pan muffled in Ital
ian cutworke. At a third the sconce
rlad In cainbiick."
( C
Dated thin 24th day of Mny.
By A. L. Tint). Hi Attorney. l'l-H
it will reciprocate.
Notice of Final Settlement..
Slate of Nrhraska 1 i ,., -...
County of ('a-. In County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Frederick I),
Tu all perwinii interenteil: You are heretiy no
tilWil thut the Kxeeiitrix "f theextnte of r reder"
i ick 1). I'htiliutt, di'cenwl. has (1 her llnnl n
port and petition prayitix therein fur flrul Kettle
ment of Kaid estate, that her ai'count lie allowetl.
n' d thai the prrnmul and real Mute lie axuiirned
to her a. provided hy the ti-rm of the lu.xt will nf
raid di ceaied, and duly prnhnted and iilloweil by
tliiK rourt.
You are further notilleil that there w ill lie a
hearing: upon said petition before thin i-ourl in the
ruunty court riNim at I'lattwmouth, in wiid cc unty.
on the l.'.t day uf June;i'.nitl. at lifu'eloek A. M.and
that all olijei tinnn. if any, inu"t lie illeil nn or lie
fine .aid (lay and hour nf hi nrimt.
WitneKH niy hand and the ru-al of the county
court of raid county t hie 24th day of May; 1'JtfJ.
Ai.l.rN J. BrrKON,
11-6 ISf.ALl County Judge.
Not for Herl
"With one wave of niy wand," say
the fairy, "I can make yon grow youim
"Kxcuse me," replies the woman, "il
1 decline your kind offer. If you cnt)
bring youth to mo at my present age
p!l right; but I posliively ret use tc
travel back through pyrogiaphy, the
Jlrst stage of bridge, ihe habit back
the straight front, balloon sb-eves ano
all the rest of the fads I run reun-m
Town cf Many Vicissitudes.
Cnttaro, the Austrian sea pate of
Montenegro, which was recently be
.leved to be threatened by Prince Nlch
jlas' guns, wna. held by Montenegro
jnce for a time. Montenegro nc-
julred It In 1S13 with the aid of a lirlt-
ish squadron. Any Inhabitant of Cat-
laro who was contemporary with the
! rise and fall of Napoleon must often
Have had to pnu:e and think what
I country he belonged to. For, having
I been Venetian for centuries, Cnttaro
I lifetime Austrian by the treuty of
j Campo Formlo, and Italian In 1 SOS by
ilje peace of rresshurn It was ab
i Korbed In the French empire In 1M0,
i and wrested from It le 1S1H, and
i finally. In 1MI. Kiisslu coinuelled Mon-
teii'gro to give It up to Aintrla.
Somebody will get a great big bargain in the piano which
we have on exhibition at our store. It is an excellent
instrument. Note the description below:
NETZOW CABINET GRAND PIANO. Perfect scale, drawn on most scienticlic principles;
latest patent repeating action, extra heavy felt hammers; exposed pin block; extra heavy three
tpuartcr iron plate; very best (lerman imported tuning pins and piano wire; patent mutller attach
ment with nickel plated mutller rail, best rpiality spruce in sounding board; ivory keys. ('ASK
Vcrj artistic and double-veneered inside and out, with maple veneer on interior; oval 'panel, with
I t'Ftmcst of carvings. Warranted 10 years. Height, 4 ft !l in; width 5 ft 2 :i-Sin; depths ft 3 in
That Energetic Boy.
When he wants to go some place n
br.y can do work In ten minutes
which would ordinarily take him half
a day. Atchltiou G'obe.
Nan The trouble with Hilly is Hint
he's awkward when lie's in com
pany. He doesn't know what to do
.villi his hands.
Fan O, yes, he does; he told me
once that you wore too manj pltiB In
Vcur I.elt.
Herold's Book and Stationery Store I
Dealers in all kinds of Musical Merchandise, Violin, Guitar, IJanjo and Mandolin strings and
parts. All late sheet music, vocal and instrumental, on sale.
CkkJiIk k5i5'v