The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, June 07, 1909, Image 1
HERALD O TWICE A WEEK K K W5 F'.-il V.-' ' Nv. T-. ' 'I 1 liEUALD. E.U.UihU Aw UK I-' PLATTSMOUTH, NEBKASK.A, MONDAY, 7, liK' VOL. XLVI NO. 15 Cjr..oUJa-.i"u Jan. 1. 1 News Trial Progress ing Slowly If a ijue.-t: :; to what v rr.av take of th;. partirila ' i:iciue:-.t a? to u hat way con-.e of the case. Tlx- spectator.- are iu;t iew the jury ; : par; i f the U- the OUt-; . widely di- The John Clarence murder tr a. is progressing slowly, with nothing of a startling nature being developed ir. the The ttate completed it viiit'l in their several i-ws of what, the proves. But. the proba bilities are that the iurors bong who!-1 evi( dene- Thursday. Ho:i. Matthew G.r ;., , iir. v:v. pmnloved to i n the case hai shown in hi.-; har.diir.g of the case that he is as much at home as a prosecutor as he is in the of a criminal case. The defense is intro ducing its eviJer.ce upon the theory that the shooting was done in self-defense. The evidence taken before the Coroner's Inquest has beer. Used by At torney Clark for the defense or. his cross-examinations with a telling effect. One or two witnesses for the State un ly unprt judii'ic! an! fair minded will he i bftttr iible to lind a correct verdict tlvi,' t! r- u ho nrt moved lv I 'ecute : ".' ,: ' .... , .. ., prejudices eiiU'.r iir or iiiaiiisi. me ir- ex-el. It i- now probable that the I case wnl g the jury eimesaay. Burkett Has Narrow Escape Washington. June 15. -Senator Bur kett of Nebraska: 0. Skyhack, secrc- dertook to tell a very different story as tary of the Norwegian legation, and to what occurred at the time of "the ' several others had a miraculous esca e I -hooting from what they told ur.der i irom serious mjury ioiuk.u. Hth before the Coroner's jury. It wa, automobile in which they were riding auito apparent that smiehow after four sk.dded while crying the Migo, Md., months, what thev had seen on the day j triage, ten mile northwest of this of the shooting and told shortly there-; city, and was , revolted from plunging after on oath had greatly changed ar.d j over with its occupants by the chaf all the changes in their stories were to j feur a presence of mind and quickness i....fQ r.t th nrrwrrnHnr.. 1 1 W a ; i! l..g oraues. I lie) were iciu. i. 1,111- ti tfi " I &' 0 The entertainment iriven bv the ladies of St. Mary's (iuild last Thursday night at Coates Hall was a very pleasant and novel alTair. The entertainment was one of a series which these young ladies have been (riving for the purpose of raising funds for the repair of the rec tory and build a parish house. A splen did program hail been urranged which was complete with si high quality of musical numbers. Many of the mem bers of the Ciiiild were dressed in odd contumes of manv gorgeous colors. All who were present enjoyed the enter tainment very much. They cleared the nent little sum of forty dollars. H. F. SWANBACK was so apparent that the jury would doubtless take cognizance of it. The fact of the shooting ar.d of the death of John P. Thacker are undispu- tnri Tht nupstion of lust when and ir.g from a dinner gvien by the Seventh I Day Adver.tists, at which they were guests. The heavy rains had made the J bridge floor slippery. The automobile j slid to the edtre of the bridcre, which Of Greenwood, Now Fast Ninety-four Years of Age. U F Swnnbaclc.of Oreenwood. Neb.. ! he remained about two vears. He took a man who is loved by all who know i up the practice of medicine while he the conflict in the evidence arises. The witnesses for the State with some de gree of testified that two shots were fired before Thacker reached Clar ence or struck him, and the third phot was fired after Clarence had been thrown or knocked down by Thacker. The defense will undertake and is un dertaking to show that Thacker had struck Clarence or waj,w the very act of striking him with a heavy club, when Clarence fired the first shot. It will 1 Just at the edge the brakes stopped tl heavy machine. w thp KW.tin tok nlace is whore i st.ds a hundred feet above the ground. .. born March 9 m- in Meck ii.nVi.anr f '.prtnnnv. Hi was educated V,I 1 (.. --j- I w c in the schools of his native country, 1 daughter of a well-to-do Canadian farm it. in !!.!. thev were married, and lived there. While in that country he met Miss Nina Simon, the charming " j and then studied medicine, which pro- Last Friday evening the Misses Baird ! fession he followed for many years. entertained a number of friends at a shower party in honor of the bride-to-be, Miss Nellie Whalen. Those who er joyed this occasion were Julia Kerr, Hermia Windham, Lettie Smith, Alma Larson, Helen Travis, Pearl Staats, Gertrude Beeson, Etha Crabiil, Bessie Edwards and Mrs. J. W. Gamble. He served as an army surgeon in the German army in the war between Prus sia and Denmark in 1847-8. He carries sabre marks on his head received in the battles of Ombrct, Gault, and Pres ton. At about the age of forty he left the Fatherlands and came to Canada, where WHETHER it be a suit of clothes or a straw hat, our policy is to give the biggest value possible. We KNOW that no one can buy clothing and gents' furnishing goods any better than we can, and we KNOW that we can sell on a closer margin than many dealers; these facts accounts for our uni formly good business the year round our friends KNOW that they can get BETTER VALUES here than in many other places. Just now we are in a position to give you special values in straw hats. In this sweltering weather probably no article of wearing apparel will give you more comfort than a cool, light straw hat. We have them in all styles and prices from a Mexican fibre to the best panamas. Look over these three items: Weeping Water Items 15c 39c Genuine Mexican tough round fibre. Can be dipped in front or back or rolled up for a tdiIIow. Also a line of Boys' Braid3 in bell shape at this special adver tised price. Here we offer your choice of several different and desirable styles. Square top, round top, dip front, telescopes and turbans. All well trimmed and good values at twice the price. Some with fancy stripe bands. Ask for advertised hat. 1a a On account of the flood last season we carried over a few of our better hats. They were not damaged and t ro evlieVl fhft TlPTrT PTrfl?5. Sfimfl of t.hfiTTl worth $2 and $3. If you call for advertised lot 3 you i r ti can ouy xnem ior an even pi. Panamas $3, 4, 5. 6, 7 and 8. Fishermens and Helmets 35, 40 and 50c. C. E. Wescott's Sons "Where Quality Counts." the next year removed to Feldborg, Minnesota, where he lived on a farm but continued the practice of medicine. It was while he resided here that Min r.esota was admitted into the Union as a state. In isr:), during the rapid immigra tion into Kansas from the North and South in the fierce struggle as to whether that territory should become a free or slave state, Mr. Swanback re moved with his family to Topeka. He contii ued the practice of his profession there until the breaking out of the Civ il War, in 1801, when he enlisted in the Union army, and served in Company H, in the Eleventh regiment Kansas In fantry, serving under General Franz Ricgal. He participated in the battle of Pea Ridire and the various battles and campaigns up and down the Rap pahannock river. He continued in the service until the end of the war. While he was in the armv his wife and family had removed with a brother to Des Moines, Iowa. After beinn mustered out, he returned to his family and purchased a farm about 1.7 miles from Dos Moines, where he farmed I and practiced medicine sometimes. He traded his Iowa farm for a farm in Marshall county, Indiana, whither he removed with his family. In 1373, he sold his Indiana farm and came to Nebraska, where he purchased tarm near ureenwooa rrom Thilip Galley. The B. & M. railroad had iust been built, and Greenwood had just been located, nlr. bwanback took an ctive part in the development of the town. In 1SH5, his wife died. Of this maniage nine children had been born, all of whom are dead except two girls, both of whom are married, one living hi Omaha, and the other in Leaven worth, Kansas. In 133i. Mr. Swanback was mirried to Mrs. Mary Loder-Meyer, at Green wood, Nebraska, where they have re sided ever since. One child was born : to them, a son. Dr. G. L. Swanback, ; of Omaha. Mr. Swanback has been a i republican ever since the partyjwas first ; organized and has always taken an in 1 terest in its success. He has been a consistent member of the church. He enjoys his cicrar, and says that he . has been a smoker for at least eighty years. He has led an active and up right life and his friends are as wide as his acquaintances. He is genial and a splendid companion. Ho has retired from active life, but is or.e of the di rectors of the Plattsmouth Independent Telephone company. He belongs to that class of men, who have made Ne braska a great commonwealth, and the Ne'.V3-Her.ld is glad to number him as one of its true friends. b'pceiiil Corrcuponili-nrc. Mr. and Mrs. 1. 1). Marnier departed the first of the week for old Mexico. They bought tickets to Titmpieo. J. M. Ranney's 0 year old son, Lloyd, had both bones in his left leg broken below the knee while playing with his brother last Sunday. The boys ran in to one another with force enough to cause the accident. During the thunder storm of Monday afternoon a small cyclone did some maneuvering In the country near town Five miles to the southeast it dipped down and just missed a farm house but rose airain and disappeared leaving only u few uprooted trees as damages. Efforts are being made to organize a brass band. Last Monday night was the date set for the first practice but on account of a misunderstanding of the date, very few fellows appeared. There is some good talent in town and we ought to have a good bano. Undertaker E. Ratnowe was called to take charge of the body of Mrs. Ot ten, who died of bed fever and pneu monia last Wednesday at her home miles east of Berlin. The deceased was 43 years old. She leaves a husband and 9 children. The funeral, was held at Berlin last' Friday. On Wednesday the Tanner Sisteri vacated the Gibbon Hotel and Miss Ed na Hammer took charge. Miss Chloey Tanner departed the same day for Lin coln and Miss Edyth for Omaha, iticy will visit with friends for about two weeks after which they will again go into business if they can find a suita ble location. August 21, 23, 2i5 and 27 are the dates of the G. A. R. Reunion which is to be held here. It promises to be a big affair and is to be a reunion of the Eastern Nebraska district, which con sists of Cass, Otoe, Lancaster. Sarpy onrl Saunders counties. One of the dates ia to be fraternal day for all or der3 of the districts. All the commit tees have been appointed and will soon apt irto action. The committee on Pi .. - concessions are P. S. Barnes and D. M. Johnson. Louisville Gleanings !M''iul CorriMimn.loiu' Bom, to Mr. and Mrs. James Witten June 2, a girl. Mrs. Wm. Erhart was in Plattsmouth on business Friday. Mrs. Nora Brunson left Saturday evening for Denver, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Droke left Sat urday for Louisville. Ky. Mr. II. Rand of Plattsmouth, was ia Louisville Sunday enroute to Omaha. Miss Lottie Koop has returned from her school work at the State Normal. Freddie Gorder, Jr., of Plattsmouth, was a guest of Ray Beaver over Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Olsen of Elmwood, were visiting friends in Louisville Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Edd Pribble moved back to Louisville last week after an absence of one year. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pribble of Te- cumseh, Neb., are guests of Edd Prib bl and family. Mrs. H. E. Brown and son, Raymond, of Scotts Blutf, Neb., .were guesta of Mrs. Stevenson. James Farrier has moved to Ashland where he has purchased an interest in the livery business. August Gorder of Plattsmouth, and Fred Gorder of Weeping Water, were in Louisville Sunday. Mrs. Edd Seiver and daughter of Western Nebraska, are guests of W. B. Shyrock and family. ' The pupils of the Christian church gave a very entertaining program Sun day evening in honor of Children's Day. Miss Mary McGrew left Friday for Cedar Rapids, Iowa, also Red Wing, Minn., to visit her brother, Lew, and her sister. The ball game Saturday between Mashet-Lampman business college and Louisville scored 5 to 0 in favor or Louisville.'" " " ' "' ' ' .1' Misses Bessie Gadway, Mae Depew, Carrie Anderson, Lottie Koop and Edd Cline left Monday to attend the Stata Normal at Peru. TTrT Ben Barker is erecting an auto mobile iraraee on North Main street. The building will be a frame structure with concrete basement. Joe Kock of Jersey City, N. J., ia a guest of Jno. Koop and family. Mr. Koch and Jno. Koop were ship mates and sailed around the world together about thirty years ago. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. May field enter tained a party of relatives in their park Sunday in honor of Mrs. I. Depew and daughter, Mae, who leave this week for .Western Nebraska and part oi Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. James Robertson and daughter Marie were attending the rr:iHntinn of thier dauirhter Miss Blanche Robertson at the State Norma School, at Peru, Nebr., last week. Corn Growers Have Chance. Tarift Commis sion Needed Sunday morning the M. W. A. the fourlodgC3of the A. 0. U. W., the W. of W. and the D. of II. lodges as sembled at their halls and then marched tn Main ufrppt whrro the lonir nroces- sion headed by the band was formed. I hey then marcneci to uaK inn ceme tery, where appropriate memorial per uicna ttorp Viilil unit the ffrnves of the lerted ones were beautifully decorat ed, Ihe?e ceremonies me most impres ive, anil calls up recollections of those vchr, have irone to their celestial lodges, I ! and rest in eternal peace. Auy farmer will have a chance to win prizes since the winners of the 1907 and I'M sweepstakes have been eliminated from entering the regular classes at the next corn show. In addition to this the exposition will give r.o cah prise of $l.0)i) to the win ner of the Grand Champion sweepstak ta -the grand premier trophy being considered sufficient reward together with the honor of winning the prize. Instead of the U,M cash pme for the champion .sweep-itakes, three sweepstakes prizes have been arranged giving one to each of the best ten ears of yellow, white and other than yellow or white, which includes flir.t, red and calico varieties. These char.zes were decided on at a 1 meeting of the executive committee of ! the exposition and vice presidents of the National Corn Association, held in Oma 1 ha last week. j The management has also decided ' that all exhibits must be in Omaha at ' the office of a transportation company or on the exposition grounds by Nov., 27, ten days before thtf exposition opens. The exposition, which is j to be held in Omaha December J to 1, I is to be an exposition that is "rca iy." The need of the hour is the creation of a tariff commission which would sup ply the criteria now lacking. If we had had a competent commission at work for the last four or five years, it would be possible now to obtain ample data for use in applying the protective principle scientifically and equitably. Such a commission would have got to gether material to show cost of produc tion abroad and cost of production here, and the levying of a rate would be come a simple matter. Those demand ing what seemed to be undue protection would be obliged to furnish specific proofs, whereas they now deal only in generalities. There con be no doubt that the cost of the labor element in nrodoction has risen here in the last twelve years. Yet the rise has been a world-wide one, and it is not improb able that labor costs has increased rela tively more in Germany than in the United States, for.amor.g other things, the German government has added a large part of the cost of accident insur ance and retirement pensions to work f production. The ! nation has now become thoroughly pro ! tectionist in sentiment, and the tariff ' issue is r.o longer a party issue. It ia time, therefore, to drop the crude po ' litical methods of the past in tariff legislation and to attack the problem scientifically. The country wants a taiitT based on the most thorough knowledge of conditions here and abroad, its rates representing an ex actly measured differential in cost of i production. -New York Tribune.