The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, June 03, 1909, Image 5

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    Well Here we
Making Of
Better Roads
We spoke the other day of Germany's
imnrovemont of rivers- how well nnrl
wisely she handled them, rnakinir them
carry an enormous trattic, while we
with the greatest river systems are do
ing practically nothing. Now our con
sul, K. J. Thompson, at Hanover, has
something to tell us of Germany's Special .Notice,
roads, which leaves us in the compari-, The W. C. T. U. will meet Friday after
son with" nearly if not quite as little ! ,,,, at 3 c,"olwk at the home of Mrs.
credit. He says that the best road to
be found in the Middle West in this
country is little, if any, better than
the worst road to be found in Ger
many. One cause of the excellence of
German roads is that they are never
made wider than is needed. The av
erage is from twenty to thirty feet,
where our roads in the West average
sixty-six feet. Though the roads of
Germany are subjected to a traffic
vastly heavier than any that ours
carry,, in some cases, perhaps, a hun-J
dred times heavier, yet experience
vet. evneripnee
proves that a width of thirty feet is
ample for a first class highway. This
width, whatever it be, thirty or twenty
feet, is improved to the full it is all
road; not a Btrip in the middle with a
border of weeds and mudholes and ruts.
For a beginning toward better roads
with us, Mr. Thompson thinks that
much could be done by cutting down
the width of the roads. He enumerates
Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Michigai,
Kansas, Illinois, Nebraska, Missouri,
Indiana, Ohio, as having 700,000 miles
of roads sixty-six feet wide. If these
were narrowed even to thirty-six feet
it would mean the return to tillage for
the farmers of 2 1-2 million acres of
good land, the produce of which goes
far in taking care of the ilfi-foot roads.
In Minnesota alone he says nearly
3)0,000 acres would thus be saved. But
this aspect aside, a positive advantage
of narrower roads is the lessened cost
of improvement and maintenance and
th.9 rescue to cultivation of waste acres
that now are given over to weeds and
part of the time to stagnant ponds.
Here is a suggestion that certainly de-
oid acquaintance back
as happy, just as snarpy,
as gingery, just as enticing
serves thoughtful consideration. It !
has the merit of rot needing appro
priations of money, or very small ones
at best. It is simply in the nature of !
reclaiming waste land and restoring it
according to the laws of the laws of
the states to whoever shall be the '
! rih,t'u.1
owner. And meantime it
would he the longest step we have
probably ever taken toward getting
j really hotter roads. Indianapolis
B. C. Kerr, everybody invited.
St. Luke's Musical.
The Choir will give a special Musical
Sunday night at St. Luke's church. All
cordially invited.
Sunday School Convention.
First District Sunday School conven
tion to be held at Murray, June It.
A Kodak will make your vacation a
. cn . .nf a . ,,.,
Gkring & Co.
Mrs. E. S. Chander of Fairbury,
Neb., is visiting her father, George
Poisall in the city.
Mrs. E. A. Kirkpatrick of Nehawkr,
is visiting with her sister, Mrs. P. E.
Ruffner, in the city.
Just received a line assortment
Lowney's Candies at Gering & Co.
It. K. Jones of Manley wasa business
visitor in the city yesterday.!
clan, has a record of about seven hun
dred cases in which he has used it.
The sting causes considerable pain,
but this soon ceases, as the part be
gins to swell, and alter two or three
such treatments the rheumatism disap
pears tor six months or so.
Evidently the sting nets as a natural
hypodermic Injection, and the so-called
"poison" contains the curative, princi
ple. A chief constituent of the fluid is
formic acid, but whether this or some
minor element is responsible for the
effect of the sting Is not certainly
known. Montreal Standard.
Pacific Junction, Iowa.
Cigars and Tobaccos, Candies, Chewing
Gum and soft drinks. Drop in and see me
for a quiet hour, excellent entertainment.
A new gasoline lighting system has just
been installed which adds greatly to the
attractiveness of the place; pool tables in
i nil i
Sentenced to Prison Terms, They Fre
quently Mourn fcr Tots They Are
Leaving Behind Them.
The New York central olilee
Ive had Just sent o::e of the
criminals in the city away for
long rest.
"Did be Rive you any trouble
a Km::,
'" asked
a f-lend
"No. ho did a pood deal of crying
"For some woman. I siipnoiie?"
"Woman? Rather not! Tin y never
cry for human bel;i';s. This fellow
had a wife who had stuck by him
through the trial, and who. before ho
was caught, worked her fingers jiff for
him. Then there were two children.
Hut he never mentioned them. He
was crying about his flight, his pig
eons, you know. He had about fiO
fancy ones, and whenever he thought
of what would become of them while
he was away tears would spring to his
eyes. A lot of the worst crooks and
gangsters in the city are fanciers, and
a kid couldn't be more sentimental
than they are. Sometimes, too, they
are "Wry Tor dogs. ' T knew "one wh"b
was more anxious about his ferret
than anything else. At the same time
I never knew a criminal, man or wom
an, who had a cat among ftie things
they were sorry to leave behind."
hedeemed Life by Death.
An honorable burial, the reward for
an honorable death, was accorded S.
J. Fi'oonian, a convict, who died in the
Fan Quentln prison, California, re
cently, from injuries received while
bravely fighting the fire in the peniten
tiary. Frooman displayed a reeklest
gallantry during that exciting period.
When the call came for volunteers, h
was among the first to step out. It
was bis one opportunity to retrieve
his dishonored name, to (dear hlmscll
of the taint of a criminal being, tc
take his place as a man among men
He lived In dishonor, but riled a man
and for his manner of death was hur
led as a man in San Rafael cemetery
not as a criminal in a convict grave
This will be the only satisfaction to his.
wife and daughter, who are In Europe
and unaware of his crimps and Ml
death. He was convicted for forgery
and would have been released In liill
The expenses of his funeral were paid
bv the guards of the prison.
B 1
Hid to Sit Up Late to Do It. but the
Tr ek Was Accomplish;d
Victim's Rather Lame
Excuse for Call.
tho m.
:t with Robert 1.. Perk is
t diligent practical joker In
.1 an 1 environs, with tlx' one
exception of ,li.!.ii!iy Ilreu.
Leek's .k wi
t!it regular victims cf
i s ji"-ts are a crowd (if
ie:t. friends of his w il'i".
A pair of these young v
niu' evening that they
would get
seuare with Keek. The joke they
planned required t!im to sit up far
b.-yond their bedtime, but tiny didn't
let thiit prey on their minds.
At a! out 1::M a. in. lieck was
nrouscil from a sound sleep by the
ringing of the telephone. Ke crwle
oi't of hed, J a-' 11 " 1 1 1 v, down the
receiver, h-ai'ie I t'irt a worn. in
relative - eous'.n o,- : lyetuing of that
sort was lying critic-aiiy ill r.t her
home in the other end of town.
I lech, then fully awake, itr.-erted
himself ipilekly Into bis trousers and
other things, and hustled out to wait
for an ov. I e:ir.
He 1 ad some i! Illetilty f'ttlng i'l af
the h nee o! Ills relative. Cvervbody
rceined to he s! eping Just as soundly
us he had been l p to the time ttint his
tticphouo i.iiig. It began to dawn
on hii.i that perhaps lie didn't have a
monopoly on the practical J die g one
in this oinniuntiy. At hist a servaei
came to the door, tl was then Just
II: "0 o'eioek.
lleek Inonlred now everybody was
The servant, wonderlllgly, replied that
everybody had retired in the best ol
health. Hut why? Was any one there
supposed to he ill?
Heck was on, when ho heard that
He was Indeed the victim of a joke
Hut a mail does not. like to admit that
he Is a joker's victim. And In this lu
st mice he didn't think It was wise to
have Ids relative shocked by the new
that her state of health was a inattei
of telephone discussion l:i the middle
of the night.
"(). no, I didn't think anybody was
sick." i'.eek told the servant, ".lust tell
the family Unit I was walking by, and
thought I'd drop In ::iid inquire how
they were. No. no, didn't want any
thing special. Just took a notion tr.
drop in, don't you know. Well, I must
be off. Heaiitlful nh.kt, I: n't lt?"
Cloveland i'lain Deah r.
Boots and Gloves.
In a recent divorce case In Scotland
It was testified that a lady, searching
her maid's trunks, found "00 pairs of
her own old gloves therein.
"Aiiroiid." said a dealer, anent this
happening, "it. Isn't unusual for a worn
an of fashion to have Ju0 pairs ol
glove. "At. the sale cf the duchess of
Somerset's things, over 2,000 pairs, all
as good as new, were put up.
"You see, gloves an- cheaper abroad
Over i here vou'll nay a dollar for an
article that would cost you $2.50 here
Hut. aside from that, foreign women
Incline to go in more for gloves and
hoots,' too than we do. The foreign
woman Is aid to be better gloved and
booted than her American" sister."
It Was thr. Cat.
The vcllowhnlred hostess rushed
suddenly to the center table, took al
the papers off and smoothed down i
thick. Huffy yellow shin that lay there
"It's my cat." she explained. "M
poor little pet cat that died last spring
Isn't it beautiful? She was a lovel
rat. You see her picture up there on
the wall when she was alive. I,ovelj
little kitty!" she iiiui to the shin
while some of her guests shuddered
and one whispered to the other:
"I don't see how m;o '-mild do It. I'd
rather have the skin of my husband on
tho table or tloor than my pet cat."
Children Are Victims.
A member of the Soc iety for I'ollt
leal Study In New Ycrk said tin
other day that the factories claln
more victims than the rivers In China
ever did. more little children going tc
their death from these places. The
mines ami the sweatshops are worst
than the factories, she said. In the
course of the discussion the point waf
brought out that there Is doubt as tc
whether the mothers In China ever dr.
throw their children- Into th rs
Lightning's Antics In a Church,
Lightning struck the steeple of the
little village church of Oassln, near
Toulon, France, the other day. The
electrical fluid. It Is stated, followed
the Iron cable which la used to ring
the church bell and set the bell ring
ing Thn It tore the door off a cup
board containing: a number of candle
sticks and lit all the candles as though
by enchantment.
It completed Its antics by rlppintt
up the floor of the sacristy, but. so It
Is said, previously rolled up the car
pet with perfect symmetry.
Strange Growth of Olive Trees.
Attention Is seldom called to a re
markable and curious charucterstlc of
the olive tree. After many years ofj
prow th the different large branches 1
of the trees separate gradually from j
thf trunk until they are quite divided i
from one another down Into the root.
These then slowly move apart, and In
some Instances six or sv- ti distinct
trees stand In the area wlm h before j
surrounded the main tree, ami ine
will sometimes bo as niiuh a: 'JO feel
;..v:-XM !X-
Wort's o:id Music Our
New Ycrk Hits.
"If I Had a Thousand Lives to
Live." "Your Picture Says Re
member, Though Your Letter
Says Forget." "Gamos of Child
hood Days." "Down at the Hus-'
kin Lee.''
'n'co IU Cents
Send for complete list of late songs.
Send money order,or express order.
Up-To-Date-Music Mouse
Suite 5., Ferminicri Building, Chicago, Illinois.
Jacan Beautiful in the Spring.
To a person contemplating a trip to
Tapim I would advise that he come In
the spring. Ahoiit the fust of April
the cherry blossom season Is on. fol
lowed by the flowering of the azalea
and w istaria, and the narks and forests
are bountiful, but In the winter there
Is little to be seen In tho way of color.
Tho (dtles and towns are an almost
continuous aggregation of unpalnted
Khantlos with pleluresiiue roofs of tile
or thatch, while the fields beyond
are generally covered with water as a
preparation for the next planting of
rice. The picture Is odd and Interest
ing, but not beautiful. Travel throinih
the country Is cheap and fairly com
fortable, the passenger cars ar small
and arranged In compartments like
those used in Europe. Good hotels,
conducted like our hotels on tho
"American plan," are to be found In
every place you will care to visit, hut
outside the cities their lack of heat
leg facilities will lie noticeable and In
the winter will result In suffering.
From a Kobe, Japan, Letter to tho
Denver Post.
Submarine Photography.
A French engineer, M. Peaii, Is
making remarkable submarine pictures
at Havre, France, where the water,
except mar the surface, Is very
muddy. His camera Is 'ontalned in a
sheet cteel cylinder 2J Inches long
and 10'a inches in diameter. Tho
front Is covered by plate glass. Into
the rear of the camera runs a tube
which extends to the Filiface of tho
water, and It Is through this that the
engineer changes the platcH and
focuses the lens. Illumination Is fur
uislied by llnshligbts contained In a
thick glass globe, which Is nlso con
i.tctcd with the surface by a lube. The
shutter and flash work simultaneously
The complete apparatus weighs
about four pounds, but when In (lis
water Is held down by additional
weights ranging from twenty to forty
Vutids. The apparatus Is painted as
near the color of the water as pes
slide, bo as not to arouse the Impilsl
tiveness or the fish. Popular Me
chanics. Era of "a Bath with Every Room."
"A bath with every room" Is the
American Idea of the "comfortable"
hotel. It would be difficult to knock
it out. of the public's mind, now it has
worked In, hut pray remember thi-.
days when gnat great grandfalhei
washed in a tin basin no Uggcr than
a linger bowl. Go and look at the tiny
corner washstand In the Haul Kevert,
house and see what that hero used for
maintaining cleanliness of person!
The ablutions of our forefather)) were
not extensive, It is true, but the)
told in the 'high thinking" that wad
kept up' In those days of lew living.
Private residences are not thought
first-class unless I'.upplied with elab
orate bathrooms on every floor, and
the bathtub Itself, hewn from ('arrant
marble or made of poreclnl'i, must he
of heroic sl.e, large enough to drown
any oidlnary family. Hoston Herald
Eggs Found In Old Temple.
Slg. Uava, Italian minister of public
Instruction, commutilc ates the partic
ulars of an archaeological discovery at
Olaiilculuin, where excavations have
been going on since last June. Sev
eral (dallies, fragments of columns
and bronze objects have been un
earthed and now a cell, evidently be
longing to a t( tuple, and a large altar
of trlungular shax have been dis
covered. The apt x Is turned towards
the eHSt. It Is built of hilcks, covered
with some sort of concrete. In the
middle of the altar a will Is sunk. It
was covered with tiles. It was opened
In I be presence of Sig. Rava mid Prof.
Ilernabel, and was found to contain
a bron.e statue of Hie god Kronen,
with a serpent wound round the body,
while around were eggs in an excel
lent state of preservation. The dis
covery shows particularly that the site
was a place of sacrifice.
Coal Dust Put to Good Use.
Only 50 years ugo the dust of coal
was considered to hi" entirely useless,
Vi. t since then a great change has
taken place, and at present In Rhen
I' h Westphalia the Ruhr coal district
alone produces ."..(iiii.inio tons of hri
'piets each year. I'p to the prcucnt
time coal tar pitch has been used for
making coal brbpiets and its produc
tion in the part ten years has in
creased about 100 per cent.
llnch i'ost Paid.
Diminutive Institution In Raleigh, N.
C, Makes Money for Stockhold
ers and Depositors.
Raleigh, N. C, has the smallest bank
In the state, this country, or tho
world, for that matter. It Is the Wake.
County Savings bank, and was opened
for business on the first day of Janu
ary, 11105. it was originally built as a
hallway, but stairs were run to cue?
side of It, and in the tiny room thus
left Hie bank was established. It ban
a front of ly. feet, all glass, consist
ing of a narrow door and a curved win
dow, and Its depth Is 25 feet. There
!s bandy eivurh space above Its front
for the sign In letters of gold. Next to
.t Is a national bank of usual size and
this makes the baby Institution we in
even smaller by comparison. Yet this
little bank has boon a success from thj
very stai t; has over (iOO depositors
and Its assets aggregate $150,000. It
has never failed to pay dividends to
Its stockholders, ami has also paid
over $10,000 In Interest to depositors.
The president Is William W. Vass.
whose father, of the name name, at
the time of his death some years ago,
was the oldest railroad treasurer In
the world, having begun his railway
life lu 1 S 10. and being one of the high
officials of iho Seaboard Air Line. Thw
casMer of the bank is William IL
Grimes, whose father was a noted con
federate major general, who surren
dered at Appomattox. Within the lit
tle hank, which Is an object of very
great curiosity to bank men from all
points of the compass, there Is a lit
tle safe and a narrow counter. Every
Inch of the small amount of ap-.c9
avoidable Is utilized.
Cured to
Stay Cured
How a Plattsmouth Citizen Found
Complete Freedom From
Kidney Troubles.
If you sulfcr from backache
From urinary disorders
From any disease of the. kidneys,
lie Hired to stay cured.
Doan's Kidney Pills make lasting
Plattsmouth people tesiiy.
Here's one case of it:
Herman Tiekottcr, Cor. Ninth & lay
streets, Plaltsmonlh, Neb., savs: "I
i never used a medicine that brought nv
prtat benefit as Dean's Kidney PilW,
My kidneys caused me much suH'cring'
and there was a dull, tired ache across"
j the small of my back that distressed
in'.' n great deal. If 1 stooped, my
back pained ine sevcrly and in the
morning when I arose, I felt as tirtrt
as when I went to bed. Hearing Doan's--
Kidney nils f o hicbly praised, 1 pro
cured at (lerinjr & (Vs., dru store and
it was nothing- before I was thoroughly
relieved. (Statement fivcn June K,
On December Mr. Titkoct-
ter, saiil: "I cheerfully confirm my
former mdon emetit of Doan's Kidney
Pills. I have had no trouble from my
kidneys since this remedy cured me."'
For sale by all dealers. Price 5
cents. Fostor-Milhurn Co., HutTalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other. 11-4
You may win a home, with a box of
Lowney's. (taring sells Lowney's fine
Notice to Creditor.
fSf.fc"-:sS- '""., Court
In the mutter uf th Mutu of l'eli-r Turn. Jc
Netire in hrrt-tiy Kivon that the creditors of naicf
li''e:eu-a will nu-t Om AilminiHtnttrix of Paul ri
tnt ln fori' mr. I'ounty JoHko of Cuss C-ounty. the C ounty Court room iti I'laltir
mouth, in County, nrid on ih JIm' tUyof I"
r.-mta-r. 1:'V, at in n i-Uu k A. M , cm-h tlnr, fur
thr 'ini"Mf pre-rutins tin-it luiin for exami"
rue ion. Mil uiMnn-nt itrxl Hllowiim.-o.
Six n-onUiHarc ullnwiil for the rrnlitiim of
iIihthhcU to iiri-Hi iit thc-n- eliiioiH, and oik- year lor
the AdminiMriitriv lo w C.lo u.d ootiito from thr
L'M day of June, PKHI.
Witnerii my hnncl and seal of xiiid County Cotirt,
at Hiittxinoiilh, NetiraMkn, this IMhI Iduy nf Miijr.
I '.loll, i J. Hi ks'on.
Sr- Al. Cuunly .ludi(t