f.:7 A CPu-C.'.L DELIGHT. FAILED TO MAKE THE ?;LE. Notice To Creditors. In C unty (Y-irt. A A A A i AAAVAAVVVi? I I I Want Column J WANTED. SALESMAN'-V.'e haw ari opening for a good. !. un.tn-t he-minut-; salesman. capable of scllintr !' staple line to all class of traJe. Line has unusual in- ducements, which make sales easy liberal advance i and protection in territory guaranteed. Mercantile Jewelry Co., .VJ-oth Ave., Chicago, 111. 13-2 - i. - . , W AKTLD-1 rustworthy manor woman , in each countv to advertise, receive . orders and manage business for .ew weekly; position permanent; no in vestment required. Previous exper-ien-e not essential to ensuring. Spare time valuable. Enclose self ad dressed envelop.? for full particulars. Address, Clarke Co., Wholesale Dept., I'M l'ark Ave., New York. WANTED-Younir men and women to fill positions paying $:0n to $$n) per annum. Big demand for stenograph ers in the Government service, as well as in private business life. Our new method of teaching shorthand by mail insures as thorough and practical a training at your own home as is obtainable by personal attend ance at any business college in the country. We guarantee success. Complete course for small cash pay ment; balance to be paid when you secure a position. Trial lesson free. Central Business Institute, Central Uuilding. Washington, V. C. THE PLATTSMOUTH HOTEL P. F. GOOS. Prop. bailey & mm THE DENTISTS Litest Ao3Utntrv III .tl-Or trt Dcntl t-v Rfjson Itlr Prlf f . Bf vt qilpo'il It'lltal Of f.Cf tItiM..IOItWost. PCCKl OiCOUtT TO CIT HiTO. id r on r Hie n l .k . i'-ti. irniu. CniAHA, NEB. A. L. TIDD LAWYER Referpmes: Uank of Eagle, Eagle. Nehawka Bank, NVhawka. Bank of Murdock. Murdock. First Nat'l bank, Greenwood. State bank of Murray, Murray. First Nat'l bank, Plattsmouth. ! C. t. KiRSHlll, D. D. S. ..Graduate Dentist.. Prices Reasonable All Work Guaranteed Twenty-six Years' Experience . . , i - t - -1 i 1 ri. 1. "jmce in r uzgeruiu liiuen Notice To Creditirs. ?L"s.clm"",,,'',SS- 'bounty Court In the mutter of the estato cf Anna Krowlik, de ceased. Nonce is hereby (riven that the creditors of said deceasid will meet the Administrator of said es tate. Indole me. C unity Judve of Cans County, Nebraska, at the County Court room in I'latts mouth, in caid I ounty, on the 21st day of June, l'.-ii't, anil on the 21st day of December. 1HI9, at HI o clock A. M ejeh day, for the imriiose of pre-r-entinu their clauna for examination, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed for the creditors of said deceased to present their cluims and one year for the Administrator to settle said estate, from the 21st day of June. limit. Witness mv hand and soul of said County Court, at Platt.-mouth, Nt braskiif thin l.ith ilay of May ..nun. " Ai.i.kn J. Hr.rstiN. 11-H ISkai.,1 County JuiIkp. Legal Notice. Ptato of Nebraska, ' , .,.,, , County of Cass. I s' ,n Coun, Court- To Unvius J. liricirs, und Snphonia Ilrit'Ks. his wife, and unknown heirs and devisees of i-'laviua J. HriKK". deceasetl. H. N -m Merriam, and the un known heirs and devisers Jof S.N. Merriam. de ceased, anil the Union Trust Company, of New York, as Trustee, defendants You and each of you ure hereby not ilied that on tho 2-lth day of May. A. I).. imH', tleorue J. Stohlmann. plnintitf. herein filed his petition in the district court of Cass county, Nebraska, airainst said defemlants, the object and prayer of which is to remove cer tain clouds from his title and to uuiet the title in and to the S. W.U of section .'tl.township 12, rnniro 11. in Cass county, Nebraska, in tho said plain tiff and atrnint said defendants ami ea' h of them. You and each you are required In nnswer sakf petition on or before the 12th day of July, l!fl. Dated this 24th day of May. l!l"9. CiKOHllG J. STHIII.MANN Plaint i(T. lly A. I.. Toil). Ilia Attorney. 1H-R Notice of Final Settlement.. State of Nebraska ' i r..... County of Cass. i In County Court. In the matter of tho estate of Frederick I), L hnholT, deceased. To all persons interested: You are hereby no tilicd that the Kxerutrix of the estate of Freder ick I). !.ehnhoir, deceased, has filed her final re port and petition prayitiK therein for lit al settle mcnt of said estate, that her nrrnunt be allowed. a"d that the personal and real estate Is assigned to her as provided by the term of the last will of - saiil deceased, anil duly probated and allowed by Ibis oom-t You are further notilied that there will lie it liearinir Usm --aid petition liefni-e this court in the eoanty court room at. I'lattsmoiith. in said ci unty, on the l.M day of Ju n il:"1'1. at ln'o'clock A. M.nnil that all obiectinns, if ntiy. must lie tiled on or ( fore said day and hour of hearinu. Witness my hand und the si al of the county co..rt of said county Ibis 2lih day of May; I'.m'.i. Ai.i.kn J. Hkkkdn, 11 1! Sl:i.l County JuiIkc. Corrj ( f ,itio V r i;.v-n that tri !t i n 1 w .'i '!( A-'nni.-'. ;r'.'i fl "f -.i 4 "s'aS ,'ie it i ,i '. v. Ni -tiruka. at ' l.e mi. ui tr "-:, ' 'rmji ( in u v u' f-r ' u: i nf prt't nt ink lis .. .tots I -a I i. i r with t :i Tl J .; l'. -;tv I'-mit :. ;' J.-t M . .!.! I.. -IV . ur.iii'u' in, H' I nitn t uni u t.v ; "-..in: ar' i for vh il.-.viift ;ivi'- -it t!.r claTt. in AiinufiisTfattr !i -iUlc Haul ? iuU twin tK J) -iay f J ui I'.-'H. ' Witrv'f.?. mv hu-il am! wal -if rM ('min'v Omtrt, at .''ultt-nvjuth, .V brua, this . y : h. ttay c; M, i Al u n J. H;:rN. H8 1! al O-unty Jutts'. SherifTs Sale. f Hy virtue c.f tin Ori-r of Su'p issii! by Jan" ! Robert M.n cltrk of the litrict Court uhit 'i ami for fas countv. NfhraKa. ami to nt ri;rHtii. I 1 will "n the 14th dav of June A. I. l'i 9 at 10 I oVIooi; A. M. (if "a d day at the miu: i door cf the Court ll'Ue in said county. kiH at puhit.- auction tuwlt. Lo, numU.r tmlrlwn u in f"r ,4' ':nt,1vi,lu-' of Murray. Cass county, th- raw i-ir,tr irvinl ui.un an.l taken an the i ft mlatitK to satisfy a judgment of mui court re- f statf of Thoma 1.. C'ani'til. ilv-a- il (1hioh: Hi-am.! ivi li 'fvtulanM. I'lut'smcm h N-b , May llith. A i). I'm:': (.'. 1). vriTON. H-'.l Shcritl t'ass 1 'uunty, Nlira-l.a. License Notice. Notice of n;i.KcnHon of (Iw. (J. Williamson for i li'iuor liot'nst' i Notice is hcrcl v Kiven that (icoli WilliniiiHiri'tn i tin-Hiii liay of May. Tilnl Iih petition with i the Village I'lerk of MunltM'k, i'ass county. Ne tuaka. rMiiirtil hy tho ';itute; of tyse S'ate i of N.'t ia--ka. and l he oiilirrincf of lh 'i!lak!c i of M'irvfK-k 'ra;.intf for a licen-,. to sell mal' spirit ous a' il inous !iiuor- in itic 1 tiiltlinn local m! I on lot :t. block -. Mnitioek. Nel'iaka, for 'he tical y ar coiliiiK May I''i". Ativ nhj.ct.on thereto mu-t !a !tM with the Village Clerk not ate- then Vav S7. lit lh llati-I at .Murdocl:. Nelrii1;ii. A iril. 1', 1 .()!. ;i.d t;. Wii.i .mm, Ai i lie. mt Legal Notice In County Court. State nf Nebraska, ' Ca.-J County. I ss In the matter of the eistnte ilecennl. 'if An lrew H. Taylcr, To all persons inter1!!? Von are hereby notihed that a hearing w II be hail nt the Countv Court Koorn in the Court IIo'Jh" 1 at I'lattsniouth, Nebmska. on the vli ilu. of .)um-! A. 1). ll'i'lt. upon the rt'Ifirt and ;e!ition lor j final settlement in the hIkivc estiee lillel by i the administratrix; Faiil hearing to h at nine 1 ..'..I.U.L A M 1...,. ,ul.l..l. ,i.. ..i v... ... Un..i i jections to aid iviiort und jetition nvnt he tilld. liYKON Ct.AIIK. Al.l.l N J. BKfSUN, Attorney. County J udi.e. 1si:alJ !-i; No. ice to Tax Payers. The County Rran! of Equalization will se for the purpose of i-iuuli:'in the asses. men of Ca-s county, for the vear llttll. in the Commissioners Ch mih-r. at the Court House in l'lattsmoiith. Nc hrasliii. Iii vinniiiv June l'dh nt In o'clock A. M. and c-ontinue from day to day, u;i to anil incl.idinir Monday. June il, All claims for eiiualiation must be tiled on or befoie Satunlay th- J:"h day of June, 1hm;i. riattsrnoinh, Neb., May is. l:r.i. W. K. lto--::s,i'mss, M-s County Clerk. Acorn cigars 5 cents each. Smoke an "Acorn" and be happy. MR. JONES IM AN EMERGENCY. Except for Single Unfortunate Inci dent He Was Just the Man to Deal with It. When Jones reached home the other night he found Mrs. .tones huddled up In a corner of the sofa weeping, and about four Inches of water ou the kitchen floor. The Joneses hadn't been married very long, so lie contented himself with a general remark concerning the nonresourct fulness of women and asked how It happened. "The water pipe under tho sluk burst," Mrs. Jones told him. Jones smiled pityingly, walked de liberately to the kitchen closet and produced a wrench. Opening the cel lar door with a confident air he de scended to the region below. After bumping at least seven ob stacles he finally reached the wall and reached out for the cock which he had noticed in a pipe which traversed the wall. He applied his wrench and shut It off. Patting himself on the back for be ing able to cope with an emergency, he started back upstairs. Just half way up the steps he bumped into his wife. Mrs. Junes was the first to speak. "O, dear." she said, "what In tho world did you turn off the gas for?" Philadelphia Times. NOT THE SPEAKER'S PROVINCE Orator to Follow Was Proper Person to Comply with Request of Enthusiast. Preachers of all denominations oc cupied chairs upon the platform. They were giving their voices and Influence to the overthrow of a political boss. The Presbyterian clergyman had the floor and most vigorously attacked the enemy. He delivered some fierce, tell ing thrusts, and the audience was with him. The boss received some cruel jabs. "That's right, sonk him!" encour aged, a man with a stentorian voice who had standing room In the rear. As the clergyman warmed up to bis subject the interrupting "soak hlni!" came from the rear with greater pow er and frequency. The speaker paused. Ho was not Irritated, but gently threw the audi ence into a good-natured hysteria by saying: "The Intentions of the gentleman In the rear are nood, but wholly inop portune and 111 advised. If he'll kind ly reserve his comments for the next speaker. Brother llerrlck of the Bap tist church, he'll bo accommodated, no doubt." The Practical Side of It. "t ltlcffi poetry." said Uncle Eben, "but I ran t he'p remnrkln' dat two bits In de hand Is worth acres of sli ver Haiti' In de clouds." True Man Shows His Worth. Ford: Titles of honor add not to his worth who is an honor to his nte. Rcrl NTUtre cf tr-e Kiss, as Viewed Ly a Writer V.'fco Has Clearly Studied t ic Subject. !; is t!'e f.i.-l.ieu cf t!;e f.iore miKiiis's 'o tr. k:v,;itiB :i:i:i'HK ll. ' ti't. sures, willi vatii -r. jcilllng.' sl.(::lic :iiul H'c use of ti l 'rr.i; lr.lt, ns a matter t f fact, it Is tvf a corpor eal iMti;ht at all, says a write r In the Ha'itiuuire Sun. lis mle ihysltul ac coin al iment, indeed, is a sensation cf FufToci'.tien. ii'uJ this, as nil will atl nnt. is scarcely atriee.;lile. No; tlio InsiilH :is clinrin of the pus time must he coimlit in its pyhle effect p In it ninrvilous ami iMightfiil Interference with the normal processes of ratioci nation. A man kissed Is a man trans figured an J transanal illcd. I't him he the win st of misanthropes before the sweet Impingement of nose upon noee, and he may yet emerge from tho ! tui'.m il a philanthropist. One kiss, ! properly staise-mnnnscd, l enough to I transform a pirate Into a poet, a poli tician Into a jhilosopher. or vice ver sa. One small kiss, indeed, Is sulll ; clout to turn a proud, heaven-kissing , bachelor into a servile married man ; th most stupendous, antipodal and ' Iiinieiit.tl.!' transformation possible, at I this writing, in a mere hui.ian being. NEWE3T USE FOR NAIL FILE. Gue:t at Philadelphia Dinner r.t First Cs-fcd Groat Consternation by His Action. A Philadelphia doctor has dlscov- I ered n In aml iu w use for a nail Hie J which Is likely to become much more i prominent th;n the old use. A short I lime ago this doctor was n guest at a 1 dinner In one or Philadelphia's limft I exclusive houses. When the last I course had been served and the clpars ' were being passed the doctor reached j down Into his trousers and extracted a penknife. Slowly he opened u lilailft. Everybody casitod. Could it be that Dr. would fo far forget himself as to manicure his nails at the table? All watched with bated broad). Slowly (he doctor reached out and secured a match which was near his place. Then he deliberately struck his match on the rot'fih part of the nail file and lit his cii'.ar. The suspense was over nnd the doctor had not coni'iiiitcd tli frightful hr-aeh or etiquette which his nss'.iciati s hud feared. Now the cus tom Is Mircading fest. for it Is less ef fort tiian It In to stand on one b'K tr stri!;e the match on one's shoe, and decidedly more elegant than the time honored method or striking it on one's trousers. Probab'y True. "Say," said the farmer, who was un loading potatoes at the grocery, "do you believe that story about little Oortie Washington and the hatchet ami the cherry tree?" "Don't ask me," laughed the grocer. "Well, I th'.nk It is probably trae. Pve got a boy ten years old at home, and after he had teased me for a ynr or so I bought him a boy's ax." "And did he cut down your favori'e cherry tree?" "He did a heap better than that He cut down most of the apple or chard orchard." "And did he tell a lie about it?" "None. Owned up like a llttlo man." "And, like Washington, you praised him?" "Unlike Washington, I didn't do any such blamed thing. I gave him a hiding on the spot, and have licked him once a day since and am going to keep it up until he is twenty-five years old." Request for a Loan. Hanging in our front hall was a large Japanese hat made of rice straw and the colored girl in the kitchen wa9 preparing to go to a masquerade ball, so we were not surprised when the sent the Infant daughter of the house into the parlor Mardl Gras evening with the following note: "Deer lady will you p'iease main lond me that hat that hing up in the froint hall please nnd let me have 25 c again and this will be the last time I am going to wory you but please lond me that hat please mam this is the last time I am going to mass (miiski pleaso lond me the hat please from Myrtle "Please lond me the hut. "Answer soon. "Don't come send me word." She got the hat. Houston Post. First Fare on the Comet. Dr. John Inglis remembers a conver sation with an old gentleman wha claimed to have been the first to pay passage money ou board the first pas senger steamer in Europe the hls Uric Comet. The voyage undertaken was from the Proomlelaw to Dalmulr --fourpeuce now by tramway car and the fare was four sliillinss. It was taken by Henry Hell himself, the Com et was stopped and waited for halt an hour till Hell and his passenger djourned to an inn, where tho flrsl fare wet the toast of prosperity to the pioneer passenger steamer. Glasgow Herald. I The Hour Glass. I Instead of being obsolete and film ! ply nn Interesting relic, the hour glass i In various forms Is a twentieth cen ' tury necessity. A machinist author I Ity points out that fr such purposes s tlnilng, hardening nnd tempering ! hent3 in twist drill manufacture, ' where second.-i or minutes must be I gauged accurately, nothing servos like the hour glass with the rk-ht amount ; of sand. Accuracy to fractions of a j second can be had much more casliy than by watching Uio iwiu' I uf a W4ti.ll. Sidewalk Merchant W.ta B;:!ly Need cf Lrstcn ,o Ct.rb Ten dency to F.'f :!-..u :s. Can v .llllnl. 1.M1 "Nou Anei' eh!p.' 'I .b'lllisiri 1jii!:.i:'!, t!' ; it .h i n :i le. til iv Miid: 'sales. i:a:i .ins uf (he -t. i:i rn ,.-. i:i rn v'. i i 'ii-'- in l".:K ..' lieiilo.i;isi;i is adertislng colui i r fin'-wim s hae fur sevtr.il mon abounded in this word. Scho. N of 'wait snianship,' hooks on Vales. nan. i thlp,' secrets of Vnli JManship' why, cue reads of not hint' else." The :i(!eil scholar t.miled. "And speaking of schools of sales manship." be said, "1 hope that the s ilesniMii who accosted me on my way bt're this evening will take in one of tbeni an eight or nine years' curse Pin sure he needs it. This K'.lcsit.nn, a shaldiy young man, laid his hand on mv nun and said: " 'Say, friend, lcninie sell ye a box of this here patent cement.' "I fliotik off bis filthy paw. "'Cement!' 1 sneered, annoyed nt his familial Ity. 'What do I want with cement '.' "'Why,' cried the man, In apparent S'irprise. 'ain't ye broke? Ye look it."" I.os Angt It s Times. Edison's New Wireless. About seventeen years ago Thomas A Eilisnii startled the world by carry ing on leb graphic communication bi tweeii a moving train n tit I stations along the railroad without any wire ctiiuit'ciion therewith. The system employed was to mount a bonrd cov eied wilb tinfoil edgewise on the car roof. The tinfoil formed part of a local telegraph circuit, which Induct ively affected the telegraph wires that paralleled the track, and In this way the messages ' were made to "leap" fruin the train to the telegraph lines. The recent experiments on a veil-known railroad where messages were exchanged between an operator on a fast-moving train ami operators in Toledo. Elkhart and Chicago were of a different character. The Hertzian waves were used, which transmitted the messages directly to the receiving stations, and not to the telegraph wires along the track. For Who Could Talk? And yet ir all those who lived In kiFs houses refrained from throwing stones (here would be practically no ocial conversation. Puck. Rathersome. Some nin would rather own an an omobiie than have nothing to worry 'hem - Chicn-'n piallv News AAA. w t y y y y y y y y y t y y y y y y y y f y y y t t y y y y y y y y y y y A p At HeroIcTs Book and Stationary Store A brand new .$380.00 Cabinet Grand Piano for $280- Spot cash or bank able paper with payments adjusted to suit convenience. A leading western piano manufacturer has consigned to us a new piano, everything first class, note de scription below. We offer it at MANUFACTURERS PRICES, savins you the usual agent's commission of $100.00. If you are in the market for a first class, guarrantoed for 10 years, instrument HERK IS AN OPPORTUNITY T0SAVE $100. This will be the only piano offered on these terms. IV ly IV NETZOW CABINET CRAND PIANO. Perfect scale, drawn on most scienticlic principles; latest patent repeating action, extra heavy felt hammers; exposed pin block; extra heavy three quarter iron plate; very best (ierman imported tunin;; pins and piano wire; patent mulllcr attach ment with nickel plated muffler rail, best quality spruce in sounding board; ivory )( keys. CASK Verj artistic and double-venctrcd inside and out, with maple veneer on interior; oval 'panel, with i f m mist of carvings. Warranted 10 years. Height, -1 ft ! in; width f ft 2 .'i-8 in; depth 2 ft .'1 in t V V V V t V V V V Hcroifl s mm and stationery More Dealers in all kinds of Musical Merchandise, Violin, Guitar, Ranjo and Mandolin strings and parts. All late sheet music, vocal and instrumental, on sale. A A A A Gasoline if- V t t ? ? V ? V 2 burner Juniors $2.50 and up. :i " " S3.75 and up. Detroit self-Kcncratins Gasoline stoves $10.50 and up. 1 burner Oven. . ..$1.50 and up. 2 " " . . . .$1.75 and up. Remember we have a complete line and all styles. Call and see them. O -- ' t f t t ESTABLISHED 1871 The First National Bank of Plattsmouth, Nebraska. SAFE, SOUND AND CONSERVATIVE Careful Attention Prompt Service Reasonable Terms (Ikorci: E. Povky, President. Fkank K. Sciii.ATF.il, Vice Tres. Hoi'.ATio N. Dovky, Cashier. Caul G. Fuickk, Ass't. Cashier. i iaio Bargain ft RiPw j v V ? ? y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y V f y y Stoves. V O ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? t ? ? ? ? y y t y y y y y y f v V V V V V V V V V V V V V t V V V V V V f V T t V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V y V y v