The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, May 31, 1909, Image 7

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Cured by Lydia E. Pink
ham'sVegetableCompound Milwaukpo. 'Wis. "Lvdia E. Pink.
riam'a Vesrotablo Compound has mad
yy.a me a wen woman,
;i i
s,l and I w ould like tc
toll the whole world
of it. 1 suffered
from female trouble
and fearful pains in
my back. Iliad the
best doctors and
they nil decided
that I had a tumoi
in addition to my
female trouble, and
advised an opera
tion. Lydia E.
1'iuk.ham a Vegetable Compound mauo
me a well woman and I have no more,
baekache. I hope 1 can help others bj
tellincr tliem what Lydia E. rinkham'a
Vi'P'iable Compound has done foi
Mits. EmmaImse, 833rirstSt,
Milwaukee, Wis.
'l'ho I'bove is only ono of tho thou
eandu of grateful letters which are
constantly lieinjr received by the
rinkham Mcdidno Company of Lynn,
Mass.,wliic!i provo beyond a doubt that
Lydia E. rinkham'a Vegetable Com
pound, made from roots nnd herbs,
actually does euro theso obstinate- dis
eases of women after all other means
have failed, and that every such siu
r ring woman owes it to herself to at
least give Lydia E. rinkham's Vegeta
Mo Compound a trial before submiN
ting to an opevation, or giving in,
hrmn of recovery.
f.Irs.Pinklinm, of Lynn, Mass.,
invites all sickwomcu to write
lior for ndvico. Sho ha3 truided
thousands to health and Ler
advice is lrco.
Mr. White It's no use, my dear, 1
shall ha'vo to havo my whiskers off;
baby is pulling 'em out by tho roots.
Mrs. White How unfeeling of you.
It's the ordy thing that keeps baby
quiet. Now you threaten to tako tho
dear's enjoyment away!
Valus of the Pullman Company Al
lowed to Stand at the Same Fig
ures Prevailing Last Year.
Tho state hoard of assessment came
very near assessing the Northwestern
railroad, but owing to the fact that
l.nnd Commissioner Cowlea had been
called away from the meeting, an ad
journment was taken for a few days,
no action was taken on the motion
by (Jovernor Shallenherger to Increase
this roal $4,000 a mile.
Tho Northwestern is now valued at
$3:i,50ii n mile, and tho governor
moved that the valuation be placed
nt $37,500 a mile. This motion was
seconded by Auditor Uarton.
Tho motion was discussed Infor
mally whllo awaiting the return of
the land commissioner. Treasurer
Hrlan said he was ready to vote for
the increase, but ho had given tho
railroads to unaerstand that If the
road was to ho increased ho would
give the manother opportunity to ap
pear and make further argument. For
this reason he was tn favor of a delay.
The value of the Pullman company
was fixed at the same figure as last
year, $12,5011 for tho Standard cars
and $8,000 for the tourists. Auditor
llarton moved to value the Standard
cars at $15,000 and the tourists at
$10,000 and his motion was seconded
by the governor, but the other three
members of the board voted to leave
this corporation at Its present nRsess
nient. The car companies were as
sessed at the same figure as last year,
though the mileage was reduced from
150 miles- a day to 100, which will
boost the values somewhat. The total
valuation of the Pullman company
will depend upon the number of miles
these cars have run In Nebraska. This
has not yet been figured.
In his talk for an Incrensed valua
tion of tho Northwestern the governor
called attention to the fact that tho
Northwestern Is assessed at $0,700 n
mile, while the Missouri Pacific is as
sessed $7,410 a mile; the St. Joseph
& Grand Island at $((,500 and the Rock
Island at $8,507. The Northwestern,
he insisted, was out of proportion to
tho other roads, and therefore should
he increased. Treasurer lirian an
nounced that he would vote for the In
crease, though no figures had been
submitted to show that the road was
assessed too low.
Dr. Samuel Avery Is Placed at Head of
State University.
Dr. Samuel Avery, who has been
acting as acting chancellor of the
Stato university since January 1, was
elected chancellor by the board of
resents. This action would not have
been takon until the June meeting, ex
cept that one of the regunts will not
be In the state at that time, and he
wanted to tako part In It. Mr. Avery'a
selection for the position of bead of
the State university was unanimous.
Vr. Avery, himself a graduato of
the State university, was professor In
chemistry, had studied abroad and had
received signal recognition over there
for his work In that sclenco. When
Chancellor Andrews withdrew because
of 111 health the regents wanted to
put a man In his position who was
familiar with conditions In Nebraska,
and recognized In l'rof. Avery a broad
minded, brilliant man. they niado him
acting chancellor. They have been
highly pleased with tho way that ho
has taken hold of the work, and con
sequently determined to make him
Kicking Kindness Into Him.
Tho benevolent old gentleman got
busy when ho saw four boys rlsht or.
nine years of age attack one boy ot
about the same age.
"You mustn't, you mustn't," be said,
when he had hauled them off, "attack
your little companion this way. What
has he done to deserve such harsh
The four beys glowered sullenly
while tho ono boy whimpered as he
thought what would happen to hlra
when the benevoleut gentleman went
on his way.
"Well," snld ono of the four at last,
"ho won't Join the band of kindness
our teacher wants to get up at
Three Meals at Once. V
"Now, Mary," said her mistress,
"you must come to tho door of the draw
ing room and say: 'Breakfast 13 ready,
and supper Is ready, but dinner is
served.' "
The newly corralled domestic In
wardly digested the conclso Instruc
tions, and that evening convulsed the
guests who were awaiting tho an
nouncement of dinner by stepping be
tween tho portieres, dropping a
courtesy and repeating: "Iireakfast is
ready, and supper is ready, hut dinner
is Ber r ved!"
It Pays to Think About Food.
The unthinking life some people lead
often causes trouble and sickness, il
lustrated In tho experlenco of a. lady
in Fond Du I-ic, Wis.
"About four years ago I suffered
dreadfully from Indigestion, always
having eaten whatever I liked, not
thinking of tho dlgestiblo qualities,
This indigestion caused palpitation of
the heart so badly I could not walk up
a flight of stairs without Bitting down
once or twice to regain breath and
"I became alarmed and tried dieting,
woro my clothes very loose, nnd many
other remedies, but found no relief.
"Hearing of tho virtues of Grape
Nuts and 1'oHtum, I commenced uslna
them iu placo of my usual breakfast of
coffee, cakes, or hot biscuit, and In
one week's time 1 was relieved of sour
stomach nnd other Ills attending Indi
gestion. In a month's tlnio my heart
was performing Its functions naturally
nnd I could climb stairs and bills and
walk long distances.
"I gained ten pounds in this short
time, nnd my skin becamo clear and 1
completely regained my health and
strength. I continue (o uso Grapo
Nuts and Postum for I feel that low
my good health entirely to their use
"There's a Ilenson."
"I Ilka tho delicious flavour of Grapo
Nuts nnd by making Tostura accord
ing to directions, It tastes similar to
mild high grado coffee."
Read "The Hoad to Wcllvllle." In pkgs.
Fver rrml tlie nhoTi letter? A new
fine nppi-nm from time In lime. The?
nrr tteniiltie, irur, una full of tin
May Have Dispensary.
Tho excise board is seriously think
ing of appointing an agent or drug
store to dispense liquor for medicinal,
sacramental and hiechnnlcal purposes
and grant a license to no other firm
or store. It Is said to be the Idea of
the hoard to permit whoever gets the
license to sell the stuff upon tho state
ment of the purchaser that It Is for
the purposes enumerated. So far,
however, no one has been appointed
and the police are still raiding places
and bringing in beer and boozers
under the law.
Fitting New Office Rooms.
The third floor of the Btate house
not otherwise used Is being cut up In
to rooms for the use of the supremo
Judges who have not already been pro
vided for. The State Railway com
mission has been given the use of the
f.enate chamber in which to enre for
Its work in discovering the physical
valuation of the railroads.
i ' ' V'Ali
II t " ' v
S s' -
V v
Samuel Avery.
In future It will be Superintendent
of Schools W. M. Davidson, LL.D., for
tho regents decided to confer the de
gree of doctor of laws on him be
cause of his eminence in too educa
tional work of the state.
Stringent rules were adopted In re
gard to students drinking, and In fu
turo members of any organization that
serves liquor at Its banquet or meet
ing will be expelled. Practically the
same action was taken concerning
The following resolutions were
Hrst No student of the university
shall retain membership In any so
ciety, fraternity or organization In
the university whoso membership is
secret, concealed or not made public
In the usual way.
Second Hereafter tho general su
pervision and control of the Pan
Hellenic dance and all similar Inter
fraternity social functions or events
are vested In the inter-fraternlty coun
Third No student shall be a mem
ber of any secret order or fraternity
or other secret organization which
exists primarily for tho purpose of;
controlling student affairs, or which
holds or maintains banquets or other
gatherings nt which alcoholic liquors
are served.
Fourth Any student convicted of
violating any of the provisions of sec
tions one and three, or either of them
shall be expelled or suspended from
tho university. Any conduct on the
part of the members of the teaching
or official bodies of tho university
clearly tending to support or encour
age students tn the violation ot those
sections shall be deomed an impro
Stock Judging Building to Be Erected on Nebraska State Fair Grounds.
Premiums for Kid Corn Raisers.
Tho Nebrnska State Hoard of Agri
culture Is offering $150 In premiums to
the boys under 18 years of age who
grow the greatest number of bushels
of corn to the acre during 1900. The
money Is divided. $50 to first, $25 to
second, $20 to third, $15 to fourth, $10
to lifth and $5 each to sixth to eleventh.
Adopts Schedule 44.
After considering tho matter for a
number of months and after repeated
hearings of Stato Railway commission
has adopted schedule No. 41, prepared
by the Western Traffic association,
with some modifications.
Cluh Teit of Liquor Law.
The right of tho excise board of the
city of Lincoln to enact and enforce a
rule prohibiting bona lido Incorporated
clubs, organized for beneficiary or so
cial purposes, from Incidentally fur
nishing llquorB to their members, Is
to be tested In the supreme court of
the state at the earliest possible date.
The case made up in district court
and which will bo carried to the higher
tribunal as soon as the transcript cun
bo prepared, Is that of the Btate
against John S. Glpson, president of
the Walters' club.
For a "Weed Day."
"Weed day" has been suggested by
C. II. Gillespie of Madison In a letter
to Governor Shallenberger. Mr. Gil
lespie states that ho Is a good roads
man, and declares that he thinks that
the state would bo much benefited if
a day should be set aside in July or
August for the pulling, cutting or gen
eral destruction of woods.
Nebraska Fish Industry.
Game Warden Gellus returned from
Cherry county, where he has been
planting fish for the stato. Mr. Gellus
reported that the lakes nnd streams
In that part of the state are full of
trout and tho fishing will be great
when the seaRon Is open.
Thompson Supports Mains.
Deputy Food Commissioner S. L.
Mains recently announced that tho
stato law requires a statement of tho
Ingredients of nil food compounds to
he placed on the label. He Is now
supported by Attorney General Thomp
son, and the latter, tn answer to a
question, has held that when food
packages are accompanied by gifts,
premiums or prizes such packages are
to bo deemed mlBbranded under the
law. Prize pnekages were not per
mitted by tho former food commis
sioner, but the question Is again up.
Don't Poison Baby.
pORTY YEARS AGO almost every mother thought her child must havo
PAREGORIC or laudanum to make it sleep. Theso drugs will produce
sleep, and A FEW DROPS TOO MANY will produco tho SLEEP FROM WHICH
THERE IS NO WAKING. Many aro tho children who havo been killed or
whoso health has been ruined for lifo by paregoric, laudanum and morphine, each
of which is a narcotio product of opium. Druggists aro prohibited from selling
cither of tho narcotics named to children at all, or to anybody without labelling
them " poison." Tho definition of " narcotio " is : "A medicine which relieves pain,
andproduccs sleep, hit which in poisonous doses produces stupor t comat convuU
sions and dcatJu" Tho taste and smell of medicines containing opium aro disguised,'
and sold under tho names of "Drops," "Cordials," "Soothing Syrups," etc. You
should not permit any medicine to bo given to your children without you or
your physician know of what it is composod. 0AST0RIA DOES NOT CON
TAIN NARCOTICS, if it bears tho signature of Chas. H. Eetcher.
mw Letters from Prominent Physicians
addressed to Chas. II. Fletcher,
A cgclaWc Prrparallon ForAs
tuifjtlic Sioraadis andfJotJsoI
IVomofcs DitfesHortJCIif etfJ
ncss and Rest.Contalns neither
OpnmLMorphiiie norMiacral.
Not Narcotic.
Aratlttd iHrmStfj-
Ancrferl Remedy forCtmsfkn
Facsimile Signature of
Dr. J. W. Dlnsdalo, of Chicago, 111., Bays: "I uso your Coatorla and
advise Its uso la all families wbcro tlicro aro cblldrcn."
Dr. Alexander E. Mlntlo, of Cleveland, Ohio, says: "I have frequently
prescribed your Castorla and havo found It a rollablo and pleasant rem
edy for children."
Dr. J. S. Alexander, of Omaha, Neb., cays: "A modlclno bo valuabla anJ
beneficial for children as your Coatorla la, deserves tho highest pralso. I
find it la uso everywhere"
Dr. J. A. JlcClellan, of Buffalo, N. Y., Bays: "I havo frequently prescribed
your Castorla for children and always got good results. Ia fact I uso
Castorla for my own children."
Dr. J. W. Allen, of Gt. Loula, Mo., eays: "I heartily endorao your Cas
torla. I havo frequently prescribed It in my medical practlco, and hava
always found It to do all that la claimed for IL"
Dr. C. II. Cllddon, of St. Taut, Minn., say3: "My experlenco as a prac
titioner with your Castorla has been highly eatlcfactory, and I consider It
an excellent remedy for tho young."
Dr. II. D. Bcr.ncr, of Philadelphia, Ti., says: "I havo used your Cas
torla as a purcatlvo In tho cases of children for years past with tho moBt
harry effect, and fully endorso It as a Bafo remedy."
Dr. J. A. Doarman, of Kansas City, Mo., eays: "Your Castorla Is a splen
did remedy for children, known tho world over. I uso it In my practlco
and have no hesitancy la recommending It for tho complaints of Infanta
and children."
Dr. J. J. Mackey, of Brooklyn, N. says: "I consldor your Castorla an
excellent preparation for children, being composed of rcllablo medicines
nnd pleasant to tho tasto. A Good rcniody for all disturbances of th
digestive organs."
Jy Boar the Bignataro of
rj$m, fcuaranlted undVr UwFoodjl
Exct Copy of Wrapper.
The KiQd You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
About That.
' "A popular operatic prima donna
makes her money about the easiest
way of all."
"How Is that?"
"She gets her living for a soar"
8hk Into Your 8ho.
Allen's Fool-F.npe, a powder for your feet
It cures painful, swollen, flin.irtlng. sweat
ing feet. Makes new ulioes uy. Sold by
nil DruRKlnta and FIiob Stores. Inn't nc
rept any nulmtltuto. Knmpla FRK.I3. Ad
dress A. S. Olmsted. I.eKoy. N. V.
A Good Rule.
"What's your reclpo for managing
a husband?"
"Oh, there Isn't any. Just feed him
well, and trust to luck."
A Innirtlp F.yr llemrdy
Compounded bv KxperleneeiJ I'liyRlrlnns,
Conforms to I'uro Food and DriiKS !..
Wins Friends Wherever t!necl. Aak Drill?
RlFts for Murine F.ya Il-medy. Try Mu
rine la Your Kyes. You Will I.lku Murine.
It Is.
"Some say It's a mistake to marry."
"Well," commented Mrs. Slxthbub,
"to err Is human."
If You Have Common Sore Eyee,
if line blur or run together, vnu need
rirmr s i;yk sai.vj;. 'j.v. aii drug-
gints or Howard Hros., ltullalo, N. V.
Tlgments of moro than 400 different
colors are Becured from coal.
Lewis' Sinde Hinder strainlit 5c riptar
made of run, mellow tnlmrrn. Your
dealer or Iicwis' Factory, l'ecrin, 111.
Tho Burgeon Is ready to slash any
old thing except his bill.
Mr. TCIn.lnw'ii Rnnthlnff Hrrnp.
For children toetlilntr, mfli'im tho itunn, rclurr h
Bunmallun, lUjn puln, euros wlnil cullu. ibc buttle.
Bathing In tho enow Is a common
custom In Russia.
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 22-1909.
A Quick, Clean Shave
A Friend In Need
There is absolutely nothing
that gives such speedy relief in
Dysentery, Diarrhea, Cholera
Morbus, Cholcra-Infantum, Colic
and Cramps as
It Is s friend In need, snd you
should always keep it in your house.
Its valuable curative properties have
made it a necessity tor both adults
snd children.
Sold by all Jruggtili at
25c pti bottlt
A. further inducement
to Ktllrment of the
whral-r.iiing londi of
Western Canada, (lie
Canadian Govrrnmrnt
hat increased the area
that may be taken by
homesteader to 320 arrei- 160 free and 160 to
la purchased at $).00 per acre. 1 hew lundt
are in the grain-raiting area, where mixed farming
it aluo carried on with unqualified nirceu. A
mil way will ihoillyhe built to I ludion Bay, bring
ing the world's markrti a thousand miles nearer
these wheat-fields where kIiooU and churches,
are convenient, climate etcellent, railways close to
all settlements, and local maikeU good.
"it would tnVe time to nfliilirtllnte the revela
tions Unit u visit tn the ureiit empire lylnc to
the North of us unfolded at every turn."
CiHftpundrme of Nium hlilor, mho ilslhj
Wtslttn Ctntdt In Aujuit, 1903.
Lands may alio be purchased from railway and
land companies at low prices and on easy terms.
For pumpMet, mapa nnd information as to
low rullway ratei, npply to Superintendent
of Immltrrntlnn, Ottiiwa, Canndn, or tht
authorised Cunadlnn Government Agent:
1T.V. BtrlKETT.
101 New Tort tils DuililoJ. Omaha. Xekrast.
itll dim. ftfii,
t'ltin,M nAtttlMiUl,
'liltVfttllt'ltl .I'lii'ftp,
(.itll m-sjums. i an
no! I I I IT Hi.
0rr, Mill lint Roll
'iiiiiraiiti'ci elTwv
1 1 . ttrnll'tfalrrt),
ir rnf ! hi ttlfitr
V llatrtilrtt'iMff,
I Ml tlx klh
Ilrf flaw Is
l,iT.Xwus.; Thompson's Eye Water
f' ; " 71 'Xv.
Regard Cuticura Soap
and Cuticura Ointment
as unrivaled for Preserv
ing, Purifying and Beau
tifying the Skin, Scalp,
Hair and Hands, for Sana
tive, Antiseptic Cleansing
and for the Nursery.
Fold Itiroiishniit lh world. Pepota' I nndnn. ft,
nmrn rh'iiiHe na . 1'iiris. ft. Hue i.t I'ms. Aintra
111 H Town i (". Hyilmv; lnci, l. K. I'Sill,
f'aletittr.; (Iiina. I lorisc I'm l'o.i Japan,
Maniva I.Kl . T"ki". HunIh, I erreln. Wueeowl
;.. Mrleo. Lcnnnii. Ltd . l" Town, ete ; l'.HJa,
V'lter Uruir i hem rurp i'nips., loiuq.
l'usl LriT, Cullcuru Hook let UQ tUa bkUS
CImiims atid tmutinw tht htrjL
fT'Mm.tol a ltuunsnt fruwth.
Mlr to Ita Youthful OolorT
Ctuvt teslp aiiM4 a bslr ftlUna,
tUi'itJiJ !'' nrmvliia