The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, May 31, 1909, Image 5

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    Fish Bite Hungrily
when you use
Magnetic Fish Bail
There's no such thing" us a dull day
when you go fishing if you are sup
plied with this truly wonderful dis
covery. If the fish are there you'll
get them, for they simply can't re
sist it. It beats anything you have
ever imagined. It is moderate in
price 25 cents per box and a
box will last a long time, llesides
this bait, of which we are the solo
manufacturers, we handle
Fishermen's Complete
Outfits .
50c, 51, 2.CO, 3.00, 4.00, 5.00.
Send today for a box and for our
Free booklet, "Facts About Fish
ing," and illustrated catalog of
fishing tackle outfits. Address
Magnetic Fish Bait Co.
Depr. B. Republic, Missouri.
Water Items
tir-i an 1 Miss FJ:ia Hammer will take
It never rains but it pour?-. Thurs
1 day of this week .'! shows were i'i town
and they were all at rivalry ti collect
from the town.
The directors of the City National
' Hank recently made some changes in
the institution by electing J. M. Tee
garden enshier. Mr. Teeganlen began
! his duties Monday morning. C. W.
Liish will act as assistant cashier. The
j change was made necessary because of
i increased volume of business.
Special Correspondence.
Mrs. Ray Wiles who lives north of J
town is very sick with billious fever.
M. A. Bates, of Plattsmouth, was
in town awhile Tuesday and again j
H. D. Keed and I S. Barnes were
fishing on the Missouri river above Ne
braska City Tuesday.
After more than a week's idleness,
the grading gang began work again
Tuesday on the Missouri Pacific tiacks
south of here.
About 50 men are now employed in
the Commercial Land Co's., stone quar
ries. The company has a good many
orders for stone and are pushing the
work rapi lly.
On June 2 there will be a change in
the management of the Gibbon hotel.
On that date the Tanner bisters, who
are now conducting the hotel will re
I.owney's fine candies at Gerirg's.
Fine stationery at our store. Gering
& Co.
Take a Kodak on your vacation. Ge
ring & Co.
Gering & Co. can fill your prescrip
tion in the right way.
The latest styles in wall paper to
choose from at Gering'.
C. L. Pitman of Omaha was an over
Ilunday visitor in the city.
James Hunter spent Friday in Lin
coln looking after business.
Mrs. A. II. Sprute of Minnesota, is
visiting relatives in the city.
Take a Kodak with you on your va
cation. For sale at Gerirg's.
Frank Krowlck of Havelock was an
over Sunday visitor in the city.
Just received a fine assortment of
Lowney's Candies at Gering & Co.
I. Pearlman, of Omaha, was in this
city on business Thursday and Friday.
J. L. Farthing, who formerly re
sided here, was in the city on business
Mrs. Loretta Ault and her little
grandson spent Decoration Day in
Glenwood, Iowa.
Walter A. Laughlin, of Greenwood,
was in the city on business in the coun
ty court on Friday.
Smoke "Acorn" cigars. They are
made from the best quality of tobacco,
and are free smokers.
Harry Northcott and family of Om
aha spent yesterday with Mrs. North
cott's mother in the city.
Frank Huntoon and two daughters of
Kock Island, 111., are visiting T. W.
Glenn and family in the city.
Mrs. Fred Fbinger and daughter, of
I'lainvicw, Neb., is visiting her moth
er and other relatives in the city.
G. L. Waiters, of Grand Island, was
the guest of his brother, K. O. Wat
ters, ar. 1 family, the latter part of the
Mrs. William Osborn, who has been
visaing Mr. and Mrs. Fred Denson, re
turned to hor home in Cuu:'.eil Bluffs,
la., Friday.
Mrs. P. A. MrCrary visitel her hus
band at the hospital in Omaha Friday.
Mr. MeCrary is making good progress
for recovery.
Mrs. Joseph B. Sans arrived in the
city Friday from Berthould.Colo., for a
visit with relatives. Mr. .Sans las
been doing well in his new home.
Connie Schlater, who has been at
tending school in the city the past year,
left Friday for his home in Duell coun
ty where he will spend his vacation.
Arthur Altman, age 21 years, of
South Omaha, and Miss Swanson,
age 22 years, of Ottawa, la., were
united in marriage Friday morning.
Rev. A. A. Kandall performed the cere
mony. Work of Bees.
Three hundred billion bees made
enoimh honey during last year to fill
a train of cars long enough to reach
from New York to Buffalo. At the
low whclesalo rate cf ten cents a
pound It was worth fS.j.nnii.non. and if
the 700.000 bee keepers of the country
had worked as Industriously and skill
fully as did the bees, the weight of the
output would have hern three times
ns great and the value $75,000.(100.
In one year the beehives sent to
market a product worth nearly as
much as the barley crop, three times
much as the buckwheat crop, ?(,
000,000 greater than the rye crop, and
nearly $9,000,000 greater than the rice
crop. All the the rice and buckwheat
grown en an aggregated area of
2,120 1-3 square miles did not r ach to
the value of the honey by $151,2.7.1.
To appreciate these results, one
must necessarily strive also to appre
ciate the number of Insects at work.
That is rather difficult, for 300,000,000,
000 sti'i tches a long way beyond Intel
llgtnt human comprehension. The
human mind doesn't work well In any
thing mathematically greater than
x 1 I
Didn't Mean Anything.
"One can't help knowing," said a
dandy, "when one Is good looking
Why, I got off at a small station the
other day in the country, and I must
confess that I attracted a great ilea
of attention."
"It doesn't mean anything," snld hi
friend. "Why, when I get out of the
Grand Central station I meet a crowc
of men who yell 'Hansom! Hansom!
at the top of tht Ir lungs,."
If You Are Needing a
We are offering a fine
Top Delivery Wagon
Worth &L35 for
It has 1 1-4 inch Axle and Wheels, has full wood
panel sides nicely painted. Think of it.
18th and Harney Street, Omaha, Nebr.
To our line of rugs we have lately added tho Olson Fluff a rutf you .ire- no
doubt acquainted with and which gives the best of wear at moderate prices:
Size 27 inches by 45 inches H 4."
" III) " " CO " ' 1.88
" 27 " " M " 1.98
" :W " " 72 ' 2.50
If in need of small and medium sized Rugs you should see these. You will
appreciate at price offered.
A lot of Carpets and Hugs about 27x5 1 inch sizes at from 79c to $1.25. A nice
selection of Moquette Rugs in popular sizcs-27.51 and o".73. Also size in
beautiful patterns.
Summer Underwear
Ladies Uuion Suits, low neck, sleeveless, cull knee, 3."c, 0e and '$t 00. Low
neck, sleeveless, lace trimmed, 35c, 50c 75c and $1. Low neck, sleeveless, extra
sizes, 40c, 50c, 75c and 1,25. Ladies' knit pants, culF knee and umbrella style at
2."ic, 35c and 50c. Fxtra sizes 45c and 50c. Ladies' Vests good quality at 10c,
15c, 25c and 50c. Extra sizes 15c, 25c and 50c. Long sleeve vests at 25c, 30c and
."Oc. Knit Corset Covers at 25c, 35c and 50c.
Just received for tho sweet girl graduate a beautiful full line of fans. Trices
from 25c to $2.50 Hand embroidered handkerchiefs, exquisite designs all new.
Fancy hose in all the late shades plain, gauze, lifle and embroidered; New and
up-to-date things in Umbrellas and Parasols.
V vvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvv y
i . X
Kicnet ana Heal wertn.
Rlehcs are for tho comfort of life,
not life for the umastliiB of rlehea. I
asked a wise man: "Who Is the for
lunate and who Is the unfortunate
man?" He replied: "He Is the for
tunute who sowed and reaped, and he
the unfortunate who died and enjoyed
rest. Offer no prayer In behalf of
that worthless wreteh who did nothing
hut spend his life in the accumulation
of wealth which he used not."
A magnetic personality la often
more; powerful than ability, and Is
often, very often, placed In the balance
ai?ainst It. It Is therefore advisable
to exert oneself to the utmost to cul
tivate that wonderful charm to tho
hlnliest degree, ami File who has It
not Is not so much to be pitied as
blamed, for it Is, more or less, within
the reach of all. Woman's Life.
Cured to
Stay Cured
How a Plattsmouth Citizen Found
Complete Freedom From
Kidney Troubles.
Girt In.
It Is not to die, nor even to die of
hunger, that makes a man wretched.
Many men have died; all men must
(lie. Hut it is to live miserable, we
know not why; to work sore, and yet
gain ' nothing; to be heart worn,
weary, yet isolated, unrelated, Kirt
In with a cold, universal laissey falro.
Thomas Carlyle.
What Gifts to Give.
The different wedding anniversaries
and gifts appropriate are: First year,
cotton; second, paper; third, leather;
fifth,, wooden; Beventh, woolen; tenth,
tin; twelfth, silk and fine linen; fif
teenth, crystal; twentieth, china;
twenty-fifth, silver; thirtieth, pearl;
fortieth-, ruby; fiftieth, golden; seventy-fifth,
diamond; eighty-fifth, radium.
1 Truth Versus Fiction.
The mother-In law is generally kind
and indulgent; the landlady Is more
than solicitous about your welfare;
the street car conductor does not
knock down fares; policemen do not
go to sleep on their beats; there Is no
such thing as a gentleman burglar.
Think it over.
His Suggestion.
Tonimle was about to have a chil
dren's party. "Mother," he said
thoughtfully. "It won't look well for
me to be stuffing myself when those
other kids are here. How will It be
If I eat my share before they como?"
Harper's Iiaxar.
If you suller from ltaokache
l'rom urinary disorders
From any disease of tho kidneys,
He cured to tuy cured.
Doan'a Kidney Pills make lasting
Plattsmouth people testiy.
Here's one case of it:
Herman Tiekotter, Cor. Ninth & Day
streets, Plattsmouth, Neb., says: "I
never used n medicine that brought as
groat benefit as Doan's Kidney Pills.
My kidneys caused mc much Etiirerinj?
and there was a dull, tired ache across
the small of my back that distressed
men preat deal. If I stooped, my
back pained me sevcrly and in the
morning when I arose, 1 felt as tired
as when I went to bed. Hearing Doan's
Kidney Pills eo highly praised, I pro
cured at tiering &. Co's., drug store and
it was not long before I was thoroughly
relieved. (Statement given June
On December 20, lf8, Mr. Tiekoet
ter, said: "I cheerfully confirm my
former endorsement of Doun's Kidney
Pills. I have: had no trouble from tny
kidneys since this remedy cured me."
For sale by all dealers. Price GO
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., PuHalo,
New York, sole "agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other. 11-4
Cause of Baldness.
After considerable Joculurlly th
pair turned to the pearly-paled
stranger and one said:
"My friend and I have been discuss
ing the cause of baldness, but we can't
seem to agree. Would ynu mind tell
Inn us what you regard us the real
cause of baldness?"
The stranger wheeled about, eyed
his nucst loners rWi" ly and snorted:
Advice Worth Heeding.
Do not wait, but begin to-morrotr
morning to be reliable und keep at It
until reliability becomes a part ot
you. Hooker T. Waahlngton.
Where Nature Falls Short.
Whiskers may conceal a receding
chin, but there is no help for a flat
toned brow.
A:id Equal Usclcssncss.
Were every pebble a ruby, tho ruby
anil tne pebble would be of equal
New Use for Onions.
A woman has cured her husband of
a bad attack of "nfflnltltis" by feeding
him on raw onions.
You may win a home with a box of
Lowney's. (lering sells Lowney's line
In County Court
Result of Mince Pie Nightman;.
After eating three piece of milieu
pie, Albert Allen of Chicago went to
sleep, mid. dreaming that a ni:iu hu
wa. gambling with was cheating, be
got Ills revolver, Intending to shoot
the gambler, but Instead fired a bulj'.-t
Into his wife's head.
Notice to Creditors.
Stntf f NVtmikn, i
Coun'y of Cum.
In ttif rmittiT of thr cstuti. of 1'eU-r Turn, ilt"
cim it.
Nutiri. In h-n-ly civen Hint the rr"tlitms ufuniii
il rc riHiil will mvt the AclminiHtrat-is uf mid t .
tni.'. Iii'fnrcnif. County Juilo of Cn.-. County,
Ni.Sr.i,kn. Ill tho County Court ro .111 in I'lntts
rti'i'iih, in K;iiil County, noil on tho JIh' ilityof Io
vn,lT. UKi'.i. lit lu o'cloi I, A. M, iwh iliiy. for
I lif I'liriiosi. of prt si'iiiinir thi ir clnimx for I'.tiinii
nntion. mliuitn;i iit Lnl nllow.mro.
S: mnntliHHro allow H for tlx- rnilitnrn of fuiil
ilin ii-jiI 'o i.ri'xi nt thrir rlaiin.. one ymr for
On-Ailrnini-tn.ttiv to i ttli' snid ,'Htnti' from thr
ilnv of .limp, r.nm.
Witni'in my himd tin! foul of snicl Co'inty Court,
n' I'luttsno.itli, .Nil. no l,n. ih' ilnv of May.
Al.l.KN J. H :i:.iiin,
;fs ISi:ai.. County Judo
No Cheap Grades.
There are no vary ins degree of
No ioe of Final Settlement.
rSU:- In County Court.
In tho mot I or of tho ostHle of FriuYrlck D,
Lohnhoff, ill rriinrij.
To all iirmonn iim-nntoii: You urn hi'ndiy no
thinl Ihul the Kxtrutrix (if thciHtutft of Krtilor
irk I), l-hnhoff. ilrci'iiMil him filed her final re
port anil petition prnvinK Ihrn in lor linul wttlo-nit-nt
of Kaid ontittt', that hor ai'coiiiit bi allowtil.
ni'il that Ihr ppnumal m il mil ciIhK' ! awiirnerl
to Iiit um providiil hy th' torm of tin' l."t will of
wuil dwi'awd, ami duly irohatitl and ulluwcd by
thin court.
You ur further notified that thi rc will lie a
hi annif upon naid Mtition Ix-fon' this couri in the
county i-ourt at I'lHtthinoiith, in nind ci unty,
on the Kit duy ot J u in-.l at IlloVlock A. M.amt
that nil oliji'i-tionK. if any. rnuit Ih' Moil on or lie
fore aid day and hour of herrmit.
Witni KK my hand and the mwI of tho county
court of kdiiI rounty tliir -I'll day of May; l:W,
At.l.KN J. IIi.k.on.
Si:ai.1 County Judire.
Legal Notice.
To Fluviui .1. HrirK. ni'H Sonlmniu I'.riun, Ih'w
wifo, and unknown (M ir nnt ilcvim'of Unviun
J. Britfk'f . (ii (n- il, S. N Mtrruitn, uml the un
kiuivvh l.tirs ur.ti 'Icvin'i-H 4J" S.N. Mtrim. dt
(riittl. at tl the I'tiion Trust l'iniai.y. of Nrw
Vurk, :i TritUti'. lii-friuliint't Ynu ami taoh uf
yoi an' hTrl-v until, ni that on tho 'Jlth tiny of
M:iy. A. IV. r. ot, (it -uitri- J. Sinhlnumn, plainlilT.
luMrin lil l h. TH'tiMon in llir iliMnct ctmrt nf
1'hs t'M'tnty, Ni hiir4 ;i. rin-t nxui dt'frniluntu,
the i lrt nw pr.'tyri tif v. hih in l m iiiuvp r
twin t lti'Ni-i frt'M rue titl- timl n (juii-t tht- tith- m
uml In llicS.W.U o! ,cit!i ul.'nwtinhiii vnrmo
1 1, in Cut ctMihlv, Nlr:ir Itii. in Hie fail lum
tifl at 'i n.iinl t mil U fi-rulanlH htm vu' h v( Ou'tn.
Yon anil f'at'h yu iiM tc iui" '! 1 nnswor nai'i
lii'titum nn fir iH-tnri' thi U'th ny of Julv, VMi.
Pulnl thisL'4thdiiV(.f Mhv. l-W.
(il 'Ht,i: .(. Sront MANN
Hy A. L. Tiiii'. II is Attorney. 13-R