The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, May 31, 1909, Image 3
V 0v. r r Notice To Creditors. ' MR. JONES IN AN EMERGENCY. FAILED TO MAKE THE SALE. I I I Want Column S3. In Count Court. WANTED. WANTED-Truftworthy man or woman in each county to advertise, receive orders and manage business for New York Mail Order House. $K00 weekly; position permanent; no in vestment required. Previous exper ience not essential to engaging. Spare time valuable. Enclose self ad dressed envelope for full particulars. Address.Clarke Co.,W'holesale Dept., 103 Park Ave., New York. 8-10 WAITED-Young men and women to till positions paying $900 to $2000 per annum. Big demand for stenograph era in the Government service, as well as in private business life. Our new method of teaching shorthand by mail insures as thorough and practical a training at your own home as is obtainable by personal attend ance at any business college in the country. We guarantee success. Complete course for small cash pay ment; balance to be paid when you secure a position. Trial lesson free. Central Business Institute, Central Building, Washington, D. C. SALESMAN-Best commission offer on earth. New-all retailers samples, coat pocket. Reliable, Iowa City, Iowa. ''' i S'tat ,.f Nelira-ka. ' County uf I sn. I In the matter f the estate of Weclav K row UK. ! (JtMVUStti. Notio in hcrt-liy Rtvi'ti that the cr.iliti'in nf va il ; (itceasi'ii will meet the A)mini?.tratitr with will ' annexed of nid estate, befurc me. O-unty thi!tri' of Cass Cnuntv. Nebraska, at th County Court room in l'lattumouth. in Ka d County, on the j: t day of June, lints', at 10 o'clock, A. M . each da, for the purpose of presenting their claims for ex" aminution. adjustment und allowance. Six months are allowed for thr cn-ditors of said deceased to present their claims, and tine year for the Administrator to aettle mid estate, from the 21st day uf June. I'.M'I. Witness my hand and seul of FaiJ County Court, at 1'luttsmouth, Nebruska, this '.iih, day uf May. l'-tW. J. Bi:fsin. 11-8 'ISluul County Judge. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an Order of Sale issued by James Uotiortson clerk of the District Cnnrl whilin nml for Cass county. Nebraska, and to me directed. I 1 will on the 14th day of June A. l. lititl at ID ; o'clock A. M. of said duy at the south door of the Court House in said county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the fullowini; tenl estate towit: Lot number fourteen (U.) in block four (4,1 in the villaen of Murray, Cass county, Nebraska. The same Ix-imt levied upon and taken an the property of Ilia F. Queen and Albert (Jueen, de fendants to satisfy a judgment of said court re covered by I'eter Campbell. Administrator of the estute of Thomas I,. Campbell, deceased plaintilf airainst snid ilefendants. l'lattsmouth Neb., May llith. A D. law. C. I). WriKToN. S-st Sheriff Casa County, Nebraska. FOUND. FOR SALE-40 acres. 2 miles south of town with good 3 room house 2ix:M and kitchen 12xl(). 3 acres of apple, peach antl cherry orchard. 7 acres timber. Can all be plowed except 3 acres which is good pasture with run ning water. All fenced. Will take in exchange a piece of town property consisting of a 3 or -1 room nouse with from 2 or 3 lots to an acre or two. See J. E. Barwick in the Dovey Block. ''-J 1 THE PLATTSMOUTH HOTEL X T V. V. GOQS. Prop. X BAILEY & ftlACH THE DENTISTS Uttst Appliance ni;tlGrJl OmlLtry. RelSM ible Prlrn. HrM-rqulppril llrntal Ol der la the Middle VSett. tICIl OltCOUHT TO CITT vltlTOM. I floor Vitnr ink ,iiu Kninsm, OMAHA, NEB. I A. L. TIDD LAWYER References: Bank of Eagle, Eagle. Nehawka Bank, Nehawka. Bank of Murdock. Murdock. First Nat'l bank, Greenwood. State bank of Murray, Murray. First Nat'l bank, l'lattsmouth. K"WHX-v,X"X"XMXXX" License Notice. Notice of application of Cm. G. Williamson for lio'ior license Notice is hereby Riven that (leo.G Williamson on the nth day of May. WO. I'M his petition with the Village Clerk of Murd ick, Cass county, Ne braska, as required by the statutes of the Slate' of Nebraska, ami the ordinances of the Villupo j of .Murdock prayimc for u license 'o sell malt i siiritousand vinous liquors in the huiMinu located on lota, blink 1C, Murdock. Nebraska, for the liscal year endinv May 2 ll'io. Anv objictionl thereto must ! liliil with the Village Clerk I not late- than May 1T7. li''i!l. i Dated at Murduck. Nebraska, Mril. 1'. l'K!. ' Oi:ii- li. W II. t IAMSIIN. S-li Applicant Except for Single Unfortunate Inci dent He Wat Just the Man to Deal with It. When Jen 8 reached home the other night he found Mis. .loin's huddled up In a corner of the sofa weeping, and about four Inches of water on the kitchen floor. The Joneses hadn't been married very Ions, so he contented himself with a Keneial remark concerning the nonrofotirct. fulness of women and asked how it happened. "The water pipe under tho sink burst," Mrs. .(ones told him. Jones smiled pityingly, walked de liberately to the kitchen closet and produced n wrench. Opening tho cel lar door with a confident air he de scended to the region below. After bumping nt least seven ob stacles he finally reached the wall and reached out for the rock which he had noticed In a pipe which traversed tho wall. He applied his wrench and shut It off. Patting himself on the hack for be ing able to cope with an emergency, he started back upstairs. Just half way up the steps he bumped Into his wife. Mrs. Jones was the first to speak. "O, dear," she said, "what In Ihn world did you turn off the cas for?" Philadelphia Times. Sidewalk Merchant Was Badly in Need of Lesson to Curb Ten dency to Freshness. Carey Johnson l.ndlant, the southern philologist, in the course of a lecture on "Neologisms" In Charleston, said: "Anoilier neologism is 'salesman Bhlp." The advertising columns of the magazines have for several months abounded In this word. Schools of 'salesmanship,' books on 'salesman fhlp," secrets of 'salesmanship' why, one rends of nothing vise." The aged scholar smiled. "And speaking of schools of sales manship," he paid. "I ho;ie ihat tho s ilesiniin who accosted me on my way here this evening will take in one of fhein an eight or nine years' course I'm sure he needs It. This salesman, a shabby young man, laid his hand on my arm and said: '"Say, friend, loinme sell ye a box of thN here patent cement.' "I shook off his filthy paw. " 'Cement:' i (sneered, annoyed at his familiarity. 'What do I want with cement '.'' "'Why,' cried the man. In apparent S'iipiis. 'ain't ye broke? Ye look it.' Los Angeles Times. NOT THE SPEAKER'S PROVINCE In County Court. Legal Notice State of Nebraska. . Cass County. I In the matter of the estate of Andiew It. Taylor, deceased. lo all persons interested: You are hereby noti!iNl that a hearinir w II lie i had at the County Court Hom in the C'tu-t llo jse i at rinttsmnuth, Nebraska, on tho Nth (lav of June I A. D. l!i!t, utHin the report and peti'ion for, final settlement in the above estaie tilled by i the administratrix; fluid hcaiini; to b' at nine j o'clocK A. M., before which day and hour all oh- ' jections to aid report and petition m it b" tilld. i ISYItON Ci.ahk. . I. IlKFMflV, ! Attorney. County Judo. IsKAI.I !t-H to Tax Payers. j The County Board of Eipmlizatinn will set fori the purpose of eiiuali'.iiiK the assessment of Cuss county, for the year l'liil, in the Com'nUsiomrs j Chamber, at the Court House in I'lal'f niouth. No- braska, liecinniriK June loth at W o'clock A. M. i and continue from day to day, up to and including Monday. June 21, 1H"!I. All claims for equalization must be filed on or ; before Saturday the loth dav of June, I'M). , l'lattsmouth, Neh., Muy IS. l'.Hi'i. ! W. K. l;osi:NcrtANs. i 10-X County Clerk. Acorn cigars cents each. Srnoke an "Acorn" and be happy. Crater to Follow Was Proper Person to Comply with Request of Enthusiast. rroachers of all denominations oc cupied chairs upon the platform. They were giving their voices and Influence to the overthrow of a political boss. The Presbyterian clergyman had the floor and most vigorously attacked tho enemy. He delivered some fierce, tell lug tin usts, and the audience was with him. The boss received Borne cruel jabs. "That's right, soak him:" encour aged a man with a stentorian voieo who had standing room in the rear. As the clergyman warmed up to his subject the Interrupting "soak lilm!" came from the rear with greater pow er and frequency. The speaker p.insrd. He was not Irritated, but gently threw the audi ence into a good-natured hysteria by saying: . "The intentions of the gentleman In the rear are good, but wholly Inop portune and ill advised. If he'll kind ly reserve his coniiiients;for the next speaker, Hrofher Merrick of the Map tist church, he'll he accommodated, no doubt." Edison's New Wireless. boiit seventeen years ago Thomas A Kdison startled the world by carry ing on telegraphic communication be tween a moving train and stations along the railroad without any wire, connection therewith. The system employed was to mount a hoard eov eied with tinfoil edgewise on the car roof. The tinfoil formed part of n local telegraph circuit, which induct ively affected tho telegraph wires that paralleled the track, and In this way the messages were made to "leap" from the train to the telegraph lines. The recent experiments on n well known railroad where messages were exchanged between an operator on a last-moving train and operators In Toledo, Klkhart and Chicago wer of a different character. The Hertzian waves were used, which transmitted the messages directly to the receiving stations, and not to the telegraph wires along the track. ! For Who Could Talk? And yi I If nil those who lived In glass houses refrained from throwing I etones there would he practically no I social conversation. Puck. Rathersome. Some men would rather own an au tomobile than have nothing to worry them. Chicago Dally News. A Piaao Bargain r C. A. MARSHALL. D. D. S. n .. Graduate Dentist.. Prices Reasonable All Work Guaranteed Twenty-six Year.-.' Experience (j;;:co in ntcrnia; block a t t ? t t t t X !: If : At HeroIcTs Book and Stationary Store A brand new $380.00 Cabinet Grand Piano foi $280. Spot cash or bank able paper with payments adjusted to suit convenience. A leading western piano manufacturer has consigned to n a new piano, everything first class, note de scription below. We offer it at MANUFACTURERS PRICES, saving you the usual agent's commission of $100.00. If you are in the market for a first class, guaranteed for 10 years, instrument HERE IS AN OPPORTUNITY TOjSAVE $100. This will be the only piano offered on these terms. f MONROEj ;' iaingu.iniuinuaiiwira !. 9 v .Second hand "ci'.j et' all iie:!i'i'ipt.iois. S e w i n t, machines. washier machine.-! slid wringers re pnirvd. All kind if toul r pairs. Store n itli St. opposite jiostot'ice. IMONOEl ;"!-,!"!"X!":-'!"'."'"!;"!",.-t"X"!"!";-l";"!"t"l' Prescription work a specialty at (leriiiE's & Co. Notice To Creditors. Stnk' of Ni'l ru-!;a. , r. ... Ca.Cuiily. $'SS' InCeuntyCmrt In th' m:if Icr uf tho ralnto nf Anna Kniwli'k, '. C'ill'cl, V Nuliri' i imri'liy I'ivi'n thai ),' rrrilitiirs nf v:ud itoi-r:i-i il w ill tnwt thr Adniinjstratcr til' ii:d t s-tie-. l-t'nr' tin'. Cmintv Ju'Iki- of Cas.-i (.'minty, Ni'lirr.-k.i. nt tho Cmmty Court rirn in I'Iuk.k mouth. in sfiii) ( outttv, on tho ?lst iv uf Jur o. I'.i '.I, ;i.vl on tho L'Wt day of Iiotvmhor, l'.m.i, a; I') oolookA. M., oioh ilay. ftir thi' iui!mhi. of pn Kon'inu ihoir cla:ris forpxnminution, aljUHtm nt anl allowanoo. Six nionth.t nro allnwol for tho rt'iUloin of naiil don nwl to ptoiTit thoir rlaiiTiH am! ono rar fur tho Alininitrator tn with' uiil rstuti. fi-om the It 'lay of .luno, I'll'1. Witnois my I and anil soal of snhl County Coin t. nt I'l.itttmoiith. Nohraska, thin li'tlt iluy uf May 1:hi'. Ai.i.i:n J. IlKrsoN. li s Sr.M..I Cuunty Jiultrr. :t f : if if it IX !Y !f if ? !t iX t IV t ? ? V t ? ? ? V t ? ? V v t v V V! VI ! NETZOW CABINET GRAND PIANO. IVrfeet scale, drawn on i....,'t s-ienticlie prin- ipl"-; latest pat'-nt repeatii' at -tion, e.xtra heavy felt liamtners; expose, I pin li"'k; e.x'ra In avy three tpiarter iron jilatc; very hest (icrman importLtl tuning p'n.j a'nl ia:;o wire, patent mu.ller ::tt:e li ment with nickel plated iiitillh r rail, hest ipiality sprure in snindie;; li'iir !; ivory j keys. CASK -Verj artistie and (louhle-veneer'.'i! insi le ami, with niajil.' vei.eer fi i::' .-.'ixr; oval rpa::el, . 1 1 h 1 1 k mi at of earviiiRs. Warranted lo year-. Uei'.'l.t, 1 ft : in; width ", :'t 2 :i-i in; depth:' ft .! in T v fl T Herolds B ooKaMMauonery: SU ST Dealers iti all kind.1-' of Musical Merchandise, Violin. Ciiitar.llanjo .mil Mandolin strings ard parts. All late sheet music, vocal and insti; nu-ni al, on sale. : f ! r Y T v, f A! vHm-xAvvvvv KKKKKKvvvvvvvvvvvv Gasoline Stoves. Y Y Y Y v t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y v t Y Y Y Y Y Y o & & 2 burner Juniors $2.50 and up. 3 " " $3.75 and up. Detroit self-generating Gasoline stoves $10.50 and up. 1 burner Oven. .$1.50 and up. 2 " 44 ....$.75 and up. Remember we have a complete line and all styles. Call and see them. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y v t Y Y Y v- t Y Y ESTABLISHED 1871 The First National Bank of Plattsmouth, Nebraska. SAFE, SOUND AND CONSERVATIVE Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y v f Y v t Y Y Y Y Careful Attention Prompt Service Reasonable Terms Georok E. Dovey, President. Frank E. Schlater. Vice Pres. Horatio N. Dovey. Cashier. Carl G. Fricke, Ass't. Cashier. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t ?' t" ? f ' Y' v t Y Y Y Y Y Y f Furnishings and Work Clothes i FOR t V v V It may be that you do not know we carrv a full V l'ne of Overalls, Shirts, Jackets, Gloves, Underwear, y Sox, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, etc., suitable for y every man. A y Work Shirts, all sizes and colors 40c and 50c y Men's Overalls without bib 50c, COc, 85c y y " Overalls with bib COc, 75c, 85c, ihOc, .$1.00 y Jackets 50c, COc, 85c, $1.00 y " Cotton Flannel Gloves, 3 pair ! 25c " Leather Gloves at per pair 50c, 75c, $1.00 f y " Underwear, per jrarmcnt 25c and 50c f y " Union Suits, per suit $1.00 and $1.25 V 'I Mixed Sox, per pair 8c and 10c y " Fine Cotton Sox, brown, black ,'tnd fancy t V it per pair. . . ." 10c, 12c. 15c, 25c. f V Siisiienders, at pair 25c and 50c f V " Red and Il!i;rj Han(ik.'!'cl)i(.j's ;;i 5c and S.'c V y All Whit.- f.r Whit.; with C.ror,-dI!urlcr f V e:u'h at 5c. 10c, 15c. 2"c y Doy's Handkcrchif.-f;-', S;,. r.(lir;-, Giovo;, Unflvr- V V wear and Ilandkvrchk'lV. V 4 V - t grociry mmms Z T V No. 1. We ;.re hei'.d.iuartcr:; f'.T l!i:',!. r ;u.d K.-.-s v for we rve'iv' vw and l..-j.t-'r Mu.-dity anv .-,:.-f. .' Lot us a'bi y.rr nanu! ti ali'.--ady hj'.'.v li.-.t "I' ' t; ;- tomers that jr-t i!:oir I .utter ai.d i'iv;s very wcrk In i;: , us. M:irk't pric always. I No. 2. We arc hoad'.uarL iv. '..r .dl kinds nf ; ('h(;iv.c.Ap!c:-ican er; -am. i'rkli and I ,ii. :!.'::;'. 2'k-il. Sa; 'Of, I.-uich'-.i l.'c. Inij-ortt'd Sw'.-'s dtJc. y N. :'. Wear- h.-adqunrk'rs for Vi i.i t;il !( .;. frc.-di every day, Strawneivies, Cti"i:ml.e!v. !'ic.-,h P.'-an::. y K'ibarb, (;:. -n Oahns. Tnu-iti'u. Lettiar. J v Cabbage, ete. 4. V No. I. W.' always have m hand a nice line of "i Giar,- s, l'V. 25c. i;H', K" d( :an. llananas, 20c a do;'.( 11. Pine Aoplej. Vk and 1 each i - I We Want to Talk duality U Quantity. y . v j: - Plattsmouth - - Nebraska. X v 4 vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv;