The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, May 31, 1909, Image 2

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R. 0. WAITERS, Business Manager
. JF .
of the
By B
(Uuprrltfhl, 1UUU. IJolba-liurrlliCo.)
At H years nf nito Admiral Kir Peter
1 liiwIishaw'H ni plii v, Klelinnl (ilyn, fi ll
deeply In love nt IIimI tlKlit Willi I suly
Aniliella Siiinnnnt, who npnnnil tils lit
tendons. Tin luil, iin nrpliiin, kIv-ii
n )i i 111 ns iiilil.ililpiimn mi llio AJux lV
Ms uncle. (illi-H Vermin, nephew nf Sir
Tliotium Vernon, lniiiiMi- Iin1 Imy's I ; 1 1 .
Tliey tittcnilcil ii llic;ttcr when' I lawk -shnw'n
nephew wiw l.mly Aralnlla. Ver
non mot l'lilllp Overton, nest In line fur
Kir Tliumim Vernon'N eslnte. They nlnrt
cil it duel which was Interrupted. Vernon,
Overton Bml HiiwkKhiiw'H nephew found
tlif niBclvi's tillraded hv pretty I.mly Ara
bella. The A.lax III liatile ilefeiitoe I'reneli
wnrxlilpH In I do .Meilllernineiin. Klelinnl
tllyn Kut JLS.inu pil.e money. He whs
railed honii) ly l.mly HnwksMaw an lie
wiiH about In "hlow In" IiIh enrnlnas with
Vernon. At n llnwkuhnw party tllyn dl.i
rovered that l.inly Arabella was n poor
hut persistent nanihler. lie Inlked much
with her coiimIii Daphne. J.ady Arubella
tgaln Hlinwed lovw for Kanilim.
CHAPTER V. Continued.
Tlio nolso of tho rontrovcriiy was
lirnrd nil over (own, anil It was dis
cussed In Ilcrkoloy Square as rlsr
wlioro. Lady llawksliaw was no lon
ger n subscriber lo AliuaeU's. Not be
Ins nblo to rule It, hIio had retired, tho
nssombly rooms not being largo
enough to hold herself and a certain
other lady.
Giles had told nio that on tho even
ing of tho ball ho and other gentlemen
Interested In the victory for Mrs.
Tninchnrd would escort her to the
bajl. So at eight o'clock I proceeded
to tho lady's house In .lerniyn street,
and snw her set forth In stnto In her
chair. Shfl was blazing with diamonds,
and looked like a stage duchess. A
long company of gentlemen with theli
swords attended her, and (Hies and
my IiOrd Wlnstanley led tho proecs
rlon. Mrs. Trent-hard was tho best
imitation of a lady I ever saw, as she
sat In her chair, smiling and fanning
herself, with the llnkboys gaping and
grinning nt her; and the gentlemen,
especially such as had had a little
more wine than usual, shouting: "Way
for Mrs. Trenchard! Make way
Yet It seemed to mo as if sho were
only an imitation, after all, and that
Lady Hawkshaw, with her turban nnd
her oullandibh French, had much more
tho genuine air of a great lady. Mrs.
Trenchard would go to Almuck'a on
any terms, but Lady Hawkshaw would
not go, except she ruled the roost, nnd
fought gallantly with the duchesses
and countesses, only retiring from the
field becauso sho was one against
I followed the merry procession un
til we got to King slreet, St. James',
where tho coaches were four deep, and
footmen, In regiments, blockaded the
street. Giles nnd Lord Wlnstanley
wore to take Mrs. Trenchard In, nnd
very grand the party looked as they
entered. Uy that time, though, I was
very miserable. I remembered that
at tho samo time tho next night 1
might not have my friend. I hung
around among the footmen nnd Idlers,
watching tho lights nnd listening to
tho crash of the music, quite uncon
scious of the flight of time, nnd was
astonished when tho ball was over and
tho people began pouring out. Then,
afraid to be caught by Giles, I ran
home as fast as my legs could car
ry me.
When I reached Iterkeley Square it
was altogether dark, and 1 realized
that I was locked out.
I looked nil over the front of the
house, and my heart sank. There was
a blind alley nt one side, and I re
nieniberefl that In it opened the win
dow of Sir Peter's study, as he called
it, although, as I have said, it was
nioro like tho cubby hole of tho AJax
than any other place I can call to
mind. The window was at least 20
leet from the ground, but a waterspout
ran up tho wall beside It, nnd to a
midshipman, used to going out on the
topsail yard, it was n trlllo to get up to
tho window. I climbed up, softly tried
the window, and to my Joy found it
open. In another minute I was stand
ing inside tho room. I had my Hint
nnd Bteel in my pocket, nnd I groped
about until I found a candle, which I
I had often been in the room before,
but its grotesque appearance struck
mo afresh, and I could not forbear
laughing, although I was In no laugh
ing mood. There was a regular ship's
transom running around the wall, The
whole room was full of tho useless
odds and ends that uccumulate on
board a ship, all arrauged with the
greatest neatness and economy of
Bpace, and there was not ono single
object in tho room which could pos
sibly bo of the slightest use on shore,
I looked around to see how I could
make myself comfortable for the
night, and, opening a locker In the
wall. I found a collection of old boat-
dilapidation, but all laid away with
the greatest care. Taking one for my
pillow and two more for my coverlet, 1
I lay down on the transom and, blow
ing out tho candle, was soon In a
sound sleep.
1 was awakened at five o'clock In the
morning by the chiming of a neighbor
ing church bell, nnd at the same mo
ment I saw the door to the room noise
lessly open and lady Arabella Slor
mont enter, carrying n candle which
she shaded with her band. I involurt
tartly covered my head up, thinking
she hal probably come In search of
something, anil would be alarmed if a
man suddenly jumped from tho pile
of boat cloaks. Hut t-he went to a
glass dmir which led out upon a bal
cony, with stairs Into the garden, nnd
unlocked the door. I had completely
forgotten about these stairs, not be
ing familiar with the room, when 1
climbed tip and got in through the
Presently I heard a step upon the
stairs, niul before the person who was
coming had time to knock Lady Ara
bella opened the door. Tho rosy
dawn of a clear June morning made
It light outside, but Inside the room it
was quite dark, except for the candle
carried by Lady Arabella.
A man entered, and as soon as he
was In tho room, she noiselessly looked
the door, nnd, unseen by him, put tho
key iu her pocket.
As ho turned nnd the candlelight
fell upon his faoe I saw It was Philip
Overton. Amazement was pictured In
his face, and Ills voice, too, when he
"I was sent for in haste, by Sir
Peter, Just now," he said, with some
At which Lady Arabella laughed, as
If It were ft very good Joke that he
should And her instead of Sir Peter.
Meanwhile, my own chaos of mind pre
vented mo from understanding fully
what they were saying; but I gathered
that Lady Arabella had devised some
trick. In which rhe had freely used
Sir Peter HawUshaw's name, to get
Overton there in that manner nnd in
that room. Sir Peter was such a very
odd fish that no ono was surprised at
what ho did. It was no use striving
not to listen tuey were not five feet
Opening a Locker I Found a Collection
of Old Boat Cloaks of Sir Peter's.
love. I confess tho experience was
new to toe.
-you will bear me illness, Mr.
Glyn." said Overton, "that I am de
tained lure against my will; but
think It a piece of good fortune that
you are detained with me."
"I will bear witness to nothing, sir,"
I replied, "until you have given me
satisfaction for calling me a hound
Just now."
"Dear sir, pray forcrt that hnstj
expression. In my rage and air.a:'.e.
ment just now I would have called the
commander In-chief of the forces a
hound. Pray accept every apology
that a gentleman can make. I waj
cjilte beside myself, an you must have
I saw that he was very anxious to
conciliate me; for upon my testimony
alone would rest the qurstlon of
whether he voluntarily or Involuntari
ly failed to appear at the meeting ar:
ranged for eight o'clock.
I also perceived the strength of my
position, nnd a dazzling idea pre
sented Itself to my mind.
"I will agree," said I, "to testify to
everything in your favor, If you will
but promise mo not to not to " J
hesitated, nshamod to express my
womanish fears for Giles Vernon's
life; but he seemed to read my
"Do you mean not to do Mr. Ver
non nny harm In the meeting which
will, of course, take place the instant
it. can bo arranged? That I promise
you; fc I never had any persona
anlmosily ioward Mr. Vernon.
blow, like my words just now, was the
outburst of passion, and not a delili
erate insult."
I was overjoyed at this; and as 1
sat, grinning In my delight, I must
have been in strong contrast to Over
ton, In the very blackness of rage,
Tho minutes dragged slowly on, nnd.
we heard the clock strike six am!
seven. The dim light of a foggy morn
ing stole In at the windows. Not n
soul was stirring In the house; but tin
tho stroke of eight a light step flut
tered near the outer tloor. It war
softly unlocked, nnd Lady Arabella
entered, carefully locking the door
on the inside, after her, this time. In
the ghostly half-light Overton rose
and saluted her with much ceremony.
"Lady Arabella Stormont," ho said
"you have delayed the meeting be
tween Mr. Vernon and myself just 24
Hours. lo do it you have put my
honor in jeopardy, and that 1 shall not
soon forget. I ben you to open tho
glass door and allow mo to bid you
Sho stopped, as If paralyzed for a
moment, when I, knowing tho key to
be In her pocket, defily llshed it out,
and opened the door, nnd Overton
walked out. She could not stop me-
I wan too quick for her but she ran
after me, and fetched me a box on the
ear, which did more than sting my
cheeU and my pride. It killed, In one
single instant of time, the boyish love
had had for her ever sluco tho " first
hour I had seoti her. I -own I' was
afraid to retaliate ns a gentleman
should, by kissing her violently; but
dashing on, ltsped down the steps
outside, after Overton, not caring to
remain alone with the Lndv Arabella.
saw her no more that day. nor until
the afternoon of the next day.
(TO ni; CONTI Nl'l'.D.)
Laundries Use Much Soap.
It is estimated tiwit tho laundries
of London, England, use 750 tou8 of
soap in a week.
Mra. Fat So your husband has
stopped smoking? It must have taken
considerable will power?
Mrs. Thinne All I had.
from me and I lay there In terror,
realising that I was In a very danger
ous position. I soon discovered that
Overton's reputation for latoly-ne-qulred
Methodistlcal piety had not
done away with n very hot temper. He
was enraged, as only a man can be
who is entrapped, and demanded nt
once of Lady Arabella to be let out
of the glass door, when he found It
locked. Sho refused to tell him where
tho key was, and he threatened to
break the glass and escape that way.
"Do it then. If you wish," she cried,
"and rouse the house nnd the neigh
borhood, nnd ruin me if you will. Put
before you do It, read this, and then
know what Arabella Stormont can
do ftir the man she loves!"
She thrust n letter Into his hand.
nnd, slipping out of the door to the
corridor, ns swiftly and silently ns a
swallow In its flight, she locked It
after her; Overton was n prisoner iu
Sir Peter's room. He tore the letter
open; read the few lines it contained
nnd then threw it down with an oath
The next minute ho caught sight of
me; in my surprise I had forgotten all
my precautions, and had half risen,
"You hound!" he said. "Are you In
this infernal plot?" And he kicked the
boat-cloaks off me.
"I am not," said I, coolly, recalled to
mvself by the term he had used to
ward me; "and neither am I a hound
You will kindly remember to nccount
to me for that expression, Cant. Over
"Head that," he cried, throwing Lady
Arabella's letter toward me. 1 think
he meant not lo do a dishonorable
thing in giving me the letter to read
but it was an act of involuntary rage
It read tills:
l know that you were to flht Mr. Ver
non at rlchl o'clock (IiIh morning, there
fore 1 IxKiillcd you here; for your life
Is dearer to mo than iinytlilnir In lieav
en nnd enrih; nnd I will not let you out
until that very hour, when tt will tio too
late for you trt Kct to Twickenham. You
will net dare to r.ilse ft commotion In the
house nt thin hour, which would ruin us
both, l'.ut by tho Jcepardy In which I
placed myself thlH iilpht, you will know
how tru Is the love of
1 confess that the reading of this
letter made mo a partisan of Overton
for surely no more unhandsome trick
was ever played upon a gentleman
Theio was nothing for It but to sit
down and wait for eight o'clock. Sir
Peter's family were late risers, and
there was little danger of detection nt
that hour. So we sat nnd gazed nt
each ether, mute before the myster
cloaks of Sir Peter's, In every slage of i of the good and evil In a woman
Gorgesvs Floats with Brass
and Ben Hur Drivers.
Our Wonderful Language.
'Out of sight in that gown. Isn't
she?" observed a gentleman In the
balcony, pointing to Mrs. de Koltay,
who occupied a front seat In one of
tho lower tier of boxes.
"Out of sight? Well, hardly. It
Btrikcs mo It Is the other way about,"
responded his companion dryly.
Which goes to show the elasticity
of the American language, whlcli eaya
oim thing end means another. It also
shows but, upon second thought, we
must respectfully but firmly decline
going Into any further details. Bohe-Diiun.
Laundry work nt home would be
much more satisfactory if tho right
Starch were used. In order to get the
desired, stiffness, it la usually neces
sary to use so much starch that tin
teauty and fineness of the fabric U
hidden behind a pasto of varying
thickness, which not only destroys the
appearance, but also affects the wear
ing quality of the goods. This trou
ble can be entirely overcome by using
Defiance Starch, tis it can bo applied
much more thinly becauso of Its great
er strength than other makes.
Not What He Meant.
Tho Liverpool Post tells of a Birk
enhead church secretary who an
nounced In church on Sunday that a
Shakespearean recital In character
would bo given. When ho was In
formed that the recital would not be
"in character" ho corrected himself
by saying, "None of those taking part
In the recital will ho dressed."
Slavonic Superstition.
A great risk runs tho peasant of
Slavonic lands if he carelessly wastes
any of the bread that he dally
munches, since every crumb is gatfr
erod up by evil spirits, and should
their dust heap become heavier than
the man's weight, on his death bis
soul is forfeit to tho devil.
With a smooth Iron and Defiance
Starch, you can launder your shirt
waist just 83 well at homo as the
.'.loam laundry can; It will have the
proper stiffness and finish, there will
bo less wear and tear of the goods,
and It will be a positive pleasure to
uso a Starch that does not stick to the
Closely Related.
Mother Samuel, where are thos
green apples that I left In the pantry?
Samuel They're with tho Jamaica
ginger that was In the medicine chest
Items cf Interest Taken From
and There Over the State.
The coroner stone of Martin Luther
college at Sterling was laid last week.
Hastings college will hold com
mencetnent exercises June S, 6, 7, 8
and 9.
Stanton will celebrate the Fourth
with two bands, all kinds of sport and
a ball game between Wlsner and Stan
At York two sacks of mall rolled
under the cars and the wheels of the
.Burlington through passenger and
were badly damaged.
Falrbury Is going to celebrate the
Fourth of July this year on Monday,
July 5. The Commercial club la back
of the enterprise.
The new State Telephone company
made a demonstration of their new
system to about three hundred farm
ers at Lyons.
Mrs. Brlley, colored, presumably the
oldest person west of tho Mississippi
river, celebrated her 109th birthday
anniversary at Hastings.
Paul Stuefer, a farmer living north
of West Point, marketed sixty hogs of
an average weight of 313 pounds, that
were just eleven months old.
A charter was granted by the state
banking board to the People's State
bank of Arnold, Custer county. The
capital will be $10,000.
At a special election held In Clay
Center on the proposition to vote J12,
000 bonds for the purpose of erecting
an addition to the high school tho
bonds carried by the vote of 140 to 30.
The body of Ed Mulloy, who was
injured and later died from being
struck by an engine in the local yards
at Sutherland, was shipped to Chicago
for burial. His death followed an op
eration at Sutherland.
Two young couples are missing
from Beaver City, and It Is believed
by their parents that it Is a double
elopement. The parties are: Charllo
Saylor, aged 21, and Carolla Hudson,
In English towns, a Canadian visitor
declares in the Queen, tho foreigner
runs out to the pavement just to sec
that glorious chariot called a mnk
Iloat go by that gay bit of a two-
wheeled thing, white and yellow, white
nnd blue, or red, white and blue, with
the shining brass churn erect, at the
side, the reins coining over tho shin
ing brass rail in front, the little squaro
seat Inserted at tho rear, and the char
ioteer standing nt tho back like, Pon
Hur nnd driving ns much like that
hero ns In a modern town where even
motor oars are unknown is practica
Then the Enclish milkman who
comes on foot, with a modern ynko on
his shoulders, nnd swinging at each
side a brass bound tin pail, in which
Is a queer little measuring dipper.
Who could wish to have milk delivered
in glass bottles, with a paper-sealed
top, when ho can have it measured at
his door Into his own jug In this
nualntlv curious fashion? What do
microbes amount to when compared
with tho joy of the medieval!
Nebraska Directory
by mull nt cut price. Send for free entnlncrue,
1517 Douglas St., OMAHA, IIE8
Roliabla Dentiitrj it Moderate Prlcoe,
The Cause of Wai.
The fair young debutante was sur
rounded by an admiring crowd of of
ficers at the colonel's ball. Mamma
was standing near by, smiling compla
cently at her daughter's social suc
cess. Tho discussion was over tho
quarrel of the day before between two
brother officers.
"What was the casus belli?" asked
the fair debutante.
"Maud!" exclaimed mamma In a
shocked voice. "How often have I
told you to Bay stomach?" Success
Magazine. ,
How's This?
W ottrt Ore Hundred Dollsre Rrward for tn
rue ot ( nUrrb Hint cannot be cured by llalii
Cil&rrh Cum.
F. J. Olin.NFY A On., ToMn, O.
We. the unilpntli.'npil, hv Known K. .1. chrnry
for the lut 15 yenra, anil brllrve him (HTtn-lly hon
orable In all biMlnew trnnKtrtloiw ami flimnrlnliy
able to carry out any ohlltr&tloni mail by hu Arm.
Waldino, Kinman A Mahvin,
Whninwle ImigKima, Tolrdo. o.
Hall'i Oatarrh Cure la lakrn Intrrnally. artlng
dtrtrtly upon the blood and niucou lurtacm nf the
yttera. Tmtlmnnhle nrnt tree, trice 75 cents prj
bottle. Sold bv all Iiruuk.-mta.
lake Jlall a Family rills (or conn Ipat loo.
Children Need Acting.
Rey. Perry Grant of New York
thinks that acting is a psychological
need, and Is looking for the rich man,
who will build a theater for children.
The purpose of such a theater, he says.
Is educational and is in keeping with
the discoveries of Froebel, who knew
that play is an Instinct Implanted by
nature for educational purposes.
Safe and Sure.
Among tho medicines tlnit are recom
mended and endorsed by physicians and
nurses is Kemp's lialsnni, tlm best coukIi
cure. For many years it ling tn-cn regard
ed by doctors as the medicine most likely
to cure coughs, nnd il has a strong holl
on the esteem of nil well-informed people.
AVhen Kemp's liulsnm cannot cure a cnugti
we shall be at a Inns to know what will.
At druggists' and dealers', 25c.
There is no pleasure beyond the
rules of righteousness; there is no
pleasure in what injures another.
Lewis' Mncie Hinder straiuht 8e ciimr is
aged 17; Uoyd Saylor aged 19, and "jSc.'lm"' "
All Kindt
Dyeing and Cleaning
Ruulihig, lliittoiis, etc. Hcml fur fron price
IWt and samples. IDEAL ri.EATINU CO.,
'W"l DotiKliihS Ulk., Omulia, Neb.
Cream Separators pQ04
are ins uuoi
Insist ou luivin tlirm. Ask your locnl denier or
JOHN DEERE, Omaha-Soo Falls
niul ThIvoh. T.nre KtiieU. Want ymir business.
Wrlie for pr!Vs. HONLKIt IMPLKMKNi' CO.,
lire lvui'tUH iit, Council UlulTs, Iowa.
Unreasonable Hubby.
In tho olden times a woman In tho
north of Scotland went to visit her
husband, who was condemned to be
hanc;ed on the following day. The
doomed man bejian to pivo his Instruc
tions to his wife preparatory to bid
dins her farewell, when she broke in
upon the conversation and ex
claimed: "Uy the by, John, whanr
will I plant tho tatties this year?'
Tho unfortunate man. Indignant a!
the Indifference of his . wife, ex
claimed, angrily: wnat need 1 care
whaur ye plant them? I'm not likely
to need any o' them." "I lech," replied
tho woman, tunilni: to the warden
with a was of her head, "oour John's
huffed because he's gaunt to be
handed the mom," and marched out
of tho cell.
Th Roof with the
All Nail Head Protected
Hail and Tire Untitling
Ask your ilraler or
Omaha, I 1 i t I Nebraska.
Ruined the Cream.
"You dislike the nutomobllcs
dash past here?" interrogated
windmill agent.
"Wal, 1 should say fo," drawlee
tho old fanner as he tdiook his fist ni
a Tapidly vanishliiK.mnehine.
"Those siren horns are blood curd
ling I BUppese."
"Worse than that, stranger; they
ate milk cunllins. Curdle all tho millt
iu the dairy, begobh."
7i" Wear Other Overall
I When You Can f
Made with tho Greatest Care
Made of Best Materials
Made in Omaha by
Byrne & tar Dry Goods Co.
Ot nil va
rietie per
manent I j
cured In a
few dnys without n surreal operation
or detention from tmnlness. No pny
will be aeeenteil until tlm patient U
completely witlMle'l. Write or call on
Room 306 Dc Dlda., Omaha, Nob.
Mabel Kendall, aged 17
James Goff, an employe of the Moiv
ton-Gregson Packing company, Ne
braska City, was struck on tho head
by a falling elevator and fatally in
jured. His skull is fractured and the
physicians have no hope of his re
rollce of Lincoln say the amount
of money taken by Joseph H. Stores,
known there as J. II. McCarthy, ad
ministrator of the Helen Horn estate,
ia close to $10,000. McCarthy is under
arrest at Seattle and will be brought
The stock of poods of P. I. Carlisle
of Y:rX was taken possession of by
sheriff Adiebaugh, and afterward was
rcplevineU by the Hluo Itiver bank
of McCool Junction, which hus a chat
tel mortgage against the stock. Car
lisle Is not to bo found.
While Henry Pflster, who lives near
Sutton, was returning from the field
meet at Clay Center to his home he
was accosted by a stranger with a
big revolver, who told the young mnn
to throw up his hands. Pflster, who Is
a noted sprinter, took to his heels
and got away.
Eighty-nine contestants, all tinder
;tho age of 18, have entered the corn
Browing contest undor the supervision
'of the state board of agriculture.
jPrlzos amounting to $150 will be given.
Judge M. B. Reese of Lincoln de
livered the baccalaureate address to
tho graduating class of the Broken
Bow High school.
Homer Morris, charged in the
United States district court at Omaha
with participating in the robbery of
the postofflce at Walthlll last Septem
ber, whereby f 25 in government funds
were obtained, entered a plea of guilty
and was sentenced to eighteen months
In the Ijnlted States penitentiary at
Ieavenworth and to pay a fine of $r0.
Twenty-nine coyote scalps were
brought Into the county clerk's office
at Kearney. A bounty of $1 each was
paid on the scalps. The coyote in
dustry is looked upon with great favor
by many farmers In that section as
being ono substitute for farming
should the drouth continue all sum
mer long.
Mrs. Maud Moran, wife of William
F. uloran, one of the leading attorneys
of Nebraska City, created somewhat
of a sensation there by filing her
petition In the district court, praying
for a divorce from her husband on tho
grounds of cruelty. She is the eldest
daughter of W. T. Canada, claim agent
for the Union Pacific railway and was
born and roaded in Nebraska City
A Falrbury commission firm re
celved a carload of potatoes raised
in Ireland. This Is the first consign
ment of "real Irish potatoes ever
scon there. The spuds were brought
across the "pond" on the steamship
New Zealand and unloaded at pier No,
1 In New York. The Erin spuds are
about the same in appearance ns the
American tuber, only they are a trifle
larger and the skins are much rougher
In district court of Buffalo county
the Union Pacific Railroad company
filed motions for new trials in the
case wheroln Perry R. Deets had se
cured Judgment against the company
for $1,275 and Mcpherson & Kentner
secured Judgment for $1,140 damage
to a car of sheep which were sub
jected to exposure while in transit
Both motions were denied
Andrew Ooracka, a well-known Ger
man farmer of near St. Mary, Johnson
county, fell from the tower of his
windmill, binding In a largo water
tank, thus escaping Berlous injury
J. M. Thompson, living two miles
uorth of O'Neill, was thrown from his
wagon and broke his neck. He had
lust returned from town and taken
his little girl out of the wagon and
was trying to take out a washing
machine, when the team became
frightened nnd started to run away,
The team ran unaer a tree ana a
limb struck tiUu.
Rather be thou the tail among lions
than the head among foxes.
Food 1
Whole Family
You will never be disap
pointed if you use Llbby'a
Hoklem and O on di
nt en t on your table.
Libby'i have the right taste,
which i always uniform,
and you can depend upon
Libby'i as being absolutely
pure. Try these:
Mixed Mokle
Fancy Olives
Salad Dressing
Strawberry Preserve
Ourrani Jelly
evaporated Milk
Libby's foods are the best
because they are made from
the best fruits and vegeta
bles, by the best methods in
Libby's Groat
Enameled White
Insist on Libby's, and you
can depend upon it that
you will get food prod-
which are the
l most satisfactory
.from the stand
point of tasto
and purity.
1 ttf Vy
I tfrnA
fciiif ntvmmm '
Positively cured by
these Little Pllfo.
Tliey hIro relieve Dla
trcaafrom DynpepNin.In
il IffpRlion nnil Too Ilnrty
Entlnir. A perfect rem
edy Jor Dir.zlnenH, JCnu
ten, roKlne8, llnd
Tnate In t lie Mouth, CoiH
ed Tongue, Tnln In tha
titey regulate ttie Dowels. Turcly Vegetable.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Simlle Signature
Slow death and awful suffering
follows neglect of bowels. Con
stipation kills more people than
consumption. It needs a cure
and there is one medicine in
all the world that cures it
Cacaret-10c. box week's treat
tnent. All dnigglata. lileirent teller
la U10 wtild million boxaa month.