The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, May 27, 1909, Image 8

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x, 4.
Time is Hero
The Abolition
Of Poverty.
Our Roads
By Prof. J. Laurence Laughlin, Comparison of Our Highways
In Scribr.f.-r'a Magazine. :
t: ' .
w - "
Take aKodak with you and
enhance the pleasures of
your trip a hundred fold.
We have them in all styles
and at all prices and will
appreciate an inspection of
our line.
Obviously. tlx1 n.o.-t tlTcetive plan
ready to our hards is iin!u-t'.ii! educa-;
ti' :i nnd manual trni".irg. cl-;
u .itio.'. in the pulilic sih.ols helps, so j
far us it j,ves control over 'se:itia!.s ',
and really sharpens the mind; hut for !
definite economic progress it is very
Within the WildwO'd
Far, far away from grinding care
TOO "W'ide ' rr:n r"'St arfl- ar.d dull turmoil
Where sophistry arc vain, deceit
I Doth wace a v. ar with honest toil,
Where greed, and rain, and avarice
And sorrow end.; b. ;.'rim despair,
Where human. eiTort climbs i:i va;n
Upon the World's great vvir.dirg stair;
From all the.-e gs fain would I l'.ee,
To he within the wildwood.
arc! Those of Germany.
In All
Poorly Paid
The following information concerning j
the superiority of the highways of Ger- j
many as compared with those of the
United States is furnished by Robert
J. Thompson, consul at Hanover: j
German roads are perhaps subjected
to a hundred times more tt afMc than!
similar roads in the United trtates
far from sufficient As vet it mav he
safely said that industrial education i.i i'e roaas range irom u.c:;. 10
almost untried in our country, at least ; tn'"y ieei in wicun, wi.i.e in our
for the l-uch as the A cla3s) j
most in need of it. For many poor
)cople among us, who need the direct j
means of earning a subsistence, it is
ather absurd to give th?m the studies
of the leisure class. Also many a boy
dull in mathematics or science may
have a good eye and a steady arm, and
may make a skilful carpenter or brick
layer. Of course, the possibilities are
as wide as the diversity of men. . Ger
many is far ahead of us in providing
technical schools for the artisan class.
In short, we should make it as easy in
our public schools for a boy or girl to
obtain training in mechanics, plumbing,
woodworking, cooKing, telegraphy.etc,
etc., as in geometry or chemistry. All
Will A. Robinson
Is Editor
Of the 1909 Nebraska Cornhusker
the greatest book ever
by students.
As stated on its title page the Corn
husker is "published annually by the
upper clashes of the Univernity of Ne
braska, volume throe being a partial
record of the huppenings during the
cwllejje year lOOlHOOX" To make this
recurtJ there are Ail pages of bright,
snappy matter, including photographs,
drawing and cartoons.
Two hundred pages of the book are
devoted to a hintury of each of the
classes with individual paragraphs and
photographs for each of the upper class
men. This matter is arranged .by col
leges, each department of the univer
sity having its graduates and junior
ttmuped together. Athletics claim
forty-nine pages ,and the military
tiw.nts are given fifteen pages. Sixty
ugs are given over to the fraterni
ties and Bororitiej, fifty pages are taken
up hy other societies, and the rest of
the book is devoted to literary coni o
ijilions, roasts and jokes.
lit I'Jiw Lornhu.-iker is more tnan a
catalogue of the university. It gives a
chief of the publication. He is a mem
her of the law fraternity Phi Delta I'ei
and of the Masonic college organization
known as Acacia. He has been presi
dent of the university republican clul
and a member of the junior prom, com
mittee. His home is at I'lattsmouth
O. Bentley, business manager of the
book, is a junior engineer. He is
member of I'hi Kappa I'si and of the
engineering society. He has been man
acrer of several class athletic teams
He is n graduate of Lincoln high school
As managing editors the Cornhusker
has E. W. Hills, 190!), K. S. Moseley
1010, C. P. Peterson, law 100!), and L.
H. Studevant. medical 1000. Associate
editors are named as follows: Helen
Gray, 1000, Gcrtrud Neilson, 1000, Lies
sic Holcomb. 1000, G. W. Peters, 1001),
Ethel Perkins, 1910, Florence Uiddell
1010. Jessie Deming, 1010, Vallery
White, 1010. There are some forty
other assistants on the staff who have
had a part in getting together the ma
terial which makes up the book
Probably the most noticeable feat
ure of the 1010 Cornhusker, wherein it
differs from the publications of pre
vious years, is in the artistic effect ob
tained in grouping the individual
photographs. In the arrangment of
the junior and senior pictures a stand
ard form has been followed throughout
the book, but in the fraternity, sorority
and society departments there is dis-
this applies to women as well as to
men. women s wages are low be
cause they are usually unskilled and al
so in a crowded class. Our cities and
our towns should be dotted with train
ing schools suitable for giving practical
preparation for agriculture, manufac
tures, and commence. At present, the
unemployed or the very poor have no
trade of any kind, or are confined to
some one habitual task, like sewing on
clothing cut by machinery. Today,
when carpenters or plumbers get four
dollars for a day of short hours, and
even "make work." no man handy
with tools need be poor or out of em
ploymcnt long. It should not be neces
sary to press this matter upon the
reader; its effectiveness for increasing
the wages of the very poor must ap
pear at a glance. In addition, its ulti
mate end is to inculcate individual in
dependence and self-respect; it frees
the laborer from servile dependence for
his post upon the mere caprice of an
employer. The increased efficiency
given to an unskilled man increases his
utility to his employer, and increase
the demand for his services.
Middle and Western states, where the
tralfic is comparatively light, we take
land of an average value of $100 per
acre and cut it up with highways
sixty-six feet in width, practically two
thirds of the same being given over to
weeds which furnish an inexhaustible
supply of seeds for the adjoining farm
lands. The farmer in Germany who
has conquered the weeds on his ground
need have no thought of them being
started again from uncultivated or uncared-for
land along the roadways.
There are r.o weeds, no mud, r.6 chuck
holes, no sand stretches in the roads.
One of the simplest and most practi
cal measures that could be taken for
j inc uuttt-'i inc. ik u. lua'ia ... tuc
1 States would be to reduce their width
to from one-third to one-half of what
they now are.
In the United States, public high
ways in the states given below may be
estimated as follows: Minnesota, 80,-
00); Wisconsin. 60,000; Michigan. C0,
000; Iowa, 70,000; Kansas, 70,000; Ne
braska, ,"0,000; Missouri, 80,000; Illi
nois, W.000; Indiana, 70,00'); Ohio, 80.
000; total, 7OO.0U0 miles. Reducing the
width of these public highways, which
now average sixty-six feet, to thirty
six feet, would irive back to the farm
ers of these states, for cultivation, 1;
million acres of generally tillable land,
which, at an average valuation of $100
per acre, would mean the restoration
to the producing values of the state:
'.Mid p.'ace.'ul glade? and fra -rant dells,
Wlu-te Nature's song is full and free,
Bts'de ti e inurm'iii.g brook, that tells
A wondrous story unto rue
Where velvet mosses softly cling
To serried bank, and gnarled tree.
And katydids and crickets trill
And chant a mimic threnody
Oh! come my friend and go with me
To the entrancing wi'dwood.
Theru where the bobolink
named of 230 million dollars.
In golden notes of melody.
Keep vigil over tree and bush -Where
sheltered Y.eath a canopy
Of cool, green leaves, joung
And pipe a plaintive cail for food,
Or nestle dose beneath tha breast
Of molherbircl. where she doth brood
And listen for her mate's shr.ll ca!.
Within the shady wiidwood.
Come where the, like a maid
Of sweet unconscious innocence,
Dwells shyly, near a rock, who's shade
Proves unto her a sta:c! defense
'Gain.-t roving kine, with careless tread,
That deeply dent the earth's mo st bed,
A3 slowly browsi:;, o'er the fell.
They wend their way w ith clanging tell,
The Slower spangled pathway thro'
The tangles of the wild'AOod.
Then come with me where skies are
And wh te c'.ou.N drift like sniri'. boats
Across the sea who's heav'l.iy hue
Uplifts the tou!, until it floats
Into a dreamland ealr.i and pure.
Where Tru.h and l' endure:
Where Nature'.-, creed instructs tne
Disserr bling art can have r.- part,
Within God's restful wildvood
Letjt; v E. P.C7.TCN.
What does pay day mean to
you? Perhaps you get just
enough to carry you through the
month with out a dollar to spare.
Perhaps you don't get even this
much. If such is the case the
ENCE Schools, of Scp.anton, Pa.
would like to get in touch with
you. They have raised the sal
aries of hundreds of discouraged
men and are at this very moment
helping hundreds of others to
better themselves. Salary raising
is the spec'alty of the I. C. S. If
you would like to have your salary
raised, drop a postal to
Chas P. Stump
Nebraska City, Neb.
He will show you how easily the
I. C. S. can help you secure pro
motion. If you are interested,
write the postal NOW. Don't
put it off.jou'U forget it. NOW
is the time.
Water Items
Stull Gets Veroicl.
The time of the district cou t from
Monday noon until Tuesday night was
occupied in the case of Henry Stull vs.
the M. P. Railroad Co. After being
out a short time the jury returned a
verdict in favor of the plaintiff for
Items ot Interest Concerning the Going and Coming of
Peop'e You Know
&mji"i;uv t'l ti.u uiii.vit.nv, i. Ki'von . . ... . i
,. ii . payed some exceedingly neat work in
rtwume of the school as would a cata- r , . ... ,,
S-ijue, but it goes further than- that in I
embodying something of the (Nebraska
spirit in book form, so that tho univer
aity student ami alumnus feel the in
fluence of the school about him as he
tuAiks at the publication of its upper
classes. There has been an attempt
everywhere on the part of the editors
to gain for their boooks this"Nebraska
spirit." It is manifest on the dedica
tion page in the words with which the
v?ork is dedicated to Dr. George Evert
(Jondra, professor of geology, who has
detsrt conspicuous among the faculty as
a. chumpion of school loyalty. It is
manifest in the verses of the universi
ty ong, composed by ex-Chancellor E.
lienjamin Andrews, and it shows else
nwKire in the book wherever there has
Iteen a chance to bring in the "Ne
Itnki spirit" to the front.
The Cornhusker stall is itself com
jiojwd of students who are generally
recognized as having the spirit which
they have striven to give their book.
VV. A. Robertson, law 1000, is editor-in-
page designs which serve as a back
ground for tha individual photographs.
In most of the sorority pictures, for in
stance, tho pictures have been arrang
ed in a form symbolical of the soroiity
pin or some other emblem peculiar to
the particular organization concerned.
This idea has never been tried before
in a Cornhusker or other university an
nual and it gill probably meet with the
full approval of the students.
Not only are the pictures arranged
artistically, but tha general art work
in the publication is above the average
of university books. A number of full
page drawings by P. K. Fredericks,
1011, are worthy of note and heading
by "Deacon" are well executed.
' The one noticeable deficiency of the
book is in fun. The 1000 Cornhusker
will probably rank as the most serious
annual ever yet published by the uni
versity students. There are plenty of
roasts, but real downright fun is lack
ing. Lincoln Journal.
Pure soda at Gering 4 Co.
Twenty Five Dollars
Will be given to the
one suggesting an
W annr opriate name
i'-Tfora new perfumef
C. W. Clark of Union waj attending
court here yesterday.
H. G. Todd of Murray was in the city
on business yesterday.
Mrs. G. V. Gold is visiting relatives
and friends in Lincoln this week.
Andrew Stohlman of Lorsville was a
business visitor in the city Wednesday.
Hon. Wm. Deles Dernier of Elmwood
was attending to legal business in the
city yesterday.
A. L. Thacker of Union was in tic
city yesterday attending the Argo-Mc-Quinn
Sherman Austin one of the well known
citizens of Union was attending district
court yesterday.
R. R. Hathaway of Union, a good
citizen and farmer was a witness in
district court yesterday.
A. B. Dickson, one of Cass county's
best citizens from Elmwood was trans
acting business in the city Tuesday.
Dr. R. A. Randall, of the Methodist
church will deliver the Decoration Day
address at Weeping Water tomorrow.
Ivan S. White, our good friend of
Murray was attending to business mat
ters in the city Tuesday.
Joseph Mullin, of Eimwood, and a
member of the soldiers relief commis
sion was in the city Tuesday.
Hon. R. B. Windham is attending the
commencement exercises at Winterset,
la., where a nephew of his is to gradu
Charles Metteer of Nehawka was at
tending the final hearing in the Robert
Metteer estate in county court yester
Peter Eveland of Murdock, a long
time friend of this paper, was attend
ing to business in the county court yes
terday. Mrs. Ella Huston who has boen the
guest of her bister Mrs. Hines returned
to her home at Syracuse, Nebr., on
Mrs. Marsha Thomas of Ft. Collins,
Colo., after spending a few days with
Askjus about it.i
F. G0 Frickc & Co.
her niece, Mrs. J. W. Larkin.left Tues
day for Chicago.
W. N. Baird, after a visit of some
time with his parents Rev. and Mrs. J.
T. Baird, has returned to his employ
ment at Salida, Col.
Judge Beeson issued a marriage
license Tuesday to Lisle L. Horton, age
2, and Miss Lottie Mable Miller, age
IS, both of Elmwood.
Dr. G. L. McLeod the well known
physician and surgeon ot Union was
called as an expert witness in the Argo
McQuinn case yesterday.
Mrs. A. P. Campbell left Tuesday
for San Francisco, Calif., where she
will meet her husband and they will
make their future home.
J. G. Stark and L. F. Langhorst of
Elmwood arrived in the city via the
Missouri Pacific Tuesday evening to
look after business matters.
Albert Hathaway and John Eaton
both numbered among the good men of
Liberty precinct were called here as
witnesses in the Argo McQuinn case.
J. R. Austin of Nevada, Mo., who
has been visiting S. S. Gooding and
family for a short time left Tuesday
for Seattle, Wash., where he will at
tend the exposition.
The case of Flora B. Argo vs. Mat
thew G. McQuinn U now occupying the
time of the district court. This is an
action for damage for assault and bat
tery. It was tried last term of court
and the jury disagreed. It will proba
bly go to the jury this evening.
Newsy Wabasli
Will Copp'.o is anticipating a trip to
the coast s( on.
Mis V;;!a Hinds was i;.vi;ed cut to
the country to Su duy.
Mrs. Henry Garbling and family
took h the sights at Louisville Monday.
Rev. Tav lor delivered a very interest
i i.-.g Memorial termor, to the people of
j Wabash.
I Miss Kerr, teacher of Waba.-h, en-
terUir.ed her rchowl at Mr. Garbiirg.s
park Friday af.eri.oon.
Miss Mabel Van Every has giver, up
her trip to Canada on account of the
illness of Mrs. Van Every.
Mrs. II. P. Hinds went to F.lrv.vcod
Saturday for the new dre.-s shy hss
been having made by Mrs. Meers.
Joe Austin says he will not h?.ve to
take a back seat when he nets that new
suit jus: ordered by Frank Huifish.
Mr3. A. E Lake is hauling lumber
for a new barn which will be one ot
the finest and large.-t in the country
when co npieted.
W. T. Richards made a flvir.g trip to
the cointy seat Monday with h'.s tour
ing or, taki-.g vvi:h h in Me-srs. Duir,
Brow.i and L'artlo'.t.
Linen Show r.
V. Copetihavcr ai d
Maplc 6rove
Special Correspondence.
John West spent Sunday at the home
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hild had business
in Plattsmouth Saturday.
Bert Philpot was over near Avoca
with his new auto Sunday.
Quite a little corn is being replanted
in this section of the county.
J. E. Kruger and family spent Sun
day at the home of Jake Kruger.
made a business trip to the county seat
Miss Matie Puis is spending this
week at the home of her sister, Mrs.
P. A. Hild.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Puis and Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred Gansemer and Fritz Lutz
spent Sunday at the home of P. A.
A Kodak will make your vacation a
pleasant one let us show you one. & Co.
Smoke "Acorn cigars. Ihey are
made from the best quality of tobacco,
W. H. Puis and wife and Louie Puis j and are free smokers.
Mrs. L
Freese, on Monday evening gave a li';e!'.
shower party in honor of Miss Nellie
Wha'.en, whose engagement to Charles
L. Carlson is announce'. The home
was beautifully decorated with cut
flowers. After an evening of unique
social entertainment, an elegant lunch
eon was eerved. The bride to be was
presented many very hnd-ome gifts.
The invited guests were Mrs. Frank
Dalton, and Misses Liilie and Belle
Martin, of Califorin, Misses Mabel
Carlyle and Frances Mitchell, of Omaha;
Misses Nettie Harksworth, Nollye Wil
son. Estella ani Carrie Baird, Hilda
j Barwick, Gertrude Beeson, Hermia
Windham, Lettie Smith, Julia Kerr,
Alma Larson, Goodie Peterson, Grace
York, Carrie Becker. Frances Hiber,
Rebecca Haines, Josephine i eiineK,
Bessie Edwards, Helen Trivis, and
Mrs. Chas. Freese.
Want to be strong?
Eat more Quaker Oats. Eat it for
breakfast every day. This advice U
coming from all sides as a result of re
cent experiments on foods to determine
which arc the best for strength and en
durance. It has been proved that caters
of Quaker Oats and such cereals are far
superior in strength and endurance to
those who rely upon the usual diet of
heavy, greasy foods.
When all is said and done on the
cereal food question, the fact remains
that for economy and for results in
health and strength, Quaker Oats stands
first of all. It is the most popular food
in the world among the foods sold in
Put up in two sizes, the regular pack-
age and the largo family size which is
more convenient for those who do not
live in town.
b'ptclitt Correspondence.
Chris Sn.ell was an Omaha passenger
Ttie stone quarries are running ful
biast in all available weather.
This vicinity is visited by a good soak
ing rain every day and we hope tor a
bountiful crop.
Miss May Conpton does not seem to
improve very fast from her recent ill
ness. County Surveyor Hilton, was lining
things up lor some of the property
owners Friday.
The High School ball team defeated
South Omaha High School on the home
ground Saturday. Scores 8 and 3.
John Badglcy, who has been ailing
for some time is now confined to his
bed with diabetis and is growing weak
er. T. J. O'Day and John G. Wor.derlich,
of Nehawka, were in town a short time
Saturday. They came in on the Omaha
passenger and waited for the east
bound freight.
Clark New lan shipped two loads of
fat cattle that looked good enough to
top the market. Clark is a very suc
cessf jl stockman.
A circus is due in town today, but
phoned from Elmwood that owing to
the bud condition of the roids they
would not be able to get ;here for the
afternoon show.
After a two week3 lay off tho R. R.
graders were ordered to becrin work
again where they left off and push the
work as fast as possible and they re
turns 1 to work Monday.
Miss Gladys Sham of Elmwood. is
visiting her manv frienis here and will
rmnin for commencement exercise,
which will be held Friday evening fol
lowpd bv the Alumni banquet to be
held in the Congregational chnrch.
Svprty-five U. S. Cavalrymen going
from Fort Omaha to Fort Leavenworth,
Kan?., passed through town Thursday,
They watered their horses here but
pushed easrerly on to get their own
dr'nk at the next town to the south.
Wm. Foltz enme to town Saturday
driving one of the finest autos we have
sen on our streets. Too bad. he has
not a wife to occupy a part of it, but
he don't ever seem to see the sweet
smiles thrown at him as he goes whiz
zin? by the homes of some of the Weep
ing Water damsels.
The baccalaureate sermon delivered
b; Rev. J. H. Andress was splendid
a id enjoyed by a full house, all the
available seating capacity of the M. E.
church was used and standing room was
crowded. The advice to the class was
well worded and very kindly spoken
and the discourse in general was a spir
itual consolation for all.
These are days when the graduate-to-be
is prominent in events. On Wednes
day evening the Seniors of the High
School and those of the Academy were
splendidly entertained at the Wolcott
home; at Hindley Hall on Friday eve
ning tho Academy Seniors,! together
with members of the faculty were en
tertained at a seven course banquet.
The church service of Sunday evening
was an occasion also in the interest of
the graduates. In a union service at
the First M. E. church, Rev. J. II.
Andress, pastor of the Congregational
church delivered the baccalaureate ser
mon to the High School class.