Be Not Hsbamcd. v f f f Observe the opportunity, and beware of evil; and be not ashamed concerning thy soul. For there is a shame that brineth sin; and there is a shame that is priory and grace. Accept not the person of any aprainst thy soul; and reverence no man unto thy fallinpr. Refrain not speech when it tendeth to safety, and hide not thy wisdom for the sake of fair-seeming; for by speech wis dom shall be known, and instruction by the word cf the tongue. Speak not against the truth; and be abashed for thine ignorance. Be not ashamed to make confes sion of thy sins; and force not the current of the river. Lay not thyself down for a fool to tread upon; and ac cept not the person of one that i mighty. Strive for the truth unto death, and the Lord G d shall fight for thee. f X on the ti.;d of railroad oTrr.i.--i- the nower to tit raeniTi r rates: l bill .-OT'-.i. f.: - the brewery t'ron t;.e lit !-.. Hadley Raps Democrats ed to $20,000,000, in 1870 to$:,000,000, ; in ICO ) to $ 1012.0' .10, 000, and in l'.WS to i J18l.r,(K(.ooo. The fiirures show that in , 1907 the number of letter and jiost j ... . i cards sent through the posiui system rjovernor Hadlev of Missouri the enuallv us friendly to the breweries us of the United States whs (i,if(,(MHi,()00t other vlay gave out a ftinKiinr state- it was to the railroads. The brewery as against 3,20:1,11110,000 in the German ! meat, which is in the nature of a re- downed saloon has long been recognized Empire, 3,;jr,!t.000.00(i in the United vit'w c,f the wo:k and emissions of the : by everybody familiar with the fa.ts i:xi;the rj.:irc i"i n-ui.. local ov.'.ion in ikies over 'J'.oo i r.: habitants; a county UT.t 'nil; the bill increas:';; the dram-shop; the corporation franchise tax bill; the bill providing for a r-. vision of the bar-.Vir.;j laws of the state; a bill providing for a b'V.rd of ev.'.rol for the ek vmosyn try and penal institt.ti ns of the tato; the election till it Kansas City r.r.-.l St. Louis making chances in thee'ectlon 1 laws and provk'.irc for the appointment of a bipartisan election board; the bill' providing that cases on appeal should i : not be reversed on account of the , , technicalities not nrTe:tinj the merits of the litigation, ar.d the bill ptovidj i'..r home ru!- for the large cities of the state. Only one of these bills the home rule bill, was political in its char acter. i "A bill prohibiting railroad companies 1 from granting passes to persona otht r than employes and tho-t? engaged in : works of religion and charity, has been passed by Congress and most of the states. Yot, by the action of the f en- ate. this bill was ('efeattd. "The action of the Senate- in defeat ing laws for the regulation of the ' liouor tra.Tic imlicated that it w;. V f V f f it it it t t it it It T ALWAYS PAYS! To Buy Where You Can Gei the Best lor the Least Money ill Pay Yon To come to Omaha and see what we are doing in the Drug line. You can save enough to more than pay your expenses. i Soap at Cut Prices. 2.c Cuticure :in; 20:-2oc Puckers Tar Soap ISo-'J'tc l'ears Soap lie-2"c Tears Soap 15c t'V Ivory Soap 7c -Me .Jap Ko.-o Soap 7c a big lot of Sanitol S ap, Jersey Cream Soap, Hng-li-h 1 'rectus tjiyeerino Seap, Turki-h Math Soap at Qz per cake, :t big cakes Hand Soap f r IU; - Williams Shaving Soup Gc. Marked Dwn Sale on Tooth Brushes and Tooth Pastes and Powders. All our :!."c and -JOe Tooth Mrushos marked down to 19c -L'.'c Sanitol Tooth Powder or I'aste 15c- 'J.c Sanitul Liquid Tooth Wash 12. Kingdom, 1,119,000,000 in France, and 1,067,000,001) in Austria-IIunpary. Tho telegraph messages sent to the Uuited the liquor tratfie and public service cor- States in 1907 reached the enormous 1 portions. Here are some excerpts nnmi, .f iw mm nno ooo in thia .v.n. ! from his statement: nection it must be remembered that legislature. He handles the Demo-' as one of the pronounced evils of the eratic senate without gloves for defeat- i liquor tratlic. It recommended the law ing ail measures seeking to regulate I enforcing their separation, as I also recommend the law conferring upon residence districts in the large cities the right to exclude the saloon there from. And I alio, cs a matter of regu- "This legislature furnishes the most I . . . . ... . ! 1 j... 1 ..I.I. 1 . I i sin:iiiLr contrast oi rood enr: mid work- i lation and oi revenue, asueo me ictri - the telephone is a large competitor of tha js t0 ,)(J fl)1)n( in ,,K history of j luture to increase dram-shop licenses, the telegraph, especially for long com-' this state. Hy reason of the action of I All of these bills,' along with a county Don't Fail to See Our Big Dis play of Talcum Powders. 2 V (lpates Talcum I'owder I5;-'J.V Williams Talcum Pow der 15c 2"c Mentions Talcum I'owdtr l5c-'J.'c Ponds Extract Talcum Powder lie Tet low's Uaby Talcum Powder 5s per can. mercial messages, and it is growing in favor each year. In nearly every step of the worlds progress during the last hundred years the United States has been the pioneer. Washington Post. the senate, the list of good measures i unit bill, were passed by the house and and defeated in the senate. This much should, however, be said in favor of the Democratic members of the senate that they, at least, showed their t p- that were killed far exceeds the l:?t of good measures passed. The senate was, of course, absolutely dominated by the Democratic, member-.; and although a majority of the Democratic members ; preoiation of the action of the twenty - .seemed disposed to be fair, they weakly out of twenty-two breweries in St. Didn't Mean Anything. 'permitted themselves to be dominated 1-ouis which in the last campaign op- "One can't help knowing." said a by a few radical partisans whose inti- posed me and supported the Demo- dandy, "when one is guml looking ,na;e relations with the lobbvints of cratic candidate for governor.' Why, I got off at a small station tho imUic servi(.c cor,)orati(ms was other day In the country, and 1 must ject of general comer.t. The record of (innfnca llvflt I nffrnntml St iTunt il.ifi. of attention" the senate can best be understood by "It doeFn-t mean an yi hits," said hit "Wn"tf it with the record of the nenu. wny, wnen i get out or mi . m . . . - 1 ...It 1 t 1.1 1 iitanu central station j ninet a crowc imc nuuse passeu una ine senate of men who yell 'Hansom" Hansom! at the top of their limps.." killed the public sen-ice commission jbill; the anti-pass bill; tho anti-dis-I crimination bill; the bill conferring up- A Peculiar Wish. Young Chan Illame the linkl My future father-in-law has been iml'icted for forging a check for 10,000 marks. If he Is found guilty, then I cannot marry his daughter; and If he Is inno cent, then I get nothing by way of a dowry. My only hope Is that he will lie net free ami also that ho li hot tnDnrent. Fliecfir.dn Hlaetter. H - ' If You -Are Needing a DBLIVBR Y WA GON "We nre ofFeriug a, line ' Top Delivery Wagon Worth r t 8135 for OO It has 1 1-4 inch Axle and Wheels, has full wood panel sides nicely painted. Think of it. r 101 2or A) BUGGIES. GfRRIfGE5, HARNESS. AT A. BIG- SACRIFICE LOOK IN. DRUMMOND 18th and Harney Street, Omaha, Nebr. f ? ? ? t t t t ? f ? ? ? ? V ? ? f V V Big Reductions on Pcrlumes. 7"vc I. a Tretle. Jiekey and A.uiv;1 Kxtracts 4Sc an ounce -Pnuuids Vigetal Toilet Water 4'Jc 7 Flower (iirl Toilet Walt r 49c- a large assortment of o-.lors like Heliotrope, White Hose, Violet. I'ansy ltlossom, Lily of the Valley and others, regular price TiOc, our price 25c an ounce. Creates! Bargains Ever In Rubber Goods. $1.50 Fountain Syringes 70c -J1.50 Hot Watei Hot ties BOc $2.00 Combination Fountain Syr inge and Hot Water HottleOOc -?:i.w) Ladies' Whirling Spray Syringe $1.09 - also a large as sortment of Hot Water Unities and Fountain Syringes 30c up. We Buy Direct From Manufac turers and Importers. which gives us a big advantage over our competitors-we rell 7.V Rubber Combs for 4De-fL)0 Hair finishes for C9c-7.r.c Hath f! rushes 39c. We can nave you money on Shaving Hrnshes, Razor Strops and Razors. Do You Write Letters? Most Peoplo Do. It is much easier to write when yiu have good papers and en velopes. We are offering some good values at WAY DOWN PRICKS. ;C.e box Paper for 15c -Klc Writing Tablets 2 for 15c II packages good envelopes for 10c. We have paper by the quire or by the ream and envelopes to match at low prices. We are offering a good ?2.i0 Fountain Pen for $1.25. Patent Medicines at Cut Prices. $1.11!) Pinkhams Compound 00c $1.00 Pierces Prescription B9c -$1.00 Itromo Seltzer 89c-$1.0 Listerine 89c - Moan's Kidney Pills 45c -2.V Peroxide Hydrogen 15c-$1.00 Pertma 80c - $1.50 Oriental Face Cream 00c-$1.00 Pinauds Hair Tonic 00c-$1.0(l Newhro'n Herpicide 80c. Bargains in Other Paris ot the Store. 10c Nail Pulfers 19c -25c Mani cure Sets I0c-2.rc Sanitol Face ('ream 14c-Ufa and :i!ic Hand finishes lOc-lOc Styptic Pencils 5c-2 Packages ('hewing Cum 5c-$1.00 Hand Mirrors 09c-l0c Rolls Crepe Paper 5c Face Chamois Gc and 10c Williams Shaving Stick 20o. 1 iJ IV i LL DRUG CO 5 20: nix! 'J00 X. Uith St., Hotel Lojal BuildiiHj, Omaha, .W, t V ? r t ? ? ? T ?' ?' T T ?" ?" ? ? ? ? V ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? t t V ? ? ? ? 4?" ? ? T ? ? ? ? ?' ? ? ? T ? ? Nerve. i Ho was only a tramp, tint he wai I QlJgfJ O tnere witn Hie nerve. r.riieiniK nit fashionable lunch parlor he iiomi'ous ly seated himself at a table, devoured a i Icklo and dropped seven lumps o! sugar and two biscuits Into his coal pocket. Then he sampled the hors radish, drank a Klass of water and glanced at the menu. "Well?" unapped the tall waiter Is the low-cut waistcoat. "Well, how'dy, pal!" called the ftranuer affably. "What yon got tf eat?" "Everything," responded the wnlM In Icy tones. "On iiiy word! Oot. any welsh rab bit ?" "Yes.'; "How do you serve It?" "Any way you want!" The tramp moved his chair out a few inches. "Well, give me the l"ft hind foot old sport. I want it for luck." And helplng'hlmself to another his cnit the tramp dodged a saucer anr vanl'died Into the niuht. Property and Proprietors. The rights of property have been so much extended that the rights of the community have almost altogether disappeared and It Is hardly too much to i-ay that the prosperity and the comfort i and the liberties of a great proportion of tho population have been laid at the feet of a small number of proprietors, who neither toll nor spin. Joseph Chamberlain. Lightning Flashes. Accumulating evidence shows that light nlnfc Hashes may have a much more varied structure than was for ruerly supposed. Photographs by A. Larsen, a Danish photographer. Indi cate that flashes may be made up of small electric discharges, or rushes, of which 40 may follow along nearly the same path In half a minute. Just What She Wanted. Mrs. Nurlch was In the Jewelry Btore. "Here are some new souvenir spoons we have Just got In," said the clerk, placing a tray for her Inspec tion. "Oh. ain't those lovely!" she ex claimed. "I must have some of those! Our cook makes such lovely sou venir!" , Cult of the Garden. There never was a lime when the i Interest In gardening was so keen as It is now. (lardenlng has become the , hobby of the wealthv ami well-to-do Stay Cured How a Plattsmouth Citizen Found Comtilcte Freedom From Kidney Troubles. If you sutfer from backache From urinary disorders From any disease of the kidneys, He cured to stay cured. Uoan's Kidney Pills make lasting cures. Plattsmouth peoplo testiy. Here's one case of it: Herman Tiekotter, Cor. Ninth & Day streets, Plattsmouth, Neb., says: "1 never used a medicine that brought as great benefit as Doan's Kidney Pills. My kidneys caused s.e much suffering and there was a dull, tired ache across the small of my back that distressed me a great deal. If I stooped, my back pained me Beverly and in the morning when I arose, I felt as tired as when I went to bed. Hearing Doan's Kidney Pills fo highly praised, I pro cured at Coring & (Vs., drug store and it was not long before I was thoroughly relieved. (Statement given June S, 1!MK5.) On December 21), KKiS, Mr. Tiekoet tor, said: "I cheerfully confirm my former endorsement of Doan's Kidney Pills. Ih ave had no trouble from my kidneys since this remedy cured me." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milbtirn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name -Doan's-ant) take no other. H- t You may win a home with n box of I)wney's. Gering sells Lowney's fine candy. Notice to Creditors, Omntyof Cum. County (ourt In the mutter of tho I'Mntc of IVtor Turn, di-- CVh' tl. N.itic" Ih hcn-liv nhrn that th rmlitur i f will mwt the Ailnmimtri.t -ix of puuI h. tiili'. iH'furt-tilt-, I'liunty Juilft uf CM1I t ounty, Ni-hr-1-.l-ii, nt thi County Cdurt mini in 1'lnttn mouth, in Mini CiniMy, ami on thi '.'In; ihu-of v -nili. r. l".t, nt 10 uYlock A. M. i-noli ilav, fur tin-1 uriuMHof .r nnrif tli.-ir e liiirnn fur cxiinii" mi' i mi, ml Minnii'iit ninl ullounnio. Lowney's fine cardies at Cering's. Notice To Creditor. In County Court Ktii'o of Ncliruslia. j qu Cam County. J' In ihc niatt r of (he cMai of Anna Kruwltk. de ceased, Noil.-.; in liiT. I y (tivrn thill the .:rdit..r of naiil ri'awd will meet ll.e AtiniiuiKtiator of m.. es-Ii.-e. I ton-ine. County j,K, f t l clinly N.-hrii.-k. at thpCouiiiy ,t rra,m jn Ma'u. mouth, jneuiil f ounty. on th.-aint dwy of June I'niji. ini.lon thoL'lMiliiynr i mbrr. I'.V.i. ut 10 o il.wk A. M., eai'h d.iy, for I In. inirpoHo ,,f prn. MMitinu (heir foi ;ainii.ution, wliustment anil allowiinre. Six ni. nt In. are allow ul fr the rtnlilur of Ka'il Ion to im-M iit their rlMiios ail one yenr for the Ail.-niriiBtiator town liadt suite, from the JIM day of June, VMM. Witni nB my I and and m m! of hi.I (-.,niv ,.,,, i nt I'lutl imoiith, Ni linu ka. tl.m IW h day of May I.' 'i'. 1IH ISKA1..I Ai.t.i N J. Hk::siin, ()iinly Jiiilite. Notice To Creditor. State of N. liraska, i . , County of Cam. i -'nt Court . In thenmtirr of the iKtole of Wn.lav Krowien ll.-rellMtl. , N V" h' n '" riv,'n ",a, ,"' ni!itors of sjiiil ilenniuil will mif-t the Adniuimtrator wild wil' uunexnl uf niiuI .laie. Ix.lore me. Ceuriiv Juiliri. o( CahMCoinilv. Neliiaikn. nt the County Court riMim in I'lutinnouth. in mu.l County, on the '!( duv of Juno. rum. at tioYI.,. k. A. M . raeii day f,.- he ...irie ,.f rii nTi,- their rlaims for t:J minalion, BUjUKtmenl and allonance. rux moiitriH hi. iiiiuwui lor Hi eri ihlon of raid ,,.,-,.u.,, I,. .ii-8ent ihe.t rUini i. ii,.,l one y, nr for the Ailmiiiii-tiator low Hie Mini -tale, fro:n tho 2I' "ay of .Ion... l!Kii. Witnens my hand and m-ii! of raid Count v Court n'liittnnojlh, Ni-hiuska. II. u i:i'h, day of May, 11-8 ISKAI. A I l.l-N J. IIKI '-iin, (bounty Judk'C . . Ill County Court. No:ice of Final Settlement. Sta'eof N'ehraKka ' County of Cans. I ' In the matter of the cflale of fritli rick IK I.ehiihfiff. de-aKed. Toall iiei-on" intrre-tiil: Von are horvliy no" til'iKl that the Kxerutr.x of theiHiaie of rniler irk I). lrf ha liliii her final ro .ort aNl .etition lunyiiiK Hi. rein lor final net t le nient of mild estate, that her hi-. mini U- allowed, ai d Hint ti e pi'twinnl and mil estate he usnutm-d) to hi r a provided by the term of the last will of anid d.Tened. and duly prolia'i-d and allowed by thin court. You are furtlir that ihrre will be a henrinit iiKn paid petuion In-line Hi if court in the county court lo in at i'liiitrnniuth. in aaid crunty. on the lf.t day of June'ltU. at lll'o'eiwk A. M.anil thai all ohivetiona, if any. niuit be lilod on or bo fore Mid day and hour of heurmR. Witn.M my hand and the neal of the county cjurt uf airl county thin Jf.h day of May: l'.Ut. Al.l.KN J. HliKSON. ISKAI.I County Judtte. Legal Notice. Statenf Neluadka. i . .... . ,. County of Caw. Is" In County Court. loMaviua J. IIokk'.. andSophonia Hritrus. his wife, and unknown heir aid devmeea of HaviUK J. Uriifirx. decenKid, S. N Mernam. and the un known heire and devivcci ?of S. N. Merriam. 'dt eeaeil, and the I'lnon, i Company, of New York, a 'liustee, d. ferdum.. You and enrh of you are hi ri by notitied that on the IMlh day of May. A. !., 1'if. tieorye J. Stohlnmnn, plainlitf. hot. in til. d In. l etiiion in the dimru't rnurt of ( u-i. munty. NehrH-kii, KMiun'.t naid defendantn. i theohiis-t and pratei of which is In nmiove cor. cn.iid . from hm title hi .1 to iruirt the title in Ins ti Vk lni mil mle vninv t.l iniu an. I I -I"' day of June. I'.iil. , ., '" . . , I W'tnen my hniid and Kenl of wiiil Cniiilv Court (lowers when they are Krown, but take . fi.,,,.,,,,,,,,,),, Nebraska. n, ,Tt Z S I. ,-. .1s,1 l,, nresetit their rliom. ,.n ... ... ' " Heeiion ,w.tow nulnp 11". ranite oe A.innnisirini.x to KettleMiul eetnte dim the an ac tive part In tho culture of their favorite.-. Kst ate Mapa.lne. IINVJ.. 11-x f.- AI..I J. II : vn, County ,luilre II. in Cusp county, N. in the Haul i.hnn. till and avaint Hid defendanta and ea' h of them. You and each you are ii-iiuin-d to aiwwrr aaid fM-tition en or fa-tore the Ut h day of July, liXtt tall thi J4lh day of May. II'J. lil.oHi.h J. STlllll MANN . . . . I'laiiititf. It y A, 1.. Tteu, llin Attorney. j:.k