Spring Styles At 39 to 50 Per Cent Oil We are now entering' our second Spring season in the retail shoe business in Omaha. When we started we believed it possible to give the public the best shoes, in all styles, al 82.80. We are better prepared than ever this spring to show you what you want at a great saving for yourself. Ladies' Oxfords that retail everywhere at $8.00 and $4.00, in all leathers, styles and lasts, at Alexander's for 1 REPORT SEEING SEA SERPENT. $2.50 Fishermen. Residents of a "Dry" Town, Declare They Saw Reptila in the Pacific. Cuy Orifflth, J;ui -s Harvey and three other fishermen who were out in the hiiTK h lb t., report thiit when 18 miles IT the roast they sighted a sea seiptnt 10 feet Ion,',', with a brown j head as hi?, around a.s a small barrel Vi 1 eyes a.s larg ! ;is a in;tns fl.nt. The ! S'Tpent Is said to have moved lu head from sidi? to side as a snak:- does, and hnd a bin dorsal Uti 13 feet back of the head. ' l'iie flslioriucn say the same monster has been reported within the hut few months near the Philippines and j Along the northern coast ;f this coun- ' try. j They furthermore aver that n heavy ilnk'-r. which one of the five threw at. ! the sea serpent as tin.' boat was pull- n! nw.iv frnni tin. un.::if inlrhluir. hood, was caught In the rreat lire's mouth and spit back with sinh form us to make a deep dent in the fish box on deck. "Never saw such a splttor," said one 01 i no men; "just. ii;b a young I cannon. Lorn; Beach is a "dry" town. Low; Beach H'al.) Dispatch to tho N'cw York World. Baldwin Apple Honored. A chance seedling that grew up on a farm near Lowe)!, Mass., about 1740 bTamo the first Haldwln apple tree, but it was not, until 17s t that Col. IluMwIn became Interested In the ap ple, developed It an 1 ;:ave It his name. Tho orbital tree lived t.ll after 1817. and -the place where It grew Is now r.ia;':rd by a monume.-.t. The MaUw'.a 1j tl .'j only apple thus hi r.nryj. bUHlMU VAULTS OF CEMENT. Where Mr. Wabash Lost Out. Mr. Wabash (to Miss Waldo of Bos ton! "I suppose. Miss Waldo, that your father Is in business in Boston .'" Mis Waldo "Oh, yes; ho is one of the prominent shoe manufacturers, there." Mr. Wabash "Ah. indeed, t have never had much business experi ence myself. Now. about how long does it take your fathei to make, say, a good eight dollar shoe?" Spiled Her Slscr Word. A !;!! ; hi cf four nrs was heir 1 repeatedly murmur'r.g a long word. father, tliir.kir:; to pi u.so her, t ! ! I vr the meaning of It. She burt te.iis. At I.u.t, with her mothers ussls'aace, the father learned the meaning of her grief. "It was my word tha.'. I put my.-.elf to sleep with, and no'.v you've, spoilt it." M. I.iano In "An hi'lishmun's Cast In." Characteristics of Servians. Servians In their good nature and love of humor are said to remind trav- olera of the Irish peasantry. They are i hospitable to strangers; their patriot ' Ism is vehement, almost quixotic, and they take Rreat Interest in politics. Many of the domestics In tho towns j and cities come from abroad, as tho Servian girl Is too independent for domestic service. Open Until SAMPLE SHOEMAN JIEXANDER Gth Floor Paxton IJlock, Omaha. REPAIR DEPARTMENT IN CONNECTION. JUST CASE OF WANDERLUST, j PUMP AIR INTO DEAD WHALE. Family Starting to Git Were Properly ', Sure They Must Land Up Some- j where Eventually. j In tho smoking car on a southern Tailroad, where they hnd sat up all night, was a family consisting of hits land, wife and five children. They were rubbing sleep from their eyes and wrangling with each other when a man entered the car and espied them and advanced to say to tho man: "Howdy, Joe I'm s'prlsed to seo you." "Howdy, Tom?" "Where you all gwlne?" "Down to Harbor Pint, I reckon." "But I thought youall lived up at Cherry Hill?" "We did." "What youall totln' away from there fur?" "Dunno." "What youall gwlno to Harbor J'lnt fur?" "Dunno. .lest thought we'd go." '' "Oh, I see. You-nll thought to Kef?" "I reckon. Yes, thought we'd Kit, hnd we pulled tip and started a glttln', and If we keep on Ions 'nuff wo Hiiro 'nuff must Kit sumwhar' or other." "Yes, sure. Been a-glttln' inyse'f and always got there some day. It's heaps better than never git tin' 'tall." Hunter's Prize Made Sufficiently Buoy ant to Float, Marked with Buoy and Set Adrift. Then began the work of bringing the whale to the surface and blowing It up so that It would float. Taking a hitch about a convenient post, tho rope was slacked and run through a pulley block at the mast head to re lleve the strain of raising the great body. The winch was set in motion and for IS minutes nothing was heard save tho monotonous grind as fathom after fathom of line was wound In. When the body was brought alongside the lobes of tho flukes were cut off and lifted to fhe deck. Then a Ions coll of small rubber hose, one end of which was attached to a pump Hnd tho other to a hollow, spearpolnfed tube of steel with perforations along Its entire length, was brought info play. The spear was Jabbed well down Into tho whale's side, the nlr pump started and tho body slowly filled with HAVE PROPER SELF-RESPECT. One of the Greatest Mistakes Possible to Make Is That of Holding Oneself Too Cheap. Do not hold yourself too cheap. If you do not think well of yourself oth ers ore not likely to think much of you. You nre usually taken at your own value. By this Is not meant a foolish self-conceit, but a proper self respect. Have a regard for the esteem of those whose opinion Is worth bavins;. Xo one can be admired by all. He who has no enemies may doubt wheth er he has real friends. Try to win the regard of the good and the wise; If the foolish take offense' pass It by. Think too well of yourself to stoop to anything coarse, mean or untrue. However humble your r.tatlon In life may be, you may think yourself wor thy only of that which Is good anl true. To be genuine puts you on n high level. Whatever your purse, you nay be rich In character. Think your self worthy of the best to which you ran attain. Aim for the highest you see, and should you fail to reach It, you will Ktill be higher than it your aim had been low. Intellect Ruled by Superstition. A man more absolutely governed by pure reason than Lord Macaulay could not well be found, but In his diary he refers to an after-dinner talk about the feeling which Johnson had of thinking one's self bound to touch a particular rail or post and to tread In the middle of a paving stone, anil he adds: "I certainly have this very strongly." Ve:.cd cf Ertombing the Dead Which Will Resist Decay. The manufacture of concrete burial vaults is becoming quite a large Indus try in various western stales, says Cement Age, New York. At Joplin. Ma, there has ben organized a com pany whhh operates a large plant. In tie manufacture of concrete burial vaults a full body of suel re-enforce-mont Is set up within a solid mold nt an exact center of the ccmer.t which strengthens the vault at ev;ry point. S'eel thus protected is everlasting. It cannot rust and coll;;?. so with time, as such vaults must which are made en tirely of steel. The vault is made ab solutely waterproof by the addi'lon of a waterproof compound which is In itially mixed with the cement. The vaults remain in the molds for three to five days until thoroughly set, after which they are allowed to season about thirty days. A trip to the ceme tery shows the vault lowered in the grave, followed by the lowering of tho casket and the putting on of the vault lid, which snugly fits upon the vault. A mixture of pure cement and water proofing is then poured into the space oviwieu me vauu and tne iia. making ci0rp,- look I saw that it was a mother the vault and lid practically one solid j rnouse moving her whole family. At l,''re- i least, I hope there was none left be- At Lawrence, Kan., there Is another j hind, for very soon a small snake, but company engaged In the same line of large enough to put into a panic the ork. This concern has been con-1 mother of four less than half-grown ducting some Interesting tests of their' children, came through the empty fire cement vaults. In one Instance tho place, and after the little fueitive. Russian Legal Regulations. Twelve hours, with two hours' rst. is the legal laboring day at Odessa. Russia. Workers under 1" must go to school for three hours daily. Chris tians are not required to work on Sundays or feast days, nor Hebrews and Mohammedans on their religious holidays. Those who have to work on Sundays have the next day for rest. Moving on Short Notice. I was lying on the floor of an old country loghouse one summer day, near a big, open fireplace, when I heard a peculiar, frightened squeak. I got up to see what looked like a huge mouse moving at a very rapid walk across the room. When I got Dreamers. Dny dreams, castles in Spain, fo ments of the Imagination ah. how we laugh nt them all nowadays! They rro good enough for the little ones, tor the hoys and girls, perhaps, but as for us we have long ago outgrowp ' them. With what gusto we speak cf Knew Her "Missis." "Hadn't you better wash the dishes before wo go?" said a man, who was taking a hired girl out for a walk; "your missis will be sure to see them and scold you." "No, she'll not," re plied the girl; "as soon as she learns I am going out for the evening, she'll spend nil the time looking through :uy trunk." Buck. Once! "I console myself." said the fellow I knew, "with tho knowledge that when I was a baby there, were some people, who thought I was a very handsome baby." vault was Immersed In a tank of water ; to demonstrate that it could withstand j nny amount of pressure. The vault, ! ' which Is made entirely of cement, is ; constructed In two parts. Instead of : fitting the cover on the top of the I vault and then sealing it. the vault fits ' i down over a cement slab. When the ' j vault is lowered over the ensket, it is, I (if course, filled with air. Tho vault It-; self Is molded or made In one uir-tlght: piece, open only at the bottom which! (its down over a cement slab. A per fectly tight space from which the air i cannot descend or escape is formed.. The water, when rising to a level with the bottom of the vault, will bo checked by air, which Is now firmly incased by the vault on sides and top and the water on the bottom, and wa-1 ter can never rise in the vault. A piece of glass Is fitted into the top of the casket, so that spectators can look down into the vault and see that everything Is as dry as it was wheu it was put In. The mother mouse hail two In her mouth, and fastened to either side of her, apparently holding on with their mouths and for "dear life" were the other two. I killed the snake, and watched the moving family disappear through a hole in the corner. St. Nicholas. nlr. When Inflated sufficiently to keep 1. s,,aml So 11S a hnrci.ll,.u.!ed chap. JUDGMENT OF HUMAN NATURE. It afloat the tuho was withdrawn; the Incision plugged with oakum and the chains cast off. A buoy with a flag was then attached to the carcass and the whole get adrift to be picked up at the end of tho day's hunting. Popular .Magazine. Cut One Infallible Way by Which , Test Can Be Made, According V to One Writer. Some people claim to make a Rtudy of human nature. They will tell you they can read character at sight I know faces and what they Index. Let us grant all this to be so maybe they I ran. Then again, maybe they can't j they only think they can. Rices don't always tell the whole story. Behind the frown and the knitted brow may j lurk a big heart and a soul full of j healing humor. Behind tho eusy smile may skulk tho worst old wolf of a j 'temper you ever saw. Often you will j face a face bo closed up you wouldn't j nsk it for a cent. Itching to subscribe ; liouvlly to your half dozen benevolent schemes In your Inside pocket. Then i Again a face ho bland you think you I could aay "Brlckelbrlt" to it. and see The Characteristic National Meal. It Is not only In Scotland that break fast is the characteristic national meal, Bays the London Chronicle. Travel where you may. the first meal i fhe rli h of the day is the one that strikes tho foreign note, luncheon and dinner having gradually absorbed cosmopoli tan qualities that are not even con fined to hotels. But you never feel so much of an Kngllshman as when Switzerland gives you rolls and butter and honey, and nothing more, with your coffee, or when Prance makes this Into one exquisite crumbling "croissant," with an Inch or two from a yard long loaf, or when Denmark adds cream Instead of milk to the coffee and a dangerous piece of pas try to the black bread and round white roll. Yet our Kngllsh breakfast became an Institution ouly In the eighteenth century. Before that only royalty breakfasted, off meat, bread and cheese and ale. The commoner, such It cough tin specie. Ilko the donkey In i 'h as IVpys. took merely a morn- the falrv tale, will cough un nothing. ! iS draught, of buttered nlo. A man tells mo that to study human nature In the wood you need to bo a person of little Influence, and to go around with a subscription paper for Borne religious or charitable object. Then you find out. Because you have no personal influence tho cause looks the giver (or the non-River) right smack In the face, nnd the nature of the person concerned will be as evi dent as an open faced watch. Whether much, little or nothing be given mat ters little, but the spirit matters a whole lot so tho informant tells us money getter, while wo dismiss tilt rival with a lift of tho brows as "au Impractical fellow." Shame upon tis for If, too! On) give us more drramers. I pray; mor of those whose Inner eye Is free of cataract. We need them here In Amer ica to-day; we are too practical a peo ple. We are young In years, but we. have fought an aging battle for the supremacy of a great continent. We have come up out of the struggle with trophies of victory fast Remark of '.he Grouch. "When Johnny came marching heme," grumbled tho Philosopher of Folly. "It was probably because the cars were bo crowded he couldn't ride." Search Thyself! What are you worth to-day? Not in money, but in brains, heart, pur pos. character? Tell yourself the truth about yourself. George H. Hep-worth. This Mixed-Up World. If things would not run into each other so, it would be a thousand times easier, and a million times pleasanter to get on In the world. Iyct the sheep iness be set on one side and the goatiness on the other, and Immediate ly you know where you are. It Is not necessary to ask that thero be any In crease of the one, or any diminution of the other, but only that each shall preempt its own territory, and stay there. Milk Is good, and water la good, but don't set the milk-pail under the pump. Pleasure softens pain, but pain embitters pleasure; and who would not rather have his happiness concentrate Into nun memnralilo ilav that shall gleam and glow through lifetime, than have It spread out a dozen comfortable commonpl humdrum forenoons and afternoons each one as like tho other as two peas In a pod? Gail Hamilton. over E.G.DOVEYSON A. t A. A A clutched In our calloused hands. WV have worked desperately hard for them, and tbey are good to look upon but we must have a cans now lesV we bow down before them In uhjp'.t fetish worship. Charles Francis Read, in Smart Se'. , TOUCHES THEIR TENDED SPOT. Most Men Have Weakness for Being Photographed on Horseback, Says Observant Photographer. A young man wont out with a cam era one morning not long aso and tiiok seven snap shots of early morn Ing horseback riders. He sent proofs cf the pictures that turned out well to the men who were photographed and every one of the men sent him an onler to finish up a few of the pic tures. -Of courso they did," said a more experienced amateur photographer when he heard about It. "A man wdll idway9 buy a picture- of himself on a liorse unless he's an unusually poor rider and looks bud on a horse. No matter how modest a man Is, you catch him at tho one tlmo when you may appeal lo his vanity, when he's niouDted on a good riding horse." Married Women Must Work. i As long as women workers stop I work at marriage they will continue i to be. as a class, low-paid, over-worked ' unskilled, looking only to the day and ! never to the future, entering Industry casually without training, retiring from it unexpectedly without warning, ! hard to organize Into trade unions, hard to interest In technical Improve , ments, hard to inspire with financial ambition, behaving, in every respect. with the utmost good sense. Just ex- I actly In the manner In which any class of admittedly and consciously temporary workers should behave. It Is hard to believe, that such a situa tion ran be right either for women or for Industry. The women lose oppor tunities. Industry loses abilities. Everybody's. Form Colonies for Tramps. Perhaps most tramps have no de- ! sire to work, preferring to cling to their habits of shiftlessnoss, but thero are doubtless many men In tho ranks who would settle down to the serious task of making mo;iey and Improving their condition If they had the proper training. The latter may and prob ably will, be rescued by a term on the "farm," but the veteran who has walked rails when no freights were available; who haj shied at anything savoring; of labor; who has begged or stolen what food hp has obtained, can not be reformed. He will go on until tho end In his old way, a scourge to humanity and a disgrace to civiliza tion. Usefulness was never and ran never bo for him. To the extent of the number constituting this class the farm colony will be a failure. . v . . . . V X t t ? ? Keeping a Wife. Feminine Intellects are now both ered as to the best wav "To Keep a ' Husband." Of course they don't real- Ize that for centuries countless legions i of men have been worried nearly to the grave by the problem of how to keep a wife. New York Herald. Idea of Gen. Butler, Red nnd green side lights for ves sels were first used on the Hudson river In 1 802. and they were Intro duced by (Jen. Benjamin K. Butler, who was Interested In a factory that made tho lights. t t upon I A He Got None. "What's a pun, father?" "A pun, my son, Is a play words. There are three kinds of puns; Good ones, which you laugh nt; In different ones, which you take no no tice of. nnd had ones, which make you throw something at the punster." "Can't you make n pun, father?" "Of courso, my son! Now, you're thinking about your supper, areu't you?" "Yes, father." "Well, that'supper niost In your mind nt the present time. That, you see, Is a play on Here, you young rascal, what did you throw that book at me for?" R G S Thin Sklnnedness. "Tho most tinplensant kind of van ity to meet with." writes a reader, "Is thin sklnnedness. The thin skinned person is always on tho lookout for slights nnd takes every allusion tc himself. His amour propre must bo consulted on every occasion, thereby making every one around constrained and unnatural for fear of hurting him Ho Is u wet blanket everywhere, and one cannot help a fooling of relief whenever ho leaves." Home Chat. V ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Y ? To our lin of niffs v:e have lately adiied the Olson Fiuft-a rus: you are no doubt acquainted with and which gives the best of wear at moderate prices: Size 27 inches by 43 inches , 140 " SO " " GO " 1.88 " 27 " " G3 " 1.03 " 36 " " 72 ." 2.50 If in need of small and medium sized Rugs you should see these. You will appreciate at price offered. , A lot of Carpets and Rugs about 27x54 inch sizes ct frcm 79c to $1.25. A nice selection of Moquette Rugs in popular sizes -27x54 and Ee.73. Also large size in beautiful patterns. sa Summer Underwear Ladies Uuion Suits, low neck, sleeveless, cuff knee, 3.'c, ,"0c and $1 00. Low neck, sleeveless, lace trimmed, 35c, 50c 75c and $1. Low neck, sleeveless, extra sizes. 40c, 50c, 75c and 1.25. Ladies' knit pants, cuff knee and umbrella style at 2."c, 35c and 50c. Extra sizes 45c and 50c. Ladies' Vests-good 'quality at 10c, 15c, 25c and 50c. Extra sizes 15c, 25c and 50c. Long sleeve vests at 25c, 30c and 50c. Knit Corset Covers at 25c, 35c and 50c. Just received for the sweet girl graduate a beautiful full line of fans. Prices from 25c to $2.50 Hand embroidered handkerchiefs, exquisite designs-all new. Fancy hose in all the late shades-plain, gauze, lifle and embroidered; New and up-to-date things in Umbrellas and Parasols. t ? f V f v V t V Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y G. DOVEY & SON t Y Y Y Y Y