The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, May 24, 1909, Image 6
f y KJ WHY NOT HAVE STEAM 10 YOUR WORK? agT: '1 Steam is the only reliable method of developing power lorjengines for the heavy operations of agriculture,for grading, heavy hauling, plowing, pulling stumps and moving buildings. One of the most important requirements of traction and portable engines is a safe, strong boiler of suitable proportions, well made and thor oughly tested. As a measure of absolute safety the J. I. CASE boiler is first put under a cold water pressure of 200 lbs. to the square inch; second, when the completed engine comes from the erecting room it is kept under 130 lbs. steam presure for several hours and worked on a Prony brake. Thus you are sure of having a boiler that will not leak and an engine that is not defective. A traction engine similar to cut, is rated at 20 horse power, 10x10 inch cylinder and sells at A-9xl0 inch cylinder traction engine rated at 15 horse power is a wonderful hill climber, it having climbed hills others couldn't go and is a popular one with threshermen. Price A 7 1-4x10 inch cylinder traction engine is rated a 9 horse power. It is a light powerful eneine suitable for driving small separators, corn shellers, feed grinders and will pull a heavier load than any other make of engine oi equal wtjigiit uvei uiumtiiy iuau.o. jthuc taj 1 $1,700.00 $1,450.00 $1,200.00 ,Efa i uMLx 0 Sorosis Shoes For Women, Boys and Girls Owing to the beautiful lines and proportions of Sorosis Models and the su perior quality, of leathers and construction, Sorosis Shoes forcibly commend themselves to women of fash ionable requirements. Their correctness in shape and leathers is assured from season to season by the fact that Sorosis Style Creators studiously follow the de mands of fashion and suggestions and ideas of patrons. ORIGIN OF FOOLSCAP PAPER. Staple Sorosis.. Sorosis SDGGials .$3.50 $4.00 Sorosis Shoe Store C3 203 So. 15ih St. Frank Wilcox, Mpr. Omaha. For Hot Fires Get Egenber ger's Coal ! Emblem First Made Use Of by Crom well to Show Hi3 Contempt for All Things Royal. Everyone who tins handled paper rec ognizes foolscap as a sheet 13 by 15 Inches. This is used as a standard size all the world over, officially and commercially. U will therefore be In teresting to know where and how this word originated. After the execution of Charles I. Cromwell and his staff, in organizing the commonwealth, made all possible effort to remove every thing which had anything to do with the old monarchy. The paper In offi cial use up to the time had as a water mark the king's crown; and. when Cromwell was asked what should he 1 at In the place of the crown, to show his overwhelming dislike for anything concerning royalty, he directed a fool's cap to ho put in place of the crown. This was done, and when Char! s 11. ascended the throne (if Kngland, it was at first forgotten to replace the cap by something else, and then, too hit:', tli? king was afraid to do anything to re call things dangcrors to touch, au.i so It was neglected and the fool's cap may h- seen a a water-mark on near ly all British ott'ulal infers. PECULIAR IDEAS OF AUTHORS. Sure satisfaction every time you light a fire if on top of the kindling is ebony fuel from our yards. It's heat and light giving and slate-free when it leaves the mines, screened and cleaned again here and served to you full weight and with celerity of delivery.. Order any way that suits you. Both telephones. J. V. ECENBERGER i Hot Water Cure for Insomnia. To insure the benefit of the hot wa ter, It must be taken off t lie fire the mo ment ii hulls-not just Ik fore or after and pourt d nt or. -e Into a cup or glass. Then It should lie taken while very hot. A little practice will i liable I one to swallow it at lit Mo less than the belling point, and in addition to I the proper tempera; urt the proper j time must be observed. It Is most ef ficacious in curing Indigestion and im ' proving the general tone of the system ' If taken Immediately on waking In the morning, again an hour before lunch and an hour before dinner also, and , to drink two glassful on retiring will i almost positively insure sound sleep. It may require two or three days' trial i before the desired result is effected. , but once gained It can be held with I out Interruption by faithfully pursuing this method. Varying Conditions Under Which the World's Great Writers Did Their Best Work. Alexander Pope, who was the liter ary pontiff of his time, thought best whin in bed. thencver a thought came to him he would jot it down on a strap of paper. His servant often fiT.rid bedclothes and floor covered with white bits containing aphorisms which have now become hackneyed quotations. Victor Hugo wrote "I,ps Mlserablcs" s'anding up, an attitude which Haw tl.urne also assumed when he wrote ria- y of I Is romances. One leg thrown ever the arm of n fl air ( r rlttirg on the artn of his roc r 'avj's (hair v.vro Xapulern's favor i'e i sl; vl;!'e tiiita'ing to Hour r'i iiih-.m posiiicn which he varied new n id tl.en by nr.Mlng that icvibe on the Vend or p,;li!ng his c;t:a. Plr Walter S-iti could vh!!o rec'.ln- ! g on a .'ilctav to two nv.iami- ; i f., v.i.o freeuentl" ha t'i sto;i writ t f'.tni.y the dictated passage ''(I to ilie'.i. Wii'iam VotIs made ci" of !.! fa '""! trans'ali i:s from the (;', riding en the s'eatn cats. Walt sr. atti! liorttcv Truiibel. original l:i:iLM, wt'-c most o'luiaal iti the i tin y took wh! thinking. 'ere wont, Mr. Tri'ih d puva. :',:' ') i:;k :i n die c f !in;!)T :i:id lie si theif b::-k-.. -i tht wav h f- tt'il t ut w'.xt tl.f ot'.5 r's I; ';;: (Uii.l'ts we; p. 21 T7 r MM K w r w - . i zziioirzzzznonzzizinri Beef. ( - o Rich Roast After all there is nothing so good as a good ROAST cooked well. We have the knack of cutting and tying up a roast that makes it cook well and taste well. Send orders in by either phone. J Kiinsman & Ramap V.'h! 'tie I v The Only Alternative. Mother (to her daughter) What !s your father innklng such a row about !n the other room? Either the doctor has forbidden him to smoke or he Is now asking htm for your hand Fllo gftido Illaitter. Satanic. "Satan Is represented as rumln' after : folks wlf a pitchfork," said I'nclrt I'ben, "when de truth Is tlat so many folks Is pullln' at bis coat tails dat he ain't got time to chase uobody." Wabhlngton Star. Peer FHlow. l'cllco .liM'Ice T!m man you ran down swears posi'lvily you were grin "lug like : fend before the car hit him. Trolley Motorman 1 was, your honor; Hut yon will understand when I tell ymi that I wa a chauffeur for , three years before I got my present Job, and from force of habit I thought I could steer the par to avoid him, after throwing the usual scare Into him. Puck. 1 Ii4 I I i i W i ' W n . , i i:ii;ii.j.'4.J YOUR WISHES ARE CATERED Just as you would have them nt liarnes' restaurant. The viands ur ot the best, the cuisine perfect, and our sauces, entre n.-n, meats, oysters, clams, i ci'ts anil pies arc preparcil extierts. Our sav thev re te.t the culinary irems that we present for your ilelcctation. (iood rooms in connection. A. P. BARNES. (les- by you liveless Cookers We handle the National lirlnss cooker, and guarantee it to give entire satisfaction. Now that the hot sultry days are cumin it will pay you to investigate thi.i. New and second hand gasoline stoves and refierators. A laryo stock of dining room chairs at specially low prices, running- from S5 to S10 per set. IS m lib 0 'j u ll:! ' I I!:: A Conristent Deceiver. "WIvm np yen gring to do with all i' ceii::t;: T "My de-ir.' 'v... ; ,i i.ed i l .ii II till 1 Sap. ;i ! 1 1 tnip i. iv n. lire. Not a Lady Killer. "They Ml me. Mr. Slathers," slnv peivd the Huffy young thing, "that you are ipiite a lady Ulder " "They do mo mi injustice, upnn my Wind, 'diss Obtghv," re'M'O'lded tile uall'i'it id I beau, laying bis i n hi: he.irt I'nd iiiakln;r a imdou'ti! biv.v, "I ea'i h 'ein alive." d. p. .t c k s o Old Papers For Sals Y v t f ? V f t f t ? ? ? I f ? t t T T t t f t f y v r i