The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, May 24, 1909, Image 5
LITTLE LOCALS. S3 I SI A. v. ..:: Jfri .t,a a Low Shoes For Men and Women Regular 3.00 anil $4.00 values, in all the latest styles and last?, at S2.50 B fan n.A P ! :!;.i'i Foin'.:d:i IV fnihogral- i.iz r f r tho busy man at Fcu:.t:i:r. Pen f.r thegrad- Tike Elevator at Kith St. Entrance the th Floor, Pax ton Block. Samplesltoeiitan Alexander to I T ! Mil I (DO RA 1 .-ee " A Cj uate. a t;;iict Genre's. A uato. A Gilletto K!Z r for the busy m.m at Gerirg's. Prescription work a specialty at Ge ripg's i Co. A Cor.klir. Fouitain Pen for the basi ne.s men at & Co. Mi-s Grvei.wiiKl spent Sunday with1 j h.r mo:htT at Fulls City, Neb. Nothing better than a Conklin Foun tain l'e:i fur a birthday present. John M I'-kay left Frid ly for Oxford. Neb., where he owns some land. S. L. Furlong, of Rock Blutls, trans acted business in the city Saturday. Z '.V. Shra.ler, of Nehawka, was a j business caller in this city Saturday. James II. Carper, of Center precinct, ' made hii return as deputy assessor Fri day. Miss Gufhmann is visiting her sifter, Mrs. II. II. Neitzcd, of Murdock, this Wee it. Mr-!. C. A. Kiehey, of Louisville, spent the day Friday at the home of F. M. Kichey here. Mrs. Morgan is visiting herson, Paul, at Lincoln, where he is attending the State University. Adam Hild and son, George, of Mt. Pleasant precinct, was in the city on business Saturday. Smoke "Acorn" cigars. They are made from the best quality of tobacco, v t V t V ? V ALWAYS AYS I t t i V y y y y y y To Buy Where You Can Get the Best for the Least Money It Will Pay Yon To come to Omaha and see what we are doing in the Drug line. You can save enough to more than pay your expenses. R. W. White was in the citv a few Thomas Jefferson O'Dhv. the versa hours Friday, after having assisted in ; tile Indian who presides over the des-! a,u' uru ree ,'nlers the commencement exercise at Pacific ', tinies of the Nehawka Register and Junction the evening before. ; dispenses a more or less famous brand Legal Notice. gXa':- '"County Court. To h laviun J. liricitH, nml Snphoni.i Briirtrs. hi wife, and unknown heir arvl devisee of Flnviuri J. Britfira. deceased , S. N Murriam, and the un" known hir and dt'vicwK Jof S.N. Murriuni. liv wased. anil I ho Union Trust Company, of New York, a Tiuatee, ilpfenilmitK You and each of you are hi-reby notitipd that on tho 24th day of May. A. I).. l!Ni:t. (ieorire J. Ktohlmunn, plaintitr. herein fili-ii hi" petition in tho dintrirt ruut of Caiui county, Nebraska, airairiHt said dcfeiuluntH, the object and prayer of which in to remove cer tain cloudrt from hi title and to quiet tho title in and to the W. U of section ;l. township 12. rantre II. in Cas county, Nebraska, in the xmd plain -tifl and attaint wiid defendants and ea' h of thorn. You and each you are reiuired to answer Raid petition on or before the "ith ilay of July. IV fl oated this 24th day of Mny. 1!" V. GKOIIliK J. Stohi.makn 1'laintilT. By A. L. TlDD. His Attorney. 11-R of justice to the denizens of his en- lightened neighborhood, was taking in the sights of Plattsmouth Saturday, and incidentally madeithi odice a pleas ant call. Some of his friends say that the Colonel's capabilities are too much curtailed in the village of Nehawka and that his removal to the newspaper field in Plattsmouth are among the possibilities. 1'. A. McCrary was operated on for appendicitis at the hospital in Omaha Saturday. His many friends hope for his early recovery. Pure Soda Water at Gering's. Frank McCarty, of Omaha, spent Friday with his mother, Mrs. Mary McCarty, in the city. Mrs. Miller, of Ft. Crook, is spend ing a few d::ys with her sister, Mrs. Kate Oliver, in the city. Conrad Zend, of Cedar Creek, wu in the city, the latter pait of the week looking after business matters. . Adam Katfenberger, a successful farmer west of the city, was trading with our local business men Saturday. Geo. Farley, a nephew of George L. Farley, came in Thursday from Cali fornia where he has been for about three years. James W. Newell, auditor of freight f ? ? t t t ? ? ? ? f ? ? t t ? ? V f ? t ? T ? V V V ? ? y ? ? ? v t V t t V V t Let tKe Gold Dist Twins Do Your Jf v Work." Is in about every paper and magazine you pick up. This vast outlay in advertising is paying, for the simple reason that it is getting before the American people the fact that GOLD DUST will lighten the work of the housewife. And the housewife that will come into our store and get a package of GOLD DUST will find that it will do all that is claimed to do. It will lessen the work of scouring pots, pans and kettles, it will lessen your wash day labors, in fact it can be used to wash most anything. We have a large line of this article and we wish to tell you that if you use this compound once you will come back for more. A small package sells for 5c, try it and you will come back for a large 25c size. Y v TV. 9 U; j ;lA lA RAVkj Ah Hi Y ? ? Y y y y y y t y y y y y y y y y y y t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y yi I t A' f! f v t x y y t y y y y y f y y y y y f y y y y y f y y y y y y y y f- Soaps at Cut Prices. l!"c Cutieure Soap 20: 'J.V Packers Tar Soap 15c -2oc Pears Soap He- 'lc Pears Soap 15c l''o Ivory Soup 7c-l')e Jap lioso Soap 7c -a big lot of Sanitol Soap, Jersey Cream Soap, Process (ilycerine Soup, Turkish Path Soap at 9c per cake, :i big cakes Hand Soap for 10; Williams Shaving Soap 5c. Don't Fail to Seo Our Big Dis play ol Talcum Powders. 2."c Colgate Talcum Powder I5c-2.1e Williams Talcum Pow der l5c-2oe Mennens Talcum Powder I5c-2."c Ponds Extract Talcum Powder He - Tetlow's Haby Talcum Powder 5c per can. Marked Down Sale on Tooth Brushes and Tooth Pastes and Powders. All our I'.V und Me Tooth HrusMs marked down to 19c 2."ic Sanitol Tooth Powd'-r or I'aste I5c-2")L- Sanitol Litpiiil Tooth Wash 12. We Buy Direct From Manufac turers and Importers. which gives us a big advantage over our competitors we sell Toe Rubber Combs for 49c-?1.00 Hair It rushes for 69c-7.rc Itath Ilrushes 39c. We can save you money on Shaving Prushes, Razor Strops and Razors. Big Reductions on Pertumes. TV La Trefle, Jickey and Azuren Fxtracts 49c an ounce 7.")C Pitiiiuds Vegetal Toilet Water 49c Toe Flower Girl Toilet Water 49c a large assortment of odors like Heliotrope, White Rose, Violet, Pansy Blossom, Lily of the Valley and others, regular price fUe, our price 25c an ounce. Createst Bargains Ever In Rubber Goods. $1.50 Fountain Syringes 79j $l..r,0 Hot Watei Bottles 80c $2.00 Combination Fountain Syr inge ami Hot Water Bottle 90c $100 Ladies Whirling Spray Syringe $1.69 -also a large as sortment of Hot Water Bottles ami Fountain Syringes 39c up. Do You Write Letters? Most People Do. It is much easier to write when you liave good papers and en velopes. We are ollering some good values at WAY DOWN PRICKS. Hoc box Paper for 15c -10c Writing Tublets 2 for 15c It packages good envelopes for 10c. We have paper by the tpiire or by the ream ami envelopes to match at low prices. We are offering a good $2.00 Fountain Pen for $1,25. Patent Medicines at Cut Prices. $1.00 Pinkhams Compound 09c -$1.00 Pierces Prescription 89c -$1.00 Promo Seltzer 89c-$1.00 Listerine U9c Doan's Kidney Pills 45c -2."c Peroxide Hydrogen I5c-$1.00 Peruna 89o - $1.50 Oriental Face Cream 09c-$1.00 Pinauds Hair Tonic 80c-$l.W Newbro's llerpieide 89c. t y y y y y y y f y y y y y y y y y y y y Bargains in Other Parts ol the Store. 10c Nail Buffers 1 9c -25c Mani cure Sets 19c 25c Sanitol Face Cream 14c 25c and l!5c Hand Brushes 19c 10c Styptic Pencils 5c -2 Packages Chewing Gum 5c -$1.00 Hand Mirrors 69c-10c Rolls Crepe Paper 5c Face Chamois 5: ami 10c Williams Shaving Stick 20c. HOWELL DRUG CO t 207 and 200 X. KUh 67., Hotel Loyal BuiMhiff, Omahat.W. y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y Y y y y t - y y y y y y y y accounts of the Burlington, at Omaha, and wife were over Sunday visitors with relatives in the city. A. J. Clark, who has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. J. R. Rummerfield, of this city for a few days', left Friday for his home at Langdon, Mo. A. B. Fornoir, a substantial farmer residing west of this city paid us a pleasant call Friday. You are always welcome to our sanctum Mr. Fornoff. Louisville Gleanings Spec'lnl Correnpotn'.ciice. The score was 11 to :t in favor of Springfield. Dr. and Mrs. L. F. Polk entertained the Iouisville High School teachers at Klmhurst Saturday at dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kobler, of Sarpy county, entertained about 75 friends at a dancing party Saturday evening. About twenty Louisville people at tended the ball game at Springfield Suturday between Manley and Spring field. W. F. Diers is remodeling his resi dence with a large porch on the South and East sides and modern fixtures on the interior. Mr. August Stander, of Louisville, and Miss Mary Brown of Klmwood, Thomas Sullivan Sundayed in Omaha. wcre unite(j jn marriage Wednesday at the bride's home in Elmwood. Decoration Day services will be held at the Methodist church Sunday morn ing by Rev. Geo. M. Floral dec orating and services at the cemetery in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Spangler enter- jtained a number of friends at their home Saturday evening. Dancintr and I splendid refreshments were pleasant I features of the evening. Prof. Connor, of the State Universi ty of Lincoln, came to Louisville Sat urday morning over the Burlington with about seventy-five geological stu dents to explore the different (piarries ' for specimens. Over two hundred dollars have been ; raised by John Waldron for the purj Mrs. John Group was in Omaha Fri day. Carl Quinton was in Louisville Thurs day. i The little son of Jno. Herd has been very pick. Van Hardy spent Sunday with friends in Lincoln. Chas. Owens and wife were in Louis villo Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. N. Wood were in Omaha Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Phelps are in Omaha this week. Wm, K reck Ion, of Dorchester, Neb., is visiting in town this week. John Inman is remodeling his resi dence in the south part of town. streets, Plattsmouth, Neb., says: "I never used a medicine that brought as great benefit as Doan's Kidney Pills. My kidneys caused me much suffering and there was a dull, tired ache across the small of my back that distressed me a great deal. If I stooped, my back pained me severly and in the morning when I arose, I felt as tired as when I went to bed. Hearing Doan's Kidney Pills so highly praised, I pro cured at tiering & (Vs., drug store and it was not long before I was thoroughly relieved. (Statement given June 8, 1006.) On December 29, 1U8, Mr. Tiekoet ter, said: "I cheerfully confirm my former endorsement of Doan's Kidney Pills. I have hud no trouble from my kidneys since this remedy cured me." For sale by all dealers. Trice 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, Bole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and t take no other. 11-4 A Cponge Garden. A beautiful effect may be obtained by means of a damp stingH and a few steils. Take a largo piece of coarse sponge and cut It In any shape do KtiTtl. Then soak It In water, squeeze half dry and sprinkle In tin openings red clover seed, millet, barley, grass, rice, oats any or all of these. Hang the sponge in a window where the 8un shines at least part of the day. Country Life In America. JL J- If You fiwr f i,iv Fsrm j s Lucky Bill will exhibit at Louisville j pose of erecting an amphitheater on Thursday evening of this week. i in the base ball park. Plans are being Chas. Richey and family Sundayed "-ado to organize a county base ball A . , , unWv who - . . m f ... ,. ,,;,.,, ! eague which will be of great benefit to : f ljnl' or " ,v " 1 1 m Plattsmouth with the Richeys. , ,.,.,, ; X . . ,,v, ,M ,.. in ,nll(.u .. (y tr, ,.U,)S f.,rmcrs j a UUreCl 10 ' Y parts tit' the lountrv are takintr Dr. E. II. Worthman purchased nn automobile in Omaha last week. Chas. Hennings resigned his position at Hiekols store Saturday evening. Mrs. D. J. Vanskoyoc, of Lincoln is a guest of Mr. Jno. Brotline anil fund- iy. A Fourth of July meetirg has been called for next Tuesday at the Council Chamber. Miss Blanch lJathbtin is home from Western Nebraska where she h;ts In en t ';ic'h;ng scIioh!. Me. Robertson, ititd;! opi'-tt-'f i.t tV' -el. !. i;. here ;:;,.;.( V::v,iv v !.; I- I. -. ':. Stay Cured!! i x j" to pnneit thcnwIiTs from sonic ' How a rinttsmouth Citizen Found Cotnnlete Freedom From Kidney Troubles. 1 1' you sillier from b.tekache l'roin urinary disorders-- From .try .'a 'e:is V:- .'If .I to .r,. thL ys, of the enmmi. ,ioti mm who r S. h.uc been lobb K tlicm shr.uat X ever suite they were hoys. T i t ;t i C! any, I ut , : . t:-::c! tb:s If YiU d Ill jilt !. !'' ill' fiurol-i's Bach Sirrc X y U V V V V 4 $ A t A w v v v V .tin .M:e :r;it! i': Co.